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Ganpat University: U.V.Patel College of Engineering

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(MARINE ENGINEERING DEPAERTMENT) 2MRE301 - APPLIED MECHANICS Teaching Scheme (Hrs) L T 3 P Total 3 Theory 3 Examination Scheme (Marks) Credit Pra./ TW Total 3 Int. Asses 30 Theory Sem.End Marks Hrs 70 3 Total 100 Practical Total 100 Grand Total

UNIT-I STATICS : Types of forces, equilibrium conditions, equilibrium of non-coplanar forces, equilibrium of rigid bodies in three dimensions, method of virtual work, principal of virtual displacement, coplanar non concurrent forces- Varignons theorem. Rapsons slide. UNIT- II FRICTION: Frictional force, coefficient of friction, Laws of friction, friction between solid dry surfaces on horizontal and inclined planes, wedge friction, rope friction, simple bearing friction, work done against friction UNIT- III SIMPLE MACHINES : Definitions- load, effort, mechanical advantage, velocity ratio, efficiency, Graph of Load- efficiency and Load effort, Wheel and Axel, rope pulley blocks, Differential pulley blocks, screw jack. Single and double purchase winch crab, Worm wheel. UNIT- IV MOMENT OF INERTIA : Centroid- center of gravity of two-dimensional body, determination of centroid by integration for various geometrical shapes, centroid for composite sections. Moment of inertia, parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem, polar moment of inertia, Radius of gyration, determination of M.I. for simple and composite sections. UNIT-V DYNAMICS : Linear motion, angular motion and motion in inclined plane-simple treatment. Work and energy, constant force and force with linear variation, potential energy, kinetic energy, Newtons law of motion, conservation of momentum. Centrifugal force and its application in conical pendulum.

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strength of materials by R.K.Rajput. Engineering mechanics statics & Dynamics by Beer and Johnson. Engineering mechanics statics & Dynamics by S.S.Bhavikatti & K.G. Rajasekarappa Engineering mechanics statics & Dynamics by Dr. Rajasekar Strength of materials by S.Ramamrutham & R.Narayan.


Teaching Scheme (Hrs) L T P 4 Total 4

Examination Scheme (Marks) Credit Theory Pra./ TW 2 Total 2 Int. Asses Theory Sem.End Marks Hrs Total Practical I.Ass. 50 Grand Total

Sem Total End 50 100 100

1. WELDING - Exercises in Electric Arc welding and Gas welding Advanced Techniques. 2. HAND TOOLS - Hand tools, sharpening , Powered hand tools, 3. Measurements etc. Exercise involving above.

LATHE & SPECIAL M/C SHOP 1. Lathe Straight turning, Step turning, under cut, taper turning, knurling and thread cutting exercises. 2. Shaping Machine Making square from round rod and grooving exercises.

GANPAT UNIVERSITY U.V.Patel College of Engineering

Department of Marine Engineering 2ME 305 Engineering Thermodynamics
Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Practical Total Internal Asses. Sem. End Total Grand Total

B.Tech Semester-III


Marks 70

Hrs 3






1. Introduction Macroscopic & Microscopic viewpoint, Thermodynamic system & control volume, Thermodynamic properties, Processes & cycle, Homogenous& Heterogenous Systems, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Quasistatic Processes, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics 2. First Law of Thermodynamics Closed System (Non Flow Process), Open System (Flow System), Control volume., application of first law of thermodynamics. 3. Second law of thermodynamics Kelvin plank and Clausius statement, corollary of second law, application of second law, reversibility and irreversibility. 4. Entropy. Entropy, T-S plot, Clausius in equality, entropy transfer with heat transfer, entropy generation in close and open system, entropy and direction, entropy and disorder. 5. Availability Available energy, quality of energy, dead state, second law, irreversibility, exergy balance 6.Properties of pure substances P-V, T-S and P-T Diagram, h-s diagram 7. Gas mixture Equation of state, properties of mixture of gas, entropy of gas mixture, law of corresponding states 8. Thermodynamic relations, equilibrium and stability Maxwell equation, difference and ratio of heat capacity, energy equation, Joule Kelvin effect, Clausius Clapeyron equation. 9. Vapour power cycles Rankine cycle, modified rankine cycle, comparison of Rankine and Carnot, binary vapor cycle. 10. Gas power cycles Carnot cycle, Stirling cycle, Ericson cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle, Lenoir cycle, Atkinson cycle, Brayton cycle, Brayton-Rankine combined cycle

REFERENCES BOOK : 1) Thermal Engineering 2) Thermodynamics 3) Thermodynamics & Heat Engine Vol.I, II 4) Thermodynamics

P.L.Ballany P.K.Nag R.Yadav Cengel.

GANPAT UNIVERSITY U.V.Patel College of Engineering

Department of Marine Engineering

B.Tech Semester-III


Teaching scheme (Hrs) L 4 P 2 Total 6 Int Asses 30 Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Practical Sem End Marks Marks 70 3 Total 100 Int Asses 25 Sem End 25 Total 50 Grand Total 150

1. Theory of Alloys : Systems, phases and phase rule, structural constituents, equilibrium diagram, cooling curves, lever arm principle, eutectic reaction, Peritectic reaction, eutectoid reaction, Iron carbon equilibrium diagram, constitution, microstructures & properties of plain carbon steels. 2. Heat treatment of steel : Study of heat treatment processes such as spherodizing, Hardening, carburizing, nitriding, cyaniding, induction hardening, flame hardening, aging, hardenability, controlled atmosphere in heat treatments, Application of above processes to machine components & mechanical equipments such as gears, shaft bearings, turbine blades, crank shafts, pistons etc. 3. Steels: Effect of alloying elements such as manganese, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, tungsten, cobalt and boron, low alloy engineering steels, stainless steel, tool and die steels, high temperature alloys, selection of steels for various machines components and mechanical equipments, coding of steels as per ASME and ISI. 4. Cast Iron : Constitution, properties of gray, white, malleable and spherodial graphite cast irons, heat treatment of cast irons, seasoning of cast iron, effect of silicon, manganese, sulphur, phosphorous and other elements on the properties of cast iron, use of specific grades of cast iron in mechanical field. 5. Non ferrous Alloys : Constitution and properties of the alloys of copper, aluminum, lead, tin, zinc, magnesium etc., Application of mechanical field. 6. Powder Metallurgy : Application of powder metallurgy, advantages of powder metallurgy, manufacturing processes, production of powder compacting, sintering, products of powder, metallurgy, filters, babbitted bearings for automobiles, oil pump gears, cemented carbides, diamond impregnated tools. 7 Corrosion of metal and alloys : Mechanism of corrosion, types of corrosion, prevention of corrosion, metal coatings, organic coatings, lining and cladding, use of inhibitors cat hodic protection.

8. Development Of Special Materials : Ceramic materials, Materials for nuclear reactors, High temperature alloys, cryogenic materials, Teflon, Araldite etc., 9.Refractory materials : Properties and classifications, acid refractories, basic refractories, Insulation refractories, selection of refractories for furnaces, boilers, cupola etc. 10. Composite Materials: Classification, Characterization & application of composite materials. 11. Nano Technology: Introduction to nano technology & nano science, fields of application of nano materials. TERM WORK : The term work to be prepared by the candidates shall consists of technical report of about ten experiments performed by the candidates out of which at least two experiments will be based on each of the following topics listed under the headings of a. Physical metallurgy b. Ferrous metallurgy c. Non-ferrous metallurgy TEXT BOOKS: 1. A Text Book of Materials Science & Metallurgy 2. Introduction to Physical Mettalurgy

By - (O.P. Khanna) By - (Sidney H. Avner)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

REFERENCE BOOKS: Physical Metallurgy Principles & Practice (V. Raghavan) Engineering Physical Metallurgy & Heat-Treatment (Y.Lakhtin) Materials Science (R.S. Khurmi) Corrosion Engineering (Fontanna M.G. & Green N.D.) Introduction to Nano Technology (Poole Charles P; Owens Frank J.) Composite Materials (Chawla Krishan K.) ****************

GANPAT UNIVERSITY U. V. Patel College of Engineering B. Tech. Sem. IV (Mechanical Engineering) 2HS401- Engineering Mathematics III Examination Scheme Theory Practical Sem. End Grand Total Pract. Marks Hrs. Total 70 03 100 00 100

Teaching Scheme


Lect. Pract. Total Int. Tu Theory Pract. Total (Hrs.) (Hrs.) (Hrs.) Asses. 04 00 00 04 04 00 04 30

1. Theory of complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy Rieman equation, harmonic functions, line integral, Cauchys theorem and Cauchys integral, Simple form of conform transformation with application of the solution of two dimensional problems. 2. Ordinary differential equation (higher order) : Ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient, variation of parameter methods, Cauchy Euler differential equations, simultaneous differential equations with constant coefficient, applications of ordinary differential equation. 3. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Formation of partial differential equations, Lagranges first order partial differential equations, directly integrable equations, method of separable of variables, application to wave equations, diffusion equation and Laplace equation. 4. LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Definition, Laplace transform of elementary functions, properties of Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transform, transform of derivatives, transform of intergration, multiplication by t n , division by t, convolution theorem, unit step and heavisides unit function, direct-delta function, periodic functions, solution of ordinary linear differential equations, simultaneous equation with constant co-efficient applied to electrical circuits. 5. FOURIER SERIES: Definition of periodic function, Eulers formula, functions having points of discontinuity, change of intervals, odd and even functions, expansion of odd or even periodic functions, half range sine and cosine series, elements of harmonic analysis. 6. FOURIER TRANSFORMS: Definition, Fourier integral, Fourier sine and cosine intergration, complex form of Fourier integral, Fourier transform, Fourier transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transform, inverse Fourier transforms. 7. STATISTICS: Probability, Total probability, Independent events, theorem of compound probability, Bays theorem, random variable, discrete probability distribution, continuous probability distribution, expectation, moment generating function, repeated trials, Binominal, Poissons and normal distribution applications, calculation of error, probable error, standard error. REFERENCE BOOKS: APPLIED MATHEMATICS VOL. I & II BY P.N. WARTIKAR & J.N. WARTIKAR HIGH ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS BY B.S. GREWAL ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS BY SHRIVASTVA TEXT BOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS BY A.B. MATHUR & V.P. JAGGI

1. 2. 3. 4.

(MARINE ENGINEERING DEPAERTMENT) 2MRE302 - SEAMANSHIP AND SURVIVAL AT SEA Teaching Scheme (Hrs) L T 3 P 2 UNIT-I : Seaman & their duties: Ship's Department, General ship knowledge ad nautical terms like poop-deck forecastle, Bridge etc. Deck Equipment: Winces, windlass, derricks cranes, gypsy, capstan, Hatches and function. Navigation lights and signals: Port and Starboard, Forward and aft mast lights, Colors and location. Look out, precautions and Bad weather, Flags used on ships, Flag e tiquette, Morse and semaphore signaling, Sound signals UNIT-II : Rope knots and Moorings: Types of knots. Practice of knot formation, Materials of ropes, strength, care and maintenance, use of mooring line, heaving line, rat guards, canvas and it's use. Anchors: Their use, drooping and weighing anchor, cable stopper. UNIT-III : Navigation: General knowledge of principal stars. Sextant, Navigation compasses, echo sounder, log and uses, barometer and weather classification, G.M.T and Zonal time, wireless Navigational Instruments, radar satellite navigation etc. UNIT-IV : Life boats & Life rafts: Construction, equipment carried, carrying capacity. Davits and their operation, Launching of life rafts(Inflatable type) Embarkation into lifeboat and life raft. Survival pack, Stowage and securing arrangement, Abandon ship : Manning of lifeboat and life raft. Muster list. Radio and alarm signals, Distress signals (S.O.S)Distress Calls time and Radio frequency. Pyro - techniques UNIT-V: Survival at sea: Survival difficulties and factors, equipment available, duties of crew members, Initial action on boarding, Maintaining the craft, Practical: Knots, bends and hitches, Ropes splice, donning of life jackets, life boat drills. Lowering & hoisting of life boats (mode l) Practicals will be based on above topics. Reference Books : 1. Theory and Practice of Seamanship by Danton & Graham. 2. Nicoholl's Seamanship & Nautical Knowledge by Brain C.H. 3. Marine Survival and Rescue System by House .D.J. Total 5 Theory 3 Examination Scheme (Marks) Credit Pra./ TW 1 Total 4 Int. Asses 30 Theory Sem.End Marks Hrs 70 3 Total 100 Practical Total 50 150 Grand Total

GANPAT UNIVERSITY U.V.Patel College of Engineering

Department of Marine Engineering 2ME 302 Strength of Material
Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Practical Total Internal Asses. Sem. End Total Grand Total

B.Tech Semester-III


Marks 70

Hrs 3






1. Physical and mechanical properties of materials Axial, bending and torsional loading, tension, compression, shear, hardness, fatigue, stiffness, impact etc. relevant laboratory test. 2. Simple stresses and strains Concept of stress, normal stress, simple stress, simple strain, Hook's law, working stress, factor of safety, bar of varying cross section, bar of tapering section, stresses in composite members. 3. Temperature Stresses & Strains Determination of thermal stress and strain, thermal stress in composite members. 4. Elastic Constants Introduction, poissions ratio, volumetric strain, relation between elastic constants. 5. Shear force and bending moment Types of beams, actions on the cross section of a beam, sign convention, shear force, bending moment and axial force diagrams of cantilever, simply supported, fixed and overhung beams, principle of superposition, variable loading, beam with couples, inclined load, inclined beams, graphical methods. 6. Bending Stresses in Beams Introduction, simple bending, theory of simple bending, moment of resistance, modulus of section, beam of uniform section, composite section. 7. Shearing Stresses in Beams Introduction, shear stress distribution for beam of rectangular, circular, triangle and Isection. 8. Principal Stresses and strains Principal planes, principle stresses, Analytical method for principal stress, Mohr's circle of stress and strain, Theories of failure. 9. Deflection of beams Strain curvature and moment, curvature relations, differential equations for deflection of elastics beams, different methods for determining slope and deflections.

10. Columns and struts Short column subjected axial forces and bending moments, engineering problems, long columns, stability and equilibrium, ranking formula, Indian standard formula, criteria for design of columns. 11. Structured connections Riveted and welded connections, methods of failure of connections, eccentric riveted and welded connections, design requirements. Practical work: The practical work shall be based on experimental and analytical work on the topics mentioned above and will be defended by the candidates. R EFERENCE BOOKS : 1. Mechanics of structure vol I - By S. B. Junnarkar and H.J. Shah Charotar publishing house, Anand 2. Strength of materials - By S. Ramamrutham Dhanpat rai & Sons. 3. Strength of materials - By R. S. Khurmi S. Chand & Co. New Delhi. 4. Strength of materials - By M. Chakraborti S. K. Kataria & Sons. 5. Strength of materials - By Timo Shenko CBS Publisher, New Delhi.

GANPAT UNIVERSITY U.V.Patel College of Engineering

Department of Marine Engineering 2ME 303 Electrical Technology
Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Practical Total Internal Asses. Sem. End Total Grand Total

B.Tech Semester-III


Marks 70

Hrs 3






1.D-C Machines : Principle of operation types construction winding EMF equation characteristics of d-c generators losses and efficiency d-c motor operation and types back EMF torque - characteristics of motors speed control of series and shunt motors d-c shunt motor starter. 2. Transformer : Principle of operation construction types - EMF equation voltage and current transformation ratio transformer on no load and on load phasor diagram equivalent circuit - losses and efficiency regulation testing Auto transformer CT & PT Three phase transformer connection. 3. Induction Motor : Working principle - types construction Torque equation Torque / slip characteristics power stages losses and efficiency starting of induction motor. Single phase induction motor principle, types and construction stepper motor. 4. Synchronous Machines : Basic operating principle - construction EMF equation winding factor armature reaction - synchronous impedance and equivalent circuit phasor diagram synchronizing. synchronous motor operation - phasor diagram starting synchronous condenser. 5. Heating and Welding : Advantage and methods of electric heating Resistance heating- resistance oven - control equipments radiant and slot bath heating, Induction heating arc furnaces. Electric welding Resistance welding Arc welding Atomic hydrogen welding Welding transformer. 6. Drives : Factors affecting selection of drives application of motor for particular drives drives .

Practical work: The practical work shall be based on experimental and analytical work on the topics mentioned above and will be defended by the candidates. REFERENCE BOOKS : (i) Electrical Technology Vol II - BY B. L. Theraja (ii) Theory & Performance of Electrical Machines BY J. B. Gupta (iii) A course in Electrical Power BY Sony, Gupta & Bhatnagar (iv) Electrical Power BY S. L. Upal (v) Utilization of Electric Energy BY E. O. Taylor

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