PARTE 1 EVTrainingEmergencyResponders
PARTE 1 EVTrainingEmergencyResponders
PARTE 1 EVTrainingEmergencyResponders
Final Report
Prepared by:
Andrew Klock
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On-going programs and related initiatives by the U.S. federal government are promoting the
proliferation of the next generation of electric vehicles. This is accelerating the manufacturing
and deployment of electric drive vehicles. An important consideration for the implementation
of this new technology is the potential hazards that may result, and how the emergency
response community will address and mitigate those hazards.
The goal of this project is to provide comprehensive awareness and emergency response
training to fire fighters and other emergency responders to prepare them for widespread
implementation of advanced electric drive vehicles, including battery electric, hybrid electric,
and certain fuel-cell electric vehicles. The objectives of the project include enhancing general
awareness training, emergency response tactical training, and establishment of a centralized
resource for nationwide ongoing technology transfer. This project report provides a
compilation of information that documents the efforts taken to meet these objectives.
The Research Foundation expresses gratitude to the report author Andrew Klock of NFPA and
his support team. Special thanks are expressed to the U.S. Department of Energy as the project
The content, opinions and conclusions contained in this report are solely those of the author.
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Gregg Cleveland, NFPA Fire Service Section, La Crosse Fire Dept., La Crosse WI
John Cunningham, NAFTD, Nova Scotia Firefighter’s School
Rich Duffy, IAFF, Washington DC
Gregory Frederick, NFPA/IAFC Metro Chiefs, Louisville Fire/Rescue., Louisville, KY
Bill Giorgis, Michigan Towing Association, Mike’s Wrecker Service., Saginaw, MI
Terry McDonnell, New York State Police, Albany, NY
Larry McKenna, USFA, Emmitsburg MD
Jim Narva, NASFM, National Association of State Fire Marshals
Steve Pegram, IAFC & ISFSI, Goshen Township Fire & EMS, Goshen OH
Al Rosamond, NVFC, Hixon TN
Tony Sanfilippo, IFMA, Michigan Bureau of Fire Services
Daniel Bates, New York State Police, Albany, NY (alt to Terry McDonnell)
Jim Carroll, NAFTD, CT Fire Academy (alt to John Cunningham)
Karen Deppa, NASFM, (alt to Jim Narva, NASFM)
Victoria Lee, IAFC, Fairfax VA (Alt to Steve Pegram)
Ron McGraw, IAFF, Washington DC (alt to Rich Duffy, IAFF)
U.S. Department of Energy, through the NFPA
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Final Project Report for DOE Project ARRAVT036
May 2, 2013
U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
Primary Recipient: National Fire Protection Association, Andrew Klock, Sr. Project Manager
Final X
Public X
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
1. Executive Summary……..……………………………………………………….………………………Page 4
2. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 5
3. Objectives of the Project……………………………………………………..……………………….Page 8
a. Project Scope…………………………………………………………..……..……………….Page 8
b. Project Goals…………………………………………………………..……………………….Page 8
c. Approach…………………………………..…………………………………………………….Page 9
d. Original Objectives and Accomplishments….……….…………………………..Page 23
e. Project Management…………………..…………………………………………………..Page 23
f. Milestone Summary……………………………………………………………………..….Page 23
g. Research…………………………………………….…..……………………………………….Page 32
h. Education Offerings……………………………….……………..….……………………..Page 32
i. Job Creation…………………….………………………………………………………………Page 38
4. Project Results…………………………………………….……………………………………………….Page 38
a. Results Overview…………………………………………………………………………..…Page 38
b. Paid Advertisements Results……………..……..……………………………………..Page 40
5. List of Deliverables………………………….………………………………………..………………….Page 41
6. Financial Overview……………..……………………………………………………….……………….Page 42
7. Continued Plans for Dissemination……………………………………....……………….…….Page 43
8. Sample Materials Developed…….………………………………………………………………...Page 44
9. Sample Media Coverage………………………………………………………………………….…..Page 52
10. Earned Media Coverage……..…..……………………………………………………………....….Appendix A
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
Executive Summary:
With that in mind, the U.S. Department of Energy awarded the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) a grant to provide nationwide training and education support to fire fighters and other first
responders. Without such training, the operators of these vehicles and first responders themselves
could be at increased risk. If questions or misconceptions arose about the safety of electric vehicles in
emergency situations, the adoption of electric vehicles — and ultimately the number of EVs on the road
— would be hindered. To respond to this challenge over the last three years, NFPA developed
comprehensive awareness training programs, including safety videos, animations and reference
material, and made them available throughout the country to our nation’s first responders, in a variety
of formats and mediums to reach as many as possible. Along with classroom train‐the‐trainer and
online training programs, on‐scene quick reference materials were also produced, all accessible from a
specially designed web portal that has quickly become the source of EV safety for all U.S. Emergency
Responders, vehicle manufacturers and the public alike. To support this effort, NFPA has partnered with
all of the major auto manufacturers that sell hybrid and electric vehicles in the U.S., as well as six
respected fire service subject matter experts in extrication, vehicle rescue and hybrid technology. NFPA
also worked with the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF), all of the major North American Fire
Service Organizations, including the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), the International
Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), the International Fire
Marshals Association (IFMA), the National Association State Fire Marshals (NASFM), the Metro Fire
Chiefs, the United States Fire Administration (USFA), the North American Fire Training Directors
(NAFTD), the International Association of Chiefs of
Police (IACP), the National Sheriffs Association
(NSA), the New York State Police (NYSP), the
Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE), The
Department of Transportation (DOT), The
National Highway Transportation and Safety
Administration (NHTSA) and the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI). First steps
included first responder research and needs
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
assessment conducted across the country, the launch of a nationwide communications and awareness
campaign, the hiring of a curricula development team responsible for many National Fire Academy
(NFA) training programs, and a state of the art web site developer and online training design team
began work on the new EV web portal, training programs and reference materials. These steps allowed
advanced electric/hybrid vehicle safety to initially be disseminated to the fire service, and later in the
project, to the law enforcement and EMS communities. NFPA’s depth of experience in working directly
with emergency responders in safety, and developing and administering training courses throughout the
country allowed the necessary resources, tasks, and milestones to be implemented that guaranteed
completion of this vital project to be accomplished on time and on budget, while developing a highly
engaging, quality training experience centered around this new technology.
The results were unprecedented as a plan was implemented to cascade these classroom and online,
state of the art training programs through the firefighter divisions and ranks across the nation ‐‐ over
30,000 emergency responders were successfully trained in 48 states, and the EV/Hybrid emergency on‐
scene quick reference manual was distributed to over 3,200, while NFPA’s monthly EV Safety Newsletter
circulated to an audience of over 22,000, and the web portal was visited 135,000 times in the first two
years. Next, a law enforcement classroom training and video was developed with the assistance of the
New York State Police, and it was recently nominated for the State Police PACE award. NFPA is proud to
acknowledge that emergency responders are now well on their way to having a better understanding of
electrified vehicles and how to safely handle them in emergency situations across the United States of
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
Energy (DOE) grant to produce training for first responders in the electric/hybrid vehicle arena.
NFPA is currently the ANSI accredited national codes and standards developer for emergency responder
qualifications, equipment and tactics, as well as the codes and standards developer for vehicle fueling.
Our National Electrical Code® (NEC®) has established standards for EV charging stations, electrified truck
parking spaces and the impact of the EV charging infrastructure on power consumption and on
emergency response. Consequently, DOE awarded NFPA a $4.4 million three year grant in February of
2009 to develop and distribute nationwide responder training on Hybrid and EV incidents.
The next step NFPA took was to form an Emergency Responder Technical Advisory Panel, consisting of
executive level representatives from every major fire service organization across the country. Then a
search was conducted and contracts were established
with six first responder subject matter experts having
extensive experience in EVs, Hybrids, high voltage fires,
battery technology and extrication rescue procedures,
who in turn helped identify electric and hybrid vehicle
risks, procedures and safe methodologies. This input
formed the topics and formats that emergency
responders deem critical to their training material, and
is found today throughout NFPA’s deliverables.
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
Through the SMEs and the Emergency Responder Technical Panel, it was determined that the impact of
hybrid and EV crashes involves potential fatalities and serious on‐scene injuries to both responders and
the vehicle occupants, as well as the possibility of post‐incident injury, death, or property damage to
investigators and tow and salvage personnel. The potential dangers identified from crashes of these
vehicles include stranded energy, unexpected silent movement, toxic and flammable gases emanating
from a damaged high voltage battery, thermal runaway, battery fires, and the possibility of electric
shock through exposed high voltage wires and components, as well as charging station events. These
hazards are well documented and are outlined in NHTSA’s “Interim Guidance for Electric and Hybrid‐
Electric Vehicles Equipped with High Voltage Batteries”, which NHTSA developed during this project, in
consultation with NFPA electric vehicle (EV) subject matter experts and our Public Fire Protection
It should be noted that this new hybrid and EV technology has not been found by the Department of
Transportation (DOT) to be inherently more dangerous to first responders and the public than
conventional gasoline internal combustion engine vehicles, but emergency responders simply haven’t
had the training and the experience dealing with electrified vehicle incidents, in comparison to the 100
years of education and familiarity with internal combustion vehicles. Therefore NFPA’s charge was clear
– produce excellent, engaging training and proliferate it through every channel and medium possible as
to obtain the greatest distribution of EV safety knowledge, in order to protect the emergency responder
communities and the public.
The following report details how these NFPA training initiatives are providing the knowledge necessary
to keep emergency responders and the public safe, as well as recapping the achievements in training,
deliverables, media coverage, and overall highlights of this three year effort.
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
Objectives of Project
A) Project Scope
The project’s vehicle scope is limited to
Electric Vehicles (ex: Nissan Leaf), Plug‐in‐
Hybrids (ex: Chevrolet Volt) and the Hybrid
Electrics (ex: Toyota Prius). The scope of
awareness and tactical methodologies
includes emergency operation procedures,
high voltage vehicle safety systems and the
vehicle charging stations (EVSE). This
program does not include electrified trucks,
buses, fleet vehicles, motorcycles, fuel cell
or natural gas powered vehicles.
B) Project Goals
This project’s objective was to develop and make readily available comprehensive
awareness response training and reference materials to United States emergency
responders, in order to prepare them for their role in the safety infrastructure of advanced
electric drive and hybrid electric vehicles. This objective focuses on reducing firefighter and
civilian death and injuries; and removing any concerns the fire service may have for the
deployment of electric drive vehicles. This will help pave the way for EV and Hybrid vehicles
to begin to proliferate on America’s highways.
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
As the communications campaign was developed in spring of 2010, the goals included the
C) Approach
A major concern of emergency responders regarding the introduction of any new vehicle
technology is the lack of a consistent, independent source of reliable information and
training on safety. With NFPA’s goal now set to provide this vital safety training to an entire
country’s emergency responders, it was necessary to utilize multiple formats of information
that are consistent with how first responders are accustomed to receiving training.
First and foremost, this initiative included building a website to serve as a hub for
emergency responder training and the dissemination of information associated with
electric/hybrid vehicles. Two firms were hired to develop this site – the first to design it,
and the second to build it. This interactive website would include multiple e‐learning
components, downloadable reference material, training videos, and a separate page for
each vehicle manufacturer to post their Emergency Response Guides, safety information
and videos. The online modules on this site offer 24 hours/day access to multiple
training programs, video content and documented safety guidelines.
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
General Motors was enthusiastic about the site and the ability to store their Emergency
Response Guides and videos there for responders, that they asked NFPA to speed up the
implementation plan, which was done.
Website design:
A team of web designers worked closely with NFPA’s team to design wireframe
documents for the project website that would reflect the overall campaign strategy
and content. Recognizing that the website would be first responders’ gateway to
information regarding this training, the website was designed in a way that would
provide easy information about the main topics that were relevant to first
o Information about the project.
o Information about how to sign up for trainings.
o Easily accessible and downloadable content and resources that could be used by
members of the first responder community.
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
Blog Content
To help position the newly launched program as a leader for industry expertise in
electric vehicle emergency response, the training website hosted a blog featuring
commentary and training information from subject matter experts. Subject matter
experts worked to provided ongoing newsworthy commentary for posting to ensure
that the blog would continue to become a destination for the industry and establish
NFPA as a thought‐leader in the field.
Calendar of Events
A calendar was designed into the portal, so it could be updated easily and allows the
viewer to quickly see when the next series of EV events were taking place across the
country. The events included conferences, trade shows, and any events that NFPA was
hosting or attending, including the fire service state trainings schedule.
A resources section of the portal provides a separate area for each auto manufacturer who
partners with NFPA. The pages allow vehicle ERGs to be posted and any other responder
safety information the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) would like to publicize.
Manufacturers have posted their emergency response guides, extrication videos, white
papers, news stories and links to other EV sites. This feature allows emergency responders
to have a central location to find safety information from any manufacturer, without having
to navigate through each OEM’s website.
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
2) Communications Campaign
Building a campaign
around a core set of compelling messages which speak directly to the key audiences
NFPA has identified.
Developing a plan, communications tools and materials that would not only
encourage participation in the training, but also mobilize advocates among key
constituent groups.
Conducting outreach through relevant trade, association, news and social media
Media and promotional support surrounding state‐level and online electric vehicle
training opportunities.
In addition to reaching firefighters and other first responders, our outreach also focused on
others who were not likely to respond to potential emergency situations involving electric
vehicles (the public) but whose awareness of the training and safety measures were critical
to the overall acceptance of new electric and hybrid vehicles.
Our messages focused on driving awareness and communicating the need for the training
among first responders, why this training is necessary and why it is important now.
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
In an effort to better understand what would catch the attention of first responders and
motivate them to enroll in the new electric vehicle safety training project, a 90‐minute web‐
based focus group with six first responders was conducted. As part of the discussion, first
responders provided feedback about their preferred information sources and proposed
campaign elements, including names, logos and messages.
Based on the feedback received during the focus group — coupled with the feedback
received from NFPA, the Fire Protection Research Foundation, the emergency responder
technical panel and a presentation delivered at the June 2010 NFPA Conference — the
messages, name and logo were finalized.
Materials Development
From the program’s inception, it was clear that there would be a need for materials across
multiple platforms to ensure the program delivered a consistent look, theme and message
to the many different audiences.
Key messages
To drive awareness and action among the fire service and other first responders, strong
marketing messages, based on core messages, needed to be employed in target media
through earned and paid placements. Core messages were developed about the project, the
training’s importance and the details of the training as well. Where possible, these messages
were followed with proof points.
Reactive messages
Since the program’s inception in 2010, the electric vehicle market has not stopped evolving.
As developments within the industry were made, messages were regularly updated so that
subject matter experts would be able to answer all questions with accuracy and confidently
address any changes that had been
made with both training participants
and with the media.
Post Cards
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
handouts was to inform emergency responders that they now had a centralized repository
of EV/Hybrid safety information and to point them to NFPA’s EV website.
NFPA exhibited and/or presented at targeted fire and law enforcement conference and
trade shows to raise the awareness of NFPA’s website, training & reference materials.
As messages and other essential materials for the program were developed, Facts sheets
and FAQ documents were created, that were simple, one‐page materials that could be easily
distributed within media kits to provide media with the important background of the
training. In many on‐site media situations, these materials allowed reporters to quickly get
up‐to‐speed about the program, helping them to immediately dive into the importance of
the training project.
Throughout the duration of the program, there was much to be shared with both trade
audiences and the general public. As these milestones, events and developments occurred,
news and details of all these items were continually distributed so that the program would
remain on first responders’ minds and awareness would spread among consumers.
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
Social media was also important in spreading the word quickly and cost‐effectively
about the EV Safety Training. Using NFPA’s existing Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
presence, the message about the EV training was spread directly to first responder
audiences and others who are active on social media channels.
Tweets, Facebook updates and YouTube videos were used to support major
announcements such as upcoming trainings, the launch of the online training and
partnerships with automotive manufacturers. While the majority of Facebook shares or
re‐tweets came from fire trade publications and members of the first responder
community active on social media channels, several traditional media and automotive
groups also shared the content with their respective followers.
3) Content Development
The third step was to develop the content of the training by identifying the risks and best
practices for responders and the public with electrified vehicles. This was done by utilizing
research from the Fire Protection Research Foundation, DOE’s research, NFPA’s Public Fire
Protection Division experts, our contracted SME experience and vital information supplied
by the auto manufacturers. Material from all of these sources were collected and
categorized, and many SME round table meetings were held until the core program content
was hammered out and documented.
The fourth step included working with an experienced curricula developer, who had
previously developed multiple training programs for the National Fire Academy. A series of
meetings took place with the curricula developer, their contracted SMEs, NFPA’s staff and
our contracted SMEs in order to forge the training outlines, topics and delivery methods.
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Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
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U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles
As the Curricula Vendor completed the EV/Hybrid Safety Classroom Training, NFPA
scheduled five pilot programs at strategic fire academy locations in EV/Hybrid metro areas
were advanced electric drive vehicles were being released. Successful pilots took place at:
Oregon Fire Chiefs Association Training in Salem, Oregon on April 14, 2011
Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue in Sherwood, Oregon on April 18, 2011
Phoenix Fire Department Training Academy in Arizona on April 26, 2011.
Austin Fire Department in Texas on April 28, 2011.
Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute on May 1, 2011.
The classroom program was modified based on the feedback obtained from these pilots,
and then the class was presented to the emergency responder technical panel, where it
received the highest marks. The program was deemed ready for release by NFPA, and the
first official class took place at the Massachusetts Fire Academy on July 28, 2011 to a class
size of over 80. The reviews gave the program the highest marks, and many of the fire
service in attendance were saying the program was one of the best train‐the‐trainer
programs ever offered at the academy.
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