Class 11 Accountancy Sample Paper Part A
Class 11 Accountancy Sample Paper Part A
Class 11 Accountancy Sample Paper Part A
a) Debit Balance
b) None of these
c) Debit as well as credit balance
d) Credit Balance
b. Specific reserve ii. reserve may or may not involve any receipts of cash
a) Patents
b) Trade Mark
c) Machinery
d) Goodwill
13. Goods sold for Cash Rs 25,000 plus 12% IGST. Sales A/c will
be credited by:
a) Rs 28,000
b) Rs 22,000
c) Rs 25,000
d) None of these
14. How secret reserve can be created
a) All of these
b) By charging capital expenditure to revenue
c) Under valuating stock
d) By making excessive provisions
15. When an account is said to have a debit balance and credit
Pass Journal entry for purchase of goods by Amrit, Delhi from Add
Gel Pens, Delhi for ₹ 15,000 less Trade Discount 10% and Cash
Discount 3%. CGST and SGST is levied @ 6% each. Assume payment
is made at the time of purchase.
21. Record the following transactions in a cash book with cash and
bank columns:
2017 ₹
Jan. 7 Cheque received from Ram ₹ 4,000 and discount allowed ₹ 200
On 31st March 2018, the Bank Pass Book of Naresh & Co. showed an
overdraft of Rs.10,700. From the following particulars prepare Bank
Reconciliation Statement
________ ________
To ________ ________
To ________ ________
To ________ ________
________ ________
To ________ ________
To ________ ________
(Being the goods costing Rs 15,000 lost in
the fire)
________ ________
To ________ 10,000
To ________ ________
To ________ ________
(vii) To ________ ________
To ________ 20,000
(Being a computer out of stock used for
office purposes)
To ________ ________
(Being the computer (stock) costing Rs
15,000 taken for domestic use)
________ ________
To ________ ________
To ________ ________
a) Marshalling
b) Grouping
c) All of these
d) Balancing
28. Loss on sale of an old car is debited to:
a) Profit and Loss A/c
b) Depreciation A/c
c) None of these
d) Car A/c
29. Closing Stock, if given outside the Trial Balance is shown in:
a) Profit and Loss Account
b) Trading Account and Balance Sheet
c) Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet
d) Balance Sheet
From the following trial balance, prepare the trading and profit and
loss account for the year ended 31st March 2013 and the balance
sheet as at that date
Debit Credit
Name of Account Amount Name of Account Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Depreciation 1,000
On 31st March 2013, the stock was valued at Rs. 10,000.
34. From the following Trial Balance of Mr. Alok, prepare Trading
and Profit & Loss Account for the year ending 31st March, 2019, and
a Balance Sheet as at that date:-
Dr. Balances ₹ Cr. Balances ₹
Purchases 1,28,295
Rent 2,810
Salaries 5,500
Insurance 200
Cash 9,750
Repairs 1,685
Bad-Debts 1,810
Furniture 4,480
2,80,550 2,80,550
35. The following adjustments are to be made :
From the following trial balance extracted from the books of MMN,
prepare the trading and profit and loss account for the year ended
31st December, 2013 and the balance sheet as at that date.
Capital 90,000
Drawings 6,480
Wages 21,470
Salaries 4,670
Sales 91,230
Discount 120
Purchases 42,160
1. Class 11 Accountancy Sample Paper Part A Solution
2. (c) Transfer
Explanation: Transfer
3. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A.
4. (b) Real Account
Explanation: Goodwill account is a Real Account, goodwill is an
intangible asset and all assets are real.
5. (a) ₹ 41,000
Explanation: Rs. (5000+12,000+30,000-6,000)=₹ 41,000
(a) increase in asset and decrease in the asset
Explanation: Purchase of machine by cash means an increase in
asset and decrease in the asset. For example Machinery purchase at
Rs. 10,000 so Machinery increase and Rs. 10,000 Cash decrease.
(c) Machinery
Explanation: Machinery is not an intangible asset. It is tangible
Journal Entries
In The Books Of Amrit, Delhi
S.No. Particulars L.F. Dr. (₹) Cr. (₹)
They have debit balance in the They have a credit balance in the
(ii) Nature
firm’s books. firm’s books.
They are shown as assets in the They are shown as liabilities in the
(iv) Treatment Balance Sheet under Current Balance Sheet under Current
Assets. Liabilities.
22. Books of Ravinder Associates
Trial Balance
as on March 31, 2017
Name of Accounts L.F. Dr. (₹) Cr. (₹)
Purchases 34,00,000
Sales 56,00,000
Expenses 4,000
Electricity 25,000
Drawings 40,000
2020 2020
To Cheques-
8 4,000 12 By Bank A/c C 200
in-Hand A/c
To Gopal’s By Bank
15 500 18 20
A/c Charges A/c
By Interest
16 To Bank A/c C 300 20 1,000
on O/D
To Balance By Balance
31 9,120 31 2,900
c/d c/d
To Ram’s A/c
(Being cheque received from Ram)
26. Bank Reconciliation Statement
as on 31st December 2013
Particulars Amount (₹)
Add: Interest debited in Pass Book but not yet entered in Cash Book 1,600
Add: Bank charges debited in Pass Book but not yet entered in Cash Book 300
Add: Cheques paid in bank but not yet credited by bank 21,700
Less: Interest collected and credited by bank but not entered in Cash Book 12,000
16,600 16,600
29. Journal Entries
Amount Amount
Date Particulars L.F.
Dr (Rs) Cr. (Rs)
To Ashu 20,000
To Suman 20,000
To Parigya 10,000
(Salary paid)
To Difference as By Furniture
7,500 4,500
per Trial Balance A/c
By Sales
Returns A/c
7,500 7,500
34. OR
To Customer 4,052
12,930 12,930
Dr. Cr.
2016 2017
April March
To Bank A/c (Mach. I) 3,00,000 By Balance c/d 4,50,000
1 31
4,50,000 4,50,000
2017 2017
By Provision for
Oct. 1 45,000
Depreciation A/c
By Loss on Sale of
Machinery A/c
Oct. 1 1,20,000
(Profit and Loss A/c)
(WN 3)
By Balance c/d 1,50,000
4,50,000 4,50,000
2018 2018
To Gain on Sale of
Machinery A/c March
Oct. 1 7,500 By Balance c/d 3,75,000
(Profit and Loss A/c) 31
(WN 3)
5,32,500 5,32,500
Dr. Cr.
2017 2017
March March
To Balance c/d 37,500 By Depreciation A/c 37,500
31 31
2017 2017
To machinery A/c
Oct. 1 45,000 April 1 By Balance b/d 37,500
(Mach. I)
2018 2018
March March
To Balance c/d 22,500 By Depreciation A/c 15,000
31 31
67,500 67,500
2018 2018
To Machinery A/c
Oct. 1 30,000 April 1 By Balance b/d 22,500
2019 2019
March March
To Balance c/d 18,750 By Depreciation A/c 18,750
31 31
48,750 48,750
2017 2017
2017 2018
30,000 30,000
2018 2019
To Provision for March By Profit and Loss
Oct. 1 7,500 26,250
Depreciation A/c 31 A/c
26,750 26,750
40. Working Notes:
Calculation of Accumulated Depreciation on Machine I: ₹
Amount Amount
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
(Rs) (Rs)
2014 By Machinery
To Balance 2014
April 25,00,000 Disposal 5,00,000
b/d Oct. 1
1 Account
March By Balance c/d 20,00,000
25,00,000 25,00,000
2015 2016
To Balance
April 20,00,000 March By Balance c/d 20,00,000
1 31
20,00,000 20,00,000
Provision for Depreciation Account
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
(Rs) (Rs)
2013 Machinery
2014 April By Balance
March Disposal 2,12,000 5,80,000
1 b/d
31 Account
2014 Oct. 1 32,000
Account (WN
To Balance 2015 March Depreciation
March 7,20,000 3,20,000
b/d 31 Account (WN
9,32,000 9,32,000
Amount Amount
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
(Rs) (Rs)
To Machinery By Bank
2014 2014
Disposal 5,00,000 Account (Sale 3,00,000
Oct. 1 Oct. 1
Account of machinery)
5,12,000 5,12,000
Working Note:
S.No. Particular
(a) Marshalling
Explanation: marshalling refers to the arrangement of assets and
liabilities in particular order. it can be done in two ways- on the
basis of permanence and on the basis of liquidity.
(c) Rs.340
Explanation: Amount of Provision for doubtful debts = 10% of
3,400 = 340
Capital Receipts Revenue Receipts
Amount received from the sale of fixed assets or Money obtained from the
investments i.e., non-current assets. sale of goods or services.
Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
(₹) (₹)
Less: Return
To Freight and Packing 15,000 40,000 21,00,000
21,00,000 21,00,000
47. Working Notes:
Calculation of Adjusted Purchases = Opening Stock + Net Purchases
– Closing Stock
Point of Knowledge:
Closing stock is not showing separately in the trading account as it
is already subtracted in adjusted purchases.
Packing Expenses on Sales’ and ‘Depreciation’ are indirect expenses
and hence not debited to the Trading A/c.
48. For recording business transactions, the convention of
conservatism is followed which states that provision should be made
for expected profit and gains should not be accounted for. As it is
not possible to accurately know the amount of bad debts. Therefore,
in order to bring an element of certainty in the amount of bad debts
from debtors a provision for doubtful debts is created to cover the
loss of possible bad debts. A firm must be convinced with the
amount of net debtors which it is going to realize by the end of the
financial year and for this purpose, provision for doubtful debts
certainly provides a helping hand.
Date Particulars L.F. Dr.(₹) Cr.(₹)
Trading A/c 3,02,000
Sales A/c 5,00,000
To Trading A/c
(Bein the amount of Sales transferred to the credit 5,00,000
of the Trading Account)
Stock (Closing) A/c 27,000
Trading A/c 2,25,000
Profit and Loss A/c 1,65,000
Discount Received A/c 3,000
Profit and Loss A/c 63,000
To Capital A/c
(Being the transfer of Net Proft to the Capital 63,000
50. TRADING ACCOUNT OF SHAMIT for the year ended 31st
March, 2019
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
To Wages 1,00,000
5,27,000 5,27,000
for the year ended 31st March, 2019
Dr. Cr.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
To Advertising 50,000
2,28,000 2,28,000
52. OR
To Wages 3,000
27,000 27,000
======= ======
Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
(Rs) (Rs)
To Salaries 2,000
To Depreciation 1,000
To Repairs 300
9,600 9,600
====== ======
54. Balance Sheet
Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
(Rs) (Rs)
Cash 1,600
Bank 400
32,700 32,700
======= ======
55. In order to arrive at the balance sheet of a business, one
needs to prepare the trading account and profit and loss account
first. This account is prepared to arrive at the figure of revenue
earned or loss incurred during a period.
56. Trading Account of Mr. Alok
for the year ended March 31, 2019
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
(₹) (₹)
Less: Return
To Purchases 1,28,295 2,390 1,75,825
By Closing
To Wages 20,485 64,480
2,40,305 2,40,305
57. Profit and Loss Account of Mr. Alok
for the year ended March 31, 2019
Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
Particulars Particulars
(₹) (₹)
To Rent 2,810
To Salaries 5,500
To Travelling Expenses 945
To Insurance 200
To Repairs 1,685
To Net Profit
(Balancing Figure)
49,805 49,805
58. Balance Sheet of Mr. Alok
as at March 31, 2019
Amount Amount
Liabilities Assets
(₹) (₹)
Commission received in
300 Closing Stock 64,480
Debtors 30,000
1,25,312 1,25,312
59. Working Note:-
Calculation of Depreciation:-
Depreciation of Machinery = ₹14,400 + ₹600 ×× 5% = ₹ 750
Calculation of Provision for Doubtful debts:-
Provision for doubtful debts = Sundry Debtors – Further Bad debts –
Amount recovered ×× Rate
Provision for doubtful debts = (₹30,000 – ₹500 – ₹500) ×× 5%
Provision for doubtful debts = ₹1,450
When adjustments are given in trial balance all the adjustments will
be taken in the balance sheet only. Adjustments that are given after
trial balance will be shown both in trading and profit and loss
account and balance sheet.
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60. OR
61. The Trading and Profit and Loss account & Balance Sheet of
MMN will be prepared in the following manner :
To Wages 21,470
To Gross Profit
transferred to Profit & 32,180
Loss A/c
1,18,860 1,18,860
(-)Prepaid rates & taxes (240) 600 (400) 100
To Provision for
Doubtful Debts
To Depreciation on
To Net Profit
Transferred to Capital 23,038
34,870 34,870
63. Balance Sheet
as at 31st December,2013
Liabilities Amt(Rs) Assets Amt(Rs)
Apprentice Premium
400 (-)Depreciation (625) 24,375
Received in Advance
Plant and
Capital 90,000 14,270
Furniture and
1,13,038 1,250
(+)Net Profit
gtransferred from Profit 37,666 43,214 Closing Stock 29,390
& Loss A/c
Prepaid fire
1,19,128 1,19,128
64. Note :
1. Apprenticeship premium is a revenue income of the business.
Unearned premium means, premium received in advance. Thus, it
has been deducted from the income received. The amount of
unearned premium will be shown in the liability side of Balance