HRM 471 Midterm 1 (Organization + People & Workplace)
HRM 471 Midterm 1 (Organization + People & Workplace)
HRM 471 Midterm 1 (Organization + People & Workplace)
3. An organization is concerned that its current approach to onboarding is not supporting their
diversity and inclusion goals. What type of audit could help the organization set specific targets
for improvement?
a. Strategic
b. Compliance
c. Onboarding function
d. Best practices
a. Centralized
b. Center of excellence
c. Global resources
d. Matrix
a. Operations
b. Marketing and sales
c. Research and development
d. Information technology
8. The chief financial officer is primarily responsible for which two functions?
a. Implement strategy
b. Serve as the primary interface with the organization’s stakeholders
c. Lead the organization through a shared vision and the values
d. Manage core business functions and their effect on the organization’s performance
10. What core business function is best suited in identifying competitive threats and revenue
producing opportunities for a SWOT analysis?
a. Information Technology
b. Research and Development
c. Marketing and Sales
d. Business Operations
11. A graphic designer is leaving a technology consulting firm after five years. Can the designer
use copyrighted materials to launch a start-up company?
a. Yes, the work belongs to the graphic designer.
b. Maybe. Mediation is needed to determine ownership.
c. No, the work is the property of the employer.
d. Yes, the firm and the designer share ownership of the work.
12. In a sales and marketing environment, what are the 4Ps of marketing?
13. Which type of model establishes units with specialized expertise that develop policies and
resources for all units to utilize?
a. Shared services
b. Centralized HR
c. HR business partner
d. HR thought leader
14. A manager has come to HR because an employee cannot meet production standards. After
further investigation, it is discovered that several other employees cannot meet production
standards. Records show that all employees have been properly trained and certified. Which
action should HR recommend to resolve the issue?
15. Which best describes the situation most likely to use a narrow span of control?
a. Complexity of tasks
b. Significantly experienced subordinates
c. Skilled manager shortage
d. No requirement of team effort
16. A manager has organized a team to assist with planning an event. At a meeting, one of the
team members complained, dominated the discussion, and resisted each new suggestion. Which
strategy should the manager use to control this behavior?
a. Assess the team member’s behavior and follow up with him through discussion and
b. Implement a progressive discipline plan to correct the behavior.
c. Model the desired behavior during future team meetings.
d. Praise the team member for his contributions and encourage him to stay engaged.
a. Extent to which policies and procedures govern the rules of the organization
b. Line of authority within an organization
c. Number of individuals who report to a supervisor
d. Balance between standardization and localization
18. Which best identifies the reason why many organizational effectiveness and development
(OED) programs begin with data collection?
19. What is the role of an HR professional attending a meeting in a work unit that is struggling to
implement recent changes?
20. HR has been tasked with examining structures and processes to make the organization more
agile and quick to respond to threats and opportunities. What type of intervention is this?
a. Organizational
b. Competitive
c. Remedial
d. Proactive
21. An organization’s job descriptions have not been reviewed and revised for the past five
years. What part of the organizational model can this negatively impact?
a. Values
b. Systems
c. Leadership
d. Culture
22. A company has separate divisions for distinct types of products. Each division has its own
marketing, sales, manufacturing, and finance functions. What type of organizational structure
does this illustrate?
a. Geographic
b. Functional
c. Product
d. Flat
a. Technological
b. Cognitive
c. Cultural
d. Process-related
25. HR is asked to advise on ways to help a development team become fully functional as
quickly as possible. The team is dispersed geographically and faces very short deadlines. What
team-building solution would you prioritize?
26. Which would be the most effective quantitative measurement of customer service?
b. Numerical ratings on a customer satisfaction survey
c. The organization’s ratings on popular third-party consumer websites
d. Volume of customer complaint calls handled per hour
27. Which type of social sharing of knowledge can allow an organization to increase its brand
perception with the general public?
a. Thought leadership
b. Mentoring
c. Benchmarking
d. Coaching
a. An organization is increasing the employer premium share of its medical insurance plan.
b. An employer is implementing an education reimbursement policy.
c. Employees volunteer at a charitable event on the weekend.
d. A company’s workforce has a large percentage of employees nearing retirement age.
30. HR has been asked to target and identify how the organization’s strategic plans can be
realized over a three-year scope. This will necessitate examining current organizational
competencies against those needed in the future and reconciling the differences. Which process
should HR recommend to assist the organization in making these determinations?
a. Workforce analysis
b. Talent management
c. Succession planning
d. Benchmarking
c. Separating collections from connections
d. Inventorying knowledge assets
32. Staff have been reluctant to share on-the-job experiences with coworkers. HR wants to
update all job descriptions to reflect the expectation that this should take place. How can HR
assess that this change has been successfully implemented?
a. Meeting attendance
b. Management rewards distributed
c. Performance evaluations
d. Peer evaluations
33. An organization is projecting future employee flow based on past transition rates. Which
potential outcome is most likely from this approach?
34. Which alternative staffing arrangement meets the needs of an organization that is
experiencing turnover in professional service positions due to employees desiring to work fewer
a. On-call workers
b. Contract workers
c. Seasonal workers
d. Job sharing
35. HR professionals must anticipate future talent needs as well as plan for the future employee
talent pool. Which key factor typically contributes to an anticipated shortage in the labor pool?
36. Which technology has the primary mission of sharing information in meaningful ways to
augment employee performance?
b. Human resource information systems
c. Project management systems
d. Knowledge management systems
a. To determine the need for layoffs and early retirements during downsizing
b. To provide a snapshot of an organization’s current pool of talent
c. To obtain an accurate accounting of all HR and people-related costs
d. To identify a list of factors to be analyzed using environmental scanning
38. An organization has four generations working side-by-side in the workplace. Which practice
could alleviate management concerns that intergenerational tensions and a lack of camaraderie
could undermine organizational success?
39. The HR generalist at a regional bank informs managers when fully qualified candidates apply
for jobs. Although there may not be any current openings, HR and position-specific managers
will screen candidates and determine next steps. How can HR reliably predict when an opening
is likely to occur?
40. HR has defined key groups of employees who possess certain characteristics and abilities
that are closely aligned with the organization’s strategy. What effect will this have on the
organization’s staffing and compensation strategies?
41. The HR director and union representatives are unable to resolve a formal grievance at either
the local or national level. What is the next step in the formal grievance process?
a. Individual bargaining
b. Withdrawal of grievance
c. Arbitration
d. Further negotiation
42. Which action is an ombudsperson empowered to take after hearing both sides of a workplace
43. Which recommendation would you make to a new HR practitioner concerning investigating
workplace complaints?
a. Contract
b. Business case
c. Policy
d. Mission statement
d. Review by peers
47. What does the term "tripartism" mean in the context of union relations?
48. What type of strike occurs without the approval of union leadership?
a. Sympathy strikes
b. Jurisdictional strikes
c. Wildcat strikes
d. Economic strikes
49. What is the correct term for the right of an individual worker to unite with other workers to
promote desired employment conditions as a group?
a. Freedom of association
b. Collective bargaining
c. Due process
d. Codetermination
50. A technician in a diagnostic lab has filed a complaint with HR accusing a supervisor of
selectively enforcing policies. Which action would constitute workplace retaliation?
a. The supervisor reassigns the technician from bench work to physically difficult duties.
b. The technician physically attacks the supervisor and is discharged.
c. The technician is required to attend a dispute resolution meeting with the supervisor.
d. The supervisor conducts a previously scheduled performance review.
51. What advice would you give an HR colleague facing an employee grievance in a unionized
52. An employer with a unionized workplace wants to offer employees gift cards for reporting on
a recent union meeting. How should HR advise the employer?
53. What type of alternative dispute resolution system would be most appropriate for a small and
young enterprise?
a. Mediation
b. Single designated officer
c. Arbitration
d. Peer review
54. A scientist is hired to perform research for a new product at a pharmaceutical company.
Which clause is most critical to include in the employment contract?
55. Which is an advantage of a best-of-breed (BOB) HRIS solution over an integrated solution?
a. A BOB solution reduces the complexity of vendor management, because there is only
one vendor.
b. A BOB solution features a common look and feel across applications, making learning
and transitions easier.
c. A BOB solution provides greater ease of integrating data from multiple HR functions.
d. A BOB solution provides quicker implementation because the system is simpler and
affects fewer employees
56. To reduce security concerns with increased internet use, which practice should HR enact?
57. HR works with IT to develop policies and procedures for Internet use and social media posts
on the organization’s network. Which best describes the impact of this policy?
a. Logic tier
b. Communications tier
c. Presentation tier
d. Data tier
61. What is the impact that a service level agreement has when an organization moves from
licensing software to software as a service (SaaS)?
62. Big data brings with it three requirements: volume (the ability to store massive amounts of
data), velocity (the ability to refresh data rapidly), and variety. What does variety refer to?
a. Data that can be used for multiple purposes (e.g., business analysis and employee
b. Integrating data from devices made from different manufacturers
c. Importing, storing, and integrating data in different formats
d. Collecting data from networks composed of highly dispersed points
63. Technology now encompasses most business activities. Which areas of HR practice can
technology support?
64. In addition to information technology, which other business function should HR work with
when developing a "bring your own device" (BYOD) policy?
a. Finance
b. Executives
c. Legal counsel
d. Operations
65. Which should be a primary concern for employers regarding the "bring your own device"
(BYOD) technology approach?
66. Which is the best action an HR business partner should take when receiving an e-mail from
the director of finance, that they have never communicated with before, asking for an employee’s
tax documents for an urgent mortgage verification request?
67. The HR director wants to transition from paper-based record keeping to digital record
keeping. Which factors should the director consider before engaging in a purchasing process for
HR technology?
69. Which represents the best use of the balanced scorecard in strategic planning?
a. Demonstrating potential return on investment
b. Establishing internal strengths and weaknesses
c. Identifying significant strategic objectives
d. Supporting financial reporting of tangible assets
70. Which is the most low-risk strategy for global market expansion?
a. Merger
b. Licensing
c. Internal expansion
d. Acquisition
71. What is the first step in the selection process to minimize the possibility of a bad hire?
72. During an interview, when is it appropriate to ask a candidate about prior project outcomes
that were unsuccessful?
a. When the interview with the candidate is unstructured in format
b. When assessing the candidate’s ability to learn from previous experiences
c. When the candidate does not list accomplishments
d. When the candidate is interviewing for a management position
73. During the hiring process, at which point does an employer have the opportunity to initially
engage the individual?
74. Which of the following actions is most likely to reduce job burnout?
75. A new HR leader would like to assess the level of employee engagement in the organization.
His focus will be on behavioral engagement. Which of the following characteristics should the
HR leader look for?
76. Which practice should have the best potential to decrease talent acquisition costs and
increase an organization’s ability to compete for skilled employees?
b. Career planning focus on the individual, while career management focuses on the job.
c. Career planning is only for entry-level employees, while career management is for
executive-level employees.
d. Career planning is short-term, while career management is long-term.
a. Lack of evaluation
b. Acceptance of change
c. Lack of reinforcement
d. Impractical training programs
79. When developing a pay structure, which data set should the HR practitioner use during the
development process?
80. What pay system ties pay to the volume of the work performed by the individual?
a. Person-based
b. Performance-based
c. Productivity-based
d. Time-based step-rate
81. How does using a job evaluation to determine the relative worth of each job assist in an
organization being successful?
a. By serving as the basis for developing equitable salary structures, effective employee
selection, and ongoing development
b. By identifying the minimal acceptable qualifications that a candidate must possess to
successfully perform certain work tasks
c. By determining the various components of a position and the context and circumstances
under which the work is done
d. By recording the responsibilities, physical and emotional skills and accountabilities, and
ability requirements of a specific job
82. When conducting a benefits needs assessment, what is the next step HR should take after
analyzing the design and utilization data for all benefit plans?
a. Review the organization’s total rewards philosophy, compensation approach, and related
b. Compare organizational needs, employee needs, and current benefit offerings.
c. Analyze the current and projected demographics of the organization’s workforce.
d. Review the organizational strategy to align with the current benefits offered.
83. Which type of globalization is characterized by large populations from emerging countries
moving abroad for better employment opportunities?
a. Demographic dichotomy
b. The diaspora
c. Globalist immigration
d. International assignees
85. What are the basic steps in crisis management planning and readiness?
86. A security-conscious organization requires all new hires to complete training on security
policies and conducts annual armed intruder drills for all employees. What risk management
strategies is this company using?
refusal to submit a polygraph test following an incident. What exclusion protects the employer
under the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)?
88. A company that receives federal contracts learns that an employee has recently been
convicted of a drug-related offense. The employee has a signed acknowledgment form in their
personnel file. Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act, what action must the employer take?