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Ge423 Lab4

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Mechatronics Laboratory Assignment 4 Parallel Communication Glue Logic, Hardware Interrupts, Analog to Digital Conversions, and Board Fab

Possible Points: If checked off before your lab time the week of Mar. 12th 14 points If checked off after your lab time the week of Mar. 12th and before 4:00PM Mar. 16th 9 points If work not finished before 4:00PM Mar. 16th 0 points

Recommended Due Date: By your lab time the week of Feb. 27th

Goals for this Lab Assignment: 1. 2. 3. 4. Learn about how to use TMS320F28335s analog-to-digital converter Introduce the hardware interrupt (HWI) DSP/BIOS object. Gain a better understanding of glue-logic and how the DSP interfaces (or communicates) with I/O hardware. Learn how to design an expansion for board for the robots processor board HWI, PRD Library Functions Used: void writeDAC7564(float dac1,float dac2) Matlab Functions Used: BUTTER Prelab: This Prelab will need to be completed before you start the lab exercise. The users guide for the TMS320F28335s ADC peripheral is located at http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/F28335Ref_Guides/ADC.pdf. There are a number of different modes of operation this ADC peripheral can be setup to perform. Keep in mind the following settings as you read through the users guide so you can focus on the required settings and skim over the other modes: Desired ADC Peripheral Settings for Labs 4 and 5: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cascaded sampling Mode Simultaneous sampling Mode Sample these 10 channels in this order ADCINA0, ADCINB0, ADCINA1, ADCINB1, ADCINA2, ADCINB2, ADCINA3, ADCINB3, ADCINA4, ADCINB4. Enable Sequence 1s Interrupt Set ADC to use its internal reference

DSP/BIOS Objects Used:

Prelab Question #1. We are going to be starting the ADC sequence every 1ms from inside a PRD function. What bit and of what register needs to be set to start the conversion of the ADC sequence one? ADC sequence one is the only sequence used when cascaded mode is set to 1. Prelab Question #2 Complete the given code, that you will later place in your main() function, that initializes the ADC peripheral. The power on initialization of the ADC is given for you in the function InitAdc() but you need to figure out the initialization of the other ADC peripheral registers. Much of the C code is given below. You need to set the given bit fields of the ADC register structure to the appropriate values. Find the correct values to replace the ?? of the below code that configures the ADC as per the comment of each line. The bit field structures that are being used in this code break the register into multiple variables that have the same number of bits as described in the ADC users guide. So for example the first variable given below for register ADCTRL1 is the bit field SUSMOD. Looking at the datasheet you see that SUSMOD is 2 bits of ADCTRL1. Therefore the possible GE423, Mechatronic Systems Lab 4, Page 1 of 13

values you could set AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.SUSMOD to are 0,1,2,or 3. For a bit field with only 1 bit of a register, the value is either 0 or 1, etc.
InitAdc(); // This function takes care of powering on the ADC correctly.

AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.SUSMOD = ??; AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.ACQ_PS = ??; AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.CPS = ??; AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.CONT_RUN = ??; AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.SEQ_OVRD = ??; AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.SEQ_CASC = ??;

// Emulation Suspend mode ignored // 5 ADCCLK periods // divide by 1

// Start Stop mode //Sequencer Override Disabled // Cascaded mode enabled

AdcRegs.ADCTRL2.bit.INT_ENA_SEQ1 = ??; AdcRegs.ADCTRL2.bit.INT_MOD_SEQ1 = ??;

//Enable SEQ1s interrupt //Set Interrupt to occur every SEQ1 completion

AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.bit.ADCCLKPS = ??;

//Core clock divided by 18 // Found this by trial and error. Could need to be

changed // given different sensor inputs

AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.bit.SMODE_SEL = ??;

//Set to Simultaneous sampling mode

AdcRegs.ADCMAXCONV.bit.MAX_CONV1 = ??;

// set so that A0 BO, A1 B1, A2 B2, A3 B3, A4 B4 are // sampled

AdcRegs.ADCREFSEL.bit.REF_SEL = ??;

// Internal reference used

AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV00 = ??; AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV01 = ??; AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV02 = ??; AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV03 = ??; AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ2.bit.CONV04 = ??; AdcRegs.ADCTRL2.bit.RST_SEQ1 = ??; AdcRegs.ADCST.bit.INT_SEQ1_CLR = ??;

// set these 5 fields so that the order of ADC channels // sampled is A0,B0,A1,B1,A2,B2,A3,B3,A4,B4.

// Reset SEQ1 // Clear INT SEQ1 Good practice to clear possible // interrupt before enabling the interrupt.

Know how to use the BUTTER function in Matlab to design both low- and high-pass filters. Understand how to take the coefficients returned by these functions to create difference equations that are coded in C to implement a filter. The help for filter in Matlab gives the order of coefficients for filters created in MATLAB. You will have to design two filters for the lab, so give some thought on how to code the difference equations in C.

Laboratory Exercise GE423, Mechatronic Systems

Lab 4, Page 2 of 13

Exercise 1: Using the TMS320F28335s ADC Peripheral To give you some experience with the hardware interrupt (HWI) section in DSP/BIOS, we will setup the ADC peripheral to sample a sequence of ADC inputs and on completion of this sequence have the ADC generate an interrupt. The function that runs when this interrupt occurs is called the ISR (interrupt service routine) of that interrupt event. You will write this ISR to read all of the sampled ADC values and also start the reading of the optical encoder LS7366 SPI chips. The role of the TMS320F28335 processor on the robots processor board is currently three fold. One is not time critical and that is printing to the text LCD screen. The second role is running the motor PI speed control algorithm every 1ms. We will focus on implementing this PI control in Lab 5. The third role is reading all sensor inputs connected to the TMS320F28335s peripherals and outputting to devices through PWM outputs, DAC outputs or general purpose I/Os. In Lab 3 you already experimented with the optical encoder inputs, PWM outputs and DAC outputs. For this first exercise you will take the code given in the TMS320F28335s project creator that already samples the optical encoder sensors every 1ms and add the sampling of the desired ADC channels. Much more detail is given below in the procedures to accomplish this implementation but in short you will be adding the starting of the ADC sequence, the sequence completion interrupt and the reading of the ADC samples into the overall flow of sampling the 4 SPI LS7366 optical encoder chips. In the start_dataCollection() PRD function instead of calling

you will set the appropriate ADC register bit to start the ADC conversion sequence. On completion of

the sampling sequence the ADCs interrupt ISR will be called. Inside this function you will read the 10 ADC readings and then call the function start_SPI() which will continue to read all the optical encoder readings as in the original code. In this way you have inserted the reading of the ADC channels at the same sample rate as the reading of the optical encoders. Earlier TMS320F2000 series of TI processors had only 12 interrupt sources. As this series of processor matured more interrupt sources were added. Such a large number that TI came up with a separate peripheral call the PIE (peripheral interrupt expansion) to handle the extra interrupts. The PIE now allows for 96 different interrupts, 8 interrupts per each 12 legacy interrupts. Looking at the System Control and Interrupt Users Guide http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/F28335Ref_Guides/syscontrolandinterrupts.pdf , Table 111, page 124, you can see all the sources of interrupts for the TMS320F28335. The interrupt we are interested in for this assignment is ADCINT. Finding it in Table 111 it is the PIE interrupt INT1.6. This indicates that legacy interrupt #1 will need to be enabled along with PIE interrupt 1.6. Echo ADC values to DAC Procedure: 1. As a first step, add your prelabs initialization code for the ADC to your main function. Place this code right before the post_init() function call in main(). After this initialization code also add the following additional lines that enables legacy interrupt #1 and PIE interrupt 1.6.
PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1; PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx6 = 1; // Clear possible interrupts before enabling int. // enable PIE interrupt 1.6

IFR &= ~M_INT1;

// Clear a possible pending interrupt in the interrupt flag register

IER |= M_INT1; // Enable legacy INT1 in the interrupt enable register


The default project creator code already given to you uses the following flow to sample the four optical encoder interface chips (LS7366) every 1ms: i. The PRD PRD_StartADC is setup to be triggered every 1ms. ii. PRD_StartADCs function
void start_dataCollection(void)

is therefore called every

1ms and it simply calls the function start_SPI(). GE423, Mechatronic Systems Lab 4, Page 3 of 13



sends an 8 bit command to the four LS7366 chips telling them to latch their

encoder counts to the chips read register. iv. After the 8 bit command has been received by the LS7366 chips, the SPI interrupts the TMS320F28335 indicating the transfer is complete and it is ready for more data to transfer. v. Inside the SPIs ISR, LS7366 chip #1 is selected and its count value is read over the SPI serial port. After optical encoder #1s 32bit count has be read the SPI again interrupts the processor and the procedure is repeated three more times to read chip #2, #3 and #4. vi. At the final interrupt, indicating that the LS7366 #4s count value has been read, the SWI SWI_control is posted.

Then when priority permits, the SWIs function


is called. Here is where you place your code that does something with the

sampled sensor readings. For this lab and remaining labs, you will also need to sample the ADC inputs every 1ms. Do this by inserting the sampling of the ADC inputs at the beginning of the LS7366 read process. i. Inside PRD_StratADCs function
start_SPI(), void start_dataCollection(void)

instead of calling

set the appropriate ADC register bit to start the conversion sequence

(Prelab question #1).. ii. Then when the conversion sequence is complete the ADCs ISR will be called. Inside the ADCs ISR call ADCs ISR. 3. Create the ISR function to be triggered by interrupt 1.6, ADCINT. Just like other DSP/BIOS functions, this function should have void parameters and a void return value. a. Inside this function, read the 10 ADC readings from the ADCs Conversion Results Buffer Registers starting at address 0xB00. See Figure 2-14 in the ADC users guide http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/F28335Ref_Guides/ADC.pdf. structure name The TMS320F28335

to read the LS7366 chips. In step 3 you will create the

header files name these result registers the ADC mirrored results registers and gives them the C

So for example, to read the first ADC sampled value you would use the

following C statement:
raw_adc_A0 = AdcMirror.ADCRESULT0;

Ten global integer variables,








have already been created for you in the given code. They have already been created for you because the given source code also uses these variables to communicate the ADC readings to the OMAPL138 processor through the McBSP serial port. So only assign these variables the raw integer readings from the result registers and use different variables in later steps when converting the raw ADC reading to a voltage. b. c. After reading the 10 ADC results, start the read process of the LS7366 optical encoder chips by calling the start_SPI(); function. Most peripheral interrupts have a status bit in one of its peripheral registers that indicate that this interrupt source has been triggered. In many cases this status bit needs to be cleared to allow another interrupt to be trigger. Most of the time the clearing of this status bit is done at the end of the ISR. This is the case for the ADC interrupt so add the following code to reset the ADC and clear the interrupt flag. GE423, Mechatronic Systems Lab 4, Page 4 of 13

// Reinitialize for next ADC sequence AdcRegs.ADCTRL2.bit.RST_SEQ1 = 1; AdcRegs.ADCST.bit.INT_SEQ1_CLR = 1; // Reset SEQ1 // Clear INT SEQ1 bit

PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all=PIEACK_GROUP1;//Acknowledge/CLR interrupt to PIE


With the ADCINTs interrupt service routine written, setup DSP/BIOS to call this function when the ADCINT interrupt occurs. a. Open your projects DSP/BIOS *.tcf file. Explore the Scheduling section to the HWI section. Scroll down to the bottom of the HWI section and expand the PIEINTERRUPTS. Here you will find the 96 different interrupts possibly generated by the TMS320F28335. The one we are interested in is PIE_INT1_6. Select PIE_INT1_6 and right click and select Properties. b. c. In the General tab of the properties window enter your ISRs function name, not forgetting the beginning _. In the Dispatcher tab, check the Use Dispatcher box. Also select all for the Interrupt Mask. We will talk more about these settings in lecture, but the Dispatcher, when enabled, adds the capability to call operating system functions like SEM_post and SWI_post inside your ISR. The interrupt mask set to all disables all other interrupts while this ISR is running. On completion of this ISR all interrupts are re-enabled.


Now that the conversion of the ADC channels has been inserted into the data collection sequence, you can use these sampled ADC values along with the optical encoder readings. The best location to put this code is in the SWI_controls function control(). Here you have all the ADC readings and all the optical encoder readings. Similar to what we did in the first exercise of Lab 3, echo the value sampled on ADCINB1 and ADCINB2 to DAC outputs 1 and 2. To do this you will need to scale the raw ADCIN reading that is in the range 0 to 4095 to a volt ranging from 0V to 3.0V. Then write this scaled value to the DACs using the function. Limit the values written to the
writeDAC7564() writeDAC7564()

function so that only numbers in the range 0V to

2.5V are output to the DAC. ADCINB1 and ADCINB2 are connected to the orange and blue banana jacks on the robots left handle support and DAC1 and DAC2 are connected to the white and gray banana jack on the right support. 6. Build and load your code to the TMS320F28335. Check that the code is working by inputting the same voltage signal to both ADC channels and scoping both this input and the DAC channel outputs. Your instructor will show you how to setup the function generator at your bench to produce a sine wave that varies from 0V to 2.5V. Compare how the input looks compared to the DAC output. Start first with a slow frequency and then gradually increase the frequency of the sine wave. At slow frequencies the output should compare pretty well with the input. At higher frequencies the output starts having a stair step look. If you go above the Nyquist frequency you will start to see aliasing. Demonstrate this working to your instructor. Exercise 2: Filter Design and implementation Your instructor will detail what is required for this exercise during your lab time. implementing a both a low and a high pass Butterworth filter. Exercise 3: VB Application Starter Help In short, you will be

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The goal of this assignment is to get you up to speed faster using VB to program a host interface to your robot. This quick example shows you how to both download data from the PC to the DSP and upload data from the DSP to the PC. It also shows you how to move an object inside a VB picture box. When you are finished with both the VB code and the DSP code you will be able to type values into the text boxes and click SendDAC and the values you entered will be output on the DSPs DACs 1 and 2. Also every 250ms the DSP will send your VB application the values of ADC1 and ADC2. The values will be displayed in two labels and a circle inside the picture box will move to the x, y coordinates of (adc1,adc2). If the input into ADC1 and ADC2 varies, you will see the circle move on the screen.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Open up VB, create a new project by selecting VB Pro Edition Controls, and immediately save it to a local directory containing your repository. Open up the form view. Add 2 text boxes and name them txtDAC1 and txtDAC2. Add 2 labels and name them lblADC1 and lblADC2. Add a Winsock object Add a button, name it cmdSendDAC and give it the caption SendDAC. Also change the buttons property Default to True. When the Default setting of a button is set to true, the buttons code is run when you press the Enter key of the keyboard.


Add a Picture Box and name it pbxArena. Make sure to size the Picture Box large enough so that in later assignments you will be able to draw the course and its obstacles Change the property AutoRedraw to True. Change ScaleHeight to 10, ScaleWidth to 10, ScaleLeft to 5 and ScaleTop to -5.


Single-click on the Winsock object in the form view. Leave the Winsock settings to the defaults, except for the following: Name: Winsock1 Lab 4, Page 6 of 13

GE423, Mechatronic Systems

Protocol: Remote Host: Remote Port: 9.

0 - sckTCPProtocol Your robots IP 10001

Double Click on the SendDAC button and insert the following code: This sends a space delimited string to the DSP
Winsock1.Senddata(Chr(253) & txtDAC1.Text & & txtDAC2.Text & Chr(255))

10.Double click on empty space in your form window. Add the following code to the auto-generated function Form_Load:
Winsock1.Connect 'Connect to TCPIP Server application running in Linux on the robot

11.Arrow to the very top of your form code above all the other functions. Add the following global variables:
Option Explicit Dim strNextString As String Dim tcpipValue1 As Single Dim tcpipValue2 As Single Dim tcpipValue3 As Single Dim tcpipValue4 As Single

12. At the top of VBs code window select Form in the left pull down and in the right pull down select Unload. VB will then create the Form_Unload function. In this function as the following code:

13. Add one more button to your application. Name this button cmdClear and give it the caption Clear. Double click on the button and insert the following code to clear the picture box when this button is clicked

14. Again at the top of VBs code window select Winsock1 in the left pull down and in the right pull down select DataArrival. VB will then create the Winsock1_DataArrival function. This function is called when there is at least one character received over the Ethernet into VB. Most of the time this will be the entire string of characters sent from the robot but the code must handle the case when the entire string is not sent thus a start and stop character is used. Add the following code inside this function (cut and paste):

Dim intStart As Integer 'the index of StartChar Dim intEnd As Integer 'the index of EndChar

Dim splitstrings As Variant Dim Chars_received As String Dim tempstring As String

Winsock1.GetData tempstring, vbString strNextString = strNextString & tempstring ' Append new com data intStart = InStr(strNextString, Chr(253)) If (intStart > 0) Then strNextString = Mid(strNextString, intStart) intEnd = InStr(strNextString, Chr(255)) 'Find the index of EndChar 'Find the index of StartChar

If (intEnd > 1) Then 'If Start&End exist and Start comes before End

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Chars_received = Mid(strNextString,2, intEnd - 2) splitstrings = Split(Chars_received, ) If Ubound(splitstrings) = 3 Then tcpipValue1 = Val(splitstrings(0)) tcpipValue2 = Val(splitstrings(1)) tcpipValue3 = Val(splitstrings(2)) tcpipValue4 = Val(splitstrings(3)) lblADC1.Caption = CStr(tcpipValue1) lblADC2.Caption = CStr(tcpipValue2) pbxArena.circle (tcpipValue1,tcpipValue2) , 0.25 End If strNextString = Mid(strNextString, intEnd + 1) End If End If

Code on the TMS320F28335 to check that your VB application is working correctly. The code on the TMS320F28335 processor side to test that your VB application has been built correctly is mostly given to you. The OMAPL138s DSP is already flashed with a program that takes care of receiving and sending data to and from VB. For sending data to VB you simply have to write the two ADC readings to two variables already created for you called



So in the


function, before the


function call, assign


to the first

ADC voltage reading and tcpip2 to the second ADC reading. To test if data is being received correctly from VB, write the transmitted values to the two DAC channels and then monitor with the oscilloscope the change in the DAC voltage output. So in your code, instead of echoing the sampled ADC of filtered values to the two DAC channels, change the code in the
omap_dac2 control()

function to pass the variables omap_dac1 and

to the






are variables already created for you and are

assigned the value transmitted from VB in the given OMAPL138s DSP code. To test this VB application, build and run your TMS320F28335 code. Then at the Linux command prompt run the executable ./F28335DSPComm. Finally launch your VB application. If you input a .1 Hz Sine wave that varies from 0 to 2.5 into both ADC channels, you will see the circle in the VB application moving along a straight diagonal line. the sent values. Demonstrate this working to your instructor. As a final Step Change your VB application to use a shape as the object moved inside the picture box instead of using the picturebox circle method. Exercise 4: Circuit Board Design and Fabrication using Eagle CAD In the second week of lab you will become familiar with EagleCAD a circuit design software package, by going through a tutorial. For the take home exercise assigned below you will be asked to use EagleCAD to design your circuit and create the circuit board. You of course will not be asked to purchase your fabricated board from a printed circuit board company, but when you have completed the take home exercise you will have generated the files that would allow you to purchase the boards it you so desired. The tutorial is located at http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/108. You will be given instructions at the beginning of lab what is required for a check off of this section. To download the latest version of EagleCAD go to http://www.cadsoft.de. If you would like to use version 5.11, the version installed on the lab PCs, find it at ftp://ftp.cadsoft.de/eagle/program/5.11/eagle-win-5.11.0.exe. GE423, Mechatronic Systems Lab 4, Page 8 of 13 Enter two numbers between 0 and 2.5 into your VB applications edit boxes and click the Send button. Viewing on the oscilloscope, you should see the DAC voltage change to

TAKE HOME EXERCISE (must be completed to get a check off for this lab) This take home exercise is also to be done as a group, your lab partner and yourself. When a section is complete, make an appointment with your instructor where both you and your partner will be asked to explain the work you have completed. This exercise has two sections. In the first section you are given a circuit board schematic and the C code that communicates with the ICs of the circuit. Then by looking at the schematic and the source code, your assignment is to explain what the given C code is accomplishing. After getting this section of the take home exercise completed you will have a good idea of what is required for the second section. In the second section you will design your own circuit board. You will create your circuit board in EagleCAD, develop the C code that communicates with one of the SPI chips of your design and, as in the first section, write an explanation of the C source code you developed. Section #1 The below schematic is taken from the schematic of the robots processor board. It shows how the TMS320F28335 connects through its SPI serial port to 4 LS7366 ICs. The source file 28335_spi.c contains the code for initializing the SPI port, initializing the 4 LS7366 chips and reading the LS7366 count values. For this assignment cut and paste the entire source file 28335_spi.c into a Word document or whatever word processor you choose. There are four functions in this source file, init_SPI, SPI_RXint, start_SPI and writeDAC7564. I would like you to write a paragraph explaining what this code is accomplishing. NOTES: 1. You will want to look through the following Users Guides and Data Sheets: a. b. c. d. 2. LS7366 DataSheet, http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/LS7366.pdf SPI peripheral, http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/F28335Ref_Guides/SPI.pdf GPIO registers, Chapter 6, http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/F28335Ref_Guides/syscontrolandinterrupts.pdf GPIO MUX Tables, pages 75 and 76 http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/F28335Ref_Guides/syscontrolandinterrupts.pdf EALLOW and EDIS are special macros that enable access to protected registers. Protected registers are important registers that if set in error cause the processor to be configured differently. These registers are usually only set once in main(). In the case of the given code, GPADIR and GPAMUX are protected. 3. 4. 5. 6. In SPI_RXint(), case 6 and 7 are for the DAC7564, so you DO NOT have to comment these lines. Start_SPI() is called every 1 millisecond inside the ADCs ISR. SPI_RXint() is the SPIs receive ISR. Remember that the SPI serial port sends and receives at the same time so when the receive interrupt occurs the SPI has also completed transmitting. Ignore the use of GPIO6 and GPIO19. GPIO6 is setup in init_SPI() for debug purposes only and GPIO19 is used by the DAC7564. You will NOT be explaining the writeDAC7564 so just leave it uncommented. Then for every 10 or so lines of code, excluding the writeDAC7564 function,

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Section #2 Design a new shield circuit board, along with its interface C code, for the TMS320F28335. The current shield board on the robots processor board is the green board to the left of the color LCD. The design will actually be a partial design, because I only want you focusing on the SPI connections from the TMS320F28335 to the external chips. I do not want you designing the external connections to these chips. Even though this is a partial design, I still would like you to both create an EagleCAD schematic and an EagleCAD board layout. This will give you some extra experience working with circuit board fabrication. You are even going to go as far as sending your board files to a PCB companys automated board file check website giving you some initial experience in ordering your designed board. Assignment: 1. Design a new shield circuit board that interfaces the TMS320F28335 to five integrated circuits that use the SPI serial interface for communication. The five chips are the DS1394, MAX5436, MAX3100, MAX6627 and MCP23S08. So your new circuit board will have a real-time clock chip (DS1394), a digital potentiometer (MAX5436), an additional RS-232 UART serial port (MAX3100), a digital temperature sensor (MAX6627) and an 8-bit I/O Expander (MSP23S08). You will only be writing C code to interface with the MCP23S08 chip for this assignment. I mention this here so you dont spend a lot of time reading the datasheets of the other 4 chips. GE423, Mechatronic Systems Lab 4, Page 10 of 13

This is only a partial design, so you will only be connecting the SPI side of these chips to the TMS320F28335 and not worrying about the external connections of each of these chips. Of course this makes the board unusable (except for maybe the real-time clock chip), but the focus of this exercise is to give you some initial board fabrication experience. A note below specifies which pins to not wire on each of these chips. For this design you can only use the TMS320F28335s four SPI pins GPIO16_SPISIMOA_SV17, GPIO17_SPISOMIA_SV17, GPIO18_SPICLKA_SV17 and GPIO19_SPISTEA_SV17, and three general purpose I/O pins GPIO48_SV17, GPIO49_SV17 and GPIO58_MCLKRA_SV17. Design the schematic for the circuit board in EagleCAD. All the needed chips and other components will be shown to you in the second week of Lab 4. (See also http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/EagleCAD%20Tips.pdf) When finished with the schematic, generate a board file for your design. In the board design software, move the ICs and components to desired locations and then have EagleCAD auto-route the traces for the board. Once your board file is complete, generate the fabrication files (gerber files). As a final step in the board design, send the fabrication files to www.4pcb.com to see if you have any errors that would cause problems in fabrication. Again see http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/EagleCAD%20Tips.pdf for steps in sending files to www.4pcb.com. 2. Write software for the TMS320F28335 to interface with the MCP23S08 chip. Create the following functions: a. void Init_MCP23S08 (unsigned int IODIR, unsigned int IPOL, unsigned int GPPU, unsigned int IOCON, unsigned int OLAT) Write code to have this function initialize the MCP23S08 chip depending on what is sent in its parameters. We will not be using any of the interrupt capability of the chip. Poll on a SPI status bit to determine when the SPI transfer is complete before returning from this function. This way the function could be called in main(). b. void SetPortLatch(unsigned int byte); Only least significant 8 bits are sent to the MCP23S08s OLAT register. Only the bits setup as outputs will be changed by writing to the OLAT register. Poll on a SPI status bit to determine when the SPI transfer is complete before returning from this function. c. d. 3. 4. unsigned int ReadPort(void): Read and return the 8 bit value of the GPIO register. Poll on a SPI status bit to determine when the SPI transfer is complete before returning from this function. How could the reading of this 8 bit port be inserted into the current SPI code of the TMS320F28335 that reads from the 4 LS7366 chips (Section #1)? Write code that would accomplish this. As you did in section #1, write a paragraph every 10 or so lines of C code explaining what your code is performing. Make an appointment with your instructor where both you and your partner will be asked to explain the work you have completed. NOTES: Datasheets 1. 2. MCP23S08, read this pdf first. It has a link to the MCP23S08 datasheet. http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/MCP23S08_Notes.pdf. 74F138, look at this decoder chip to help you with the 5 CS (one per chip) that you need to create given only one SS (SPISTEA) and three GPIO pins. http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/sn74f138.pdf These remaining Datasheets are mainly for you to view the pin-out of the chips pins and the purpose if each pin. See list below to find out which pins of each chip you will need to connect to. You are only going to wire these chips to the SPI interface and not write any source code for these chips. 3. DS1394, http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/DS1390-DS1394datasheet.pdf Lab 4, Page 11 of 13

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4. 5. 6.

MAX5436, http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/MAX5436-MAX5439datasheet.pdf MAX3100, http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/MAX3100datasheet.pdf MAX6627, http://coecsl.ece.illinois.edu/ge423/datasheets/MAX6627-MAX6628Datasheet.pdf

What pins on each chip to ignore (leave unconnected) and which pins to use for this exercise 1. MCP23S08: Ignore: RESET, INT, GP0, GP1, GP2, GP3, GP4, GP5, GP6, GP7 Connect: SCK, SI, SO, A1 (Set Always Low, GND), A0 (Set Always Low, GND), CS, VSS (GND), VDD (3.3V). 2. DS1394: Ignore: X1, X2, Vbackup, SQW/INT Connect: CS, GND, Vcc (3.3V), SCLK, DOUT, DIN 3. MAX5436: Ignore: VSS, L, W, H, VDD Connect: SCLK, DIN, CS, GND, VCC (3.3V) 4. MAX3100: Ignore: N.C., IRQ, SHDN, TX, RX, RTS, N.C., CTS, X1, X2 Connect: DIN, DOUT, SCLK, CS, GND, VCC (3.3V) 5. MAX6627: Ignore: DXN, DXP, N.C. Connect: GND, VCC (3.3V), SDO, CS, SCK 6. F28335_SHIELD_CONNECTOR Ignore: SPI1_SCSN1_SV2 (OMAP SPI), SPI1_SIMO_SV2 (OMAP SPI), SPI1_SOMI_SV2 (OMAP SPI), SPI1_CLK_SV2 (OMAP SPI), CANTXA_SV16, CANRXA_SV16, GPIO63_SCITXDC_SV17, GPIO62_SCIRXDC_SV17, GPIO59_MFSRA_SV17, +5V_SV17, ADCA0_SV19, ADCA1_SV19, ADCA2_SV19, ADCA3_SV19, ADCA4_SV19, ADCA5_SV19, ADCA6_SV19, ADCA7_SV19, ADCB0_5V_SV18, ADCB1_5V_SV18, ADCB2_5V_SV18, ADCB3_5V_SV18, ADCB4_SV18, ADCB5_SV18, ADCB6_SV18, ADCB7_SV18. Connect: GND_SV2, +3.3V_SV2, +3.3V1_SV16, GND1_SV16, GND2_SV16, +3.3V2_SV16, GPIO16_SPISIMOA_SV17, GPIO17_SPISOMIA_SV17, GPIO18_SPICLKA_SV17, GPIO19_SPISTEA_SV17, GPIO58_MCLKRA_SV17, GPIO49_SV17, GPIO48_SV17, GND_SV17, GND2_SV19, +3.3V2_SV19, +3.3V1_SV19, GND1_SV19, GND2_SV18, +3.3V2_SV18, +3.3V1_SV18, GND1_SV18.

In Lab Check Off: 1. 2. 3. 4. Demonstrate your ADC to DAC echoing program and show a signal aliasing example. Demonstrate both of your filters working. Demonstrate your VB application working. Finish the Eagle CAD tutorial for both the schematic editor and the board editor. Lab 4, Page 12 of 13

GE423, Mechatronic Systems


Section #1 and #2 of Take Home exercise.

GE423, Mechatronic Systems

Lab 4, Page 13 of 13

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