INV1 Cash Sale
INV1 Cash Sale
INV1 Cash Sale
H N Groups
Belur road , vijayanagara, 2nd stage, 103/D Hassan 573201, Hassan,
Karnataka, 573201
GSTIN : 29CKAPA4999J1ZP State Code : 29
Pan : CKAPA4999J1ZP
Sr. No. Name of Product HSN/SAC QTY Unit Rate Taxable Value Total
Rate Amount Rate Amount
1 Demo Product 7218 100 KGS 330.0 33,000.00 9.00% 2970.00 9.00% 2970.00 INR 38,940.00
Total Quantity 100 INR 33,200.00 INR 2970.00 INR 2970.00 INR 39,140.00
Total Amount Before Tax INR 33,200.00
Total Invoice Amount in words
ZeroRupees Only /- Add : CGST INR 2970.00
Add : SGST INR 2970.00
Total Tax Amount INR 5,940.00
TOTAL INR 39140.0
Total Discount @ 100.0% INR 39,140.00
Final Invoice Amount INR 0.00
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1. This is an electronically generated document. H N Groups
2. All disputes are subject to Hassan jurisdiction.
Authorised Signatory