Marle 1997
Marle 1997
Marle 1997
ELSEVIER Journal of Geometry and Physics 23 (1997) 350-359
The main properties of the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket are reviewed and a new formula is proven,
which relates that bracket with the right interior product of multivectors by one-forms.
1. Introduction
The Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket was first discovered by Schouten [24,25] who, with
Nijenhuis [21], establihed its main properties. A strong renewal of interest in that bracket
occurred when Lichnerowicz began to consider generalizations of symplectic or contact
structures which involve contravariant tensor fields rather than differential forms. He defined
Poisson and Jacobi structures [ 13,141 and observed that the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket
allows to put under an intrinsic, coordinate free form the conditions under which a 2-
multivector field A on a manifold defines a Poisson structure, as well as the conditions
under which a pair (A, E) of a 2-multivector field A and a vector field E defines a Jacobi
Properties of the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket were very actively investigated in recent
years [ 1,12,20,22], as well as its very numerous applications, in particular to Poisson geom-
etry and Poisson cohomology [2,3,7,8,22,26-281, bihamiltonian manifolds and integrable
sytems [ 11,191, Poisson-Lie groups [S, 161, Lie groupoids [6,17,18]. Generalizations of
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that bracket were considered [4,9,10,15]. For some time, the sign conventions used in the
definition of the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket made by different authors were not always
in agreement and very often led to rather complicated formulas. Koszul 1121 introduced
in its definition new sign conventions much more natural than the original ones used by
Schouten and Nijenhuis, leading to formulas easier to handle. We will use essentially these
sign conventions (maybe with a slight change explicitly indicated in Remark 4.2).
In this paper, we first briefly review the main already known properties of the Schouten-
Nijenhuis bracket. We have tried to introduce these properties as simply as possible, and
to state explicitly all the conventions made. Then we prove a formula (new, up to our
knowledge) which relates the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket with the right interior product of
multivectors by one-forms. That formula allows the recursive calculation of the Schouten-
Nijenhuis bracket of multivector fields of any degree.
Let M be a real smooth (C”) manifold of dimension m; TM and T*M its tangent and
cotangent bundles, respectively. For each integer p > I, we denote by A"(M) and D P (M)
the spaces of smooth sections, respectively, of A” TM and of A” T* M (the vector bundles
pth exterior powers of TM and T'M, respectively). A section P E AP(M) will be called
a p-multivectorjeld (or simply a vector field for p = 1) and a section n E L?J'(M)
p-d@rentialform (a Pfuffform for p = 1). By convention, for p = 0, we set A’(M) =
L?‘(M) = CW(M, R), the algebra
of smooth real functions on M. For p < 0, we set
A”(M) = G’“(M) = (0), the null module on CCC(M.R).Of course, taking into account
the skew-symmetry, we have also, for p z m, A"(M) = 62"(M) = (0).Finally, we set
A(M) = ~p~.zAp(M), L?(M) = EB~EEQ~(M).
We recall that a p-multivector P E AP(M) can be considered as a map, p-multilinear
on the ring Cm (M, R)), alternate, defined on (f2 ’(M))P,which takes its values in the ring
Cx(M, R). Explcitly, for crt, . . . up E L?'(M)andx E M,
We recall also that A(M) and 6?(M)are Z-graded associative algebras on Cm(M, R),with
the wedge product (denoted by A) as composition law. For example, the wedge product
P A Q of P E AP(M) and Q E Aq(M) is defined by the formula, in which the ol;,
1 5 i p p + q, are Pfaff forms,
352 C.-M. Marie/Journal of Geometry and Physics 23 (1997) 3563.59
(o)P(a,(~)t . .t a,(p)1 Q(G(~+I), . . ., ~(~+y)).
We have denoted by S(p, q) the set of “shuffle” permutations of (1, 2, . . . , p + q}, i.e.,
permutations which satisfy
In the above formula E(O) is equal to 1 if the permutation G is even and to -1 if that
permutation is odd.
There is a natural C?(M, R)-bilinear map of R(M) x A(M) into CW(M, R), called
the pairing, denoted by (q, P) H (Q, P). Let us recall its definition. If 17 E tiny(M) and
P E AP(M) with p # q, then (q, P) = 0. If f E Q’(M) = P(M, R) and g E
A”(M) = CCO(M, R), then (f, g) is the ordinary product fg. If c;ytA. . A up E fZJ’(M) is
a decomposable p-form and Xi A . . A X, E AP(M) a decomposable p-multivector field,
(therefore the Q; are Pfaff forms and the Xi are vector fields), then
The definition of the pairing extends then to Q(M) x A(M) by bilinearity, in a unique way.
For q E fiJ’(A4) and Xl,. . , X, E A’(M), we have
2.3.Interior products
More generally, let P E AP(M). We define the right interim-product by P as the unique
COC(M, R.)-linear endomorphism of R(M), of degree -p, such that, for n E L?+‘(M), with
q L p, i( P)q is the unique element of @-P(M) such that, for each R E Aq-I’(M),
For ,f E A”(M) = Cm(M, Iw), i(f) is just the ordinary product by ,f’. For P E AP(M),
p > l,i(P)ingeneralisnomoreaderivationofR(M).ForP E AI’(M)andQ E AY(A4).
we have
Similarly, let (Y E L?‘(M). The left interior product by CY,denoted by j(cr). is the
unique graded Cm(M, IL!)-linear endomorphism of A(M), of degree -1, such that, for
Q E Aq(M), j(a)Q is the unique element of Aq-‘(M) defined by the formula, in which
ot.....(Y(,_I E n’(M) are Pfaff forms,
Observe that while X appears at the first place on the right-hand side of (1). u appears at
the last place on the right-hand side of (5).
The left interior product j(a) by a Pfaff form (Yis less often used in differential geometry
than the (right) interior product by a vector field, probably because multivector fields are
less often used than differential forms. However, its properties are similar. In particular, it
is a “derivation on the right” of degree - 1 of the exterior algebra A(M). It means that,
for P E A(M) and Q E AY(M). it satisfies the formula, which should be compared
with (2)
More generally, let r] E JF(M). We define the left interior product by q, denoted by
as the unique Cm(M, R)-linear endomorphism of A(M), of degree -q, such that, for
P E At’(M), with p 3 q, j (TJ)P is the unique element of A P-q(M) which satisties, for
each < E L’J’-q(M),
That formula should be compared with (3). For f E L”(M) = Y(M, [w), j(f) is just the
ordinary product by f. For q E L?P(M), p 1 1, j (r]) is in general no more a “derivation on
the right” of A(M). For q E L2P(M) and 4 E Rq(M), we have the formula, which should
be compared with (4),
The sign conventions used here in the definitions of the right and left interior products
are in agreement with the widely used definition of the interior product by a vector field.
When the degrees of the multivector field and of the form are equal, the interior products
354 C.-M. Marie/Journal of Geometry and Physics 23 (1997) 350-359
reduce to the pairing, since we have the very natural formulas, for P E At’(M) and q E
The left and right interior products are “punctual” operations: the value of the right
interior product of a differential form by a multivector field (resp., the left interior product
of a multivector field by a differential form) at a point x of the manifold M depends only
on the values at x of that differential form and that multivector field. Other operations, such
that the exterior differentiation d (for differential forms), the Lie derivative with respect
to a vector field (for multivector fields as well as differential forms), and the bracket of a
vector field with another vector field (which is in fact a particular case of Lie derivative)
are not punctual: their values at a point x E M depend on the l-jets at x of the fields
under consideration. The Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket is of that type. In fact, it is a natural
extension of the Lie derivative of multivector fields with respect to a vector field. The
following proposition states some of its properties which can be used for its definition.
Proposition 3.1. Let M be a smooth real m-dimensional manifold and A(M) the exte-
rior algebra of multivectorfields on M. There exists a unique [W-bilinear map, dejmed on
A(M) x A(M), with values in A(M), called the Schouten-Ntjenhuis bracket and denoted
by (P, Q) H [P, Q], which satis$es the following properties:
1. For f and g E A’(M) = CW(M, [w), [f, g] = 0.
2. For a vector field X E A’ (M) and a multivector field Q E A(M), [X, Q] is the Lie
derivative L(X) Q of Q with respect to X.
3. For P E At’(M) and Q E Aq(M),
Proof Several full proofs of this proposition can be found in the literature, for example
in [27] (with different sign conventions), [22] or [ 121. We will indicate here only the main
ingredients of a very straightforward proof. Property 4 implies that the Schouten-Nijenhuis
bracket [P, Q] is local: its values in an open subset of M depend only on the values of the
multivector fields P and Q in that open subset. Therefore we may work in the domain of
a chart, in which P and Q are finite sums of exterior products of vector fields (or maybe
functions, if their degree is 0). Properties l-4 allow to express [P, Q] in the domain of
that chart in terms of a finite sum of exterior (or ordinary) products involving functions
and Lie derivatives of functions or vector fields with respect to a vector field. This ensures
the unicity. Finally, to prove the existence we have just to prove that when the value of a
C.-M. Marie/Journal of Geometry and Physics 23 (1997) 350-359 355
Properties 5 and 6 show that, for a given Q E AY(M). the map P H [P. Q] is a
“derivation on the right” of A(M).
The next proposition is a natural generalization of the well-known fact that the space
A’ (M), with the bracket of vector fields as a composition law, is a Lie algebra.
ProofI We will give only its main lines. First we observe that the formula is satisfied when
the degrees p, q and r are equal to 0 or 1. Then the general result follows by induction on
the degrees, using properties 3 and 4 to replace, for example, P by PAX, with X E A’ (M),
and therefore p by p + 1. 0
Remark 3.4.
(I) Proposition 3.3, together with properties 3 and 5, states that the graded vector space
A(M), with the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket as composition law, is a graded Lie algebra
[23]. In order to have a simple rule for composing the degrees, one has to state that the
“Lie degree” of a homogeneous multivector field P E A”(M) (that means, its degree
with respect to the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket as a graded Lie algebracomposition law)
is p - 1. Of course, the Lie degree of P E A”(M) should not be confused with its ordi-
nary degree (also called exterior degree), which is p. The space A’ (M) of vector fields.
which is a Lie algebra in the usual sense, is then the subspace of A(M) of Lie degree 0.
(2) As observed by Grabowski [7], the graded Jacobi identity may be written under other
forms, in which its meaning is clearer than under the form (13), and which still have a
meaning for more general brackets which are not graded-skew-symmetric (i.e.. which
do not satisfy (IO)). Let us set, for each P E AP(M) and Q E A(M),
or as
Eq. (15) has a clear meaning: the graded endomorphism adp, of degree p - I, is a deriva-
tion of the graded Lie algebra A(M) with the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket as composition
law (the degree of Q E Aq(M) considered here being its Lie degree q - 1 rather than its
exterior degree q).
Eq. (16) means that the endomorphism ad[p,QJ of A(M), of degree p + q - 2, is the
graded commutator of the endomorphisms adp (of degree p - 1) and adQ (of degree q - 1).
The definition of the graded commutator of two graded endomorphisms is recalled at the
beginning of the next section for endomorphisms of C?(M), but the same definition holds
for endomorphisms of any graded vector space, in particular for endomorphisms of A(M).
Let us recall that if @ and ly are two graded linear endomorphisms of R(M), of degrees
cp and @ respectively, their graded commutator, denoted by [@, 91, is defined as
The following proposition, due to Koszul [ 121, indicates a very nice and useful expression
for the interior product by a Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket. A special case of that formula
appears in the works of Lichnerowicz [ 13,141; in that special case, the interior product by
a Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket [P, Q] with P E AP(A4) and Q E Aq(M) is applied to a
differential form r] of degree p + q - I, equal to the degree of [P, Q]; that interior product
is therefore simply the pairing (I], [P, Q]), and in the right-hand side of Eq. (18) below,
the expression di (Q)i( P)q vanishes, since i (Q)i (P)q = i (P A Q)v = 0, the multivector
field P A Q being of degree p + q and the differential form q of degree p + q - 1.
Proposition 4.1. Let P and Q be two multivectorjields on the manifold M, and [P, Q] be
their Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket. The interior product i([ P, Q]) is expressed, in terms of
the exterior difSerentia1 d and the interior products i(P) and i(Q), by
Prooj We indicate only its main lines. We observe first that Eq. (IS) is satisfied when P
and Q are homogeneous of degrees 0 or 1. Then, by using (10) and (1 1), and by replacing
C.-M. Marie/Journal qf Geometry and Physics 23 (1997) 350-359 3.57
Remark 4.2.
(1) In [12. p. 2661, Koszul writes, instead of (18). for u and h E A(M),
The sign differences between that formula and (18) is probably due to different con-
ventions about the interior product.
(2) Let .f’ E A’(M) = Cm(M, R) be a smooth function, and P E AP(M). By using (18).
we easily see that for any q E SZP-’ (M),
By a repeated application of that formula, we see that, for p smooth functions f’r . . f,] E
A’(M), and P E AP(M),
Proof We may assume, without loss of generality. that P is homogeneous of degree I?. Let
CEQ p+-‘(M) We have
Remark 4.4.
(1) When n is a closed Pfaff form, the right-hand side of (21) vanishes, and that equation
shows that the left interior product j (17) is a “derivation on the right” of the graded Lie
algebra A(M), with the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket as composition law.
(2) Let f E G”(M) = C?(M, IR) be a smooth function. Then j(f) is simply the ordinary
product by f and, instead of (20), we have
(3) In [ 12, p. 264, Eq. (2.4)], Koszul indicates the formula, where D is a differential operator
which generates the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket (in a sense specified in that paper) and
w a differential form of degree p,
where we have denoted by j(w) the right interior product by w, in order to use the
same notations as above (Koszul denotes that interior product by i(w)). That formula
seems to be related with Eq. (21) and may offer a way to generalize Proposition 4.3 for
left interior products of Schouten-Nijenhuis brackets by differential forms of degree
higher than 1.
(4) Formula (21) in Proposition 4.3 allows us to obtain an expression of [ P, Q] in terms of
exterior products and Schouten brackets of multivector fields of degree strictly lower
than the degrees of P and Q. Therefore, a repeated use of that formula yields an
expression of [P, Q] in terms of exterior products, Lie derivatives of functions with
respect to vector fields and brackets of vector fields.
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