This document outlines the suggested scheme for courses in the third semester of a B.Tech program in Mechanical Engineering. It lists 6 thermal engineering courses, 2 engineering materials courses, 2 numerical techniques courses, 1 quantitative techniques course, and 3 labs. The courses cover topics like thermal engineering, materials science, numerical methods, statistics, and linear programming. Laboratories include sessions for thermal engineering, engineering mechanics, machine drawing, and materials science. The scheme aims to provide students with a well-rounded foundation in core mechanical engineering topics during the third semester of their program.
This document outlines the suggested scheme for courses in the third semester of a B.Tech program in Mechanical Engineering. It lists 6 thermal engineering courses, 2 engineering materials courses, 2 numerical techniques courses, 1 quantitative techniques course, and 3 labs. The courses cover topics like thermal engineering, materials science, numerical methods, statistics, and linear programming. Laboratories include sessions for thermal engineering, engineering mechanics, machine drawing, and materials science. The scheme aims to provide students with a well-rounded foundation in core mechanical engineering topics during the third semester of their program.
This document outlines the suggested scheme for courses in the third semester of a B.Tech program in Mechanical Engineering. It lists 6 thermal engineering courses, 2 engineering materials courses, 2 numerical techniques courses, 1 quantitative techniques course, and 3 labs. The courses cover topics like thermal engineering, materials science, numerical methods, statistics, and linear programming. Laboratories include sessions for thermal engineering, engineering mechanics, machine drawing, and materials science. The scheme aims to provide students with a well-rounded foundation in core mechanical engineering topics during the third semester of their program.
This document outlines the suggested scheme for courses in the third semester of a B.Tech program in Mechanical Engineering. It lists 6 thermal engineering courses, 2 engineering materials courses, 2 numerical techniques courses, 1 quantitative techniques course, and 3 labs. The courses cover topics like thermal engineering, materials science, numerical methods, statistics, and linear programming. Laboratories include sessions for thermal engineering, engineering mechanics, machine drawing, and materials science. The scheme aims to provide students with a well-rounded foundation in core mechanical engineering topics during the third semester of their program.
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S.No. Course No. Subject LTP Evaluation Sessional End
Total Marks Credit Type TH1 ME 201 THERMAL ENGINEERING - I 310 30 70 100 4C TH2 ME 202 ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND METALLURGY 300 30 70 100 3A TH3 ME 203 NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES 310 30 70 100 4H TH4 ME 204 QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUE (*Probability & Statistical Methods) 310 30 70 100 4A TH5 ME 205 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 310 30 70 100 4C TH6 ME 206 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND ACCOUNTANCY 400 30 70 100 4H PR1 ME 207 THERMAL ENGINEERING - I / ENGINEERING MECHANICSLAB 002 30 70 100 2C PR2 ME 208 MACHINE DRAWING 002 30 70 100 2C PR3 ME 209 ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND METALLURGY LAB 002 30 70 100 2A VS1 ME 210 SELF STUDY 001 30 70
100 1C TOTAL 30hr s 1000 30
Properties of pure substance in solid, liquid and vapour phase, PVT behavior of simple compressible system, T-S and H-S diagram, steam tables, determination of quality of steam, throttling calorimeter, combined separating & throttling calorimeter, maxwell and other thermodynamics relations,mixture of non reactive ideal gases, real gases, compressibility chart, law of corresponding state, air water vapor mixture, calculation of properties of air water vapour mixture
UNIT II Rankine Cycle and Analysis: Rankine cycle and its representation on T-S and H-S diagrams; effect of low back pressure and high entry pressure and temperature and its limitations; necessity of re-heating, ideal and actual regenerative feed water heating cycle and its limitations, typical feed water heating arrangements for various capacity power plants.
UNIT III Introduction to Boilers: Classification of boilers, boiler mountings and accessories; draft systems, circulation system; combustion and its calculations, and boiler performance.
UNIT IV Steam Nozzles: Types of nozzles, flow of steam through nozzles; condition for maximum discharge through nozzle; nozzle efficiency,effect of friction and supersaturated flow through nozzle.
UNIT V Steam Turbines: Working principle and types of steam turbines; velocity diagrams for impulse and reaction turbines, compounding of impulse turbines; optimum velocity ratio and maximum efficiency,blade twisting, comparison of impulse and reaction turbines,condition line and reheat-factor, losses in steam turbines; governing of steam turbines,
UNIT VI Steam Condensers: Types and working of condensers, types and performance of cooling towers
Suggested Readings: 1. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K.Nag, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. 2. Engineering Thermodynamics byRogers, Pearson Education. 3. Thermodynamics by Kenneth Wark, Mcgraw-hill Book Company. 4. Engineering Thermodynamics by Gordon Rogers and Yon Mayhew, Pearson publisher. 5. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics by Van Wylen and Sonntag, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
6. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Moran and Shaprio, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 7. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Cengel and Boles, The McGraw-Hill Companies. 8. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering TechnologistsbyT.D. Eastop, Longman publisher. 9. Treatise on Heat Engineering by V. P.Vasandani and D.S. Kumar, Metropolitan Book Co. (p) Ltd.
L T P Credits 3 1 0 4A UNIT I Structure of metal: Crystal structure, miller indices, lattices, imperfections, elementary treatment of point and line defects and their relation to mechanical properties. Deformation: Slip, twinning, effect of cold and hot working on mechanical properties, principles of recovery, re-crystallization and grain growth. UNIT II Fracture: Fracture of metals and alloys, brittle and ductile, fracture, fatigue failure, effect of alloying elements, design consideration. Creep:Basic consideration in the selection of material for high and low temperature service, creep curve, effect of material variables on creep properties, brittle failure at low temperature.
UNIT III Solidification: Phases in metal system, lever rule, solidification of metal and alloys, solid solution, eutectic, eutectoid and inter-metallic compounds, Iron carbon equilibrium diagram, TTT-diagram. Heat Treatment: Principles and purpose of heat treatment of plain carbon steels, annealing, normalizing, hardening, tempering, isothermal treatment, case hardening carburizing, nitriding etc, precipitating hardening of aluminum alloys. UNIT IV Materials: Plain Carbon steels, effect of alloying elements, properties and uses, heat treatment of tool steels, stainless, spring and wear resi sting steel s. Producti on, composition, properties, and use of non-ferrous all oys e. g. , brasses, bronzes, duralumin, die-casti ng and bearing alloys. IS standards codes for steels.
Corrosion: Types of corrosion, Galvanic cell, rusting of Iron, Methods of protection from corrosion.
UNIT V Fiber Reinforced Composites: General characteristics, Applications, Introduction to Fibers glass, carbon, Kevlar 49 fibers. Matrix Polymeric, Metallic, Ceramic Matrix, Coupling agents and fillers.
Introduction to the practice and discipline of Nano- Science, Nano scale dimension, Nano science and engineering principles, Nano materials, carbon nano-tube technology and industrial applications.
UNIT VI. Extraction of metals from sulphide ores and concentrates using bio-hydro metallurgical processes. The biological and chemical principles of bioleaching/bio-oxidation processes. Bacteria used in these processes and their characteristics, bacterial leaching mechanism, the parameters affecting bioleaching/bio-oxidation processes and process design.
Suggested Books:
Text Books:
1. Material Science & Engineering,V.Raghavan Prentice Hall India Ltd., 2001. 2. Material Science and Engineering an Introduction, William D. Callister Jr, John wiley & Sons. 3. Materials & Processes in Manufacture, Degarmo E. Paul, Prentice Hall India,
Reference Books: 1. Engineering Metallurgy Part 1,Raymond A Higgim., Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1998. 2.Principles of Engineering Metallurgy, L. Krishna Reddy, New Age Publication, New Delhi.
3.Engineering Materials & Properties,.8udulsky eL al, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 4. Mechanical Metallurgy, Dieter, Mc Graw hill
ME-203 NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES L T P Credits 3 1 0 4H UNIT I (Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations) Bisection method, RegulaFalsi method, Secant methods, Newton-Raphson method, Rate of convergence, Fixed-point method. UNIT II (System of Linear Algebraic Equations) Causs ellmlnaLlon meLhod, CrouL's meLhod, Causs-Seidel method. UNIT III (Interpolation) llnlLe and varlous dlfference operaLors, lnLerpolaLlon formulae (newLon's forward and backward, Llrllng, 8essel's and LvereLL's)., UNIT IV (Interpolation and Curve fitting and Numerical Differentiation ) Lagrange's lnLerpolaLlon formula. lnLerpolaLlon wlLh a cublc spllne, Curve flLLlng by LeasL square method,Numerical differentiation. UNIT V (Numerical Integration)
Newton-CoLes lnLegraLlon formula, 1rapezoldal rule, lmpson's 1/3 rd rule and error estimation, omberg's lnLegraLlon. UNIT VI (Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations) lcard's meLhod, 1aylor serles meLhod, Luler and Modlfled Luler meLhod, Runge-Kutta Fourth order meLhods, Mllne's meLhod, Adams-Moulton method.
Suggested readings: 1. Applied Numerical Analysis: Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick G. Wheatley- Pearson, Education Ltd. 2. Numerical Method: E. Balagurusamy T.M.H. 3. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engg. Computations: M.K.Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger and R.K. Jain- Wiley Eastern Ltd. 4. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis: S.S.Sastry, P.H.I. 5. Advance Engineering Mathematics, Vol 2, H.C. Taneja , I.K. International
Unit I: Introduction to statistics Nature and role of statistics in management, Measures of central tendency and dispersion, Kurtosis. Unit II: Introduction to probability theory Probability theory, jointly distributed random variables, distributions - continuous and discrete; Sampling distributions. Unit III: Hypothesis Testing Estimation and hypothesis testing; Parametric tests; t-test; ANOVA; Non-parametric tests; Chi- square test, Correlation and regression analysis, logistic regression analysis, Applications of statistical packages. Unit IV: Linear Programming Problem- formulation and applications, solution through graphical method and Simplex methods, introduction to non-linear programming. Unit V:Transportation Models Transportation and transshipment problems, assignment and sequences models.
Unit VI: Decision Theory Decision Tree, Game Theory-Minimax and Maximin, Dominance Principle and use of OR software packages.
Suggested Readings:
1. Quantitative Methods by J K Sharma, MacMillan Publishers. 2. Quantitative Methods for Business by Anderson, Cengage Learning 3. Business statistics by Bajpai, Pearson India
L T P Credits 3 1 0 4C Statics UNIT I Introduction. Important Vector quantities of Mechanics, Force: Equivalent System of Forces. MomenL of a force: varlgnon's 1heorem. Couple: Equivalent Couples, Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies: Free Body Diagram, Conditions of Rigid Bodies. (Solution of the problems by Vector method also.)First Moment (centre of gravity) & Second Moment (moment of inertia)of Curvilinear, Plane and Solid Bodies. UNIT II Truss: Types, Solution of Simple plane trusses by analytical and graphical methods. Shear Forces and Bending Moments in Different Beams.
UNIT III Friction: Laws of dry friction, Friction Cone, Angle of Repose, Engineering Applications of friction e.g. Wedge, Belt & Pulley and Screw Jack etc. Lifting machines: Mechanical Advantage, Velocity ratio, Efficiency and law of machines, self locking or reversibility of machines.
UNIT IV: Kinematics of a particle, velocity and acceleration of a particle in path coordinates, rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Vector derivatives in rotating systems.
Dynamics of of a particle, Linear momentum, Angular momentum, Energy methods, Dynamics of system of particles, orbital motion, klnemaLlcs of a rlgld body, Chasle's Lheorem,
UNIT VI: lnerLla Lensor, rlnclpal axes, uynamlcs of a rlgld body, Luler's equaLlons, u'AlemberL's principle, Principle of virtual work and stability,
Suggested Readings:
1. Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, Ferdinand P. Beer and E Russel Johnson. Tata Mcgraw hill Publishing Company Limited.
2.Engineering Mechanics: Statics; Meriam and Kraige, John Willey & Sons.
3.Engineeering Mechanics: Statics &Dynamics;lrwlngP.hames," Prentice Hall of India. 4..1lmoshenko and u.P.?oung, Lnglneerlng Mechanlcs", McCrawPlll. 3.Lnglneerlng Mechanlcs by ..8havlkaLLl ,"new age lnLernaLlonal pupllcaLlons"
L T P Credits 4 0 0 4H Unit I: Introduction to Engineering Economics Concept of engineering economics Engineering efficiency; Demand Analysis, Law of Demand, Determinants of demand, Elasticity of demand-Price, Income and cross elasticity. Uses of concepts of elasticity of demand in managerial decision, introduction to micro and macro- economics.
Unit II: Demand Forecasting and Cost Estimation Meaning, significance and methods of demand forecasting, production function, Laws of returns to scale & Law of Diminishing returns scale. An overview of Short and Long run cost curves fixed cost, variable cost, average cost, marginal cost, Opportunity cost, Break-Even-Analysis.
Unit III: Time Value of Money Present worth, annual worth, Future worth, internal rate of return, External rate of return.
Unit IV: Comparison among alternatives Present worth method (Revenue dominated cash flow diagram), Future worth method (Revenue dominated cash flow diagram, cost dominated cash flow diagram), Annual equivalent method (Revenue dominated cash flow diagram, cost dominated cash flow diagram), rate of return method, Examples in all the methods.
Unit V: Depreciation and Taxes Depreciation- Introduction, Classical Methods: Straight line method of depreciation, declining balance method of depreciation-Sum of the years digits method of depreciation, sinking fund method of depreciation/ Annuity method of depreciation, Modified accelerated cost recovery system, Tax concepts and after tax economic comparison.
Unit VI: Book Keeping Principles of double entry system: bank reconciliation statement, single entry system: joint venture and consignment account.
Suggested Readings:
1. Engineering Economy, Sullivan, Wicks, and Koelling, Pearson International
2. Macroeconomics: Understanding the Wealth of Nations by David Miles and Andrew Scott, Wiley
-Experiments based on the theory syllabus of the subject ME201/ME205.
-Case analysis: System identification, Analyzing it with the principles of Mechanics (with content of the syllabus).
-Case Study: of the Simple Mechanical systems, based on the principle of Mechanics (with content of the syllabus)
L T P Credits 0 0 2 2C Engineering Drawing as per IS-696:SP- 46
Free- hand sketching & Scale drawing, Free- hand exercises for drawing three views from various models: Drawing of Two/Three views of: Cotter Joint, Knuckle Joint, Rivets & Riveted joints, Types of Screw threads and their representation, Screws/Bolts and nuts, rigid coupling, Flexible coupling, simple bush Bearing, Plummer Block, ball & Roller bearing, Steam Engine parts, I.C engine parts i.e Connecting rod, Piston.
Introduction to AUTO CAD, Practice of assembly drawing using AUTO- CAD. Suggested readings: 1. IS-696 Code Of Practice Of Engineering Drawing Publisher BIS 2. SP -46 Engineering Drawing for School And Colleges Publisher BIS 3. Machine Drawing by P.S. Gill
FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN EE-207 Elect ronics Devices & Ckt s Lab E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 EE-208 Elect rical & Elec. Measurement Lab E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 EE-209 Elect rical Machine-I Lab E4 E5 E6 E1 E2 E3 FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN AE-207 Principles of Manuf. Sys. Lab. G1 G2 G3 G4 AE-208 Aut o Engg. Drawing Lab G1 G2 G3 G4 AE-209 Mechanics/ Thermodynamics Engg. Lab G3 G4 G1 G2 FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN ME-207 Ther. Engg. I/ Engg Mechanics Lab H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 ME-208 Machine Drawing H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 ME-209 Engg. Mat erials. & Met allurgy Lab H4 H5 H6 H1 H2 H3 FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN PE-207 Machine Shop Lab J1 J2 PE-208 Machine Drawing Lab J1 J2 PE-209 Fluids Syst ems/ Thermal Lab. J1 J2 Branch: Automobile Engineering(AE) Sub Code Subject (Lab.) 06/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) 09/ 12/ 2013(MONDAY) 11/ 12/ 2013(WEDNESDAY) 13/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) Branch: Electrical Engineering(EE) Sub Code Subject (Lab.) 06/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) 09/ 12/ 2013(MONDAY) 11/ 12/ 2013(WEDNESDAY) 13/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) Branch: Production & Industrial Engineering(PE) Sub Code Subject (Lab.) 06/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) 09/ 12/ 2013(MONDAY) 11/ 12/ 2013(WEDNESDAY) 13/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) Branch: Mechanical Engineering(ME) Sub Code Subject (Lab.) 06/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) 09/ 12/ 2013(MONDAY) 11/ 12/ 2013(WEDNESDAY) 13/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B.TECH. 3rd SEMESTER (ODD) PRACTICAL EXAMINATION (NOV/ DEC-2013) ALL BRANCHES, FINAL DATE SHEET Branch: Computer Engineering(CO) 2 FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN EP-207 Thermal Physics Lab R1 R2 R3 EP-208 Digit al Elect ronics Lab R1 R2 R3 EP-209 Int roduct ion t o Comput ing Lab R1 R2 R3 FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN FN MID AN MC-207 Mat h -I,II,III S1 S2 S3 MC-208 Probabilit y &St ast ical Lab S1 S2 S3 MC-209 Dat a st ruct ures Lab S1 S2 S3 Dept . Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tot al EC C 32 32 32 33 33 33 195 CO A 25 25 25 24 24 24 147 SE D 25 24 24 24 97 TWO GROUP PER DAY EE E 25 25 25 25 25 23 148 Time: FN: 09:30 AM-12:30 PM EL M 25 25 25 24 99 AN: 01:30 PM-4:30 PM AE G 24 24 24 23 95 ME H 32 32 32 32 32 33 193 PE J 24 23 47 CE K 21 21 22 22 22 22 130 THREE GROUP PER DAY EN L 29 28 57 Time: FN: 8:30 AM-11:30 AM IT B 24 24 24 27 99 MID: 11:30 AM-2:30 PM BT P 15 15 30 AN: 2:30 PM-5:30 PM PS Q 31 31 62 EP R 28 28 27 83 MC S 32 32 34 98 1580 B.TECH. 3rd SEMESTER (ODD) PRACTICAL EXAMINATION (NOV/ DEC-2013) ALL BRANCHES, FINAL DATE SHEET DIVISIONS OF GROUPS LabOTARY WISE Branch: Mathematics and Computing Engg.(MC) Sub Code Subject (Lab.) 06/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) 09/ 12/ 2013(MONDAY) 11/ 12/ 2013(WEDNESDAY) 13/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) NOTE : THE DATES OF PRACTICALEXAMINATION CAN BE CHANGED/ RESHEDULE AS PER CONVENIENCE OF STUDENTS/ EXAMINERS AT DEPARTMENTALLEVELUNDER INTIMATION TO THE "CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATION" DTU. Branch: Engineering Physics(EP) Sub Code Subject (Lab.) 06/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) 09/ 12/ 2013(MONDAY) 11/ 12/ 2013(WEDNESDAY) 13/ 12/ 2013(FRIDAY) DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY 4