T_S R80_F80
T_S R80_F80
T_S R80_F80
Troubleshooting Guide
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Malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Malfunctions without an Error Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Malfunctions without an Error Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
POLYDOROS F / R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
AT-FS 708 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
When performing the work steps and checks, the general safety information for medical
products must be observed. (XPRF-000.860.01 / Safety Information)
The hazard keys are used for internal search functions to more easily find notes that must
be mentioned in the technical document. These hazard keys are not relevant for the user.
WARNING A Gigalink (Class kx3A product) with a laser diode is used for
image transfer between the FD --- PIX Box --- image system.
The laser beam is dangerous for the human eye.
¹ Do not look into the laser beam. The laser beam is not
Tab. 1 Service_Switch
SS_Switch, D600.S1 0
See (Fig. 1 / p. 8)
See (Fig. 1 / p. 8)
ON = Position 2 Normal mode, the generator can be switched on via the system
switch-on circuit.
OFF = Position 1 The generator is switched off and cannot be switched on via the sys-
See (Fig. 1 / p. 8)
See (Fig. 1 / p. 8)
See (Fig. 1 / p. 8)
See (Fig. 1 / p. 8)
NOTE These instructions describe only errors that can occur with
correct cabling inside the component.
In other words, first check the cabling in new systems (star-
NOTE Possible errors are listed in the error texts. These should be
worked through as chronologically as possible.
The same applies for troubleshooting in this document.
If a generator error occurs, the following displays must be checked according to the
generator Wiring Diagram:
• D600 7-segment displays
• D611 7-segment displays
• Status of the LEDs for power supplies on the corresponding boards
• Status of the red LEDs for errors on the corresponding boards
• The LEDS on the MCB F80 board.
Error Log
• All "error codes" that occur are stored in the system error log.
The error log can be read out using the SSW.
The service technician can obtain additional information (more exact description of the
error as well as a possible correction of it) by using the SSW.
NOTE The drawings show the Polydoros F80 as the example. With
other generators, breakers / trip breakers or a D470 are miss-
1 D600 Main Control Board
2 F80 MCB
3 D611 FIL / RAC Controller
4 D612 System Power
5 SNT1 Switch Power Supply
6 SNT2 Switch Power Supply
7 SNT3 Switch Power Supply
8 T3 Transformer, 230V - 24V
10 D470 FIL Power Board
11 D115 Stator Device
12 Rotating cable connection (terminal strip or K7 / K8)
20 HSE high voltage transformer
21 Fans behind the HSE
22 D510 inverter with D510_L (not shown in the illustration)
23 HF Limiter (L_par_1)
24 HF Limiter (L_par_2)
30 F1 power switch, 50A/500V
31 T1 three-phase transformer
32 Z1 noise filter / 3-pole
33 Z3 noise filter / 2-pole
35 F3 N-trip breaker
36 F3 N-trip breaker
37 F4 - F7 N-type Trip Breaker
38 K1 breaker
39 K2 breaker
40 K3 breaker
41 K4 breaker
43 K5 breaker / K6 breaker
44 F8 - F10 N-type Trip Breaker
45 D613
50 Fan, 24V
51 Ethernet switch
52 XCU
NOTE The power breaker energizes only when the intermediate cir-
cuit voltage, Uz, is more than 400 V after 5-8 sec.
(K2 charging breaker functions correctly.)
NOTE The power breaker energizes only when the intermediate cir-
cuit voltage, Uz, is more than 400 V after 5-8 sec.
(K2 charging breaker functions correctly.)
1. Connect the oscilloscope to P_UT_act D600.X100 (channel A) and N_UT_act
D600.X98 (channel B) (1V ⇒ 20kV). 1V = 10KV not 20KV
2. The D600.S1 SS switch must be in the ON position.
Work Steps
1. Prepare an exposure:
For example, with the Fluorospot Compact:
- Create a test patient.
- Select the "Examination" tab card.
- Select the 3-point technique in the RAD mode.
2. Select the corresponding kV / mAs / ms data.
- 99 kV
- 10 mAs
- 100 ms
- Large focus
3. Release an exposure.
High Voltage Test with HV Blind Stoppers Setting Fluoro to 40KV and 1 ma should help
0 with
choosing between Tank and Tube. Fluoro should be
General normal, if no then it is most likely the tank.
In this test, the high voltage circuit is separated using the HV blind stoppers to determine
whether the cause of the error is the high voltage transformer or the high voltage cables /
X-ray tube. When performing this test, there is no tube current and no X-radiation.
Measuring UT_act
Measuring Oscillation Current when testing this attach second channel to OUT A D600.x27
trigger off of OUT A 2V/Div
1. Connect the oscilloscope to I_load D600.X87 (1V ⇒ 50A).
2. The D600.S1 SS switch must be in the ON position.
3. Prepare an exposure:
For example, with the Fluorospot Compact:
- Create a test patient.
- Select the "Examination" tab card.
- Select the 3-point technique in the RAD mode.
4. Select the corresponding kV / mAs / ms data.
- 81 kV
- 2 mAs
- 500 ms
- Large focus
5. Release an exposure.
- 81 kV
- 2 mAs
- 500 ms
- Large focus
5. Release an exposure.
1. Use the digital multimeter to measure the filament and high voltage cable.
- Required: Each less than 3 Ohms.
If the resistance is greater than or equal to 3 Ohms, check the high voltage cables
¹ Replace either the high voltage cables or the tube unit.
1. With 2 built-in D470 boards, control of heating is separate for each focus.
In this test, the high voltage circuit is separated using the HV blind stoppers to determine
whether the cause of the error is the high voltage transformer or the high voltage cables /
X-ray tube. When performing this test, there is no tube current and no X-radiation.
1. With 2 built-in D470 boards, control of heating is separate for each focus.
General Information 0
The catho box (Fig. 9 / p. 28) is a service aid with which the X-ray tube heating values can
be checked.
The catho box is used here instead of the X-ray tube so that a risk of damage to the tube
is ruled out.
Here, the check of the selected heating filament (focus) and the measurement of the heat-
ing current is possible.
NOTE The check with the catho box may be performed only without
high voltage! Set the D600.S1 SS switch to the OFF position.
Preparations 0
Work Steps 0
NOTE The data for pre-heating are empirically obtained values and
can differ in individual cases.
NOTE To check other working points, take the heating current val-
ues from the illustration of "Emission and Heating" in the
corresponding X-ray tube manual.
• Measure the heating current with a digital multimeter in the DC voltage range. (1V ⇒
- the heating current of the large focus can be measured between the COM and F2 test
sockets (5+6/Fig. 9 / p. 28)
- the heating current of the small focus can be measured between the COM and F1
test sockets (5+7/Fig. 9 / p. 28)
• Focus selection can be checked with the display lamps:
- With the Optitop 150/40/80, HC goes on (1+3/Fig. 9 / p. 28).
• End exposure.
• Switch off power to the generator.
• Unplug the cathode-side high voltage cable from the catho box and insert it into the
X-ray tube
Chapter Changes
all Hazard keys added.