Profound hemodyamic and metabolic disturbance characterized by failure of the circulatory system to maintain adequate perfusion of vital organs
Types of Shock
Cardiogenic (intracardiac vs extracardiac) Hypovolemic Distributive
sepsis**** neurogenic (spinal shock) adrenal insufficiency anaphylaxis
Hypovolemic Shock
Reduced circulating blood volume with secondary decreased cardiac output
Acute hemorrhage Vomiting/Diarrhea Dehydration Burns Peritonitis/Pancreatitis
Distributive Shock
Peripheral Vasodilation secondary to disruption of cellular metabolism by the effects of inflammatory mediators. Gram negative or other overwhelming infection. Results in decreased Peripheral Vascular Resistance.
Diagnosing Shock
Response to fluids Echo/EKG CXR Evidence of infection Swan-Ganz Catheter?
Swan-Ganz Catheter
Utilized to differentiate types of shock and assist in treatment response.
Probably overused by physicians. Studies documenting increased mortality in patients with catheters versus no catheters, although somewhat swayed by selection bias.
Swan-Ganz Catheter
Swan-Ganz Interpretation
decreased decreased increased decreased
increased decreased decreased Increased
increased increased decreased increased
distributive obstructive
Correct underlying disorder if possible and then direct efforts at increasing the blood pressure to increase oxygen delivery to the tissues. Maintain a mean arterial pressure of 60 (1/3 systolic + 2/3 diastolic) Keep O2 sats >92%, intubate if neccesary
Correction of hypotension
Normal Saline should be administered anytime a patient is hypotensive. If hypotension exists give more NS. *** If possible give blood as it replaces colloid. Vasopressors Inotropic agents for cardiogenic shock Intra-aortic Balloon Pump for cardiogenic
Addisons Disease
Deficiency of cortisol and aldosterone production in the adrenal glands This is suspected when patient is nonresponsive to fluids and antibiotics. Electrolytes may reveal hyponatremia and hyperkalemia Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV immediately then taper appropriately