Production/Operations Management: Block
Production/Operations Management: Block
Production/Operations Management: Block
Production Planning & Scheduling
Aggregate Production Planning 209
Just-in-Time (JIT) 219
Scheduling & Sequencing 245
This block contains 3 units.
Unit l1 has talked about Aggregate Production Planning with its major purposes. It has
highlighted different steps in aggregate planning and its managerial importance. The issues like
work force adjustment, vacations schedules, subcontracting and backlongs etc. are discussed in
Unit 12 is very important as it deals with Just-in Time Production/Operations System. It has
introduced JIT concept with its major characterostocs with respect to people involvement, team
work, discipline, TQM, and pull method of material flow. The unit has introduced JIT philosphy
in manufacturing. The Kanban System in JIT has given an idea of eliminating the waste in
manufacturing. Finally the unit has given different examples of JIT implementation in different
Unit 13 is on Scheduling and Sequencing. It has classified the production system and scheduling
of each production system: mass production, batch production, and job shop production The unit
has discussed in nutshell the sequencing of different operations.
If the demand for a company products was absolutely stable, there would be no need for
aggregate planning. The company can develop a production process and a workforce level that
would produce exactly the amount demanded every month in a repeating cycle while
maintaining practically no inventory. However this is seldom found to be true and the demand
mix among the products do fluctuate over time.
The problem facing the company is to create production, inventory and the workforce plans far
enough in advance to satisfy the anticipated demand at minimum total cost without harming the
company's long terms strategy and viability. The output of the planning process should be a
period by period plan of how much of each product type to produce, how much to add or remove
from the inventory, how much the workforce to be increased or decreased, how much over time
work should be planned and, if applicable, how much production should be subcontracted.
As the aggregate plan is based on satisfying expected intermediate term demands, it is necessary
that accurate forecasts of these demands be made. Due importance must be given to seasonal
factor while arriving at forecasts. In addition, intermediate range wage rates, material prices and
holding costs also affect optimal plans. All these parameters must be properly considered.
Aggregate Planning is necessary in Production and Operations Management (POM) because it
provides for,
Fully loaded facilities and minimizes overloading and underloading, thus reducing costs.
are fundamental to aggregate planning.
Fig 11.1
time should be expressed in terms of the aggregate amount of each resource consumed to
produce one unit of the aggregate product.
Product Famlies: Sometimes, products families relate to market grouping or in the case of
production plans, to specific manufacturing processes. A firm can aggregate its products or
services into a set of relatively broad families, avoiding too much detail at this stage of the
planning process. Common and relevant measurements, such as units, rupees, standard hour or
litre, should be used. For example, consider the bicycle manufacturer that has aggregated all
products into two families: mountain bikes and road bikes, this facilitates production planning
for the assembly lines in the plant. A firm that socializes in quick oil changes might aggregate
the services it offers into two categories: the basic service and special services.
Labour: A company can aggregate labour in various ways, depending on workforce flexibility.
For example, if workers at the bicycle manufacturer are trained to work on either mountain bikes
or road bikes, for planning purposes management can consider its work force to be a single
aggregate group, even through the skills of individual workers may differ.
Alternatively, management can aggregate labour along product family lines by splitting the work
force into subgroups and assigning a different group to the production of each product family
devoting production lines and even entire plants to separate product families. In service
operations, such as a city government, workers are aggregated by the type of service they
provide: fire fighters, police officers, Citation workers, and administrators.
Companies that aggregate labour along product lines must plan for change in economic
conditions and consumer demand that may cause cutbacks in production of some product
families and increases in production of others when such shifts occur, labour may not be
interchangeable. For example, in automobile assembly, production of different product families
takes place in scattered locations. In such cases, planning for changes in workforce levels and the
use of overtime by aggregating labour around product families is the most practical approach.
Time: A planning horizon is the length of time covered by an aggregate plan. Typically, the
planning horizon is one year, although it can differ in various situations to avoid the expense and
disruptive effect of frequent changes in output rates and the work force adjustment usually are
made monthly or quartely. In other words, the company rather than days or hours. Some
companies use monthly planning periods for the near portion of the planning horizon and
quarterly periods for the later portion. In practice, planning periods reflect a balance between the
needs for (i) a limited number of decision points to reduce planning complexity and (ii)
flexibility to adjust output rates and work-force levels when demand forcecasts exhibit seasonal
variations. The bicycle manufacturer for example may choose monthly planning periods so that
timely adjustments to inventory levels can be made without excessively disruptive changes to the
work force.
production capacity. AIOU
must be selected that both allows the forecasts to be added and links aggregate outputs to
Transform the aggregate demand for each time period into workers, materials machines,
and other elements of production capacity required to satisfy aggregate demand.
4) Develop alternative resource schemes for supplying the necessary production capacity to
for different products. Suggest a suitable aggregate plan based on it.
2) Overtime labour — Production by workers paid overtime labour rates, which usually
means for more than 40 hours per week, overtime can be limited by union or company
3) Inventory — Production in previous time periods that is held for shipment in later time
Subcontracting — Production of products or services by suppliers.
Straight-Time labour is the preferred source of production capacity and is used to provide a base
production capacity when demand exeeds the capacity of the existing work force, new hires
overtime inventory and subcontracting can be used. But new hires, overtime, inventory, and
subcontracting can cost more an cause other difficulties. Companies approach with caution the
decision of how to best production capacity for the peaks of demand.
Activity B
Study the policy followed by the company to meet the fluctuating demands. Suggest a " better
Fig: 11.2
3) Minimize inventory investment. Inventory accumulations are expensive because the
money could be used more productive investments.
4) Minimize changes in production rates. Frequently changes in production rates can cause
difficulties in coordination line rebalancing.
5) Minimize changes in work-force levels. Fluctuating work-force levels may cause lower
productivity because new employees typically need time to become fully productive.
6) Maximize utilisation of plant and equipment. Firm with a product focus require
uniformly high utilisation of plant and equipment.
The weight given to each one in the plan involves cost trade-offs and consideration of non-
quantifiable factors. For example, maximizing customer service with fast, on-time delivery can
be improved by increasing -not minimisation the stock of finished goods in a production plan.
Or, for example, a staffing plan that minimizes costs may not minimize changes in work-force
levels or maximize customer service.
Balancing these various objectives to arrive at an acceptable aggregate plan involves
consideration of various alternatives the two basic types of alternatives are action s that adjust
demand pattern, whereas reactive alternatives are actions that respond to given demand patterns.
Reactive Alternatives
Reactive alternatives are actions that can be taken to cope with demand requirements. Typically,
an operations manager controls reactive alternatives that is the operations manager accepts
forecaster demand as a given and modifies work-force levels overtime, vacation schedules,
inventory levels, subcontracting and planned backlogs to meet that demand.
Work force Adjustment. Management can adjust work-force levels by hiring or laying off
employees. The use of this alternative can be attractive if the work force is largely unskilled or
semiskilled and the labour pool is large. However, for a particular company, the size of the
qualified labour pool may limit the number of new employees that can be hire at any one time
also new employees must be trained and the capacity of the training facilities themselves might
limit the number of new hires at any one time in some industries laying off employees is difficult
or unusual for contractual reasons (unions) in other industries such as tourism and agriculture,
workers are kept on the payroll rather than being laid off. This option is used by companies that
have highly skilled, hard-to-replace employees (particularly firms with a process focus) or that
confront contractual obstacles to laying off workers. In the latter case, undertime can cause
inefficiency and higher unit costs.
Vocations Schedules: A firm can shut down during an annual full in sales, leaving a skeleton
crew to cover operations and perform maintenance, employees might be required to take all or
part of their allowed vacation time during this period. The companies sometimes use of this
alternative during the holiday period, not only to do maintenance work or install equipment, but
also to decease inventory. Use of this alternative depends on whether the employer can mandate
the vacation schedules of its employees. In any case, employees may be strongly discouraged
from taking vacations during peak periods or encouraged to take vacation during periods when
replacement part-time labour is most abundant.
Anticipation Inventory: A plant facing seasonal demand can stock anticipation inventory
during light demand periods and use k during heavy demand periods although this approach
stabilizes output rates and work-force levels, it can be costly because the value of the product is
greatest in its finished state, stocking components and sub assemblies that can be assembled
quickly when customer orders come in might be preferable to stocking finished goods.
Service providers generally cannot use anticipation inventory because services cannot be
stocked, in some instances however, services can performed prior to actual need, for example
telephone company workers usually lay cables for service to a new subdivision beefore housing
construction begins, they can do this work during a period when the workload for scheduled
services is low.
Subcontractors: Subcontractors can be used to overcome short-term capacity shortages, such as
during peaks of the season or business cycle. Subcontractors van supply services, make
components and subassemblies, or even assemble an entire product. If the subcontractor can
supply components or subassemblies of equal or better quality less expensively than the
company can produce them itself, these arrangements may become permanent, the major
automakers. For example, typically subcontract for underbody frames, steering linkage
components, and other item. In the service industry, book publishers are turning increasingly to
free-lance artists and copy editors as part of a downsizing trend.
Backlogs, Backorders and Stockouts: Another way in which firms with a process focus often
cope with a high demand forecast is to plan for order backlogs. A backlog is an accumulation of
customer orders that have been promised of delivery at some future date. Having a sizable
backlog may be a good strategy, if on time delivery and quality are not Sacrificed. Delivery lead
times typically increase during seasonal peaks in demand. Firms with process focus often use
this method. The customer places an order for a customized product or service, and the firm
promises it for later delivery, job shops, TV repair shops, and automobile repair shops work to
varying degrees to backlogs. Examples of backlogs in services are tickets for a concert and
when the expected loss in sales and customer goodwill is less than the cost of using other
reactive alternatives or aggressive alternatives, or adding the capacity needed to satisfy demand.
In conclusion, decisions about the use of each alternative for each period of the. planning horizon
specify the output rate for each period. In other words, the output rate is a function of the choices
among these alternatives.
Activity C
Analyse some real life cases and find out whether sub-contracting is an effective alternative or
not, in Indian/Pakistani Context
It is clear from foregoing discussions that the success of any organisation very much depends on
how its long range planning is converted into reality. Aggregate planning plays pivotal role is
achieving this goal. Any mistake in medium range planning leads to wastage/improper use of
resources, excess/shortage of inventory etc. The success of organisation is directly linked with
how efficiently the medium range planning is done. Despite the number of models available and
the favourable results in a few cases aggregate planning models have not gained widespread
acceptance in industry. A more concerted implementation effort may be needed which includes
careful definition of the decision problem in each case, tailor-made models, and demonstration of
improved planning results.
marketing planning. Describe the nature of the relationship between these types of
What factors are important in choosing the length of the planning horizon for aggregate
5. What assumption are used in deriving the LDR model?
6. What problems are being experienced is using aggregate planning in industry? How can
these problems be overcome?
7. How is the choice between a level strategy and a chase strategy influenced by the skill
level of the work force and the degree of automation? After all, isn't the choice between
these strategies just a matter of the lowest cost?
9. Copyrights
Provide a definition of decision rule always required in and aggregate planning model?
A barber shop has been using a level work force of barbers 5 days a week, Tuesday
through Saturday. The barbers have considerable idle time on Tuesday through Friday,
with certain peak periods during the noon hours and after 4 p.m. each day. On Friday
afternoon and all day Saturday, all the barbers are very busy, with customers waiting a
substantial amount of time and some customers being turned away. What options should
this barber shop consider for aggregate planning? How would you analyze these options?
What data would be collected and how would be collected and how would the options be
In financial parlance, inventory is defined as the sum of the value of raw materials, fuels and
lubricants, spare parts, maintenance consumables, semi-processed materials and finished goods
stock at any given point of time. The operational definition of inventory would be: the amount of
raw materials, fuel and lubricants, spare parts and semi-procetsed material to be stocked for the
smooth running of the plant. Since these resources are idle when kept in the stores, inventory is
defined as an idle resource or any kind having an economic value.
Inventories are maintained basically for the operational smoothness which they can effect by
uncoupling successive stages of production, whereas the monetary value of inventory serves as a
guide to indicate the size of the investment made to achieve this operational convenience. The
materials management department is expected to provide this operational convenience with a
minimum possible investment in inventories. The objectives of inventory, operational and
financial, needless to say, are conflicting. The materials department is accused of both stock outs
as well as large investment in inventories. The solution lies in exercising a selective inventory
control and application of inventory control techniques.
Inventory control has been attracting the attention of managers in India for a long time.
12.1.1 Raw Material, WBP, Finished Goods
For control purposes, it is very essential to study the inventory in detail-raw materials,
production components, work-in-progress and finished goods inventories should be segregated
as the reasons for their existence and the causes for their size are different.
Raw materials and production components are purchased from outside suppliers and the reason
for their existence is to uncouple the purchasing function from the production function. The size
of this inventory is depent upon factors such as internal lead time for purchase, supplier lead
time, vendor relations availability of the material government import policy, in the case of
imported material, the annual consumption of the materials (ABC classification) and the relative
criticality of the material (VED classification).
Work-in progress inventory might exist merely because of the production cycle time or could
also be maintained for decoupling successive manufacturing operations. The decoupling could be
employed either for implementing an incentive scheme or to enable each of the production
departments to plan independently. The size of this inventory is dependent on the production
cycle time, the percentage of machine utilization, the make/ buy policies of the company, and the
management policy for decoupling the various stages of manufacturing.
The finished goods inventory is maintained to assure a free-flowing supply to the customers and
for this the marketing department insists on substantial finished goods inventory. The size also
depends on the ability of the marketing department to push the products, the company's ability to
stick to the delivery schedule of the client, the shelf life and the warehousing capacity.
Two factors which influence the inventories of all types are: the accuracy and details of the final
forecast-all the inventories are geared for future requirements and are therefore sensitives to this
factor-and the available storage space-the logical sequence to this factor is the shelf life of the
items stored, a factor for consideration in the case of perishable goods.
supply time and temporary increases in requirements will not disrupt operations.
Fig: 12.1: Main Stock Points in a Production-Distribution System
Adapted from Buff a, ES; Modern Production/Operations Management, 7/e. Wiley Eastern Ltd.
As a part of the conversion process within the productivity system we have in process
inventories, which are converted to finished good inventories. The finished goods inventory
levels depend on the policies used for deciding on the production lot sizes and their timing and
on the usage rates determined by distributor's orders. High volume items would justify different
policies for production and inventory replenishment than medium or low - volume items. The
production lot size decisions and their timing are very important in relation to the economical use
of personnel and equipment and may justify continuous production of a high volume item. On
the other hand, low volume items will be produced only periodically in economic lots. Again, we
will need policy guidelines to determine the size of buffer inventories to absorb the effects to
production delays arid random variations in demand by distributors.
The functions of distributors and retailers are those of inventorying products to make them
available. Distributors and retailers often carry a wide range of items, and they need
replenishment policies that, take into account this kind of complexity. They commonly place
routine orders periodically, ordering a variety of items from each supplier. Price discounts are
often an additional factor to consider.
Although the details of problems may differ at each level in the production-distribution system,
note that at each level the basic policy issues are in the inventory replenishment process, focused
on the order quantity and when to order.
Just-in-Time (JIT) is a Japanese innovation, and key features of this were perfected by Toyota.
Some facets of the management practices Toyota developed are ideologically related to Japan's
unique customs, culture, and labour - management relations. However there is nothing uniquely
Japanese about JIT production and it is usable anywhere. The concepts have been applied
successfully in many companies throughout the world. JIT production means producing and
buying in very small quantities just in time for use. It is simple hand to mouth mode of industrial
operations that directly cuts inventories and also reduces the need for storage space, racks,
conveyors, forklifts, computer terminals for inventory control and of course material control
personnel. Products are assembled just before they are sold, subassemblies are made just before
the products are assembled, and components are fabricated just before the subassemblies are
made - so work-in-process (WIP) inventory is low and production lead times are short. To
operate with these low inventories, the companies must be excellent in other areas. They must
have consistently high quality throughout the organizations. To achieve this quality and
coordination, they must have the participation and cooperation of all employees. So JIT
manufacturing or manufacturing excellence is a broad philosophy of continuous improvement.
More important, the absence of continuous improvement. More important, the absence of extra
inventories creates an imperative to run an error free operation because there is no cushion of
excess parts to keep production going when problems crop up, causes of error are rooted out,
never to occur again.
The JIT transformation begins with inventory removal. Fewer materials are bought, and parts
and products are made in smaller numbers; that is the lot size inventories thereby decrease. This
immediately results in work stoppages. Production comes to standstill because feeder processes
breakdown or produce too many detectives and there are no buffer stock to keep things going on.
Once this happens, analysts and engineers try to solve the problems and keep things going on.
Each round of problem exposure and solution increases productivity and quality too.
Just-in-time (JIT) is a philosophy of improvement through aggressively discovering and
resolving any problems or weaknesses that impede the organization's effectiveness and
efficiency. Basically, it seeks to eliminate all waste within the organisation, including the waste
of underutilizing the talents, skills, and potential of its employees. Anything that does not
contribute to add in value for an internal or external customer is considered waste. The
philosophy orginated in manufacturing operations, but its concepts have been applied in other
area such as a means of work, service and distribution. JIT can be very effective and powerful as
a means of improvement.
Activity A
What is Just-in-time (JIT) production? How does it differ from Manufacturing Resource
Planning (MRP)? What is MRP-JIT system?
Activity B
Visit a repetitive manufacturing facility in your area. What, are the major causes of inventory?
Be sure to ask about lot sizes and setup times. Would a JIT system work in this facility? Why
and why not?
company's success or failure. Such terms as zero inventory and stock less production have given
some people the impression that JIT is only an inventory programm. JIT has a strong human
resources management components that must be recognized if the technical component is to be
fully successful. Much of the success of JIT can be traced to the fact that companies that use it
train their employees to have the appropriate skill, give them responsibility, and coordinate and
motivate them.
The JIT philosophy of continuous improvement and minimization of waste considers waste to be
any activity that does not add value to the product or serve the customer in some way. One form
of waste that is inconspicuous and difficult to combat is the underutilization of human talent. JIT
seejcs to utilize more fully the creative talents of employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and
others who may contribute to the company's improvement.
Businesses ultimately succeed or fail because of their people. JIT is no exception to this rule.
Because JIT is a system of enforced problem solving, having a dedicated work force committed
to working together to solve production problems is essential. JIT manufacturing, therefore, has a
strong element of training and involvement of workers in all phases of manufacturing.
12.4.2 Teamwork
First, and foremost, a culture of mutual trust and teamwork must be developed in an
organization. Managers and workers must see each other as co-workers committed to the
company's success.
Successful people involvement steams from a culture of open trust and team work in which
people interact to recognize, define, and solve problems. Sometimes it is mistakenly assumed
that this component is just another program, such as a suggestion program or a quality circle
program. People involvement can include these programs and others, such as adhoc project
teams that focus on specific improvement targets and semi-autonomous work teams whose
membership seldom changes. The involvement components of JIT is much broader than a
program or two: it is a management style and a permanent company wide attitude of teamwork.
So that each person works to improve the company. People are encouraged to suggest ways to
improve methods which are quickly and fairly considered, and the companies are open to trying
something new that seem like a worthwhile improvement.
Another important factor that is crucial to JIT is the empowerment of workers. This means that
workers are given the authority to take the initiative in solving production problems. Rather than
waiting for guidance from above, workers have the authority to stop production at any tune for
such things as quality problems machine malfunctions or safety concerns. Groups of workers are
then encouraged to work togather to quickly get production going again. Once workers have
identified problems. They are encouraged to meet during breaks before work or after work to
discuss the problems. Having workers actively involved in problem solving is the objective of
worker empowerment.
People, suppliers, workers, managers and customers must all be motivated and committed to
This standardization prevents variations in products or services which can cause defects. Defects
occure because some variation has been introduced in to a material or procedure that normally
products good result. When an efficient procedure that results in good quality is established it is
to be followed until a better way is tested and approved. You can see that creativity and openness
to change are needed, but it is creativity in conjunction with teamwork and discipline that
achieves consistent good quality and leads to improvements.
12.4.4 Total Quality Management (TQM)
JIT systems seek to eliminate scrap and rework in order to achieve a uniform flow of materials.
Efficient JIT operations require conformance to product or service specifications. JIT systems
control quality at the source, with workers acting as their own quality inspectors.
JIT manufacturing depends on a system of TQM being in place. Successful JIT manufacturing
goes hand-in-hand with an organization-wide TQM culture. Just as everyone has to be involved
in JIT, so also must everyone be involved in TQM. Total commitment to producing products of
perfect quality every time and total commitment to producing products for fast delivery to
customers have one essential thing in common: Both are finely focused on the overall goal of
satisfied customers.
12.4.5 Pull Method of Material Flow
Just-in-time systems utilize the pull method of material flow. However, another popular method
of material flow is the push method. To differentiate between these two systems, we consider the
production system for a fast food dish at a restaurant. There are two workstations. The dish
maker is the person responsible for producing this dish: the cutlets must be prepared; buns must
be toasted and then dressed with ketchup, pickles, onions, lettuce, and cheese; and the cutlets
must be inserted into buns and put on a tray. The final assembler takes the tray, wraps the buns in
paper, and restocks the inventory. Inventories must be kept low because any buns left unsold
after ten minutes must be destroyed.
The flow of materials is from the dish maker to the final assembler to the customer. One way to
manage this flow is by using the push method, in which the production of the item begins in
advance of customer needs. With this method, management schedules the receipt of all raw
materials (e.g., vegetables, buns, and condiments) and authorizes the start of production, all in
advance of the dish needs. The dish maker starts of production of 24 no. of dish (the capacity of
the griddle) and, when they are completed, pushes them along to the final assembler's station,
where they might have to wait until he is ready for them. The packaged dishes then wait on a
warming tray until a customer purchases one.
The other way to manage the flow among the dish maker, the final assembler, and the customer
is to use the pull method, in which customer demand activates production of the item. With the
pull method, as customer purchase dish, the final assembler checks the inventory level of dish
and, when they are almost depleted, orders six more. The dish maker produces the six dish and
gives the tray to the final assembler, who completes the assembly and places the dish in the
inventory for sale. The pull method is better for the production of dish: The two workers can
coordinate the two workstations to keep inventory low, important because of the ten-minute time
limit. The production of dish is a highly repetitive process, setup times and process times are
low, and the flow of materials is well defined. There is no need to produce to anticipated needs
more than a few minutes ahead.
Firms mat tend to have highly repetitive manufacturing processes and well-defined material
flows use just-in-time systems because the pull method allows closer control of inventory and
production at the workstations. Other firms, such as job shops, producing products in low
volumes with low repeatability in the production process, tend to use a push method such as
MRP. In this environment a customer order is promised for delivery on some future date.
Production is started at the first workstation and pushed ahead to the next one. Inventory
accumulates in anticipation of shipping the completed order on the promised date.
12.4.6 Small Lot Sizes
Rather than building up a cushion of inventory, users of JIT systems maintain inventory with lot
sizes mat are as small as possible. Small lot size have three benefits. First, small lot sizes reduce
cycle inventory, the inventory in excess of the safety stock carried between orders. The average
cycle inventory equals one-half the lot size: As the lot size gets smaller, so does cycle inventory.
Reducing cycle inventory reduces the time and space involved in manufacturing and holding
Second, small lot size help cut lead times. A decline in lead time in turn cuts pipeline (WIP)
inventory because the total processing time at each workstation is greater for large lots man for
small lots. Also, a large lot often has to wait longer to be processed at the next workstation while
that workstation finishes working on another large lot. In addition, if any defective items are
discovered, large lots cause longer delays because the entire lot must be inspected to find all the
items that need rework.
Finally, small lots help achieve a uniform operating system workload. Large lots consume large
chunks of processing time on one workstation and therefore complicate scheduling.
12.4.7 Short Setup Times
Reduced lot sizes have the disadvantage of increased setup frequency. In operations where the
setup times are normally low, small lots are feasible. However, in fabrication operations with
sizable setup times, increasing the frequency of setups may result in wasting employee and
equipment time. Theses operations must reduce setup times to realize the benefits of small-lot
12.4.8 Uniform Workstation Loads
The JIT systems works best if the daily lo'ad on individual workstation is relatively uniform.
Uniform loads can be achieved by assembling the same type and number of units each day, thus
creating a uniform daily demand at all workstations. Capacity planning, which recognizes
redesign its products so that they consist of only 100 different components with large daily
requirements. Because the requirements per components increase, so does repeatability; that is,
each worker performs a standardized task or work method more often each day. Productivity
tends to increase because workers learn to do the task more efficiently. Standardization of
components and work methods aids in achieving the high-productivity, low-inventory objectives
of JIT systems.
12.4.10 Close Supplier Ties
The JIT philosophy may extend beyond the walls of the company applying JIT, to include its
suppliers. It has an impact on the entire logistics system, or "supply chain." Because JIT systems
operate with very low levels of inventory, close relationships with supplier are necessary. Stock
shipments must be frequent, have short lead times, arrive on schedule, and be of high quality. A
contract might require a supplier to deliver goods to a factory as often as several times per day.
Purchasing managers focus on three areas: reducing the number of supplier, using local
suppliers, and improving supplier relations.
Typically, one of the first actions undertaken when a JIT systems is implemented is to pare the
number of suppliers. Xerox, for example, reduced the number of its suppliers for 5000 to just
300. This approach puts a lot of pressure on these suppliers to deliver high-quality components
on time. By placing a bigger percentage of its business with its business with its best suppliers,
the company can improve its quality and the reliability of receiving items. The partnership is a
long term agreement so the companies can develop a smooth working relationship. The desire is
for the supplier to become an extension of the company so that the supply chain is a seamless
organization that works to serve the ultimate customer better than any competing supply chain
could. The JIT Company can also benefit from the supplier's expertise by having supplier
representatives participate in the design phase of few products and recommend improvements.
They also work with their suppliers' vendors, trying to achieve JIT inventory flows throughout
the entire supplier chain.
It can be beneficial to a supplier to work in such a relationship, particularly with a high-volume
manufacturer. When a company reduces the number of suppliers for an item, the volume of
purchase from the remaining supplier or supplier can increase dramatically.
Continuous improvement is central to the philosophy of JIT and is a key reason for its success.
12.4.11 Flexible Work Force
Workers in flexible work forces can perform more than one job. When the skill levels required to
perform most tasks are low, a high degree of flexibility in the work force can be achieved with
little training. In situations requiring higher skill levels, such as at the Hi-tech industries, shifting
workers to other jobs may require extensive, costly training. Flexibility can be very beneficial.
Workers can be shifted among workstations to help relieve bottlenecks as they arise without
resorting to inventory buffers. This is an important aspect to Hie uniform flow of JIT systems.
They can also step in and do the job for those on vacation or out sick. Although assigning
A product focus can reduce the frequency of setups. If volumes of specific products are large
enough, groups of machines and workers can be organized into a product layout to eliminate
setups entirely. It volume is insufficient to keep a line of similar products busy, group technology
can be used to design small production lines that manufacture, volume, in families of
components with common attributes. Chang covers from a components in one product family to
the next component in the same family are minimal.
12.4.13 Automated Production
Automation plays a big role in JIT systems and is a key to low-cost production. Sakichi Toyota,
the founder of Toyota, once said "whenever there is money, invest it into machinery". Money
freed up because of JIT inventory reductions can be invested in automation to reduce costs. The
benefits, of course, are greater profits, greater market market share (because prices can be cut),
or both. Automation should be planned carefully, however, many managers believe that if some
automation is good, more is better. That isn't always the case.
12.4.14 Preventive Maintenance
Because JIT emphasizes finely tuned material flows and little buffer inventory between
workstations, unplanned machine downtime can be disruptive. Preventive maintenance can
reduce the frequency and duration of machine downtime. After the technician has performed
routine maintenance activities, he/she can rest other parts that might need to be replaced.
Replacement during regularly scheduled maintenance periods is easier and quicker than dealing
with machine failures during production. Maintenance is done on a schedule that balances the
cost of the preventive maintenance program against the risks and costs of machine failure.
Another tactic is to make workers responsible for routinely maintaining their own equipment and
develop employee pride in keeping their machines in top condition. This tactic, however,
typically is limited to general housekeeping chores, mini lubrication, and adjustments. High-tech
machines need trained specialists. Doing even simple maintenance tasks goes a long way toward
improving machine performance.
12.4.15 Production Methods
Procsses are designed so that there is less specialization of workers. The physical layout is
arranged so that a worker can operate two or three different machines, thus providing flexibility
in processes that might precedes the assembly line. The benefits that result from this organisation
of multi-function workers are:
• reduction of inventory between what would otherwise be separate processes
• decrease in the number of workers required, resulting in a direct increase in productivity
• increased worker satisfaction because of more broadly defined jobs
• multi-functional workers can engage in teamwork
There are three elements of job standardization that are included on a standard operation sheet
stacked up for all workers to see:
Cycle time, operations routing, and standard quantity of work in process.
Based on the computed cycle time that is derived from market demand, the aggregate number of
workers required to produce one unit of output in the cycle time is determined. Rebalancing may
then be necessary to schedule for minimum labour input for a given output objective. The
standard quantity of work input for a given output objective. The standard quantity of work in
process inventories would increase also for upstream processes. This results in the objective of
minimizing production fluctuations in the final assembly line by scheduling small lots of
individual models, and focusing "all out" efforts on minimizing setup times for all processes.
Activity C
Given your current understanding of Japanese business practices, would you like to work for a
Japanese corporation in your homeland? What would be the positive aspects? The negative
continuous of products makes planning and control rather simple, and JIT works best in these
shop-floor situations. Successful use of JIT is rare in large highly complex job shops where
production planning and control is extremely complicated. Smaller, less complex job shops have
used JIT, but these companies have taken many steps to change operations so mat they behave
somewhat like repetitive manufacturing. We will discuss more about this in the next section.
JIT does not come free-certain changes to the factory and the way it is managed must occur
before the benefits can be realized. Among these changes are:
1) Stabilize production schedules.
2) Make the factories more focused.
3) Increase production capacities of manufacturing work centers.
Improve products quality.
Cross-train workers so that they are multi skilled and competent in several jobs.
6) Reduce equipment breakdowns through preventive maintenance.
production problems occur: thus, high machine and worker utilization is achieved. If defective
products are discovered, machines malfunction, or material stock outs occur, in process
inventory can be used to feed what would otherwise be idle workers and machines. The in-
process inventory covers up production problems in traditional manufacturing. Behind JIT is the
continuous drive to improve production process and methods. Toward that end, JIT strives to
reduce inventories because high inventory levels are thought to cover up production problems.
By drastically reducing in-process inventories, production problems are uncovered and
production stops until the causes of the production problems are solved. Only when the machine
is fixed, the quality control problem is solved, or the cause behind the stock out is found and
corrected only then can production begin again.
JIT is really a system of enforced problem solving. There are few safety factors in JIT. Every
material is expected to meet quality standards, every part is expected to arrive exactly at the time
promised and precisely, at the place it is supposed to be, every worker is expected to work
productively, and every machine is expected to function as intended without breakdowns.
Managers in JIT manufacturing have a choice. They can put a huge effort into finding and
solving the causes of production problems, or they can live with an intolerable level of
interruption. One of the approaches to implementing a JIT program is to reduce in-process
inventories, incrementally in small steps. At each step, different production problems have been
But the job eliminating production problems is not over. Vigilance in continuing to study
potential problem areas is needed to ensure continuous improvement. Japanese manufacturers
have long practiced what they called kaizen, the goal of continous improvement in every phase
of manufacturing. Managers may encourage workers to reduce in process inventories a step
further to see if any production problem occur, thus identifying a target for the workers to
eliminate. Machine setups may be studied with workers and managers working to strip away the
fat so that setups are almost instantaneous. Japanese manufacturers have long used the term less
than a minute set up, meaning that their goal is to have all setups take less than a minute.
12.6.3 Benefits of JIT Manufacturing
Some of the benefits that a JIT system provides are:
1) Inventory levels are drastically reduced.
2) The time it takes for products to get through the factory is greatly reduced, thus enabling
factories to engage in time based competition, using speed as a weapon to capture share.
3) Product quality is improved, and the cost of scrap is reduced. Product quality improves
because of worker involvement in solving the causes of production problem and with
smaller lots, defective parts are discovered earlier.
4) With less in-process inventory, less space is taken up with inventory and materials
handling equipment. Workers are closer together so that they can see each other,
communicate more easily, work out problems more efficiently, learn each other's jobs,
and switch job as needed. This promotes teamwork among workers and flexibility in
work assignments.
5) Because the focus in manufacturing is on finding and correcting the causes of production
problems, manufacturing operations are streamlined and problem-free.
Kanban cards authorize the movement of containers of parts between the supplier's shop and the
customer. In such arrangements, suppliers are ordinarily located near their customers. JIT
therefore not only reduces in-process inventories by using Kanban, but raw-materials inventories
are also reduced by applying the name principles to suppliers.
The essential elements of JIT purchasing are as follows:
Supplier development and supplier relations undergo fundamental changes. The nature of
the relationships between customers and suppliers shifts from being adversarial to being
cooperative. The Japanese call these relationships subcontractor networks and costs and
improving quality, and even financing are often shared by customers and suppliers.
2) Purchasing departments develop long-term relationships with suppliers. The result is
long-term supply contracts with a few suppliers rather than short-term supply contracts
with many suppliers. Repeat business is awarded to the same suppliers, and competitive
bidding is ordinarily limited to new parts.
3) Although price is important, delivery scheduled, product quality, and mutual trust and
cooperation become the primary basis for supplier selection.
4) Suppliers are encouraged to extend JIT methods to their own suppliers.
5) Suppliers are ordinarily located near the buying firm’s factory, or if they are same
distance from the factory, they are usually clustered together. This causes lead times to be
shorter and more reliable.
6) Shipments are delivered directly to the to the customer's production line. Because
suppliers are encouraged to products and supply parts at a steady rate that matches the
use rate of the buying firm. Company-owned hauling equipment tends to be preferred.
7) Parts delivered in small, standard-size containers with a minimum of paperwork and in
exact quantities.
8) Delivered material is of near-perfect quality. Because suppliers have a long-term
relationship with the buying firms and because parts are delivered in small lot sizes, the
quality of purchased materials tends to be higher.
significantly. The production card circulates repeatedly between the outbound material location
at a WC and the work area where the item is produced. Similar card transactions link the supplier
WC and the WCs that supply it. The user WC will also be linked to one or more WCs that
supplies. A series of these linkages connects the final assembly operation with the WC that
performs the first operations in making the product. Often, even the raw material vendor is
linked with the starting operation through a kanban signal. Kanbans picked up when one delivery
is made authorize the vendor to make specified items and deliver them on the next delivery.
The kanban systems can be a very simple, inexpensive, and effective method of coordinating
work centers and vendors. The organizations must be well disciplined so that there is always an
authorizing kanban with every container, ensuring that only the appropriate items are produced
and excessive inventory does not build up. There is also the opposite danger-that some WC
might run out of material and cause work to stop at work to stop at all subsequent WCs. If this or
any other pull method is to work well with small inventories, there must be no problems to
disrupt production: because there simply is not enough inventory to keep the plant running while
a problem is corrected.
Numeric example of Kanban system:
Example: (Adapted from Production and Operations Management by E.E.Adam and
R.J.Ebert, gpl. New Delhi)
The process of making component xy943 for the Digital Maestro CD player involves five work
stations. The cycle time is three minutes per item for every work station. This means that Kanban
card will be returned from any work station particular to the previous work station, on average,
every three minutes times the lot size: What would be the impact of reducing lot sizes from ten
units to two? Using lot sizes of ten units and two units, average WIP inventory levels and flow-
through times are calculated.
WIP inventory levels:
Lot size =10: Average WIP = 5 work stations x 10 units/lot =50 units
Lot size = 2: Average WIP = 5x2=10 units
Process flow-through time (average)
Lot size =10: Flow-through time = 5 work stations x 10 units / lot x 3 minutes/ cycle =
150 minutes
Lot size = 2: flow-through time = 5x2x3 = 30 minutes
In the example, by reducing lot sizes from 10 units to 2 units, the CD manufacturer was able to
reduce WIP by a factor of 5 from 50 to 10 units, and flow-through time also by a factor of 5,
from 150 to 30 minutes. Many companies have experienced similar drastic improvements
through the introduction of Kanban. For this reason, they are able to give better customer service
and have lower investments in inventories than do their competitors.
Activity D
Review Shigeo Shingo's seven wastes. Which of these wastes are addressed by the following JIT
Kanban Copyrights
Pull production
JIT purchasing
4) Flexible manufacturing
Activity E
There is a lot of discussion about but very few documented applications of JIT in service
organisations. What JIT techniques would be valid in the following situations? Be prepare to
explain your choices.
a) A bank
b) A restaurant
c) A copy center
d) A university
Activity F
Suppose a JIT work center is being operated with a container size of 25 units and a demand rate
of 100 units per hour. Also assume it takes 120 minutes for a container to circulate.
a) How many containers are required to operate this system?
b) How much maximum inventory can accumulate?
c) How many Kanban cards are required?
The plant fabricated, assembled and painted four models of truck beds for Toyota light trucks,
with an annual capacity of 150,000 units a year. The JIT implementation began in assembly area
an then progressed through manufacturing functions to a selected number of suppliers, over a
two year period. The system used material requirement planning (MRP) for overall production
Lead times: All Suppliers within 200 miles weekly or daily delivery
JIT in an Auto Components Company
A UK based Auto components company adopted JIT as a strategy to contend with the Japanese
competition. The company employed 600 people and fabricated automotive components. The
change to JIT had the following objectives-reduction in through put time from average 10 days
to under 1 working day, reduction of WIP to minimum necessary, doubling of sales per
employee, and reduction in scrap rates and rework. The salient features of JIT application are:
Company Tokai Rika
Product Category Automotive parts
Productivity improvement (Indexed) 100 to 145, equivalent to 317 people.
Set up Time Reduction
Inventory Reduction
Copyrightsthe cast: 40 to 2 min. 90 min. to 20 sec.
(Indexed) 100 in 1975 to 35 in 1976. 17 days in 1975 to 6 days in
Quality Improvement Significant
Space Savings Significant, elimination of warehouses.
Lead Time Reduction Significant
JIT at Apple Computers
The salient features of JIT application are
Company Apple Computers
Product Category: Micro computers
Productivity Improvement: i) Inspection labour from 25 to 9.
ii) Assembly labour from 22 to 4
Setup Time Reduction: Estimate to 30% (lines mostly dedicated, started JIT)
Inventory Reduction: Estimate of 90% in WIP and raw material.
Quality Improvement: Scrap and rework reduced by 10%, incoming material quality up
by 20%
Space Savings: No need for warehouse; material delivered to point of use
Lead Times: All computers less than two days. Daily schedule.
JIT in 1982. A trend prognosis system was setup for improving accuracy of the sales forecasts.
JIT oriented material disposition and purchasing were brought about using long term contracts;
frequent deliveries, approved vendors and vendor rating schemes. Introduction of Quality and
Productivity Improvement Programme (QPIP)worldwide resulted in many quantity and
productivity improvement system. Results obtained over a 5 years period (1982-87) were as
— Reduction in inventory of finished goods by 25%, Components (53%), raw ingredients
— Reduction in warehousing and handling cost (25%), reduction in average run size (18%)
and improvement in readiness to deliver (5.7).
Quality improvement in materials (6.2%), production (1.3%).
JIT in Food Processing Industry
In the food industry, the adoption of JIT principles has been largely due to the increasing
demands from key customers for a better package of services and product options. The key
challenges facing food industry are: improving order performance, improving responsiveness on
pack deliveries, enhanced product quality and freshness, and providing greater pack option
A limited shelf life food-producer in UK in response to many of these pressures, responded
effectively to the challenge through several innovations to enable JIT operation. The application
produced the following results:
— Initial reduction in clean down time (45%)
— Reduction in setup time (65%)
— Reduction in process losses related to changeovers (60%)
— Reduction in type outer cartons for packaging from 20 to 2, and
— Increasing the weekly deliveries to key retailers to thrice a week.
Other non-quantified benefits were: enhanced customer service, elimination of out of code
returns, reduction in capital charges, lower material handling and quality costs, much reduced
chill store requirement and simplified planning and logistic systems.
4) JIT at Asia Securities Printing
The new production system application at Asia Securities Printing (ASP) is an illustration of JIT
in the printing and publishing industry, ASP adopted JIT, on becoming a number of NPSRA of
Japan. It specialised in printing securities-a high value added product. The important
requirements in this industry are:
i) Short lead time from order -receipt to delivery,
ii) Error free printing, and
iii) Flexibility to print different types of documents.
aced problems like large paper inventory and a number of non-value adding operations like
stacking and unstacking etc., prior to JIT The switch to JIT had the following results:
daily delivery of paper, AIOU
debottlenecking the printing process to reduce lead time, and
— use of stockless based on production smoothing and staggered deliveries to customer, as
Introduction of JIT resulted in reduction of lead time from 14 days to 1 day. Productivity
increased by 25%. The final assembly operated with only 15 hrs of stock. Stock levels were
reduced by 7.5 million pounds. The staff strength was reduced by 300. Business turnover ratio
increased from 7 to 15 times.
service level. In 1987, JIT was started at the centre. Following a training programme in JIT, work
cells were implemented, each of which was full responsible for the complete repair of a specified
group of PCPS. WIP and work flow were controlled by the use of Kanbans and remarkable:
100% customer service level, 89% improvement in quality, 75% reduction in WIP and two day
repair cycle time for PCP.
3) JIT in a Mail Order Operation
A company called Semantodontics in USA adopted JIT in a mail order operation. It sold
nationwide to dentists by mail order catalogue and had a major production line called
personalised printed products. The large number of customer complaints on this products. The
large number of customer complaints on this product mainly arose on account of information
delays on the amount charged and order delivery delays. These were caused by the customer
waiting times of three or more weeks and a monthly charging of customers.
A JIT like operation was achieved by the use of three order batches per day, elimination of new
customer set-up processes, and faster pace of working in the order verification area. As a result,
the order processing lead time went down from 4 days to 4 hours. The calls went down sharply.
JIT is a new approach to repetitive manufacturing, whereas MRP is suited to job shop or batch
production. We have seen how parts should be produced just-in-time rather than Just-in-Case
they are needed. This is accomplished by a simple visual system of production control and
dedication toward constant reduction in inventories. The objective of JIT is to improve return on
investment. This is done by increasing revenues, reducing costs, and reducing the investment
required. It is based on philosophy of eliminating the waste and utilising the full capability of
each worker. This system was originally developed in Japan and gradually picking up in Indian
industries. In Kanban system a fixed number of containers are provided for each plant required.
When these containers full, no more parts are produced, thus limiting the inventory of each part.
Improvement activities are encouraged by workers and management to reduce the number of
containers, size of containers and inventory. Implementation of JIT systems requires a staged
progression of activities. Top management must provide leadership and support.
Why is it important to study Japanese manufacturing in a production and operation and
operations management course?
The process of making a certain component involves seven work stations. The cycle time
for all of the work stations is nine minutes. The current lot size is 25 units. What would
be the effect on WIP levels and process flow-through times if the lot size were reduced
a) 19 units
b) 12 units
c) 5 units
d) 1 units
9) What are the most critical things needed to implement JIT? Compare these things to
implementation of an JIT system.
10) Will the EOQ formula work in JIT enviroment?
11) The process for making alarm clocks involves six work stations with cycle times of four
minutes per item for every work station. The single card kanban system uses 10 units in
each bin. The quality circle group has found a method to eliminate one stage of
production, reducing the number of work stations to five. What are the reductions in
work-in-process inventories and in flow-through time?
12) Discuss how JIT reduces costs (material, labor, overhead)- not including inventory Be
13) For a particular operation, the setup time is 10 minutes at a cost of $10 in lost machine
time and labor. The run time is 50 minutes to produce a standard lot of 400 parts. Assume
a holding cost of $2 per part per month a production rate of 20000 parts per month. It
takes 3 hours to circulate a container of parts.
a) Calculate the EOQ for this part.
b) How many standard containers are needed?
c) If the setup time can be cut to 1 minute, recalculate the lot size and number of
containers needed.
Appreciation of the role played by effective scheduling and sequencing in reducing
incidence of changes and cutting down manufacturing cycle time
• Learning of the criticality of correct scheduling and sequencing in improving response
and imparting flexibility to cope with changing needs and wants of customers
• Acquiring working knowledge of various techniques for scheduling and sequencing of
mass, batch and job shop types of production systems
• Understanding of the role of computers and information technology in obtaining optimal
solutions to problems of scheduling and sequencing in very short time.
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Situations Requiring Scheduling
13.3 Classifying Production Systems
13.4 Scheduling Mass Production Systems
13.5 Scheduling Batch Production Systems
13.6 Scheduling Jobshop Production Systems
13.7 General Principles of Scheduling
13.8 Summary
13.9 Self-Assessment Exercises
13.10 Further Readings
Scheduling is the preparation of timetable of activities or action plan for a specific period. Since
it has to be drawn up before the commencement of that period - a day, a week, a fortnight or a
month, it incorporates projected future activities and events of a firm.
It is not unusual for companies to prepare a timetable of labour requirements to meet target
production levels within a specific period; it would be of little value if materials required for
performing those operations are not available. Similarly, a good schedule of activities cannot be
prepared until we have frozen the method of manufacturing (sequence of manufacturing
process), we ensure that machines are available and in running condition, all production
accessories like jigs, fixtures, tools, dies, punches, gauges have not only been designed, but also
fabricated and are ready for use, we have drawn up all productions schedules and sequences
including route cards, progress sheets etc. and we have reliable source of electricity supply or
alternatively, standby arrangement for power generation and supply.
Scheduling of industrial activities or tasks is therefore, a very complex operation as it involves
simultaneous consideration of all the above factors besides the demands of customers and
such scheduling would be to maximize the number of on-time deliveries to customers.
There are a large variety of situations where scheduling can be very useful. For example;
a) Running a large number of programmes of a computer or a computer terminal or
networked personal computer (PC) in a specified time period.
b) Processing of applications for loan or credit facilities at a commercial bank the objectives
of scheduling may vary from one bank to another.
c) Scheduling of pathological tests on a patient in the hospital so that overall time for
obtaining the results is minimum.
d) Scheduling of all activities prior to the landing of aircrafts at an airstrip to ensure safety
to passengers and aeroplanes.
Arbitrary scheduling will invariably lead to solutions that are not compatible mid optimal for
meeting company's objectives.
When a range of products have to be manufactured in quantities which are reasonable but not
large enough to go in for dedicated production line (or assembly line), we go in for production in
batches or lots which are convenient and acceptable without adding to the cost of manufacturing.
In batch production systems, general purpose machines and equipment are used, and these are
grouped together functionwise. All turning machines are located in one area and the department
may be referred to as "turning shop". Similarly, the manufacturing plant may have drilling,
grinding, milling, sub assembly, assembly, painting and testing shops. In such situations,
material is moved in batches of say 50, 100, 1000 etc from one shop to another until it is packed
and despatched to its destinations. Row of material within the firm tends to be complex and
distances travelled are longer as they are circuitous.
c) Job Shop Production
In jobbing production system, variety of products is larger than the batch production and
quantities to be produced at a time are significantly lower. In jobbing industry, it is very difficult
to predict the type of work and its requirement in terms of demand. Besides, each order or job
may be quite different in terms of operations, dieir sequence and time taken at a workstation.
A job shop would also use general-purpose machines, grouped together into departments only
when the total volume of business is large. Job shops are usually small and suffer from lack of
support services and functions. Uneven loads at different machines or departments is quite
common in practice.
S8 4.70 0.30
TOTAL 39.00 1.00
If each person is given one assembly independently, he will be able to assemble the following
number of appliances:
Available time = 8x60 minutes
(8 hours of work) = 480 minutes
Personal time = 30 minutes
Working time
Total no. of appliances that will
= 450 minutes
450 = 11.54 say 11
be assembled in a day by one person =
if we engage. 8 person in the assembly of these electrical appliances, we shall get a daily
production of 8 x 11 = 88 appliances.
a) However, if we can go in for assembly line splitting the entire manufacturing line of 39
minutes into eight stages as shown above, the throughput rate of the system will be
constrained by the slowest stage viz S4 which is 5 minutes.
Production of appliances per day = 450/5
= 90
This approach is extremely important for high volume mass production systems and is known as
Line Balancing.
b) If through a re-arrangement of some elements of task either by better grouping of by
making slight changes in tooling etc, we are able to modify the work content of eight
stages as below:
Stages Work Content (minutes) Idle Time (minutes)
S1 4.88 0
S2 4.88 0
S3 4.86 0.02
S4 4.86 0.02
S5 4.88 -
S6 4.88 -
S7 4.88 -
S8 4.88 -
39.0 0.04
S4 4.70 0.08
S5 4.74 0.06
S6 4.75 .0.05
S7 4.76 0.04
S8 4.76 0.04
38.00 0.32
In this revised line balancing,
production of appliances per day = 450/4.78
= 94.14
say 94
It is observed that with small changes in the work content of stages of production on the
assembly line, we are able to increase the output rate. Parameter of line efficiency is often used
for measuring the effectiveness of line balancing.
It is the ratio of the total stage time and total cycle time:
Activity A
Maruti 800 is assembled on a conveyor belt with 30 stages, roughly well balanced in terms of
cycle time for each stage. The slowest stage has a cycle time, of 1.5 minutes and the cycle time at
other stages is no more than 1.4 minutes. Each stage is manned by 3 to 5 workers depending
upon the total work content at that stage. What would be the-increase in production per shift if
the work content of the slowest stage is brought lower than 1.4 minutes.
a) Copyrights
requirement of process sequence. Various issues that often crop up in batch production are:
Determining optimum size of batch / lot size
When production of annual requirements of a product is split into batches so as to meet the
demands of market without building high levels of inventory, we have to determine the optimum
batch or lot size for production. The various costs involved are cost of setting up or changeover
and the cost of stockholding or carrying inventory. Let us assume:
A = annual demand in quantity or units
C = change even or setting up costs
N = number of production batches per year
R = economic batch size
U = unit cost of production
i = cost of carrying inventory in fractions
Cost of changeover per year = xc
Differentiating w.r.t. Q
dTC − AC ui
= 2 + +0
dQ Q 2
Differentiating second time w.r.t. Q
2 AC
= + 0 which is positive
Consequently, value of Q obtained when first derivative will be equal to zero, will correspond to
overall cost minimization i.e.
Often, a batch size 'Q' is made at a machine and then transferred in one lot to the next machine in
Activity B
For an item of product, annual demand is 26,000 units and can be produced at the rate of 1000
pieces per week, at a cost of 1000 pieces per week, at a cost of Rs 26/- per unit. If the cost of
changeover is Rs 50/- per occasion and cost of carrying inventory is 20%, what is the economic
size of production batch?
b) Line of Balance (LOB) for Production Control
This technique is very useful when production is organized in batches. This technique is used to
compare progress on each operation with the progress that would be required to meet the
delivery requirements to cope with the market demand. It consists of the following steps.
i) Cumulative delivery schedule
This is the starting point. The delivery commitment is drawn up in the form of a graph on time-
scale and is positioned on the left hand top half of the paper.
ii) Relationship Diagram
This is drawn below the cummulative delivery schedule. It represents the entire process of
manufacturing starting from the end point backwards. All the major transition points, called the
control points are identified in the diagram along with the time lag from the end point.
iii) Line of Balance Chart
This is design on the right hand top half along side the cumulative delivery schedule and xo-
ordiriate (y axis) is same as in the delivery graph. Along the X-axis, all the itrol points
identifiedin the Relationship Diagram, corresponding to Control points, bar diagram is drawn for
different points on time.
An order has been placed on a supplier of vital defence equipment and following delivery dates
have been agreed:-
3rd Week 10 Units
4 Week 20 Units
5 Week 20 Units
6 Week 20 Units
7 Week 20 Units
8th Week 20 Units
9th Week 20 Units
10th Week 20 Units
11th Week 20 Units
12th Week 20 Units
13th Week
Total AIOU
The details of manufacturing process have been examined and agreed with the supplier. It has
been decided to visit the supplier at the end of the 6th, 9th and 12th week to ensure against delays
coincide with the date of placement of purchase order or any point later, butrmust cover the
entire period of progressive completion and/or despatch. We must be very clear of the cut off
point, whether it is completion or despatch.
ii) Drawing of Relationship diagram.
This is similar to a network - in fact, historically, it was the predecessor of networks as it was
discovered in 1941. However, this is drawn backwards starting with the end point which must
coincide with the cut-off incorporated in the cummulative delivery schedule drawn above. The
entire process of manufacture is blown into sub assemblies, components which may be cast,
forged, machined, bought out etc. and extended to the procurement of raw materials and for
preparation of drawings as applicable.
The checkpoints in these networks are called control points and they are so chosen as to facilitate
easy measurement and control. Usually they coincide with the transition points between
departments or functions and are often points of recording and reporting outputs.
It is perhaps easy to understand that upstream control points would be ahead of the end control
point in terms of output at any given time, it is preferable to draw these control points by
adopting a time scale for the processing time lags between them. Since the time scale is from
right to left (reverse of the normal one), these have been shown on a negative scale.
iii) Drawing the Line of Balance Chart
Once the above two data have been recorded as above, we are ready to draw the LOB chart for
any date of interest. The procedure is simple as it is iterative:-
1) On the date, we want to monitor the progress of work on the job, we plot it on the
cumulative delivery schedule. For example, if we have to draw the LOB chart, on the 6th
week after the issue of the purchase order, we trace it on the 6th week and trace the point.
on the cumulative curve to read the total output on the end-control point on the date point
and plot it on the corresponding bar diagram on the right hand top half of the paper, (e.g.
Control point VIII)
2) For the other control points, the methodology is fairly simple. For example, for control
point VII, we plot it on the cumulative delivery schedule one week to the right of the
date, because total quantity of output cumulatively has to be more than the quantity at the
end control point VIII and higher quantity in the cumulative delivery schedule is obtained
only when it is plotted on the right-exact point is determined by the processing the time
lag of the manufacturing process. By following this procedure, target quantities for each
of the control points identified in the relationship diagram can be determined,
3) There is one exception when, for any control point, the plot on the right of the date for
which LOB chart is being drawn, goes beyond the cumulative delivery schedule, it has to
be limited to the end point of the delivery schedule-cummulative quantities for any
control point cannot exceed the total quantity on order.
4) The approach is to de-emphasize the focus only on the end point of completion while
scheduling the jobs in production-for achieving completion of the job, we need to control
other important transition points in the manufacturing process -usually coinciding with
the inter department transfer point. These control points are so chosen as to permit easy
counting and measuring or a routine for reporting.
Activity C
Prepare a schedule for different departments if we have to complete a batch of 1,000 pieces in
ten weeks as below:-
Week No Quantity of Finished Product (as packed)
1 60
2 80
3 100
4 120
5 120
6 120
7 120
8 120
9 120
10 40
Total 1000
The process of manufacturing, starting from the end point of completion, is as below:-
The products have to be packed before they can despatch-10 to a box. The assembly must be
completed one week before so that final testing and packing can be done. The bought out
components should reach the factory two weeks before the assembly. In-house machined
components must be started four weeks before the assembly which takes one week. Similarly
sheet metal components must start three weeks before the assembly. Raw materials for the same
should be received in the factory two weeks before the start of sheet metal processing can
commence. Final assembly also requires a subassembly done in another department and this
subassembly also takes one week to complete and must be available to the final assembly
department Justin time. The sub assembly being a specialist item, contains a bought out unit
which must be available at least two weeks before the sub assembly starts. The housing unit is
manufactured in house and must be ready in time for starting the sub assembly, but the process
of making the housing takes two weeks.
(c) Kanban System of Production Scheduling
Japan has made rapid strides in developing and perfecting imaginative and comprehensive any
production systems - the most important of which is revolutionary in concept and these are
known as Just-in-Time (JIT) systems which now comprises of a cluster of techniques. One such
technique is called the Kanban system.
Literal meaning of Kanban is visual record, hence it is also referred to as Card system. It can be
either a two-card system as introduced and practiced in Toyota Motor Company's Takahama
plant or it can be the more popular one-card system.
Material flow and work-in-progress is regulated in production shops through these Kanbans
(cards). A typical process is illustrated below:-
Work station (WS-2) is the customer; he will decide when he needs the next lot of material. For
this, he will transfer the Kanban to WS-1 only when its incoming trolley is nearly empty - the
worker at WS-1 cannot transfer the material until he receives the Kanban from his customer
stage. By controlling the no. of Kanbans in the production process, work-in-progress is reduced
and materials arrive into the next workstation just-in time.
In two-kanban system, two types of cards are used - one for transportation between the
workstations and is known as conveyance Kanban and the second, for production at the
workstation itself and is called- the production kanban.
This process of sequencing production is different from the traditional one - it preaches that we
should manufacture (or buy) only that much as required (or demanded) by the next stage. This
principle is described as Demand -Pull system in contrast with the traditional principle of
pushing production.
It focuses on the ideal principle, as is common in assembly lines when one component is worked
at a time and passed onto the next stage just-in-time for the operator to pick up and do his/her
part of the job on a continued basis.
Kanban system links up the supplying workstation with the receiving workstation and it leads to
a number of advantages as below:-
If this rule is applied, the job that arrived in the shop first is chosen for scheduling on the
c) First Come First Served (FCFS)
Under this rule, first priority for scheduling is given to the job that arrived at the machine
d) Least Slack Time (LST)
If this principle is followed, first priority is assigned to the job that has the least slack
time available. Slack time is the free time available after subtracting the time required by
the job to be processed through remaining work stages. For example, if we are 11 days
away from the due date of a job and the time taken for the remaining three stages is
4+2+1 respectively, then the slack time is four being the difference between the due date
and the time required to complete the remaining work on the job.
e) Shortest Processing Time (SIT)
Herein, first priority is accorded to the job dial have the shortest processing time on the
machine. This is often followed even by the doctors whose waiting rooms gel congested
with patients waiting to consult.
f) Least Work Remaining (LWR)
Highest priority, under the rule, is given to the job with the least amount of processing
time remaining to complete the job. The rules, also called dispatching rules can be
extended. However, managers must evaluate, through Comparative study, which of the
rules is most rewarding in a job shop.
Each succeeding operation should be shorter than its predecessor in the schedule
In practice there is usually a severe limitation of availability of resources (capacities) as
demand far exceeds the availability.
All scheduling decisions deal with the collection of scarce resources to jobs, activities, tasks, or
customers. Within the available resources, scheduling seeks to satisfy the conflicting objectives
of low inventories, high efficiency and good customer services. Scheduling, however, differ
between mass production, batch production & job shop production. The production line is
utilized to the extent needed for the single product, however for multiple products, a line
capacity scheduling is needed for different products. In batch production too little impact will
result in low inventories low utilisation of labour and machines, and fast customer service. Too
much impact will result in high utilisation and long customers delivery times. For scheduling
individual jobs, either sequencing on dispatching rules may be used. If sequencing is used a gantt
chart is developed which shows exactly when each operation is planned for each job. When
dispatching rules are used, jobs are selected for the next operation on the basis of prescribed
priority rule. Scheduling system in general should answer the following questions (1) What
delivery date do I promise? (2) How much capacity do I need? (3) When should I start each
particular activity or task? (4) How do I make sure that the job is completed on time? To take
care of this dynamism of operations of the situation it can be computerised.
Describe Line of Balance Technique for batch production. Compare it with the network
analysis technique of project management.
What is Kanban system of production? Describe its working details.
13) Compare and contrast one-card and two-card Kanban system.
14) What are the different criteria for scheduling jobshop production system and give the
James B. Dilworth, Production and Operations Management - Manufacturing & Services.
McGraw-Hill International
3) Alan Muhleman, John Oakland & Keith Lockyer, Production and Operations
Management, Macmilan.
4) Elwood S. Buffa, Rakesh K. Sarin, Modern Production/Operations Management, John
Wiley & Sons.
5) Everette E Adam Jr. & Ronald J. Ebert, Production and Operations Management,
Prentice Hall India.
6) K.G. Lockyer, Production Control in Practice, Pitman.