Arocoat (3)
Arocoat (3)
Arocoat (3)
NIPPON PAINT AROCOAT is a two pack, high build coal tar epoxy coating designed for use as a high build protective system
on both steel and concrete surfaces. It can be applied up to 200 microns or even thicker in one coat; and is intended for
immersion and non-immersion services which require excellent protection against fresh and salt water, abrasion and
splashes of corrosive chemicals. For aggressive environment including marine installation, steel piles, pipeline, ballast tank,
sewage treatment plant, refineries, chemical plants, etc.
Product Features:
• Resistant against salt & fresh water, wide range of industrial chemicals and effluents
• Available in Black and Brown Colour
Application Method
Brush, roller, compressed air spray and airless spray. Preferably use airless spray if a thicker
coat is required in one application. Brush, roller and compressed air spray generally lead to
lower film thickness, so more applications may be required to obtain the recommended
thickness per coat.
When airless spray is being used, excessive high tip spraying pressure should be avoided. The
minimum pressure at the pump conducive with good atomisation should be used. Brush and
roller are recommended for small areas and touch-up only. Good quality brushes and mohair/
short nap rollers should be used with full strokes. Avoid rebrushing. Additional coats may be
required to achieve minimum specified film thickness.
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For thinning, substitute thinners other than those approved or supplied by Nippon Paint Paint
may adversely affect the product performance and void product warranty whether expressed
or implied.
Drying time will become remarkably delayed under low temperature. Overcoating the
previous coat of Nippon Paint Arocoat should be done within 6 ~ 7 days but preferably as soon
as possible after it has been allowed 16 hours drying or else, it is desirable to roughen it by dry
sanding with sandpaper before it is overcoated. This is to ensure proper intercoat adhesion.
Exposure of the paint film to water, chemical and abrasion should be avoided as far as possible
before full cure of the coating. When chalking occurs, chalks should be removed by water
washing. Allow the surface to dry thoroughly prior to overcoating.
*Do not overcoat Nippon Paint Arocoat with any oil-based paint as bleeding may occur.
*Do not apply anything other than Nippon Paint Arocoat on top of Nippon Paint Arocoat
Surface Preparation
For optimum performance, abrasive blasting in accordance to Sa 1 ISO 8501-1:2007 or Sa 2 ISO 8501-1:2007 is desirable,
especially for underground and immersion services. If blasting is not possible, mechanical cleaning to SSPC-SP3 or St 3 ISO
8501- 1:2007 is essential. The surface must be dry and free from any abrasive residues, dirt, oil and grease and other
contaminants prior to painting.
For optimum performance, light abrasive blasting is best to remove all previous coatings and chalk. If blasting is not possible,
new and uncoated concrete surface must be etched with approximately 5% phosphoric acid solution. It should then be rinsed
thoroughly with clean water and allow drying off completely prior to painting.
Cleaning Solvent : SA-18 Thinner. Clean up equipment with thinner immediately after use.
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• When transporting paint, care must be taken. Always keep container in a secure upright position.
• Dispose of any paint waste in accordance with the appropriate Environment Quality Regulations.
* Theoretical Coverage is based on a mathematical formula and does not consider Loss Factor.
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 % 𝑥 10
[ ] = m2/lit/coat
𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝐹𝑖𝑙𝑚 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 ()
This theoretical coverage rate has been calculated from the volume solids of the material and is related to the amount of
coating applied onto a perfectly smooth surface without wastage. For a practical coverage rate, due allowance should be
made for atmospheric conditions, surface roughness, geometry of the article being coated, the skill of applicator, method of
application etc. when estimating quantities required for a particular job.
The above information is given to the best of our knowledge based on laboratory tests and practical experience.
However, since we cannot anticipate or control the many conditions under which our products may be used, we can only
guarantee the quality of the product itself.
We reserve the right to alter the given without prior notice.
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