Emmanuel-Path of Light
Emmanuel-Path of Light
Emmanuel-Path of Light
Preface ........................................................................................................ 3
Greeting....................................................................................................... 4
1. The Basic Law Of All Existence
1.1 The Existence Of God ...................................................................... 5
1.2 The Energies 1.2.1 The Illusion Of Matter..................................... 7
1.2.2 Death And Reincarnation.............................................................. 8
1.2.3 The Permanence Of Energy....................................................... 10
1.3 Cause And Effect ............................................................................ 12
1.4 The Striving And The Ages............................................................ 14
2. Karma.................................................................................................... 17
3. Spirit Beings ......................................................................................... 19
4. Light Work
4.1 Light Protection................................................................................ 21
4.2 Chakra Exercise .............................................................................. 23
4.3 Light Work For Earth And Mankind .............................................. 25
4.4 Light Work For Dissolving Karma ................................................. 27
4.5 Light For Healing ............................................................................. 29
5. UFOs And Extraterrestrials ................................................................ 31
6. The Path To The Light ........................................................................ 33
7. The Chakras And The Bodies............................................................ 37
8. The Sense Of Life................................................................................ 42
9. Disease As A Path To The Light ....................................................... 44
9.1 Causes Of Disharmonies ............................................................... 46
9.2 Solutions For Disharmonies .......................................................... 48
9.3 Light Exercises For Disharmonies ................................................ 50
10. Sexuality And Partnership................................................................ 52
10.1 Abortion .......................................................................................... 53
10.2 Rape................................................................................................ 54
10.3 Homosexuality ............................................................................... 55
10.4 Partnership Of Souls .................................................................... 56
10.5 Spiritual Partnership ..................................................................... 58
11. Extrasensory Perception And Forces............................................. 60
11.1 Clairvoyance .................................................................................. 61
11.2 Clairaudiance................................................................................. 62
11.4 Extrasensory Feeling.................................................................... 65
12. Vibrations............................................................................................ 66
12.1 Changes Of The Vibrational Level ............................................. 67
12.2 The Power Of The Word .............................................................. 68
12.3 The Power Of Thought................................................................. 70
12.4 Vibrational Changes As Path To The Light ............................... 72
13. Meditation ........................................................................................... 73
14. The Virtues For The Path Of Light.................................................. 75
15. Birth And Death ................................................................................. 78
16. Letting Go ........................................................................................... 80
17. Dreams................................................................................................ 82
18. Nurturing And Maintaining The Body
18.1 The Importance Of Care Of The Human Body ......................... 84
18.2 Healthy Food ................................................................................. 86
Questions & Answers Part 1 .................................................................. 88
Questions & Answers Part 2 .................................................................. 95
Since 1990 I have been in contact with brother Emmanuel, and out
of this contact grew this script. The following chapters have been
directly channelled, i.e. they are the words of brother Emmanuel,
which came to me as thought input and were immediately written
down. Often thoughts of the spiritual beings are very complex
compared to ours, therefore some of the sentences are very
complex, too. The original channelling took place in 1996 and was
revised under advice from Emmanuel in 2005 to keep up with the
changes of mankind and global consciousness.
It took exactly two years to get this script "published" - doubt often
overcomes the ones who start their voyage. Finally I decided to have
the script published for free on this site so it may be of use for many
If you have any general questions that have not been answered in
this script, I would like to hear about it so we can make an additional
chapter on the matter. Drop me a note.
You are probably on the search for truths and on the search for the
sense of life, and you have some doubts in your belief. I am
Emanuel, a being from the heights of the spiritual worlds. I come to
you to teach you about the spiritual truths and universal laws, which
got lost for you in the course of the millennia. While the religions of
your times are giving you some truth, a lot of it was falsified,
changed, added and disposed. Now is the time that you rediscover
the truth, so that you can go the right path.
I ask you to read this script thoroughly, not to evaluate it right away,
but let it work with you so that you can find out the truth for yourself. I
don't want to pressure any belief upon you, but simply give you the
true answer to your questions. What you do with my answers is
totally up to you. May you find the right path!
1. The Basic Law Of All Existence
1.1 The Existence Of God
But there is another basic law which we will deal with later in greater
detail which says that there is a natural striving for broadening the
consciousness, for reaching higher levels of awareness, a striving for
experience. And therefore God created the universes, with all the
galaxies with their solar systems and planets, and therefore the
foundation for life on the planets was created. Thus, a balanced
system was created by God with energy giving suns, which give the
planets the right energy, and the planets were put on an orbit around
the sun so they stay with the sun and all parts of the planets receive
light in the predestined way.
and cannot be missing. And as God created the world out of himself,
out of his own energies, you are also a part of God, like all of the
creation around you. This is a very important point to recognise,
because you have God inside of you, and even though you are a
soul with your own will and individuality, you are still part of God.
Should you still have doubts about the existence of God, I want to tell
you that it would not be possible to have this perfect universe without
the guidance by an incredible intelligence, during its creation. Just
alone the existence of this harmonic, detailed world, held together by
perfect laws, is proof of the existence of God. Do you really believe
that the world is a random "error", as the scientists believe to be the
cause for the "big bang", the creation of the world? Do you believe,
that further consequences of irregularities and errors caused the
creation of the world and the evolution all the way to the creation of
man? Your scientists say this. After the development of life, errors in
the genes caused mutations and this is supposed to be responsible
for the varieties of species. Do you not agree that this is even harder
to believe than the targeted, planned development according to
God's laws? Even your scientists are more and more doubting, and
some even started to believe in the existence of a leading force
(God), because they have no explanations for the development any
But what is God? He is not only the creator of the worlds, the leading
hand in the development of life, the universe's legislature, but much
more. He is EVERYTHING that exists, and in the core God is pure
energy, pure light, pure love, pure being. He is the beginning, he is
the end, he is the present as well as the past and the future. Space
and time are melted together with him, God is the force that keeps
the universe together. Through his energies the world was created,
and to him the energies will flow back, as they are part of him.
1.2 The Energies
1.2.1 The Illusion Of Matter
Before God created the world, there was only energy. Matter came
out of energy, the relation between matter and energy was also
brought to you by Albert Einstein's famous formula:
This means, and Einstein's formula points to this, that matter or mass
is nothing else but energy, which shows itself in a special way to
form this physical world that you know. However this means that
what you call matter is only an illusion, because it is not as firm as
you normally assume. The "firm" matter consists of "emptiness" and
twirling energy, which can change its state and loose its apparent
firmness. Even though the condition of this illusionary world is very
useful so you can live your life on earth and to give it a certain
structure, a frame, that gives apparent limits, it is necessary to
become aware of its consistence for not falling into a wrong belief
about matter. Material things are useful in your life, but only as long
as they serve their purpose, and your purpose of life is not turned
towards the material. But we will discuss the purpose of life at later
point. For now we just want to realise, that the apparent matter is
useful for your life, a tool, given to you by God - and it is not the
purpose of your life to accumulate material things, which are just an
illusion and would be of no use for you after leaving your material
body (i.e. what you call death).
1.2.2 Death And Reincarnation
What is the meaning of death? Why do all living beings have to die?
What comes after death? Human beings have been wondering about
these questions for a long time. Why is this a subchapter to "The
When the human soul leaves the material body, it is freed from the
limitations of matter. It moves to the existence that has been named
the spirit world. There it is greeted by spiritual guides and the souls
that went to the spirit world before it, that is those you call "passed
over ", which were close to this soul. During the time of living on
earth every human is accompanied by a spiritual guide and a
guardian angel, and these then start to discuss the past life with this
"passed over ", so that it can fully grasp the meaning of this past life,
and it can understand the experiences and lessons. Much of this
seems understandable right after the transition into the spirit world,
other things need some explanations. It will be discussed, which
tasks got taken care of, and which ones were not recognised or put
off for so long that the completion in that lifetime became impossible.
life the energies of the soul team up with the ever changing energies
of the material body.
We can realise that death is the separation from a tool (the material
body), which we use temporarily for the development of the human
soul. This Soul needs many of these tools in many different
incarnations, to experience the various aspects of life and thereby to
develop and grow spiritually. "Death" is nothing definite, because
there are many lives ahead of you. "Death" is the removal of a tool
that limits the view and awareness. The process of dying is an
awakening to the true self, to which nowadays only very few people
have access to during life on earth.
1.2.3 The Permanence Of Energy
However, this also means that all energies that you create, high or
low, continue to exist until they are changed. So, when you cause
friction among each other and send out low vibrations during your
fights, these energies will continue to exist. "Karma" is the word for
these energetic loads that you cause. You waste so many energies
to put a load on yourself! All those energies that you send out want
to come back to you, because their are yours. There is of course a
way to dissolve such karma, but for that you have to completely
forgive those human beings that you have tensions with. Even when
they do you wrong, then it is not your task to judge them and to send
low thoughts or emotions to them or even commit active revenge. If
you can even forgive those human beings that purposely cause you
harm, then you can also be forgiven. The dissolving of older karma
will be offered to you at the right time as a task, do not worry about
that, it is more important to prevent that such energies flow out from
you that may cause new karma. Love your fellow humans
unconditionally, independently of their behaviour towards you, and
you can prevent new karma and start removing old karma. As you
learn to forgive and to love unconditionally, you will find out that it is
much easier to prevent new karma, but also remove old karma,
rather than carrying all this karma as a heavy burden around with
you. This condition is putting you under a lot of strain and, because
of its weight, holds you back from finding the path to the light and
stepping onto the path of your spiritual development.
strange and weird to them, because this would be a way out of their
displaced position in which they appear to feel so comfortable. Such
beings have come far off the path and cannot distinguish the good
from the bad, often feel attracted to dark forces and serve them. For
you, they are nearby to test your ability to love all beings universally
and unconditionally.
1.3 Cause And Effect
Also I want to point out that for all events in your life there is a cause.
There are no coincidences, nothing happens without a reason, as
every event is the result of certain circumstances. The coinciding of
various events has the result, that the "coincidence" happened.
When we look at the word coincidence, then this is even in its sense,
because it is a coinciding of events that are now showing their
effects. A coincidence according to the generally used meaning of
the word, as an event without a cause, without a reason, cannot
exist. When you say you coincidentally happened to meet a certain
person, then this is because of the coinciding events that led to that
person being at the place at the same time that you were there.
Therefore there are some very good reasons why you met that
person, and because you and that other person were at the same
location at the same time it couldn't have had any other effect than
that you met each other.
It is important to recognise this, because now you can realise that no
event happens "by accident", but has a cause. These causes are
often much more complex than what it seems. Many times when you
meet another person, there are much deeper reasons. There may be
an opportunity to work off some karma, or the first contact is made
for future work together. Often the reasons for such events are so
complex and lacking transparency for you that it may even take
years to recognise what the actual reason for such an event was.
Because of the lack of transparency your spirit guide on your side
can help you clear this situation up.
Let us realise at this point that every event has a cause and also an
effect, and nothing happens without a reason just by "coincidence",
as there always is a cause.
1.4 The Striving And The Ages
In the core of all energies of the universes, of all forms of life, of all
beings, there is a striving that God created, to give all beings a
guiding force or goal. It is present in all beings, regardless of their
state of development, regardless of how far off the path they have
gone, regardless of whether the being is following the light or has
fallen for darkness. This striving is the search for light, the search for
love, the search for fulfilment. In essence, this striving is the search
for a path to God, and on the energy level it is the striving of the
energies to reach higher levels or potentials. This takes place in step
by step, and the next step can only be taken when the energies have
been raised so they are compatible with those of the next step or
This step by step rising of the energy levels is in connection with the
surrounding energies and is subject to extensive and sophisticated
laws. The details of these laws are not of much importance to you,
therefore I will not explain them any further. However these laws
show that there are rules for the advancing of beings on the planets.
Just as planet earth and mankind is on the third major level of
development, other planets are on the same or on different levels.
These levels can also be called ages, of which there are seven. At
this time planet earth is just before the transition to the next age,
which you call Aquarius. However it seems that mankind is not all the
way ready for this transition. But earth is linked with a network of
planets, and I already mentioned the laws which govern the energy
levels of planets.
Other planets are ready for the transition to the next age just as
planet earth, and the beings on the other planets have prepared
themselves for the transition and are looking forward to the coming
age, which has many new and nice properties. On planet earth on
the other hand many people are far off the path and it is high noon to
return to the right path, the Path Of Light. More and more people are
beginning to understand the meaning of the transition to the new
age, even though there are some misleading interpretations about
this event. For this reason more and more high beings come to earth
to teach mankind and help with the search for the Path Of Light. That
is why you are reading these words.
Because, my dear friends, it is now the time for planet earth to go
through with this important step, and this step has to be taken now
for the sake of the balance of the universe. This earth is part of the
whole, and this part must and wants to get on a higher energy level
together with other parts. Mankind belongs to planet earth, therefore
mankind must also raise its energy levels so that the human souls
can remain on this planet.
How people deal with this event of the transition, is up to their own
free will. However, your decisions have effects on your own life, as
well as on the way mankind will perceive this transition. The birth of
this new age does not have to be painful, and any pain will be
caused by your thoughts and actions. Do not see this as a threat,
rather some loving advice, because we want to help you in this
difficult time. You still have a chance to perceive this event as
something incredibly beautiful, as something whose wonderful
memories will be with you forever. I do not want to give you an
apocalyptic feeling, instead the joy of looking forward to the
wonderful fourth age, whichever way the transition may be. Please,
concentrate your thoughts no longer on the how of the transition,
because that is of little importance, but on the fact that it takes place,
and look forward to the coming age, which will bring you much joy
and many wonderful experiences and such a knowledge and wisdom
which seems unbelievable at this time, but will be fascinating to you.
How the transition takes place still depends on you, although you
already have your foot in the doorway, and this transition which does
not only take seconds or minutes, but takes years, has already
begun. However, you can still influence its course. When you send
out light to all human souls, and all other beings on this planet, out of
which many have to suffer by human hand, and send light to your
planet earth, you are already contributing to raise the vibrations of
mankind and life on this planet, and you help your planet earth to go
through the changes "painlessly". The more you help earth, the less
you will be effected by the earth changes, essentially this means that
there will be less "natural disasters". You may think, if only a few
people do this, if there are only a few groups on earth that do such
light work, this would not help much. But consider, my dear friends, it
is not only a growing number of human beings, but remember that
you are not alone, there are spirit guides and guardian angels on
your side, and when you do spiritual work, many, many helpers from
the highest realms join you to assist you in this work. They help you
in sending the light as well as strengthening it. If you believe, you
can only do little, you are mistaken. Only when you don't do
anything, too little is happening!
2. Karma
The topic "karma" has caused confusion among you and was often
not quite understood, so I would like to use this chapter to deal with
First of all, the word "karma" has often been brought in connection
with guilt. Some even say that everything someone does "wrong",
leads to more and more karma, leading to a vicious circle of
inescapable karma. Some also say that the "score" needs to be
evened out, that your account of "negative karma" must be evened
out with "positive karma" by good deeds. This is not my definition of
karma, as I simply define it as the effect of an action.
experience", as it has been beneficial to your soul, although very
uncomfortable whilst experiencing it.
When you forgive each other, and you truly do this with your heart,
then your karma can be freed, because the low connections, the
tensions, can get dissolved with this expression of love, and the low
energies can be changed. As not every human on earth is going to
read these words and follow them, there will be beings that you did
harm to who did not forgive you. It is your turn to ask for forgiveness,
maybe in silence or in a meditation. This can also work, as the souls
of those who you did harm to can forgive, even if they never express
this to you. Without forgiveness these tensions can also be removed
by reparation, by serving those people in a special way, and this
service is an expression of love which dissolves the karma, and
should not be seen as "repayment", rather allowing love to be
expressed in a way that the soul can recognise its meaning, thus the
symbolic "reparation". However karma can also be dissolved through
special spiritual work (see chapter 4.4).
3. Spirit Beings
As mentioned before in this script, you are not on earth without help
from the spirit side. There is a spirit guide on your side, and a
guardian angel, and there are other spirit beings that are helping you
during various parts of your life and aid you in specific tasks.
Your spirit guide is a being that is close to you in the spiritual plane
and has excellent knowledge of the tasks that you have set for
yourself for this lifetime. Your guide knows your true self better than
you can recognise it yourself right now. Your guide never leaves
from your side during your entire stay on earth, and is always
available to answer any question. It is your guide's task to be your
advisor, and you can completely trust his answers. Of course you
have your free will to follow this advice or go a different way, that
may lead to your goal, but the advice of your spirit guide always
shows you the most direct way, without detours, without taking any
misleading path, without dead ends. The only problem appears to
be, that most humans do not know about this spirit guide, and those
who know, have difficulties communicating with their guide.
Most likely every one of you has heard that silent voice within, that
gave you some good advice that you either followed - or not. Of
course it is difficult for you to distinguish this silent voice that gives
you good advice from your own thoughts. However, with some
practice you are able to distinguish these voices. In the beginning it
is advisable to put the hand on your heart and feel inwards. When
you feel peace and love you will soon notice that then you are
hearing the voice of your spirit guide, or thoughts from your own
soul. But if you do not feel anything special when you put your hands
on your heart or even have an uncomfortable feeling, then you are
not in contact with your spirit guide. When you feel low or tense
emotions, then it is time to fill your body with white light, as it may be
possible that dark forces are trying to influence you, to get you off the
right path. It would be generally a good idea to fill yourself with white
light before each time you attempt to contact your spirit guide (see
chapter 4.1), to avoid any contact with lower beings. Going inside to
listen to your guide is an opening up, and protection through light is
advisable to be able to work without getting troubled by dark forces
which are trying to hinder or prevent your spiritual development.
Where there is light, darkness cannot exist, because darkness
is the absence of light.
4. Light Work
4.1 Light Protection
We begin by turning to our guardian angel and spirit guide and thank
them for the help they have provided. Now we ask our guardian
angel to protect us during our spiritual work, to render dark forces
powerless, and to support us during our spiritual work. We also ask
our spirit guide to lead and assist us.
We become aware of the spark of divine light in our heart, which is
our connection to God and our soul. We let this spark grow to a
flame that gets bigger and bigger, and finally it becomes a small sun
that fills our entire material body. It expands out through our entire
aura, our soul, and enlightens it. Filled like that with light, darkness
has no room inside of us. This light shines out far into the
countryside and is a sign for other astral beings that light work is
being exercised, and they rush to stand by your side.
room. Any darkness trying to reach you will only be enlightened, thus
posing no risk to you, as it is no longer dark. Fear not the dark - just
give it light. Darkness is part of creation just as you are, it is energy
at a very low level, therefore do not fight it, but realise that being in
and of the Light means darkness cannot harm you. Thus, practice
being in Light frequently. This not only protects you, but brings you
closer to your true self, as in essence you, your soul, are pure divine
4.2 Chakra Exercise
The seven energy centers of your body, the chakras (see chapter 7
for more details on chakras), are a very important part of your
existence and control your bodily well being and the material
aspects, and therefor it is a good idea to give them special attention.
The chakras are not only your connection to your physical body, but
also the key to your development. They are the gateway for your
goal, through them you can raise your energies, or lower them
through misuse. An unprotected "opening" of chakras by someone
unexperienced can have severe consequences, as many energies
can get disturbed and bring the human being out of balance.
Therefor caution is recommended in use of any chakra exercises, of
which there are many, and some of them can do more harm than
good. Therefor I want to introduce a safe chakra exercise at this
point, which has also been publicised elsewhere. This exercise is of
special meaning at this time of transition to the new age. Through
these chakra exercises it is possible to raise the energies of the
chakras in a safe and powerful way, to strengthen the flow of
energies and at the same time cleanse the chakras from disturbing
You start this exercise by sitting down like for a meditation, or do this
before a meditation. At first exercise the threefold light protection as
shown in the previous chapter 4.1. Then picture a finger thick golden
beam of light that enters your body at the tail bone and from there
flows to the first chakra (root chakra). Become aware of the effects of
the golden light on the chakra. Now guide the beam of golden light
up to the second chakra. Feel the beam of golden light, how it enters
your body and flows through the first chakra to the second. Feel the
connection of these two chakras. Become aware of the effects of the
golden light on the second chakra. Now guide the golden beam of
light up to the third chakra (solar plexus), and feel the beam of light,
how it flows through the first and second chakra and now enlightens
and fills the third chakra. Feel the connection that has been made
between these chakras and feel the influence of the golden light on
the third chakra. Continue this exercise until you reach the seventh
chakra and you feel the connection of all chakras. From the seventh
chakra guide the beam of light out of your body, connecting yourself
with God and the divine consciousness as well as the spirit world.
Feel how the golden light flows through your seven chakras, how the
energy comes to you from God and connects you with the astral
world. It is an energy cycle that gives you strength, raises your
energies, and cleans your material and higher bodies (the seven
bodies will be explained in chapter 7).
Through this exercise the chakras get tuned and your higher self and
your consciousness get closer together, and your awareness widens.
Your material body will be able to serve you better, because tuning
takes place that brings more harmony to your physical body.
It is very important that you do this exercise no less than twice a day,
because this way the chakras are protected. However, it is also
recommended to do this chakra exercise exactly twice a day to
ensure progress. Only this way your energies keep rising in exactly
that way that is right for you. It is best to do this exercise in the
morning and in the evening. On the other hand, it is extremely
important to do this exercise no more than twice a day. Practising
this exercise twice a day offers you a development that is right for
you. Don't be over-zealous or think, the more the better! Here it is not
true because excessive use of this exercise would cause a
development too fast for you, which you would not be able to handle
and bring you out of balance. Therefor please observe that this
exercise really should not be done more than twice a day.
4.3 Light Work For Earth And Mankind
Begin your light work for earth and mankind with the threefold light
protections (see chapter 4.1), then you widen the light that you have
formed inside and around you and shape a dome of light around
your house. Let this dome grow until the village/town/city in which
you live is within this dome, and light reaches all beings in this dome.
You widen this dome further, until the whole country in which you live
is filled with light, so that you send light to all humans of your
country, but also to all animals, plants and other living beings. The
dome of light increases in size and covers the whole continent. Now
the light, that comes from God and is sent out by your request,
reaches all beings on this continent. But the dome keeps getting
bigger, reaches other continents and the oceans, and finally expands
to be a giant sphere around all of earth, her atmosphere, and all
beings on her, with a harmonising and uplifting effect. By sending
light to earth you help her with her transition, she has suffered some
damage through mankind and now can use your help with this
transition. Through this simple exercise you are at the same time
able to do your share to help mankind's development.
4.4 Light Work For Dissolving Karma
Of course you will not be able to resolve all karma completely with
this exercise, but you can relieve yourself of some of the load from
these energies and prepare the path to resolving it, and the solving
itself will be eased. Some karma may even be totally dissolved with
this exercise, especially with karma that exists because of energies
you spilled and are now a burden to yourself (e.g. jealousy, hatred),
especially if these tensions are only affecting you and have not
caused any tensions with other beings.
situation which allowed you to experience life and relations, then you
have made a big step toward resolving this karma, towards freeing
yourself from it. The tension energies can be changed and no longer
burden you. You can do this exercise daily to free yourself from
some of the karmic load to help your spiritual development. But do
not try to treat too many situations at once, it would be best to treat
only one at a time until it has been dissolved. This may sometimes
take several days or even weeks, depending on the circumstances of
this situation. Afterwards you can continue with the next situation that
comes to mind.
4.5 Light For Healing
Jesus Christ used energy of light to heal, and for a long time there
have been humans that have used energies for healing. In many
parts of the world there are healing circles and healers that use light,
a pure energy from God, to treat primarily physical ailments.
However, there are some big differences in which energies are used
and how they work, as well as the type of energy and their source.
Many healers that have "magnetic" hands use their own energies
and are weakened through the healing work, others work more or
less as a "channel" for divine energies. Often there is an energy
exchange between healer and patient, so that this is not just an
application of energy.
In recent times there have been organisations who made widespread
promises that they use pure life force for healing, but many misused
teachings and symbols so that their strength and power was
reduced, because healing or treating with light or life force is much
more than charging or channelling energies that somehow flow
through the hands of the healer. When a healer of the light agrees to
be a channel for energies, then through his willpower and his laying
on of hands almost nothing is happening, except maybe an
exchange of human energies. The help of healing angels is
necessary, because they guide the light to the healer and through
him to the patient. Only with their help strong light healing can take
There are many different energies, just as there are many different
colours. Just the way it is with colours, different energy has different
qualities. Therefore even among those healers, that work as a pure
channel, there are big differences, because different energies are
used, that have different effects. There are also some differences in
the quantity, because not all healers have a wide open flow of
energy. Actually all humans have a channel for energies, but it is
closed up for most of them. Therefore there are some holy initiations
through which humans are able to clean these channels and open
them up for the flow of energies. Then it is necessary to be trained in
the proper use of the energies. For that one should visit a teacher of
such energy. But choose your teacher wisely, because there are
many different schools, and some have become useless because of
misuse by its practitioners. The healing angels do not like the misuse
of their help and have left those schools so that the healing energy
among such schools became weaker and weaker.
5. UFOs And Extraterrestrials
These days people talk more and more about UFOs and
extraterrestrials. As there are some misunderstandings and lack of
information, I want to devote this chapter to this topic.
UFOs and extraterrestrials have been in contact with mankind for a
long time. Already in the previous age there has been a lot of traffic
between this planet and others. There are some planets that are, just
like earth, at the present in the third dimension, who have however
developed their technology further and have the means for
interplanetary transport. Actually, many different cultures have visited
your planet this century, dozens of planets have sent their spacecraft
to earth for various reasons. As mankind has changed a lot during
the last two centuries through the industrialisation and technological
development - which was seeded by cultures from other planets -,
and the role of mankind on this planet changed, there has been an
increased interest from beings of other planets. Since man tried to go
into space, and space travel and exploration began, this interest
increased even more. The world wars and the cold war also caused
attention, especially for beings of low moral development.
However, not all beings that come to you have such low intentions.
Some simply came to observe you, without influencing the course of
your development. Others even come to you to help you in your
development of spiritual growth. In various parts of the world there
has been contact between well-prepared humans, some even were
taken by higher developed beings to other planets to receive
teachings. This has taken place in previous times, too, but in the
present it is happening at an increased rate to help mankind with the
transition into the fourth dimension. There is actually a lot of space
traffic between earth and the home planets of those beings, but this
traffic cannot be observed much because the spacecraft of these
beings are on a higher level of existence and therefore are invisible
to the human eye under normal circumstances. Those beings are
working hard to prepare the arrival of mankind in the fourth
dimension, and try to assist in various ways. These beings you need
not fear, but if you ever come in contact with extraterrestrials you
need to be cautious and you should find out what level is the source
of these beings. Beings with good intentions always leave you your
free will and will not perform any un-requested medical examinations
on you. Remember the threefold light protection (chapter 4.1) and
ask your guardian angel for help!
6. The Path To The Light
As God created mankind and all of creation out of himself, all the
energies that went out from God will return back to him. Everything
seeks fulfilment. All the souls that live on all the planets and moons
have the desire to find God which means fulfilment and reuniting with
God. Every human is equal in the core of being and has divine
abilities, and the deepest core of the soul is a spark of God that
shows the way.
Although everything around this core is made from His energies, the
surrounding energies represent various qualities and characteristics.
The material and the higher bodies, that form the human being,
represent various levels of energies which represent the
development of man. In the beginning all human souls received the
same gifts and qualities, but they were all given individuality, and
their own will.
Through the different incarnations all souls went their own paths of
development. The human souls went through some very dark times,
which brought them many important experiences.
Now the time of change has come, the time of transition into a new
age. At this time humans are given many opportunities to catch up
with the work they had put off, and get on with spiritual development.
But there are also many experiences which need to be collected to
allow this development, and harmonisation of the human energies is
needed, to allow humans to be compatible with the new age.
Especially at this time there is a lot of help from the spirit side, much
aid is provided for you. This can be seen e.g. when you observe how
"eastern wisdom" has travelled to Europe and North America like
many Yoga schools, meditation schools and other forms and
methods that are meant for the development of spirit and soul. Also
schools of healing have come about with a large number of teachers
that serve spiritual progress. There is an abundance of meditation
exercises, chakra exercises, healing exercises, body-soul-exercises.
This abundance of methods maintains your God given right to
choose, so that each human may recognise which exercise is useful
to them, and you have to consider that each human being has
different needs. However some of these so-called teachings and
methods were created to lead on a wrong path. In this script I will not
be able to make a list of "useful" and "useless" teachings or
methods, as I would prevent some souls from making necessary
experiences, but there are some warning signs that can protect you
from dangerous or unnecessary misleading paths.
Check out all teachings with your heart, you be the one to make the
decision! You should never feel forced to accept a teaching, because
then you would probably never accept it fully, maybe follow it
externally but not live it wholeheartedly. Also beware of teachers that
force something on you that you cannot agree with from your heart.
Also be aware of teachers that claim that their knowledge is the only
truth. There are many paths to reach the goal, longer paths and
shorter paths, but they all eventually reach the goal. I want to show
you the path that from my spiritual view looks like the shortest one,
but my truth is not the only way, and any teaching that claims to be
the only truth is arrogant and ignorant and thus far from being of the
You may be asking yourself what further steps you could take as
maybe the information in this script seems insufficient to you, as it is
meant to be just a brief general overview. Well, my friend, my
teachings are sufficient to get on the Path Of Light, and there are
probably some additional exercises and teachings that you may
encounter, but remember to always check them with against your
feelings in your heart.
Also, you can practice to check with your spirit guide, and also check
his/her answer with your heart. This way you can find out which way
is best for your own spiritual development. There is a number of
teachers that are very helpful, but they are outnumbered by those
that are less useful or misleading. The time of the transition into the
new age is a time of challenges, and this is reflected by the esoteric
"explosion". Many traps are put in your way to challenge your belief,
to challenge your love for God. Be aware of the dangers, and you will
be able to recognise them so that you can pass them by, as you
become aware of the power of light, and realise that you are not left
alone with making your decisions, because good advisors are on
your side. Of course you have your free will, and you are responsible
for the consequences, but your spirit guide will not lead you astray
and will always show you the direct way for your spiritual growth,
even though your mind may see a different path as an easier one.
However the easier path is not necessarily the easier one from a
spiritual point of view, because the apparent easier path is a
temptation to get off the spiritual Path Of Light. Become aware of the
love for God, and his love for you, keep this love always in your
heart, become aware of the valuable helpers on your side, and your
spiritual journey on the Path of Light can begin!
the light doorway, gate or tunnel you enter a nice place (pasture,
beach, mountains,...) where your spirit guide, guardian angel and
maybe other beings are expecting you.
Spend some time at this beautiful, calm and energising place, get
yourself "charged up" with the fine vibrations of this plane. You may
talk with your spirit guide or guardian angel to receive further
teachings or advice, or maybe get some of your questions answered
regarding your spiritual development. After some time (10 to 60
minutes) return through the light gate or tunnel to your material body
that serves you to make experiences on earth. Sometimes it may
seem so wonderful to be on the astral plane that returning may not
be desired, but you need to be aware of the wonderful gift of human
life you received, what a great opportunity it is, thus it is important to
return to this body - well knowing that you can return to the re-
energising state of being your Self any time by repeating the
The use of these exercises lead you to the Path of Light and towards
the completion of your spiritual development, towards reuniting with
God. You could even reach that goal in this lifetime, but for most
humans it is not very probable that they understand love to and from
God in such a short time and to accept it deeply and fully. It is the
goal of all human life to understand and experience the true and
deep meaning of love, the universal unconditional love for all in
God's creation.
7. The Chakras And The Bodies
The human soul is connected to more than just the material body. In
fact, the human being consist of seven bodies.
1. The most obvious body is the material body, that is on the
lowest vibrational level.
2. The ethereal body is on the next higher vibrational level. It
bridges the connection of the material body to the higher
bodies and helps with the control of the material body, as it
maintains the energy level of all parts of the material body.
Disharmonies of the material body are mirrored in the
ethereal. The ethereal body is very similar to the material
body in size and shape and extends only a few fractions of
an inch (a few millimetres) outside the skin of the material
body. For most people, this body is invisible, while some can
see this body as a slight light around the material body.
3. The third body of the human being is the emotional body. It's
vibrational level is similar to feelings. It reaches several
inches, up to about two feet (20 to 50 centimetres), outside
the material body. Also this body is invisible to most people,
as its vibrational level is far outside the spectrum the human
eyes can see. This body and all higher bodies can however
be seen with the third eye, but it usually requires a lot of
4. The "lower" mental body is on the fourth level. This is the
vibrational level of thoughts and ego.
5. The "higher" mental body is on the fifth level. On its level we
find consciousness, ideas and the intellect. The third, fourth
and fifth bodies are the ones that primarily do the processing
of the experiences that we make through the use of our
material body.
6. The intuitive body is on the sixth level. As the name says,
here we are on the level of intuition.
7. The seventh body is universal consciousness and is
frequently called the causal body. Together with the intuitive
body it forms the higher self and the permanent soul. The
causal body reflects all experiences and events that the soul
has ever had. The universal consciousness includes the
unlimited possibilities and is the link to God - it is not just a
link, but a pure part of God within us. It forms the unity of the
soul and testifies of the endlessness of space and time in
which the soul exists. Hence, there is no real "limit" to the
dimension of this body - it extends outward indefinitely. The
drawing below, showing a boundary of the seventh body,
merely symbolizes the denser, focused area of the seventh
A sketch of the approximate dimensions of the seven bodies
(size inaccurate and may vary)
= physical body
= ethereal body
= emotional body
= "lower" mental body
= "higher" mental body
= intuitive body
= causal body
To allow the harmonic functioning of all these different bodies, and to
allow the soul a temporary bonding with the material body, they are
connected through seven energy centres, the chakras. The chakras
are lined up along the spine and in the head of the material body.
The chakras are located:
1. at the tailbone
2. on the spine near the top of the pelvis
3. on the spine near the solar plexus
4. on the spine near the heart
5. in the neck
6. in the centre of the head near the forehead
7. at the top of the skull
When the chakras are not functioning properly there can be
problems with relaying some information, which can cause various
problems, e.g. emotional problems when a human being cannot
properly process physical contact because of a problem with the
chakras. Also problems on the mental level can be caused, as the
connection between the material sensory organs to the mental
bodies can be disturbed. Many problems that show themselves in
emotional or mental areas can be caused by chakra problems.
These chakra problems can have various reasons, but most of the
time it is an unbalanced spiritual development or karmic cause that
disturbs the harmony of the chakras and the bodies. There are some
healers that can help with such chakra problems, but the underlying
problems need to be solved, because without solving the causes the
problem will either persist or be moved to another area. The only
way that leads out of this problem area is the Path of Light, because
only this way the causes can be completely dissolved. For minor
disturbances of the chakras the chakra exercise in chapter 4.2 can
offer some help and flush out the causes so you can work them out.
It is important to look at these problems in a holistic way, because
when the causes get ignored they will continue to disturb the balance
of the human being. Therefore regular light work (as shown in
chapter 4) is necessary to overcome the disturbances, solve their
causes and to prevent a shifting of symptoms.
8. The Sense Of Life
Many people have searched for the sense of life and expressed
various ideas and philosophies. From a spiritual point of view the
sense of life is explained in the great teachings. Every human soul
was shaped in love by God out of himself and was given
individuality, so that each soul can make its own experiences. This
way God himself wanted to find out what it means to make different
decisions, and what can be learnt from that and what behavioural
patterns evolved from this. In a natural way hereby he created a
great number of individual souls, that developed each in their own
way. This explains why some souls appear to be higher evolved than
others and some have even gone so deeply into low vibrations and
followed temptations which led them far away from their goal.
The creator not only gave all beings the wish for spiritual growth,
which is the basis of humans' search for spiritual knowledge and
identity, but he also gave all souls the same basic conditions so that
each soul has the same ability to develop. The creation of the souls
with the right to free will and with individuality caused them to
develop very differently through the course of the many incarnations.
Some souls were very busy, recognised the right path and advanced
quickly, while others preferred easier paths that were less
productive, and yet others fell for the temptations of lower vibrations.
However God is a fair God, and he created the laws that are the
basis of the existence of all souls. One of the main laws is the law of
karma, even though many humans cannot see justice in the plan of
God, there is this cosmic justice.
Now is the time that more humans remember these cosmic laws,
because a society that follows them has no violence and crimes,
because they would all know that any violation of these laws would
have consequences that cannot be escaped - and would realize that
since God made us all out of himself, we are all part of God, we are
all One, so what one does to another, is essentially done to
themselves - and as much as we do not want to purposely hurt
ourselves, we would not do so to another. Modern day crime rate is
rooted upon the loss of moral - cheating, lying, betraying - and the
belief of most criminals that they have a good chance to escape
punishment. This may be true for earthly punishment, however the
karmic debt will stay with this soul (see chapter 2). With the
increasing deterioration of moral and spiritual values, crime rate
increases. This is a sign to return to the true values that make the
core of being human. In your core, you are love, you are light - you
are divine, and it is time to realise this and live accordingly, instead
of contradictory to this truth. Once you realise the truth, it is
impossible to ignore it and act against it.
For the individual who reads this script it is important to realise that
there is a deeper sense in life that applies to all forms of life. Besides
this deeper sense there are the before mentioned chosen tasks that
are specific to this or a series of incarnations of the soul.
9. Disease As A Path To The Light
But what is a holistic treatment of diseases from a spiritual point of
view? First of all, disease is an important alarm signal; a deadly
disease is the final, ultimate alarm. Diseases can be avoided when
the human being is on the spiritual path and has learned to observe
his development so that early warning systems for a disharmony are
recognised and thus the disharmony can get dissolved in a spiritual
9.1 Causes Of Disharmonies
It needs to be noted that there are some human souls that actively
and purposely allow for a disease to enter the body to be able to
make special experiences and to possibly allow others to make
certain experiences from dealing with a human being confronted with
this disease.
9.2 Solutions For Disharmonies
Besides light work, meditation for connecting with the self and for
experiencing the self would be advisable to increase the harmony
with the soul. There are a number of suitable meditation types. A
meditation using the light protection that leads to meeting the higher
self, the spirit guide or the guardian angel, is very helpful, because
this way the human being can be advised by suitable spirit beings,
and this is a very individual method in harmony with the development
of the human being. This way the human being is guided to the Self
and learns to be one's Self, and can simultaneously get on with the
own spiritual development.
9.3 Light Exercises For Disharmonies
For specific problems with disharmonies there are some easy light
exercises that can be used in addition to the methods mentioned in
the previous chapter.
With these exercises it should be considered that "miracles" are
possible but should not be expected, because the causes for the
disease may be very deep and difficult to overcome. Patience is
important, and to learn that diseases can be avoided, but not
immediately after starting to practice these exercises.
10. Sexuality And Partnership
10.1 Abortion
Many on this earth say that they have the right to choose. Of course
you do. You have the right to choose safe sex. You also do even
have the right to choose abortion - however, you must be aware that
this is the same right of choice that any human has - and that there
are consequences to your actions. Choosing abortion is choosing to
kill another human. While this may be legal or not in the society you
live in, you need to be fully aware of what abortion means, so you
can make a wise choice.
10.2 Rape
Rape definitely has consequences for the rapist, and the victims
should try to forgive the assailant. Forgiving may not be easy for the
victims, but it is necessary in order to put these experiences behind
and go on with life, without low emotions which would be hindering
their spiritual growth. Hate against the assailant only surrounds you
with low energy, but it is important to remember universal love and to
transform low emotions of hate through forgiveness.
10.3 Homosexuality
10.4 Partnership Of Souls
Under such circumstances letting go of the relationship can be a
letting go in the karmic sense and therefore such a separation could
bring karmic relief that is needed for spiritual progress. There is no
general rule for what should be done in a difficult partnership -
learning from dealing with the conflict, or separation. Generally, the
spiritual importance of the relationship should be considered; in most
cases the experience of working out the problems is the most
sensible solution for the spiritual development, but in a few cases a
separation can be useful from a spiritual view, when only one of the
two partners is progressing significantly spiritually and the other
partner is causing a slow down or is hindering the development, and
when no severe consequences for any children are likely.
10.5 Spiritual Partnership
In a partnership two spirit beings meet, that are going to live together
for many years. They share housing, eat together and in many cases
become parents. When both partners realise, which is the spiritual
path for them, and decide to walk it together, this will become an
enrichment for their relationship as well as their own spiritual
development. Meditations and light work should be done together, to
form a small group. The more human beings come together for a
protected meditation (see chapter 4.1), the more astral beings will be
attracted to the work and are helping by their side, guide light and
positive energies to the group which is enhancing the spiritual work.
Through this the spiritual training of these humans is pushed forward
and gets prepared on the astral level. Of course there is help
available to individuals as well, but the effect is stronger in group
work. When a human pair devotes time to spiritual work together,
that work becomes more intense and promotes advancement.
Additionally, exchange of perceived experiences is possible, which is
of further help.
allows humans to experience this connection, first on a small
scale with the partner, and upon further development this
expands into oneness with All.
11. Extrasensory Perception And Forces
These areas of perception are very limited, but sufficient for human
life on earth. Other beings have other areas of perception, e.g. bats
and dogs can hear different frequencies than humans. Snakes and
insects also perceive other light frequencies than the human eye can
see. The light frequencies visible to the human eye are only a small
part of that what surrounds you, as your scientists can tell you, too.
In addition to the visible light, there are X-Rays, infrared light and
those frequencies that transmit radio and TV broadcasts, and there
are many more, yet undiscovered finer light frequencies, that are
hard or impossible to detect with physical means. The spirit world
consists of such invisible and undetectable frequencies, just as the
frequencies of worlds on higher levels including higher developed
beings from such planets. Because of the limited ability for
perception and influence on the surrounding frequencies, it is
however possible to develop the senses that are able to perceive
other areas, and have an influence on them.
11.1 Clairvoyance
Some humans have the strong desire to be able to see such areas.
Although it is possible with some special exercises to promote the
development of these (extra)sensory perceptions, the spiritual
development of the human, and the cleansing and strengthening of
the chakras is the only suitable way for the soul to open up the third
eye which makes clairvoyance possible. Forcing to open the third
eye is something dangerous for the unprepared soul and does not
serve spiritual development. Be warned of hallucinogens, these may
rip open the third eye with consequences for many incarnations.
11.2 Clairaudiance
11.3 Telepathy And Telekinesis
Telepathy is not the same as, but similar to, clairaudiance. During
clairaudiance thoughts are received which have been sent out.
Telepathy is the directed conscious transmission of thoughts of a
sender to a recipient, the "mind reader", that plays an active role. As
thoughts are mirrors by our aura, especially the mental body, it is
possible to perceive these thoughts when trained for this. It is also
possible to transmit thoughts to others. As long as this happens with
both persons' agreement this is in harmony with God's plan.
Clairaudiance can be understood as a telepathy with that astral
being who sends thoughts to a human recipient, without bridging a
large distance, which is possible with telepathy. Telepathy is part of
probably not ready yet, because this would mean that their purpose
is not understood.
11.4 Extrasensory Feeling
Some humans have developed this ability very well and can feel the
aura with their hands, some healers even developed the ability with
powers similar to telekinesis to make changes in the aura and
thereby cause changes in the physical body. Others use dowsing
rods to explore astral fields (e.g. geophysical phenomenon like
electromagnetic field lines or waterline disturbances). The use of
tools such as dowsing rods and pendulums for the exploration of the
astral levels is a good way to sensitise and train this ability.
12. Vibrations
Out of this some conclusions can be drawn that are important for the
spiritual path. In the following, let us take a closer look at these
12.1 Changes Of The Vibrational Level
The spiritual path is the way for positive changes of the vibrational
level of the human soul. However, there are other life forms that can
change and raise their energies. We need to realise that everything
is energy, and even planet earth is energy. Actually, planet earth is
not "dead" matter but a life form, like all planets. This being, "earth",
is now in the process of entering the next dimension, entering the
next higher level of energy. This transition results in some changes
for mankind which are frequently reported and discussed in spiritual
and other circles. This was already mentioned in chapter 1.4.
12.2 The Power Of The Word
Words and songs are acoustic vibrations, that have far more
importance than communication or entertainment. The vibrations of
words influence much more than the ear. Words are spoken out
thoughts, which are transmitted to the listeners. We will be talking
about the significance of the power of thought in the following
chapter, here we want to discuss the thoughts that manifest as
words. These (not only acoustic) vibrations flow through the entire
human body, and have an influence on the nerve system and glands
as well as the other bodies and therefore can have an influence on
emotions and thought.
This influence of the entire human organism with all seven bodies
(see chapter 7) can have creative or destructive effects. Most of the
time, these days people use words carelessly and are not aware of
the deeper meaning of words. Sometimes a hurting effect may be
intentional, and you even say, "that hurts", when someone says
something insulting to you. This causes manifestations in the
emotional body which need to be dissolved, and when excessive,
can even lead to disease if it is not taken care of (see chapter 9). Of
course, there is the option to limit this counterproductive influence by
regular use of the triple light protection. Even more importantly, it is
necessary to learn to reduce such misuse of words, by everyone
trying to avoid the use of mean or painful words. Instead, more and
more humans should make an effort to use positive words, that are
supportive, cause joy and therefore raise the energies.
Sadly, most humans have not realised which role spoken words
have. This can be used creatively as described above, however also
destructively, when words are used carelessly or even purposely
used to "hurt" others, this can cause actual damage to the aura.
When negative thoughts are put into words and are spoken out, they
distribute low vibrations that "steal" energies from the humans that
get "hurt". A human being who is not filled with light can get
weakened and take up such low energies and carry them around
until this human learns to transform these energies into higher ones.
The most important step towards this would be regular use of the
triple light protection. Regular light work for dissolving existing
energy load would be additionally advisable.
12.3 The Power Of Thought
You gain more control over your thought when you get involved in
spiritual work. Just as with spoken words, thoughts can do more than
be destructive, thought can be very useful and constructive. Try to
think high level thoughts, by turning to a higher view of life, by
becoming more optimistic, and instead of looking for mistakes, look
for solutions.
12.4 Vibrational Changes As Path To The Light
13. Meditation
Decide with your heart, and when an inner change urges you to
switch to another method, then follow your heart.
Wherever and however you may be meditating, always remember to
use the triple light protection. Then you will find the right path and
promote your spiritual development.
14. The Virtues For The Path Of Light
As a lot of humans are not sure about which virtues and moral
values are of importance to the spiritual development, I want to
introduce the most important ones here. The following guidelines are
suggestions for a virtuous life and are neither complete nor perfect,
but a starting point for the Path of Light. They should not be followed
fanatically, but be "food for thought" for contemplating about virtues,
upon which you may decide to accept them or not. The following
rules are recommendations by higher spirit beings, you decide what
you are willing to accommodate in your life.
5. Love your fellow humans and yourself, too. Love your life
and that of the other beings around you, all were made by
the same creator, from the same source.
8. Think high. Avoid low, destructive thoughts and be optimistic.
Do not worry about what could go wrong, but concentrate on
solutions. Learn to listen to your heart.
10. Make an effort to dissolve old karma, and try to prevent the
creation of new karma.
11. Forgive those, that harmed you, and pray that the harm you
have done may be forgiven.
isolated food like white sugar and white flour, as well as
industrialised food such as factory made ready meals.
18. Live in humility and respect for God's creation and God
15. Birth And Death
need to dissolve their anchors. This process begins within hours
after death and is completed after two to three days.
16. Letting Go
light with some help of imagination, but the actual healing work is
done by the light and healing angels, not by the one picturing the
light. But also during meditation letting go can be applied, let
yourself be guided by your spirit guide and let go of your mind's will,
and you will experience a more wonderful and teaching meditation
than one guided by mental willpower. Of course, letting go can be
applied to other areas in life as well. However, it takes practice to
learn to let go of your own wilfulness and trust spiritual guidance.
17. Dreams
When a human being rests the physical body and enters the state of
sleep, the soul does not rest. A soul does not sleep, only the human
material body needs rest to allow regenerative processes to work,
which can only take place during sleep - however, what is mostly
unknown, is that sleep is also needed for the soul, although the soul
does not rest - but the soul needs some "time off" from being in a
physical body. Indeed, this "time off" is the prime purpose of sleep,
contrary to the common belief that it only serves to give the physical
body a rest, it is rather that the soul needs a rest. During this "time
off" the soul enters areas of the spirit world, which some of you call
the "dream world". Many encounters here may seem very real and
very earthly. These realms serve the soul to make special
experiences, but also to get in contact with beings of the spirit world.
This offers an opportunity to deal with these fears and begin to
dissolve them.
18. Nurturing And Maintaining The Body
18.1 The Importance Of Care Of The Human Body
You were given a physical body for this life, which in its variety,
complexity and functionality is an excellent tool. But the physical
body is more than a tool, because it became part of your existence.
Although this aspect of your being is only temporary, for the time of
this incarnation it is an important part
of you.
For each incarnation you only receive one physical body, varying in
detail, depending on the tasks you scheduled, programmed for
certain abilities (like they say, "it's in the genes"). Regardless of the
tasks it is important for everyone to maintain the physical body and
keep it in good condition. As your soul is connected with the physical
body, disharmonies and blockages within the soul have an effect on
the physical body as described in chapter 9, but this effect is not a
one way street. When a human being mistreats or neglects the
physical body, this can have an effect on the soul. This occurs
especially when a human purposely damages the body or has
someone damage it (e.g. masochists). Such a behavior leads to
deeper psychological problems affecting the soul, even though the
original cause may have been psychological but can also have been
caused from mental planes (e.g. curiosity). Here you can see the
connection between all parts and aspects of the human being.
However, in this case an action on the physical plane has an effect
on the physical body which loops the effect to the soul plane,
causing growing confusion and destruction of values and morale,
engaging in a feedback loop involving this human more and more
until possible total destruction of the physical body. This is only an
example regarding masochism, but I need to point out that this effect
begins when less dramatic actions are taken that have self
destructive or at least self damaging consequences. Among such are
the use of drugs, but even so-called "harmless" drugs like caffeine,
nicotine and alcohol. These have destructive powers which will also
affect the soul level and disturb the harmony of your soul. Other
causes of effects for your soul through the physical body are
unintentional, negligent destruction of body parts or their over
The latter does not mean that the physical body should be not used
physically or that strain should be avoided, because the physical
body can only remain healthy when exposed to regular, but
moderate physical exercise. From what I said it should be clear that
it is of great importance to keep the physical body as much as
possible in a good condition, as damages and negligence can have
an effect on your soul.
18.2 Healthy Food
The first step towards a healthy body is a healthy diet, to give the
body the right building blocks to maintain the human organism.
Human cells are constantly exchanged, within a few years all
molecules of the human body have been replaced, so that through a
change in diet very fundamental changes are possible. On a
molecular level it is possible to raise the vibrations of the physical
body through intake of higher level food. These times it is difficult for
humans in industrialised countries to receive truly high level food,
which would be able to raise the vibrations of the physical body.
Much food has been limited and polluted in its vibrations through the
"modern" farming and marketing methods.
Here a few words about meat and fish: Food that comes from a dead
animal is loaded with very low vibrations caused by the moment of
forced death, and carries emotions of fear and terror which can be
transferred to those that consume body parts of these killed animals.
These emotions are easily transferred and are a burden to the soul.
Food which comes from the living animal (milk products), is not
loaded as much with heavy emotions, but through the modern animal
keeping methods there are no high vibrations in such food,
especially since such sources are not intended by nature for human
consumption - cows' milk, e.g., is for calves, and its composition is
optimised for these life forms, but not for humans.
But which food is high level? First of all, wild fruit, that nature
intended to be food and have no other purpose than procreation of
the plant. When consuming apples, pears, cherries, plums etc. the
procreation does not get interrupted, assuming proper disposal of the
seeds, returning them to nature.
Such food is in total harmony with nature, and contains a large
amount of nutrients. This is the best and highest form of food, which
is why a large amount should come from these sources. To
complement the food requirements, vegetables can be used
(preferably ones that are essentially fruit, like tomatoes, zucchini,
cucumber, egg plant, peppers etc.), but also leafy plants (lettuce
etc.) and root vegetables (carrots etc.) contain many important
nutrients which are necessary for a balanced diet.
Questions & Answers Part 1
This page provides answers to general questions.
My dear friends, twin souls are created when a soul decides to split
itself into two halves to create more experiences by having two
incarnations simultaneously. Not all souls are permitted to do so, and
after some time these souls reunite on the spirit level. When the two
halves incarnate, they may meet - but it is not necessarily the
romantic way some have thought. The two twin souls may be in a
family relationship, in an employer - employee relationship, and, yes,
they could meet in a marriage, or they could never meet during that
incarnation. The phenomenon of "twin souls" has been mistaken for
what I would call "soul mates". When "soul mates" meet, this can
lead to an especially harmonic relationship.
Greetings, dear friend! Those that recently passed over into the spirit
world often return to the location they used to live at. The connection
of love is strong to those that remain. However, they need to get on
with their existence, too, and after a few months visits will become
less frequent, and may cease after a few years if they choose to
reincarnate again. So, if you can sense the presence of a loved one
who passed away, it is probably not just your imagination - they are
present, and you can feel their presence.
There are several species involved with earth. Some are curious,
others see earth as a laboratory supply, but there are also those that
definitely are helping mankind. Although this may be hard to believe,
there have even been battles in space between some that feel
responsible for your well-being, and evil forces. There is a federation
of peaceful, spiritual species in this part of the galaxy, that will not
allow any major harm to come to you. They, however, cannot
prevent occasional intrusions of individual spacecraft who conduct
experiments. This federation is primarily in the fifth dimension, which
is why you cannot see them, and why never any spacecraft has been
seen or found from these brothers and sisters. They are, however,
capable of making contact to some individuals to aid in teaching
those that are ready for such contact. At this time, it is still very rare,
but will increase in the future when the transition has progressed
more. They are quite involved at this time in aiding earth with her
changes, and have helped with the preparations.
It is just as much possible to make the transition into the spirit world
or into a higher dimension for a baby or child as it is for any one else.
To most humans, the tasks a soul has chosen are unknown for
optimum realisation during the lifetime (otherwise, it would be like
going to a test and knowing the questions beforehand). Some souls
choose a very specific task, to be born for a number of reasons, and
when that purpose is fulfilled. Some times a soul offers to help
another to learn a lesson, e.g. to learn the value of life, by being born
as a child to the other soul and leaving the physical plane shortly
thereafter (e.g. sudden child death syndrome or even being stillborn).
In some cases, the child has this experience to go through to learn
the last missing lesson to make ascension.
Question: Can someone please help find out detailed info on
Question: How can I help friends who are always angry at life in
general, to make their perception of change not as severe. I ask
this because i love them. Please help! Thank you and God bless
All you need to know at this time is in chapter 11.3 in this book.
There is no need to learn to do telepathy or telekinesis and if you
keep trying before the time is right you will either fail or only succeed
with the use of forces that are not good for you. When the time is
right, it will fall into your hands and you will see that it is very easy
and there is really nothing to it. Be patient, and concentrate on more
important issues to enhance your spiritual growth, that is the true
way to obtain telepathy and telekinesis, but not for these as a
purpose, but to allow your soul to unfold at the right pace.
neither experience nor knowledge can be used to describe the
celestial. Therefore, I must say that the common opinions of what
heaven looks like is definitely only, as you say, the tip of the iceberg,
but the way it looks from a mile away in fog - with other words, most
images of heaven are only representative impressions and not a true
Question: Hi I am trying to figure out how I'm supposed to
forgive a man who killed my brother while drinking and driving
and not admitting to it and still has not even had a court date to
pay some sort of punishment, it's been 5 months and it's really
hard to know how to direct this spiritually. I believe if he would
have admitted it to show some sort of respect for my brothers
body it may be a little better but when I think about it I get so
sick and blocked with emotion and have had a panic attack
those really frighten me and I need to be together for myself and
my family. Any advice? Thank you.
My dear friend, this is a situation that may be particular to you but yet
it represents one very difficult aspect that needs to be learned, and
this aspect is unconditional forgiveness as well as letting go. To
unconditionally forgive someone is difficult to learn when emotions
are not let go yet. Begin by allowing your emotions to come, do not
suppress them - then they will only burst out -, but let them go away
as soon as they come. Work with the white light here, send white
light to all that were and are involved in the incident, and concentrate
while light around you and especially in your solar plexus area.
When you have learned how to handle your emotions, you can begin
to forgive unconditionally by sending light to the person you are
trying to forgive, and picture yourself talking to that person and telling
him that you can and do forgive him. You may have to do this a
number of times, until your forgiving is from your heart, unrestricted
and without accusation and conditions. It is important that you go
through this process of forgiving, because as long as you cannot
forgive, you keep yourself tied with this person through karma, and
these ties can slow you down dramatically, that your life can be
influenced on many levels and come to a stand-still until you let this
other person go by forgiving him.
where I was sitting outside on my deck and I looked up and all
these children were standing around me. I have since learned
they are all parts of me that have needed to share their truths
with. I was wondering could this man in the picture be a spirit
Question: What does it take for one's light body to merge with
Questions & Answers Part 2
This page provides answers to general questions.
Greetings, it appears to be that you feel that you are crushed by the
load that you have chosen for this lifetime, would like to "bail out" but
your faith holds you back. The best way to handle the clogged
situation would be to begin handling your problems, one at a time,
beginning with some of the easier ones, working your way up to the
bigger ones, and to do some soul searching - so that you can learn
to appreciate what you have achieved in this lifetime, to appreciate
that you have the opportunity of having this life, and to learn to love
your life, unconditionally.
You can handle this, otherwise you would not be in this situation.
You need to also remember that you have at least two very valuable
spirit friends on your side, your spirit guide and your guardian angel,
they are always on your side. This may be a good time to realise that
they are with you every step of the way, and you can rely on your
spirit guides advice and guidance and your guardian angel's
protection. You can go on, be brave and trust God who has sent you
these personal spirits to be on your side. Be blessed!
Question: I need some guidance to the understanding the death
process, grieving and dreaming of events that actually happen
and life after death contact process
Death means leaving the physical body and ethereal body, but
remaining within the emotional, mental, higher mental, intuitive and
causal bodies - therefore, death is not as severe as many think.
Death is also birth - you awaken in the spirit world, see your passed
away friends and close ones if they haven't reincarnated yet, and you
meet your spirit guide and guardian angel. They will go over your life
with you, and help you understand it better, and what you have
learned from it.- Grieving is mostly an expression of loss, for you
cannot very easily communicate with the ones that passed over, nor
see them with your physical eye, nor touch them. Amazingly enough,
however, a lot of times the souls stay around for a little while, but all
of them need to eventually go to the light. The sooner they are let go,
the sooner they can go to the light. Some don't even have the desire
to go to the light, but most do, and many go straight to the light, to
the spirit world. Remaining in the "in-between" astral world happens
more often to those that have a sudden death and don't want to
accept the fact that they no longer have a physical body. - Dreaming
of events that actually happen is a way of your spirit guide to show
you that there is more to life, to give you some "proof", that there are
things beyond that what science can explain. It may also be a
warning of what may come, if the dream is of a negative nature, or
provide guidance to where you should be heading, if the dream was
positive. Dreams are really too complex to give a brief answer here,
but these are the main reasons for having dreams that come true. -
Many humans desire contact with those that have passed over, as a
result of their feeling of loss, sometimes guilt. It is not that advisable
to attempt this, this has to do with what was written above, as some
souls are not yet all the way in the light, and you can also easily
subject yourself to negative, low spirit beings, which can be very
dangerous. I recommend not to try to contact anyone that passed
over, instead it would be better to contact you own spirit guide, and
ask him or her how that friend or relative is doing.
Question: I have heard contradictory information regarding the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I understand the issue of discerning
information but both accounts seem to have merit. Please tell
me your account of this event.
Dear friend, I would describe a life mate as a friend on the soul level
that accompanies you for your life time, and you may be together
with in other lifetimes as well, as friends or acquaintance. A soul
mate could be rather described as a soul that is much more than
this, and you meet in many lifetimes, this can be as a life mate, but
also in other family or non-family relations - as father, mother, close
friend, special teacher, there are many possible cases.
As a soul, there are many friends on the spirit level. One of these
spirit or soul friends, who is most suited for the tasks that you want to
accomplish in this lifetime, one who has experience in handling the
kind of problems you are choosing as a soul for this life time, will
come forward, or you may request this spirit. Often, these are spirits
that you have met in previous lifetimes, and therefore are familiar
with you and can best advise and guide you. There is little
significance in who this spirit was in previous lifetimes, the particular
wealth of experience and their role as mediator between you, your
soul and the spirit world is what matters. You have one spirit guide
for this entire incarnation, however additional helpers may join you
for particular tasks in addition to your spirit guide.
This phenomenon can easily occur when the human being begins to
expand the horizon of perception and gains more access to the
wealth of memories that is within every one of you as part of the
soul. This allows access to past life memories, but also may include
visions of what may come. Please note that I said "may" not "will",
because you are free spirits, and those visions may be warnings, or
advice, depending on the content, and give you the most probable
course of events depending on certain decisions of those involved in
the vision. To sense something shortly before the event is the
beginning of this expansion of perception. There are terms for this in
the universal language, but I am having trouble finding an
appropriate word for this in the English language, so let us just call it
sensing-the-future or vision. When it is seeing-the-future, I would call
it vision. Telling-the-future should be the result of either sensing or
seeing. This phenomenon should not be forced to come, it will come
by itself as part of one's development, when the time is right. Those
that think they cannot wait still have one important lesson to learn -
Question: I have always felt a group of "spirits" with me, from
the time I was very young. I have always referred to them as my
council. They have always been there to answer questions for
me and to help me understand when things seem too confusing.
As I get older, they seem to be more active and more focused
on directing me in my spiritual growth and less tolerant with my
"humanness". Is there a reason they are being more active and
is this something others experience also?
Greetings, dear sister! I can see these spirits around you, and this is
not something unusual, each and every one of you has a spirit guide
and numerous spirit helpers and friends. It is wonderful that you are
able to perceive their presence. It seems to me that the reason for
their increased intolerance for "humanness" is the fact that there is
some increase in the urgency. With the transition into a new
dimension in progress, the tasks at hand need to be taken care of
and should no longer be postponed. It is quite common among
humans to put things off as long as possible, and to convince
yourself that it needn't be dine at this time. This is not so - if there is
a task that needs to be taken care of, it should be done right away -
that is why it presented itself to you. This, my dear sister, does not
only concern you, but many others as well - only they may
experience this in a different way, by having to learn that they no
longer can put things on hold, otherwise they will experience the
consequences of their ignorance. As you may also say, it is an
expression of cause and effect. The apparent reduced tolerance
towards humanness is also the result of your own soul striving to
reach your goal of self-realisation.
Question: Thank you for being here: I have lost my passion and
joy in life. I do so much ongoing spiritual work, and I keep
trusting my path, yet I continually feel lack of desire, results and
enthusiasm. Every direction I turn, I feel blocked. What's going
on with me?
unique to you, but there are many others as well, so it is nice that
you brought this up. Learn to live for the present, learn to enjoy the
present, learn to find joy in life through the light and the love which
you are able to bring into this world. True joy is from within, not from
external stimulation.
Open your heart, and you may realise that shining out love and light
brings a joy that is beyond all earthly enjoyment. It is an important
phase for your development, realise that many are struggling, with
their beliefs and with their world view, as well as with life itself. You
are on your way, and you are being guided to reach your destination,
concentrate on the now and observe what is happening when you
shed the light. This may help more than you can imagine right now,
and above all, be patient with yourself. Be blessed!
Question: how can I contact my guide ... I've tried everything
but have had no success ... please help ...
It appears to me that you concentrate very strongly and try very hard
to get a result. Let go of wanting to achieve something here - only in
a state of relaxation, especially of the mind, is it possible to learn to
hear the quiet voices within. Another source of blocking yourself is
continued doubting, which comes from the mind. While it may not be
possible to stop thought coming in this manner, I would suggest to
be patient, be more relaxed, and focus on something positive when
attempting contact, picture yourself going to a nice place in higher
astral realms, a beautiful scenery of your liking, and picture yourself
meeting your guide there - but again let me remind you to let go of
trying to force anything here, when the time is right you may actually
be surprised that it's happening and working for you. Let go of
expectations which only lead to frustration, which is a great blocker.
Enjoy the time you have, being closer to your higher self and maybe
feeling or even seeing the presence of your guide. This can then
develop into a good connection to communicate with your guide. Be
patient, and it will come.