Crim Assignment
Crim Assignment
Crim Assignment
Psychological Impact
Emotional Impact
One doesn't have to look hard to find a victim who says, ''I never thought it
would happen to me.'' The disbelief of being a victim can last for days, weeks, or
even years after the event. Once the shock of the incident goes away, the
emotional impact makes many victims feel angry or fearful. They may project that
anger onto others. For example, Mr. Jones forgot to go to the bank on Tuesday.
Because of this, Mrs. Jones had to go on Wednesday and was in the lobby as
the bank was robbed. Victims may become angry at themselves for not being
aware of their surroundings. They may even begin to hate everyone who has a
loose association of the offender, such as sharing the same gender, race, or
occupation. They may become fearful of going to a place similar to where the
crime occurred. Often, victims blame themselves for being in the wrong place at
the wrong time, and/or feel guilty that they survived when someone close to them
didn't. Victims of sexual violence may feel shame or humiliation. They may act
out following sexual assaults, leading to destructive or unsafe behavior.
2. Discuss the concept of the "ideal victim." How does this concept influence
public perceptions of victims and offenders?
4. How can victims' rights and restorative justice programs help address the
needs of crime victims?