Novamica Thermex e
Novamica Thermex e
Novamica Thermex e
Material profile
Gasket material made from processed phlogopite mica with an expanded stainless steel metal insert (material no. AISI 316L / 1.4404). Thanks to this profile, the material has excellent properties: Extremely high temperature stability (up to 1000 C) Low long-term leakage even at high temperatures due to the expanded metal insert Reliable handling Smooth processability by all standard manufacturing processes
Application areas
novaMICA THERMEX is the ideal choice for applications in the exhaust systems of all combustion engines and units as well as in turbochargers and compressors. The gasket material is insensitive to changes in temperature loads. In line with the requirements of such applications, novaMICA THERMEX can be combined very effectively with an inner eyelet.
Material characteristics
General information
Binders Identification colour Non-stick coating Dimensional and thickness tolerances Silicone resin Greenish-gold (typical mica colour) Not necessary according to DIN 28 091-1
Physical parameters
Sample thickness 2.0 mm
Test standard
DIN 28 090-2 DIN 52 910
[g/cm3] [N/mm2] [N/mm2]
1.60 35 35
Please consult our application engineering specialists about use in different media and with higher internal pressure levels.
The temperature and pressure recommendations in the graphs apply to gaskets with a thickness of 2.0 mm and smooth flanges. Higher stresses are possible when thinner gaskets are used! *Please contact our application engineering specialists for exact data about specific individual cases. Warranty exclusion In view of the variety of different installation and operation conditions and application and process engineering options, the information given in this prospectus can only provide approximate guidance. There is as a result no basis for warranty claims.
Density Tensile strength longitudinal transverse Residual stress dE/16 300 C Compressibility Recovery Cold compressibility KSW Cold recovery KRW Hot creep WSW/300 Hot recovery WRW/300 Recovery R Thermal conductivity (perpendicular) Dielectric strength Specific leakage rate 20 C/5 bar Specific leakage rate 500 C/5 bar
DIN 52 913 ASTM F 36 J ASTM F 36 J DIN 28 090-2 DIN 28 090-2 DIN 28 090-2 DIN 28 090-2 DIN 28 090-2 IEC 243-23 C DIN 28 090-2 DIN 28 090-2
[N/mm2] 32 [%] 25 [%] 30 [%] 20 [%] 5 [%] 10 [%] 2 [mm] 0.04 [W/(mK)] 0.3 [kV] 30 [mg/(sm)] 3 [mg/(sm)] 0.8 * Mode (typical value)
40 30 20
Product data
10 0 0 25 50 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 400
Clean the surfaces that are to be sealed, remove what is left of old
gaskets without damaging the flange surface. Check whether the flange surfaces are parallel / wavy and readjust them if necessary. Before installing gaskets that have been stored under dry conditions, check them for cracks, surface damage, dimensional accuracy and in the case of perforated gaskets congruence of the perforation pattern with the flange. Do not use any auxiliary sealing agents! Make sure that screws work properly before starting installation and use new screws if necessary. Consistent and careful initial installation by hand. Tighten the screws diagonally using a torque wrench in three stages (about 50 % torque at first, then about 80 % and, finally, 100 %).
Leakage [mg/(sm)]
0,000 0 1 8 15 22 29 36 42 50
GASKETS TECHNICAL TEXTILES KOMPENSATOREN INSULATION NEW MATERIALS Frenzelit Werke GmbH P.O. Box 11 40 95456 Bad Berneck Germany Phone: +49 9273 72-0 Fax: +49 9273 72-221
All previous versions of this prospectus cease to apply. Subject to technical amendment.
Pressure (bar)