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Matrix Pencil 01

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Matrix Pencil Method for Estimating Parameters of bxponentially DampedKJndamped Sinusoids in Noise
Absfracf-We present a study of a matrix pencil method for estimating parameters (frequencies and damping factors) of exponentially damped and/or undamped sinusoids in noise. Comparison of this method to a polynomial method (SVD-Prony method) shows that the matrix pencil method and the polynomial method are two special cases of a matrix prediction approach but the pencil method i s more efficient in computation and less restrictive about signal poles. I t is found through perturbation analysis and simulation that, for signals with unknown damping factors, the pencil method i s less sensitive to noise than the polynomial method. I n Appendix A, a new expression of the Cramer-Ran bound for the exponential signals i s presented.


E study a matrix pencil method for estimating signal parameters from a noisy exponential data sequence which can be described by
yk =


+ riL
(1.1) +&I + 1. nLs are the noise. 1 h, 1s and 4,s

~ , = l . ~ l b , I ( ( a ,+ . j w , ) k exp

k = 0 , 1 , * * . ,N are the amplitudes and the phases, respectively. a,s and w,s are the damping factors and the frequencies. respectively. M is the number of sinusoids. We also write
h, = Jb,l exp (&)

(1.2) (1.3)


exp ( a , + jw,).

The estimation of b,s can easily be formulated into a linear least square problem if all other parameters are known. M can be estimated by singular value decomposition (SVD) as proposed in [11 and [2]. We, in this paper, address the estimation of the poles z , ~ . Besides the iterative maximum likelihood (ML) or least squares method as in [6] and [7], another well-known approach to the above estimation problem is the polynomial or linear prediction method as in [ 1]-[5]. The matrix pencil method (or the pencil method) to be presented here represents an alternative approach which exploits the structure of a matrix pencil of the (noiseless) underlying
Manuscript received October 26. 1987: revised June 26. 1989. This work
was supported in part by Aeritalia Corporation and by the Ottice of Naval

Research under Contract N00014-79-C-0598. The authors are with the Departinent of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Syracuse University. Syracuse, N Y 13244-1240. IEEE Log Number 9034426.

signal x k , instead of the structure of prediction equations satisfied by x L . The idea of using the property of pencil for system identification and spectrum estimation has been exploited since at least as early as the pencil-of-function approach was proposed in [SI-[ 101. Recently, the idea has been explored from different directions and resulted in the ESPRIT algorithms as in [ 111-1 13) and other versions as in [14]. [15], and [29]. The matrix pencil method that we first presented in [ 161, [32], and [33] and shall present here was developed independently from a closely related work [14], [ 151, 129) by Ouibrahim et al. Our matrix pencil method was initially suggested by Huas insight into the pencil-of-function method; 181, [9] by Jain et al.; the ESPRIT [ 1 11, [ 121 by Roy et al.; and the SVD-Prony method [ I ] , [2] by Kumaresan and Tufts. It just turns out that a moving window approach is inherent in both Ouibrahims work [14], [15], [29] and Hua-Sarkars work 1161, [32], [33]. But in contrast to the work by Ouibrahim et a l . , our matrix pencil method exploits to a greater extend the free-moving window length, which shall be referred to as the pencil parameter. As we shall show, a proper choice of the pencil parameter results in significant improvement in noise sensitivity over Ouibrahims technique. In the polynomial method, there is also a free parameter often called polynomial degree (or prediction order). The free polynomial degree and the free pencil parameter bear interesting similarities as will be seen. The role played by the free polynomial degree has been studied before in [ 11, 121, 141, [5], and [I71 as well as in [26] and 1281 where the free polynomial degree represents the size of subarrays in the context of wave direction finding. As one will see, the significance of the pencil parameter is just like the polynomial degree. We should note that during the review period of two years of this manuscript, several other versions of the matrix pencil method have been found (or recovered), which include the state-space method [ 2 5 ] , TLS-ESPRIT [30], and Pro-ESPRIT [31]. Our study of these versions is available in [34]. A fundamental result from [34] is that all those matrix pencil based methods are equivalent to the first-order approximation, and therefore the perturbation analysis presented in this paper holds for all the above-mentioned methods.

0096-35 18/90/0500-08 14$0 1 .OO O 1990 IEEE



The objective of this paper is to compare the matrix pencil method originally presented in [ 161, [32], and (331 to the polynomial method presented in [ I ] and 121. Our comparison will show that the pencil method and the polynomial method are two special cases of a matrix prediction approach, but the pencil method is more efficient in computation and less restrictive about the signal poles. It will also be shown by perturbation analysis and simulation that the pencil method is less sensitive to noise than the polynomial method. In Section 11, the pencil method is described. A relationship between the pencil method and the polynomial method is discussed in Section 111. A first-order perturbation analysis is provided in Section IV. Some simulation results are given in Section V. In Appendix A, a new expression of the Cramer-Rao bound for exponentially damped sinusoids is presented, which reveals clearly several Cramer-Rao bound properties similar to the corresponding properties of both the polynomial method and the matrix pencil method.

b) Each of { z , ; f = I , . . , M } is a rank reducing number of the matrix pencil XI - zX,, if M I 5 N L M . None of { z,: r = I , . . , M } is a rank reducing number of the pencil if L < M or L > N - M . c) If M IL I - M , the solutions to the singular N generalized eigenvalue problem (the singular is due to the fact that X, and XI do not have full rank for M < L < N -M):



0 0

(2. I O ) (2.11)

p(X1 -

2 0 = x )

subject to q E R(X:), which denotes the column space of Xx, and p E R ( X , , ) , are

= 2,

q = qr = (rth column of Z l = Z:(Z,Z:)-)

pH = py

(tth row of Z L = ( Z r Z L ) - Z r )


Like the polynomial method, the matrix pencil method is based on the property of the underlying signal. One property of the exponential signals can be described by Theorem 2.1. Define

, M. qr and p, are called, respectively, the t=l,2;.* right and the left generalized eigenvectors associated with the generalized eigenvalue z I . The superscript + denotes the Moore-Penrose inverse or pseudoinverse. H denotes the conjugate transpose. - I denotes the inverse. Proof: Part a) is easy to verify by substituting (2.6)(2.9) into (2.4) and (2.5). To show part b), we notice

(The superscript T denotes the transpose. )

( N - L)X L


[ X L , XL-1,



where L is called the pencil parameter, then for part a):


= =

Z, BZ, Zl-BZZ,

(2.4) (2.5)

z, =

... ...

1 l

XI - zX(~ Z,B(Z - zIM)Z, = where ZM is the M x M identity matrix, and B and Z are full rank M X M diagonal matrices. If z = z I , then ( Z Z I ~ ) ~ , 0 and the tth column of Z L and the rth row of = , Z R are annihilated in the above expression. If M I 5 L N - M , each of Z L and ZR has rank M and, therefore, Rank ( X I - z,X,,) 1 = M = Rank ( X I - zX,)for z not belonging to { z I ; t = I , . . , M } . If L < M , then Rank ( Z , ) = L and Rank ( ( Z - zI I M ) Z R ) Rank ( ( Z = - z I M ) Z R )= L , which implies that Rank ( X I - zX,) does not decrease at z = zI. If L > N - M , then Rank ( Z , ) = N - L and Rank ( Z L B ( Z - z , I M ) ) = Rank ( Z L B ( Z - zl,,,,)) = N - L , which implies that Rank ( X I - zXo) does not decrease at z = zr. Part c) can easily be shown by noticing


... ...

z,z; z:z,

= IM
= IM.



diag { z l , 22, . . . , Z M } .


Since the rank of XI - zX, decreases only at z = z , and only by one at z = z r , the solutions to (2. IO) and (2.1 I ) are unique. (The eigenvectors are unique within a scalar factor.) This theorem provides the foundation for the matrix pencil method. In the sequel, we shall assume M 5 L I N - M unless otherwise indicated. Based on (2.10) and (2.1 I ) , we have the following discussion for computing { z I ; t = I , . . . , M } from X,, and X I . Left multiplying (2.10) by X : yields X,:XIqr = ~,x:xoq, = 2141. (2.13)



(X:Xo is the orthogonal projection onto R(X,").) This implies that { z r ; r = 1, . . . , M } are M eigenvalues of Xof XI. Since Xof Xi has rank M IL, there are also L M zero eigenvalues for the matrix product. Similarly, we can show that XIX: has M eigenvalues equal to z r ' s and N - L - M zero eigenvalues, and X:Xo ( o r XoX:) has M eigenvalues equal to z,"s and L - M (or N - L M ) zero eigenvalues. For the noisy data y k , we define y r , Yo, and Y, the same way as for x,, Xo, and X I , respectively, and replace (approximate) the pseudoinverse X l or X:, by the rank-M truncated pseudoinverse Y,' or Y T , respectively. Y is defined as :

yf o

~/=I.M(1/~O,)~O/4 (2.14)

= VoA-'U,"

tation. Like the degree of polynomial, the pencil parameter also plays an important role in reducing noise sensitivity as will be shown later. Unlike the polynomial method which requires all poles to be inside (or outside) the unit circle so that the extraneous L - M poles can be separated from the desired poles, the pencil method is free from such restriction (that is, the pencil method is less restrictive about the signal poles). It is noted that the modification in [4] has removed this restriction by solving for L roots of each of two (forward and backward) L-degree polynomials. For undamped signals, i.e., 1 z r 1 = 1 for all r , it can be shown similarly that { z r ; r = I , . . . , M } are the rank reducing numbers of the forward-and-backward (FB ) matrix pencil: XIFB- ~XOFB =

where { oO,;t = 1 , . . . , M } are the M largest singular and values of Yo; uOr's uor'sare the corresponding singular vectors; Vo = [ uol, * * . , u o M ] ; = [ u o I , * > %MI; U. , oOM. Y 7 is defined similarly. } and A = diag { g o , , to denote the Note that we use the superscript (rank-M ) pseudoinverse of a rank-M noiseless matrix and the (rank-M ) truncated pseudoinverse of a noisy matrix (i.e., a rank-M matrix perturbed by noise). With respect to the noise components in Yo, the continuity of each element of the truncated pseudoinverse Yof is preserved at the point where the noise is zero, and so does the continuity of the estimates of z r ' s . That is opposed to the fact that the (true) pseudoinverse of Yo is discontinuous at the point where the noise is zero, and hence computing the (true) pseudoinverse would face severe numerical problem when the noise level is low. Also note that Y l is equal to Xof if and only if the noise is zero. Since Yof YI has L - M zero eigenvalues which contain no information about z,'s, its size can be reduced before the eigenvalues are evaluated. Replacing Xo and XI in (2.13) by Yo and Y , , respectively, and substituting (2.14) into (2.13) for Y l yield


x/--I . . . xf





(2. IS)

where "*" denotes the conjugate. It can be seen that the whole discussions in this section are also applicable to the FB matrix pencil. But it should be noted that in addition to the condition M IL IN - M which is for the pencil to yield the desired eigenvalues, for M / 2 IL < M, the FB matrix pencil also yields the desired eigenvalues at z r ' s for "almost" all sinusoidal signals. This is because when M/2 IL < M, the two matrices XIFB XoFB and have rank M for "almost" all sinusoidal signals, which can be shown by the approach in [17]. The FB matrix pencil method is in fact the counterpart of the FB polynomial method [ l ] , [28]. Hence, it can be expected that the FB matrix pencil is more robust to noise than the F-only (or B-only) matrix pencil if the signal poles are known to be on the unit circle. The FB matrix pencil first appeared in [33] and [29]. But in [29], L was fixed to be M.

Since V,"Vo = I,,, and qr = Vo V t q , , left multiplying (2.15) by V," yields

A-l~tY,~o(v,"q/) = zr(V,"q,).


Now it can be seen that the estimates of z r ' s can be found by computing the eigenvalues of the M x M nonsymmetrical matrix:

Let us consider the matrix pencil Xo - zXl. We have known that the generalized eigenvalues ( i . e . , z,' for r = l;.. , M ) of the pencil are the same as the eigenvalues of the matrix:

z = A,

U [ Y , v,.


c, = x:xo
It is clear from (3.1) that the rth column of CI is simply the minimum norm solution to the equation: X,a,
= X/*-,.

Note that the M eigenvalues of Z , are the same as the M nonzero eigenvalues of Yof Y, . Compared to the polynomial method in [ I ] and [2] which requires SVD of an ( N - L ) x L data matrix (for the polynomial method, L represents the degree of polynomial) and finding L roots of an L-degree polynomial, the matrix pencil algorithm, which requires SVD of an ( N - L ) x L data matrix and computing M eigenvalues of an M X M matrix, is certainly more efficient in compu-


However, the vector with its rth element equal to one and all other elements equal to zero is also a solution to (3.2). Replacing the rth column of C, by this vector for r = 1,


, L - 1 yields a new matrix:

c, =

where the last column is the same as that of C,, i.e.,

a/- =
- [ U L U,.-,


0 0

. * .


From Section 11, we know that the estimated poles obtained by the matrix pencil method are the nonzero eigenvalues of Y,' Y , . (It can easily be shown that Y , Y x , Y,' YO, and Y , Y : yield the same estimated poles.) It is known from perturbation theory that the perturbation in the eigenvalues (z,'s) due to perturbation in the Y,'Yl can be written as

... 1 .

(4.1 )
where "6" denotes the first-order differential operator; and p ; and 4,' are the left and right eigenvectors of X , ' X , , i.e.,




As one can see, aLis the minimum norm coefficient vector of an L-order backward linear prediction filter (x, = -Er = I . L a,x, + f o r j = 0, * , N - L - 1 ). It is known that the eigenvalues of the new matrix (companion matrix) C2 are the same as the roots of the L-degree polynomial:

p;Hx:xl = z r p ; H
x,'x,q; = z,q;.

(4.2) (4.3)

+ Er= I , ~ , Q ~ z -r

which has M roots at (z:'; t = I , * , M } and L - M extraneous nonzero roots with magnitudes less than one [2]. Therefore, the difference between the two methods simply lies in the choice of the solution to (3.2). In other words, C, and C2 are two special solutions to what we call the matrix prediction equation:

Using (2.4) and (2.5), we have X : X , = Z , f Z Z R . Therefore, p ; H is the ith row of Z R , 4,' is the ith column of Z i , andp,"q,' = 1 . Because of (2.12), 4,' = q r .Following the approach used in [I71 (see equation (13) in [17]) for differentiating the truncated pseudoinverse, we obtain from (4.1)

6zr = P ~ " ( ~ ( Y ; ) x , xO6Yl)qr +

= -p;HX,'6Y"X,'Xlq,

+ p;HX,'6Ylq,


+ p;Hx,'6Ylqr.

x,c = x,


* a L ] .Now we show Theorem 3.1. where C = [ a l Theorem 3.1: As long as C is a solution to (3.5), { z , ' ; t = 1 , * * - , M } are M eigenvalues of the L x L matrix C . P r o 0 8 Since Rank ( Xo - z X , ) decreases by one at zrP1and X I ( C - zZL) = Xo - z X , , Rank ( C - z I L ) decreases by one at z;'. Similarly, if C is a solution to the "forward" matrix prediction equation X , C = X I , then z r ' s are M eigenvalues of C. Note that C, is a minimum rank ( M ) and minimum (Frobenius) norm solution to (3.5) while C2 has the maximum rank L. If L = M , the solution to (3.5) is unique so that C, = C2, which implies that the pencil method and the polynomial method are equivalent when L = A (note 4 that the above discussion can similarly be carried out for noisy data).

Here we directly use the perturbation in the truncated pseudoinverse Y J in terms of the perturbation in the data matrix Yo, without finding the perturbations in singular values and singular vectors. In the above sense, our approach is neater than the approach in [ 191 which is based on the perturbation analysis of the intermediate quantities: singular values and singular vectors, and on the condition that the singular values of Yo are distinct. Using (2.4) and (2.12), we can show [17], [18]





Combining (4.4) and (4.5) yields

6zr = 1 /brpF(GYl - zr6Y")qr.


Note that 6 Y , and 6Yo consist of noise components only, I.e..


We now present a first-order perturbation analysis of the matrix pencil method with comparison to the polynomial method. Since the perturbation variance is bounded by the Cramer-Rao bound, a brief discussion of the C-R bound is provided in Appendix A, where a new expression of the C-R bound is presented to reveal several C-R bound properties similar to the corresponding properties of both the polynomial method and the pencil method.






nN- I


n N - L - l nNPL
* *


Some algebraic manipulation of (4.6) yields




(4. I O )

where R,,,, is the covariance matrix of n . To evaluate the perturbation variance, we will let

E(n} E(nn7}

= =

0 0

E ( n n H }= R,,,, = 2 0 ' l , ~
where E { } denotes the expectation, and 2a' the noise variance.

- 2: :

A. Simple Cusr Study

PI,N - 1.


Simplified expression of the perturbation variance for one undamped sinusoid can be obtained as follows. (4'11) One Complex Sinusoid: Assume that x,! = b l exp ( j w , k ) . Then we can show [ 181 that Var
(6Wl )pc"cll



= 1/

where pI,, is the jth element of p , . If the FB matrix pencil is used for undamped signal, then we can show [ 181 that the perturbation in the estimated i , is

2 Var

(621 )pe"c,l


l/(hiI[qJprF'n + qTp?Bpn*]


for L 5 N / 2 for L 2 N / 2

where the subscript "FB" indicates that the estimate is obtained by an FB version; and are defined the same way as for PI with pI./ replaced by p I . F B . ,and P ~ , F B . N L + / respectively; p , , ( j = 1, 2, . . . , 2 ( N L ) ) is the j t h element of P ~ , ~ - ~F' B ;is the rth row of PF B


1 ( N - L)2L L)L'


... ... ..

) ...

and P is the ( N I.e..

N ) order reversing permutation matrix,

for the matrix pencil method, and Var ( 6 W I 1p"l)

1 / 2 Var

(621 )p"l!,

Now we have obtained 62, and 62,. F B explicitly in terms ofthe noise vector n . If the covariance matrix of the noise vector is known, the first-order perturbation variances in the estimated z l , w,, and a , can straightforward be found from ( 4 . 9 ) or (4.12) (at least by numerical computation) for any given signal. For example, we can write, from (4.9)
Var (6z,)




3 ( N - L)'L(L + I ) for L IN / 2

for L 2

L)L'(L N/2

+ 3L' + 3L + 1) + if

( l/ii,l(')q:P,HRJ,JJP,q;* ( 4 ' 1 5 )


for the (either forward or backward) polynomial method. SNR, = I b , 1'/2a2. Since the analytical results (including those presented later) are obtained through the firstorder approximation, they are valid only when SNR, is very large. However, based on our simulations, those results are good approximations if SNR, 2 30 dB, or more precisely, if SNR, is above threshold. Note that L in (4.17) represents the polynomial degree for the polynomial method. It is easy to observe from (4.16) that the pencil method is the most sensitive to noise when the free pencil parameter is equal to M o r N - M. N / 3 and 2N/3 are the best choices for L. In fact, all values satisfying N / 3 IL I 2N/3 appear to be good choices in general. This phenomenon can be seen in all other cases. We should mention that a first-order perturbation analysis of the polynomial method has also been presented in [20] where the result only for single sinusoid is obtained. Unfortunately, we found that their result (equation (3 I ) in [20]) is not consistent with (4.17) for L I N/2 ( i n fact, equation (31) in [20] is not consistent by itself when M = L - M, i.e., L = N / 2 in our notation). With (4.16) and (4.17), it can be shown that

From (4.16), (4.19), and (4.20), we know

= =

Min, Var Min, Var


= Var

( C ~ W , . ~ ~ ) when


or 2N/3 (4.22 )

( 1/SNRl)27/4N7.

Note that although this expression is valid only for the case where N / 3 is an integer. the approximation to be given in (4.24) is true for all N I3. Based on (4.21) and (4.22), the efficiency is eff.


27N(N2 - 1)/24N' 2 1


where N I3, and the last equality holds only when N 3 . Since N ? - 1 = N', we have eff. = 27/24



with equality only when L = 1 (i.e., L = M ). It is interesting, however, that if the FB versions of the pencil and polynomial methods are used, then we can show [ 181 that



1 L ( N - L)' 1 - L)

for L forL


This result supports the observation that the polynomial method [ l ] , [2], [21] and the matrix pencil [17], [I81 method (with optimum choice of L ) generally have a good and constant (with respect to N ) efficiency. Two Complex Sinusoids: If we let xL = biz: + b?z;, then simplifying the theoretical perturbation variances of 6z, or 6w, has not been successful. But we always can evaluate the theoretical variances numerically with use of the general result given by (4.9) and (4.12). With the parameters defined as: M = 2, N = 25, CY, = -0.01, CY' = -0.02, f , - fi = -0.02, and any 4 , and +?, we plotted the theoretical perturbation variances in Fig. 1. This plot ("*") shows 10 log,,, (CRB/Var (6fl)) versus L



for both the polynomial method and the pencil method. Note thatf, = w , / ~ T ,and the CRB in the above expression denotes the C-R bound for the two sinuosids, which should not be confused with the CRB in (4.21). Again, it is observed that Var (6f, ) IVar ( 6fl ) p(,ly with equal1 ity only when L = M = 2. (The variances for the two for L IN/2 methods can differ by more than 2 dB.) In fact, this phe1 L ( N - L)' -~ nomenon has been observed for all choices of signal paSNR, 1 rameters and especially for weakly damped signals. f o r L 2 N/2. L?(N - L ) As predicted by (4.19) and (4.20), the FB versions (only for undamped signals) do not show noticeable differences (4.20) of frequency perturbation variances. In other words, the The first equality in (4.20) holds only when L = 1 (i.e., FB matrix pencil method and the TK method [ 11 have almost the same performance with respect to the accuracy L = M [17]). The above two equations indicate that the FB versions of the two methods have very close noise sen- of the frequency estimation. (We also found that the frequency perturbation variances for the two FB versions are sitivity with respect to the estimated frequencies. The Cramer-Rao bound for Var ( w , or Var ( w ~ ,is ~ not )exactly the same in general [ 181.) But the FB matrix ) ~ pencil method still has the computational advantage over known [24] to be the FB polynomial method (i.e., the Tufts-Kumaresan CRB = ( l / S N R , ) 6 / N ( N ' - 1 ) . (4.21) method [ l ] ) .




-3 -1
-2 -4

-. ,

-5 -6


Y -10 -11



-16 -17

l ' l ' l ' l ' l ' l ' l ~ l ' ~ ~ l ~ l ' l ~ l ~


B. General Case Study In this subsection, we present some fundamental properties for the pencil method. All these properties are observed from (4.9) and (4.12) which are for any sinusoidal signal. Properties Similar f o r the Polynomial Method: 1) If the signal is undamped sinusoids and L I ( N 1 ) /2, the perturbations in z , or z,, F B due to the noise components, nk for L Ik IN - L - 1, are zero. 2) Var (6z,) Var ( 6 ~ , , is inversely proportional to or ~ ~ ) SNR, = I b, 1'/2a2, and is independent of SNR, f o r j not equal to t . 3) Var (6z,)is invariant to the phases and the group shift of frequencies. ~ ~ ) 4) Var ( 6 ~ , , is invariant to the group shift of phases and the group shift of frequencies. Note that the properties 2)-4) are shared by the C-R bound. See Appendix A. 5 ) Var (6z,)= 2 Var (6w,) 2 Var ( 6 a , ) . = 6) For the case where 1 z , I = 1 for all t , we have
Var ( with equality if
(W, -


M = l
where t is not equal to j , and m is an integer. Equation (4.25) has not been proved completely. But for the detailed discussions, see [ 181. Properties Different from the Polynomial Method: 7) Since Y , - zYo and Y : - z Y i have the same rank reducing numbers, 6z, is symmetrical about L = N/2. This symmetry can be seen from (4.14) and Fig. 1. 8) A unique property of the FB matrix pencil method is that the perturbation 6 ( ~ ,is, zero, which implies ~ ~

This is in contrast to






with equality only when L = M [ 171. 9) Due to properties 5 ) and 8), (4.25) can be replaced by Var


/2 Var (&,)


Var (6w)pcnc,l.

w,)(N - l )

2(d3 -



w, - w, = 2 m ~ / ( N L ) -

A proof of (4.27) is provided in Appendix B. Equation (4.27) implies that the estimated poles are perturbed by (small) noise along the unit circle only. RESULTS V. SIMULATION To justify our perturbation analysis in Section IV, we did computer simulation. In this simulation, the IMSL software (with VAX/VMS 785 at Syracuse University) was used to generate the white Gaussian noise, to solve

or N-L>>l



50 -

40 Y '





10 0























15 SNR 1




Fig. 2 . This plot shows - I O log,,, ( V a r (Sf',) ) versus S N R , . The "pluses" arc simulation results for the pencil method. and the "diamonds" are for the polynomial method. The straight lines were computed from the perturbation analysis. L = 10 (an optimum choice) was chosen. The signal parameters (except q5, = q5? = 30" ) are the same as for Fig. 1.







15 SNRl




Fig. 3 . This plot shows -10 log,,, ( V a r ( S f , , f , , ) versus S N R , . The frcquency was estimated by the FB versions o f the pencil and polynomial methods with L = 17 (an optimum choice). The straight lines. "pluses." and "diamonds" have the same meaning as in Fig. 2 . The signal paranieters are M = 2. N = 25. a , = c y 2 = O . f , = 0.2.,f2 = 0.22. q51 = 0. and 6,= -3.6".

the eigenvalue problem as required by the pencil method, and to find the roots of polynomial as required by the polynomial method. Each sample variance was computed based on 200 estimates which were perturbed by 200 independent noise sequences added on x k , k = 0, 1 , * * * , N - 1. For each case or figure, the same (noisy) data were

used for both the pencil method and the polynomial method. We first present the case where the signal consists of two sinusoids as given in the previous section. Fig. 2 shows - 10 log,o (Var ( 6 f , ) ) versus SNR,. L = 10 ( = N / 3 ) was used for both of the methods because it is the optimum choice for both of the methods with the



3X. NO 5. MAY 1990






20 -

0 5 10


, , , , , , , I , , , , , , , , ,

I , ,

, ,




Fig. 4. Sec Fig. 3 . The only difference here is that -3.6"

@, =

86.4" instead of

given signal data (see Fig. I ) . The straight lines were computed from (4.9) (assuming the noise is white). The "pluses" are simulation results for the pencil method while the "diamonds" are for the polynomial method. As can be seen, the simulation results are consistent with the perturbation analysis for high SNR (i.e., when SNR is above threshold). Note that the advantage in noise sensitivity of the pencil method over the polynomial method is preserved in the threshold region. To compare the FB versions of the two methods for undamped signals, we chose M = 2, N = 2 5 , fl = 0.2, f 2 = 0 . 2 2 , a I = CY? = 0, c$? = 0, and 4 , = -3.6" and 86.4", respectively. Figs. 3 and 4 show - 10 log,, (Var ( 6 f { , F B ) ) versus SNR, for 4, = -3.6" and 4 , = 86.4", respectively. For the two figures, L = 17 ( = 2 N / 3 ) was used for both of the methods because it is the optimum choice for both of the FB versions with the given signal data [17], [18]. As can be seen, the two methods have very close Var ( 8Jfr.FB). In Figs. 3 and 4, we plotted two straight lines (first-order perturbation variances) for the two methods, but they are overlayed in the plot. An important thing that one should observe from the two plots is that both the threshold and the perturbation variance are significantly affected by the phase difference. It can be shown (see I171 and [IS]) that - 42 = -3.6" makes X, and X, the best conditioned, while - 42 = 86.4" makes XI and X , the worst conditioned. Note that $ I & = 86.4" satisfies (4.24). VI. CONCLUSION We have presented a study of a matrix pencil method with comparison to the polynomial method proposed in [ I ] and 121. We have shown that the two methods are two special cases of a matrix prediction approach, but the pencil method is more efficient in computation, less restric-

tive about signal poles, and less sensitive to noise for signals with unknown damping factors than the polynomial method. The C-R bound has also been discussed in Appendix A in a unique way. APPENDIX A In this appendix, we shall derive a Fisher information matrix which is in such a form that some relations between the Cramer-Rao bound and the signal parameters are easily seen. From (1. l ) , we can write

y = x + n

(A. 1 )

wherey = [ y o , y , , , y , ~ l ] T a n d x= [xo,xI, * , x N - I ] '. If the probability density function (pdf) of n is normal, i.e., N ( 0 , 2 a 2 Z N ) , then the pdf of y is N ( x , 2 a 2 Z N ) .It is clear that the mean vector x depends on the parameter vector 8 defined as

[e;. -


('4.2) (A.3)

Let 8, denote the tth element of 8. Then the (1, j )th element of the Fisher information matrix J can be shown to be

(A.4) where d ( ) / d e , is partial derivative. But J can be partitioned as

{J,,,; t , j = l , 2 ,



where Jr,, is a 4 X 4 ( t ,j )th block matrix of J , which can be shown from (A.4) to be


known. The C-R bound has been studied for sinusoidal signals in [22]-[24], and all the properties. except the phase independency when CY,'sare unknown, in Theorem A. 1 have been known. However, we think that the above formulation of the C-R bound is unique. APPENDIX B Here we prove (4.27) with the assumption I z , I = I for all t. Since 6w,f B = Im { 6 z , F B / z r } and &a, = Re FB { 6z,F B / z r } , we need to show that 6z, f B / : r is purely imaginary. Similar to 6z, in (4.6), 67,f B can be shown [I81 to be





- Zr6&lfB)qr.


We can write

[ P , H f ,P f B l


(A.13) (A. 14)

Note that O r , J O / , L = O r . r , e,-/' = e:, = e/.,, and Or,, = 4 . After substituting (A.12) into (A.6), the 4 x 4 ( I , j ) t h block matrix of J - I can be shown to be


(A.16) we have

where X r . l is the 4 X 4 ( I , j )th block matrix of X-' = { X,,,}-' (which is independent of I b, I and 4,). Then the rth diagonal block matrix of J - ' is

Since the 4 diagonal elements of .Ir.' are the C-R bounds for Ib,l, 4r3 CY,, and w,, respectively, the following theorem can easily be shown from (A. 17). Theorem A . I : If the parameters ( I b, 1, 4,, a,, w,) for all r are unknown, then the Cramer-Rao bounds for ( +,, CY,,w,)are independent of I b, I for j not equal to f but proportional to 1 / I 6, I?, the bound for I b, I is independent of 1 b, 1 for all j , and the bounds for all parameters are independent of phases for all j and the group shift of frequencies. If 01,'s are known (e.g., CY, = 0 for all r ) , the above results are still true except that the C-R bounds depend upon the phases (but not the group shift of phases). This is because a symmetry in (A.8) is destroyed when a,'s are

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Encouraged by a constructive comment made by a reviewer of our earlier correspondence [33], we have expanded that correspondence into this paper. The presentation of this work has been greatly helped by the comments of five reviewers.



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Yingbo Hua (S'86-M'87) was born in Jiangsu, China, on November 26. 1960. He received the B.S. degree in control engineering from Southeastern University (Nanjing Institute of Technology). Nanjing. China. in 1982. and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, both in electrical engineering. from Syracuse University. Syracuse. NY. in 1983 and 1988. respectively. He was a Graduate Teaching Assistant from 1984 to 1985. a Graduate Fellow from 1985 to 1986. a Graduate Regearch Agsistant from 1986 to 1988. and a Research Associate from 1988 to 1989. at Syracuse Univergity His research interests include transient signal processing. wave direction finding. spectrum eWmation. dnd fast dlgorithms
Tapan K . Sarkar (S'69-M.76-SM'El) was born in Calcutta, India. on August 2. 1948. He received the B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology. Kharagpur. India. in 1969. the M.Sc.E. degree from the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Canada. in 1971. and the M . S . and Ph.D. degrees from Syracuse University. Syracuse. NY. in 1975. From 1975 to 1976 he was with the T A C O Division of General Instruments Corporation. He was with the Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. from 1976 to 1985. He was a Research Fellow at the Gordon Mckay Laboratory, Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. from 1977 to 1978. He is now a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Syracuse University. His current research interests deal with numerical solution of operator equations arising in electromagnetics and signal processing with application to system design. He has authored and coauthored over 154 journal articles and conference papers. He has written chapters in eight books. Dr. Sarkar is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New OF.; York. He received the Best Paper Award of the IEEE TRAKSACTIONS ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY in 1979. He was an Associate Editor for AN SOCIETY NEWSfeature articles of the IEEE ANTEKNAS D PROPAGATION LETTER.He was the Technical Program Chairman for the 1988 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting. He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPAT~BILITY for the Journal of Elecrromagand neric Waves ond Applications. He has been appointed U.S. Research Council Representative to many URSI General Assemblies. He is also the Vice Chairman of the lntercommission Working Group of International URSI on Time Domain Meterology. He is a member of Sigma Xi and the International Union of Radio Science Commissions A and B . He also received one of the "best solution" awards in May 1977 at the Rome Air Development Center (RADC) Spectral Estimation Workshop.

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