Unit Plan - Art 20 - Drawing
Unit Plan - Art 20 - Drawing
Unit Plan - Art 20 - Drawing
Learning Objectives:
Throughout this unit students will learn different drawing techniques to create meaningful, insightful, and creative
compositions. The introduction of new and different techniques will help students gain art knowledge and insight into
using these techniques to foster their own artist styles.
Students will gain knowledge and practice expressing themselves through different art techniques, for example, using
shading and highlights to create three-dimensional look on two dimensional objects, and creating an interesting
composition with different drawing materials like a ballpoint pen. Students will attempt to portray introspective
thoughts and feelings and how emotion can affect their artworks. Looking into themselves will encourage their
relationship building with themselves and getting to know who they are as artists and a human being.
Learning how to express yourself through art can be therapeutic and challenging. They will challenge themselves to
think about the deeper meaning held within artwork, and how looking within themselves can create phenomenal
This is valuable for student growth and learning about their own art practice as artist. The process of creating and how
they felt during the progression of their piece is of equal importance. The process of a drawing and how students
come to an end result can help students gain knowledge about themselves and learning to persevere through
challenges they may be having with the composition.
The art room should be a safe and supportive environment for all students to grow as individuals; this includes
socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Students engaging in tangible and visual activities allows them to take risks
and learn without any judgement. The ability to tap into one's own emotions is a valued skill in many aspects of life.
The attention to details and intentions this unit focuses on will help students to realize the importance of planning and
meanings within their own artworks. These ideas will be reinforced when students move through a critique using
“Critique cards” that prompt them to look for details and intentions through the artworks as well as analyzing the
effect they have on the overall interpretation (mood, emotion, effect). These will be given to students to help them
with their reflections when writing on their artworks. This unit will help students develop their ability to portray
emotion and their perceptiveness when it comes to observing content as well as increasing their knowledge of art
techniques, allowing students to explore new mediums and learn how different objects can be used to make
interesting and captivating artworks.
GLE Drawing:
Record: draw for confidence and consolidation of head-to-hand skills.
Investigate: develop and refine drawing skills and styles.
Communicate: explore a personal selection of expressions.
Articulate and Evaluate: use the vocabulary and techniques of art criticism to interpret and evaluate both their own
works and the works of others.
GLE: Composition:
Components: use non-traditional approaches to create compositions in both two and three dimensions.
Organizations: demonstrate control over various components of compositions.
GLE: Encounters:
Sources of Images: recognize that while the sources of images are universal, the formation of an image is influenced by
the artist’s
Transformations Through Time: investigate the impact of technology on the intentions and productions of the artist.
Summary of Lessons
To introduce the activity, I will show a brief still life power point of some still life paintings/drawings throughout time
Assignment: Students will be creating a still life artwork. There will be different materials on students’ desks and using
a light source students should be drawing what they see. They need to incorporate different shades and values to
make the 3D object pop on their 2D surface. This is a skill art students will need to gain to capture the objects essence
and will help them throughout their art practice.
Students will be starting their good copy right away as it is a good challenge to work with mistakes to complete the
Students will also need to include a ‘thought up’ object- so incorporating an additional item into the still life that is not
provided to them. This will need to be integrated seamlessly and cohesively.
Students will write a reflection in their sketchbooks about their artwork answering the following questions:
o Why did you choose the ‘thought up’ image?
o Does the image have any importance to you?
o What were you trying to accomplish during this assignment?
o Did your artwork turn out how you imagined?
must create dimension, shading and value with the pen and only the pen!
Students will use a medium/large piece of paper to create their ballpoint pen compositions. 65% of the paper needs to
be covered in pen and students must create dimension, shading and value with the pen and only the pen! No pencil
allowed… only pen!
Students will write a reflection in their sketchbooks about their artwork answering the following questions:
o Why did you choose the image/object?
o Does the image have any importance to you?
o What were you trying to accomplish during this assignment?
o Did your artwork turn out how you imagined?
Unit Mapping
Lesson 1 POS Connection Lesson 2 POS Connection
(10 – 15 classes) (10 classes)
GLE Drawing: GLE Drawing:
Introduction and Drawing SLE: Ballpoint Pen Drawing SLE:
Record: draw for Investigate: develop
First class: confidence and Quick discussion on Ballpoint and refine drawing
Teacher intro consolidation of head- Pen Drawing skills and styles.
to-hand skills. Communicate:
Ice breaker Investigate: develop Sketchbook pre-planning explore a personal
and refine drawing skills selection of
Outline and styles. Ballpoint Pen good copy expressions.
Communicate: explore -no pencil allowed Articulate and
Class expectations a personal selection of *If this is causing issue and Evaluate: use the
expressions. upset students can lightly use vocabulary and
Sketchbook assignments Articulate and pen to map out their techniques of art
Evaluate: use the image/object then go over criticism to interpret
First assignment vocabulary and with pen and evaluate both
techniques of art *When this is handed in, all their own works and
criticism to interpret pencil marks must be erased. the works of others.
Second Class: and evaluate both their
Still life drawing own works and the Reflection in Sketchbook GLE: Composition:
works of others. SLE:
Creating still life ‘sculptures’ to Components: use
draw from GLE: Composition: non-traditional
SLE: approaches to create
Using pencil students will draw Organizations: compositions in both
what they see demonstrate control two and three
over various dimensions.
Students need to include a components of Organizations:
‘thought up’ object compositions. demonstrate control
over various
Reflection in Sketchbook GLE: Encounters: components of
SLE: compositions.
Sources of Images:
recognize that while the
sources of images are
universal, the formation
of an image is
influenced by the
Through Time:
investigate the impact
of technology on the
intentions and
productions of the