We, Celina Jane Magpantay andConcepcion M. Talastas, hereby execute this Consent
Form allowing my son/daughter to undergo practice teaching internship for a minimum of 360
hours beginning until at Bernardo Lirio Memorial
National High School with school address at Darasa, Tanauan City, Batangas in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the EDUC 30236 Practice Teaching.
We are aware that the immediate superior within the school will take all the necessary
precautions to keep the students safe. The OJT and Quality Assurance Coordinators will also be
there to periodically monitor the performance and safety of the students.
We execute this Consent Form inaccordance with our free will, realizing the benefits that
the student intern shall obtain from the said on-the-job training/internship program.
They acknowledged to me that the foregoing Consent Form was executed in accordance
with their own free will.
For andintne
Malvar. a l oflena
t , i l l , TD tho Municipslties of
PHI r eof Caloncas
TANU OLLIBATANGAS t n shd unhl I December 2025
4. Ishall abide by all the policies and procedures of the SCHOOL in the duration of my
5. Ishallsubmit a Medical Certificate indicating that Iam in good health and emotionally
fit. The Medical Certificate shall be based on a physical and psychological examination
conducted or certified by the Department of Health (DOH) accredited clinics and
hospitals. Ishall also submit other related medical examination requirements by the
SCHOOL, if any. (See Annex A")
6. | am fully aware of the internship plan developed by the SCHOOL and the
UNIVERSITY specifying the goals and objectives of the On-the-Job Training
(0JT)/Internship Program. (See Annex B)
7. Ishallexercise extreme care and diligence in any work or task assigned to me.
8. I willsubmit a journal of internship, as may be required by the SCHOOL, reflecting
on the approved internship plan, my experiences describing the internship activities,
any problem/s encountered, and my reflections on the internship experience to the
OJT and Quality Assurance Coordinator.
9. Ifully acknowledge that the SCHOOL shall not be duty-bound to pay costs nor any
form of remuneration or compensation for such.
11.1,together with my parents/guardian shall be responsible for any and all loss, damage,
injury, expense, proceeding, demand, cost, claim,suit or liability incurred by me arising
from my own omission or gross negligence in the performance of my duties and
functions while under internship except such loss, damage, injury, expense,
proceeding. demand, cost, claim, suit or liability which may arise by reason of the
nealigent act or omission of the SCHOOL, its officers, employees, representatives or
14. Iam aware that the SCHOOL reserves the right to revoke, to terminate or to defer this
training experience for purposes of preserving and maintaining the good image of the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby affix their signatures this day of
20 at , Philippines.
lanctpcim M. Talastes 2022- It-Mo utfime aledta
Ghadys R. Bikocho 20 -4G240
known to me to be the same persons who executed this instrument and acknowledged the same
to me as their free and voluntary act and deed.
Thisdocument consists of three (3) pages including the page where this Acknowledgment
is written, and the parties signed at the left margin of each and every page hereof.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the place and date first above written.
Notary Public