Coal DA Index: Endi 08
Coal DA Index: Endi 08
Coal DA Index: Endi 08
Coal DA Index
Coal DA Index.......................................................................................................................................................................................1
Coal DA—1NC Shell.............................................................................................................................................................................2
Coal DA—1NC Shell.............................................................................................................................................................................3
Coal DA—Uniqueness—Coal Industry Strong Now............................................................................................................................4
Coal DA—Uniqueness—Coal Industry Strong Now............................................................................................................................5
Coal DA—2NC Must Read—Clean Coal Coming/Coal Key to US Econ............................................................................................6
Coal DA—Uniqueness—Clean Coal Coming NOw.............................................................................................................................7
Coal DA—Uniqueness—Clean Coal Coming Now..............................................................................................................................8
Coal DA—Uniqueness—Clean Coal Coming Now..............................................................................................................................9
Coal DA—Links—Electricity Generation...........................................................................................................................................10
Coal DA—Links—Electricity Generation...........................................................................................................................................11
Coal DA—Links—Environmental Regulations/Electricity Generation..............................................................................................12
Coal DA—Links—Domestic Demand................................................................................................................................................13
Coal DA—Links—Emissions Reductions...........................................................................................................................................14
Coal DA—Links—Emissions Reductions...........................................................................................................................................15
Coal DA—Links—Emissions Reductions...........................................................................................................................................16
Coal DA—Links—Emissions Reductions...........................................................................................................................................17
Coal DA—Links—Tradable Permits...................................................................................................................................................18
Coal DA—Impacts—2NC Energy Independence Module..................................................................................................................19
Coal DA—Impacts—US Economy Extensions...................................................................................................................................20
Coal DA—Impacts—US Economy/Energy Independence.................................................................................................................21
Coal DA—Impacts—Energy Independence Extensions.....................................................................................................................22
Coal DA—A2 Exports Key to Coal Industry......................................................................................................................................23
Coal DA—A2 Coal Bad Turns/Emissions...........................................................................................................................................24
Coal DA Answers—A2 Clean Coal.....................................................................................................................................................25
Coal DA Answers—No Internal Link 2AC Module............................................................................................................................26
Coal DA Answers—Exports Key to Coal Industry.............................................................................................................................27
Coal DA Answers—Coal Industry Will Shift Sales to Metallurgical .................................................................................................28
US News & World Report 6/5/08 ("Skip Alternative Energy—Dig for Coal Stocks,"
Hess Corp. is a U.S. name that is working alongside Petrobras in Brazil on this major new oil find. Hess will likely be able to double their proven reserves of oil
from a small $36 million investment they made seven years ago. That said, we think the most exciting part of the U.S. energy sector today is
our nation's coal companies. According to the Energy Information Administration, the U.S. has the largest reserves of coal in the
world, with a 27 percent share. Compared to other fossil fuels, coal is by far the cheapest fossil fuel in the world today.
Also, the dynamics are changing in the coal industry. Three situations have developed: First, China, which was once a big exporter of coal, has become an importer
to feed its growing demand for electricity. Second, there have been major disruptions to the operations of the traditional coal exporters, with flooding in Australia
and power outages in South Africa. Third, U.S. coal is more attractively priced than coal from other regions of the world. These dynamics have
made for dramatic increases in the exports of U.S. coal, although traditionally, our coal was used primarily for domestic consumption. This
export demand shows no signs of letting up in the future, as both India and China each plan to build more than 1,000 new coal-fired electricity plants
over the next five years.
Mead 04 (Walter Russell, Kissinger senior fellow in U.S. foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, “America’s Sticky
Power,” Foreign Policy, March/April, p. ebscohost)
Similarly, in the last 60 years, as foreigners have acquired a greater value in the United States-government and private bonds, direct and portfolio private
investments-more and more of them have acquired an interest in maintaining the strength of the U.S.-led system. A collapse of the U.S. economy and the
ruin of the dollar would do more than dent the prosperity of the United States. Without their best customer, countries including China and Japan
would fall into depressions. The financial strength of every country would be severely shaken should the United States
collapse. Under those circumstances, debt becomes a strength, not a weakness, and other countries fear to break with the United States because they need its
market and own its securities. Of course, pressed too far, a large national debt can turn from a source of strength to a crippling liability, and the United States must
continue to justify other countries' faith by maintaining its long-term record of meeting its financial obligations. But, like Samson in the temple of the
Philistines, a collapsing U.S. economy would inflict enormous, unacceptable damage on the rest of the world. That is sticky power
with a vengeance.
E. Economic collapse causes terrorism, environmental collapse, and wars that risk extinction
Douglas Torgerson, Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Studies – Trent University, Ontario, The Promise of
Green Politics: Environmentalism and the Public Sphere, 1999, p. 145-6
By adopting an uncompromising posture, green radicalism serves to high-light the danger that green reforms might well be absorbed and rendered ineffective by
the established order. Against reforims, green radicals emphasize the need to thoroughly transform prevailing institutions and ways of viewing the human/nature
relationship. In the absence of coherent and plausible programs for radical transformation, however, desperate scenarios of crisis and catastrophe become inviting:
“The very best thing for the planet,” one radical green has thus declared, “might be a massive worldwide economic depression”: “Amid the
terrible hardships this would create for countless people, at least the machinery would stop for a while, and the Earth could take a breather.”5 Needless to say, this
repugnant hope ignores the obvious range of potential consequences arising from such a scenario. Social insecurity and human
misery could intensify human conflicts and promote neglect of environmental concerns as people desperately sought to protect
themselves, there could also be increased terrorism, even warfare of a type and scale that would prove enormously destructive to
life on earth.
Business Wire 6/4/08 ("Fitch: Muted Supply Response to Strong International Coal Demand for U.S. Coal Industry,"
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--U.S. coal producers are benefiting from tight global markets for both steam and
metallurgical coal which is diverting imports from the United States and providing export opportunities for domestic producers,
according to a Fitch Ratings report.
The supply response to improving price conditions should be measured, given high operating and materials costs. Fitch expects
only modest growth in U.S. coal production following a 1% contraction in 2007.
Reuters 5/23/08 ("U.S. miners prosper as world demand for coal booms,"
BROOKWOOD, Alabama (Reuters) - Two thousand feet under the west Alabama woods, dust flies as a machine chews into the Blue Creek coal seam, mining
black gold for a booming world market that is lifting the once-laggard U.S. coal industry.
Economic growth in Asia has outrun world coal supply, pushing buyers to the United States -- a market traditionally viewed as too
expensive -- for backup. Bad weather and producer problems around the world have fed the frenzy.
The new prosperity shows at Jim Walter Resources Mine No. 4. Walter has paid bonuses, bought new equipment and hired more workers. It is expanding a nearby
mine. Parent company Walter Industries Inc (WLT.N: Quote, Profile, Research), which posted record first-quarter earnings, is shedding its home-building roots to
focus on coal.
"The company's a little bit freer with money," said John Storm, a supervisor who arrives at the working face of the seam by descending 2,000 feet in an elevator
and then riding a tram through 5 miles of deep tunnels.
George Richmond, chief executive of Jim Walter Resources, said improved profitability "does allow us to share some of the rewards."
Walter produces mostly metallurgical (or "met") coal for steel-making and is neither the biggest nor smallest coal company. But it is representative of the industry
The Tampa, Florida, company recently sold met coal for $315 a tonne, triple the price of a year ago.
Prices for the other major coal type, thermal coal used to make steam at power plants, also have nearly tripled to $110 a short ton ($121 a tonne).
Coal's upturn, which began in 2004 for the met side and 2007 for the steam side, has ended two decades of decline, said Pearce
Hammond, who heads coal and alternative energy analysis at the investment bank, Simmons & Co.
Since the beginning of the year, the Dow Jones coal index .DJUSCL is up 39 percent. Shares of Walter Industries, meanwhile,
have skyrocketed more than 140 percent.
"Companies are announcing expansions, opening new mines, and we're not seeing many close," said Phil Smith, spokesman for the
United Mine Workers of America, which represents about a quarter of U.S. coal miners.
The count of U.S. coal mines fell to a historic low of 1,312 in 2003 but has now crept back to about 1,450, according to the National Mining Association.
The number of miners employed is up 12,000 since 2003, when there were about 71,000, to more than 83,000 as of last year, according to NMA
After years of cutbacks, mining companies are scrambling to rebuild the work force.
"For years, there was never anybody added to the work force. Now, everybody's 50-something," said Keith Shalvey, manager of Mine No. 4.
Some companies are offering incentives to keep veterans and hire rookies for a job that is already high-paying.
The work remains dangerous, although it is much safer than in the past. Thirty-three people died in coal mines last year, U.S. Mine Safety and Health
Administration data show.
Union scale for a trainee is $21.27 an hour plus benefits, UMWA's Smith said. With overtime, some miners earn $90,000 or more a year.
The explosive growth of world demand and the increase in prices have had an effect on U.S. production.
Year-to-date U.S. coal output rose to 447.7 million tons through May 17, compared with 433.3 million tons through May 17 last
year, a 3.4 percent increase, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Ray 6/6/08 (Russell, Tampa Tribune, "Coal's rise helps Tampa businesses,"
The price of coal, a major ingredient in the production of electricity and steel, has doubled since January, pushing the stock prices
and earnings of U.S. coal producers to new highs.
The reason: Steel makers in developing countries have increased production to record levels and disruptions in global coal
production have created a coal market that is undersupplied.
In just five months, spot prices for U.S. coal have surged from about $55 a ton to more than $100. The booming international
coal market means demand for U.S. coal may reach a record 1.22 billion tons this year.
Two Tampa companies, Walter Industries Inc. and TECO Energy Corp., are benefiting from the historical surge in coal prices. Both are major producers of
metallurgical coal, which is used in steel production and is in high demand in countries such as India and China.
"The demand from India and China has affected the global supply of this product," said Victor Patrick, vice chairman and chief financial officer of Walter
As the price soars for metallurgical coal -- a higher-quality, hotter-burning coal -- other types that can be used to make steel are being sold in the higher-priced
metallurgical coal market. As a result, prices for all types of coal have skyrocketed.
"Any coal anywhere that can be used as a met coal is being pulled into the met coal market," Patrick said. "The growth of the steel industry in China and Brazil has
been enormous." This week, coal industry analyst David Khani raised his 2009 price forecast for metallurgical coal to $250 a ton from $130 a ton. Although
producers are ramping up production of metallurgical coal, supplies will remain tight through next year amid stronger-than-expected demand for steel, said the
Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group analyst.
This year, supply contracts at Walter Industries range from $135 a ton to more than $315 a ton, for an average of $209 a ton. That is up from an average of $101 a
ton last year.
Although coal prices are expected to drop as producers replenish supplies, industry experts say the cost of coal will remain strong, citing rapid
industrial growth in China, India and Brazil.
Legge 6/7/08 (Jessica, Columnist, Times West Virginian, "New technology being put to the test,"
FAIRMONT — The National Energy Technology Laboratory, which the U.S. Department of Energy owns and operates, has
focused on making coal a cleaner source of energy for decades.
NETL’s mission is “to improve both the efficiency of using coal in terms of getting as much energy and work out of a unit of coal
as possible, as well as improving its environmental performance,” said Tom Feeley, technology manager for existing plants at the Pittsburgh
NETL conducts its primary research at laboratories in Pittsburgh, Morgantown and Albany, Ore. NETL has approximately 1,100 staff members in total, which
includes federal and nonfederal support. The majority of the research is contracted through universities and the private sector, Feeley said.
“We cover the gamut as it relates to coal-based power, from fundamental bench-scale research all the way to large-scale commercial demonstration of power,” he
Feeley said some of NETL’s major technology areas include carbon dioxide capture and sequestration, coal gasification, liquid
fuels from coal, and fuel cell technology.
The country has hundreds of years of mineable coal reserves, which is important for energy security, Feeley said.
“If you look at how much electricity is generated in the U.S. from coal, you can see the importance in conducting research to allow the country to use coal as part
of its energy (source),” he said.
Coal is being challenged by a number of environmental issues, such as mercury, climate change and carbon dioxide emissions. With the big role that coal plays in
the nation and world, Feeley said it’s critical that technology be developed so coal continues to be part of the energy mix.
“We are a coal state,” Jeff Herholdt, director of the West Virginia Division of Energy, said.
The division, headquartered in Charleston, is part of the state Department of Commerce. Herholdt said the commerce of West Virginia has a vital interest in coal
remaining a leading source of energy for the country. Right now, 52 percent of the electricity generated in the United States comes from coal,
he said.
“It’s important that we retain that role,” Herholdt said.
Coal is a leading economic engine in the state and is the nation’s energy provider. This resource has a positive impact on the
economy, and it’s important for the country’s factories to have access to electricity from coal, Herholdt said.
“We’re a manufacturing nation and ... we need to be competitive,” he said. “We need to make sure that our products remain in the
world’s marketplace. Affordable energy is important in helping us to accomplish that.”
The Mountaineer Power Plant in Mason County is an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle power plant, which Herholdt called
“the new generation or the next generation of electric power plants fueled with coal.” In this clean coal technology, the coal is gasified
and the pollutants are trapped in the gas stream, making it easier to separate them out.
Herholdt said one area that the U.S. Department of Energy is focusing on is carbon sequestration. This process involves taking carbon dioxide from the water
stream, liquifying it, and putting it underground to either stimulate oil or natural gas production or permanently seal it off.
Through funding from the Department of Energy, West Virginia participates in the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership and the Southeast Regional
Carbon Sequestration Partnership, which demonstrate the safe storage of carbon dioxide in underground reservoirs. Work is being done with the West Virginia
Geological and Economic Survey to look at opportunities for sequestration in the state, Herholdt said.
To comply with the Clean Air Act, the utilities in the state are investing billions of dollars in West Virginia to install new technology at coal-fired power plants, he
Also, one of Gov. Joe Manchin’s pushes has been coal liquid. Herholdt said the key to these power plants is “to make them with no more environmental impact
than conventional fuels.”
West Virginia University’s National Research Center for Coal and Energy, located on the Evansdale campus in Morgantown, was founded in 1979. In the 1980s,
the university center joined a consortium to examine coal liquids and processing coal with waste rubber, waste plastics and biomass. This is a very hot topic
because of transportation, said Trina Wafle, deputy director of the NRCCE.
“These coal liquids tend to be cleaner burning than petroleum-based fuels,” she said. “They would be substituted primarily for diesel.”
The NRCCE is also looking at other technologies, such as capturing carbon dioxide and the sequestration of it, Wafle said. The faculty researchers at WVU have
been looking at storing carbon dioxide in unmineable coal seams and lessening the emissions. The NRCCE is doing a joint project with Consol to test this out. The
Zero Emission Research and Technology Center (ZERT), which is a consortium of schools doing research, is leading the particular program.
NRCCE researchers are also growing switch grass on old surface mine to create energy. Wafle said that switch grass is a more efficient source of biomass for
ethanol than corn.
She said that coal liquids are near-term technology, while other technologies will not be put into play anytime soon.
“If we’re going to look toward the impact of energy on our climate, we need to make more use of the resource we have right here in the U.S.A. than relying on
foreign sources,” Wafle said.
She said China is another country with a lot of coal. Any technology that the United States can develop and export helps address worldwide
concerns about how clean and environmentally friendly coal is.
“It’s kind of a backbone of our economy,” Wafle said. “It’s not a perfect fuel, and anything we can do (to improve it will help).”
Jacob 6/15/08 (Jennifer, staff writer @ Meridian Star, "Touring a coal mine,"
The term "clean coal", which may sound rather oxymoronic, actually has nothing to do with the coal itself. The lignite that Mississippi
Power plans to use at its clean coal plant is just like any other lignite. It's the way they use the lignite to generate electricity that defies convention.
The proposed plant is still a coal-based plant and still creates pollution, but the amount of emissions created will, according to
Mississippi Power, be significantly less than those of a conventional coal-fired power plant.
The way a conventional plant works is pretty simple. Coal is burned to heat water, which creates steam, which turns the turbines of a power generator.
With "clean coal", or Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), technology, coal is used to generate power in a
completely different and infinitely more complicated way.
Mississippi Power's IGCC project coordinator Tommy Pinkerton attempted to put that complicated process into simplified terms, saying that the IGCC process
works basically like this: Coal is put into a contraption called a gasifier, where it is heated in a low-oxygen atmosphere, converting it into a synthetic gas, or syngas,
which is composed mostly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The syngas is then used to fire the turbine, working in a way similar to natural gas. This process
also allows Mississippi Power to take undesirable materials like sulfur out of the fuel before burning it. The process also creates
carbon dioxide that can be captured and stored, and which can be used to drive residual oil from spent oil wells.
Clean coal isn't an environmentalist's dream, but it's much less the environmentalist's nightmare than a conventional pulverized coal plant. IGCC technology
doesn't really make coal clean, but it does make it cleaner. According to an article published by the Sierra Club earlier this
year, the benefits of IGCC over conventional pulverized coal plants are numerous. IGCC "produces extremely low emissions of sulfur
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury, and particulates," the article read, "In contrast to the pulverized-coal technologies, the IGCC method uses less water, generates
less solid waste, and can concentrate carbon dioxide emissions, making CO2 easier to capture and store."
For power companies, IGCC is a more practical option than building a nuclear power plant, for which is it much harder to gain
permits, and which is more expensive and carries a stigma at least as bad as that of coal.
Major US utilities are working on clean coal projects using IGCC technology
Your Industry News 6/4/08 ("GEand Schlumberger sign 'clean coal' alliance,"
GE Energy's proven IGCC gasification process cleans heavy fuels and converts them into a high-value fuel that drives gas turbines
in efficient combined-cycle systems.
GE Energy has been at the forefront of IGCC technology since supplying a gas turbine for Cool Water, the first IGCC demonstration project, which came on line in
1984. GE's IGCC technology also has operated at the TECO Polk I station in Florida for more than 10 years.
The company currently offers commercial scale IGCC plant designs that offer emissions better than advanced natural gas
combined cycle performance for SOx, NOx and Particulate Matter. IGCC technology also meets Clean Air Mercury Rules
(CAMR) for mercury emissions today and uses less water than a traditional pulverized coal plant.
Several utilities in the eastern U.S., including Duke Energy, AEP and Tenaska, are currently working on proposed IGCC
projects using GE's technology.
Clean-coal technology has been in use for years and will continue to improve and spread in the future
—other countries are eyeing its success in the US
Korostash 04 (Yekaterina, J.D. Candidate, University of North Carolina School of Law, Spring, 5 N.C. J.L. & Tech. 295, lexis)
Fourth, the new rule is inconsistent with the technology-pushing objectives of the Clean Air Act. Congress intended for the CAA
to provide an incentive for improvement and adoption of pollution control technology. 192 Clean coal technologies have the
potential to remove almost all of the harmful emissions. 193 In [*325] general, clean coal technologies decrease pollution
through improved operating efficiencies and lowered costs of air emission controls. For example, integrated gasification cycle
removes ninety-nine percent of sulphur and reduces the other emissions below standard, while improving operational efficiency
from thirty-three to forty percent. There are already two plants in America that have adopted this technology. 195 The costs,
however, remain high.
Major utilities are looking to clean coal in order to satisfy future electricity needs
Electricity generation is the foundation of the US coal industry—over 90% of mined coal is burned for
Roberts and Hunt 9/1/04 (Andy and Gary, vice president, Coal Advisory Services + vice president-Consulting and Advisory
Services at Henwood, a Global Energy Decisions company, Public Utilities Fortnightly)
Economic conditions and weather are key price factors. Nearly 90 percent of the coal mined in the United States is burned by U.S. electric
generators. (Small amounts of coal are used in steel-making, industrial plants, and in the residential and commercial sectors. Small amounts of coal are also
exported to steel-making and steam-generating customers. See Figure 1.) Coal markets are dearly dependent upon the electric generation
industry, which makes them dependent on the level of electric sales. As the U.S. economy improves, coal burn usually increases; the
converse also is true.
US coal consumption in the electricity sector is set to remain strong—it will continue to be the primary
fuel for electricity generation
Caruso 3/16/05 (Guy, Administrator, Energy Information Administration U.S. Department of Energy, FDCH)
Total coal consumption is projected to increase from 1,095 million short tons in 2003 to 1,508 million short tons in 2025, growing
by 1.5 percent per year. About 90 percent of the coal is currently used for electricity generation. Coal remains the primary
fuel for generation and its share of generation is expected to remain about 50 percent between 2003 and 2025. Total coal
consumption for electricity generation is projected to increase by an average of 1.6 percent per year, from 1,004 million short tons
in 2003 to 1,425 million short tons in 2025.
Domestic electrical generation is the primary market for the US coal industry—more that 75% of US
coal production is sold to electric utilities
Still, many critics say coal-fired power plants generate enormous environmental problems, including air pollution and acid rain. "A lot of folks make the argument
that the full cost of coal, in terms of the environment and health, is not being accounted for," said William Spratley, executive director of Green Energy Ohio, a
nonprofit group based in Columbus, Ohio, that encourages greater use of renewable energy sources. "Where the coal industry is vulnerable is on
new environmental requirements."
THE United States produces about 1.1 billion tons of coal a year from 1,400 mines, mostly in Appalachia and in the Powder River
Basin of Wyoming. About 92 percent of production is used for power generation. The remainder is metallurgical, or coking,
coal used in making steel.
Sustainable Energy Institute 02 ("January 29 Senate Environment and Public Works Committee,Subcommittee on Clean
Air, Wetlands and Climate Change, Hearing onThe Clean Power Act of 2001," 1/29, http://www.s-e-
Impact of Mandated Carbon Cuts on the Coal Industry: There was debate over whether mandated carbon reductions would cause a
large-scale shift away from coal and towards natural gas, or new clean coal technologies would be deployed on a broader scale
allowing compliance with such reduction requirements. Voinovich, from coal-rich Ohio, warned that the Four-Pollutant bill will
kill the coal industry and cause a massive shift to natural gas. DOE's Kripowicz agreed that mandated cuts would have a
tremendous impact on the amount of coal use in the United States, until such time as Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
plants (an important example of clean coal technology) begin to have economic benefits. Henoted DOE estimates that a carbon cap
would cause a 43% increase in electricity costs by2010 and a 38% increase by 2020. Sandor responded that there is insufficient
data on pricing and that a trading system needs to be demonstrated in order to determine the impacts. Chairman Lieberman
commented that coal can be part of the solution to climate change, and that we do not need to "move beyond coal," referring to the
possible use of clean coal technologies.
Kerry also co-sponsors environmentalist Sen. James Jeffords' Clean Power Act, which the coal industry regards as a death
sentence in eliminating 90 percent of mercury emissions by 2008. The nonpartisan Energy Information Administration estimates
that the Jeffords bill would reduce coal consumed for electricity by 43 percent, resulting in the loss of 1 million jobs.
Last year, Kerry voted for (while Byrd was voting against) the Lieberman-McCain Climate Stewardship Act, which would move
the United States toward the Kyoto global warming protocol. The Energy Information Administration estimated the bill would
reduce coal's share of electricity from 50 percent down to 11 percent, eliminating 50,000 coal industry jobs.
In general, environmental legislation could have a devastating impact on the coal industry and on the U.S. economy.
"The cost of coal-fired generation has been so much lower than the cost of other fossil-fired electricity that it has been able to
absorb layer after layer of environmental regulatory costs for decades and still maintain or increase its share of electricity
generation," DuLac said. "Eventually, however, coal's ability to absorb economic penalties of usage reaches a limit. The modeling
results demonstrate how the latest round of proposed regulations finally causes coal usage costs to surge well past that limit."
Hill & Associates draws a very clear distinction between economic trade off issues and simple prohibition by fiat. Previous
forecasts from Hill & Associates have addressed the fact that Kyoto-type "global warming" CO2 limits tend to "kill"
anywhere from one-third to one-half of the U.S. coal industry.
But the CO2 situation is not primarily a "cost of cleanup" issue. Since there is no realistic way to "clean up" the CO2 emissions
from existing coal- fired plants today, the CO2 issue collapses to a prohibition by fiat.
"It is not a case of cleanup economics; there is simply no proven way to do it today," DuLac said. "Thus, coal burn would have
to be reduced to meet the limit, without any regard to economics."
Certainly, arbitrary reductions of carbon dioxide emissions would be a killer for coal.
Carbon emission constraints are the greatest danger to the US coal industry
Wirth et al 03 (Timothy, Boyden Gray + John Podesta, President of the United Nations Foundation and a former U.S. Senator
from Colorado, partner at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering and served as Counsel to former President George H.W. Bush, Foreign
Affairs, July/Aug, lexis)
The transition to this future will be tricky. The greatest danger the coal industry faces in the United States is that as carbon
emissions are gradually constrained, it will give up market share piece by piece to natural gas and lose its ability to recover.
Washington must promote policies to mitigate that outcome, such as aggressive research and development on cheaper capture and storage of carbon, subsidies for
advanced coal technology for sale in domestic and overseas markets, and incentives for power plants that commit to switching to carbon-free technology by a
certain date. All of these tools could lessen the harm to the industry and its workers as coal is cleaned up.
In testimony at the Senate Environment Committee, UMWA Government Affairs Director Bill Banig said that recent Energy
Information Administration and Environmental Protection Agency studies of the bill show that the emissions reductions in it
would cause utilities to switch away from coal, not install emissions controls. The studies show that would mean a 50% loss in
coal production, Banig said.
He pointed out that much of the coal market loss would be due to mandated 90% reductions in mercury and a reduction in plant
carbon dioxide, CO2, emissions to 1990 levels. This would mean a lot of switching away from coal because technologies to
control these emissions are still in their infancy, Banig said.
While steel company executives say they can adapt to a ''flexible'' program for reducing emissions and still remain globally
competitive, the coal industry is digging in for what it is portraying as a life-or-death struggle against mandated reductions in the
use of carbon-based fuels.
The Kyoto agreement is ''the death knell for the coal industry,'' John Grasser of the National Mining Association protested last
week. ''There's no doubt that it has the potential to wipe out the U.S. coal industry.''
Insisting that there is ''no way'' that technological advances alone will be able to achieve the 7 percent reductions called for in the
agreement, Grasser predicts that the administration will turn to new carbon taxes as a way to force down the use of coal and pay
for its package of tax incentives to encourage alternative fuels.
''Coal is the highest-based carbon fuel, and this is going to hurt very, very severely,'' Grasser warned. ''That's why the United Mine
Workers and the AFL-CIO have jumped on this. As energy prices go up, utilities will stop using coal and go to natural gas, and
coal-mining jobs will go to China, India and Korea.''
A more ominous threat is the prospect of controls on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Although the government initiative does not touch on
it, a more radical bill introduced in the Senate would not only set new caps on the pollutants addressed in Clear Skies, but would also regulate CO2.
The proposal, known as the Carper bill, would require utilities to lower their CO2 emissions to 2005 levels by 2008 and to 2001 levels by 2012.
Although this regulation would affect all fossil fuels, coal would be the hardest hit.
Kelly has said "Kyoto-type CO2 limits would tend to kill anywhere from one-third to one-half of the US coal industry." But the
imposition of the caps outlined in the Carper bill would in essence completely eliminate coal consumption over time.
"There is no realistic way to remove CO2 from the existing fleet of coal-fired plants," says Kelly. "As electricity demand creeps
up, more and more units will bump against the cap and coal use will ratchet down." Kelly is the Cassandra of the coal industry. In
his view, the environmental issues will ultimately sound the death knell for coal - the only question is when. He claims that whatever
proposal is adopted, its effects will be felt by the end of the decade, and cautions investors with prophetic words: "If your time horizon is less than seven to 10
years, then coal is really a good investment." He projects coal consumption is likely to grow by 200m short tons over the next seven to eight years, after which the
impacts of environmental regulations will be so severe, that it will "just fall off the edge of the cliff".
Cramton and Kerr 99 (Peter and Suzi, Department of Economics @ Maryland, " The Distributional Effects of Carbon
Regulation: Why auctioned carbon permits are attractive and feasible,"
Three groups ultimately bear costs: consumers, workers (owners of human capital), and capital owners, especially current owners
of physical capital. Consumers suffer loss of consumer surplus, workers suffer a fall in income, and capital owners suffer a fall in
the value of their capital. The legal incidence of the regulation does not affect prices or cost bearing.
Increased costs, due to the need to purchase a permit or pay a tax, are passed forward to consumers, and backward to factor
suppliers, capital owners and workers. How the prices throughout the economy adjust depends on the elasticities of supply and
demand at all levels in the economy. Prices will rise most where behavior is most inelastic. In Figure 1 we illustrate one
possibility. The relatively inelastic demander faces a large price increase while the elastic supplier only suffers a small price
decrease. Given a set of consumption price changes, consumers will bear costs in proportion to their expenditures on goods
produced using fossil fuels.
In the short run, fossil-fuel specific capital stocks such as oil-fired electric utilities, and the human capital and location of workers
in industries such as coal mining, will tend to be inelastic. Thus capital owners and workers will suffer high short term costs.
How these price changes translate into distributional effects depends on the distribution of ownership of physical and human
capital. The effects on physical capital will be diffused across many shareholders when the companies are publicly owned. The
effects on workers tend to be heavily concentrated in relatively few individuals and communities.
In the long run, capital is mobile and workers will make appropriate choices of education and location. This will lower their costs
as well as total costs. How long this requires depends on the rate of obsolescence of capital and how quickly individuals and
communities can adjust. The outlook for some coal mining areas is not promising. After capital and labor have adjusted,
consumers bear the ongoing costs of carbon regulation.
Lewis 4/4/03 (Marlo, Senior Fellow @ CEI, "Nix the Energy Bill,"
Transferable credits will limit energy diversity. Because coal is the most carbon-intensive fuel, Kyoto would decimate coal as a fuel source
for electric-power generation. If adopted, transferable credits will send a political signal that coal's days are numbered. Companies
will thus switch from coal to natural gas, further aggravating the existing natural gas-supply crunch and price spikes that have already cost consumers billions of
Mann 01 (John, Professor Emeritus of Geology @ Univ. of Illinois, Chicago Sun-Times, 11/30, lexis)
Greater priority should be given to developing alternative energy sources, especially coal. The United States possesses more than 240
billion tons of recoverable coal reserves, or about one-fourth of the world's total. We have a greater share of the world's coal than Saudi
Arabia does of the world's oil, and the supply could last as long as 300 years at current usage levels.
Together with nuclear, solar, and wind power, the use of clean-coal technology can provide energy to reduce the dependency on oil in
industry and transportation, at the same time it is improving our environment. In this regard, Bush and his energy team deserve credit for taking some
important steps to re-establish the basics of a national energy strategy. Many aspects of the administration's energy plan are controversial, such as earmarking
$2 billion over the next decade for clean-coal technology and speeding the renewal of operating licenses for commercial reactors and licensing a new
generation of nuclear power plants. But initiatives such as these are crucial if we are to increase domestic energy production and gain
energy independence.
Minsk 02 (Ronald, Energy Consultant + special assistant to the president on the staff of the National Economic Council at the
White House during the Clinton administration, where he managed energy, environment, and agriculture policy, “Ending Oil
Dependence As We Know It,”
First, our nation's dependence on oil has figured prominently in U.S. policy toward the Middle East in general, and has helped embroil us in
conflicts such as the Persian Gulf War. Moreover, oil dependence constrains our foreign policy by diminishing our ability to act
freely in our strategic interest and in that of our allies. In today's conflict, the actions of nations that should be strong allies in the war on terrorism --
Saudi Arabia in particular -- appear to be inhibited by domestic concerns about Islamic extremism, straining relations between the world's largest oil consuming
nation and its largest producing nation. In addition, many of our allies are more reliant on oil than are we; today's instability in the Persian Gulf could weaken or
threaten our allies, particularly in Asia.
--US strategic flexibility is key to deter large-scale aggression and prevent conflict escalation
Spencer 03 (Jack, Senior Defense Policy Analyst @ Heritage, "Focusing Defense Resources to Meet National Security
Requirements," 3/21,
National Coal Council 93 ("The Role of U.S. Coal in Energy, Economy, and the Environment—Special Report," February,,
The potential of clean coal technology provides an enormous future opportunity for the United States. Energy efficiency can be
improved and the environment protected while coal use expands to generate electricity, promote growth, and improve the nation’s
balance of payments. Coal, the nation’s largest source of domestic energy, contributes both directly and indirectly to the
U.S. economy.
Direct Economic Contribution. The $21 billion in current value of annual coal production yields an impact of $81 billion on the
economy. While many U.S. industries have declined over the past two decades, the U.S. coal industry has increased its export
position. The abundant coal resources of the U.S. provide opportunities to improve the nation’s balance of trade in the 1990s,
strengthen basic infrastructure, and employ advanced technologies in the U.S. and overseas.
Indirect Economic Contribution. The U.S. economy and the standard of living it supports depend on coal, primarily in the form of
electricity. Electric power is the largest and fastest growing end-use sector in energy. Coal is the principal fuel used to generate
electricity. Availability of low-cost coal has enhanced the electrification of the U.S. economy.
Coal is key to the US economy—over one million jobs, reduced fuel costs, tax revenue, exports,
infrastructure/tech development
National Coal Council 93 ("The Role of U.S. Coal in Energy, Economy, and the Environment—Special Report," February,,
The economic well-being of the United States depends substantially on coal, primarily in the form of electricity. Coal has been
the nation’s largest domestic source of energy for nearly a decade. Electric power, the largest and fastest growing end-use sector in
energy, is the primary market for coal. Accounting for 56% of total generation, low-cost coal contributed to the electrification of
the economy over the past twenty years. If coal had not been available to meet the growth in electric demand, consumers would
have incurred over $190 billion in additional fuel costs since 1971. Coal contributes over $80 billion annually to the economy
and stimulates over one million jobs. Coal also contributes to the economy in terms of tax revenue, exports, and
infrastructure and technology development. Further development of coal production, combustion, and emissions technologies
can ensure that coal continues to contribute to energy security, economic growth, and environmental protection.
We have seen little change in the current quarter in the U.S. coal markets, our largest source of revenues. Coal demand factors
remain positive, both short and long-term. A very disciplined response to this demand on the part of domestic mining companies
means that selling prices, particularly for eastern coal, continue to be very strong. Longer-term demand drivers, including power
plant construction and natural gas pricing, coupled with the age of the current population of mines, may create a sustained period
of strong coal prices.
Manne 95 (Alan, Prof Emeritus of Operations Research @ Stanford, "Global Carbon Dioxide Reductions -- Domestic and
International Consequences,"
In any sector where energy inputs are significant (say, 5 to 20 percent of production costs), a unilateral agreement to limit carbon
emissions would have serious impacts on our international competitiveness. These sectors include basic industries such as steel,
aluminum, copper, petroleum refining, and petrochemicals production. Furthermore, coal is the most carbon-intensive of our fossil
fuels, and this could virtually wipe out any prospects for coal exports from the United States.
Bezdek and Wendling April 04 (Roger and Robert, Management Information Services, Public Utilities Fortnightly, lexis)
The nuclear power industry in the United States has established an enviable economic and safety record, and a revived nuclear
power option is essential for a balanced and secure U.S. energy future. The price of coal-fired electricity has been declining for
more than 20 years and is forecast by the Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (EIA) to continue declining
for at least the next 20 years. Coal-burning electric utilities also have made impressive environmental advancements: The rate of
emissions per ton of coal use has decreased nearly 70 percent during the past 30 years, and this trend continues. n1
n1 For example, over the past decade, sulfur dioxide emissions have decreased 28 percent, nitrogen oxide emissions have
decreased 15 percent, and particulate matter emissions have decreased 13 percent.
Status quo investment and consumption of coal bodes well for the coal industry and such efforts will
help reduce emissions
Englehardt 10/14/04 (Irl, CHAIRMAN & CEO, PEABODY ENERGY CORP, Fair Disclosure, lexis)
In answer to the question where are the markets taking us, we believe the markets provide a bright future, both near- and long-
term, for all of the members of the coal industry. First, customers are relearning the value of reliable producers and they are willing
to pay and make commitments to obtain reliability. Second, we see customers that are switching to different coals for a number of
their generating units, and this activity may open new markets for certain products. Third, large investments are being made to
improve the emissions from existing coal plants and to build new coal plants, and those investments ensure that America will
benefit from clean, low-cost electricity for many decades. Fourth, coal gasification is receiving renewed attention, creating yet
another market for America's most abundant energy resource.
We see an increasing recognition that coal is the key to solving America's energy supply problems. Generators are investing
billions of dollars in emission controls and new coal plants. Both President Bush and Senator Kerry have expressed strong support
for funding of additional clean coal technology, and those technologies offer the promise to be even more efficient and cleaner
coal plants for the future.
Coal use has tripled since 1970 but emissions levels have correspondingly declined and will continue to
do so
Wald 5/30/08 (Matthew, Columnist, "Mounting Costs Slow the Push for Clean Coal," NYT,
President Bush is for it, and indeed has spent years talking up the virtues of “clean coal.” All three candidates to succeed him favor the
approach. So do many other members of Congress. Coal companies are for it. Many environmentalists favor it. Utility executives are practically begging for the
But it has become clear in recent months that the nation’s effort to develop the technique is lagging badly.
In January, the government canceled its support for what was supposed to be a showcase project, a plant at a carefully chosen site in
Illinois where there was coal, access to the power grid, and soil underfoot that backers said could hold the carbon dioxide for eons.
Perhaps worse, in the last few months, utility projects in Florida, West Virginia, Ohio, Minnesota and Washington State that would
have made it easier to capture carbon dioxide have all been canceled or thrown into regulatory limbo.
Coal is abundant and cheap, assuring that it will continue to be used. But the failure to start building, testing, tweaking and perfecting carbon capture and storage
means that developing the technology may come too late to make coal compatible with limiting global warming.
“It’s a total mess,” said Daniel M. Kammen, director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at the University of
California, Berkeley.
“Coal’s had a tough year,” said John Lavelle, head of a business at General Electric that makes equipment for processing coal
into a form from which carbon can be captured. Many of these projects were derailed by the short-term pressure of rising
construction costs. But scientists say the result, unless the situation can be turned around, will be a long-term disaster.
A) Rising international demand for metallurgical coal is a key growth area for the US coal industry
That scenario could validate why there has been a resurgence of long-term supply contracts for many of the fuels used to generate
electricity. Other factors continue to advance favor for coal, including increased energy demand, advancing clean-coal
technologies amid tighter emissions limits and international demand for metallurgical coal used to produce steel.
In 2003, the US coal industry shifted from a net importer to an exporter of the product for the first time in six years, hitting record
export levels of 43 million short tons, according to the Energy Information Administration's preliminary estimates. Demand for US
metallurgical coal -- produced in the East mostly by Massey Energy and Consol Energy -- climbed with the temporary closure of a
major USeastern mine and increased global demand as Chinawent from being a coal exporter to an importer.
The demand is fueled by surging steel production in China and India, which has put a premium on the high-quality metallurgical
coal used in steel processing.
During 2004, some 11 more percent more of Alpha Natural Resources’ coal sales have been to metallurgical customers than was
the case the year before, another illustration of how the coking coal market is sucking up tons that have gone to steam coal
customers in the past.
With the launch of its IPO at hand, Alpha filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission a detailed business description. The company filed December 6 for an
IPO valued up to $250 million. The company did not detail either the proposed number of shares to be offered or their anticipated sale price.
It’s apparent, where met coal is concerned, that Alpha and undoubtedly others have found enough traction to turn a sprint into a mile run.
“During 2003, most of our contracts to supply metallurgical coal were entered into on a one-year rolling basis or on a current market or spot basis,” Alpha reported.
“However, due to current market conditions, the majority of the metallurgical coal sa les contracts we have entered into during the first nine months of 2004 have
been long-term contracts.”
At the end of 2003, just 18 percent of Alpha’s met coal sales were made under long-term agreements, as opposed to 65 percent of the company’s steam coal sales.
As of November 10, Alpha had contracts to sell 93 percent of planned 2005 production. That included sales commitments for approximately 19.8 million tons, of
which 12.3 million tons are steam coal and 7.5 million tons are metallurgical coal. The company also had contracts to sell 44 percent of planned 2006 production,
including sales commitments for approximately 9.9 million tons, of which 6.7 million tons are steam coal and 3.2 million tons are metallurgical coal.
As of November 10, Alpha also had commitments to purchase 3.5 million tons of coal during 2005 and 1.0 million tons in 2006.
For the nine months ended September 30, Alpha sold a total of 19.4 million tons of coal, including 5.4 million tons of purchased coal. Approximately 32 percent of
its coal sales (or about 6.2 million tons) during the first nine months of 2004 were made outside the United States, primarily in Canada and several countries in
Europe and Asia.
Alpha coal revenues increased in the first nine months of 2004 by $304.0 million or 60 percent, to $808.7 million, as compared to the first nine months of 2003,
primarily because of a $9.64/ton increase in the average sales price of its coal, but also as a result of additional tons sold.
“The increase in the average sales price of our coal was due to the general increase in coal prices during the period and to our
ability to take advantage of the exceptionally high metallurgical coal sale prices by processing and marketing as metallurgical coal
some coal qualities that would traditionally have been marketed as steam coal,” Alpha reported.