Measure Ua
Measure Ua
Measure Ua
2-19-6 Yokosuka Reagent for measuring Uric Acid
Matsudo, Chiba, Japan Uricase/POD
- Saline 0.9 % and high grade purified water Specimen Calibrator Blank
- Serum: Collect blood sample, wait until sample completly Unit conversion
- Plasma: Treat blood sample by anticoagulant; leave it to 9. PERFORMANCE & CORRELATION TEST
stand for 3 hours or centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 2 minutes; Performance
take the plasma layer (supernatant) and use as specimen. - Sensitivity: Using purified water, absorbance change is
- Analyze sample soon after collection. In case, it could 0.001~ 0.050, using solution of uric acid 10mg/dL;
not be analyzed soon, store sample 2 ~ 8 °C and analyze ansorbance change is 0.040 ~ 0.200
within 3 days. - Specificity: The accuracy is within ±5.0%.