2-19-6 Yokosuka Reagent for determination of Total Billirubin
Matsudo, Chiba, Japan Enzymatic Method
b. Diagnosis should be made in a comprehensive the vials of Calibrator (Bili STD), leave at room
manner, in accordance with other related test results temperature for 20 minutes and sometimes gently invert
and clinical symptoms by the doctor in attendance. the vial before use. After reconstituting, Calibrator can be
c. For guaranteed results, usage of this product must used without dilution.
comply with the instruction in this manual. - Controls MEASURE Human Lyo L-1 and MEASURE
Human Lyo L-2 (separately sold): Put 5 mL of purified
d. If you use automatic analyzers, follow their
water to the vials of controls (Lyo L-1 and Lyo L-2); leave
instructions carefully.
SUMMARY at room temperature for 45 minutes and sometimes gently
As discussed with normal metabolism, bilirubin is a invert the vial before use. After reconstituting, Controls
product of heme breakdown. It exists in conjugated (water can be used without dilution.
soluble) and unconjugated (lipid soluble) forms, which are 5. SAMPLE PREPARATION & STORAGE
reported imprecisely as the direct and indirect fractions, - Serum: Wait until sample completely coagulated. Take
respectively. Serum bilirubin is usually less than 1 mg/dL the supernatant to use as specimen.
and primarily unconjugated. Elevated serum levels occur - Plasma: Treat blood sample by anticoagulant (Li-heparin
in most significant liver diseases; degree of elevation and K2, K3-EDTA); leave it to stand for 3 hours or
correlates with prognosis in primary biliary cirrhosis, centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 2 minutes; take the plasma
alcoholic hepatitis, and fulminant liver failure. The layer (supernatant) and use as specimen.
appearance of conjugated bilirubin in the blood is thought - Bilirubin is sensitive to light, avoid expose sample to light
to be caused by reflux from the hepatocyte, but this does after collection.
not discriminate between obstructive and parenchymal - AVOID use hemolytic sample.
causes. Other causes of elevated bilirubin include - Analyze sample soon after collection.
Gilbert's syndrome, increased production (e.g., hemolysis, - Stability:
ineffective erythropoiesis, hematoma resorption), and 8 hours at 15-25°C
inherited disorders of bilirubin transport. 3 days at 2-8°C
∆Abs at 450/600nm Concentration and judgement should base on measurement results in a
comprehensive manner together with clinical symptoms
Perform the assay according to the instructions for
and other measurement results.
operating the automated analyzer Hitachi models. Refer
- Hemolysis: No significant interference of hemoglobin
the details of the assay method. Contact JAPAN
concentration up to 20 mg/dL
KANPEKI., JSC. For information about the
- Lipemic: No significant interference of triglycerides
parameters for other automated analyzers.
concentration up to 3000 FTU
- Ascorbic Acid: No significant interference of ascorbic
acid concentration up to 50 mg/dL
- Calculate ∆Abs of specimen & standards vs blank
- For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be
- Plot a calibration curve T-Bil (mg/dL) = f(∆Abs)
assessed in conjunction with the patient’s medical history,
- Calculate T-Bil concentration in specimen using the curve
clinical examination and other findings. Please use
(doing same procedure for Controls)
another methods if the result is affected by any factors.
Unit conversion
mg/dL x 17.1 = µmol/L
9. PERFORMANCE & CORRELATION TEST 1. Specimen can be potentially positive for infectious
a. Measuring range agents including hepatitis B virus and HIV. Wear glove and
- The test is linear within a concentration range of 0 ~ 30 goggle when needed.
mg/dL. (0 ~ 513 μmol/L). 2. In case reagents got into skin, eye or mouth by mistake,
- If the concentration of sample exceeds assay range, wash it immediately with plenty of water and consult the
dilute the sample with saline and repeat the measurement. doctor if needed.
b. Lower Detection Limit: 0 mg/dL 3. If reagents are spilled, dilute with water and wipe it out.
The lowest detectable level represents the lowest If specimen is spilled, spray 80% of alcohol over the
measurable level of T-Bil that can be distinguished from specimen and wipe it out.
zero. It is calculated as the absolute mean plus three Usage
standard deviations of 20 replicates of an analysis free 1. Store reagents under specified condition. Do not use
sample. after expiration date.
c. Performance 2. Do not use the container and auxiliaries included in this
- Sensitivity: Change in absorbance when measuring kit for other purposes.
purified water as sample ranges from 0.001 to 0.05 and 3. Do not mix reagents of different lot for use.
when measuring standard solution (total bilirubin 10 mg/dL) 4. Do not add to the reagent being used even if it is the
as sample ranges from -0.25 to -0.04 absorbance unit. same lot number.
- Specificity: The accuracy is within ±15.0%. Disposal
- Reproducibility: CV value < 5.0%. 1. All specimens, as well as all instruments (e.g. test tubes)
d. Correlation Test Results that come in contact with the specimens, must be treated
Temperature 37°C
Specimen 5
Volume (μL) R1 135
R2 45
Main 450
Wavelength (nm)
Sub- 600
Point 1 10
Point 2 16
Point 3 34