1. What would you observe in each of the following cases?
(i) Ammonium hydroxide is first added in small quantity and then in excess in a solution of copper sulphate.
(ii) Copper is heated with concentrated nitric acid in a hard glass test tube.
(iii) Water is added to the product formed, when aluminium is burnt in the jar of nitrogen.
Ans. (i) When treated with small amount of ammonium hydroxide, a bluish white precipitate is formed. This precipitate
dissolves in excess of ammonium hydroxide to form deep blue colouration.
(ii) At once reddish brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide gas are evolved. Gradually the copper dissolves in concentrated
nitric acid to from greenish blue solution of copper (II) oxide.
(iii) The product formed by burning aluminium and nitrogen is aluminium nitride. The aluminium nitride reacts briskly
with water with the evolution of ammonia gas, which has a sharp smell and brings tears to the eyes.
2. The diagram given alongside shows an experimental setup for the laboratory
preparation of pungent smelling gas. The gas is alkaline in nature.
(i) Name the gas collected in the gas jar.
(ii) Write the balanced equation for above preparation.
(iii) How is the gas being collected?
(iv) Name the drying agent used.
(v) How will you find that jar is full of gas?
Ans. (i) The gas collected is ammonia.
(ii) 2NH4Cl(s) + Ca(OH)2(s) heat → CaCl2(s) + 2H2O(g) + 2NH3(g)
(iii) The gas being lighter is collected by the downward displacement of
(iv) Quick lime(CaO) is the drying agent.
(v) Hold a glass rod dipped in HCl near the mouth of gas jar. Formation of dense white fumes confirms that it is
3. Write balanced equations for the following :
(i) Chlorine reacts with excess of ammonia.
(ii) Ferric hydroxide reacts with nitric acid.
Ans. (i) 8NH3(g) + 3Cl2(g) → 6NH4Cl(s) + N2(g)
(ii) Fe(OH)3(s) + 3HNO3(dil) → Fe(NO3)3(aq) + 3H2O(l)
4. (i) What is the special features of the apparatus that is used in the laboratory preparation of nitric acid?
(ii) Why should the temperature of reaction mixture of nitric acid not be allowed to rise above 200°C?
Ans. (i) The apparatus is all glass as nitric acid vapour is highly corrosive.
(ii) If the temperature rises above 200oC, sodium sulphate is formed, which partially fuse in glass apparatus. Thus, glass
apparatus becomes useless for further use.
1. (i) Name the gas produced when excess of ammonia reacts with chlorine.
(ii) Name the gas produced when copper reacts with concentrated nitric acid.
Ans. (i) Nitrogen gas
(ii) Nitrogen dioxide gas
2. (i) State your observation when zinc nitrate crystals are heated strongly.
(ii) Explain, why is iron rendered passive with fuming nitric acid.
Ans. (i) Reddish brown gas (nitrogen dioxide) is evolved. The residue is yellow when hot, but changes to white colour
1.(a) Identify the gas evolved when few crystal of potassium nitrate are heated in a hard glass test tube.
(b) Give chemical test to distinguish between calcium nitrate solution and zinc nitrate solution.
(c) Choose the most appropriate statement :
Nitrogen gas can be obtained by heating :
(A) ammonium nitrate (B) ammonium nitrite
(C) magnesium nitride (D) ammonium chloride
Ans. (a) Oxygen gas
(b) To each of the solution add first sodium hydroxide solution in small amount and then in excess. In case of calcium
nitrate a fine white precipitate is formed, which does not dissolve in excess of sodium hydroxide. In case of zinc
nitrate a gelatin like white precipitate is formed which dissolves in excess of sodium hydroxide.
(c) (B) Ammonium nitrite
2. (a) Give balanced equations for each of the following:
(i) Reduction of hot copper(II) oxide to copper using ammonia gas.
(ii) Oxidation of carbon with concentrated nitric acid.
(b) Copy and complete the following table relating to important industrial process:
Name of the process Temperature Catalyst Equation for the catalyzed reaction
Haber’s process ........................... ............................... ................................................
Ans. (a) (i) 3CuO(s) + 2NH3(g) → 3Cu(s) + 3H2O(l) + N2(g)
(ii) C(s) + 4HNO3(conc) → 2H2O(l) + 4NO2(g) + CO2(g)
(b) Temperature Catalyst Equation for catalysed reaction
450° C
450°C Iron containing N2 + 3H2
Fe + Mo
1. (a) Fill in the blanks from the choices given within brackets :
(i) Ammonia gas is collected by -------- (an upward displacement of air / a downward displacement of water /
a downward displacement of air)
(ii) Cold, dilute nitric acid reacts with copper to form ---------- (Hydrogen / nitrogen dioxide / nitric oxide.)
12. (a) (i) What is your observation when ammonia gas is burnt in an atmosphere of excess of oxygen.
(ii) Identify an acid which is prepared by the catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
(b) Give balanced chemical equations for each of the following :
(i) Lab preparation of ammonia using an ammonium salt.
(ii) Reaction of ammonia with excess chlorine.
(iii) Reaction of ammonia with sulphuric acid.
(c) Explain the following :
(i) Dilute nitric acid is generally considered a typical acid but not so in its reaction with metals.
(ii) Concentrated nitric acid appears yellow when it is left standing in a glass bottle.
(iii) An all glass apparatus is used in the laboratory preparation of nitric acid.
Ans. (a) (i) Ammonia gas burns with pale blue flame to form nitrogen gas and steamy fumes of water.
(ii) Nitric acid.
(b) (i) 2NH4Cl(s) + Ca(OH)2(s) ∆
→ 2NH3(g) + 2CaCl2(s) + 2H2O(l).
(ii) NH3(g) + 3Cl2(g) → NCl3(l) + 3HCl(g).
(iii) 2NH3(g) + H2SO4(aq) → (NH4)2SO4(aq).
(c) (i) It is because it does not liberate hydrogen gas when treated with metals. Instead it liberates oxides of nitrogen,
such as nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc., as it is a very powerful oxidising agent.
(ii) Conc. nitric acid on exposure to sunlight, slowly decomposes to form nitrogen dioxide gas which is reddish brown
in colour. Nitrogen dioxide gas redissolves in the nitric acid and imparts it yellow colour.
(iii) Nitric acid is a powerful oxidising agent and hence corrodes rubber or any other kind of stoppers. To avoid
corrosion, we use all glass apparatus.
1. (a) Write balanced chemical equations for each of the following :
(i) Action of warm water on AlN.
(ii) Action of hot and concentrated nitric acid on copper.
15. (a) Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following :
(i) Action of cold and dilute Nitric acid on Copper.
(ii) Reaction of Ammonia with heated copper oxide.
(iii) Laboratory preparation of ammonia from ammonium chloride.
(b) State one relevant observation when Ammonia burns in air.
(c) Give a balanced chemical equation for each of the following :
(i) Action of conc. Nitric acid on Sulphur.
(ii) Catalytic oxidation of Ammonia.
(iii) Laboratory preparation of Nitric acid.
(iv) Reaction of Ammonia with Nitric acid.
(d) Three blank spaces A, B and C are left in the following table. Identify each of them.
Lab preparation of Reactants used Products formed Drying agent Method of collection
16. (a) (i) Write the balanced chemical equation to prepare ammonia gas in the laboratory by using an alkali.
(ii) State why concentrated sulphuric acid is not used for drying ammonia gas.
17. (a) Fill in the blank with the choices given in bracket :
Ammonia reacts with excess chlorine to form __________ (nitrogen / nitrogen trichloride / ammonium chloride)
(b) Write a balanced chemical equation for the following reaction.
Ammonium hydroxide is added to ferous sulphate solution.
(c) State one observation for each of the following:
(i) Concentrated nitric acid is reacted with sulphur
(ii) Ammonia gas is passed over heated copper (II) oxide
(iii) Lead nitrate is heated strongly in a test tube.
(d) Complete the following equations:
(i) S + conc. HNO3 (ii) Cu + dil NHO3
(e) Identify the substance underlined:
The catalyst used to oxidise ammonia.
(f) Name the gas evolved in the following case: Ammonia reacts with copper oxide.
(g) Study the flow chart given and give balanced equations to represent the reactions A, B and C:
Mg3 N 2
→ NH 3 ←
→ NH 4Cl
(h) Copy and complete the following table which refers to the industrial method for the preparation of ammonia.
Name of the compound Name of the process Catalytic equation (with the catalyst)
Ammonia (i) _________________ (ii) _________________
Ans. (a) Nitrogen trichloride.
(b) FeSO4(aq) + 2NH4OH(aq) (NH4)2 SO4(aq) + Fe(OH)2(s)
(c) (i) When concentrated nitric acid is reacted with sulphur then dense brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide are observed.
(ii) When ammonia gas is passed over heated copper (II) oxide, then the black colour of copper (II) oxide
gradually changes to metallic reddish brown colour due to the formation of copper metal.
(iii) When lead nitrate is heated strongly in a test tube then white crystalline solid crumbles with a crackling noise
and gives off a reddish brown gas.
(d) (i) S(s) + conc. HNO3
→ H2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l) + 6NO2(g)
(ii) 3Cu(s) + 8HNO3(dil) 3Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 4H2O(l) + 2NO(g)
(e) Platinum
(f) Nitrogen