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Art Unit Plan

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Unit Plan/Mahere Ako:

Name/Ingoa: Michaela Nolan Topic/Kaupapa: Construction

School/Kura: Loburn Year/Taui: 2/3 Number of Children 22

Tokohia ng tauira?

Date/Te W: 3-18.05.2012 Number of Lessons 4-6

E hia ng mahi ako?

Learning Area/Te Marautanga Ako: Art Understanding/Ng Ari Matua

Big Construction is learning a technique and using it in a planned sequence to create a piece of artwork. Through engaging in the visual arts, students will learn how to participate in and celebrate their own and others visual worlds. Key Competencies/Ng Pkenga Matua: Achievement Objectives/Whinga Paetae: Level One
Thinking Using language, symbols and text Managing self - Students will demonstrate a can-do attitude Relating to others - Students will interact and work effectively together to form ideas and ways of thinking Participating and contributing UC Understanding the Visual Arts in Context Share ideas about how and why their own and others works are made and their purpose, value, and context. PK Developing Practical Knowledge in the Visual Arts Explore a variety of materials and tools and discover elements and selected principles. DI Developing Ideas in the Visual Arts Investigate visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination. CI Communicating and Interpreting the Visual Arts Share the ideas, feelings, stories communicated by their own and others objects and images.

Academic Learning Needs/Ng Pkena Akoranga

- whole class & specific individuals

Learning Intentions/Specific Objectives Ng Whinga P:

The students will be able to: Identify and explore a variety of techniques in the making of their constructions; Develop ideas for their constructions in response to discussion, observation, and experimentation with materials; Use imagination, observation, and invention with materials to create visual art; Identify objects and images in everyday life and recognise that they serve a variety of purposes; Recognise construction artworks by their distinguishing features and characteristics.

Success Criteria/Paearu Angitu: ( for each learning intention.)

Highlight those you intend to use for assessment

Students will: Follow teacher instructions for constructing a variety of different projects; Show an understanding of the techniques demonstrated when undertaking various activities; Use demonstrated techniques to create a piece of art; Interact and work effectively together to share and create ideas and ways of thinking to solve construction problems. Manipulate/experiment with materials to create a piece of art; Share ideas and verbalise methods used to construct their own artwork, in sequence; Discuss and identify construction artworks by their distinguishing features and/or characteristics; Discuss their own and others artwork positively.

Social & Behavioural Needs/Ng Pkenga Whakawhanaunga

- whole class & specific individuals

Assessment Methods/Tikanga Aro Matawai (Circle or add others)

Observation of the learning, interviewing & conferencing, work sample analysed using success criteria, test audio/video recording with analysis, shared discussion.

What have you collected and analysed as evidence of the childrens learning?
He aha ng hua kua puta?

BIG Understanding for this Unit

What will children learn? He aha ng mahi ako? To create an artwork using techniques in a planned sequence Construction. Lesson/Maui Ako: #1-2 Butterflies Date/Te W: 03/05/12 & 04/05/12 We are learning to: ....
ng Whinga P (WALT)

Unit Lesson Planning & Sequence

Knowledge Understandings Concepts and Skills to be taught / Mtauranga,
Mohiatanga ana me ng Pukenga

How will the knowledge, skills and /or understandings be developed? Me phea te
whakapaki, mhiotanga?

Resources and Organisation / Rauemi


Changes & considerations for next lesson

Titiro whakamua

Lesson Plan/Mahere Ako Techniques used in art construction. Collage Manipulating materials (scrunching, folding and curling [quilling] paper ). Techniques to create the best effect. The understanding and importance of following a planned sequence. (see essential skills, principles, elements below). Introduction/Timatanga: Discuss and show visual representations of construction artworks. (Prior learning pirate collage) Introduce WALT. Development/ Whakawhanakitanga: Show children example of butterfies and their varying colours/symmetrical patterns. Provide children with butterfly outlines. Use small pieces of scrunched up tissue paper to glue onto template (close together for best effect). Closure/Whakamutunga: Share examples and learning. Leave butterflies to dry. Pack up. Introduction/Timatanga: Discuss Walt and prior learning. Show examples of cards/pictures. Development/ Whakawhanakitanga : Encourage use of imagination to create a card or picture. Provide children with coloured card/paper. Fold card in half and discuss with children the right way to open a card, so they are sure which side is the front (if making a card). Use autumn leaves, dried flowers to create an interesting design for the front of the card (or picture). Closure/Whakamutunga: Share examples and learning. Coloured tissue paper Butterfly outlines (card) PVA glue Pipecleaners 4 table stations: Newspaper PVA glue tray Wooden spatula spreader Display Note: Once one side is completely dry, turn over and tissue other side. Attach string and create a floating display; or Collage one side only and display on the wall.

Use techniques in a planned sequence to create an artwork. Success Criteria / Paearu Augitu..... Use demonstrated techniques to create a piece of art. Key Compentency / Ng Pkenga Matua Taught/Practised? (circle) Is assessment evidence being gathered during this lesson?
Aro Matawai

Yes/No (circle)


Lesson/Maui Ako: #3 Cards/Pictures Date/Te W: 10/05/12 We are learning to:

ng Whinga P (WALT)

Use techniques in a planned sequence to create an artwork. Success Criteria/Paearu Augitu Use imagination, observation, and invention with materials to create a visual art. Key Compentency/Ng Pkenga Matua Taught/Practised? (circle) Is assessment evidence being gathered during this lesson? Aro Matawai Ae/Kao Yes/No (circle)

Essential skills: Communication Information Cooperation Physical Principles: Balance Pattern Elements: Form Texture Space Shape

Dried plants, autumn leaves, flowers, seedpods Coloured card PVA glue 4 table stations: Newspaper PVA glue tray Wooden spatula spreader Note: Can create a greeting card (e.g. Mothers Day) or a picture.

Leave cards/pictures to dry. Pack up.

Planner format: Adapted from a format by Alison Ayrton &Jill Moseley, UC CoEd 2008 Version WFT

Unit by: Michaela Nolan

BIG Understanding for this Unit

What will children learn? He aha ng mahi ako? To create an artwork using techniques in a planned sequence Construction. Lesson/Maui Ako: #4 Wobble Creatures Date/Te W: 17/05/12 We are learning to: ....
ng Whinga P (WALT)

Unit Lesson Planning & Sequence

Knowledge Understandings Concepts and Skills to be taught / Mtauranga,
Mohiatanga ana me ng Pukenga

How will the knowledge, skills and /or understandings be developed? Me phea te
whakapaki, mhiotanga?

Resources and Organisation / Rauemi


Changes & considerations for next lesson

Titiro whakamua

Lesson Plan/Mahere Ako Techniques used in art construction. Collage Manipulating materials (scrunching, folding and curling [quilling] paper ). Techniques to create the best effect. The understanding and importance of following a planned sequence. (see essential skills, principles, elements below).
Introduction/Timatanga: Discuss WALT and prior learning. Demonstrate new technique and sequence. Development/Whakawhanakitanga: Provide children with paper strips. Glue each end together at 90 degrees. Fold into a concertina, one over other (like when you make party decorations). Make different coloured feet using heavier card and glue to one end, or underneath (caterpillar). Cut out beak/antenna and attach to the other end. Glue on google eyes. Attach feather so it is standing up straight. Closure/Whakamutunga: Share examples and learning. Leave butterflies to dry. Pack up.

Use techniques in a planned sequence to create an artwork. Success Criteria / Paearu Augitu..... Use demonstrated techniques to create a piece of wobble creature. Key Compentency / Ng Pkenga Matua Taught/Practised? (circle) Is assessment evidence being gathered during this lesson?
Aro Matawai

Coloured paper strips (2 colours) Coloured Card PVA glue Google eyes Feathers (sequins optional) 4 table stations: Newspaper PVA glue tray Wooden spatula spreader Note: Challenge children to create another animal (e.g. cat, lizard, dragon, kangaroo).

Yes/No (circle)


Lesson/Maui Ako: #5 Flower Pots Date/Te W: 10/05/12 We are learning to:

ng Whinga P (WALT)

Use techniques in a planned sequence to create an artwork. Success Criteria/Paearu Augitu Use imagination, observation, and invention with materials to create a visual art. Key Compentency/Ng Pkenga Matua Taught/Practised? (circle) Is assessment evidence being gathered

Essential skills: Communication Information Cooperation Physical Principles: Balance Pattern Elements: Form Texture Space Shape

Introduction/Timatanga: Discuss Walt and prior learning. Demonstrate new technique, use of quilling tool (pencil) and sequence. Development/Whakawhanakitanga: Provide children with paper strips. Fold strips in half. Use pencil to wrap strips of paper around tightly (to half way fold). Repeat on other side. Make 3-5 for each flower. Secure in centre with glue or split pin. Glue/staple on straw flower stem. Paint or decorate egg carton (optional). Fill 3 sections of egg carton with playdough. Plant flower stems upright in carton.

Coloured card/paper PVA glue Split pins (optional) Straws Egg Cartons Play dough or Bluetack 4 table stations: Newspaper PVA glue tray Wooden spatula spreader Note: Make ahead playdough as weight for flowerpot (use black/brown food colouring to resemble soil).

during this lesson? Aro Matawai Ae/Kao Yes/No (circle)

Closure/Whakamutunga: Share examples and learning. Leave to dry if painted. Pack up.
Unit by: Michaela Nolan

Planner format: Adapted from a format by Alison Ayrton &Jill Moseley, UC CoEd 2008 Version WFT

Evaluation /Arotakena of .................................................. Unit The BIG understanding to be developed for this unit was
1. Assessment data
State the Learning Intentions you assessed. Identify and explore a variety of techniques in the making of their constructions; Develop ideas for their constructions in response to discussion, observation, and experimentation with materials; Use imagination, observation, and invention with materials to create visual art; The BEST learning activity was because

2. The childrens learning

Using your assessment information, state how well the children developed this understanding and what was indicating this?

3. My teaching
Highlight the significant aspects for you (add any not listed) and on the back add specific comment for two you have highlighted. Sequencing of the learning Overall planning Level of preparedness Use of voice Management of the learning Organisation of the learners/resources Interaction with the learners ie the quality of the conversation Feedback to the learners Questioning Responsiveness to individual needs Flexibility ie teaching the children not the plan Internalising the plan Knowing the learning focus rather than busy work Being aware of teaching the essential skills Using assessment to improve the learning throughout the unit Other

List the assessment methods actually used to assess childrens learning. Observation of learning Sample of work Shared discussion

Explain how the assessment evidence demonstrates the childrens development of the big understanding?

Engagement of learners

The assessment evidence analysis is collated (where?).

What surprised you?

My next step in unit planning is

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