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S.T.a.L.K.E.R. Savage Worlds Conversion

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Welcome to Savage Worlds Stalker!

! This document is my attempt at providing a detailed background setting for the Stalker game series by GSC. I hope to include everything you need to run a game based in the infamous Exclusion Zone, this book is a compilation of my own work and several bits and pieces I have found online on Savage Worlds fansites, I have creditied the authors of the work that is not mine where I can. Oscar Rekclas Questions, comments, suggestions and grievances to: oscar.rekclas@gmail.com


On April 26 1986, disaster struck the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and the surrounding area, Reactor #4 suffered a critical meltdown and subsequent explosion. Huge quantities of radiation leaked from the smoking remains of the plant, poisoning the surrounding area and forcing the evacuation of thousands of civillians from the surrounding area, most notably the city of Pripyat. The Ukranian government declared a 30km Zone of Exclusion around the plant, encompassing the towns, villages and countryside these people had called home for generations. Locals came to refer to this inpassable border as simply The Zone. For years the Zone sat seemingly silent, untouched by man as nature slowly regained control. Concrete cracked and steel rusted as nature tooks its course in wiping any evidence of humanites influence from the countryside. Herds of deer and wild boar stalked the once busy streets and factories of Pripyat. Packs of wild dogs roamed the villages and countryside in search of food. Locals began slipping past the Cordon to hunt the wildlife, for food and sport. Some, never returned, their fate a mystery to the rest of the world. Rumors and stories began to spread from those who returned from the Exclusion Zone, reports of strange creatures, twisted by the consequences of the accident became commonplace. In 2006, two decades after the meltdown, disaster seemed to strike again. A bright light burst forth into the early morning sky from the old reactor, and speculation of a second explosion began. The Military patrolling the cordon stepped up their protection, shooting on sight rather than detaining anyone they caught slipping into or out of the Zone, more determined than ever to prevent access to the area. Human nature prevailed, however. Curiosity and Greed led to the phoenomenon of the Stalker - part explorer, part treasure hunter, part mercenary.

These brave and foolhardy individuals risked their lives sneaking past the cordon into the Zone to salvage and hunt. What they found was beyond comprehension, miraculous wonders and terrifying horrors in equal measure. From the Zone came stories of Artifacts, strange objects salvaged from the Zone with seemingly miraculous properties. these artifacts were highly sought after and fetched huge sums of money on the black market. However, the risks involved in retrieving artuifacts were huge - feral mutant creatures roamed the landscape, devouring unwitting Stalkers. Strange areas that did not seem to apply the laws of physics the Stalkers termed Anomalies claimed the lives of the unwary. Greed amongst fellow stalkers cost many their lives and loot. Stalkers began to band together, at first into small groups, and then into entire factions who warred with each other over control of the Zone. Illicit dealings with businessmen who padded the pockets of the corruptable Military Police allowed a stalker to trade his artifacts for money, food or weapons within the Zone. With a steady supply of artifacts leaving the Zone and thedangers of slipping past the now fortified Cordon, Stalkers who lived outside the zone and had occasional excusrsions into it became less common. It was far more profitable to live within the Zone and sell the artifacts to the brokers and traders who ran the risks of shipping them out. For many, the perils of the Zone became their life, the Zone, their home. For most, who had nothing to return to back in the real world it was an easy choice to stay. It is 2012, mankind has made several technological breakthroughs due to the research done on artifacts brough from the Zone, and scientists are making frequent expeditions into the area. The Military and Government still refuses to aknowlege the benefits of the Zone, and the Cordon is still in effect. But more and more people are discarding their mundane lives and seeking their fortune in the Exclusion Zone. People like you.

Character creation follows the same method as in the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition. The only changes being; Human is the only available race. You cannot take the 'Arcane Background' edge (And thus, no Power Edges are available to players) You cannot take the 'Beast Bond' or 'Beast Master' edges. Starting cash is 1500 + (1d6 x 100) Rubles (Ru). A characters Load Limit (encumberance) is equal to five times his Strength die, plus 10. GM Note: This is an optional addition. The creator personally feels that the default load limit mechanic is too low, but you might prefer restricting how much your players can carry. In this setting, you play as a Stalker, 'Stalker' is the Ukrainian government's official term for any person illegally residing in the Exclusion Zone. In the Zone's culture being a stalker is more of a career than a title, as Traders or Scientists are not considered 'Stalkers' even though they reside within the Zone. Bandits are a borderline case, as they are not considered 'true Stalkers' by other Stalkers, though the authorities label them as such, and they use the word when refering to themselves. The Stalker's primary act of 'stalking' or 'looting', as the Military and Media has labeled it, is the smuggling of 'Artifacts' from the Zone. Artifacts are curious items with strange properties that defy known physics or conventions. Offically, they are considered hazardous and unsafe as they are often quite radioactive, but a thriving black market has emerged trading in these Artifacts, with many researchers, companies, collectors and even foreign governments looking to understand and exploit the phenomnea. Its is common knowlege that many of the scientific and technological leaps of recent years can be attributed to'unoffical study' of items taken from the Zone. Stalkers are almost always young, male, and of Eastern European origin, although in recent times reports have shown that people from all over the globe are travelling to the Exclusion Zone, seeking their fortune. Rumors abound that there may even been female Stalkers, though this is unconfirmed. The life of a Stalker is a harsh one. The Zone is a savage and dangerous frontier. Stalkers often take shelter in the ruins of the old villages and buildings that litter the zone, sleeping rough on mats and blankets, crowding around the campfires on cold nights, eating tinned foods washed down with a healthy swig of vodka, to combat radiation sickness. Many Stalkers meet their fate at the hands of the mutated wildlife that infest the area, some are killed in dangerous anomalies, areas of the Zone that bend the laws of physics and reality, some die at the hands of the Military or Bandits, and countless Stalkers have lost their lives in the territory wars of the many factions vying to control important areas of the Zone. Many Stalkers come to the Zone seeking riches, and find themselves trapped, it is much easier to slip into the Zone than out of it. For some it is the compulsion to find just one more haul, to finally get enough money to live comfortably back in the real world. The harsh reality is that very few Stalkers ever make it back. The Military Cordon is not as easy to cross the second time. Often, soldiers catching Stalkers leaving the Zone will strip them of their loot and cash, leaving the Stalker no option but to venture back into the Zone.

Dead Stare(minor)
This character has the blank, faraway look of a person that has seen too much bloodshed and horror. Charisma is reduced by 1.

dogs of the Zone like no other. In combat, the dogs favor this character as a target, and any dogs get a +2 to their notice rolls when within 50 yards.

Teetotaller (minor)
This character has a weak tolerance of the effects of alcohol. -1 to vigor rolls when making an intoxication check.

Insomnia (minor)
The character suffers from the inability to sleep. Whether it is in the from of insomnia itself, or maybe some form of night terror, is up to the player. Whenever the character is attempting to fall asleep, he must make a spirit roll. With a failure he is unable to sleep for the next 6 hours. Taking proper medication, or being drunk will give the hero a +2 to his roll for the day.

Unhealthy Appetite (minor)

This character is used to eating often and eating a lot. Normally a character can go at least two to three days without food before making a fatigue check. This character must make one fatigue check per day without food.

Marked Man (major)

This character has made a lifetime enemy of one of the factions in the Zone(player choice), any encounter with them will be automatically Hostile, and in combat members of this faction will prefer this person as a target.

Weak-Willed (Minor/Major)
This character has problems with face-to-face verbal conflict and will usually back down in such situations. This character suffers -1 to all opposed rolls, such as Persuasion, Taunt, or Intimidation. Major version is a -2 penalty. This Hinderance cannot be taken with the 'Anyone Else Want To Negotiate?' edge, and vice versa.

Persistent Injury (minor)

An old injury that never quite healed or other chronic condition sometimes comes back to haunt the character. This could be an a broken bone that never set right, arthritis, a bullet that was never dislodged, etc. Whenever the character rolls a natural 1 using his Strength or Agility attributes, he is automatically shaken. This does not affect the outcome of the action, which may still succeed (although unlikely.)

Scrawny (minor)
The character has a small or slight frame, and thus is unable to carry as much as a normal person of the same build. Load limit is reduced by 10lbs.

Smells like Dogfood (minor)

For some reason, this character attracts the blind

Anyone Else Want To Negotiate?
Requirements: Seasoned, Taunt/Intimidate d8 People tend to take your words more seriously when youve just killed someone. Whenever this character incapacitates someone with an attack, he may immediately perform a test of will against a nearby enemy without the multiaction penalty.

Directing Fire (Leadership)

Requirements: Command As a full round action, the character can direct fire of allies within 20 yards against one target witha +1 bonus. In an ambush scenario, the character can designate two targets to direct fire upon, with bonus for each target.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts(d6), Repair(d6) Gunsmiths are a rare breed in the Zone, and highly respected and saught after. Only a gunsmith can fully repair a weapon, and many are skilled in the art of modification of weapons. With this edge, a character can improve the condition of a weapon beyond 'Worn' and suffer no penalty to firearm repairs.

Requirements: Novice This character is strong willed. All Spirit reaction checks are +2.

Requirements: Veteran, Throwing d8 The character is well expirenced in the art of 'cooking' grenades to explode exactly when and where he wants them to. +1 against characters in cover.

Contact Front!
Requirements: Seasoned, Notice d8 A character with this edge can make a Notice roll when ambushed to alert his party to the ambush. A successful check negates the free action of the ambushers and initative is drawn as in normal combat.

No Mans Land
Requirements: Rock and Roll! When providing suppressive fire, this character knows how to effectively cover a larger area. Use the large blast template instead of the medium blast template when using suppressive fire.

Controlled Burst
Requirements: Veteran, Shooting d10 This character has trained to anticipate the level of recoil from a double tap or three round burst, making the additional rounds more likely to hit. Add an additional +1 to hit when performing a Double Tap or a Three Round Burst. Using a weapon with this edge requires both hands, so this edge cannot be used with a weapon in each hand.

Zone Sesnitive (Background)

Requirements: Notice d10 For some unknown reason, this character is sensitive to the changes of Zone. He has an acute ability to 'feel' edges ang gaps in anomalous fields, and will feel a strange prickly sensation right before a Blowout. +2 to notice rolls for detecting anomalies.


This section covers additions and changes to the rules from the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition. Anything not covered here is taken as-is from that book.

High Level Radiation Intensity: from d6 to d8 Vigor test per minute of exposure Recover 1 Fatigue per day Fatigue Vigor roll: Raise: No Effect Success: Shaken Fail: 1 Fatigue Critical Fail: 1 Wound Incapacitated Vigor roll: Raise: No Effect Success: Shaken Fail: 1 Wound Critical Fail: 2 Wounds Extreme Level Radiation Vigor test per minute of exposure; Intensity: 2 Dice (2d6, 2d8, 2d10, 2d12) Recover 1 Fatigue per week Fatigue Vigor roll: Raise: No Effect Success: Shaken Fail: Shaken, 1 Fatigue Critical Fail: Shaken, 1 Wound Incapacitated Vigor roll: Raise: No Effect Success: Shaken Fail: Shaken, 1 Wound Critical Fail: Dead

Radiation Rules
Radiation is classified with two attributes, Level and Intensity. Radioactive Intensity typically ranges from D4 to D12; although, there may be some exceptional, higher intensities. Intensity determines the amount of damage caused to an organism. Intensity is rolled as an opposed check. Radioactive Level determines the length of exposure before the intensity begins damaging a being. Once out of the affected area, the hero recovers Fatigue at the listed rate. Although the level of radiation in the Zone is considerable higher on average than outside it, for the sake of the game, assume that this 'background radiation' had no (short term) ill effects on Stalkers. Extreme radiation fields are found usually in active anomalies, areas close to Reactor #4 , chemical waste and discarded machinery in areas such as The Garbage. The following list determines the frequency and effects of radiation exposure. Low Level Radiation Intensity: from d4 to d6 Vigor test per hour of exposure Recover 1 Fatigue per hour Fatigue Vigor roll: Success: No Effect Fail: 1 Fatigue (to Exhaustion) Critical Fail: Shaken, 1 Fatigue

Intoxication Rules
Stalkers love to drink, especially vodka. Its no coincidence that vodka has been proven to eliminate free radical particles that can cause radiation sickness and is the most common alcohol found in the Zone. In the Zone, where antirad medication is rare and expensive, many Stalkers will chug a bottle of vodka, partially for the antirad effect, and partially for the courage to venture into pockets of high radiation to search for Artifacts. Every character has an intoxication track, similar to the fatigue or wound track. Every time a character has a drink, he gains a cumulative +1 bonus against radiation checks, but also a -1 penalty to intoxication checks, also cumulative. Rolls on the intoxication table must be made for each individual unit of vodka drunk. Drinking 3 units of vodka together means rolling 3 times on the table, at -1/-2/-3 penalties respectively. Intoxication Rolls: Raise: No change Success: No change Fail: -1 step on the intoxication track (below) Critical Fail: -2 steps on the intoxication track. Condition Sober Tipsy Drunk Hammered Rad Agility/Smarts Time(Hrs) 0 2 4 6 0 -1 -2 -4 0 1d4 1d6+1 1d8+1

Blackout Drunk
When a character reaches the 'hammered' point on the intoxication track, the must make a vigor roll every hour for the duration, with penalties for intoxication, or risk blacking out. Raise: Move down the track to 'drunk' Success: No effect Fail: Blackout for 1d6 hours Critical fail: Incapacitated Anton wants to venture onto the heaps in the Garbage, to search for loot. He has no antirad medication, so he drinks some vodka. He now has +1 to rolls against radiation, but -1 for rolls on the intoxication table. Since he is drinking, he must now roll on the intocication table with a -1 penalty. He rolls a 6, with -1 so 5 in total. This is a success, so Anton gains the antiradiation effects of the vodka, but is still sober. Similarly Sam want to try his luck in the garbage, in one of the more intense areas of radiation, where he has heard of a rumoured stash of weapons. Sam drinks 2 units of vodka, earning him a -2 penalty, but also +2 to radiation checks. Sam also has the 'Teetotaler' hindrance, which is another -1 penalty to intoxication rolls. A roll must be made individually for every unit of alcohol drunk. So Sam makes his first roll at -2, he gets a 6, -2 is 4 so success! Sam is not drunk, despite having no tolerance for alcohol. He makes his second roll, a 5, now at -3 with the -2 penalty from 2 units of vodka, and -1 teetotaler. He gets a total of 2, a failure, and moves to 'tipsy' on the track.

-1 penalty to intoxication, agility and smarts rolls for 1d4 hours

-2 penalty to intoxication, agility and smarts rolls for 1d6+1 hours

-4 penalty to intoxication, agility and smarts rolls for 1d8+1 hours

'Gritty' Combat Rules

Life here is harsh. Many Stalkers will fight tooth and nail to protect their hard earned loot, or territory. As such, the combat system from Savage Worlds Explorers Edition feels too 'pulpy' for the horrors of the Zone. Instead I present the 'gritty' combat mechanic from 'the 'Moscow Connection' adventure, with minor changes. This is also the mechanic used by the cyberpunk setting 'Interface Zero'.

Note: A character is not automatically incapacitated when he gains 3+ wounds, He simply makes a Vigor roll every time he is wounded, and once he has accumulated three wounds, then every roll is at the maximum -3 penalty.

Damage over Toughness 0-3 4-7 8-11 12+

Wild Cards Shaken (If already shaken, suffer a Wound instead) Shaken, 1 Wound Shaken, 2 Wounds Shaken, 3 Wounds what that injury is.

Extras Shaken(If already Shaken, Incapacited) Incapacitated

Compare the damage of an attack versus the targets Toughness and check the appropriate column. Existing wounds give a 1 penalty to all trait rolls, to a maximum penalty of 3.

Anytime a character suffers one or more wounds, make a Vigor roll (counting any wound penalties incurred by this attack). If the roll is successful, there is no further effect. If you fail the roll, your hero is incapacitated (see below). (Note: In regular Savage Worlds, characters dont have to make a Vigor roll for suffering less than four wounds.)

Success: The victim is not incapacitated, but still downed. Character is knocked prone, and he cannot act for 1d4-1 rounds, and afterwards must make a successful vigor check to regain composure. (Failure means waiting until his next turn to try the vigor check again.) He must still roll on the Injury Table. Failure: The character is knocked unconscious as Success, above, and suffers a permanent wound (roll on the Injury Table). Unfortunately, hes also Bleeding Out and must make a Vigor roll at the start of each round before Action Cards are dealt. Success means he must roll again next round. Failure means he dies. A raise on the Vigor roll (or a successful Healing roll) stabilizes the bleeding and no further rolls are required. Critical Failure: The victim expires instantly Note: This combat mechanic is very deadly. If you find it killing or hindering players too much feel free to reduce the amount of permanent injuries, making them temporary (1d6 days until effects pass, etc)

An Incapacitated character must make an immediate Vigor roll (minus his wound penalties as usual). Bennies can be used on this roll. Raise: The victim is only stunned and is not Incapacitated. Hes still Shaken and retains his wounds, and suffers a temporary Injury that fades after the combat is over (or if the character is completely healed of all wounds). Roll on the Injury Table to determine

Injury Table

Unmentionables - If the injury is permanent, reproduction is out of the question without miracle surgery Arm - Roll 1d6. Even = Left Arm, Odds = Right Arm Guts - Somewhere between the crotch and the chin. Roll 1d6 in the guts section below. Leg - Roll 1d6. Even = Left Arm, Odds = Right Arm Head The Victim suffers a injury to the head or face. Roll 1d6 is the head section below. Broken Agility reduced by a die type (to min. 1d4) Battered - Vigor reduced by a die type (to min. 1d4) Busted - Strength reduced by a die type (to min. 1d4) Hideous Scar Character now has the Ugly hindrance Blinded - An eye is damaged. Gain the One Eye Hindrance(or the Blind Hindrance if he only had one good eye). Brain Damage smarts reduced by a die type (to min. 1d4)

3-5 6-8 9-10 11-12

1d6 Guts Roll

1-2 3-4 5-6

1d6 Head Roll

1-2 3-4


Weapon Degradation
Weapons become worn from overuse, bullet jams, and general lack of maintenance. The multitude of guns smuggled into the Zone are often low quality or shoddily repaired Sovietera weapons, leftovers from wars fought in the past. Qualififed gunsmiths are a rarity in the zone, usually pressganged or coerced into working for one of the major factions.

Weapon Condition Modifiers

Weapon Condition Worn Battered Malfunction Table Modififer -1 -2

Weapon Malfunction Table


Weapon Moderately damaged. (Move down 2 quality categories) Weapon lightly damaged (Move down one quality category) Weapon Jammed (See Jams section)

Weapon Quality
Firearms are broken into four categories; Fine - The weapon is in full working order, and beyond superfical damage, is in full working order. Worn - There are some signs of wear on the gun, whether crooked or loose sights, or superficial scratches is up to the GM Battered The weapon has seen better days, the parts rattle, it jams often, the whole thing could be held together with tape. Broken This weapon is unuseable, at best, a skilled gunsmith might be able to strip it for parts, at worst, its dead weight. A Worn weapon suffers no penalties to shooting attacks, the damage is mostly superficial, but it is more likely for it to fail and jam. A battered weapon suffers a -1 all all shooting attacks. For easy rememberance, prefix the gun with one of the three categories on your character sheet, 'Fine' guns can be left as-is. e.g. - 'Worn AK-74, Broken M16' 'Colt Python'.



Weapon Jammed
The weapon has jammed and is unable to fire correctly. The character just needs time to correct it. A weapon jam takes 1d4+1 actions to clear.

Repairing Weapons
Weapon repair is preformed with the Repair skill. The Repair skill on its own can never bring a gun above 'Worn' condition. All rolls with the repair skill suffer a -2 penalty, the best an unskilled person can manage is some basic 'field repairs'. Characters with the Gunsmithing Edge, however, can improve a firearm to 'Fine' condition and do not suffer the penalty.

A weapon malfunctions when the character rolls a critical failure. He then rolls 1d10 on the weapon malfunction table to determine the outcome, whether it is a jam, or damage to the weapon. Fine weapons have no penalties on the table, whereas penalties apply for worn and battered weapons.

Armour Damage
Like weapons, armour in the Stalker setting can deteriorate over time, it takes some maintenance to keep your armour in tiptop condition, but you will be glad you did when you get into a firefight. Nobody wants to walk into a battle wearing swiss cheese overalls. Damage that exceeds a heros total toughness may damage their armor. Roll 1D10, and an additional 1D10 for each raise. A roll of 1 deducts one point of toughness from the Armour. Armor damage may be repaired. A successful Repair test restores 1 lost Toughness. Each raise also restores 1 Toughness. Each Repair attempt consumes 1 hour. Armor with 0 Toughness is beyond repair. A Critical Failure on an armor repair roll, subtracts an additional point from toughness. This rule encourages regular maintenance, provides more value for the Repair skill and makes armor more desirable to find.

This is the heart of the Stalker setting. Strange forces unleashed by the failure of the Chernobyl NPP and the 2006 Emission resulted in portions of the Zone seemingly bending and altering reality. These are the Anomalies. Scientists wish to study them, Stalkers brave these unknown places to collect the most valuable loot Artifacts. Artifacts are items that hold almost magical properties, some are everyday items that hold wonderous abilities, a chunk of melted glass that grants the holder immunity to fire. A strange twisted helix that seems to alter the effect of gravity around it. A plant like growth with spontaneous healing properties. Scientists in the Zone have cateloged dozens of different types, though that might be just a fraction of what is available. Stalkers give them nicknames based on their properties or resemblence. Things like; Goldfish, Battery, Mamas Beads, Soul. It is the primary goal of Stalkers to risk their lives and obtain these treasures. Many they will sell to the black-market traders who inhabit the Zone to be sold off to the outside world. Some they will keep for themselves, an artifact can be 'activated' bestowing its magical properties upon the user or another object. But artifacts are a dangerous thing, they absorb lethal amounts of radiation and spit it back out when they are activated, sometimes spelling demise for the bearer. A full list of Artifacts can be found later in this guide. Although you are free to create your own should you see fit.

Combat Bullet Damage

In this setting, damage from shooting attacks comes from the bullets, rather than the guns. So a standard bullet type such as 7.62x39mm does 2d8+1 damage, regardless of what gun fires it. The primary difference between guns is the magazine capacity, rate of fire, and range. I take absolutely no credit for this system, all the legwork was done by Erron 'Bo' Whitten. It fits perfectly into any modern settings, Stalker especially. Details on every gun gun and bullet type can be found in the Gear section.

Activating Artifacts
The exact process of 'engaging' an artifact is unknown. Shaking, hitting, poking or rubbing the artifact usually illicts some response. It takes 1 action to attempt to activate an artifact, have the player roll 1d6. Even = Activated, Odd = No response.

Using Artifacts
Many Stalkers will utilise artifacts for their properties, an activated artifact might speed up the holders healing rate, or if sewn into a backpack, might reduce the weight of the items within. Activated artifacts emit Radiation, exposing the users to higher levels of radiation than normal, sapping their energy. A character can use half their vigor die type in Artifacts before it becomes too much. This does not include unactivated Artifacts, a character can hold as many of those as he can carry.

developed 'Anomaly Detectors' to aid Stalkers in traversing them. Anomalies are the sole source of Artifacts, and thus a core part of the Stalker Setting. A comprehensive list of anomalies is listed later in this guide, but feel free to create your own.

After the second Chernobyl disaster, the Zone was littered with spots where the laws of nature and physics had been corrupted. These small oddities are called anomalies. They are hazardous, often deadly, towards human beings and other creatures as they can deliver electric shocks or burn, corrode and distort physical objects. Most anomalies produce visible air or light distortions, so their extent can be determined by throwing anything that is made of metal, like bolts, to trigger them. Anomalies seem to emit a powerful magnetic field, so it is logical to assume that the anomalies are triggered by anything made of metal that enters the magnetic field. Because vertebrate life on earth has iron-based blood, those creatures with enough body mass are capable of triggering the anomalies. In this setting, anomalies are treated like natural traps and puzzles. There is no clear guidelines to how to create these for every GM or group, one method is to map them out like a mine field and let the players work their way through them. Another is to use them as a puzzle device (Such as with the Time and Space Anomalies) and allow your players to devise a soloution to cross them safely. Anomalies are often invisible, only noticable by the slight distortions of air or light around them. Scientists in the Zone have

These are some stalker setting-specific skills to add alongside the skills found in the core rulebook. If you see a need for any more, add them.

This skill represents an intricate knowledge of artifacts, and the ability to determine type, parent Anomaly, and effects.

Knowledge of Anomalies, the identifying features, methods of traversal, and the chance and type of artifacts produced in them.

Characters with this skill can identify a mutant from its tracks, the possible locations of its lair, its hunting and eating habits, its weak points, etc.

Play Guitar(Smarts)
The character is adept at playing guitar, specifically Russian folk tunes, and to be honest, it wouldnt be Stalker without someone having this skill.

Despite the military Cordon, food, guns, ammo and weapons flow into the Zone daily. These deals are facilitated by 'Traders', people living within the Zone, but who do not consider themselves Stalkers. Traders bribe the Military, and have numerous connections to the Underworld. They make their profit selling food and gear to the Stalkers, and in return they buy the percious Artifacts, using their network to smuggle them out of the Zone and into the hands of willing buyers. I have included here some of the more setting specific items of food and tools. However almost everything is available in the Zone, if you are willing to pay the right price. For GMs, use this conversion chart to calculate the price in Rubles from Dollars: Dollar ($)/ Rubles (Ru) 1 30

'Diet' Sausage
Diet sausage is made from a mix of chicken and soy. The "diet" sausage is often, for lack of other options, a Stalker's breakfast, lunch and dinner in one.

Tourists Delight
A can of military rations usually stolen from surplus warhouses. One often wonders if it already gone past its expiration date. It is capable of satisfying hunger. Usually eaten hot, but many Stalkers have been known to slurp the mix cold to save time.

Curiously, no one in the Zone seems to know where the bread does come from, but it seems safe to eat. At least nones complained about it.

'Flesh' Meat
Chunks of meat cut from the mutant pig Stalkers call a 'Flesh'. It has a strange taste and smell, and is usually heavily salted to combat this. Not the best meal in the Zone, but a hungry Stalker wouldn't turn his nose up at it.

It is roughly $1 to 30Ru, so multiply the items price in question by 30 to get the value in Rubles, and half it. Gear is expensive in the Zone, but still relatively cheap compared to the rest of the world. All prices listed are 'base prices'. Its quite common for the price to differ greatly, depending on stock.

Boar Stew
Less a stew, and more a greasy, congealed broth. Served hot and will warm any Stalker on a cold night. Just pray you dont bite down on a chunk of bristly fur.

Food and Comsumables

Diet Sausage Tourists Delight Bread 'Flesh' Meat Boar Stew Energy Drink Vodka

0.4 0.5 0.4 0.8 1.0 0.3 0.5

45 100 20 100 130 75 50

Energy Drink
Many expirenced Stalkers swear by these taurine-based drinks. Used to regain stamina when outrunning danger, or to keep a Stalker awake on a night watch. Characters drinking an energy drink get a 'free' level of fatigue for 1d4 hours, after which it fades. If they had subsequently regained all levels of fatigue through healing, sleep or nourishment, they lose one again, due to 'The crash'. The effects of energy drinks stack up to +2.

A potent clear alcohol favored by Stalkers for its anti-radiation properties. See the rules section on 'Intoxication' for details.

Use: Characters ingesting Anabiotics will lapse into unconsciousness usually within a minute. This 'induced coma' somehow blocks the psy-waves that permeate the Zone during an Emission. The character will be unconscious for 1d4+4 hours, and unable to act.

Drugs and Medication

Gunfights, battles with mutants, incidents with Anomalies and the High Radiation all take their toll of Stalkers, as such, almost every trader will stock a supply of medication to aid in recovery. The Zone has its share of medical doctors, mostly ex-military medics and disbarred doctors. They can be very helpful in serious situations, but Stalkers are wary of them, and instead usually treat themselves for minor injuries.

Mexaminum radiation protection drugs are common in the Zone. When used, this drug induces contraction of peripheral blood vessels and oxygen deprivation, which serves to treat and prevent radiation exposure. The drug does not have severe side effects, although isolated cases of mild nausea, dizziness, cramps and stomach pain have been reported. These drugs are rare and highly saught in the Zone, they provide the same bonuses to radiation checks as Vodka, but without the penalties of being intoxication. The effects last 1 hour.

Name Anabiotics Anti-Rad Antidote Hercules Radioprotectant Vinca Adrenaline Psy-Block Weight 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Price(Ru) 1600 900 500 620 450 300 450 750

The IP2 antitoxin is a complex drug comprising several antidotes, including metoclopramidum, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboxin and other pharmaceuticals. It is given the catch-all nickname 'Antidote' from its wide variety of uses. The drug is used to inject a range of antibiotics to neutralize natural poisons, together with synthetic poison absorbers, into the bloodstream. Antidote is not particularly popular in the Zone, as most stalkers rely on a gas mask and a protective suit, there are still those who have a pack of this antidote stashed away. Antidote is useful for Stalkers who are poisioned whether intentionally or from noxious gases and chemicals present in some anomalies. It takes 10 minutes to become active in the bloodstream, and it provides a +4 bonus on vigor checks versus checks against poisons, fumes or chemicals. It lasts 1d4+5 hours.

An experimental drug developed by the Ecologist Professor Ozersky for scientific research teams working in the Zone. At its core, the drug contains tetrodotoxin, known colloquially as "zombie powder", which causes a complete shutdown of the body's central nervous system that may allow people to survive emissions outside cover. The drug has not undergone clinical or field testing, which puts its effectiveness in doubt and raises the issue of possible side effects.

The main component of this product is an anabolic androgen, an artificial steroid, the chemical composition of which resembles

testosterone. Often used by stalkers during long raids to reduce muscle fatigue. Significantly increases strength and weight-carrying capacity. Hercules is one of a line of drugs rumoured to be the product of expirementation on Artifacts smuggled out of the Zone. Its effects are near instantaneous, taking 1d4 actions to appear. Users of the drug gain 1 die type in Strength for the duration, and a bonus carrying capacity of 20lbs. They can ignore 1 attack that renders them shaken for each dose of Hercules taken. The duration of Hercules is 1d4 hours. Note however, the excessive comedown of Hercules. For every dose taken, at the end of the drugs duration the character takes 1 step in Fatigue, and -1 temporary die type reduction in Strength for 1d10 hours.

A drug that blocks avalanche-like nerve impulses. Consumption induces short-term loss of all emotion. Used exclusively in the Zone to counteract the effects of anomalous psy-fields. Psy-block takes 1 round to active after injection, and allows characters to ignore Fear checks from mutants like Controllers, and any fear or spirit checks caused by anomalies for 10 rounds. Although the effects of Psy-Block last only 10 rounds, the side effects are decreased emotion, resulting in a -3 penalty to interaction and charisma based checks for 1d6 hours.

Medical Supplies
Name Bandage Medkit Army Medkit Weight 0.1 0.5 1.0 Price(Ru) 60 1200 2000

B190 Indraline radioprotectant, included in medkits, originally issued to nuclear power plant personnel. Reduces the effects of gamma radiation on live tissue. Best consumed before exposure, as effects are not instant. Radioprotectant takes 2 hours to activate, and gives a +2 bonus (the effects do not stack) to check made against radiation. It last 1d6+2 hours.

A treated medicinal gauze that instantly stops light bleeding, but will require more than one to stop severe hemorrhages. It's a good idea to take a number of bandages for excursions into territories where you will face a lot of opposition. Use: Bandages are a life-saver in the Zone. If a character suffers a wound, he can negate its effects until the end of combat by applying a bandage, which negates 1 wound(Is has no effect on Shaken characters). Applying Bandages can negate up to 2 wounds in combat, applying more has no effect. Bandages are a temporary solution at best. After combat, the character must seek healing within 24 hours or suffer the cumulative penalties of all the wounds he has negated, which can result in death.

Vikasolum - an enhanced artificial equivalent of vitamin K. Another wonderdrug supposedly dervied from Artifact research. The main purpose of this drug is to increase blood coagulation speed. In great demand among Stalkers who want wounds and lacerations to close up faster. It takes 6 rounds to activate, and can negate 1 wound.

The standard hypodermic needle of adrenaline. Can be used to return incapacitated characters to 'Shaken' (Temporary wounds are retained). 'Downed' characters (Those who successfully passed the incapacitation check, but did not get a raise.) injected with Anrenaline can act on the next round, negating the 1d4-1 wait to regain composure.

Medkits are a combined package of: 1 Adrenaline, 2x Bandages and 1 Anti-Rad, and numerous utensils to aid in field surgery. Medkits provide a +2 bonus to any healing rolls, but are spent after this.

Army Medkit
Similar to the regular medkit, but with a +4 bonus to healing rolls.

Stalkers PDA
Every Person in the zone carries a PDA of some type. This PDA acts as a GPS, SMS Messenger, Clock, Portable Data Storage device and Personal Journal. The PDAs of the Stalker setting utilise a 'mesh' network, meaning encrypted signals are bounced between each local PDA to reach is destination. Some factions, such as Duty and the Ecologists, operate a base Node in territory they control, allowing Stalkers to route their data through this for a more stable connection. PDAs are also emergency beacons, it constantly checks its carriers position and motion, and if motionless for 24 hours it emmits a distress signal, interceptable by other PDAs, to alert people to the presence of its possibly injured or incapacitated user. Its common for Stalkers to pick up beacons of dead Stalkers PDAs who have stumbled into Anomalous fields or perished at the hands of the mutants or bandits. Due to the mesh network protocol, the operating range of PDAs are about 3 kilometers, its possible for Stalkers to be unable to send or recieve messages if they are far enough away from populated areas, deep in the heart of the Zone, where there are not as many Stalkers, you might not be able to contact anyone via your PDA. For the purposes of this setting, PDAs weight is negligble.

the others. As time progressed, a new idea was born; Combining the core features of each of the different armour types, into a lightwieght 'Suit'. The denziens of the Zone dubbed these 'Stalker Suits' and their popularity grew rapidly, in so far as the Military developed their own versions specifically for forays into the Zone, to combat the Stalker meance. Each suit is given values in the following categories: Armour (melee/ballistic) Radiation Protection Chemical Protection Fire Protection Electrical Protection Psy protection Additions

Each suit will have a listed trait showing its bonuses and penalties in each of the categories. Some of the suits listed have integrated breathing systems/filters, for those without, Stalkers will have to use gas masks in areas of strong chemical presence. Simmilarly, some suits have integrated night vision (Mostly Military suits) those without will have to purchase seperate night vision goggles, which are incompatible with most gas masks, or suffer the penalties of low light rules. Each suit listed will note if it comes standard with night-vision or integrated breathing systems. Note: For any suit listing 'Kevlar inserts' as an option can be fitted with ceramic plating, which is extremely effective against Armour piercing 'AP' rounds. This is listed under Armour as (+X AP) where 'x' is the further penalty added to AP attacks. Nightvision Nightvision goggles come in two types: Type I II Low Light/Darkness +1/+2 +2/+4 Notes -1 Stealth

Armour and Protective Gear

In the early days of Stalkers, Armour in the Zone was a complicated matter. There was a wide range of armour varying in use. Some bulletproof; for gunfights with the military protecting the Zone, and fending off other stalkers and mutants. Some chemical, such as the CBRN and NBC suits donned by the cleanup crews in highly radioactive or chemically poisoned areas. Some; technological, researchers in nearby Kiev were developing devices to supress the magnetic fields of anomalies, dampening the effect on Scientists operating in and near them. Having one kind of protection, usually meant eschewing

Gas Masks and Respirators

Suits lacking integrated breathing systems can mean a tough time for Stalkers venturing into areas soaked in toxic chemicals. There are two types of chemical danger. Physical, which is pools of a toxic chemical, and vapourous, shuch as areas permeated by noxious gases/particulates. Suits that include chemical protection, but not integrated breathing systems, leave their users vunrables to noxious vapors/gases. Below is a list of available gas masks, and their requirements. Name GP5 XM40 3-M M10 Type Full Full Half Full Chem. Mod +3 +4 +1 +2 Weight 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.6 Cost (Ru) 350 500 200 400

'Sunrise' Suit
This suit is home made by Stalkers living in the zone. It is an effective combination of a light military bulletproof vest and a jumpsuit made out of rubberized fabric. It is reinforced with inserted kevlar plates and provides low levels of radiation and chemical protection. It is most popular among Loners, the suit has achieved status as a symbol for Stalkers worldwide. Armour: +2/+4 Rad: +1 Chemical: +1 Fire: 0 Electrical: 0 Psy: 0 Integrated Breathing: No Cost: 1400Ru Weight: 5 Additional: Kevlar inserts: can be modified to also hold ceramic plates, changing the value to +4/+8/(+4AP) Modified Rigging: this suit comes with integrated support straps to attach a 'Hikers pack' allowing for a balanced distribution of weight, allowing an +12 lbs load limit.

Other Gear
Some times, you meet Stalkers who do not utilise suits for protection, the two main types of stalkers that risk this are Newbies and Bandits. Bandits favor long black leather trench-coats partially for helping them blend into the darkness and partially as a fashion statement. Newbies tend to use leather jackets, though sturdy and helpful against bites, cuts and scratches, they are of little use against bullets.

Leather Jacket
Armour: +3(Melee) +0 (Ballistic). Weight: 5 Cost: 100 Ru

Black Trenchcoat
Armour: +4(Melee) +0 (Ballistic). Weight: 7 Cost: 120 Ru Additional: +3 Stealth at night or in low light.

SSP-99 'Ecologist' Suit

The SSP-99 suit has an integrated air-filtering and air-conditioning system with the main body of the suit made out of materials that are heat and electricity resistant, providing nearinvulnerability to radiation and chemicals. For additional protection, the suits are treated with a special substance obtained from Urchin artifacts, and include prototype anomalous emission dampeners, which can disrupt psyfields. It also includes a first generation night vision device. However, since this suit was designed to protect the wearer from hazardous and toxic elements it could encounter and not from firearms, it has very low protection against firearms Armour: 0 Rad: +6 Chemical: +6 Fire: +6 Electrical: +6 Psy: +5 Integrated Breathing: Yes Cost: 5,000Ru Weight: 2 Additional: Nightvision I. (See Nightvision)

SSP-99m 'Guardian' Suit

This suit is a high quality modified SSP-99 suit. It includes kevlar inserts, as it was designed for guards working with scientific expeditions. This suit also includes a closed-cycle breathing module and first generation night-vision. Armour: +2/+4 Rad: +6 Chemical: +6 Fire: +6 Electrical: +6 Psy: 0 Integrated Breathing: Yes Cost: 8,000Ru Weight: 8 Additional: Nightvision I. (See Nightvision) Kevlar inserts: can be modified to also hold ceramic plates, changing the value to +4/+8/ (+4AP)

PS5-M 'Duty' Suit

Produced by one of Kiev's defense research institutes, this suit was originally designed for the first military units deployed into the Zone, the remnants of which became the Duty faction. It includes kevlar, placed strategically across the entire body, and is fitted with thin cermaics and steel reinforcements in a layout based on motorcycle outfits. It also contains multiple layers treated for low intensity radiation protection. Armour: +3/+6(+2AP) Rad: +2 Chemical: +2 Fire: +2 Electrical: 0 Psy: 0 Integrated Breathing: No Cost: 17,000Ru Weight: 10

Created by one of Kiev's anomalous material research institutes the SEVA suit represents the pinnacle of personal protection technology available for the common Stalker, due to the influx of these suits into the Zone by blackmarket deals with corrupt scientists. Combining a lightweight bulletproof vest, closed cycle breathing system, layered and treated chemical protections and anomalous emmision dampening, the SEVA suit will allow a stalker to last more than just a few days in the Zone Armour: +4/+8(+4AP) Rad: +5 Chemical: +5 Fire: +4 Electrical: +2 Psy: +2 Integrated Breathing: Yes Cost: 26,000Ru Weight: 8 Additional: Nightvision II. (See Nightvision.)

Berill-5M Suit
The Berill-5M special forces is an official suit used by the Ukranian Military, it is designed for intense combat, its Kevlar vests are coated with Beryllium, to improve durability and bulletstopping power, and this is where it derives its name from. The suit was designed with longterm stays in mind, and comes with integrated night vision and anomalous emmision dampening. Armour: +5/+10(+5AP) Rad: +5 Chemical: +1 Fire: +1 Electrical: +1 Psy: +4 Integrated Breathing: No Cost: 40,000Ru Weight: 11 Additional: Nightvision I. (See Nightvision.)

Kombez-M2 'Freedom' Suit

Created in the image of the Sunrise suit, this reinforced armour is composed of a camouflage pattern jumpsuit integrated with a kevlar vest with additional reinforcing zirconium elements, providing good protection at medium to long ranges. The jumpsuit itself is double-layered, with specially treated leather and asbestos yarn providing good protection from radiation and chemicals. An anomalous emmision dampening system is included, though the design is unlike that of the Ecologist or Berril suits, as it was gifted to the Freedom faction by an influential supporter of their cause. Armour: +3/+6 Rad: +5 Chemical: +5 Fire: +5 Electrical: +3 Psy: +5 Integrated Breathing: No Cost: 15,500Ru Weight: 7 Additional:Nightvision I. (See Nightvision.) Kevlar inserts: can be modified to also hold ceramic plates, changing the value to +6/+10/ (+4AP) Modified Rigging: this suit comes with integrated support straps to attach a 'Hikers pack' allowing for a balanced distribution of weight, allowing an +12 lbs load limit.

Skat-9 'Merc' Suit

This suit is sported by the mercenaries units who dot the zone. It is comprised of a navy blue jumpsuit and bulky kevlar vest, with ceramic plating fitted as standard. Although not really suited for the Zones conditions, it provides good protection in a firefight. It comes equipped with a special mask variant, a combination tactical helmet, gas mask and night -vision system. Armour: +4/+8(+4AP) Rad: +1 Chemical: +3 Fire: 0 Electrical: 0 Psy: +0 Integrated Breathing: Yes Cost: 4,000Ru Weight: 6 Additional:Nightvision I. (See Nightvision.)

PNB-4UZ Exoskeleton
The armour is the product of advanced military research, initially meant for use by the Ukrainian Special Forces for hazardous missions into the Zone. Due to the sheer cost of a single unit, however, as well as the numerous technical problems and design flaws, the Exoskeleton never reached mass production, but produced versions seemingly stolen from army warhouses occasionally make their way into the Zone Armour: +8/+12(+8AP) Rad: +8 Chemical: +8 Fire: +8 Electrical: +6 Psy: +10 Integrated Breathing: Yes Cost: 120,000Ru Weight: 18 Additional:Nightvision II. (See Nightvision.) Exo-suit: This is a prototype exoskeleton. It add +60lbs to the users load limit, and comes with a built-in 'boost' function, which when activated modifies the users pace +4. the suit can be used for 12 hours peroids, before requiring a 24 hour charge. Using the suit unpowered incurs a -4 die type penalty to stength and agility.


Here are the various guns that are most common to the Zone. Rather than go into heavy simulationst detail for each particular ammo type, I have trimmed the list and changed some things that were too similar to warrant putting here. Pistols vs Rifles: In some places, you will see two differing damage listings for the same ammo type. This is because several pistols and rifles utilise the same ammunition type. However, a rifle round used in a pistol reduces its damage, due to lack of sufficient barrel length to allow the full expansion of the gases created by the powder charge. A pistol round in a rifle has higher damage, due to the increase of barrel lenght allowing more expansion of the gases produced. '+P' Ammunition: Some ammunition types, most notably pistol ammunition, can be 'overpressured'. This means the round detonates with significantly more pressure than a standard round of the same calibre, resulting in greater damage and armour piercing qualities. 'JHP' Jacketed Hollowpoint Rounds: These rounds are designed for maximum effectiveness against unarmoured targets. It adds 1d4 to the damage of the round, but is not effective against anyone wearing armour with a toughness higher than the AP of the round. Ammunition Costs: Rather than have players micromanaging every purchase of every round, ammunitions prices are listed for a standard off the shelf box of bullets. The amount of ammunition is listed next to the price in parenthesis. Ammunition Weight: The listed weights are representative of a full box of the ammunition. When the situation arises that the character is carrying several part-full boxes, combine them in groups of two, calculate the weight as being 1.5 times the weight of the heaviest box in the pair. SA A A: X SemiAutomatic Automatic Auto/Burst Rates of Fire: Notation S Rate Single Shot Action 1 shot per action; reload for next shot. 1 shot per action. 1 shot per action. Fires a burst of X shots per action


Full Automatic Burst action. See rules for burst fire in corebook.

Name 9x18mm 9x18mm +P 9x19mm +P .45 ACP JHP 9x39mm .38 Special .38 Special +P .38 Super 9x19mm .45 ACP Damage 2d6; AP 1 2d6+1; AP 2 2d6+1: AP 1 2d6+2; AP 2 2d6: AP 2 2d6+1d4; AP2 2d8-1; AP1 2d6-1: AP1 2d6; AP 1 2d6; AP 2 2d8; AP 2 2d8+1; AP 2 2d8; AP 2 2d8+1d4; AP2 2d8: AP 2 2d6+1; AP 1 2d8+1; AP 3 2d8+1; AP 2 2d10+3; AP 8 Cost(Ru) 320(24) 390(24) 330(24) 390 (24) 450(24) 500(24) 430(20) 360(18) 380(18) 450(18) 700(12) 850(12) 900(30) 1250(30) 520(50) 450(30) 600(30) 590(20) 1100(16) Weight 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8

.357 Magnum .44 Magnum 5.56x45mm 5.56x45mm JHP

5.7x28mm 5.45x39mm 7.62x51mm 7.62x54mm .50cal

Other Rounds
Name 40mm Grenade M209 OG-7V 12x76 Gauge Shot 12x76 Gauge Slug 5.56x45mm Linked Belt 7.62x45mm Linked Belt Damage 4d6 4d6+4 4d10+4 4d6-3/3d6-2/2d6-1* 2d10-1 Same DMG + Burst Fire modififers. Same DMG + Burst Fire modififers. Cost(Ru) 500(1) 680(1) 1100(1) 350(10) 400(10) 700(120) 700(120) Weight 0.8 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 6.0 7.5

Name Fort 12 Fort 14 Makarov PM PB 6P9 Beretta Glock 19 Walther P99 Browning 1911 Colt M1911 SIG Sauer P220 K&K USP Compact Desert Eagle Big Boy Astra Police Colt Python S&W Model 625 Calibre 9x18mm 9x18mm 9x18mm 9x18mm 9x19mm 9x19mm 9x19mm 9x19mm .45ACP .45ACP .45ACP .45ACP 9x39mm .38 Special .357 Magnum .44 Magnum Mag Size 12 15 8 8 10 15 16 13 8 7 8 8 10 6(cyl) 6(cyl) 6(cyl) Range 10/20/30 10/20/30 8/16/25 5/10/15 15/25/35 10/20/30 20/30/40 20/30/40 25/35/45 25/35/45 18/24/30 25/35/45 15/25/35 15/20/25 20/30/40 15/25/35 RoF Weight SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA S S S 1.7 1.9 1.3 2.2 2.6 1.9 1.7 2.4 2.4 1.7 1.7 3.9 4.0 2.6 3.0 1.7 Cost 700Ru 780Ru 560Ru 600Ru 1800Ru 1600Ru 1600Ru 1400Ru 2200Ru 2400Ru 2000Ru 4500Ru 5000Ru 800Ru 2800Ru 2000Ru Notes

Sub-Machine Guns
Name H&K MP5A5 H&K MP53 FN P90 Beretta 12S Skorpion vz. 61 Calibre 9x19mm 5.56mm 5.7x28 9x18mm 9x19mm Mag Size 30 25 50 32 10 Range 35/45/55 35/45/55 30/40/50 30/40/50 10/20/30 RoF SA SA A A A Weight 5.8 6.0 5.5 6.0 4.4 Cost 2300Ru 2500Ru 2600Ru 2100Ru 1800Ru Notes

Assault Rifles
Name AK-74Su AK-74 AN94- Abakan AR-90 FN F2000 SIG-SG 550 H&K G36 Enfield L85A2 M4 Carbine FA-MAS H&K G3A3 Galil ARM Stery-AUG Calibre 5.45x39mm 5.45x39mm 5.45x39mm 5.56x45mm 5.56x45mm/ 40mm Gren. 5.56x45mm 5.56x45mm 5.56x45mm 5.56x45mm 5.56x45mm 7.62x45mm 5.56x45mm 5.56x45mm Mag Size 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 20 35 30 Range 45/55/65 50/60/70 60/70/80 60/70/80 55/65/75 65/75/85 55/65/75 70/80/90 55/65/75 50/60/70 60/70/80 55/65/75 65/75/85 RoF S/A S/A S/A S/A:3 S/A/A:3 S/A S/A S/A/A:3 S/A S/A S/A A S/A/A:3 Weight 7.4 8.5 9.2 9.9 11.0 9.7 8.5 10.0 9.7 10.1 11.0 11.4 9.9 Cost 2600Ru 4000Ru 5500Ru 6400Ru 18,000Ru 17,500Ru 25,500Ru 8000Ru 7700Ru 7500Ru 9500Ru 11,000Ru 15,000Ru Notes

Bolt Action & Marksman Rifles

Name Steyr Scout Mosin-Nagant Kar98k VSS Vintorez Dragunov SVD Dragunov SVU PSG-1 Remmington 700 Barrett L50 Calibre 5.56x45mm 7.62x45mm 8x75mm 9x39mm 7.62x45mm 7.62x45mm 7.62x51mm 7.62x51mm .50cal Mag Size 1 5 5 10 10 8 5 1 6 Range 85/95/105 80/90/100 85/95/105 75/85/95 90/100/110 75/85/95 100/115/130 100/110/120 120/140/160 RoF S S S SA SA SA S S S Weight 7.9 7.9 8.3 10.1 15.0 12.3 15.0 7.9 31.0 Cost 15,000Ru 14,500Ru 16,000Ru 24,000Ru 27,000Ru 25,000Ru 26,500Ru 22,500Ru 36,000Ru Notes

Name Sawn-Off Winchester m1300 SPAS-12 AA-12 Calibre 12x76 12x76 12x76 12x76 Mag Size 1/2 6 8 16 Range 8/16/26 10/20/30 15/25/40 15/25/40 RoF S S S S/A Weight 4.4 7.2 6.8 14.0 Cost 800Ru 4300Ru 4600Ru 14,000Ru Notes

Machine Guns
Name M249 SAW MG42/59 PKM Calibre 5.56x45mm 7.62x54mm 7.62x54mm Mag Size Link/Box(50) Link Box(50) Range 45/55/65 40/50/60 45/55/65 RoF Weight FA: 8 FA: 5 FA: 5 16.8 24.5 20.5 Cost 29,000Ru 33,000Ru 28,000Ru Notes

Grenade Launchers
Name RG-6 RG-6M Calibre 40mm gren. M209 Mag Size 6 6 Range 30/60/30/60/RoF Weight S S 9.9 9.9 Cost 16,000Ru 18,500Ru Notes

Rocket Launchers
Name RPG-7 Calibre OG-7V Mag Size 1 Range 60/120/RoF Weight S 18.0 Cost 22,000Ru Notes

These are the denziens of the Zone, wild life that was changed utterly by the intense radiation and strange effects of the anomalies and emmissions. They are a Stalkers greatest enemy aside from himself.

Blind Dog
Several generations of the dog species have lived and died since the catastrophe. Each was more affected by the Zone than the previous one. Rapid mutation lead to a vast improvement in previously peripheral abilities, frequently at the expense of primary ones. The most notable biological change was the loss of sight, paired with an uncanny development of smell. As it turned out, blind cubs survived in the Zone as well as normal ones, if not better. As a result, the common dog quickly became extinct in the Zone, giving way to a new breed that of blind dogs. The animals instinctively identify and avoid anomalies, radiation, and other invisible dangers that plague the Zone. Like their wild ancestors the wolves blind dogs hunt in packs. An encounter with a large group of these animals can be dangerous even to an experienced and well-armed stalker. It is typical of blind dogs to 'worry' Stalkers, hanging around them, gathering in number until sufficent to overwhelm their prey. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d4, Notice d10+3 Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4 Size: -1 Special Abilities Bite: Str+d4. Fleet Footed: Dogs roll a d10 when running instead of a d6. Go for the Throat: Blind Dogs instinctively go for an opponents soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the targets most weakly-armored location.

A mutant pig, known as a "Flesh" among Stalkers, this is one of the clearest examples of the Zone's perversion of nature. The pigs have developed a protective layer of scales and bones, their regeneration potential grew significantly and their nervous system became more complex. A side benefit of this mutation is their enlarged eye, which can see in a greater spectrum of light and has developed olfactory receptors. (in layman's terms, the flesh can smell with his eyes) Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Notice d10 Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5(1) Size: 0 Special Abilities Claw: Str+d4 Darkvision: Flesh ignore light-level penalties. Armoured: +2 Flesh have thick, leathery hides

Massive, feral pigs. Mutagenic processes engendered by radiation and anomalies have played a significant part in shaping the Boars: they have lost all fur in places and grown long, bristly fur in others. The animals' hooves have changed in shape and become sharper, acquiring a resemblance to claws; their pupils have become colorless and pigmentation disorders and deep wrinkles have appeared on their bald heads. They have also grown an extra pair of tusks which are easily recognized. Boars can stand almost up to five feet tall, making them dangerous opponents. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d10, Notice d6, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8(2) Size: +1 Special Abilities Armor: +2. Tough, thick hide. Charge: A boar can attack at the end of a run with no multi-action penalty, and gets a +2 to damage when doing so. Tusks: Str+1

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6 Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice d8 Pace: 6 ; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 Size: -1 Special Abilities Bite: Str+2 Darkvision: Rodents cut all lighting penalties in half. Wall Walker: They can climb walls without making a Climbing roll.

Pseudodogs are often seen together with Blind dogs, though they are faster, stronger and more aggressive than their blind relatives. Pseudodogs are viciously territorial and will not hesitate to attack intruders.A pseudodog is a serious threat, even to a well-armed Stalker. Thought to be descended from feral wolves, they often travel in packs, or take position as the alpha-dog in a pack of blind dogs. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Guts d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6 Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 Size: -1 Special Abilities Bite: Str+d6 Go for the Throat: Pseudodogs instinctively go for an opponents soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the targets most weakly-armored location. Fleet-Footed: Pseudodogs roll d10s instead of d6s when running. Pounce: The Pseudodog can make an agility test to attack a character from 10'+ 4' raise. If it succeeds, it gets +1 attack and +1 damage

A Rodent or "Tushkan" is a large, mutated rat found in the Zone. They have large claws that can scratch big marks into Stalkers. Having frail and boney bodies, any weapon will do in disposing of them. Almost all hair has fallen out and only tightly wrapped skin can be seen. Rodents are more mobile, aggressive and ravenous than the normal rat. They live mainly in basements and destroyed buildings feeding on everything they can get their teeth in, from plants to careless stalkers. Sometimes rodents attack and kill big animals and mutants in a large group tearing them apart before they can escape.

Psydogs resembles Pseudodogs but with stark white fur, it shares many characteristics with its somewhat more common relative. The most distinguishing feature of the psy-dog is its ability to affect human minds, where it is able to create seemingly live images of itself. Rather than atack directly, it uses these projects to swarm and overwhelm its prey, before moving in for the kill. Psydogs are lone-wolves, they are almost never seen in packs. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Guts d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d8 Power Points: 14 Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 Size: -1 Special Abilities Bite: Str+d6 Go for the Throat: Psydogs instinctively go for an opponents soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the targets most weakly-armored location. Fleet-Footed: Pseudodogs roll d10s instead of d6s when running. Pounce: The Psydodog (and its illusions) can make an agility test to attack a character from 10'+ 4' raise. If it succeeds, it gets +1 attack and +1 damage Illusion(3 Points): The psydog can create up to 3 'copies' of itself for 2 rounds. These appear real and tangible, until hit, upon which they dissapate. If an illusion strikes a character, his mind believes he has been hit, and it does damage.

A Chimera is a massive cerberus-like wolf with two heads, thick leathery skin and a broad tail. Chimeras are extremely strong, easily able to overturn a car alone. They are the most deadly mutant encountered, jumping incredible distances and doing extreme damage. Though physically weaker than the Pseudogiant, the Chimera is considered deadlier due to its extremely fast speeds and aggressiveness. Stalkers fear the Chimera above all else, but some are foolhardy enough to Hunt them, claiming there twin heads as trophies. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d12+6, Vigor d12 Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d12, Intimidation d12, Notice d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 17 (4) Size: +4 Special Abilities Armor +4: Thick hide Claws/Bite: Str+d8/Str+d10+2 Fear: Chimeras are frightening creatures to behold, and many Stalkers will freeze in their track sighting one. Leap: Chimeras attack primarly by leaping on their prey, and tearing them apart with its powerful claws and bite. They make an Agility test to attack a character from 8'+ 3' raise. If it succeeds, it gets +1 attack and +1 damage

The result of genetic experiments on criminals, under the program of human telekinesis development. Burers are stocky, almost dwarflike monsters that tend to stick to gloomy underground tunnels and basements, avoiding light at all costs. They can be mistaken for bandits at long ranges due to their propensity for wearing long black trenchcoats, but are a far greater threat, able to paralyze and break an opponent's armor and weapon at a whim. Burers are human, but often driven insane by the expirements they were subject to. They are a deadly opponent, made even more difficult due to their preference to travel in pairs or groups. Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6 Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 15 Power: 30 Size: 0 Special Abilities Melee Attack: Str+1d6 Telekensis(5) Burers are gifted with telekenetics, they can pull weapons from a Stalkers hand, and throw heavy objects at the to cause harm. Shotgun Psy(10): Burers can focus their energy into a 10' long cone directly in front of them, an almost shotgun like bast. This blast does 2d8 in damage.

reflexes. On the downside, the snork has poor eyesight (his field of vision is obstructed by the gas mask and is hindered even more by cracked gas mask lenses), but a brilliant sense of smell (his nose is the filter hose for the gas mask), which it uses to locate its prey. When not attacking, it slowly crawls on all fours across the ground, its spine unable to support its weight when standing upright[1]. However, when attacking, it is surprisingly fast, thanks to mutated tendons in its feet. A snork can make long leaps to reach its target and attack it with an incredibly fast series of kicks with their army boot-clad feet Attributes: Agility d12+3, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Guts d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 Size: 0 Special Abilities Claw: Str+1d6 Bite: Str+1d4 Leap: Snorks leap on their prey from distance, using their powerful muscles to pin them down and tearing them apart with vicious swipes and bites. They make an Agility test to attack a character from 15'+ 8' raise. If it succeeds, it gets +1 attack and +1 damage Pin: After Leaping, a Snork can pin its target to the groun with a successful STR check. Requires an opposed Str test to escape.

The Snork is a horrifically mutated human soldier or Stalker, still wearing tattered remains of his uniform, boots and a Gas Mask. Exposure to radiation and anomalies in the wake of the second Chernobyl disaster has destroyed the human mind, leaving a feral, vicious beast psyche in its place and twisted the body, creating a dangerous predator. Its skin is dark gray, covered with lesions and open wounds, most notably an exposed spine on its back. However, despite the ragged appearance, the snork has incredibly powerful muscles and

Zombified Stalker
Zombies are the result the "Psi Field" given off by psi emmissions from Blowouts; when unprotected Stalkers are exposed to Psi emissions for a sufficient period of time, they start "to lose their minds". This results from irreversible damage to the higher functions of the brain, eventually resulting in a Zombified Stalker. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Shooting d6 Pace: 2; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 Size: 0 Special Abilities Claw: Str.+d4 Fearless: Zombies are immune to Fear and Intimidation. Undead: +2 Toughness. +2 to recover from being Shaken. Called shots do no extra damage (except to the head). Weakness (Head): Shots to a zombies head are +2 damage.

The Bloodsucker is a semi-legendary creature, often used by Stalkers as a symbol of both the dangers and corruption of the Zone. This status has been achieved both thanks to the species relative rarity, as well as the fact that few humans who encounter Bloodsuckers survive to tell of it. They often make lairs abandoned underground areas, Favoring the dark due to their low light vision. Bloodsuckers possess natural camoflague, and when stalking prey, they remain virtually invisible, right up to the moment they strike. As such, they are rightly feared by almost every Stalker. Their incredibly powerful arms can tear through even the thickest armor, and they secrete a paralysing agent when biting, to allow them to drain the still warm blood from their living victim. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d10, Notice d8, Stealth d12+2, Swimming d12 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 14 Power: 15 Size: +2 Edges: Combat Reflexes, Frenzy Special Abilities: Claw: Str+1d8 Bite: Str+1d6 Invisibility(2): Duration 1 round. Nightvision: Bloodsuckers suffer no penalties at night or in low light, but -2 in full daylight. Fear: Bloodsuckers cause fear. Paralisys: Bloodsuckers can secrete a paralytic agent when they raise on a successful bite attack. it last 2d6 rounds.

Supernatural in the eyes of some, invisible creatures haunting the deeper reaches of the Zone, usually haunting old, abandoned buildings. Nothing is known about their origin, although rumors in circulation claim they are spirits of stalkers hit by a massive wave of radiation. Their mysterious appearances and disappearances seem to correspond to the poltergeist legend, hence the name. Known encounters with poltergeists are quite diverse in fact: from mischievous laughter and bloodchilling howling, to deadly fireballs appearing out of nowhere. Unfortunately, all information about the poltergeist phenomenon originates from unclear and contradictory stories of questionable validity. Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills:Intimidation d10, Notice d6 Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 Size: -2 Special Abilities Fear: poultergeists cause fear. Telekenisis(5): Poultergeists can manipulate objects weight up to 50lbs within a 20' radius, and throw them at Characters. Gravitationnal Pull(10): Manipulating the forces of gravity, poultergeists can pull objects in a 15' radius towards them, Characters must make a Str check at -1 penalty to avoid being knocked prone and pulled towards the creature.

A rare mutant seen near to the center of the Zone. It bears a superficial resemblance of a humanoid with a disproportionately large head. Despite their appearance, they are highly intelligent, possess good perception and an ability to control the behaviors of less developed creatures. Mature specimens are capable of taking control of a human's mind. This is a ferocious enemy, even the most experienced stalkers are afraid of meeting it. it is not known how controller came to exist, though genetic expirementation is probable. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12+1 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Notice d10, Sneak d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7 Power: 35 Size: 0 Special Abilities Psychic Blast(10): range 24/48/96 Line of Sight. The Controller can 'push' strong psychic energy into a targets mind, clouding it and causing damage. Target takes Controllers Spirit in damage, physical armor is ignored. Illusion(5): range 30 time 1d4 rounds. The Controller can create objects, or distort the perception of the world of a target, such as making him see floor where there is a drop, or making him see dozens of bloodsuckers between him and the controller. Character must make an opposed spirit check at -1 to see through this illusion. Fear: Controllers can project pure fear into the minds of their targets.

The pseudogiant resembles a massive, raindropshaped torso with a pair of disproportionately large limbs. These serve as both arms and legs to the creature, which uses them both to move around and grab its victims. An adult pseudogiant can weigh up to two tons and stand two meters tall. Their clumsy appearance is deceiving however, since they can move very rapidly when needed. Their muscles are exceptionally powerful and their bones are as hard as steel. The creature's brain is protected by a sturdy skull about ten centimeters thick, while its many complex functions are controlled by the spinal medulla. Another astonishing feature of the beast, is its ability to create localized shock waves, damaging anything in the vicinity. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+4, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d12, Notice d4 Pace: 5; Parry: 8; Toughness: 20 Size: +6 Power: 10 Special Abilities Headbutt: Str+1d8 Punch/Kick: Str+1d10 Shockwave(4): range 20'. By stomping on the ground, the pseudohiant can cause shockwaves in a 20' circle around itself. Any character standing in that area must make an agility check or be knocked down.

'Anomalies' is the term applied to the pockets of pysics and reality bending space that litter the Zone since the 2006 emmission. Scientists are eager to study them, Stalkers see them as a vault of unending wealth, harvesting the Artifacts produced in these anomalies to smuggle out of the zone and sell to interested companies and Individuals. Without Anomalies, there would be no artifacts, and without artifacts, there would be no Stalkers. They are hazardous, often deadly, towards human beings and other creatures as they can deliver electric shocks or burn, corrode and distort physical objects. Most anomalies produce visible air or light distortions, and seem to emit a powerful magnetic field, so it is logical to assume that the anomalies are triggered by anything made of metal that enters the magnetic field. A common Stalker trick is tossing a metal bolt or nut into the anomaly to determine its extent. Because all life on earth is carbon-based which means that we have iron-based blood, those creatures with enough body mass are capable of triggering the anomalies. Anomalies are tricky in a tabletop game. There are a multitude of ways to use them, as traps, puzzles, plothooks or just simple minefields on a map with miniatures. There is no one definate way to present anomalies to your players. As such, I have included here descriptions of each anomaly, and some key points about what it does. Of course, it could do many more things, things that have yet to be witnessed by Stalkers live and tell the tales of the strange sights they saw. The best advice I can give for how to understand what exactly an anomaly is, is to play any one of the Stalker PC games, watcht he film Stalker(1979) or read the book 'Roadside Picnic'.

The effects of this anomaly are nonlethal, but can still be severly damaging if encountered at night or without sufficent protection. In the area affected by the prism anomaly all reflected light is amplified a hundredfold. Metal objects in the Prism emit a powerful glare, which has dazed and in some rare cases even blinded unwitting Stalkers. The Prism anomaly can be identified usually by the 'sparkle' that inhabits them; thousands of pinpoints of reflected light that dance in a bright haze.

The burner is difficult to see, even in daylight, as it's only revealed by a faint heat haze. It is triggered by motion, of both animate and inanimate objects. On activation it ignites in a tall pillar of flame stretching 2-3 meters into the air, burning everything in its vicinity. Though somewhat rare, the Burner anomaly is most often found in clusters, making it lethal. Its occurence has possibly been linked to areas that contain or once contained large stores of a flammable liquid such as petrol or kerosene, but due to its rarity this link has not been verified.

The boiler anomaly is easily spotted, the ground surrounding it is cracked and dry, clouds of superheated steam drift spew forth from vents in the earth. Between the vents lies deep trenches, though it is unknown how these trenches are formed. The heat in the boiler anomaly is intense, it has been reported that canteens of water boil and bubble, and any metal object will scald on touch. Trying to cross a boiler is a dangerous affair, the deadly steam clouds force stalkers to travel the maze of trenches, often unwittingly becoming lost or stumbling on to a steam vent and being scalded alive.

An anomaly of presumably gravitational nature. When triggered, the tremendous power of the Vortex drags everything within a radius of 10-15 meters towards the center. Victims drawn into the core have no chance of survival: their bodies are quickly constricted into a tight lump, only to be blown up in a powerful discharge of energy a moment later. The anomaly remains stationary throughout its lifetime (a week on average). Easily recognizable in daylight by the air fluctuation above, dancing leaves, fragments of dismembered corpses lying around and a distinctive dark stain in the center. Highly dangerous at night since it can be revealed only by means of a detector or by throwing metal objects into it. The difference between a Whirligig and a Vortex is simple: size and strength. The Vortex has a much larger range, much harder to escape from than a Whirligig, and it deals a lot more damage. Escaping the Vortex anomaly, once dragged in, can range in difficulty from difficult to downright impossible, depending on the strength of the anomaly.

Fruit Punch
The factors leading to the formation of the fruit punch anomaly are unknown. It is extremely corrosive, damaging creatures or objects on contact. An object left in a Fruit Punch will eventually dissolve, hinting at the anomaly's acidic nature and possible chemical origin. Inhilation of the gases present in the fruit punch have been noted to produce the same symptons as that of the WW1 era biological toxin Sulphur Mustard or 'Mustard gas'. The Fruit Punch anomaly is found almost exclusively underground. It is a pool of green, lambent liquid that is easily visible in the poor lighting conditions of underground environments, and emmits a thick green fog. On contact with creatures or objects, a Fruit Punch lights up brightly and emits a sharp hissing sound. Even with the use of a closed air filtriation system, extended periods in contact or in the vicinity of the Fruit Punch are fatal, as the anomaly will corrode the filters of the gas mask and rupture the seals.

Electro Springboard
The Springboard was one of the first types of anomalies ever recorded. A Springboard is an unstable gravitational field limited to a pocket on ground level, about 1-2 meters wide. Reacts to the presence of creatures or objects by sending out a powerful shockwave that damages anything within radius. The damage caused by this changes throughout the anomaly's lifetime, ranging from minor bruises through serious wounds to instant death. Springboards remain active for a week on average. An anomalous formation, roughly 10 meters in diameter, accumulating large quantities of static electricity. When triggered the anomaly bursts out in dozens of miniature lightning arcs, causing electric shock nearly always lethal to all living beings. Recognizable by the bluish fog hovering above it in daylight. At night time, the Electro can be revealed using any type of detector or by throwing metal objects into the anomaly. Has been noted to form as a mobile anomaly, usually following a linear pattern and returning along the same path in a continious loop.

Burnt Fuzz
The burnt fuzz is a strange moss-like growth that slowly covers the surface it has latched on to. Comprised of light translucent folices, agitation of which can cause the anomaly to release a cloud of spores, that cause rash and burns on skin contact, and bursting of the capilleries if inhaled. The most dangerous situation involving the burnt fuzz is the chain reaction that can occur in a densely covered area, where the activation of one burnt fuzz can trigger others nearby, leading to a deadly could of the spores covering a large area.

float perpetually, regardless of weight or mass. Stalkers have noted that underground car parks are the areas where the Lift anomaly is most prevalent, and also the most dangerous, as Stalkers are forced to 'swim' through the air, avoiding the ever tumbling cars, trucks and debris, which has caught and crushed several Stalkers on occasion.

Very little is understood about the Time anomalies, except that those within the field will expirence the passage of time at a greatly increased or reduced rate. Stalkers have wandered for hours through dense underbrush in the Red Forest only to emerge within ten minutes of entering. Passing though a Time anomaly contained within a single building or room, even a doorway, Stalkers have lost up to a week of time. A Folk myth amongst stalkers regarding a time anomaly possibly located in Yantar is the 'Ghost transmissions' of a Duty patrol who came under attack from a bloodsucker pack and stumbled into a time anomaly in the fray. Some stalkers claim that on a clear night they have picked up the transmissions from the duty patrol requesting help near yantar and some go so far as to say they have made radio contact with the lost squad who say they have been fighting the bloodsucker pack for about an hour.

It appears that some sort of perpetual chemical reaction is taking place within the gas anomaly, the product of which is a deadly vaporised acid, which eats through organic matter rapidly, and has been likened to mustard gas in its effects on the lungs in even a small dose. The only flora that survives the gas anomaly is thick greenish black vines, which seem to thrive in this localised atmosphere. Stalkers have noted that these vines seem almost 'alive', sometimes reacting to loud noises by shifting position. It is possible that they even might possess some sort of sentience, but as of yet, they have not directly attacked or harmed any living creature, though they have been reported to crush furniture and objects overnight. Lucily the gas anomaly is easily spotted outdoors, due to the green clouds of vapor that cling to the area containing it, though it is not as easily spotted indoors or underground. This anomaliy has been recorded in some instances as being mobile, usually tracing a path along corridors or a patch of dead ground.

The snow anomaly is an area of the zone that seems locked in perpetual winter, regardless of season. It is rare, the most recent sighting was a factory yard about 16km inside the cordon. Reports stated that an area of about two acres was covered in deep snow, the buildings and trees coated in ice. Stepping inside the anomaly is a shock, as the temperture can drop sharply in a few steps. The deadliest aspect of the snow anomaly is the perpetual fog and snow that blinds unwitting Stalkers, as the snow anomaly can itself contain other anomalies, not so easily seen in the poor conditions.

The lift anomaly is the safest anomaly encountered so far in the Zone, and thus the most intensely studies by the Ecologists. It is usually located in one room or building, and more often than not found underground. Gravitational Forces within the anomaly are reduced, resulting in an almost zero-g atmosphere. Objects within the Lift anomaly

The Space anomaly is usually an interior room or corridor section which appears fold back onto itself in a loop. Entering the space anomaly Stalkers report a feeling of lightheadedness and the sound of rushing in their ears and find themselves back where they started from with no apparent loss of time. During tests, one Stalker who remained stationary while his companion walked into the room. The companion watched as he approached from further back along the corridor arriving behind the stationary Stalker. The walking Stalker reported no other effects other than those described above, maintaing that he had not broken stride at all. As of yet no one has made it beyond a space anomaly, and the secrets they protect are highly treasured.

collapsed into disrepair, but one stood pristine and as new as the day it had been parked there. So far the enternal anomaly has only been recorded affecting machinery, a single piece of undamaged equipment amongst the decrepid ruins of others. Folk myth states that Eternals must not be touched, and those that do will fall victim to the Zones wrath almost immediately.

'Cobwebs' as stalkers have nicknamed them, pose much more potential threat than their namesake. They appear to be hair-thin strands of thread crisscrossing doorways and windows, and while many unwitting Stalkers assume they are no more than spiders webs, they are infact razor sharp. In some areas, the cobweb has grown in size, often covering whole doorways or corners of rooms, and walking through them is fatal. Rumors abound of Stalkers who swipe at the cobweb, trying to bat them out of their way, only to slice chunks from their hand and arm on the crisscrossing web.

The Jump anomaly comes in two seperate, but linked parts. Both are distortions of the air which cause a kind of 'tunnel vision' when viewed at the right angle. The distortion is about 2 meters in diameter and when entered cause instant teleportation to the second part of the anomaly. The teleportation has been noted so far to only work in one direction. Stalkers entering the Jump anomaly have reported the feeling of falling a great distance before appearing on the other end of the anomaly. The jump anomaly is considered highly dangerous, as tests have shown that objects entering the anomaly do not always reappear on the other end. It can be quite difficult to locate the endpoint of the anomaly, as its location does not seems to be limited by distance from the start point. Some stalkers have entered the anomaly and reappeared a dozen kilometers away in an unexplored region of the Zone.

The Eternal anomaly is not so much a thing itself but is a property of another object. The first occurence was noted in a truck yard approximately 4km inside the cordon. Of the three fuel trucks in the yard, two had rusted and

A hunk of corroded and twisted metal wrapped into a hollow shape, vaguely spherical the metal is highly magnetized (possibly explaining the shape) and its properties allow it to store large amounts of energy, giving it numerous practical uses. It is also noted to provide a slight static field to any stalkers in possession of it. Discharging and negating some electrical shocks the Stalker comes in contact with. Parent anomaly: Electro Weight: 0.5 Electrical resistance: +2 Radiation resistance: -2 Value: 5000Ru

This artifact is created in the anomaly Burnt Fuzz. Naturally takes out the radiation from the Stalker holding it. The most effective method of extraction is placing the artifact close to ones ears. This removes radiation along with some amount of blood. Dangerous blood loss is possible from other orifices. Most Stalkers will place one in their ear followed by a lump of cotton to catch the blood. Rather common and quite effective when used in conjunction with anti-rad medication. Parent Anomaly: Burnt Fuzz Weight: 0.2 Radiation Resistance: +1 Value: 1000Ru Notes: Character makes a vigor roll every six hours, failure leaves them 'Shaken'. If already shaken, they do not gain wounds from this.

A compound of several hollow organic formations, resembling frozen bubbles. The formation is very brittle, and can be broken easily. The bubbles appear translucent but hold a greenish hue. They give a faint light from what appears to be the buildup of the gas it holds. This artifact emits a gaseous substance that when inhaled can neutralize radioactive particles inside the body. This artifact is extremely valuable. Parent anomaly: Fruit Punch Weight: 0.2 Radiation resistance: +4 Value: 8,500Ru Notes: Usable for 1d10 hours after cracked open

Is created when heavy metals fall into the Burner anomaly. The metals are superheated and formed into clustered crystalline shapes. The crystal is usually warm to the touch and absorbs heat rapidly. It is highly valued outside the Zone by collectors due to its rarity and aesthetic qualities. Used by stalkers for its ability to reduce the tempeture of any body it comes into contact with. Unfortunately, due it its nature, it also absorbs radiation quickly, and can potentially emit harmful amounts of radiation. Parent Anomaly: Burner Weight: 0.5 Heat Resistance: +2 Radiation Resistance: 2 Value: 6000Ru

A tear shaped artifact possibly formed from superheated glass in a burner anomaly. The droplets surface is glossy black and cracked. Commonly called 'the anti-crystal', this artifact is warm to the touch and provides no resistance to extreme heat. In fact it gathers heat rapidly and has been known to scald the hands of stalkers holding it near a heat source. On a positive side it absorbs radiation, albeit slowly. It does not seem to store it; as it emits no radiation. It is quite a common artifact to find, unlike the Crystal. Parent anomaly: Burner Weight: 0.5 Radiation resistance: +1 Heat Resistance: -2 Value: 1100Ru

This artifact, is a small semi-opaque white sphere. It has a blackened spot on one side and with a slender mis-shapen tendril on the opposite side. Giving the impression of a human eye plucked from a skull. It considerably increases the body's metabolism, helping wounds heal quicker. Experienced stalkers say that the Eye also brings luck. Parent anomaly: Burner Weight: 0.2 Radiation resistance -2 Value: 3100Ru Notes: +2 to all vigor rolls on a potential wound.

A small ball, which seems to be filled with a jelly substance, although nothing can be confirmed as no one has yet succeeded in piercing the soft outer membrane. The core of the flash emits a blue light and seems to vibrate softly. The vibration and light seem to be connected, as both vary similarly in each specific artifact. The flash is a highly sought artifact, as it seems to provide an all-round resistance to all influences, although it is a potential conductor to electrical effects. Parent anomaly: Electro Weight: 0.6kg Electrical resistance: -4 Value: 2250Ru Notes: +1 to all other resistance checks.

The materials and environmental requirements for the creation of the Fireball are unknown. Its pitted shepherical shape resembles an oversize golf ball, and its material is translucent with a reddish hue. Even though Fireball is a thermal artifact like the crystal and the droplet, it can be handled without fear of being burned. A unique property of the Fireball is its ability to maintain a constant temperature of 75 degrees within a small radius, virtually regardless of its surroundings. Parent Arnomaly: Unknown Weight: 0.5 Heat Resistance: + 3 Cold Resistance: +3 Radiation resistance: -2 Value: 2500Ru Notes: User must make a vigor roll every six hours or gain 1 level of fatige. This effect stacks.

The firefly is possibly one of the rarest artifacts in the zone. A shimmering spherical orb surrounded by a pale light, and whose surface is untouchable. The orb itself seems to interact with the outside world from an invisible outer shell, two inches greater in diameter than what we perceive. It interacts with fields as yet unknown to science. Considerably speeding up regeneration of tissue and organs in living beings, as well as normalizing metabolic processes. This artifact can literally get a badly wounded Stalker back on his feet in seconds. Emits varying quantities of radiation depending on specific artifact. Parent anomaly: Unknown (Possibly timereduction related) Weight: 0.4 Value: 15,500Ru Radiation resistance: -1d4+1 Notes: Characters holding this artifact get a +3 to vigor checks when they take damage.

The artifact is a brownish and twisted lump of metal. Created when metallic substances are exposed to strong gravitational fields for extended periods of time. Similar to the goldfish, it creates a weak anti-gravitational field. Often used by stalkers to increase their carrying capacity. Its potential for the creation of anti-gravity engines make this a sought after artifact by scientists and researchers. Parent anomaly: Vortex Weight: 0.8 Radiation resistance: 1 Value: 5,450 Notes: Increased load limit +5lbs

A spongy artifact perpetually covered in a slightly sticky residue. The jellyfish is formed in the Springboard anomaly. It forms a weak protective field which slows high-speed projectiles, reducing their impact. Strangely larger, slower objects seem unaffected by the field. It is theorised that the field reacts to great pressure in a small area. The artifact is widespread in the zone, where many stalkers utilise it as a means of protection from ballistic assault, a.k.a bullets. Outside of the zone, many police departments are looking into utilising its effects with their officers. Parent anomaly: Springboard Weight: 0.4 Radiation resistance: -1 Toughness: +1 (ballistic only) Value: 2,400

An artifact formed from unknown materials in the Vortex anomaly. Its glossy black surface is twisted in the shape of a geometrically perfect hyperbolic paraboloid and seems to reflect no light. It is activated by heat but only organic. A heated environment or inanimate object does not activate its properties. A strange convergence of gravitational forces reduce the effects of gravity on inanimate items nearby, thereby increasing the load carrying ability of any person holding the object. Emitting little radiation, the goldfish is a rare and prized artifact. Parent anomaly: Lift Weight: 0.0 Radiation resistance: 1 Value: 7,600Ru Notes: Increased load limit + 15lbs

A spike-laden pear shaped artifact, found in areas of high chemical activity. Quite a rare artifact, formed in zones with strong chemical contamination. It seems to be organic and plantlike in nature, though requiring neither light nor sustenance to survive. When pressed against skin, its thorns leak a foul-smelling resin causing the skin to toughen. Stalker utilise its effects to protect against knife wounds, and concussive shock such as grenades or land mines. Although it is noted that high pressure over a small area (such as a bullet or needle) will still break the skin. Parent anomaly: Fruit Punch Weight: 0.3 Radiation resistance: -1 Toughness: +1 (melee only) Value: 5500Ru

Meat Chunk
What appears to be living tissue, and presumably is, since the only recorded findings of this artifact are anomalous fields where a recent death has occurred. The meat chunk is found in Vortex anomalies and causes increased cell growth. On the other hand, the newly formed cells are much more receptive to the effects of radioactive particles. This artifact doesn't show up very often, but it's hard to call it rare. Parent anomaly: Vortex Weight: 0.5 Radiation resistance: -2 Value: 9,500Ru Notes: Character using this can ignore a 'shaken' effect they recieve one per day, unless there is also a raise on the attack.

Mama's Beads
Resembling a reddish-brown double helix, the 'mama's beads' artifact is extremely rare. Only two reported to have ever been found, both by Ukrainian research teams. It is unique in that it seems to have no known detrimental qualities. Activation requires it to be held in both hands and its effects are quick expulsion of radioactive particles from the body of the person holding it. Parent anomaly: Unknown Weight: 0.4 Radiation resistance:When held in both hands, provides +4 bonus. Value: 15,000Ru

A thin, gelatinous and translucent material, the pellicie is created in areas of null or lowered gravity caused by the 'Lift' anomaly. It secretes a slimy and translucent film, which can provide the covered person with protection from all but the worst chemical burns and toxins. Parent anomaly: Lift Weight: 0.1 Radiation resistance: -3 Chemical resistance: +4 Value: 10,900Ru

An artifact that appears as two copper shells which float about 8 cm apart. While the shells do not seem to be linked it is impossible to pull them further away or closer together and objects can pass through the centre area with no effect. Known by many Stalkers as "empty's" , it has long been considered trash. Scientists have recently discovered that Shells seem to improve stamina. When kept in constant contact with the body the shell seems to have a stimulating effect. Drawing out the lactic acid from the muscles and allowing a person to endure more strain. However extended use of the shell generates a murky haze in the space between the plates, after which the beneficial effects are no longer present. Parent anomaly: Electro Weight: 0.8 Radiation Resistance: -1 Value: 2200Ru Notes: Restores 1 level of fatigue. 3 uses

It has been noted by researches that the sparkler resembles a glass chicken egg frozen in mid explosion. Its edges brittle and shell like, surrounding thick strands of a spongy material extending outwards from its centre. The sparkler is predominantly blue, but as the name implies it 'sparkles' under light. Curiously, the sparkle effect requires only a brief exposure and can last afterwards in total darkness for up to twelve hours. Its properties seem to absorb electrical energy, though it does not store it like the battery or flash artifact. Rather it seems to convert this energy directly into radioactive particles. Which it emits when the artifact is not sparkling (uncommon, given its nature). Parent anomaly: Electro Weight: 0.4 Electric resistance: +2 Radiation resistance: -2 Value: 3,000Ru

The soul is a perfect sphere, cold to the touch, whose surface is an ever writhing spectrum of colour. Found near the whirligig anomaly, The effects of this artifact are quite paradoxical; its interaction with organic life causes invigoration, but the price for this energy boost is the users tolerance to physical damage lowering drastically. It requires significantly less pressure on skin to rupture it, and bones become more brittle. Quite rare, although several recorded finds have been noted. Parent anomaly: Whirligig Weight: 0.5 Value: 4000Ru Notes: Restores 1 level of fatigue. 5 uses. After use, toughness 1 for 12 hours. This penalty stacks.

According to the opinion of some researcherstheorists, this artifact is a hybrid between Batteries and Shell. It emits a relatively strong field, which dampens concussive force. Has been known to significantly reduce ballistic impact as well as physical attacks. Seemingly slowing down any outside entity which enters its field. Only one has ever been recorded. Parent anomaly: Unknown Weight :1.0 Toughness: +5 Radiation resistance: -3 Value: 20,000Ru

Stone Blood
This artifact is usually found near the Whirligig anomalies. It is an ugly reddish object and is quite common throughout the Zone. Many have noted that when cracked open the Stone Blood appears to be made up of organic material. Scientists believe that animal and plant matter caught in the Whirligig are condensed down into this stone like object. Known for its ability to strengthen the skin and thicken the blood ; the Blood Stone is used by many more so for its relative abundance then its effectiveness. Parent Anomaly: Whirligig Weight: 0.5 Radiation resistance: -1 Toughness: +1 Value: 1,000Ru

This bizarrely-shaped artifact has the physical appearance of a chunk of coral. It appears in places with increased gravitational activity. Acting as a kind of sponge that absorbs radioactive elements. This artifact provides protection from outside radiation, but its effects seem to slow blood-flow and cause atrophy in the muscles. Parent anomaly: Unknown Weight: 0.5 Radiation resistance: +3 Value: 5000Ru Notes: Character must make a vigor check every six hours, failure gains 1 fatigue level.

Stone Flower
The Stone Flower is known for its beauty and calming abilities. Possibly created due to extreme gravitational force. It appears as a granite like stone with blue crystalline shards forming inside it and protruding at odd angles. The blue metallic shards embedded in this artifact seem to dance and glow with a calming light that many Stalkers find soothing. The Stone Flower is thought by many to protect against psionic attacks. Scientists have yet to learn how the artifact protects its user but as any experienced stalker will tell you "A calm mind, is a strong mind". This artifact is quite common and used by many Stalkers as a diversion around the camp fires, to help calm themselves after witnessing the horrors of the zone. Parent Anomaly: Electro Weight: 0.5 Psy resistance: +3 Radiation resistance: -1 Value: 1800Ru


The Zone is an unforgiving place, where the death of a Stalker matters as much as a spent bullet casing. Morality is relative, and the difference between life or death comes at the squeeze of a trigger. It is common for like minded individuals to join forces, and battles are faught over ideology and territory control. The Zone is host to a variety of these 'Factions', engaged in bitter conflict over the precious resources. Joining a faction is often the best course of survival for Stalkers, as many factions provide a safe haven to sleep, food, and a promise of another gun at your side should someone decide to take whats yours. The following is a list of the major factions in the Zone: is standard army issue, and they are well trained in combat tactics. The Military will attack any groups that venture too close to their patrols, to keep up appearences, but they very rarely seek out a fight, unless directly ordered to.

The Bandits
Not a faction in the truest sense of the word, but rather a moniker applied to the various groups of criminals who inhabit the Zone. The Bandits are raiders and marauders, ranging from petty thugs and gangsters to organized crime syndicates. Bandits are loathed by every faction, they prefer to rob and kill Stalkers for their loot rather than risk trips into the anomalies themselves. Most Bandit groups are unorganized and leaderless; there are only a few known Bandit leaders and camps, but the effectiveness of these organised groups are cut short by power struggles, with underlings always trying to take control by overthrowing the previous leader. Most bandits operate in small groups, their equipment is often cheap and shoddy; because of this they utilise guerilla tactics, ambushing small groups or lone Stakers and robbing them of their goods, or setting up in common used paths and charging a 'toll' for passing through safely.

The Military
The Ukrainian military has a strong presence on the fringes of the Zone, where they are stationed to enforce the Cordon. This Military Cordon supposedly has the Zone contained in order to prevent the looting of dangerous, radioactive materials and to prevent the unauthorized entering of any individuals. They allegedly enforce this rule with a "Shoot-on-sight" declaration. Ironically, because of major corruption within their ranks, they themselves are the reason why Stalkers can continue to operate, and why Artifacts from the Zone keep flowing to the outside world. These soldiers are weary of the Zone, and often bitter at their posting here, and can sometimes be paid to 'look the other way' by Stalkers and black market smugglers. Its quite common though, for the military to demand a significant cut of any profits on deals done, double-crosses and extortion are not rare occurences. Overtly, the Military must be seen to agressively enforce the Cordon, and they will mount expeditions into the Zone to eliminate camps of Stalkers or shake them down for 'Protection Money'. Military patrols in the Zone are usually three, six or twelve man groups, and do not venture far from their base of operations. Their equipment

Duty was founded by former military expedition survivors and Stalkers concerned about the looming horrors of the Zone. They are one of the largest Stalker clans in the Zone. They have a strict military code and operate in a military fashion, using ranks like Private, Sargent, Major and Captain as titles. Their goal is to contain and destroy the Zone, fearing that it will spread to the outside world. They view the Zone as an ulcer in the world and their efforts are a way to excise it. They do this through brute force tactics eliminating all who oppose them exterminating mutant dens and controlling the flow of Artifacts. Duty views the trading of

Artifacts as dangerous and pass any they obtain to the Ecologists, in hopes of better understanding their foe. They are mostly neutral toward other Zone factions, save for the Bandits and their long-time nemesis: the Freedom faction. It is said that Duty also has deep connections within the military, and they have a tense, but usually conflict free relationship with the Military. Duty soldiers are well-trained and well equipped, and Duty bases are some of the safest areas of the Zone.

members of their own faction cannot. The pros of being a Loner balance equally with the cons; easy access to Faction controlled areas without hostility, but the lack of any dedicated safe zone or base. The equipment and training of Loners can vary drastically between groups.

Mercenaries are members of a private military force contracted to complete assignments within the Zone, they are professional soldiers and will take any job, provided the pay is right. Mercenaries are usually a neutral party, though they will engage in combat with any faction that threatens their objective. Not a unififed faction as such, and it is not uncommon for two seperate groups of mercenaries to conflict over the same goal provided by different employers. Most Stalkers will avoid the Mercenaries outright, as they have no qualms about killing anyone that gets in their way. Mercenary groups usually operate in six or twelve man teams, and are highly trained, usually ex-specical forces soliders, with high quality weapons and extensive combat training.

Freedom is a collection of anarchists, daredevils, adventurers and other Stalkers who believe in the right for free access to the Zone and its bounties. Seeing the Zone as a miraculous gift to humanity, they are on hostile terms with the Ecologists, who they see as 'capitalist pigs' working to control and exploit the Zone. They believe that if the Ecologists stop their expirements, the hostilities of the Zone will cease and the Zone will welcome any and all who wish to explore it. Freedom are one of the largest factions within the Zone, comparable to Duty in terms of membership, resources and control. Freedom members observe no rank or title, like that of Duty, but in combat situations they will elect a 'Group Leader' to corrolate the efforts and tactics of their troops. Their members are reasonably well equipped, but are rather more rag-tag and disorganised compared to the Uniformity of Duty.

The Ecologists are Ukrainian scientists sent into the Zone on behalf of the government, but seem to be affiliated with outside organizations. They are they only 'Legal' inhabitants of the Zone, except the military. Their main goal is the study of all aspects of the Zone, using scientific methods to further explain what the Zone is, and its purpose. The Ecologists are neutral to all factions, and are not involved in any of their conflicts. Due to the military's slipping grip on the Zone, the Ecologists rely on opportunistic Dutyers, Loners, and Mercenaries to provide them protection, and to perform errands and tasks within the Zone. They are a non-combat factions, interested purely in scientific endevours. Ecologists usually have specially designed portable bunkers, acting as a field laboratory and a base of operations.

Sometimes called 'Free Stalkers' and considered by some to be the only true Stalkers, Loners are a nomadic, semi-unififed group, but operate with no central ideology or goal, save that of exploration and profit. Much like the Bandits, 'Loners' is a term applied to any Stalker not diectly associated with a particular faction. They are neutral with most other factions, but it is an unwritten code of honor that Loners band together in defense of their own against threats such as Bandits, the Military or Mutants. Loners are often contracted as mercenaries or 'guns for hire' by the other factions to complete jobs that

Monolith members are stange and enigmatic, once ordinary Stalkers who believe in the legendary 'Wish Granter' that supposedly resides in the Concrete Sarcophagus that sits over the destroyed reactor in Chernobyl NPP at the heart of the Zone. Monolith were considered a 'cult' moreso than a faction, due to their feverant dedication to the idea of the 'Wish Granter', and this opinion was enforced with the mass exodus of the faction on an expedition to the heart of the Zone. They were unheard from for many months, and considered lost entirely, until their eventualy reappearence deep in the Zone. They are now Hostile to all Stalkers, and seem almost in a trance like state, as they protect the routes to the deeper areas of the Zone. Not much is known about how monolith operates now, but they will attack any Stalker on sight, regardless of how outnumbered they are, seeming feral in their defense of the Zone secrets. Their equipment is obsolete, and they have been known to abandon their guns and run screaming into groups of Stalkers, attempting to tear them apart with their bare hands.

Clear Sky
Clear Sky is not a formal faction, as they disintegrated through unknown circumstances, with many of its members left dead, and the remaining few joining the other factions. In their time, Clear Sky were a very secretive faction, supposedly formed from the researchers and scientists who worked within the labs hidden in the exclusion Zone prior to the 2006 Blowout. Members of Clear Sky were privy to classified information regarding the Zone, and its creation, and as such, its living members are often saught by the various factions to gain another foothold over each other. Former members of the Clear Sky faction are secretive about their past, not wanting to be discovered and exploited.

The Zone is a wild, and mostly unexplored place, whole areas are cut off from outside influence by high radiation, fierce mutants or dense anomalies. There are a few areas of the Zone that are considered key locations, points of control that are hotly contested amongst the factions, due to having an abundance of artifacts, being strategically important crossroads, access to important underground facilities or realtively safe zones. Of course, a good deal of the Zone is unexplored and you are free to add your own locations to these. still remain standing, abiet half sunken into the swamp. It was destroyed when the Soviet engineers, building a dam for the hydroelectric power plant nearby, flooded the area. Whether it was deliberate or an accident is unknown. What is known, however, that there were many casualties and the area was abandoned for years to come. One of the major locations of the great swamp is the grain processing plant and tractor factory, which are connected by an embanked railway line to the rest of the Zone. Other than these, swamp holds little of strategic value, being mostly irradiated wetlands and half submerged structures. It is a maze of dense rushes and brush, making travel in this area dangerous, as ambushes by mutants and Bandits are common. It is almost completely inaccessable due to dense anomalous fields and pockets of high radiation, and as such, has become a haven for bandits, outcasts and renegades.

It's the outermost edge of the Zone, guarded by the Military and therefore quieter than most other areas. Stalkers often refer to the Cordon as the Zone's antechamber. It is sporadically dotted with farms and small villages, and several railway lines and bridges. Most rookies hang around the Cordon, congregating in the abandoned villages until they have enough gear and experience to head deeper into the Zone. The biggest threat to Stalkers in the Cordon is the Military, as they often launch patrols with the intent of capturing or killing the Stalkers that stray too close to their Outposts. The most common mutants encountered in the cordon are the Flesh, boar and blind dogs, though occasionally others venture out to the fringes, causing havoc amongst the unexpirenced Stalkers. The main focal point of the cordon is the south west, where the Trader Sidorovich operates, most of the incoming and outgoing trade occurs in this area, as Sidorovich has struck a deal with the local Military's outpost commander.

The Garbage
Described as a "vast machinery graveyard", the Garbage was in fact the main dumping ground for ruined machines and vehicles, as well as irradiated debris from after the 1986 disaster. Lines of irradiated trucks, jeeps and general machinery are left to rust in vast fields. The area is dominated by huge, heavily irradiated piles of debris pulled from the Chernobyl NPP, partially covered with dirt, among which useful items or the occasional artifact can be found. Loners and Bandits often chug vodka and venture onto these mounds in search of loot, most often leading to fighting and bloodshed. Notable sites within the Garbage area include an old train hangar, a fenced-in scrapyard and several ruined office buildings. Although unconfirmed, it it rumoured these offices have extensive basement areas. Duty operate a checkpoint on the main road to Rostok, which is their main base area. They often come into conflict with the bandits in the area.

Great Swamps
The Great Swamps are an outer area of the Zone, that border one of the major rivers in the area. The swamps weren't always marshland, before 1991, the area was a major farming region, with villages and fields, several of which

A heavily forested area, containing many small lakes and streams, this is the site of the Agroprom Research Institute, which was constructed sometime in the mid 90s to analyze the possibilities of agriculture on irradiated soil. The ARI itself is a massive lakeside complex, complete with rail line and tunnel that connects directly to the railyard in the Garbage Area several kilometers away. Several ruined factories dot the area, usuallly six or seven story buildings with accompianing offices. Most notable is the extensive underground complexes below the research facility, a vast network of laboratories, tunnels and massive hangars, with several surface access points, either hidden in the hillsides or connecting to the factories in the area. Mercenaries are highly active in this area, with many suggesting that the facilities below the research institute hold some secrets about the creation of the Zone. Duty have a presence here, operating a small outpost in the grounds of the Research institute, and many loners can be found in the area. This area is often subject to military raids, attempting to capture the mercenaries to discern their employers goals.

Rostok was once a mid-sized town, with large industrial presence and an extensive rail network. It is divided into two areas; the soutside area, a safe zone, more commonly called The Bar And the rest of the town, called The Wild Territory. The Bar is one of the Zones safest areas, almost entirely anomaly free, it is the main headquarters of Duty, and as such they heavily protect this area, enforcing strict adherence to their laws. Most stalkers can be garunteed sanctuary in the Bar, it is almost a city unto itself, named for the famous '100Rads' Bar, it also contains a makeshift hotel, a thriving market and a dueling arena where stalkers can bet on or take part in fights. This entire 'town' is enclosed in barricades, dotted with watchtowers and manned by Duty members. Outside of Dutys barricades is the Wild Territory, the decaying remains of Rostok, this area is rich in artifacts, anomalies and also in mutants. Some ecologists are active in this area, using the Bar as a nearby safe zone, renting building from Duty to use as research bases. The wild territory is a dense maze of ruined buildings, with narrow streets and enclosed courtyards, and occasionally large open parks, which are littered with the bodies of Stalkers foolish enough to cross them, coming under fire from Mercenary or Bandit snipers. Many firefights happen in close quarters here, fighting house to house and room to room.

Dark Valley
Always gloomy, always misty and always rainy. Stalkers venturing into the Dark Valley are likely to find valuable artifacts, instant death, or both. So nicknamed for the opressive feeling surrounding this area, the dark valley is a dangerous place, and often home to some of the more organised bandit groups. The site of another Agricultural Research Center that was abandoned just prior to the 2006 emmision, the dark valley is rumoured to be the site of one of the many 'X Designation' labs, which were established throughout the zone after its creation to work in fields of fringe science. Freedom have an outpost here, in the large construction site that was to be the Science Center. The area is heavily indrustrialised, with large factories and indrustiral ruins dotting the area. Often visited by expirenced Stalkers attempting to find the enterance to the secret labs.

Once home to the largest lake in the Chernobyl area, an unfortunate accident at the nearby Factory prior to 1986 led to this lake draining into an underground cavern, leaving a shallow, chemically poisoned swamp in its place. Yantar was a major chemical indrustry center before the Chernobyl Incident, and now stands mostly untouched, due to the heavy psy-emissions that emenate from this area. Rumoured to hold one of the 'X Designated' laboratories, this has long been a draw to Stalkers, who unwittingly meet their end at the stange presence located here. As such, the area is home to countless Zombififed Stalkers. The Ecologists have established a Mobile Research Base here recently, a heavily fortified prefab bunker that was airlifted into the

area. They have enlisted several Duty and Mercenary members to guard them as they conduct their research into the Psy-emissions. This area is dense with underground and overground sewers and chemical waste runoff pipes, which are often the only way to travel safely past the hordes of zombies. However, these pipes and the Yantar buildings are inhabited by something worse than braindead stalkers, the deadly snorks, feral Stalkers that fell victim to the areas influences. Many meet their fate deep underground in at the hands of these rabid monsters, and their howling can be heard echoing through the pipes at night, filling the lakeside area with horrible unnerving sounds.

Moving their pirmary base from the Dark Valley, the army warehouses area became the center of Freedom operations and one of the most heavily defended locations across the entire Zone. The Army warhouses are a valuable source of materials and resources within the Zone, holding a huge surplus of military rations, medical supplies and munitions. As such it is a highly coveted area by many factions, and it the center of some of the most bitter and instense battles in the Zone.

Red Forest
The Red forest is the area directly north of the Army Warhouses, a steeply hilled and heavily forested area consisting mostly of corniferious pine trees. Its name was coined by inhabitants of the Zone after the 1986 meltdown which killed all of the trees in the area, and turned their needles a bright red colour. The area is one of the most dangerous in the zone, as the heavy vegetation and steep terrain makes travel difficult, and the presence of the Monolith faction alongisde some of the most deadly mutants of the Zone. Documents uncovered in Agroprom refer to another of the 'X Designated' labs hidden in this area, but its location is unknown. The forest extended for several kilometers, and there is a 'point of no return' beyond which there seems to be some sort of emmision that Stalkers have nicknamed The Brain Scorcher due to the effects on humans, intense headaches, bleeding from the nose, ears and eyes and eventual zombification. It has been noted that Monolith soldiers in this area seem immune to this effect. The area is littered with abandoned military vehicles, left to rust amongst the trees.

The Army Warhouses

A strategically important area, the vicinity of the army base used to contain a small rural village and passageway to the radar facility north of it. After the 1986 incident, the population of the village was evacuated and the base repurposed to act as a center for military forces securing the Zone of Exclusion. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian military units were garrisoned in the base, continuing the mission of securing the area. Some time before the second incident in 2006 a large scale construction effort was started in the area. However, the incident cut such efforts short; workers abandoned their vehicles, leaving behind their vehicles and raw supplies. The area became truly abandoned, with mutants and other wildlife quickly moving in. However, once the military was able to reach deeper into the Zone, they once again reoccupied the warehouses and erected 'The Barrier', a fortified checkpoint covering the only accessible road to Pripyat nestled in a steepsided valley, to keep the more gruesome Zone abominations which were funneled along this passage contained. They were doing a decent job, right until the Second Emission, during which much of their force was killed. The soldiers retreated to the military base and bunkered down, constantly requesting evacuation to no avail. Freedom exploited this weakness and secured the base for themselves, as well as picking up the duty to maintain and defend the Barrier.

Established during the Soviet-era, Lemansk was a city not on any map, and with no outside contact. The city was built to house the Radiowave Institute, people involved with the ongoing expirements involving the nearby Chernobyl Radar Towers. Available evidence suggests that Limansk was the research center focusing on manipulating the human consciousness through use of radiowaves. Lemansk has been lost to the world since the 1986 disaster, as dense anomaly fields make finding a passage into the area impossible. It has been suggested that it is located somewhere northeast of the Red Forest, possibly overlapping into the 'Brain Scorcher' area. Old classififed maps of the city have been discovered recently, showing a densely packed urban area spread across a river, and several large, interconnected buildings dominating the center of the town, presumably the offices of the Radiowave Institute. Recently, several Stalkers have claimed to have found safe passage to the city, and it has been rumoured that one of the larger Bandit groups may have had access for some time, using it as a base of operations. Lemansk is deep within the heart of the Zone, so it can be assumed that Monolith is active in this area too.

over the waterlogged marsh. It is a dangerous place, as it is prone to foggy weather, making navigation difficult. Although relatively close to Pripyat, it is seperated from it by a wide band of dense radiation and wildlands, and has large pockets of anomalies littering the area. Bloodsuckers are very common in this area, and patrols are often mounted to seek out and destroy their nests in the basements and caverns surrouding the dried up basin.

Another military designation that stuck, Yanov is a large logistical hub area south of Zaton, and north of the Dark Valley area. Most of the railway lines in the Zone eventually lead to Jupiter, as its station was the major trade point in the Chernobyl area. Its location makes it a strategic 'crossing point' between areas controlled by Duty and Freedom, and the representatives of these groups in this area have signed a tenative cease fire, making the Yanov Station a de-militarised zone. The area is heavily urbanised, with dozens of office building and warehouses, underground and multistorey carparks, and many rail and road tunnels. Much of the area is unexplored, due to the conflicts between Duty and Freedom, and it is considered a prime hunting ground for artifacts. Rumours abound of a secret underground rail tunnel leading directly into the heart of Pripyat, but this has not been confirmed. Overground travel to Pripyat is almost impossible, the area being heavily covered in vegetation and brush, and home to many dangerous mutants and deadly anomalies.

'Zaton' is a military designated name for an area north east of the city of Pripyat, located in the river basin, it was designated as such during the cleanup operations, and the name has stuck as a nickname used by Stalkers in the region. This area was once a major fishing and trade port, but the basin was drained with hastily constructed damns to prevent contamination of the river that lead to Kiev. Now it is a barren marshy wasteland, dotted with the rusting hulks of barges and ships left to rot when the water dried up. The edges of the basin are steep sided, and littered with the ruins of docks and loading cranes and equipment. Loners have a strong presence here, setting up camps in the hulls of the abandoned ships, and many bandits can be found in the area too, preying on Stalkers who become lost in the tall reeds that have spread

Pripyat is the most famous ghost city of the Exclusion Zone, once home to almost 50,000 residents, mostly engineers and workers in the nearby Nuclear Power Plant. Pripyat is as yet untouched by Stalkers, being the very heart of the Exclusion Zone. No one has yet managed to find a safe passage to it. It sits empty, save the mutants, and is a relic of the now collapsed Soviet Government, with monuments and murals falling into decay. The most iconic location in Pripyat is the Ferris Wheel, for a funfair that was due to open only days after the 1986 disaster. No one can say for sure if it even still stands. Located within almost spitting distance of the NPP, Pripyat is thought to be the home of the Monolith faction. The first Stalkers to access Pripyat will be remembered as legends amongst Stalkers for years to come, and every Stalker dreams of being that person.

Chernobyl NPP
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is where it all started. On the 26th of April 1986, a reactor meltdown led to nuclear fallout irradiating and rendering hazardous a 30 km-wide area now known as the Zone of Alienation. Following the incident, the Zone was evacuated and the reactor was sealed in a concrete Sarcophagus. The NPP is a place of myth and legend amonst Stalkers, residing at the very heart of the Zone. Almost impassable obstacles such as the Brain Scorcher or the Monolith faction combined with the vivid imaginations of prospecting Stalkers caused wild rumors to begin spreading about what one might find in the Chernobyl NPP. The most well known tale is that of the Wish Granter; a monolithic crystal of unknown origin that makes one's wishes come true. Other rumors surrounding the NPP involve extra-terrestrials, treasure troves of artifacts, the Oasis, and other folklore. Many Stalkers see the Npp as the Ultimate goal, to stand in front of the Wish Granter and be able to ask for anything; uncountable riches, immortality, peace on earth, anything a Stalker could dream of.


If you are a player, and not the GM, its advised to skip this section, although anyone who has played any of the Stalker Videogames will already know what is contained within this section. Be warned! Some spoilers ahead! maneuvers that their characters are attempting, where every fight scene is instense and fast and The overall feel is 'quick' and 'fast paced'. The second type of game is the 'Gritty game' where it relies heavily on realistic mechanics, death can come with a single shot, everything is modeled realistically, and its quite 'Simulationst'. I chose Savage worlds as the ruleset for this game because it lends easily to Cinematic games, but normally I am a fan of Gritty, so I have tried to balance this in this setting book. There should be enough management for those who want the gritty realistic feel, while still retaining the cinematic action aspects of the savage worlds system. Talk with your players about which they prefer. If anything conflicts with what your players want, ignore it. Dont want to manage weapon degration? Dump it. Anomalies: Oh how I dreaded anomalies when I decided to create a Stalker PnP game. How to handle them? Detailed grid maps that players have to navigate with miniatures, or delicate puzzles that must be deciphered to pass. As yo have probably noticed in the Anomalies section, I havent actually included any specific stats for anomalies. Thats because anomalies are strange and alien, and very little about them is understood. When planning your scenario, you mighy choose to include a Time anomaly as a puzzle, or a burner anomaly that must be navigated while hanging from rusted girders deep within an underground complex. Anomalies are analogs to traps, or puzzles in other systems. Add them on the fly and see how your players form plans you never thought of to avoid them, or carefully plan them beforrehand with specific soloutions that the players must discover through trial and error, its up to you.

Running a Stalker Game:

Stalker, as Im sure you know, is a survival horror/RPG/FPS game, but how to translate this to the tabletop? It might seem difficult, but Ill share some of my own personal ideas here to help the budding GM when your players decided to throw away their normal lives for the adventure and riches that can be found in the Exclusion Zone: Surviving the Zone: Its a harsh life, that of the Stalker, death awaits at every step, one misplace foot can mean the untimely end of a character, a good way to keep this sense of tension in the game is to focus on the survival aspects, when did the characters last eat? Sleep? Are they holind up in a secure base surrounded by fellow Stalkers at night or are they camped out in the damp attic of an abandoned farmhouse in sub zero tempretures while mutants roam the rooms underneath? Try to encoruage players to keep track of their food, their ammunition, to scout out a safe place to rest, or to take their time when exploring new areas. That abandonded car in the middle of the field might just be an abandoned car, but it might be some strange and alien anomaly, touching it, or even getting near it might spell the end of the Character. However, moderation is key, dont kill off the character every five minutes, otherwise, who wants to bother playing? Cinematic vs Gritty: There are two types of games, as I see it; Cinematic games, where they players and the Gm describe in detail the cool actions and

Travel within the Zone: As any of you who have played the game will note, the world was not exactly 'open' but rather a series of very large areas with one or two connecting points between them. This is different here in the tabletop version. I suggest adopting what is called the 'Points of Light' style of mapping. Consider the night sky and the stars. Each 'star' can be a key location, such as the garbage, or the dark valley. In between them is darkness, no one know exactly what you might find here. A dozen different Stalkers might take a dozen different routes. I have included a 'Random generation table' for locations further on in this setting guide, for quickly creating these areas that your players might find in the darkness between the key locations. Maybe an abandoned cement plant, inhabited by bloodsuckers, or a deep underground complex overrun with Rodents and chock full of anomalous fields. As your players go on, they can (and should) map out their explorations through the zone, marking the key locations, and then what they find and the routes in between them. This way, you can build a different and unique Zone every time. Since the Zones safe passages shift with every large emmision, this makes sense, that while the might have come across a small Loner camp on their way through, on the way back they might find an abandonded radio tower since they had to take a second route. Emmissions or 'Blowouts': Periodically, the entity that is the Zone build up large amounts of Psychic 'Pressure' that is released in massive bursts. These Emissions are commonly called 'Blowouts' by Stalkers, and can be terrifying affairs. The sky turns a bruised reddish purple, strange lights dance on the horizion, stormcoulds build up, lighting strikes, thunder booms and winds can reach gale forces. Radiation reaches unsafe levels and anomalies spring into life in new areas, changing once safe passages into deadly death traps. There are two types of blowout, the more common being less intense, happening every few days or so, and the rare ones, the big mother blowouts, potentially gamechanging, which can seal whole areas of

the zone off from access with dense anomaly fields, and open ones that have never been explored before. During a blowout, any Stalker caught outside is usually doomed. Normally the Military, Ecologists or Duty factions will have people monitoring the Zone for these blowouts, and they are often preceeded by the distant echoing wail of warning klaxons. Stalkers panic, rush towards the most solid shelter they can find. The thicker the material over your head during a blowout the better. Blowouts have a positive effect too, they can be used by games masters to bring an end to particularly long and bogged down combats, with the participants of both sides forgetting their greivences to seek shelter, perhaps even together. Use blowouts sparingly, to increase tension and show your players that the zone is a hostile place, and it does not want them within its borders. Stashes: Stalkers, by nature are mobile creatures. At most they carry maybe two to three days worth of food, a primary and secondary weapon, enough ammunition for two or three clips for each of these, some medical items and maybe a sack of bolts for tossing into anomalies to determine their size and type. But Stalkers often spend days at a time away from safe zones, and so they leave 'Stashes', caches of valuable items such as food or ammunition hidden away in abandonded buildings or hard to reach places. Stashes are valuable, almost like treausre chests from standard RPGs. Pehaps a broke Stalker sold the characters the location of a friends Stash, or they find information on a PDA hinting at a particularly good stash hidden not too far from where they are now. Further on in this guide I have included a table for generating random stashes to give to your players as loot, you should even encourage your players to leave stashes of their own in their more commnly frequented areas, as backups in case they get trapped out in the wilderness and cannot make it to a safe area to rest and recharge.

The 'X' Designation

After the initial disaster, the ukranian government saw potential in the now empty exclusion zone, secret laboratories were established to conduct research into fringe scinces, psychic manipulation, genetic expirementation, mind control, things like that. These labs were hidden in the Exclusion Zone, where scientists could work freely without the morals or ethics of a normal research institute hindering their expirementation. It is the result of these expirements that have created the Zone as we know it. These labs were given designations such as 'X-17' or 'X-8'. Each dedicated to a specific field of research. It is unknown how many labs were established, as only a few have been located, but the secrets they hold are terrible and valuable. Often these labs are complex underground constructions, spanning dozens of rooms of now abandonded equipment, and often still home to some of the abominations created within them. X labs make great dungeons in the traditional RPG sense. I include here some short descriptions of the X labs from the Stalker series of games, but feel free to create your own as you see fit: X-8: Identified as the central laboratory, the headquarters of C-Consciousness pre-blowout experiments. It isdocated in the heart of Pripyat, deep under the Central Park. X-16: Originally, X16's psy-emitter was called the "Miracle Machine" because it created small scale emissions, though they were not lethal to anyone far from the factory complex. As a result of a malfunction in its cooling system, the emitter began to create uncontrolled emissions. This caused anyone who was unlucky enough to be caught there while salvaging equipment near it to turn into Zombies. X-18: is located in the Dark Valley, its main function was research into the effects of radiation and psychic bombardment on living creatures. The lab was shut down when an expirement broke free and rampaged through the lab, releasing the other experiments and killing the scientists. X-19: is a hidden underground lab where the main components from labs X-18 and X-16 were sent. It is hidden deep within Red Forest and it contains the controls for psy-emitting device known as the Brain Scorcher.

The Wish-Granter
The Wish-Granter is the center of all Stalker Folklore, supposedly a powerful artifact that resides inside the sarcophagus of the NPP. Stalkers say that any person who manages to reach it, will be granted their greatest wish, immortality, fame, wealth, anything is possible. The harsh reality is that the Wish-Granter is fake, an illusion created by the C-Consciousness to protect its secrets. After a wish has been granted, the Zone gains enough power to expand its borders by several kilometers. The person who reaches the Wish-Granter is tricked with audio and visual halluciantions, into believe what they wished for has come true, and they often meet a violent end shortly after. Not many have reached the Wish Granter, and there are nconfirmed reports of anyone coming back after visiting it, with a head not full of Monolith lies and brain washing. The wish granter is best used as a neverending goal in your games. If however, your players already know its secret, it can be difficult to convince them to risk the journey to the NPP at all. My suggestion is to change things around. Perhaps the wish granter eal after all? Maybe it has been exposed as a fraud, and the only reason now to travel to the center of the Zone is the horde of untouched artifacts that await eager Stalkers, promising to make them wealthy beyond imagination.

The Oasis
Rumors state, that it's the only place in the Chernobyl area with clear, radiation free water. A few individuals have claimed to have found it, but will not disclose the location. Drinking the water of the Oasis is said to cure even fatal radiation sickness. Stalkers often seek it out when they have become fatally sick from exposure, but most die before they can find it. The Oasis is traditionally located in Yanov, but

it is perhaps better to relocate this as many fans of the Stalker setting will know its location already. One of the more common deaths in the Zone is crossing the 'Point of no return' with radiation exposure. This usually spells death for the character, but not a heroic one. The Oasis can be used in game as a maguffin when chracters have been too risky around radiation and become fatally ill. Perhaps a race against time to locate the Oasis and save their dying comrade with its pure water, or discovering its location to sell to the highest bidding faction. NPCs of the Zone These are the people who make up the various factions, the friends, and enemies your characters. Most NPC's can be generated quickly on the fly as 'mooks' generic characters with baseline characteristics. Usually they have the average of d6 in skills. Stalkers in the Zone view it as a whole new world and life, and often disregard their names for new ones, or nicknames. You meet Stalkers such as Wolf, an experienced vetran who helps train rookies, or Nimble, a thief and trader who can get you anything you want. Crow is untrustworthy, shify eyed and dealing in information. Sometimes Stalkers take their 'Stalker Names' from their former jobs, or current position in the Zone. You might meet 'Writer' or 'Doctor' or perhaps 'Chef'. For mooks, you probably dont need to give them names unless they become involved continiously with the Characters, wildcards should be given names that represent their manner or demeanour in some way, Such as Ghost, who is a master of stealth, or Hawaiian, freedoms light hearted, trader with a passion for outrageous shirts.


1d20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1d100 (Twice) 01 02-16 17-26 27 28-34 35-65 66-67 68-72 73-83 84-90 91-95 96-99 00 Location School Research Center Petrol Station Truck Yard Mechanics Shop Farmstead Power Substation Refinery Village Rail Yard Office Building Business Park Car Park Bunker Factory Hospital Forest Swamp Road/Rail Tunnel Quarry Points of Interest Rumoured Unique Location (Oasis, etc) Anomaly Field: Scattered Anomaly Field: Dense Rumoured Unique Artifact High Radiation Area Nothing of Interest Sewers Enterance Toxic Chemicals Rumoured Stash Dangerous Terrain Vehicle Graveyard Fortified Bunker/Underground Complex 'X' Lab location Roll 1 Location, 1 Encounter, 2 Points of Interest to generate some simple events for Stalkers to encounter on trips into the Zone. 2x the Same thing on the Points of interest table means more of that thing/easily located/virtually impassible, e.g. 2x Anomaly Field: Scattered: Anomaly Field: Dense 2x 'X' Lab: Easily Located/Already Discovered. 2x High Radiaion/Dangerous Terrain/Toxic Chemicals: Virtually Impassible 2x Unique Location: Faction Controllerd: (1d8 roll; Loner / Bandit / Scientist / Military / Duty / Freedom / Mercs / Monolith 1d100 1 2-18 19-25 26-36 37-39 40 41 42-44 45-56 57-60 61-65 66-70 71-76 77-80 81-84 85-88 89-94 95-96 97-98 99 00 Encounter BlOWOUT SOON, Stalker Bloodsucker Nest Snork Warren Loner Camp Flesh Drove Pseudogiant Chimera Boar Herd Abandoned (Nothing) Scientist Station Military Outpost Zombified Stalkers Bandit Ambush Duty Patrol/Outpost Freedom Patrol/Outpost Pseudodog Den Blind Dog Pack Burer Hideout Rodent (Tushkan) Swarm Pyrogiest Haunting Controller Lair


The Following are some tables for generating quick Stashes on the fly. Not every item is included in these tables, as some are rare, and only available through purchase, or should only be awarded by the GM when he plans for it. If your players discover a stash where you had not planned ahead, use these tables to provide them some loot. 1d10 1 2-4 5-9 10 Type of Stash Stripped Clean (Empty) Mediocre Stash Average Stash Excellent Stash

Average Stash

A fairly decent stash of good, suitable for any Stalker. 1d10x200 + 400Ru 2 Rolls on General Gear Table 1d100 Roll: 1-45: 1 Roll on Small Arms Table 1d4-1 Boxes of Ammo for this 2 Rolls on Food Table 46-75: 1 Roll on Small Arms Table 1d4 Boxes of Ammo for this. 1 Roll on Ammo table 2 Rolls on Food Table 1 Roll on Drugs Table

Stripped Clean
This stash was already found by someone else, or emptied by its owner, all that remains are empty shell casings, cigarette stubs and garbage.

75-90: 1 Roll on Rifle Table 1d4-1 Boxes of Ammo for this. 2 Rolls on Food Table 2 Rolls on Drugs Table 1 Extra Roll on General Gear Table. 91-99: 1 Roll on Rifle Table 1d6-1 Boxes of Ammo for this 3 Rolls on Food Table 2 Rolls on Drugs Table 1d4 Roll: 00 Same as 91-99 Roll, with 1 extra Roll on Artifact table, 1 Roll on Small Arms table (with 1d4-1 Boxes of Ammo) and 1 extra roll on Gear. 1-2: 1 Roll on Artifact Table 3-4: 1 Roll on Suits Table

Mediocre Stash
There is not a lot in this stash, and whats left isnt great anyway. 1d10x100Ru 1 Roll on General Gear Table 1d4 Roll: 1-2: 1 roll on the Food Table 3-4:1 roll on the Ammo Table

Excellent Stash
You hit the motherlode of stashes, everything you could want is hidden here, almost pristine and undamaged 1d10x500 +1000Ru 3 Rolls on the General Gear table 3 Rolls on the Food table 2 Rolls on the Drugs Table. 1d100 Roll: 01-50 2 Rolls on Ammo Table 1 Roll on Small Arms Table 1d6-1 boxes of ammo for this. 1 Extra Roll on General Gear table 1 Extra Roll on the Food or Drugs table. 51-75 1d6x100Ru Extra 2 Rolls on the Ammo Table 1 Roll on the Rifle Table 1d4+1 Boxes of Ammo for this 2 Extra Rolls on General Gear table 1d4 Roll: 1-2: 1 Roll on Suits Table 3-4: 1 Roll on Artifact Table 76-94 3 Rolls on Ammo table 1 Roll on Rifle Table. 1d6-1 Boxes of ammo for this 1 Roll on Artifact table 1 Extra Roll on Drugs table 1d10x200RU Extra. 1d4 Roll: 95-99 4 Rolls on Ammo table 1 Roll on Special Weapons Table 1d6-1 Boxes of ammo for this 1 Roll on the Artifact Table. 1d6 Roll: 1-2: 1 Roll on Small Arms Table + 3 Boxes Ammo 3-4: 1 Roll on Small Arms Table +1 Box Ammo. 5-6: 1 Roll on Rifle Table +4 Boxes Ammo. 1-2: 1 Roll on Artifact Table 3-4: 2 Rolls on Artifact Table

1 Roll on Artifact Table 1 Roll on Suits Table 00 Same as the 95-99 Category but with 1 Extra Roll for Ammo Table, Food Table, Drugs Table. 2 Rolls on Artifact Table 1d10x400Ru Extra

General Gear Table

1d20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Gear A length of Rope (100ft) A pair of Binoculars Thermal Blanket A Pack of Cigarettes + Lighter A bottle of Vodka Assortment of Batteries for various devices Hunting Knife 2sq yards of Camoflague Netting A Sleeping Bag An LED hand-wound Flashlight Tool Kit A bag of bolts (50) Ceramic Inserts for Kevlar Folding Shovel/Pick Pistol/Knife Holster Grappling Hook A Steel-framed Hikers backpack. Army Medical Kit Bandages Standard Medical Kit

Ammo Table
1d20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ammo Type 9x18mm 9x19mm .45 ACP 9x39mm .38 Special .357 Magnum .44 Magnum 5.56x45mm 5.7x28mm 5.45x39mm 7.62x51mm 7.62x54mm .50cal 40mm Grenade M209 grenade OG-7V 12x76 Gauge Shot 12x76 Gauge Slug 5.56x45 Linked Belt 7.62x45mm Linked Belt Notes 1d4: 1-3= Reg; 4 = 9x18mm +P 1d4: 1-3= Reg; 4 = 9x19mm +P 1d6: 1-4 = Reg; 5-6 = .45 ACP JHP 1d6: 1-4 Reg; 5 = +P; 6 = .38 Super 1d4: 1-2 = Reg; 3-4 = 5.56x45mm JHP 1d4+1 Rounds found. 1d4+1 Rounds found. 1d4 Rounds found 1d4-1 Belts Found. 1d4-1 Belts Found

Roll for the ammo type, if the ammunition has variants, check the notes table to see whether regular type or variant type ammo is found. Some ammunition types (Such as 40mm grenades) come in small numbers (1d4-1 40mm grenades found) Ammunition Amounts: Roll 1d4-1 to determine the number of boxes of ammunition found in the stash.

Food Table
1d6 1 2 3 4 5 Food Type Tourists Delight Energy Drink Bread Diet Sausage 'Flesh Meat' 1d20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hercules Antidote Anti-rad Adrenaline Vinca Radioprotectant

Artifacts Table
Artifact Crystal Bubble Battery Pellicle Droplets Eye Gravi Jellyfish Kolobok Thorn Meat Chunk Soul Stone Blood Stone Flower Wrenched Shell Spring Sparkler Goldfish Mama's Beads

6 Vodka *Boar Stew is a prepared dish, and eated hot, it is never found in Stashes because it congeals quickly into an unedible mess.

Drugs Table
1d20 01-04 04-10 11-16 17-18 19 20 Drugs Type

Suits Table 1d100

01-39 40-50 51-65 66-79 80-86 87-94 95-96 97-98 99-00

Suit Type
Leather Jacket Black trench-coat Sunrise Suit Ruined, Unuseable Suit. (Nothing) SSP-99 Suit SEVA Suit 'Freedom' Suit 'Duty' Suit Berill-5M Suit

Weapon Quality in stashes: When rolling on the weapons tables, roll an additional 1d6 for weapon quality: 1 = Broken. 2 = Battered. 3-5 = Worn. 6 = Fine. Note: 'Excellent Stashes add +1 to the quality Roll.

Rifles Table
1d20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-11 12-14 15-17 18 19 20 Rifle FN F2000 H&K G36 AR-90 Mosin-Nagant Kar 98k Dargunov SVD Remmington 700 Ak-74 Ak-74SU AN94- Abakan Lee Enfield L85A2 Steyr AUG VSS Vintorez

Small Arms Table

1d100 01 02-15 16-30 31-41 42-52 53-68 68-72 73-75 76-79 80-84 85-87 88-90 91-94 95-96 97 98 99 00 Weapon Desert Eagle Fort 12 Fort 14 Makarov PM Browning 1911 Sawn-Off Shotgun Skorpion vz. 61 Glock 19 SPAS-12 Winchester m1300 FN P90 K&K USP Compact Beretta 12S H&K MP5A5 Walther P99 H&K MP53 S&W Model 625 Colt Python

Special Weapons Table 1d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Weapon M249 SAW RG-6 PKM MG42/59 RG-6M RPG-7

This is version 1.2 of the Savage Stalker setting, January 17th, 2012. Future versions will most likely include: Some sample NPCs and Wildcards A list of plothooks to get you started Artwork

I hope you find everything you need in this document, if not, feel free to contact me at oscar.rekclas@gmail.com Good Hunting, Stalker.

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