Table of Contents
calculated real me trailing Stop-loss for each stock a er performing lakhs of complex
calcula ons to understand its vola lity.
to day fluctua ons. Stop-loss revision mechanism is slow to capture large price
• Peak R:R: The highest value of R:R since the signal was generated un l exit.
• Status: Displays Long, Short, Stop-loss Revised or Stop-loss Revised to Cost.
• Entry Time: Displays the entry me when the signal was generated.
• Exit Time: Displays the exit me when the signal got exit.
Only a few default columns are visible. To Add /Remove columns, you can right click to
see/view the full list of columns.
• Stock wise: This report gives a stock wise view of total long and short trades with
strike rates & percentage returns on investment which helps to decide the best
stocks based on its past performance. It also shows addi onal informa on like lot
size, margin and MTM requirements to follow all signals for the selected stocks.
• Month wise: This report gives a month wise performance evalua on of total trades
for the selected stocks and shows combined profitability report. It gives a brief idea
on overall performance of total trades and how much maximum % return on total
investment can be generated.
• Target Analysis: This report will help you to select the best target method and target
level based on the strike rate for your selected stocks a er analyzing various. You can
select target based on two methods - 1. Profit % and 2. Risk: Reward.
• Open Posi on - EOD: This report shows you all long and short open posi ons with
their entry date & me when the signal was ini ated and their respec ve stoploss
and status of stoploss revision. It also shows the peak profit % and the profit %(
current profit) of every open posi ons.
at 3%, the trade will exit when there is a profit of 6% i.e. 2 mes of stop loss.
b) Profit % Method
If you decide that you wish to exit at a fixed profit%, stop loss being irrelevant, set the
target percentage where you wish to exit.
23. What is the advantage of colorful charts and how do I view it?
Colorful charts show signal history in a graphical manner. The colors are divided into Green
(Buy), White (No Trading Zone) and Red (Sell). It also displays entry, exit and trailing Stop-
loss on the graph. You can open colorful charts by double clicking on a stock name.
24. How many ways to get real time notification when a new signal is
There are 6 ways you will be no fied on signal genera on:
• Update in Signal Tracker: A new entry will be made in the signal tracker in its respec ve
• Update in Market Watch: Buy/Sell status will reflect against each stock in the market
watch. If there is no open signal, it will show as ‘NTZ’ (No Trading Zone).
• Popup Alert on signal: Displays pop-up message when signal is generated. It will
disappear when the cursor hovers over it.
• Open Batch Order Window on Signal genera on: Will directly open the prefilled order
window as soon as signal is generated.
• Audio Alert: A beep sound would be heard on a new call genera on.
• SMS & Email Alert: Real me SMS/Email will be sent on registered mobile no. & email
26. What will happen when multiple signals are generated at a time?
In case of mul ple signals are generated at a me then Batch order window will append all
the signals
• Only Long Trading: Follow only Buy Signals (NSE Cash & NSE Futures)
• Both Long & Short Trading: Follow both Buy & Sell signals (NSE Futures)
• Short Term Momentum Trading: Follow entry signal of TGS and book profit as per Risk:
Reward mul ples of 1:1 or 1:2 or at certain fixed profit %, for 3% Peak Profit.
• Trading on highly liquid contracts: Follow Buy/Sell signals of Ni y, Bank Ni y, CNX IT,
USD INR, Gold, Silver, Crude, etc.
• Trading based on DP Holdings: Write Call op on when sell signal gets generated in
the stock you are holding in DP and exit when stop loss gets triggered.
• Call/Put Wri ng: When wri ng naked Call/Put op ons, one can refer the TradeGuide
Stop loss level to avoid big losses as it indicates reversal of trend.
• When majority of stocks are in No Trading Zone and open posi on are near to its
lowest numbers, it indicates sideways market momentum. At that me, you can write
both Call and Put op on.
• Trendicator: indicates shi of market trend (Bull or Bear) from shorter to longer me
frame. It can be understood from the increase or decrease in number of Buy/Sell Open
posi ons of Swing and Posi onal strategy.
• Screen reading through Market Watch: TGS POSITIONAL, SWING, INTRA columns
remark shows BUY/SELL/NTZ, which helps you to understand the Long and short term
trend for the par cular stock within seconds.
• Dual Exit Mechanism: Combina on of Target & Trend Exit Mechanism: Use target exit
method, when market is in consolida on phase and use trend following method when
market is in trending phase.
• Stock Wise Report in Performance Tracker: helps you to iden fy best stocks for short &
long term trading.
• SL% and stop loss column of signal tracker can also be used for your own trading
ac vi es as stop loss is very effec ve because it is separately calculated based on
vola lity of each stock a er performing millions of complex calcula ons.
• Trader without skill of shor ng is like trading with half knowledge. Only master trader
knows art of shor ng. TradeGuide encase both Long & Short trading opportunity.