1. The vouchers which are prepared for transactions not involving cash, i.e. non-
cash transactions, are known as ___________ vouchers.
a) Token b) Credit c) Transfer d) Unilateral
2. Assertion (A): Statements prepared through management account are helpful in
decision making process.
Reason (R): The information provided by management accounts is financial and
non-financial as well.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
3. Good will account is a:
a) Nominal Account b) Real Account
c) None of these d) Personal Account
4. What shall be the amount of Capital if Cash is Rs 5,000; Furniture Rs 12,000;
Stock Rs 30,000 and Creditors Rs 6,000?
a ) Rs 41,000 b) Rs 43,000 c) Rs 53,000 d) Rs 47,000
Purchase of machine by cash means:
a) increase in asset and decrease in the asset
b) none of these
c) the decrease in asset and increase in capital
d) increase in asset and decrease in liability
19. What is meant by Accounting Standard? State any two benefits of it.
20. Distinguish between debtors and creditors.
21. Following balances were extracted from the books of Ravinder Associates as at
31st March, 2017:
(R (Rs
s) )
Sundry Debtors 4,10,000 Stock (April 1, 2016) 2,30,000
Sundry Creditors 80,000 Premises 12,00,000
Rent and Taxes 48,000 Fixtures & Fittings 3,10,000
Purchases 34,00,000 Bad Debts written off 8,000
Sales 56,00,000 Rent received from sub-let of part of premises 30,000
Trade Expenses 12,000 Loan from Mukul 1,50,000
Returns Outwards 80,000 Interest on Mukul's Loan 15,000
Returns Inwards 1,20,000 Drawings 40,000
Expenses 4,000 Cash in hand 75,000
Motor Vehicles 6,50,000 Stock on 31st March, 2017
Electricity 25,000 (not adjusted) 3,80,000
You are required to prepare the trial balance treating the difference as his capital.
22 .Record the following transactions in a cash book with cash and bank columns:
2017 ₹
Jan. 1 Bank overdraft 12,000
Cash in hand 2,300
Jan. 7 Cheque received from Ram ₹ 4,000 and discount allowed ₹ 200
Jan. 8 Deposited the above cheque into Bank 4,000
Jan. 12 Banked 200
Jan. 15 Received a money order from Gopal 500
Jan. 16 Money is withdrawn from Bank for office use 300
Jan. 18 Bank Charges 20
Jan. 20 Interest on bank overdraft 1,000
23. From the following particulars ascertain the balance that would appear in the
Bank Pass Book of A at 31st December 2013:
i. The bank overdraft as per Cash Book on 31st December 2013 ₹ 63,400.
ii. Interest on overdraft for 6 months ending 31st December 2013, ₹ 1,600 is
entered in the Pass Book.
ii. Bank charges of ₹ 300 for the above period are debited in the Pass Book.
iv. Cheques issued but not cashed prior to 31st December 2013 amounted to ₹
v. Cheques paid into bank but not cleared before 31st December 2013 were for
₹ 21,700.
vi. Interest on investments collected by the bank is credited in the Pass Book ₹
On 31st March 2018, the Bank Pass Book of Naresh & Co. showed an overdraft of
Rs.10,700. From the following particulars prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement
i. Cheques issued before 31-03-2018 but presented for payment after that date
amounted to Rs.900.
ii. Cheques paid into the Bank but not collected and credited until 31-03- 2018
amounted to Rs.2,200.
iii. Interest on overdraft amounting to Rs.1,200 did not appear in the Cash
iv. Rs.5,000 being interest on investments collected by the Bank and credited in
the Pass Book were not shown in the Cash Book.
v. Bank charges of Rs.50 were not entered in the Cash Book.
vi. Rs.800 in respect of dishonoured cheque were entered in the Pass Book but
not in the Cash Book.
24. On the basis of the narrations, fill in the missing values:
Journal Entries
Amount Amount
Date Particulars L.F. (Rs) Cr. (Rs)
(i) Dr.
(Being the bank draft of Rs 10,000 issued to Suman, bank charges Rs 100)
Dr. 10,000
To 10,000
(Being the cheque of Ranjan dishonoured)
(Being the purchase of goods of Rs 30,000; received cash discount @ 2%)
(Being the sale of goods of Rs 30,000 allowed cash discount @ 3% )
(Being the goods costing Rs 15,000 lost in the fire)
To 10,000
(vi) 1
(Being the rent paid, th of the premises used for residence)
(Being the salaries (Rs 40,000) and rent (Rs 15,000) outstanding)
Trial Balance of Rahul did not agree. Rahul put the difference to Suspense Account.
Subsequently, he located the following errors:
i. Wages paid for the installation of Machinery Rs 600 was posted to Wages A/c.
ii. Repairs to Machinery Rs 400 debited to Machinery A/c.
iii. Repairs paid for the overhauling of second-hand machinery purchased Rs 1,000
was debited to Repairs A/c.
iv. Own business material 8,000 and wages Rs 2,000 were used for the construction
of the building. No adjustment was made in the books.
v. Furniture purchased for Rs 5,000 was posted to Purchases A/c as Rs 500.
vi. Old machinery sold to Karim at its Book value of Rs 2,000 was recorded
through sales book.
vii. Total of Sales Returns Book Rs 3,000 was not posted to the ledger.
Rectify the above errors and prepare Suspense Account to ascertain the original
difference in Trial Balance.
There was a difference of Rs. 8,595 in a trial balance. It has been transferred to debit
side of suspense account. Later on following errors were discovered. Pass the
rectifying entries and prepare the suspense account.
i. Rs 283 discount received from a creditor had been duly entered in his account
but not posted to discount account.
ii. Goods bought from a merchant for Rs 770 had been posted to the credit of his
account as Rs. 7,700.
iii. Rs 6,000 owing by a customer had been omitted from the schedule of sundry
iv. An item of Rs 2,026 entered in the sales return book had been posted to the
debit of the customer who returned the goods.
4. On 1st April, 2016 a firm purchased machinery for ₹ 3,00,000. On 1st October,
2016, additional machinery costing
₹ 1,50,000 was purchased On 1st October, 2017, the machinery purchased on 1st
April, 2016 having become obsolete, was sold for ₹ 1,35,000. On 1st October,
2018, new machinery was purchased for ₹ 3,75,000 while the machinery purchased
on 1st October, 2016 was sold for ₹ 1,27,500 on the same day. The firm provides
depreciation on its machinery @ 10% per annum on original cost on 31st March
every year.
Show Machinery Account, Provision for Depreciation Account and Depreciation
Account for the period of three accounting years ending 31st March, 2019.
You are given following balances as on 1st April 2014:
Plant & Machinery A/c Rs 25,00,000 Provision for Depreciation A/c Rs 5,80,000
Depreciation is charged on the plant at 20% p.a. by the diminishing balance method. A
piece of machinery purchased on 1st April 2012 for Rs 5,00,000 was sold on 1st
October 2014 for Rs 3,00,000.
Prepare the Plant & Machinery Account and Provision for Depreciation Account for the
Year ended 31st March 2015. Also, prepare Machinery Disposal Account.
Part B
5. The time between the acquisition of an asset for processing and its conversion into
cash and cash equivalent is called
a) Production cycle
b) Operating cycle
c) None of these
d) Time gap
is the arrangement of various assets and liabilities in a particular order
a) Marshalling
b) Grouping
c) All of these
d) Balancing
6. Loss on sale of an old car is debited to:
a) Profit and Loss A/c
b) Depreciation A/c
c) None of these
d) Car A/c
Additional Adjustments
Charge depreciation on land and building at 2 1 %, on plant and machinery
account at 10% and on furniture and fixtures at 10%. Make a provision of
5% on debtors for doubtful debts. Carry forward the following unexpired