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Nonthrombotic Pulmonary Embolism

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Eur Respir J 2009; 34: 452–474

DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00141708
CopyrightßERS Journals Ltd 2009


Nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism

P.G. Jorens*, E. Van Marck#, A. Snoeckx" and P.M. Parizel"

ABSTRACT: Nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism (NTPE) is defined as embolisation to the AFFILIATIONS

pulmonary circulation of different cell types (adipocytes, haematopoietic, amniotic, trophoblastic Depts of *Critical Care Medicine,
Pathology and
or tumour), bacteria, fungi, foreign material or gas. The purpose of this article is to describe the "
Radiology, UZA, Antwerp University
clinical signs, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of the different NTPE subtypes. Hospital, University of Antwerp,
The complex and diverse pathogenesis of different subtypes of emboli is subject to continuing Belgium.
speculation and is certainly far more complex than ‘‘simple’’ mechanical obstruction after
embolisation of vascular thrombi. Nonthrombotic emboli may also lead to a severe inflammatory P.G. Jorens
reaction both in the systemic and pulmonary circulation, as well as in the lung. UZA
NTPE presents a formidable diagnostic challenge, as the condition often presents with very Antwerp University Hospital
unusual and peculiar clinical signs that are frequently overlooked. They range from very dramatic University of Antwerp
Wilrijkstraat 10
acute presentations such as acute respiratory distress syndrome to signs observed late in the B-2650 Edegem
disease course. Pathological observations play a key role in the exact diagnosis, and sometimes Belgium
carefully aspirated blood from the pulmonary artery or specific staining of cells recovered from E-mail: Philippe.Jorens@uza.be
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid may be helpful. Frequently, lung biopsies revealing severe
granulomatous reaction or unfortunate post-mortem pathological investigations of pulmonary Sept 15 2008
tissue are necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Here, we also aim to familiarise the reader with the Accepted after revision:
atypical radiological features of NTPE. Thin-section computed tomography of the lungs showing Nov 18 2008
peculiar radiographic findings, such as a feeding vessel, the so-called tree-in-bud pattern or the
appearance of micronodules distributed at the termination of bronchovascular bundles, may be
observed in certain forms of NTPE.
Increased awareness of NTPE as an underestimated cause of acute and chronic embolism,
which may result in acute and chronic pulmonary hypertension, is needed. Despite the fact that
detailed descriptions of several forms of NTPE have existed for nearly 100 years, well-designed
trials have never been performed to evaluate therapy in the different subsets of these patients.

KEYWORDS: Amniotic fluid, fat, gas, particulate material, pulmonary embolism, thrombotic versus

nlike pulmonary thromboembolism, a specific imaging findings, and familiarity with

U frequently encountered cause of morbid-

ity and mortality [1], nonthrombotic
pulmonary embolism (NTPE) is less common.
these features should facilitate prompt diagnosis
[3]. This article reviews the features of acute and
chronic NTPE.
NTPE often presents with uncharacteristic clin-
ical features and requires peculiar diagnostic FAT EMBOLISM
measures and treatment options. Different cell As early as in 1861, fat droplets were described in
types (adipocyte, haematopoietic, amniotic, tro- the lung of a railway worker who had sustained a
phoblastic or tumour), bacteria, fungi, foreign crush injury [4]. Fat embolism (FE) is charac-
material and gas may be carried in the blood- terised by the release of fat into the systemic
stream and embolise to the pulmonary circula- circulation. Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a
tion (fig. 1). In contrast to ‘‘ordinary’’ thrombotic rare clinical consequence of FE, typified by the
pulmonary embolism (PE), the effects of NTPE triad of pulmonary distress, mental status
are not purely mechanical but are also linked to changes and a petechial rash [5].
the nature of the embolic agent. This implies that
the pathogenesis of NTPE is more complex than Incidence
that of pulmonary thromboembolism and it is Disruption of sinusoids and fat in bone marrow European Respiratory Journal
subject to continued speculation [2]. allows fat globules and bone debris to gain access Print ISSN 0903-1936
Nevertheless, NTPE can be associated with to the venous circulation. Embolisation of bone Online ISSN 1399-3003



fat probably occurs in almost all patients who sustain a pelvic patients and those with neurological symptoms, FES often
or long-bone fracture or undergo an endomedullary nailing of progresses to severe respiratory failure. It has been described
long-bone fractures or placement of knee and hip prosthesis after autologous fat harvesting and periurethral injection to
[6]. An autopsy study of soldiers who died in the Second treat stress incontinence [20]. Other unusual causes include
World War revealed a 65% incidence of pulmonary fat droplets mobilisation of fat in viral hepatitis after pre-existing fatty liver
[7]. 0.25–11% of patients who sustain a single long-bone [21], in pancreatitis [22], or from the subcutaneous region due
fracture meet the criteria of FE [5, 8, 9]. FES is more frequent in to a liquefying haematoma. Both pulmonary thromboemboli
patients with multiple fractures [10], with an incidence of 4.8– and FE have been found in lethal cases after tumescent
7.5% after bilateral femoral fractures [11]. FES is observed liposuction [23]. In view of the large number of patients who
mostly after bone fractures of lower extremities, less frequently are treated with liposome-embedded drugs, reports of fatal FE
with upper extremity fractures, and rarely after rib fractures or caused by intravenous liposome drug delivery or i.v. hyper-
vertebral injury [12]. alimentation are debatable [24, 25]. In lymphangiography (a
now largely abandoned examination), FE caused by oily
FE is not limited to skeletal injury. It is the leading cause of
contrast medium injected into the lymph vessels has been
respiratory deterioration in blast victims who survive [13]. As no
reported [26]. Occlusion of the lymphatics presumably forced
evidence of myeloid tissue was found in lung sections from blunt
the material to enter veins. Monooctanoin, a mixture of
trauma victims, it is believed that soft tissue is the source of FE in
glycerol esters that was used to dissolve gallstones via
these cases [14]. The almost ubiquitous finding of FE in cases of
intrabiliary infusion, has caused deadly fat-like embolisation
natural death is attributed to resuscitative measures [15].
after i.v. injection [27]. Accidental or intentional i.v. lipid
Other causes of FE include an intra-osseous infusion, bone overdose has been described after injection of peanut, olive or
marrow harvest and haemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell lamp oil [28]. Many preparations intended for intramuscular
disease (SCD) [16–18]. Among the haemoglobinopathies, SCD use only are indeed formulated with vegetable oils. Multiple
is commonly associated with pulmonary consequences. Bone mineral oil enemas in an infant with Hirschsprung’s disease
marrow necrosis after vessel occlusion and activation of the also led to mineral oil embolism [29]. Finally, FE has been
clotting system may lead to FE, accounting for 33% of sudden described following injection of rice bran oil into breasts for the
deaths in SCD patients with lung problems [19]. Among older purpose of augmentation mammoplasty [30].

Brain Pulmonary vessels

Aorta Alveoli



Fat cells Sickle cells Amniotic fluid Tumour cells Trophoblastic Bacteria Hydatid cysts Foreign Air, CO2
Fetal Lanugo material Fungi material

Fat embolism Amniotic fluid Tumour Gestational Septic Hydatid Particulate Gas
embolism embolism trophoblastic emboli cysts material embolism

Fracture Pregnancy Tumour Hydatidiform Right sided Hydatid cyst i.v. injection Central venous
Sickle cell anaemia mole endocarditis in liver cannulation

FIGURE 1. Nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism (NTPE) is characterised as embolisation to the pulmonary circulation of different cell types (adipocytes, haematopoietic,
amniotic, trophoblastic or tumour), bacteria, fungi, foreign material or gas. NTPE presents a diagnostic challenge, as the condition often presents with very unusual and
peculiar clinical signs that are frequently overlooked. They range from very dramatic acute presentations, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) after fat and
amniotic embolism, to signs observed late in the disease course, such as after tumour emboli. Moreover, paradoxical nonthrombotic emboli may cause cerebral signs and
symptoms. c

Pathophysiology C-reactive protein may interact with circulating chylomicrons

The pathophysiology of FES remains largely unclear. Bone to form fat globules de novo [40]. FFAs are also capable of
particles and fat globules are capable of physically blocking the damaging cerebral cortical cells [5]. Further evidence for this
capillaries of end organs including the lung [5]. The observa- theory is the observation that exposing neutrophils to oleic
tion that the high content of fat in the lungs of injured patients acid causes an increase in the cell surface expression and
has an identical free fatty acid (FFA) composition to that of affinity state of the adhesion molecule CD11b, particularly
bone marrow underlines this theory [31, 32]. Small fat droplets under the acidic conditions that are typical of inflammation
may even pass through lung capillaries and enter the systemic [41]. This might explain why trauma-induced release of fat
circulation [5]. causes pulmonary neutrophil accumulation [41]. In children,
the fat content of the bone narrow is lower, and the
The increase in bone marrow canal pressure during intrame- composition (less of the toxic oleic acid) is different from that
dullary instrumentation (e.g. nailing) can lead to ‘‘intravasa- in adults, which might at least partially explain the lower
tion’’ of bone contents into the venous circulation [33]. The use incidence of FE in younger age groups [5].
of conventional cementing techniques is associated with
echocardiographic evidence of embolism in 93% of patients
Clinical signs
[6]. The incidence of embolism is reduced with a modified
The clinical diagnosis of FES is one of exclusion, supported by
technique that limits intramedullary pressure increases [6]. In
laboratory and radiological investigations. GURD [42] and GURD
animal models, a rinsing-suction-reaming procedure devel-
and WILSON [43] outlined the classical signs and symptoms of
oped to lower pressure led to a significant reduction of fat
FES; diagnosis is based on the presence of at least one of three
intravasation compared to a universal reamer [34].
major symptoms, four of eight minor symptoms and fat
Intramedullary pressure increases significantly in reamed
macroglobulinaemia. The major signs are respiratory distress,
femoral nailing relative to unreamed [35]. Intraoperative
cerebral involvement unrelated to head injury and a petechial
prophylactic measures during hip arthroplasty can reduce
rash on the anterior surfaces of the neck, thorax or mucous
the incidence of postoperative thrombosis and FE.
membranes. The minor features are signs including tachycardia,
Fat globules may enter the systemic circulation through pre- pyrexia, retinal and urinary changes (anuria, oliguria or fat
existing precapillary pulmonary or arteriovenous shunts (a globules) and laboratory features including anaemia, thrombo-
patent foramen ovale), which allows showers of systemic cytopenia or high erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Remarkably,
emboli leading to obstruction of e.g. brain capillaries. the inclusion of fat globules in sputum as a minor criterion in the
Paradoxical cerebral FE must be considered in the differential original paper [42] was replaced by jaundice in a second paper
diagnosis of altered mental status after fractures or joint by the same group [43]. 60% of FES cases present with major
replacement, and this condition may even occur despite a lack symptoms within 24 h with a symptom-free period of at least 6–
of a patent foramen ovale or a right-to-left intracardiac shunt 12 h after the initial trauma [44]. 75% of the patients develop
[36]. Histological features consist of petechial haemorrhages pulmonary signs, but respiratory insufficiency requiring
throughout the cortical white matter and, to a lesser extent, the mechanical ventilation is rare [45]. Hypoxia-related tachypnoea,
brainstem and spinal cord. It is unknown whether cerebral impaired oxygen diffusion, haemoptysis, combined respiratory
microemboli after total hip arthroplasty contribute to changes and metabolic acidosis, chest pain, cyanosis and hypercapnia
in postoperative cognitive function [37]. are also observed [5]. Rales and ronchi may be heard. FE is an
indirect cause of ARDS [46].
Even after a mild skeletal injury, there can be an interval of 24–
48 h between the injury and the onset of FES. This delay cannot Central nervous system signs range from encephalopathy to
be explained by mechanical obstruction alone and there is no even a comatose state, not improving after correction of
direct correlation between the amount of fat released and the hypoxaemia, and may even occur with few or no pulmonary
severity of signs. In the early 1920s, a biochemical theory was signs [47, 48]. Quadriplegia, convulsions and blindness have
introduced [5]. Fat emboli may initiate a biochemical and all been attributed to cerebral FE [49]. However, the neurolo-
inflammatory cascade. Because pulmonary, renal and sub- gical abnormalities are generally reversible. Fundoscopic
chondral FE and fibrin thromboses are observed, it is evaluation may reveal macular oedema and retinal haemor-
suggested that injured marrow adipocytes release fat, throm- rhages, and fat droplets may occasionally be seen in the retinal
boplastin and other vasoactive substances that conceivably vessels [49]. In many cases, petechiae are only discovered after
play a procoagulant role in triggering disseminated intravas- careful inspection of the axillae, the trunk, the neck, the
cular coagulation (DIC). Fat emboli trapped in pulmonary conjunctival sac or oropharyngeal mucosa [8]. Petechiae are
vessels may be metabolised to FFAs and glycerol by lipase caused by fat globules that are carried by the bloodstream in
secreted by lung parenchymal cells [38]. FFAs induce the subclavian and carotid artery distributions. Because of their
endothelial and pneumocyte damage, capillary leak and clot low specific density, fat globules cause petechiae on non-
formation. It is unclear why this cascade occurs in only some dependent, anterior skin areas when the patient is in a
patients. Alternatively, circulating FFAs may originate from recumbent or (semi-) upright position. Skin biopsies have
the breakdown of triglycerides at the fracture site or may revealed coetaneous extravasations around capillaries blocked
become concentrated as a result of systemic lipolysis, induced by fat and microinfarcts with fat [8]. These resolve in 5–7 days.
by circulating catecholamines. The elevation of secretory
phospholipase A2 (SPLA2) in patients with an acute chest Diagnosis
syndrome in SCD, but not in patients with a vaso-occlusive Diagnosis is facilitated by the presence of haematological and
crisis or non-SCD patients, suggests a role for SPLA2 in FE [39]. biochemical abnormalities. Fat globules can be found in blood,



urine, sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) or even cere- macrophages could also reflect clinically silent FE [57].
brospinal fluid (fig. 2a). Blood drawn from the femoral vein Alternatively, patients with FES showed an increase in the
and examined cytopathologically may yield necrotic bone area of fat per alveolar macrophage [61]. Thus, automated
elements mixed with fat. Pulmonary microvascular cytology semiquantitative analysis of fat within macrophages may be
consisting of analysis of blood sampled while a Swan–Ganz helpful in diagnosis but is not routinely available. Recently the
catheter is in the wedge position has proven to be useful in most reliable parameter for post-mortem diagnosis was identi-
diagnosing FE(S) [53, 54]. However, intravascular lipids can be fied as the ratio of embolised tissue area to total tissue area
shown relatively often, although only in patients who have [62]. As the presence of fat-containing macrophages in BAL
received i.v. lipid emulsions [55]. Induced sputum analysis is fluid is not specific, serial changes in the percentage of these
also a safe and noninvasive test to detect FE in SCD [56]. cells have been suggested to aid in the follow-up of disease
severity. The levels of cholesterol (esters) in BAL can be used to
To identify FFAs and fat, cells may be stained with techniques distinguish patients with FES from other causes of ARDS. This
including Oil Red O, Nile blue or Sudan Black staining. The is related to the activity of enzymes such as SPLA2 and
presence of lipid inclusions in alveolar macrophages is platelet-activating factor (PAF)-acetylhydrolase [63].
associated with various traumatic and nontraumatic condi-
tions, particularly aspiration pneumonia and lipid infusions. In the early stage, atypical radiological findings are bilateral
BAL Oil Red O-positive macrophages are therefore frequently lung infiltrates (chest radiography) or consolidation and
observed in the BAL fluid of trauma patients irrespective of the ground-glass opacities (computed tomography (CT)). We and
presence of FES [57]. To define FES, some authors have others have described the high incidence of small (,1 cm), ill-
reported a cut-off of .5% of alveolar macrophages containing defined centrilobular and subpleural nodules on CT in the
fat droplets, ranging 10–100% (median value 46%), in cases acute phase of FES (fig. 2b). The nodules presumably represent
with proven or probable FE [58]. In another study, bronch- alveolar oedema, micro-haemorrhage and an inflammatory
oalveolar cells showed many large intracellular fat droplets response secondary to ischaemia [50, 64]. The dependent
(mean 63%; range 31–82%), whereas ,2% of cells from trauma distribution of the nodules can be explained by the perfusion-
patients without FE or with non-FE-related ARDS contained related spread. Ill-defined centrilobular nodules have also been
such inclusions [59]. Others have proposed a threshold of 30% described in patients with acute pulmonary haemorrhage,
[60]. It is conceivable that a high number of Oil Red O-positive related to the deposition of haemosiderin-laden macrophages

a) b) c)

d) e)

FIGURE 2. a) Massive fat embolism syndrome. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid (Oil-red-O staining) showing abundantly present lipid inclusions/fat droplets in
alveolar macrophages (original magnification 6400). Reprinted from [50], with permission from the publisher. b) Computed tomography of the chest of a patient with proven
fat embolism syndrome showing large ill-defined centrilobular airspace nodules and subpleural nodules (arrows). The nodules are predominantly of ground-glass opacity with
some areas of soft tissue attenuation obscuring the edges of the vessels. Reprinted from [50], with permission from the publisher. c) Cytospin preparations (stained
according to Papanicolaou’s method) of a wedged pulmonary arterial blood sample showing the presence of fetal sqaumae/keratinocytes surrounded by platelets. Reprinted
from [51], with permission from the publisher. d) Cytospin preparations (stained according to Papanicolaou’s method) of BAL fluid showing fetal sqaumae in a background of
inflammatory cells. Reprinted from [52], with permission from the publisher. e) Tumour embolism. Pulmonary artery branch with partially organised embolus containing two
acini of adenocarcinoma. Autopsy specimen from a 74-yr-old man with a history of resection of a colonic adenocarcinoma 2 yrs previously (original magnification 6200). c

[50]. Microhaemorrhages typically occur in FES by the local ,120 h, followed by an uneventful recovery [77]. If a persistent
deposition and metabolisation of FFAs [65]. Diffuse lung foramen ovale is present, its closure before surgical manipula-
calcifications located in the branches of the pulmonary arteries tion of the fracture is feasible [78].
have been described in the late course of FES [65]. In patients
with SCD, areas of ground-glass opacity are identified in AMNIOTIC FLUID EMBOLISM
segments with hypoperfusion. Denser areas of consolidation Although entry of amniotic fluid (AF) into the maternal
reflect either true infarction or infective consolidation [66]. circulation was first reported in 1926, it was not until 1941 that
Matching defects, especially in the upper half of the lung the importance of the condition was emphasised [79]. The
fields, are seen on ventilation/perfusion [67]. Magnetic presence of fetal debris in the pulmonary vessels of females who
resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance-spectro- died during the peripartum period was then reported [80].
scopy [68] seem to be the most sensitive imaging technique for
cerebral emboli, as T2-weighted MRI findings show noncon- Incidence
fluent areas of high intensity in watershed areas. Areas The incidence of AF embolism (AFE) ranges 1 in 6,000–120,000
perfused by perforating arteries correlate well with the clinical pregnancies [81–84]. AFE usually occurs during the immediate
severity of the brain injury [48, 69]. On the diffusion-weighted postpartum period [85]. Analysis of a national registry
images, these lesions appear as bright spots on a dark revealed that AFE occurred during labour but before delivery
background, a finding known as the ‘‘Starfield pattern’’ [48]. in 70% of cases and during caesarean section in 19% [86]. AFE
Cerebral microembolism can be monitored over time by has been reported as early as the second trimester. The
detecting microembolic signals with transcranial Doppler [70]. diagnosis in cases occurring as late as 36 h postpartum is,
however, debatable [87]. AFE following transabdominal
Treatment amniocentesis is very rare [88]. Estimates emphasise that
Treatment of FE should primarily be focused on prevention. AFE has accounted for 12% of all maternal deaths related to
Early immobilisation, open reduction and internal fixation of legally induced abortion since 1972, with a death-to-case rate of
fractures, as well as methods to reduce intramedullary 0.2 per 100,000 abortions [89, 90]. AFE is seldom associated
pressure during total hip arthroplasty, have reduced the with (surgical) manipulation during caesarean section [91],
incidence of FE [5]. Early femur fracture fixation (,24 h) is curettage [92], cervical suture removal [93] or repair of an
associated with an improved outcome, even in patients with incompetent cervix [93], or after car or motor vehicle accidents
coexistent head and chest trauma [71]. Delayed fixation [94]. The 24 well-documented cases of AFE occurrence
increases the incidence of pulmonary shunting and pneumonia following (surgical) trauma have been recently reviewed [52].
in patients with a high injury severity score and age .50 yrs At least 13 of these patients died of causes directly related to
[72]. When fracture stabilisation is delayed in patients with AFE [52].
multiple injuries, the incidence of ARDS, FE and pneumonia, Originally suggested [80] predisposing factors, such as
the costs of hospital care and the number of days in the advanced maternal age, multiparity and tumultuous labour,
intensive care unit (ICU) were increased [72, 73]. The exact could not be identified by others [81, 86]. A large fetal size, use
method of fracture fixation, as opposed to the moment of of oxytocics and vaginal prostaglandins, advanced gestational
fixation, plays a minor role in the development of pulmonary age, amnioinfusion or complicated labour have all been
dysfunction [10]. implicated [81, 95]. In reality, specific risk factors have not
FES is largely self-limiting and is usually associated with a yet been conclusively identified. Logistic regression identified
good outcome. Current treatments are supportive: adequate advanced maternal age, placental pathologies and caesarean
oxygenation as well as haemodynamic stability, nutrition and deliveries in a large population-based cohort study [96]. The
prophylaxis of venous thrombosis and stress-related gastro- reported case fatality rate continues to be high: it might
intestinal bleeding. Therapy follows the same principles as account for 10% of all maternal deaths in the USA. In the
management of ARDS. Transfusions and bronchodilators may registry by CLARK et al. [86], the mortality was 61%; in a recent
improve oxygenation, and most patients who have even severe cohort study it was 21.6% [96]. There were only 39 survivors in
respiratory failure recover with aggressive treatment [16]. another series of 272 cases, which indicates a mortality rate of
Several agents have been used in attempting to reduce the 86% [81]. Among the survivors in the registry of CLARK et al.
levels of circulating fat, including alcohol, heparin, low [86], only 15% were neurologically intact. All deaths occurred
molecular weight dextran and aprotinin, but these are not within 5 h of collapse, depending on the duration of
currently recommended. A reduction was shown in the resuscitation efforts. In a population-based study, maternal
incidence of FES after administration of 10 mg?kg-1 methyl- mortality rate (26.4%) was less than previously reported and
prednisolone every 8 h, beginning in the emergency room [74]. might reflect a more accurate population frequency [84]. Of the
A beneficial effect of 7.5 mg?kg-1 methylprednisolone given six 31 survivors of a UK registry, 12 women experienced cardiac
times hourly for 3 days in patients at risk for FES has been arrest. Of the 13 women who died, seven of their babies
reported [75]. However, the true beneficial effect of corticos- survived [83]. Although there is still significant maternal and
teroids either before or after the development of symptoms has neonatal morbidity, the vast majority of women will nowadays
not been shown in a well-designed trial. High doses of N- survive [83].
acetylcysteine alleviated the pathological changes caused by
FE in a rat model [76].
The pathophysiological mechanism of AFE is poorly under-
The successful use of veno-venous extracorporeal membrane stood [82, 85]. Previous theories stated that the infusion of AF
oxygenation (ECMO) has been reported. ECMO support lasted into the circulation occurred after tumultuous labour [80]. With



the evidence available today, these theories are indefensible. results in DIC [108]. Isolated rat hearts perfused with varying
AFE may be related to the infusion of abnormal AF. Finding concentrations of human AF also experience a dose-dependent
epithelial squames from the fetal skin in the pulmonary artery decrease in coronary flow rate, rather than directly suppres-
(PA) alone is not pathognomonic; rather, the combination of sing myocardial activity [109]. Several factors activated by AF
symptoms with detection of these cells is required [85]. have been shown to depress cardiac function [110].
Furthermore, there is not a clear temporal relationship between
the entry of AF into the maternal circulation and symptom Clinical signs
onset. AF may routinely enter the maternal circulation during The condition can be neither predicted nor prevented.
delivery through open veins of the placenta or via tears in the Probably the best diagnostic criteria focus on the constellation
lower uterus or cervix. Proposed mechanisms therefore of signs and symptoms published in 1974 [111]. This was
include not only mechanical obstruction of the pulmonary recently proposed in a slightly modified form: 1) currently
vasculature by amniotic debris but also a reaction similar to pregnant or within 48 h of delivery; 2) one or more of the
septic shock [85]. The apparently idiosyncratic nature of the following observations severe enough to require medical
response and the presence of antigenic factors in AF has led treatment: a) hypotension; b) respiratory distress; c) DIC; or
some authors to propose AFE as an ‘‘anaphylactoid syndrome d) coma and/or seizures; and 3) absence of other medical
of pregnancy’’ [85]. This term implies that the severity of explanations for the dramatic clinical course [112]. The
symptoms is related to the host reaction to a foreign antigen, presentation of AFE can be quite variable with respect to
driven by the antigenic potential of the AF. If AF composition timing, symptoms and subsequent course: sudden onset of
determines this reaction, this might explain why women hypoxaemia and cardiovascular collapse are the main symp-
carrying a male fetus tend to be more frequently affected toms. These are often preceded by agitation, nausea or
[86]. Similarly, meconium-stained AF may be more toxic than seizures. In 51% of cases, the presenting symptom is
clear fluid. respiratory distress and isolated respiratory failure has been
AF is a complex mixture of maternal extracellular fluid and fetal reported [105]. In the remainder, the first signal is hypotension
urine, squamous cells, lanugo hairs, vernix caseosa, mucin and (27%), coagulopathy (12%) or seizures (10%) [81]. Disturbances
sometimes meconium [79]. Particulate matter originating from of coagulation, ranging from mild thrombocytopenia to overt
the AF has been identified at autopsy in the lung, kidney, liver, DIC or isolated DIC without cardioplumonary instability, have
spleen, pancreas, brain and even retina [97, 98]. AF has no direct been described. Two pregnancy-specific conditions of NTPE
effect on the isolated human omental artery. The haemody- (choriocarcinoma and AFE) are rarely responsible for focal
namic changes associated with AFE may therefore be due to cerebral ischaemia, but global encephalopathy is not uncom-
secondary responses [99]. During labour, significant concentra- mon. A majority of AFE patients develop seizures and
tions of prostaglandins appear. Other humoral factors, includ- permanent neurological sequelae [85], due to impaired oxygen
ing proteolytic enzymes, complement factors, PAF, histamine, delivery to the brain [113].
serotonin and leukotrienes, may contribute to the haemody- Some patients are diagnosed with pulmonary oedema [51, 114,
namic changes and consumptive coagulopathy associated with 115] and ARDS later in the course of the disease. Until recently,
AFE. At autopsy, the pathological changes usually associated it was believed that the major haemodynamic change in AFE
with DIC can be found in the many organs. Eosinophilic was the development of severe pulmonary hypertension due
infiltrates have been reported in the lungs, hepatic portal fields to critical obstruction and vasospasm of the pulmonary vessels,
and the heart, strengthening the theory of a hypersensitivity as suggested in animal models. Several reports suggest,
reaction [100]. Antitryptase staining of pulmonary tissue has however, the presence of severe transient left ventricular
revealed massive mast cell degranulation [101, 102]. Elevated failure. PA catheter readings in human AFE cases frequently
serum levels of the neutral mast cell-derived protease tryptase show low cardiac output and elevated pulmonary capillary
add further supporting evidence for mast cell degranulation wedge pressure as well as low left ventricular stroke work
[103]. A numerical increase of pulmonary mast cells is seen in index [51]. A biphasic pattern of haemodynamic changes has
subjects who died of AFE, with values that correspond to those therefore been postulated to reconcile the data, in which a first
encountered in deaths due to anaphylaxis [101]. Serum tryptase transient period of cor pulmonale exists, followed by left heart
and urinary histamine measurements were negative in another failure [115]. There are no clear human data confirming this
series but most women with AFE had elevated levels of fetal biphasic pattern. In 1990, the haemodynamic data were
antigen [104]. reviewed indicating that left ventricular dysfunction was
Isolated DIC may be the first indication of AFE [105]. AF present with secondary mild-to-moderate increase in PA
accelerates clot initiation and propagation. When AF is added pressure in all available cases [85]. We recently reviewed all
to blood from pregnant women, the R time, which reflects the 18 well-documented cases of left ventricular failure after AFE.
time to first clot formation, is significantly decreased with the In five out of these 18 reported courses, the left ventricular
addition of as little as 10 mL to 330 mL blood. This substantiates failure contributed to the fatal course [51].
the hypothesis that coagulation profile changes are invariable
accompaniments of AFE [106]. The Thrombelastograph1 test Diagnosis
may therefore be useful in assessing coagulopathy during or AFE is again a diagnosis of exclusion. Identification of squamous
after AFE [107]. AF also contains large amounts of tissue factor cells in the maternal pulmonary arterial circulation, either at
(TF) pathway inhibitor (TFPI), accounting for virtually all of its autopsy or intra vitam, was originally regarded as pathognomo-
coagulant potential. The intrusion of AF into the bloodstream
may influence the plasmatic TFPI–TF equilibrium, which also
nic (fig. 2c) [51]. Finding fetal elements in the PA can only be
considered supportive. Squamous cells can appear in the c

pulmonary blood of heterogeneous populations of pregnant and of the coagulopathy. Mechanical ventilation can be necessary to
nonpregnant patients [115], also resulting from contamination by maintain oxygen supply as well as invasive monitoring to guide
exogenous sources during specimen preparation or derived the use of inotropic agents and fluid. Optimisation of cardiac
from the entry site of the PA catheter [116]. Trophoblastic cells preload by volume expansion in hypotension and inotropic
are free-floating in the intervillous space and have direct access support is indicated if (left) heart failure is observed [51, 114]. In
to the maternal circulation. Therefore, blood from the PA should some cases, after-load reduction may be beneficial in restoring
be collected as described by MASSON and RUGGIERI [117] and cardiac output, providing pre-load is adequately preserved.
MASSON [118]. In order to minimise the possibility of contamina- Diuretics are useful to mobilise pulmonary oedema.
tion, a representative sample could be obtained if blood is drawn
In 65% of AFE cases, delivery had not yet occurred. Immediate
from the distal lumen of a wedged PA catheter. After discarding
delivery of the fetus by caesarean section is mandatory to
the first 10 mL, an additional 10 mL is drawn, heparinised and
prevent fetal hypoxic damage and facilitate resuscitation [82].
analysed utilising Papanicolaou’s method [119]. Reliable differ-
Case reports have highlighted the importance of displacing the
entiation of adult from fetal squamous cells is not possible;
uterus laterally to avoid compressing large vessels and even
however, the significant increase in cell count documented in
performing an emergency caesarean section during resuscita-
pregnant patients suggests a possible fetal origin for some
tion [128]. Treating the coagulopathy involves the administra-
squamous cells detected during pregnancy. In a critically ill
tion of blood components. Cryoprecipitate is rich in
obstetric patient, squamous cells in the pulmonary vessels
fibronectin, which aids the reticulo-endothelial system in the
should not deter the clinician from a search for other causes of
filtration of antigenic matter. Historically, depleted levels of
instability [115].
this glycoprotein have been reported, with improvement
Squamous cells coated with neutrophils or thrombocytes, following repletion of fibronectin levels [129]. The successful
accompanied by fetal debris, or eosinophilic granular material use of activated recombinant factor VIIa in the management of
with adherent leukocytes are considered more likely to be severe haemorrhage secondary to AFE has been reported [130].
found in AFE (fig. 2c) [117, 120]. The diagnosis may be further Leukocyte depletion filtering of cell-salvaged blood obtained
supported by the presence of amniotic cells in BAL fluid from caesarean section might reduce particulate contaminants
(fig. 2d) [52]. Rhodamine B fluorescence may identity sparsely to a concentration equivalent to maternal venous blood [131].
distributed fetal squames that otherwise may be overlooked by Several studies have revealed no increased risk of complica-
less sensitive tinctorial methods [121]. Detecting the simulta- tions after autologous blood autotransfusion during caesarean
neous presence of syncytiotrophoblast cells and megakaryo- section.
cytes in the pulmonary microvasculature by means of a panel
Novel therapies have been described anecdotally. Successful
of monoclonal (CD61-GpIIIa, beta-hCG) and polyclonal (FVIII-
haemorrhage management may be further optimised by
vW, hPL) antibodies allowed the confirmation of AFE [122].
uterine artery embolisation, thus avoiding hysterectomy
The staining of fetal isoantigen or staining with an antibody
[132]. Plasma exchange transfusions, continuous haemofiltra-
raised to human keratin have all been described [123].
tion and aprotinin administration have been attempted [86,
Immunohistochemical staining with the sensitive monoclonal
133], as has the use of nitric oxide or inhaled aerosolised
antibody TKH-2 against a common fetal antigen (Sialyl Tn,
prostacyclin to treat hypoxaemia [134, 135]. In light of the
NeuAc alpha 2-6GalNAc) had a high sensitivity for diagnosing
similarities to anaphylaxis, corticosteroids and epinephrine
AFE [124]. AFE can indeed be easily missed on haematoxylin
have been suggested as useful therapeutic adjuvants [86].
and eosin sections. As Alcian blue staining may also be
ECMO and intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation might be
insufficient to show intravascular mucin in the maternal lung
considered in left ventricular failure unresponsive to medical
sections, TKH-2 immunostaining is a more sensitive method to
therapy [136]. The successful treatment of a moribund patient
detect AF-derived mucin in lung sections [125]. Measuring
with cardiopulmonary bypass and PA thromboembolectomy
zinc coproporphyrin I, a characteristic fetal-gut component of
has also been shown [137].
meconium, in maternal plasma may be a sensitive method to
diagnose AFE [126].
Chest radiography reveals diffuse bilateral homogeneous The lung is a target of remote malignancy: embolism to the
opacities [2]. Because AFE is characterised by the absence of pulmonary vasculature is obviously a prerequisite for the
frank pulmonary vessel obstruction, it has only been occasion- development of metastasis but has rarely been described as a
ally reported to present with the obstruction of branches of the distinct entity. Pulmonary tumour embolism (PTUE), char-
PA during angiography [127]. Transoesophageal echocardio- acterised by the occlusion of pulmonary vessels by tumour
graphy may reveal enlargement of the right ventricle and main cells, was described more than 100 years ago [138]. It was not
pulmonary trunk, consistent with acute right ventricular until 1937 that cor pulmonale due to emboli to the pulmonary
pressure overload, but also full-blown left ventricular failure microvasculature was described [139].
in view of the depression of left ventricular function [51].
Treatment Macroscopic PTUE has been reported in sarcomas, hepatocel-
AFE can be neither predicted nor prevented so randomised lular, breast and renal cell carcinomas, whereas microscopic
controlled trials are not possible. The maternal and fetal PTUE was found predominantly in gastric, hepatocellular and
outcome is unpredictable. The majority of patients will require pancreatic carcinomas and choriocarcinomas It has also been
ICU admission [113]. Management is directed towards the described in patients with lung, prostate, thymic, gall bladder,
maintenance of oxygenation, circulatory support and correction bladder, colorectal, skin or cervical cancer [140–143].



Pulmonary hypertension may be seen occasionally as a cor pulmonale. The most common symptom is subacute
consequence of capillary plugging by malignant megakaryo- progressive dyspnoea which occurs in 57–100% of cases over
cytes in essential thrombocytopenia. Tumour emboli might a span of weeks to months [141, 147, 153], as well as pleuritic
occur subclinically and were seen microscopically in 2.4–26.0% chest pain, cough, haemoptysis and weight loss [2]. In a
of autopsies of patients with a solid malignancy [144–147]. In a retrospective review of 164 cases, a typical profile of features
review of 1,069 autopsies, three cases in which death had was reported: documented or suspected underlying malig-
occurred from cor pulmonale due to tumour embolisation nancy, acute-to-subacute onset of dyspnoea and signs of cor
from breast, lung, and ovarian carcinoma were observed [148]. pulmonale [141]. Retrospective chart reviews demonstrate that
Tumour macroembolism is also reported in the setting of only 8% of patients with pathological evidence for PTUE have
sudden death requiring medicolegal investigation [149]. It documented morbidity or mortality attributable to the emboli:
should be distinguished from primary tumours arising from the ‘‘classic,’’ signs of right heart failure are reported in only
the intima of the PA, such as malignant fibrous histocytoma or 15–20% of patients [148, 155].
sarcoma [150].
Arterial blood gas measurements invariably show hypoxia,
usually hypocapnia or increased alveolar–arterial oxygen
gradient [141]. In many instances, metastases to other organs
Macroembolism is a feature of primary tumour sites that are were documented prior to the onset of respiratory symptoms.
connected by the vena cava to the right ventricle [151]. Tumour However, PTUE as the initial manifestation of underlying
emboli possess an unusual level of resistance to recannulation malignancy was also reported in a few patients [141].
and are therefore more likely to lead to progressive, irrever-
sible obstruction. Most cases of microembolism show a
vascular tissue reaction with intimal proliferation and fibrosis
(fig. 2e); bland tumour emboli without or with only scarce Tumour macroembolism is clinically indistinguishable from
vascular reaction are rarely seen [140, 152]. In PTUE, anywhere thromboembolism, and the diagnosis is therefore achieved
from 7–81% of the pulmonary arteries contain emboli [147]. mostly through autopsy [140]. The presence of both thrombotic
The extent of the occluded cross-sectional area of the and tumour PE should be considered in all cancer patients
pulmonary arterial bed determines the increase in pulmonary because of similarities [156]. Even in patients known to have a
vascular resistance and explains why only some patients malignancy, the correct diagnosis is made in as few as 6% ante
become symptomatic. There is usually no marked cardiopul- mortem [145]. Moreover, PTUE has a lack of specific radi-
monary functional derangement until 60–80% of the pulmon- ological features and mimics pneumonia or interstitial lung
ary arterial bed has been occluded. At some degree of disease. A normal chest radiograph with hypoxaemia in a
obstruction, the ability of the pulmonary vasculature to adapt patient with a malignancy might even suggest the presence of
is impaired [153]. PTUE: only one out of eight patients had a parenchymal
abnormality on a plain radiograph [147]. Cardiomegaly and
Platelets and thrombin are frequently present in addition to prominent pulmonary vasculature, the radiographic changes
malignant cells. As organisation of the thrombus occurs, the associated with elevated pulmonary pressures, are seen in
embolic cancer cells degenerate. Fibrocellular intimal hyper- ,50%. In an attempt to distinguish carcinomatosis and tumour
plasia and fibrosis of pulmonary arteries may occur with emboli, some investigators suggest that lymphatic disease is
smooth muscle colonisation of the luminal neoplastic lesions, more likely to have an interstitial infiltrate.
both adjacent to emboli and in vessels where emboli are not
seen [145, 154]. PTUE is different from a haematogenous, true Subsegmental, mismatched peripheral defects have been
metastasis, as there is no tendency for the tumour emboli to described on ventilation–perfusion in patients with exclusively
invade the arterial wall [141, 146]. Tumour emboli are microvascular disease [157]. The ventilation scan is usually
destroyed or remain latent intraluminally [141]. The eventual normal [141]. Tumour emboli are usually located in small or
outcome of malignant cells in the lung (metastasis, invasion of medium arteries so angiography, the gold standard for
lymphatics, development of pulmonary hypertension or thromboembolic disease, has poor sensitivity and specificity
clearance of the cells) is the result of interactions between for detection: ‘‘typical’’ pulmonary angiographic findings
signalling pathways that affect angiogenesis, apoptosis and include delayed filling of the segmental arteries, pruning and
inflammation. Necropsy series [146, 147] suggest that there are tortuosity of the third- to fifth-order vessels. The CT findings
four types of pulmonary involvement: 1) large tumour emboli further include multifocal dilatation and beading of the
occlude the pulmonary arteries; 2) microscopic tumour emboli peripheral subsegmental arteries and peripheral wedge-shaped
involving the small vessels account for subacute pulmonary areas of attenuation due to infarction [158]. However, most
hypertension found in the majority of cases; 3) pulmonary patients have no evidence of embolic disease by pulmonary
microvascular invasion may be part of the generalised angiogram [159]. The tree-in-bud pattern is commonly seen on
lymphatic involvement, which explains the diffuse interstitial thin-section CT of the lungs, and it consists of small centrilob-
infiltrates seen in some cases; and 4) pulmonary tumour ular nodules of soft tissue attenuation connected to multiple
embolism can be caused by a combination of the above branching linear structures of small calibre that originate from a
mechanisms [141, 153]. single stalk [160]. Originally described in cases of endobronchial
spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it is now also recognised as
a manifestation of PTUE [161].
Clinical signs
Pulmonary tumour microembolism may be suspected in
patients who complain of unexplained dyspnoea and develop
The use of transoesophageal echocardiography, accurately
defining the cephalad extent of the thrombus, might be c

considered in diagnosing and guiding intraoperative manage- anaesthesia [164]. This indicates that trophoblastic embolisa-
ment of a migratory embolus from the inferior vena cava. tion sufficient to cause severe pulmonary compromise is rare.
Radiolabelled monoclonal antibody imaging and repeated
pulmonary microvascular cytology sampling techniques were Clinical signs
historically promising diagnostic tests [141]. Obtaining a Vaginal bleeding is the most frequent symptom of GTD. Self-
suitable sample of blood from the pulmonary capillary bed limited respiratory distress arises in 3–10% following molar
for tumour cells again requires that blood be aspirated from evacuation, with the number rising to 25% when the uterus is
the distal port while the catheter is in the wedged position to larger than predicted for the gestational age and the human
avoid malignant cells from ‘‘upstream’’ (e.g. the liver) chorionic gonadotropin level exceeds 100,000 mIU?mL-1 [168].
contaminating the sample. Blood is subsequently either filtered The acute illness, which requires aggressive support, lasts 24–
or spun down, and the remaining cells stained with the 48 h. This is typically followed by a dramatic clinical
Papanicolaou method. The interpretation of such samples improvement over the following 48–96 h, with pulmonary
proves to be challenging, as megakaryocytes and endothelial function returning to baseline generally within 72 h [168]. Due
cells may mimic malignancy [162]. to the routine use of ultrasound and beta-hCG in the workup
of early gestational abnormalities, complete molar pregnancy
Treatment rarely presents today with the traditional signs although the
The prognosis is poor and the median survival from diagnosis potential for persistent trophoblastic disease still exists [169].
is a few weeks. In view of these patients’ likely prognosis, Pulmonary trophoblastic embolism is infrequently associated
interventions to cure or slow down the progressive deteriora- with sudden death [166, 170].
tion are rarely performed. The principal intervention in most
cases was surgical resection of the primary neoplasm, if Diagnosis
possible. Surgical cure by resection of the primary tumour has Pulmonary involvement occurs in up to 80% of women with
been reported in patients with atrial myxoma, renal cell metastatic GTD [171]. Radiographic findings are variable and
carcinoma and choriocarcinoma [141]. Chemotherapy is rarely include alveolar, nodular and miliary patterns, pleural effusion
indicated, although favourable results have also been reported and signs of pulmonary arterial occlusion [165]. Again, some
in patients with choriocarcinoma and breast cancer [159]. authors have demonstrated syncytiotrophoblast and multi-
nucleated trophoblastic giant cells in pulmonary arterial blood
TROPHOBLASTIC MATERIAL FROM GESTATIONAL sampled during molar evacuation [164, 172].
Incidence Treatment
Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) defines a heteroge- Management of trophoblastic embolisation is no different from
neous group of inter-related lesions arising from abnormal that of other causes of hypoxaemia and NTPE. Infusions of fluid
proliferation of the trophoblastic epithelium of the placenta. and blood tend then to cause pulmonary overload, which may
Two subtypes arise from an aberrant fertilisation (complete or precipitate heart failure. Preferred therapy consists of diuresis
partial hydatiform mole) and three malignant subtypes and ventilatory support [167]. Emergency pulmonary embo-
(invasive mole, choriocarcinoma and placental site trophoblas- lectomy under cardiopulmonary bypass has been reported for
tic tumours) may occur after any gestational experience [163]. an embolism of malignant trophoblastic material [173].
Trophoblastic embolism may be subclinical in normal preg-
nancy and more pronounced in eclampsia. It also occurs SEPTIC EMBOLI
within hours following abdominal hysterectomy for invasive Incidence
moles, molar evacuation and as a side effect of chemotherapy
Septic pulmonary embolisation (SPE) is a rare but well-
for choriocarcinoma [164–166].
recognised problem in the setting of right-sided endocarditis
and septic thrombophlebitis from such sources as the tonsils, the
jugular, dental or pelvic region and infected central venous
The pathogenesis is unique because the tumour arises from catheters [174, 175]. SPE is becoming an uncommon complica-
fetal, not maternal, tissue. The question has been raised tion of i.v. drug use, presumably due to greater needle hygiene
whether trophoblastic embolisation is an entity that occurs [176]. The increasing use of long-term indwelling catheters or
independent of pulmonary oedema (a sequel of accompanying prosthetic vascular devices as well as increasing numbers of
hyperthyroidism), pre-eclampsia and fluid overload or immunocompromised patients have changed the epidemiology
whether discovery of trophoblastic tissue in the lungs is [176]. In children too, soft tissue infection, osteomyelitis and i.v.
merely coincidental [167]. Even when a mass of molar tissue is catheters have been recognised as risk factors [177].
gently manipulated, there is a risk of pulmonary trophoblastic
emboli. On the other hand, although multinucleated giant cells In a huge series of post-mortem examinations in Japan, SPE was
and large mononuclear cells are identified in the buffy coat of found in 2.2% of 11,367 cases of ‘‘critical’’ pulmonary
blood aspirated before and during evacuation of large molar embolism [178]. Infectious endocarditis was responsible for
pregnancies, no significant changes in mean systemic arterial, 11% of these cases of SPE. Surprisingly, fungal emboli (from
pulmonary arterial or capillary wedge pressures were seen. Aspergillus, Mucor or Candida) were found more frequently
Likewise, cardiac output and pulmonary vascular resistance than bacterial: most of these fungal emboli had a (haematolo-
were mostly unchanged. When significant decreases in gical) malignancy as the underlying risk factor [178]. This is in
haemodynamic variables were observed during evacuation, contrast with a low incidence of reported cases of Aspergillus
these returned to pre-evacuation levels after completion of tricuspid endocarditis [179].



A peculiar subtype is Lemierre’s syndrome (postanginal a)

sepsis), an anaerobic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular
vein with metastatic infection. Most patients affected are
young adults with tonsillopharyngitis, odontogenic infection,
mastoiditis or sinusitis. The causative organisms include the
anaerobic gram-negative Fusobacterium species, but also
Eikenella, Porphyromonas, Streptococci and Bacteroides [180,
181]. Recently, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has
been identified as a new causative agent [182]. Extension of the
infection to the adjacent lateral pharyngeal tissue results in
haematogenous spread. Pulmonary involvement in Lemierre’s
syndrome has been reported in up to 97% with lung abscesses
and empyema [183].

Septic pulmonary emboli reach the lung from many sources,
including infected heart valves, thrombophlebitis and infected
catheters or pacemaker wires [180, 184]. In tricuspid endocar- b)
ditis, local infection can produce typical cystic lesions, often
complicated by empyema. A thrombus containing microorgan-
isms embedded in fibrin mobilised from an infectious nidus is
implanted in the pulmonary arteries, leading to an infarction
inciting a metastatic abscess (fig. 3a) [176, 185]. Cavitary
parenchymal nodules may be caused by septic occlusion of
small peripheral PA branches [186]. Pulmonary infarction is
uncommon when the emboli obstruct the central arteries but is
frequent when distal arteries are occluded [187]. This may be
explained by collateral flow from the bronchial arterial
circulation that enters the PA distal to the site of an obstruction
[186]. Peripheral parenchymal consolidation (wedge-shaped
lesions) is then partially caused by pulmonary haemorrhage
from the extravasations of the bronchial arterial flow [188].

Clinical signs
The characteristic features are a febrile illness, cough,
haemoptysis and lung infiltrates associated with an active
focus of extrapulmonary infection [176, 189].

Clinical and radiological features at presentation are nonspecific,
and the diagnosis is frequently delayed [176]. Blood cultures,
chest CT and echocardiography are invaluable when evaluating FIGURE 3. Septic embolism. Lung infarction by a septic thrombus from the
tricuspid valve in a 21-yr-old female with endocarditis. Repeated blood cultures and
a patient with suspected SPE [176]. Transoeasophageal echo-
culture of the valve disclosed a positive culture for Staphylococcus aureus. a) A
cardiography provides greater spatial resolution compared with
haematoxylin- and eosin-stained section of this infarcted lung specimen shows the
transthoracic imaging and is a superior method for imaging
obstructed large pulmonary artery branch and surrounding lung tissue with
vegetations, abscesses and leaflet perforations [190]. Typical
coagulation necrosis (original magnification 640). b) Chest computed tomography
radiographic features include patchy air space lesions simulat-
of this patient with endocarditis of the tricuspidal valve and pulmonary septic
ing nonspecific bronchopneumonia, multiple ill-defined round
emboli. Axial computed tomography showing multiple irregular nodules of which
or wedge-shaped densities of varying sizes located peripherally
some are cavitated. Moreover, feeding vessels are demonstrated leading directly to
and lesions abutting the pleura and located at the end of vessels
a subpleural cavitated nodule in the right upper lobe (white arrow).
(feeding vessel sign) scans [177, 184] (fig. 3b). This feeding vessel
sign has also been reported in both uncomplicated pulmonary technology for detection of this feeding sign. Rapid progression
emboli and pulmonary metastases and simply indicates the of the lesions to cavities or abscess formations can occur [177].
haematogenous origin of the parenchymal nodule [184, 191].
Transverse images showed that 37% of the nodules and 22% of It is noteworthy that KWON et al. [185] recently reported that the
the wedge-shaped opacities in SPE had a vessel that appeared to size of the nodules in gram-positive septic emboli was larger
enter the nodule, although both multiplanar reconstructions and than those in gram-negative. Cavitation and air bronchogram
maximum-intensity projections showed that the vessels passed within the nodules were seen more frequently in the gram-
around the nodules [191]. All of these vessels were traced to the positive emboli, while a ground-glass attenuation halo around
left atrium, a finding consistent with pulmonary vein branches
[191]. Multi-detector CT is superior to the classical CT
a nodule and a feeding vessel sign were more commonly
observed in gram-negative emboli. Hemorrhagic nodules have c

a characteristic, although nonspecific, CT appearance that year; and 3) chronic pulmonary hypertension [3]. The majority
consists of a central area of soft tissue attenuation surrounded of cases appear to follow a course of prolonged pulmonary
by a halo of ground-glass attenuation, termed the CT ‘‘halo’’ hypertension punctuated by acute embolic episodes [204, 205].
sign. This sign can be caused by several pathological processes A cardiac hydatid cyst that caused complete occlusion of the
and is found in haemorrhagic pulmonary nodules as well as right PA has been described [205]. Seldomly, a primary
nonhaemorrhagic inflammatory lesions [192, 193]. interventricular cyst may rupture via the pulmonary veins,
resulting in multifocal pulmonary cystic lesions [206].
Septic patients are also at risk of thrombotic pulmonary Diagnosis
embolism [194]. The management of a free-floating (even The diagnosis is difficult in the absence of typical clinical and
septic) thrombus in the femoropopliteal or iliocaval veins is radiological findings. Serological tests, though more specific
therefore controversial. Although the deployment of inferior than imaging techniques, are less sensititve but are useful
venal caval filters is of theoretical benefit, the uncertainty of confirmatory tests [207]. Diagnosis, guided by echocardio-
their potential adverse event profile has limited their current graphic findings, is mostly based on the arteriogram, revealing
use. Although debated [194], it is usually proposed that venal segmental or lobar perfusion defects [208]. Some authors have
caval filters should not be implanted in patients with risk of emphasised the role of combined contrast-enhanced spiral CT,
septic embolism. [195]. MRI and pulmonary magnetic resonance angiography of the
chest to evaluate complicated cardiac hydatid cysts.
In 1978, MACMILLAN et al. [189] described 60 patients with SPE:
Echinococcal embolisation to the PA has also been studied
i.v. drug users comprised 78% of their cohort, and tricuspid
with these techniques in the absence of intracardiac and
endocarditis was the embolic source in 53%. At that time, 20%
hepatic hydatid cysts [203]. On enhanced CT, the intra-arterial
still required thoracotomies to manage lung abscess, bronch-
cyst shows a typical hypodense appearance [203].
opleural fistula and empyema [189]. Recent studies demon-
strate improved outcomes for patients with SPE with virtually Treatment
all patients recovering from their illness. This may be When a right-sided cardiac hydatid cyst is diagnosed, early
attributable to earlier diagnosis, prompt administration of surgical treatment should be performed under open-heart
broad-spectrum antibiotics and improvements in surgical and surgery conditions [198]. Median sternotomy and the use of
supportive care [176, 196]. High doses of i.v. antibiotics extracorporeal circulation must be the surgical approach of
targeting anaerobic organisms in Lemierre’s syndrome are choice when cysts are present in the cardiac chambers [202].
indicated [197]. Embolectomy by removing multiple fragments of a ruptured
endocyst of the PA, followed by surgical closure of the cardiac
cyst cavity, can be performed [209]. Surgical intervention can
be complicated by rupture of the artery and/or the cyst.
Cystic hydatid disease or echinococcosis is a parasitic infection
Dissemination of the disease, anaphylactic shock and pseu-
caused by the larval or cyst stage of the tapeworm Echinococcus
doaneurysm formation can then occur [203]. Surgical treatment
granulosus. Humans can be infected by ingesting eggs, from
combined with chemotherapy may improve the prognosis
which cysts develop in the liver and lung. Echinococcosis is
[200]. Medical therapy is advocated for patients with recurrent
mostly endemic in sheep-farming areas of the Middle East, South
hydatidosis or in those where surgical intervention involves a
America, Oceania and along the Mediterranean coast [198].
high risk. This poor prognosis depends on the patient’s general
status as well as the number and size of the embolised vessels.
The parasite can reach any part of the body, although the PARTICULATE MATERIAL
organs most commonly affected are the liver (75%) and lungs Incidence
(15%) [199]. The embryo rarely reaches the right heart cavities The i.v. injection of illicit drugs or drugs intended for oral
through the portal or lymphatic routes. Hydatic PE occurs after administration is associated with a variety of pulmonary
rupture of a hydatid cyst in the right ventricle or atrium, or consequences. Some of these oral medications, including
more rarely haematogenous dissemination from a hepatic amphetamines, methylphenidate, methadone, meperidine,
focus rupturing into the hepatic veins or the inferior vena cava pentazocine, hydromorphone and dextropropoxyphene, are
[200, 201]. Autopsy findings indicate that embolism is caused ground by drug users, mixed in liquid and then injected
by vesicles or cysts that act purely mechanically by obstructing intravenously [210, 211]. The i.v. abuse of pharmaceuticals
the blood flow, as there are no blood clots or added thrombosis such as codeine and temazepam has also been reported [212].
[202]. Hydatid cysts may rarely present in the wall of the
arteries [200, 201]. Other emboli-causing substances including talcum, starch,
cellulose and cotton may be observed in individuals who
Clinical signs engage in i.v. drug abuse or parenteral injection of these
The major complication is rupture of the cyst into the tablets. Substances such as magnesium trisilicate, corn starch
pericardium, which can lead to anaphylactic shock or and microcrystalline cellulose are used as fillers and binders
tamponade [200]. The clinical manifestations of pulmonary during manufacturing [213]. Pills, containing both active drug
arterial hydatid cyst embolisation are not specific, although and fillers, are crushed and dissolved in water by heating the
haemoptysis is the most frequent sign [203, 204]. It is classified mixture. This solution is drawn into a syringe using cotton as a
according to the clinical presentation: 1) acute fatal cases; filter before injection. When the supply of available drug is
2) subacute pulmonary hypertension with death in less than a exhausted, addicts may heat the cotton balls in water to draw



any trapped drug back into solution [210]. Similar emboli can endovascular treatment with embolisation of different materi-
also occur in the hospital when cotton fibres remain on als, including cyano-acrylate agents, polyvinyl alcohol foam
angiographic guide wires or catheters after they have been particles, microcoils, silk or dacron thread and balloons [222].
wiped with moist cotton gauze [214]. The nature of the Three out of 182 patients who had undergone embolisation of
material in lung tissue from 33 addicts appeared to be brain AVMs with cyano-acrylate, developed pulmonary symp-
birefringent material in 31 cases, with talcum being the only toms due to embolisation within 48 h of the procedure [223].
material in eight cases or in conjunction with other materials in Although percutaneous vertebroplasty is usually safe, sympto-
all remaining cases [215]. Crospovidone, an insoluble polymer matic pulmonary embolisation of acrylic cement used during
used as a disintegrant, can also embolise when tablet this procedure has been described (fig. 5) [224].
suspensions are injected [216].
Prostate brachytherapy, achieved by image-guided placement
Catheter emboli are rare iatrogenic complications as they of radioactive seed implants carrying iodine-125 or palladium-
usually develop when a physician attempts to withdraw a 103 in the prostate and periprostatic tissues, is a therapeutic
catheter through an introducing needle. The catheter catches option for patients with localised prostate cancer. These
on the needle, and the distal portion is sheared off. implants may detach from their insertion sites and migrate
Spontaneous catheter breakage accounts for 25% of catheter through the prominent periglandular or haemorrhoidal
emboli. Most catheter emboli are found in the basilic vein and venous plexus to reach the pulmonary circulation [225]. The
the pulmonary arteries, with the remainder in the right heart, frequency of seed implant migration ranges from 0.7–55%
great veins and peripheral lungs [217]. Cannulation of [226], with an average of 2.2 embolised seeds per patient.
antecubital, subclavian, femoral and internal jugular veins, as Proper identification of periprostatic vessels and the use of
well as cardiac catheterisation and temporary pacemaker individualised applicators have lowered the incidence of seed
insertion have all been associated with embolisation [218]. embolisation [227].
Central embolisation of needle fragments has also been
reported in i.v. drug abusers [218]. Pathophysiology
A great variety of materials can embolise. Teflon from an eroded Talcum-induced pulmonary granulomatosis has an unknown
valve has been found in the vessel walls and parenchyma of the physiopathological mechanism, although the most likely
lung [219]. Pulmonary emboli caused by accidental or inten- hypothesis is an immunological mechanism of delayed
tional i.v. injection of metallic mercury (fig. 4) have been hypersensitivity. When medications are injected [228], the
encountered [3, 220]. Liquid silicone, an inert material used insoluble particles, such as microcrystalline cellulose and
for medical purposes but also during illegal cosmetic proce- talcum, become trapped in the pulmonary arterioles causing
dures in women and transsexual men, may embolise [221]. both thrombosis and inflammation. Over time, these particles
Patients with arterio-venous malformation (AVM) undergo can penetrate the arteriolar wall and provoke a giant cell
granulomatous reaction. In animals, cotton fibres disrupt the
PA wall, with further passage of the cotton fibres into the
alveoli and interstitium [229]. Within days after embolisation
of cyano-acrylate, foci of medial and intimal necrosis have also
been found in animal models [222]. Confluence of the
granulomas, subsequent fibrosis and distortion of the lung
architecture, especially in the upper lobes, may occur.

a) b)

FIGURE 4. Chest radiograph of a male who presented at the emergency room FIGURE 5. Polymethylmethacrylate embolism as an incidental finding after a
after the intravenous injection of mercury during a suicide attempt. Note the small history of percutaneous vertebroplasty. Axial computed tomography of a) the
metallic spherules scattered throughout both lungs. Recognition of metallic
opacities in the heart allows differentiation from aspiration.
mediastinal and b) the pulmonary window shows a linear hyperdensity in a
pulmonary artery branch (white arrow). c

Pulmonary hypertension may develop as a result of chronic lymphocytes, and talcum crystals can occasionally be seen [238].
changes [230]. Cellulose granulomatosis has also been described as a cause of
the tree-in-bud appearance on high-resolution CT: microno-
Birefringent material, such as that seen in talcum PE, is often dules distributed at the termination of bronchovascular bundles
but not exclusively demonstrated intracellularly in lung tissue [160, 228]. These micronodules represent intra-arteriolar accu-
(94%); this preferential pulmonary localisation is followed by mulation of microcrystalline cellulose with adjacent granulo-
the spleen, liver, lymph nodes and bone marrow. However, a matous reaction. In mercury embolism, chest radiographic
granulomatous reaction was only observed in the lungs. findings are striking: multiple small metallic spherules either
Talcum was the only foreign material seen in organs other distributed diffusely throughout the lungs or occasionally
than the lungs, undoubtedly due to its smaller size [215]. restricted to one or more dependent areas (fig. 4). The opacities
Intrapulmonary crospovidone embolism exhibits degenerative may be scattered or of different sizes or may appear as beaded
changes, contributing to vascular injury by causing angio-
chains simulating the appearance of an angiogram [220]. The
thrombosis and granulomatous angiitis [216]. In a consecutive
radiographic abnormalities may be permanent or may resolve
series of 43 patients whose surgical lung biopsy demonstrated
gradually [220]. In catheter emboli, radiographs may reveal a
pulmonary infarction, embolotherapy and catheter embolism
disconnected catheter fragment overlying an unexpected por-
were observed in 2% of all cases [231].
tion of the lung, mediastinum or heart. Generally, the course of
the catheter corresponds to the expected location of the PA.
Clinical signs Angiography or CT findings can obviously confirm the position
Most patients with talcum emboli are asymptomatic, although of the catheter [2].
slowly progressive dyspnoea, persistent cough, nonspecific
chest pain and occasionally anorexia, weight loss, fever and Definitive diagnosis requires histological examination of pul-
night sweats may occur. Lung sounds are usually normal or monary tissue and is often only achieved at autopsy [212]. With
with minimal bibasal crepitations, and talcum deposits may be time, aspirated material is often incorporated into alveolar
visualised in the retinal blood vessels [232]. Clinical features septae, at which stage it can be difficult to distinguish from
appear to be dose-related and may progress even after drug organising microembolic intravascular material. A definitive
injections have been stopped [2, 230]. Multiple episodes of diagnosis is obtained by examining transbronchial or open-lung
injection may thus elicit intractable pulmonary hypertension biopsy specimens, which generally show macrophages with
and death. Clinical symptoms associated with cellulose granu- intracellular talc crystals. Microembolic foreign material gen-
lomatosis are also largely dependent on the extent of arteriolar erally elicits a granulomatous reaction [212]. Identification of the
involvement. Symptoms may range from none to exertional particulates may require the use of ultrastructural analysis by
dyspnoea to sudden death [228]. Two out of 47 children analytical electron microscopy techniques, including selected
undergoing therapeutic embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous area diffraction and X-ray energy-dispersive analysis [213].
malformation developed severe respiratory distress that Polarisation microscopy is an ideal means of detecting foreign
required endotracheal intubation [222]. The clinical findings material such as intravascular deposits and aspirated foreign
described in silicone embolism syndrome are very similar to matter. Talc is distinguished readily by its appearance under
those observed in FES. Dyspnoea, hypoxaemia, haemoptysis, polarised light: it exhibits a birefringent appearance with sharp,
alveolar haemorrhage, petechiae and altered consciousness elongate fibres. Talcum does not stain with Periodic Acid Schiff
were observed in a high percentage of these patients [221]. A (PAS), silver or Congo red [215]. Cellulose particles are longer,
mortality of as high as 24% has been reported [221]. Retained mod-shaped, birefringent material [212]. Crospovidone appears
catheter fragments have been associated with an alarmingly as basophilic, coral-like particles within arteries and extravas-
high rate of complications [233]: a 45–71% incidence of serious cular granulomas [216]. Organic starch has Maltese-cross
consequences [233, 234] such as arrhythmias, perforation, morphology and stains positively with PAS [215]. A collimated
infection and thrombus formation were observed days to even gamma scintillation survey meter may be used to detect iodine-
weeks after embolisation. Embolisation of periprostatic seed 125 seeds after prostate brachytherapy, as their small size means
implants after brachytherapy may be underestimated by the the seeds are frequently neglected on a radiograph [239].
lack of induced symptoms [225] and they usually migrate after
the day of implantation [235]. Treatment
The prognosis for patients with mercury emboli is reported as
Diagnosis good, although death has been reported [3]. After several weeks,
Respiratory function tests generally show a persistent slight-to- symptoms and functional impairments will diminish [240].
moderate hypoxaemia and a reduction of carbon monoxide Given the high complication rate associated with embolic
diffusion. Initially, imaging reveals several small (1-mm) catheter fragments, efforts should be made to recover foreign
nodular and reticular opacities or interstitial nodules, some of bodies prior to central embolisation [218]. Many nonsurgical
which occur in a centrilobular distribution throughout the lungs techniques have been developed to remove catheter material
after talcum or cellulose granulomatosis [236]. Later, homo- from the vessels, with a low complication rate [234]. Talcum
geneous upper lobe opacities resembling massive fibrosis may granulomatosis and embolisation of other foreign materials may
be identified. Large pulmonary arteries and a large right heart develop into pulmonary hypertension and fibrosis. Treatment
may be observed in patients with pulmonary hypertension. with corticosteroids has been attempted, with gradual or
Lymphadenopathy is rare [237]. Gallium lung scans generally temporary improvement, although there is a risk of relapse
show diffuse bilateral uptake in talcum granulomatosis. BAL after cessation [241]. A number of patients with pulmonary
typically reveals lymphocytosis with a predominance of CD8 disease due to injection of oral medications have undergone



lung transplantation [242]. However, recurrent and ongoing i.v. asystoly or both can occur [265]. The lethal volume of injected
drug abuse, leading to a histiocytic reaction in the transplanted air in humans is estimated to range 100–500 mL [2].
lung, should raise substantial concerns on performing lung
transplantation in cases of substance abuse [242]. The entry into the bloodstream requires a pressure gradient:
when venous pressure is negative as during spontaneous
inspiration, gas is forced under pressure [266]; or when the
GAS EMBOLISM vein is located higher than the heart [249]. The alteration in the
The entry of gas into vessels was first described by Morgagni, resistance of the lung vessels and the mismatch between
whose post-mortem findings were published in 1769 [243, 244]. ventilation and perfusion cause intrapulmonary right-to-left
The first clinical report dates to 1821 [244]. Gas embolism (GE) shunting and increased alveolar dead space leading to
is mainly air embolism (AE), although the use of other gases decreased gas exchange [267], arrhythmia [268], pulmonary
used in medical procedures or diving, such as carbon dioxide, hypertension [268], right ventricular strain [269] and arterial
nitrous oxide, nitrogen and helium, can also provoke these AE related to shunting [270].
symptoms [245].
Bubbles in vessels can be absorbed and adhere [271]. Activated
Incidence neutrophils sequestered in the pulmonary capillaries aggregate
The two different subtypes of GE, venous and arterial, can be around the bubble [261]. Prostaglandins are realised increasing
distinguished by the mechanism of entry and the site where permeability, causing lung oedema [272] and inactivation of
the emboli finally lodge. Preconditions for venous AE include surfactant with alveolar collapse and atelectasis [273]. Impeded
a hydrostatic gradient favouring the intravascular entry of air lymph flow by increased venous pressure further enhances
and incising of noncollapsed veins: the epiploic and emissary lung oedema [274]. AE during diving is the clinical manifesta-
veins, veins of the throat and dural venous sinuses in patients tion of Boyle’s law as the result of overdistention of the alveoli
undergoing craniotomy in the sitting position [246]. It may by expanding gases during ascent [244]. A change in pressure
enter the veins of the myometrium [247] during surgical or of 70 mmHg, correlating with a full inspiration with com-
diagnostic gynaecological procedures [248]. The incidence of pressed air at only 1 m under water, can cause barotrauma
AE during surgery, as assessed by precordial Doppler, ranges [275]. Air bubbles entering via a catheter may even rise
from 7–69% [249]. retrograde against the flow to the brain [276].

Venous AE is often an iatrogenic problem during the Arterial GE causes ischaemia. Two mechanisms for AE after
manipulation of a central venous and haemodialysis catheter lung surgery were historically recognised: infusion of air into
[250]: the incidence ranges 1 in 47–3000, with a mortality rate the pulmonary vein and arterialisation of venous bubbles via a
even reaching 30% [251]. It has been occasionally reported foramen ovale [277]. Gas entry into the aorta obviously
when a peripheral venous infusion was started [252] or after distributes bubbles into many organs. Small emboli in the
contrast-enhanced CT examination [253]. The incidences vessels of skeletal muscles or viscera are tolerated, but
during diagnostic cardiac catheterisation and percutaneous hypoxaemia caused by obstruction of the coronary or cerebral
coronary intervention are 0.84% and 0.24%, respectively [254]. arteries (cerebral arterial gas embolism (CAE)) may lead to
AE is a rare complication of ventricular assist device pump fatality [245]. Intracoronary injection of a bolus of air leads to
dissection [255], ventilation-induced lung trauma [256] and depression of heart function [278]. When bubbles occlude the
laparoscopy which can lead to air, argon or carbon dioxide brain vasculature, intracranial pressure (ICP) increases and
embolism [257, 258], Other causes include fibrinolytic pleural ischaemia occurs [279]. Microbubbles ‘‘irritate’’ the cerebral
lavage [259], the intraoperative use of hydrogen peroxide, vascular wall, leading to a breakdown of the blood–brain
insufflation of air during endoscopy, laser therapy, arthro- barrier [280]. Such tiny bubbles may briefly interrupt cerebral
scopy, thoracotomy, noninvasive ventilation, carotid endarter- arteriolar flow [281]. Normalisation is often only temporary,
iectomy or prostatectomy [245, 260]. and blood flow may subsequently decrease to levels below
those required to maintain neuronal function [282].
The entry of gas into the pulmonary veins or the systemic
Additionally, the contact of bubbles with the endothelium
arteries as a result of overexpansion of the lung by decom-
leads to activation of leukocytes in the damaged brain area
pression barotrauma or a paradoxical embolism causes arterial
[283]. The coagulation system, complement and kinines, are
embolism. Microbubbles, originating in extracorporeal devices
activated by bubbles [284] but coagulopathies, common in
but endogenous in cases of decompression sickness or
animal models, are rarely observed in humans [244].
mechanical heart valves, may cause arterial GE [261, 262].
A paradoxical embolism occurs when gas in the veins manages
Pathophysiology to enter the systemic arterial circulation. This may be caused by
Insidious venous AE causes a ‘‘string’’ of bubbles to enter the passage across a patent foramen ovale, rendering right-to-left
veins. Pulmonary vessel filtration protects the systemic and shunting of gas bubbles feasible [285]. Elevated pulmonary
coronary circulation from AE orginating in the venous arterial pressure due to venous GE may also result in elevated
circulation [263]. When air bubbles are finally trapped in the right atrial pressure, making it possible for a bubble to be
pulmonary capillaries, the pulmonary arterial pressure transported through a patent foramen. Moreover, the decrease
increases, and the increased resistance to right ventricular in left atrial pressure caused by ventilation, and the use of
outflow diminishes pulmonary venous return resulting in positive end-expiratory pressure may create a pressure
diminished cardiac output [264]. When .50 mL of gas is
injected abruptly into human veins, acute cor pulmonale,
gradient [265]. Venous gas may also enter the arterial
circulation by overwhelming the mechanisms that prevent c

arterial AE. This explains why CAE caused by a venous gas of CAE [297]. Abnormalities on brain MRI may range from no
embolus has been described, although no intracardiac defects abnormalities up to local oedema, caused by an increased
could be demonstrated [286]. Various volatile anaesthetic volume of water or hyperintense acute infarctions on diffusion
agents diminish the ability of the pulmonary circulation to weighted images [298]. As no imaging technique alone has
filter out gas [287]. sufficient accuracy to warrant its use for diagnostic purposes,
diagnosis should be made on clinical suspicion without
Clinical signs reliance on imaging [244].
In venous GE, manifestations include cough, dyspnoea,
tachypnoea and a hypoxaemic ‘‘gasp’’ reflex when 10% of Treatment
the pulmonary vessels are occluded [249, 266]. Arterial Aggressive treatment is essential. For venous GE, the main-
embolisation into the coronary arteries induces a specific stays of treatment are the prevention of further entry of gas,
drum-like or ‘‘mill-wheel’’ murmur and electrocardiographic volume expansion, administration of 100% oxygen and
changes of ischaemia [2]. Arrhythmias, cardiac failure and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, if necessary. The patient
arrest are all possible [288]. Circulatory responses may also should be placed in the left lateral decubitus position to
develop suddenly with embolisation to cerebral vessels [268]. prevent right ventricular outflow obstruction by airlock [251].
The absolute quantity of gas and the areas of the brain that are In a somnolent patient, resuscitation and intubation should be
affected determine the variety of symptoms: haemiparesis, performed to maintain oxygenation [290]. Bilateral manual
paresthesias, paralysis, seizures, visual disturbances and jugular venous compression can elevate the cerebral venous
headache [244, 289]. About 50% of patients will also have pressure for embolism during intracranial procedures [299].
some history of (transitional) impaired unconsciousness [290]. Administration of up to 100% oxygen can decrease bubble size
Asymmetry of the pupils, haemianopsia and impairment of the by establishing a diffusion gradient that favours the elimina-
respiratory and circulatory centres (manifested as Cheyne– tion of gas from the bubbles and by increasing the gradient for
Stokes breathing) [268, 288] are other well-known complica- the egress of nitrogen from the bubbles [245, 300]. Attempting
tions. A delayed recovery from general anaesthesia may help to evacuate air from the right ventricle with the use of a multi-
detect CAE. Detection of air in retinal vessels and the orifice central venous or pulmonary arterial catheter is
occurrence of sharply-defined areas of pallor on the tongue recommended. Occasionally removal of up to 50% of the
have been described. Marbling of the skin may occur and is entrained gas can be achieved, with optimal placement of the
especially noted in superiorly located body parts because the catheter tip 2 cm below the junction of the superior vena cava
distribution of air is determined by the principle of air and the right atrium [251, 265, 301].
buoyancy [264].
Patients with arterial GE should be placed in the flat supine
Diagnosis position. The buoyancy of gas bubbles is not sufficient to
The real diagnostic criterion is the patient’s history. In venous counteract blood flow, propelling such bubbles towards the
embolism, the mill-wheel murmur, a splashing auscultatory head even when the patient is in a head-down position. In
sound caused by the presence of gas in the cardiac chambers addition, the head-down position may aggravate cerebral
and great vessels, can be auscultated. Chest radiograph oedema [302]. A short period of hypertension that occurs
findings include normal findings, radiolucency in the PA, following bubble lodging in the cerebral circulation is
heart and hepatic veins, pulmonary oedema, enlarged central therapeutic because it facilitates bubble redistribution to the
pulmonary arteries, dilatation of the superior vena cava and
atelectasis [2]. Air in the distal PA may appear in a bell shape,
and CT may reveal air in the veins, right heart or PA (fig. 6) [2].
A decrease in end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) levels, as
determined by capnometry [291], suggests a change in the
relationship between ventilation and perfusion. ETCO2 is the
intraoperative standard and the magnitude and duration of
ETCO2 decrease correlate with the volume of embolised air
[249]. Arterial saturation as measured by pulse oximetry is not
able to detect AE as readily [292]. Precordial Doppler
ultrasonography is a sensitive means of detecting intracardiac
air, often used during surgical procedures [249, 293]. An even
more sensitive method is echocardiography, which may detect
air bubbles as small as 5 mm as white reflections and a patent
foramen ovale [246]. Intracardiac transvenous echocardiogra-
phy was superior to other techniques for detecting venous
embolism in a swine model [294]. Gas bubbles in the retinal
vessels can be identified. Another finding is haemoconcentra-
tion, possibly as a consequence of the extravascular shift of
fluid into injured tissues [295].
FIGURE 6. Incidentally found air-emboli on cardiac computed tomography
CAE can sometimes be seen on CT [296] but in divers with (CT) in an asymptomatic 62-yr-old male. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows
neurological symptoms, CT was unable to show any evidence multiple small air bubbles in the main pulmonary artery (arrows).



Brain Local activation

Ischaemia Mechanical obstruction
Damage of Thrombosis
cortical cells Aorta Inflammation
Media and intima necrosis

Systemic activation Alveoli

Procoagulant activity/disseminated Neutrophil and lymphocyte influx
intravascular coagulation Passage of cells or material into alveoli
Lipolysis Small vessels
Anaphylactoid reaction
Complement activation Granuloma Interstitial fibrosis

Nonthrombotic emboli

FIGURE 7. Different cell types (adipocyte, haematopoietic, amniotic, trophoblastic or tumour), bacteria, fungi, foreign material and gas may be carried in the blood
stream and embolise to the pulmonary circulation. The complex and diverse pathogenesis of different subtypes of emboli is subject to continuing speculation and is certainly
far more complex than ‘‘simple’’ mechanical obstruction after embolisation of vascular thrombi. Nonthrombotic emboli may also lead to a severe inflammatory reaction both in
the systemic and pulmonary circulation, as well as in the lung. Acute and chronic nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism are an underestimated cause of acute and chronic
pulmonary hypertension.

capillaries and veins [268]. The treatment goal is to maintain at and shrink gas bubbles because of higher diffusion gradient.
least normal blood pressure and to prevent hypotension [245]. Animal studies demonstrated an improvement in cardiovas-
Seizures should be suppressed with barbiturates [289], thereby cular function after AE [244], but more studies are needed to
reducing cerebral oxygen consumption [303]. For arterial GE, prove their efficacy in humans [314]. Nitric oxide (NO) might
hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) is the treatment of choice as soon as be involved in the prevention of bubble formation, the central
stabilisation has been achieved. The patient breathes 100% goal in decompression procedures. The intake of an NO donor
oxygen at a pressure above that of the atmosphere at sea level, reduces bubble formation following decompression in divers
decreasing the size of the gas bubbles by increasing the [315].
ambient pressure. The hyperoxia produces diffusion gradients
for oxygen into and for nitrogen out of the bubble [302]. HBO CONCLUSION
decreases cerebral oedema, allows better oxygenation of
Adipocytes, as well as haematopoietic, amniotic, trophoblastic
already ischaemic tissue and diminishes the activation of
or tumour cells, can embolise to the lung. This list may be
leukocytes [289, 304, 305]. Although recovery rates vary
extended to bacteria, fungi, foreign material and gas. This
widely, early application of HBO plays an important role in
diversity of emboli causes a wide variety of clinical signs also
the management of CAE: a significantly better outcome in
related to a complex and diverse pathogenesis. Far more
patients with venous AE with a delay in treatment of less than
complex than the ‘‘simple’’ mechanical obstruction after
6 hours was reported [290]. However, delayed treatment (up to
embolisation of vascular thrombi, nonthrombotic emboli may
48 hours) may still ameliorate the patient’s condition [306, 307].
additionally lead to severe inflammatory reactions both in the
As haemoconcentration leads to an increase in blood viscosity systemic and the pulmonary circulation (fig. 7). NTPE presents
[295, 308], normovolemia should be achieved to optimise the a formidable diagnostic challenge because the condition often
microcirculation and to reduce neurological damage [309]. presents with very unusual and peculiar clinical signs that are
Colloid solutions are preferable because crystalloid solutions frequently overlooked. They range from very dramatic hyper-
may promote cerebral oedema. The use of corticosteroids in acute presentations, such as ARDS in fat and AE, or signs
patients with arterial GE is even more controversial. CAE observed late in the disease course, such as in tumour emboli.
induces swelling of cells (‘‘cytotoxic oedema’’) [310], a type of Pathological observations play a key role in the exact diagnosis,
ischaemic injury aggravated by corticosteroids [311]. Animal as sometimes carefully aspirated blood from the PA or specific
studies suggest that lidocaine may be beneficial by preserving staining of cells recovered from BAL fluid may be helpful in the
cerebral blood flow [244] and reducing ICP [245]. In one diagnosis. Frequently, lung biopsies revealing the severe
clinical trial, lidocaine provided cerebral protection during granulomatous reaction or unfortunate post-mortem pathological
cardiac surgery [312]. The intravenous administration of investigations of pulmonary tissue are necessary to confirm the
fluorocarbons, characterised by high gas-dissolving capacity
and low viscosity [313], should increase tissue oxygen delivery
diagnosis. On thin-section CT of the lungs, peculiar radio-
graphic findings such a feeding vessel, the tree-in-bud pattern c

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