Europil WS 3640
Europil WS 3640
Europil WS 3640
UNIVERSAL SEALING SHEET WITH EXTREMELY HIGH TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE RESISTANCE (DIN 28091 FA-MA 1Z-0) TECHNICAL CHARAKTERISTICS The material basis of EUROPIL WS 3640 is comprised of anorganic fibers as well as mineral reinforcement materials, bonded with high quality NBR rubbers. As a result, the following meterial profile is achieved: high temperature resistance high degree of mechanical stability very good gas tightness at high temperatures good chemical resistance Production of EUROPIL WS 3640 is based on calendering process, during which the product is given an anti-adhesive surface with an extremely low coating thickness. The chemical properties remain unchanged thereby. APPLICATIONS Due to this properties, EUROPIL WS 3640 seals can be employed in situations in which asbestos seals (in particular the former HECKER quality EUROPIL WS 3440) were previously needed. Of particular interest is the improved leakage rate of EUROPIL WS 3640 over asbestos seals when prevailing conditions involve up to 100 bar and 300C. (Specific leakage rate according to DIN 28090 part 2. [ < 0,1 mg/s(s*m)].
CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Resistant to hydrocarbons such as oil or solvents, alcohols, glycols, aqueous solutions, water and steam weak alkaline solutions and organic acids. Partially resistant to ketones and esters, chlorinated solvents strong alkaline solutions and anorganic acids Not resistant to - hydrofluoric acid and concentrated nitric acid. RELEASES APPLIED FOR:
STANDARD VERSION Black-white Anti adhesive coating OBSW Delivery formats 1000 x 1500 mm 1500 x 1500 mm 1500 x 3000 mm other dimensions on inquiry Thickness from 0,3 up to 6 mm APPLICATIONS DEPENDING ON PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE
Constant maximum temperature and maximum pressure should not occur simultaneously !
Anwendungsbereiche in Abhngigkeit von Druck und Temperatur Domaines d'application en fonction de la pression et de la temprature
Europil WS 3640
Applications depending on pressure and temperature 150 120 I campi di applicazione dipendono da pressione e temperatura
1 0
90 60 30 0
-100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
1,85 6,0 3,1 6,5 1,2 0,05 0,5 0,9 34 34 10 30 / 20 > 90 - 200 300 500 150
g/cm % % % % mg/s*m cm/min cm/min N/mm N/mm N/mm N/mm N/mm C C C bar
DIN 28090 (2) DIN 28090 (2) DIN 28090 (2) DIN 28090 (2) DIN 28090 (2) DIN 28090 (2) DIN 3745 DIN 3535/6 DIN 52913 DIN 52913 DIN 52910 DIN 28090 DIN 28090