kazim 2_1
kazim 2_1
kazim 2_1
Personal Data
Name Kasim Abdi Husein
Date of birth 1997 G.C
Sex male
Marital Status Single
Nationality Somalian
Place of birth Garbahareey
Phone +25264358584
Email Kaasimabdi112@gmail.com
Career objective
I am reliable, highly motivated and focused individual with strong organizational skill. I have
good communication skill, flexible attitude and desire to succeed. I also have ability to establish
very good working relationship with wide range of professional / a team of multicultural
composition and I am valuable team player always willing to learn new skills.
Additionally, I am responsible person, punctual, and can work well under pressure to meet strict
deadlines beside this I have solid knowledge, skill,
Skill Summary
Ability to tain conducts staff & performs capacity building active experience interagency
networking with ability to ensure business condition and information
excellent interpersonal problem solving &oral written communication
Academic Qualification
YearGrade Institutions2013 W.C1-8Kobe Primary school2015 W.C9-10Bokolmayo secondary school2017
W.C11-12Bokolmayo preparatory School2021 W.C12+3Completed Wochamo Universty
Department bachelor of degree (in Sociology)
Successful participation on training aimed at equipping graduates of the year 2021 with the ideals of ethical
values and significances work ethics the
Successful participation on training awarded through dill universal outstanding participation in the charity
Successful participation on training piece forum club member to teaching and learning process agood
participation in the best asset of students focused in dilla universal
designed for those who plan aprofessional or management career in the logistics and transport management
such as ,
Team work hard work
Like working with team work
Reading news paper
Languages Reading Writing Speaking
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Somali Excellent Excellent Excellent
Arabic Good Good Good
Work Experiences
Nutrition center qansalxley
Team leader
Abdiraxman abdishakuur