New Lahore Science Academy: Q1. Choose The Correct Answer. 1X6 6
New Lahore Science Academy: Q1. Choose The Correct Answer. 1X6 6
New Lahore Science Academy: Q1. Choose The Correct Answer. 1X6 6
Naya Pul Chaman Park Darbar Street Near Jutt Store Lahore PH: 03244844699
Student Name Roll Num Time Allowed Class Name Paper Code
Subject Name Total Marks Exam Date
Chemistry 40 22-Mar-2023
Exam Syllabus
1- 2- 3- 4-
5- 6-
2. Oxidation of NO in air produces: (A) N2O (B) N2O3 (C) N2O4 (D) N2O5
3. The chemical formula of nitric anhydride is: (A) N2O (B) N2O3 (C) N2O5 (D) N2O4
4. Which one of the following metals gives H2 gas with HNO3? (A) Mercury (B) Copper (C) (D) Zinc
5. Which one of the following molecule is paramagnetic in nature? (A) N2 (B) He (C) H2 (D) O2
6. Which of the following acts as pickling agent: (A) HNO3 (B) H2SO4 (C) HCL (D) HNO2