Final Report Summary - SHELLBRANE (Separating Eggshell and Its Membrane To Turn Eggshell Waste Into Valuable Source Materials)
Final Report Summary - SHELLBRANE (Separating Eggshell and Its Membrane To Turn Eggshell Waste Into Valuable Source Materials)
Final Report Summary - SHELLBRANE (Separating Eggshell and Its Membrane To Turn Eggshell Waste Into Valuable Source Materials)
• Separation module
Consists of a mechanical comminution step, followed by a density
based system that separates mineral shell from membrane
• Disinfection module
The disinfection step is a novel conception in use for a non-
aggressive sanitizing technology. This technology – which does not
use high temperature to destroy microorganism – preserves the
quality of the main components found in the membrane.
• Drying module
In the case of membrane processing, the drying is assembled jointly
with the disinfection module and uses cold air instead of heating.
In case of mineral shells – where no sensible components were found
– the system can use any heating system existing in the market.
Scientific objectives:
• To provide optimized technical specifications for the separation of
the eggshell and the eggshell membrane.
o To create a knowledge base on the physical properties of the
eggshell-membrane adhesion
o To carry out experimental studies in order to find the most
appropriate physical parameters of the treatment
o To create a knowledge base on the relations of the applied
hydrodynamic processes and the adhesion between the mineral part of
the eggshell and the eggshell membrane
• To present an efficient ultraviolet technology based method for the
disinfection of the eggshell membrane
o To gain in-depth understanding of the disinfection process of the
separated eggshell membrane
o To find the most appropriate UV source in terms of output
irradiance and output spectrum
o To create a knowledge base on the most common infections in the
eggshell membrane
o Investigation of the possible effects of UV energy on the quality
of the extractable collagens
• To support the development by laying down the principals of each
technological processes
Project Results:
The Consortium has developed a prototype able to process 60 kg/h of
eggshell waste producing both membrane and mineral shell with a high
degree of quality. The system and the prototype basically consist of
3 steps accomplished by 3 modules:
• Separation module
Consists of a mechanical comminution step, followed by a density
based system that separates mineral shell from membrane
• Disinfection module
The disinfection step is a novel conception in use for a non-
aggressive sanitizing technology. This technology – which does not
use high temperature to destroy microorganism – preserves the
quality of the main components found in the membrane.
• Drying module
In the case of membrane processing, the drying is assembled jointly
with the disinfection module and uses cold air instead of heating.
In case of mineral shell – where no sensible components were found
– the system can use any heating system existing in the market.
A survey on market needs of the egg-processor sector and potential
buyers of eggshell membrane was performed to obtain information
necessary for the ShellBrane system specification. Based on the
results, the system specification was outlined. In the system
specification all parts of the ShellBrane system, i.e. the separation
process, the disinfection process, the post-processing, the
mechanical design and the overall requirements were specified
according to the needs of SME partners. All major parameters were
listed in detail for each step of the technology. The results of the
survey have been taken into account during system development.
During the project meetings the RTDPs shared the result with the SMEs
by facilitating the take-up of the knowledge gained among the SMEs.
BDN was giving presentations on the separation unit, speeches of
LABOR were on the membrane disinfection unit, while ATEKNEA presented
on the membrane drying unit, the packaging unit, mineral shell dryer,
the control system and usage of the control panel. The trainings were
backed up not only by PowerPoint presentations but also with videos
and live prototype demonstration to ease the take up of the
The ShellBrane website was set up successfully at the beginning of
the project. It contains a public part with major information of the
project as well as a restricted area for consortium members with the
possibility of up- and download documents and viewing restricted
information. The website has been updated at every important project
related event and important news but at least in every three months.
The address of the website:
The consortium management actions took place as planned: after
establishing the channels necessary, communication has been running
smoothly led by the project coordinator with the active involvement
of consortium members. General project meetings have been organized
on a six month basis, while technical meetings have been held every 3
months. Beside the meetings, some mutual partner visits took place
and Skype discussions were organized. Continuous update and
communication have been done on a regular basis towards the Project
During the M24 general meeting held on 9-10 April 2014 in Bábolna and
Budapest, Hungary the consortium reviewed and discussed the project
status as well as the performance and results. SME partners were very
satisfied with the work of RTD partners, since the associated results
were achieved, during the meeting evidences were presented and a live
prototype demonstration underlined the fully functional SHELLBRANE
Potential Impact:
The commercialized result is the primary project foreground which is
the complete SHELLBRANE system, based on a combination of physical
separation methods, such as flotation filtration and streaming, and
disinfection using ultra-violet irradiation and post-processing.
Further results cover results that may be subject to IP protection as
secondary project foregrounds:
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