Realization Grattan
Realization Grattan
Realization Grattan
(from Mahatma I & II: The I AM Presence by: Brian Grattan)
Invite the Mahatma energy into your complete channel, from the Source Star into the center of
the Earth, thereby encompassing your whole beingness, and integrate the following:
“My subconscious mind and mass consciousness now know that everything they have ever
believed about their reality is simply not true; their reality has shifted and has become a greater spiritual
level of allowingness, and I AM no longer confined nor limited to my primitive views of Self. I now
know, without any doubt that I can connect with a greater wholeness of my beingness. My
subconscious mind can now begin to see the light that we are becoming. I AM now prepared to live
within my total Self, and not in my outer realities, my emotional and lower mental bodies. I AM no longer
confined to those dense, dense limitations that are so confining for me now. My emotional body and my
lower mind can now begin to understand that their functions are outer, not the true inner function that I
require in this time and place.”
“I now ask that mass consciousness and my subconscious mind view what we refer to as the
emotional body and the mental body, and let them know that they can have great comfort in the
recognition that they lose nothing once they are assimilated within the Soul of one’s Beingness.
Because we are no longer limited to the emotional body and the mental body as being our only Sources
of coming outside of our outer self, we tell the All That Is, we tell the mass consciousness, and we
certainly let our subconscious mind know that all of these levels can be integrated within our primal Soul
and Higher Self. We understand that the primal Soul is anchored into the thymus gland at this time, and
then is moved beyond. Along with the primal soul the emotional body and the mental body are also
anchored. Expand that concept throughout eternity.”