Planning D365 F&O
Planning D365 F&O
Planning D365 F&O
At its core, Master planning allows companies to determine and balance the future need for
raw materials and capacity to meet company goals. Master planning assesses the following:
Master planning uses the information to calculate the requirements and generate planned
orders. The three main planning processes are:
Master planning - The master plan calculates net requirements. It's based on
actual current orders and enables companies to control inventory replenishment
on a short-term, day-to-day basis. Another term to describe it's the Net
requirements plan.
Forecast planning - The forecast schedule calculates gross requirements. It's
based on future projections (or forecasts) and enables companies to conduct long-
term planning of materials and capacity.
Intercompany master planning - The intercompany master plan calculates net
requirements across legal entities. It connects demand and supply between
companies not only for short term, but also for long-term, planned (not yet
firmed) demand and supply.
Companies can change the output of the plan. They can run regenerative, net change, or both.
Regenerative plans update all requirements, whereas net change plans only update the plan on
items with new requirements that have come in since the last scheduling run.
Master scheduling plans typically involve the short term, which can be anywhere from one
week to six months. The Master planning module determines the supply (materials) and
capacity (resources) needs that will meet current demand (the net requirements). In most
Business Case:1
The buying head is responsible to perform the supply forecast based on last year's historical
D365 is offering two out-of-the-box solutions for planning your items, a Master plan (net
requirements) and a Forecast plan (Gross requirements). (Use only one plan)
For Example an item which is Purchased in a warehouse and sold by multiple warehouses either
through Retail channel or wholesale.
Path: Inventory management > Setup > Forecast > Item allocation keys.
Key - The forecast is allocated according to the period allocation key that you
specify in the Period key field. You can use this method when you want to take
seasonal variation into account.
Unit of time interval
Method: Period
Per: 01/30
Unit: Months/Days
End: 04/01/2025
Click the Inventory forecast button, the system will open the inventory forecast form. In this
form, the business user can see the Forecast Type: Supply Forecast along with the quantity and
the warehouse.
In the below screenshot, the system has created the inventory forecast for the month of March,
April and so on till the expiry date with the difference of 1 Month as specified in the Per field.
Also, if we want to combine all the orders we can do that by using group functionality.
But not grouping this time and moving with single orders
In the PO "line details> Product tab" the system has maintained the reference for the Master
plan "Forecast" along with the planned order reference number.
The buying head can view the Gross requirements, from the purchase order
The buying head usually performs the supply forecast for the items and vendors
based on historical sales transac ons.
The buying head can consolidate the sales transac ons by item group and create
the supply forecast at the item group level.
It's good prac ce to create your item group as one of the financial dimensions. This
will help to analyze your supply chain transac ons in the Trial balance (view by
Financial Dimension) as well. However, never use your item master as one of your
financial dimensions. The item level report you can always view from submodules
(Sales, Purchase, warehouse, and Inventory).
If you think defining the supply forecast at the item level is a cumbersome process,
you can select the item group or vendor group and then define the supply forecast.
Master planning uses information from many different areas of the system to determine how
much of each item you must purchase and by what date you must purchase the inventory
(based on lead times in Dynamics 365 for Supply Chain Management) to fulfill the item
requirements on time.
Demand from exis ng sales orders - Sales orders are one of the primary sources of
informa on for deriving purchasing requirements. Depending on your type of
business, this might drive direct purchases for distributed goods or direct purchases
for raw materials that are required to assemble or produce another item.
Demand from exis ng sales quota ons - You can op onally select to include sales
quota on informa on in the es mates that are formed for the planned purchase
orders in the master planning output. This can be especially useful in make-to-order
scenarios or scenarios where products have a longer lead me.
Es mate the forecast - You can use demand or supply forecasts in Supply Chain
Management to es mate how much of a product you will require during a specific
me period. Master planning can then use this informa on to derive planned
purchases for direct distribu on or produc on scenarios.
Demand to meet safety stock levels - You can op onally configure safety stock for
key items in your warehouse to ensure that you always have a certain amount on
hand. When your inventory levels fall or are expected to fall below the safety stock
level that you have defined, Master planning will generate purchases for these
items to bring the on-hand level in your warehouse back up.
Demand to meet minimum stock levels - You can op onally define minimum and
maximum levels for items in your warehouses, which will drive the requirements to
keep a certain amount of an item in your warehouse.
Master plan - The Master plan calculates net requirements. It is based on actual
current orders and enables companies to control inventory replenishment on a
short-term, daily basis. Another term to describe it is the "Net requirements plan."
You can also run static or dynamic plans or both. The static plan is fixed and does not change
until regenerated, whereas the dynamic plan is regularly updated. These plans can be run in
various combinations to best suit the company's business needs.
Sta c plan - The master planning calcula on uses the current data to generate a net
requirements plan. This is the plan where planned orders are normally approved
and firmed to generate supply orders. This plan remains unchanged un l the next
me you run master planning.
Dynamic plan - This plan starts with the same net requirements plan that was
generated by master planning. However, you can update the dynamic plan every
me the transac onal data changes, for example, when you create a new sales
order. This enables you to monitor the changing order network and item availability
without disturbing the sta c plan that others are using for their work processes.
A company might choose to work with just a dynamic plan, or it can use both static and
dynamic plans. In addition, you can configure any master plan to reflect a strategy or address
an issue.
For short-term planning, whether daily, weekly, or even monthly, consider using a
dynamic plan to stay up to date with changes in daily opera ons, such as mix/max
requirements to ensure that the created safety stock journals will cover the
requirements for available items on hand.
For long-term plans, usually yearly, you need to set longer safety margins to protect
against unforeseen circumstances, such as dealing with vendors who didn’t deliver
the goods as promised.
Fulfill minimum will help you to calculate the receipt date for a purchase order
Lead me is used to tell what extra me will be required to get the material.
used. This field is available only when you select the Finite capacity op on and the Bo leneck
scheduling op on.
Include supply forecast.
A er you select a forecast model, select this op on to include the supply forecast in the current
master plan. If you do not select this op on, supply forecast transac ons are not included in the
master plan.
Include demand forecast.
A er you select a forecast model, select this op on to include the demand forecast in the
current master plan. If you do not select this op on, demand forecast transac ons are not
included in the master plan.
Method used to reduce forecast requirements.
Select a method to use to reduce forecast requirements during master scheduling. If you choose
None: Forecast requirements are not reduced during master scheduling. If you choose Percent -
reduc on key: Forecast requirements are reduced according to the percentages and me
periods that are defined by the reduc on key. If you choose Transac ons - reduc on key:
Forecast requirements are reduced by the transac ons that occur during the me periods that
are defined by the reduc on key. If you choose Transac ons - dynamic period: Forecast
requirements are reduced by the actual order transac ons that occur during the dynamic
period the dynamic period covers the current forecast dates and ends with the start of the
next forecast. The Transac ons - dynamic period method does not use or require a reduc on
key and when you select this op on: If the forecast is reduced completely, the forecast
requirements for the current forecast become 0 (zero); If there is no future forecast, forecast
requirements from the last forecast that was entered are reduced; Time fences are included in
the forecast reduc on calcula on; Posi ve days are included in the forecast reduc on
calcula on; If actual order transac ons are greater than the forecasted requirements, the
remaining transac ons are not forwarded to the next forecast period.
Planned orders.
Select the number sequence to use for picking planned orders. Each me that a planned order
is created, it is assigned a sequen al number from this number sequence. We recommend that
you give the planned orders their own number sequence, so that you can differen ate them
from other requirements.
Select this op on to override the coverage me fence for the item during master scheduling. If
you select this op on, enter the number of days that the master scheduling calcula on should
cover requirements. The coverage me fence is calculated forward from the current date.
Requirements that occur before the current date are always processed.
Select this op on to override the freeze me fence for the item during master scheduling. If you
select this op on, enter the number of days that planning ac vity is frozen. No new planned
orders are generated, and exis ng planned orders cannot be changed.
Select this op on to override the firming me fence for the item during master scheduling. If
you select this op on, enter the number of days that planned purchase orders and produc on
orders are automa cally firmed. The me fence is calculated forward from the master
scheduling date. An item must be associated with a vendor for automa c firming of a planned
purchase order to occur.
Select this op on to override the explosion me fence for the item during master scheduling. If
you select this op on, enter the number of days that bills of materials (BOMs) are exploded to
calculate requirements for component items. The me fence is calculated forward from the
current date.
Forecast plan.
Select this op on to override the forecast plan me for the item during master scheduling. If
you select this op on, enter the number of days that the sales forecast from the forecast plan is
included in master scheduling.
Select this op on to override the capacity me fence for the item during master scheduling. If
you select this op on, enter the number of days that capacity is planned for planned produc on
orders. Master scheduling uses the ac ve produc on route for the item and schedules
backward from the requirement date. If the requirement date for a planned produc on order is
outside the capacity me fence, the lead me is determined by the delivery me of the item.
The me fence is calculated forward from the current date.
Select this op on to override the capacity me fence for the item during master scheduling. If
you select this op on, enter the number of days that capacity is planned for planned produc on
orders. Master scheduling uses the ac ve produc on route for the item and schedules
backward from the requirement date. If the requirement date for a planned produc on order is
outside the capacity me fence, the lead me is determined by the delivery me of the item.
The me fence is calculated forward from the current date.
Ac on message
Select this op on to override the ac on message me fence for the item during master
scheduling. If you select this op on, enter the number of days that master scheduling generates
ac on messages for requirements. The me fence is calculated forward from the current date.
Approved requisi ons me fence (days)
Select this op on to override the me fence se ngs that are defined for the item. In the field,
enter the number of days in the past during which demand from approved requisi ons that
have the Replenishment purpose is included in master scheduling.
Set the sequencing me fence for the item during master scheduling. If you select this op on,
enter the number of days that sequencing is performed.
Nega ve days
Enter the days that are added to a requirement due date. This number defines a me interval
during which a planned receipt that is due can be used to fulfill the requirement. A planned
receipt that is outside the defined me interval cannot be used to fulfill the requirement.
Master scheduling generates a new planned order. You can equate nega ve days with the
number of delivery days that are past due. During this me, there is a nega ve inventory level
for the item. You must accept the nega ve inventory level before you can create a new
fulfillment order. The value that you enter depends on factors such as item lead me and the
organiza on's policy about inventory. If an item has a long lead me, you can specify the typical
lead me as nega ve days. You can specify nega ve days in either the Item coverage page or
the Coverage groups page. The full behavior of nega ve days depends on whether you select
the Use dynamic nega ve days op on in the Master planning parameters page. For example, for
a par cular item, a purchase order is scheduled for receipt on September 20, and a sales order
is scheduled for delivery on September 19. You must specify whether to generate a new
planned purchase order to cover the requirement, or to accept a late delivery for the sales
order on September 20. If you set the nega ve days to 0 (zero), a new planned purchase order
is generated. If you set the nega ve days to a number that is larger than zero, no planned
purchase order is generated. Instead, an ac on message is generated for the purchase order,
and a futures message is generated for the sales order.