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Participant Manual 1995 EVOC

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The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) has the responsibility for the development of training courses that are responsive to the
guidelines established by the Highway Safety Act of 1966 (amended). One of the most compelling
highway safety justifications for an Emergency Vehicle Operators Course is that such a course would
reduce the incidence of emergency vehicle collisions. In 1978, NHTSA developed the: Training
Program for Operation of Emergency Vehicles: A National Standard Curriculum (EVOC). Vehicle
technology and ambulance design have moved rapidly since 1978. In order for DOT curricula to be
responsive to the constituency it must serve, curricula must be accurate, current, and assure that
effective adult learning techniques are utilized.

The 1978 edition of the EVOC course has been revised to the Emergency Vehicle Operator Course
(Ambulance): National Standard Curriculum, to ensure that it is accurate, current, and that it
incorporates adult learning strategies. The revised curriculum will address only emergency vehicle
operations as they relate to the operation of ambulances. The new course is recommended for anyone
who operates an ambulance. The revised curriculum is appropriate for either rural or urban operations.
The curriculum is made up of an instructor guide and participant manual which allow for the inclusion of
local and State laws and organizational operation procedures. The revised curriculum will consist of
three modules. Module A is approximately sixteen hours of classroom teaching. Module B allows
participants to practice ambulance operator skills on a driving range and includes a driving range
practice checklist. Module C is designed to provide an on-the-job performance assessment of the skills
learned in the course through the use of an on-the-job checklist.

The Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (Ambulance) curriculum provides the knowledge and skill
practice necessary for individuals to learn how to safely operate all types of ambulances.

Star Mountain, Inc. of Alexandria, Virginia was selected to revise the EVOC. They were charged with
developing a user friendly curriculum geared to adult learners that could be utilized by the States in their
efforts to standardize ambulance operation training. Star Mountain utilized a NHTSA sponsored
Curriculum Development Group (CDG) representing five major Emergency Medical Service
organizations. The CDG was actively involved in the design and review of the revised curriculum.
NHTSA gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the CDG members and the organizations they

Curriculum Development Group (CDG)

National Council of State EMS Training Coordinators

Representative: Gail A. Stewart, EMT-P

American Society for Testing and Materials

Representative: James A. Lawrence, RN, EMT-P

National Association of State EMS Directors

Representative: Dan Manz, EMT-D

National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians

Representative: Patrick Moore, EMT-I

American Ambulance Association

Representative: Bill Leonard

Organizations Visited

Star Mountain visited the following organizations to collect information on ambulance operations. The
information was used to prepare the working documents for the CDG meeting. NHTSA greatly
appreciated the full cooperation of these organizations.

District of Columbia Fire Department Training Academy

Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.

Forest View Rescue, Chesterfield, Virginia
Volunteer Rescue Squad, Madison County, Virginia

Maryland Institute of Emergency Medical Services

Community Rescue Service, Inc. Hagerstown, Maryland
Fire Training Academy, Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Federal Agencies

General Services Administration. M.L. Globerman, Chief, Vehicle Engineering Branch was very helpful
in reviewing the curriculum involving the ambulance specifications. He also provided expert advice on
the Federal Specification for Ambulances, Emergency Medical Care Surface Vehicles, KKK-A-

United States Fire Administration. William J. Troup provided numerous documents and contributed to
the discussions about the overall curriculum development.


Many individuals contributed by providing comments and ideas for the revision of the curriculum. The
dedicated people doing the job as paid and volunteer Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics and
Ambulance Operators were an inspiration for this program.

Pennsylvania and Florida were selected to support the pilot testing because both require training for
ambulance operators. Star Mountain conducted instructor training at the County of Bucks in
Pennsylvania for rural operations and Randle-Eastern Ambulance Service, Inc., an American Medical
Response, Inc. company in Miami, Florida for urban operations.

Joseph W. Schmider, Director, Department of Emergency Health Services, County of Bucks,

coordinated the instructor training and conduct of the course by the recently trained instructors.
Because most of the participants in Bucks County were volunteers, the course was conducted over two

Robert W. Trinkleback, CSP, Corporate Director of Safety and Health coordinated the American
Medical Response participation. Captain Robert R. Crowel, Director, Safety/Risk Management at
Randle-Eastern coordinated the instructor training and conduct of the course during three days of

The instructors did an excellent job of integrating the state, local and organizational requirements into the
curriculum. The participant and instructor evaluations of the course were excellent. NHTSA
appreciated the outstanding support at both of these organizations.


It is recommended that each user obtain separator sheets with tabs to separate the modules, lessons
within each module, and the appendixes. You will need separators labeled A, B, and C for the
Modules. Module A has 10 lessons and the Appendixes go from A to G. Adding the separators with
tabs will make it easier to use the participant manual.

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the National Standard Curriculum
for Ambulance Operations...................................................................................1-1

Lesson 2 - Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation ....................................................................2-1

Lesson 3 - Communication and Reporting Roles

and Responsibilities..............................................................................................3-1

Lesson 4 - Ambulance Type and Operation.................................................................................4-1

Lesson 5 - Ambulance Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair.......................................................5-1

Lesson 6 - Navigation and Route Planning .................................................................................6-1

Lesson 7 - Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations ..................................................7-1

Lesson 8 - Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations............................................8-1

Lesson 9 - Safety: Special Considerations....................................................................................9-1

Lesson 10 - The Run...................................................................................................................10-1


Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice........................................................................1


Ambulance Operator Internship: Guidelines For Additional On-The-Job

Training and Documentation...........................................................................................................1

i Participant Manual

Appendix A - Area Motor Vehicle Operation Guidelines..............................................................A

Appendix B - Interpreting Hand Signals.........................................................................................B

Appendix C - Sample Checklist: Quick Check...............................................................................C

Appendix D - Sample Checklist: Full Check..................................................................................D

Appendix E - Sample Work request................................................................................................E

Appendix F - Glossary.....................................................................................................................F

Appendix G - References................................................................................................................G

Participant Manual ii

MODULE A: Ambulance Operation: The Basics

LESSON 1: Introduction to the National Standard Curriculum for

Ambulance Operators

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with knowledge and skills to

operate their vehicles so that vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently, and the safety of
the public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both nonemergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To introduce the course by describing its organization and

schedule and reviewing course materials

PERFORMANCE ! Identify ambulance operator selection requirements



-i Participant Manual
PARTICIPANT Participant Manual


Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -ii



Participant Introductions


In this course you will learn about--

! legal aspects of ambulance operation, including appropriate vehicle

procedures based upon federal, state, local, and organization
regulations; due regard; true emergencies; negligence;
abandonment; good Samaritan provisions; and patient's rights.

! communications responsibilities for receiving and sending radio

messages and for interpreting hand signals

! ambulance types and operation, including general guidelines about

-iii Participant Manual

weight restrictions and operation for each type

! ambulance readiness, including inspection, maintenance, and repair

! navigation and route planning, including selecting the safest route to

the emergency scene and the medical facility

! normal and high-risk driving situations and the appropriate driving

skills for situations from routine traffic to hazardous weather and
traffic conditions

! safety considerations for ensuring safety of passengers, patients and

their family, the ambulance, and the crew


Participant Manual -iv

This course will provide the following:

First: the knowledge you need to operate your vehicle safely

and efficiently. This information is contained in Module

Second: recommendations and methods for practice. This

information is contained in Module B.

Third: methods for evaluating your performance on-the-job.

This information is contained in Module C.

Module A provides learning evaluation using a brief multiple choice test on

the information we cover during this class.

Module B provides a series of checklists that you will be evaluated on

while driving on a protected range.

And Module C provides a series of checklists that can be used by your

supervisors to provide you with feedback on your performance of
ambulance operator duties on the job.

This course will not cover pursuit driving or high-speed operation of

an ambulance. The statistics are overwhelming in favor of
operating at or below the posted speed limits and getting to the
scene safely.

Once you have your ambulance at the scene and patient care begins, the
chances are that the patient will survive.

You will also learn that with the patient on board you want to provide the

-v Participant Manual
smoothest ride possible in a nonemergency mode. Statistics show that if
the patient gets to the medical facility within one hour, the chances of
surviving are greater than 90 percent.

Relationship to Other NHTSA courses

This course is part of the National Standard Curricula being developed or

revised by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
for EMS providers. That curriculum includes training for bystanders, for
first responders, for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT-B, EMT-I,
and EMT-P), for dispatchers, and EMS Instructors.


The course instructor will provide a schedule for the course.


Each lesson in your participant manual begins with a page showing --

! the name of the lesson

! the learning goals of the lesson

Participant Manual -vi

! the objectives (that is, what you can expect to learn during the

! appendix items that go with the lesson

! "actions" you might perform during the lesson.

This icon shows were you will add local policies and procedures.

At the end of this course, you will have a useful reference that you can take
back to the job and refer to whenever you have questions.


-vii Participant Manual

Some very important information is included at the back of your participant
manual. The appendixes include these items for your use:

! motor vehicle operation guidelines for our area

! hand signals for use by ground spotters

! sample checklists for the quick check and full check of the

! sample vehicle repair work requests

! a glossary that defines terms used in these training materials and on

your job

! list of references used for this course

! additional references if you want further background

Your organization should have a reference library of materials for your

refresher training and on-the-job training.


This course is designed for ALL ambulance operators whether you--

! are new hires or experienced operators who want refresher training

Participant Manual -viii

! work in large cities or small towns

! belong to paid professional or volunteer organizations


You were selected based on your qualifications to perform the duties for an
ambulance operator in response to emergency calls. Authorization of
ambulance operators must always be based on Bona Fide Occupational
Qualifications (BFOQ) for the task of ambulance operation.

Before you were hired, your overall qualifications were reviewed. This
review may have included driving record checks, medical checks, and
vocational tests.

A curriculum development group representing the major EMS professional

organizations has assisted in developing this course. They support the

-ix Participant Manual

following recommendations for driving checks, medical check, driving
knowledge and performance evaluation, and physical fitness.

Our organization has the following selection qualifications:

Driving Checks

Driving record checks and license checks should be preconditions to hiring

or acceptance into an EMS organization.

State Motor Vehicle Record Check

A review of state motor vehicle records for the previous three

years should have been conducted when you were first hired.

This review should have been checked for any speeding, careless
or reckless driving, driving under the influence of alcohol or other
mind-altering substances, or moving violations.

Motor Vehicle Accident Check

Your driving record should have been checked for any accidents

Participant Manual -x
you have had in the previous five years.

Our organization requires these driving record checks:

License Check

Your driver's license should have been checked to make sure that
you are licensed and qualified to operate the class of vehicle you
will be driving.

Our organization requires these licensing checks--

Medical Check

A licensed physician determines if someone is physically able to perform

the job of ambulance operator under all conditions. The medical exam

-xi Participant Manual

should reveal no medical or physical condition which would prove
detrimental to operating an ambulance.

The examination identifies drivers who may be impaired by--

- loss of consciousness

- cardiovascular disease

- neurological/neurovascular disorder

- mental illness

- substance abuse/dependency

- insulin-dependent diabetes

- rheumatic, arthritic, orthopedic, muscular, neuromuscular,

or vascular disease which interferes with the ability to
control and operate a motor vehicle

The presence of a medical condition alone may not indicate an impaired

operator. However, it can identify an area to consider when determining a
person's medical fitness to operate an ambulance.

Our organization requires these initial medical checks and physical


Participant Manual -xii

Driving Knowledge and Performance

You should also pass this ambulance operator course written test and
driving test. That should be followed by a period of on-the-job training to
evaluate your performance under actual job conditions. Following
successful completion of the written test, the driving test, the on-the-job
evaluation, and any local requirements, your supervisor should consider
you a qualified ambulance operator.

Our local guidelines and policy for testing are--

Operator Qualification

In addition to the initial driving and medical checks you may have taken to
qualify as an ambulance operator, you should maintain your qualifications

-xiii Participant Manual

! keeping your license up-to-date and valid

! reporting any violation you receive when driving your personal


! remaining physically and mentally fit

! participating in training when available


An operator with an expired state driving license is no use to the

organization. Remember to renew your license before the expiration date.
Keep abreast of changes in licensing requirements.

Physical and Mental Fitness

Your physical and mental condition affects the daily performance of your
job. You are expected to be mentally and physically fit for every run.

Your physical fitness may be affected by your health and the amount of
rest you are getting. For example--

! If you have the flu, you may not be at your best and alert.

! A shoulder injury may affect your ability to maneuver your vehicle.

Participant Manual -xiv

! Over-the-counter medications may make you sleepy.

! Lack of sleep can make your response time slower.

If you are not in good physical condition it is better not to drive.

Our organization's physical fitness policy includes--

Having a good attitude is the best influence on doing a good job.

Your mental fitness may be affected by a lack of concentration or the use

of alcohol or drugs.

If you are worried about a sick family member, money problems, or

problems concerning children, you may be distracted and not perform at
your best. It is better not to drive until you are better able to concentrate.

You can be distracted when you are angry about something. If you are
angry, you may lose patience and take risks you normally wouldn't
consider. Calm down before driving.

It is illegal to drink and drive. Don't drink at all when you may have to

-xv Participant Manual

Illegal drugs are never acceptable, under any circumstances, and should
never be used while on or off duty.

Consider your physical and mental condition every time you go on a run to
ensure your safety and the safety of your crew and patients.

Personal Appearance and Hygiene

While not exactly a part of physical and mental fitness, your physical
appearance and hygiene have a lot to do with how well you perform your
job duties.

A professional physical appearance builds confidence in patients and other

civilians that you might need to direct. Your professional bearing will be a
credit to your organization.

Secondly, your personal hygiene and patient handling precautions are

required to prevent the spread of infection. If you get sick, you will not be
of much use to your organization.

Professional appearance relates not only to your person but also to your
equipment. Clean, properly stowed equipment makes your task--driving
the ambulance and transporting patients--safer and easier, and makes the
results more positive.

Participation in Training

After you have been selected to be an ambulance operator, your most

important task is to improve your job performance at every opportunity.
Training programs like this one are a part of that experience.

Participant Manual -xvi

Often this is the beginning of several years of training. Many of you will be
required to complete the EMT-BASIC within a certain time. Many of you
already may be qualified EMTs.

The ambulance crew should strive to become as qualified as possible within

their organization. When possible, all crew members should be working to
become paramedics operating advanced life support-equipped

-xvii Participant Manual

POINTS TO Ambulance operators are selected based on their qualifications to
REMEMBER perform the duties required of them.
A driving record check and license check is a precondition to hiring.
A medical evaluation should be required to determine physical ability to
perform the job under all conditions.
You should pass this ambulance operator course written test and
driving test, then pass the on-the-job driving evaluation.
You are expected to be mentally and physically fit for every run.
Your personal appearance and hygiene have a lot to do with how well
you perform your job.
You're here because you have an important job to do, driving an
ambulance, and this training course will offer you the training designed
for all aspects of that job.
The training will be presented in the classroom, behind the wheel, and
on the job. When you have successfully completed all three modules,
you will be recommended to certification as an ambulance operator.

Participant Manual -xviii

Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation



MODULE A: Ambulance Operation: The Basics

LESSON 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both nonemergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge of the federal, state,

and local laws and of how to apply the laws when operating
an ambulance

PERFORMANCE ! Identify types of laws that apply to ambulance operation


! Identify how specific laws apply to ambulance operation

Module A -xix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

PM APPENDIX: Appendix A, Job Aid - Area Motor Vehicle Operation Guidelines



Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -xx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation


As an ambulance operator, you are responsible for the safe and efficient
transportation of your patients and crew. At the same time, you must look
out for the safety of the public. The very nature of your job requires you to
work with others during a time of crisis and with this comes certain risks.
You need to be aware that at all times while performing your job, you are
being held "legally accountable" for your actions.


Types of Regulations

There are several types of regulations that tell how to conduct emergency
vehicle operation. These regulations are for all types of emergency vehicles
including ambulances.

Constitutional laws come from the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution

guarantees the rights of the individual. These laws explain patients' rights
before, during, and after transport.

Statutory laws come from legislative acts. Each state has various laws or
statutes that tell how to operate emergency vehicles. The laws vary from
state to state.

Ordinances are guidelines enacted by a governing municipal body or its

agent. These guidelines usually include city or county codes.

Rules and regulations are guidelines enacted by an agency that have the
force of law. The rules and regulations are intended to provide more
information about statutory laws. These are often referred to as the

Module A -xxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

organizational policies and procedures or Standard Operating Procedures


Understanding the Regulations

There are several things about emergency vehicle operation laws that you
need to know. You need to know how the laws work and when you are
exempt from doing what the law says to do.

With so many regulations telling how to operate emergency vehicles, you

must know which law applies in a given situation. You may feel like there
may be a conflict of policy about how you do your job. Here are some
suggested guidelines for EMS ambulance operators:

All organizational policy should incorporate the principles of state

laws, local ordinances, rules, and regulations into guidelines for the
ambulance operator.

Participant Manual -xxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

This means that all organizational policies and procedures should include
and must not contradict federal, state, and local laws concerning the
ambulance operation under all conditions. Your organization's policies may
be formal or informal, but all policies should be in writing. This can provide
protection from liability issues. As an operator, you must know your
organization's policies.

Local policies include--

There are times when you will be exempt from certain guidelines listed in
the regulations. As part of your job, you are required to make decisions
concerning the operation of your vehicle. Good training provides you with
the knowledge and ability to make appropriate decisions when faced with
an emergency situation. Knowing ahead of time what the law says does
not apply in the situation is important. Keep the following three principles
in mind when approaching the idea of exemptions:

1. Ambulance operators are subject to all traffic regulations unless a

specific exemption is made in the state or local statutes.

2. Exemptions are legal only in the emergency mode.

3. Even with an exemption, operators can be found criminally or

civilly liable if involved in a crash.

Module A -xxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

What is meant by "specific exemption"?


Below is a situation you may encounter as an ambulance operator. Read

the scenario and answer the questions that follow.

Your state has a specific exemption for emergency vehicles proceeding

through an intersection with a red signal light or stop sign. The exemption
reads, "Emergency vehicles may proceed through an intersection with a red
light signal or stop sign if the vehicle is brought to a complete stop, proper
clearance is observed, and the vehicle proceeds through the intersection
with caution."

During a run, you are following behind another emergency vehicle

responding to an emergency call. You are approaching the intersection
when you notice a red light. The other emergency vehicle stops, checks to
see the intersection is clear, and then proceeds through the intersection.
You then follow right behind the other vehicle through the light. Was your
action within the law? Why?

Participant Manual -xxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation


Law of Due Regard

All patients and crew members have the right to know that while being
entrusted in your care, you are exercising "due regard" for their safety. If
ever a crash should occur while you are operating an emergency vehicle,
the courts will judge your actions according to this principle.

Deciding whether an ambulance operator has exercised "due regard" for

the safety of others is always based on a specific set of circumstances.
Certain rules, however, should act as guidelines for your actions. Always
keep these points in mind when thinking about the Law of Due Regard and
the safety of others.

Module A -xxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

Ask yourself these questions:

! Am I responding "like" others would in the same situation?

! Am I giving "enough notice" of my vehicle's approach to allow

other motorists and pedestrians to clear a path and protect

[Notice is given by using appropriate signaling equipment (i.e.,

lights and siren) in accordance with statutes. Enough is
difficult to define. If motorists have the windows up or the
heater or air conditioner and radio on, it may take them a long
time to respond.]

! Am I using the signaling equipment appropriately? Is it necessary

to use it? Can motorists and pedestrians hear and see my

! Am I exercising extreme caution? I must never travel at a speed

that does not permit complete control of my vehicle.

True Emergency Situation

Others also will judge your liability in a situation by determining whether or

not the situation involved a "true emergency."

Participant Manual -xxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

In some situations, others--not you--will decide whether or not a true

emergency exists. However, even in emergency situations, you are still
responsible for operating your vehicle in a safe manner.

Situations where others determine the "nature of the emergency" include--

! code system calls

! information from a dispatcher

! affiliated emergency service operator requests

! medical facility physician's decision

Hopefully, situations where you must decide what is a true emergency are

Module A -xxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

the exception rather than the rule. However, if faced with these situations,
keep these points in mind.

Ask yourself these questions:

! Is there a high probability of death or serious injury to the patient?

! Will my actions reduce the seriousness of the incident?


You may also be held liable in a court of law if you were in some way
careless while performing your duties as an ambulance operator.

What this means is that as an operator something you SHOULD HAVE

Participant Manual -xxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

done was not done or was done incorrectly. As a direct result, a person
was injured or killed or property was damaged. No court can replace
lives, but they can attempt to compensate the injured or their families with

In a lawsuit involving negligence, proving operator negligence is difficult. It

must be proven that the negligence was willfully done. Certain facts must
be established in the case. To avoid being caught in a negligence issue,
keep the following in mind.

Ask yourself these questions:

! Do I have a "duty to act" towards the other person?

! What must I do to avoid a "breach of duty?" (For example, you

must not fail to respond.)

! How can I avoid the other person suffering injury or loss because
of my duty? (The actual cause of the other person's injury or
loss must be a direct result of breach of duty, such as a violation
of a traffic regulation.)

State and local policies on negligence include--

Module A -xxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation


Another area that you need to be "legally" concerned with is abandonment.

Once you begin to help someone having a medical emergency or someone

who is injured, you have legally initiated a patient/provider contract. What
this means is you must continue the responsibility for the patient's care until
you have transported the patient to another medical provider of equal or
higher qualifications.

This idea exists to make sure that the required care is completed. Also, it
exists to avoid situations in which someone else does not stop to provide
transportation thinking you are taking responsibility for the patient and will
stay with the patient until another provider is reached.

Participant Manual -xxx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

Each state views abandonment differently. You need to know your states
rule's and how you can be held liable regarding this issue. An instance that
could be viewed as abandonment would be not responding to a call or
failing to complete a run.

State and local policies on abandonment include--

Good Samaritan Provision

As part of the EMS team, you need to be aware that there are "Good
Samaritan" provisions in the law applying to emergency operation and care.

Module A -xxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

These provisions provide immunity to liability in cases in which you

rendered care or were unable to render care. Most of the time the law will
grant immunity from liability if the rescuer acts in good faith. Each state
varies in regard to the issue of immunity. In some states, Good Samaritan
provisions do not apply to volunteer ambulance crews. These states have
determined that because the volunteers are acting as agents of an
emergency response organization, the public can rightly expect a certain
level of competence and training.

State and local Good Samaritan provisions include--

Participant Manual -xxxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

Patient Rights

As part of the EMS team, you need to know the rights of patients during a
medical emergency transport. Patients have certain rights before, during,
and after transport. You need to be aware of these rights so you do not
become legally liable for violating the rights of the patient. Each state has
specific laws regarding patient rights. Here are a few of these rights and
what they mean.

The consent to perform medical treatment is either actual consent, when

patients are conscious and mentally competent, OR implied consent when
the patients are unconscious or for other reasons unable to give you their
actual consent.

Adults who are conscious and mentally competent have the RIGHT TO
REFUSE CARE! This refusal may be either informed or implied.

Module A -xxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

When dealing with patient consent, here are a few guidelines you and the
rest of the EMS team must follow.

! Respect the patient's right to refusal--do not restrain patients who

have refused treatment, demand they be treated, or argue with
them concerning the treatment.

! Have someone witness that your EMS team has offered care and
the patient refused.

! Document that your EMS team offered care and the patient
refused. Report immediately to dispatcher the refusal of care.

Even though many states do not have specific laws governing confidentiality
and EMS care, you must as a team prevent the intentional invasion of a
person's privacy. Confidentiality applies not only to cases of physical injury
but also to cases involving possible infectious diseases, illnesses, and
emotional and psychological emergencies. In some states, legal action can
be brought against you if this patient right is violated.

When dealing with patient confidentiality, here are a few guidelines that you
and the rest of the EMS team must follow.

! Do not speak to the press, your family, friends, or other members

of the public about the service provided.

! Do not relate specifics about what a patient may have said, who
the person was or was with, anything unusual about the patient's
behavior, or any descriptions of personal appearance.

State and local policies regarding patient's rights include--

Participant Manual -xxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

Other Legal Liability Issues

As part of the EMS team, you have other responsibilities during the
medical emergency service operation that may carry legal implications if
carried out in an inappropriate matter.

Other things your team must consider include--

! responsibility for passenger possessions

! accident reporting (must follow state guidelines)

! exceeding load capacity of vehicle weight restrictions

! failure to conduct/record ambulance inspections

! failure to provide training

! failure to maintain training records

Module A -xxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

! failure to maintain written records of safety meetings


Here are some situations you may encounter as an ambulance operator.

Consider what was just discussed about operator liability and patient's
rights. Read the scenarios and write down your response to the
question(s) asked concerning the scenario.

Scenario 1: You are returning from a run when a car pulls up beside you
while you are stopped at a traffic light. The individual informs you that a
three-vehicle crash has just occurred on the nearby interstate. No other
emergency vehicles are at the scene. The individual informs you that
several of the victims are trapped in the cars. The severity of the injuries is
unknown. Is this a true emergency situation? Why?

Scenario 2: Your ambulance is traveling the wrong way down a one-way

street while enroute to a fire at a large apartment complex where people
are reported injured. You are using all signaling equipment. Are you
observing "due regard"? Why?

Participant Manual -xxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

Scenario 3: A dispatcher reports that a man phoned requesting aid. The

man is hysterical and the dispatcher can not determine the extent of the
injuries. You respond in an emergency mode. In route, you receive a call
from the dispatcher. He reports the man has calmed down and the man
thinks his son may have broken his ankle; there is some pain and swelling.
Is this a true emergency situation? Why?



All states have statutes governing the operation of motor vehicles. It is

important that you understand the statutes dealing with operating an
ambulance. The "Area Motor Vehicle Operation Guidelines" handout
outlines some specific state and local traffic regulations that apply to
Appendix A: Area emergency vehicles.
Motor Vehicle

Module A -xxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 2: Legal Aspects of Ambulance Operation

POINTS TO In defining the law, we learned that--

• federal, state, and local guidelines dictate Emergency Vehicle
• organizational requirements must incorporate and not contradict
federal, state, or local requirements

• there are certain situations where the ambulance operator may

be exempt from the regulations--know the exemptions for your
In interpreting the law, we learned that--
• operators must exercise due regard for the safety of all patients
and passengers

• operators should not operate under emergency response

conditions unless a true emergency exists

• operators need to "think safety" to avoid negligence charges

• operators have an obligation to continue providing care until

relieved by other care providers once the operator begins the
patient/provider relationship

• operators need to know about the "Good Samaritan"

provisions and how they affect them

• patients have rights such as consent and confidentiality in

medical emergency situations

By knowing specific state and local laws, you can protect yourself
against liability situations and can act appropriately when faced with
emergency medical situations in your area.

Participant Manual -xxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities



MODULE A: Ambulance Operation: The Basics

LESSON 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of EMS
involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both nonemergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge of the

communication roles and responsibilities and protocols for
receiving and sending messages

PERFORMANCE ! Identify communication roles and responsibilities

! Identify communication guidelines for receiving messages

! Identify communication guidelines for sending messages

Module A -xxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

PM APPENDIX: Appendix B, Interpreting Hand Signals



Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -xl Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities


This lesson discusses your responsibilities for routine communication during

a run.

Communication is an important part of your vehicle operation role. When

you communicate, you tell others where you are and where you're going
during a run. This helps dispatchers and other responders to do their jobs
and take related actions.


You, the ambulance operator, and the entire EMS crew are responsible for
routine communications at many points in a run.

Together you must operate as a team and all team members have tasks that
they perform for every situation they are faced with.

Knowing these tasks and what to expect from each other will make your
job easier.

Let's discuss when communication is required from the ambulance. The

routine reporting points for the ambulance crew are--

! prerun

! when dispatched on a run

! upon scene arrival

Module A -xli Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

! at the scene to give an update/overview/situation report

! before scene departure

! enroute to the medical facility

! after arriving at the medical facility

! when headed back to the station

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Communication


The EMT in the passenger seat is responsible for communication when the
operator is driving. The EMT communicates with the dispatcher, the
medical facility, and other agencies.

During the most critical phase of the run--getting to the scene--it is

important for the operator to focus on operating the ambulance. The EMT
in the passenger seat does the communicating.

The EMT in the passenger seat should also write down the information you
are receiving and direct you to the scene.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, do not communicate on the radio and

operate the ambulance at the same time.

Participant Manual -xlii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

Dispatcher Responsibility

The dispatcher is another key member of the EMS communication team.

The dispatcher coordinates all calls for an agency.

The dispatcher's specific responsibilities vary across locations. Often the

dispatcher receives calls for emergency services and determines which
crew will handle the call. The dispatcher will alert EMS and may alert
additional assistance such as law enforcement, the fire department, heavy
rescue, and harbor patrol. Some of these units may be from the same

The dispatcher may coordinate with other services responding to an


Operator's Communication Responsibility

Your first responsibility is for safe and efficient operation of the vehicle.

Module A -xliii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

You, the operator, must report to the dispatcher at these points in your run:

! before leaving the scene for the medical facility

! after arriving at the medical facility

(Note to Remember: the EMT generally reports before leaving the station.)

Communicating to the dispatcher at these two points lets the dispatcher

follow your movements and coordinate with others as necessary.

Report Before Leaving the Scene

Participant Manual -xliv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

When you are ready to leave the scene for the medical facility, you will call
the dispatcher. Report that you are leaving and proceeding to the medical

The EMT in the patient compartment will establish communication with the
hospital, if necessary, to report on the patient's condition and talk with the

Reporting when you are ready to leave the scene enroute to the medical
facility allows you to get information to plan the route you should take from
the scene to that facility.

This is information that may not have been available from dispatch before
you started your ambulance run because it is fast changing situation. For
example, sometimes you will not know which medical facility you will drive
to until your EMT diagnoses the medical situation at the scene.

Or if you are in an urban area, you will need information about fast-
changing traffic congestion or incidents that could affect your drive from the
scene to the medical facility. Also, during severe weather conditions, for
example, you may need up-to-the-minute information about ice, snow,
flooding, or other hazards on the roads you will drive to the medical facility.

You or your crew should report to dispatch any hazardous condition you
find, such as traffic or route problems. This allows the dispatcher to
describe up-to-the-minute route conditions for other emergency vehicles as

Report When You Arrive at the Medical Facility

Reporting after you arrive at the medical facility lets the dispatcher know
that your crew and vehicle will soon be ready to respond to another service

Module A -xlv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities


Other Possible Reporting Situations

Tell the dispatcher whenever you are leaving the vehicle. This is important
for those of you who do not carry a portable radio when away from your
vehicle at a scene. Reporting when leaving the vehicle saves the dispatcher
time searching for you.

Local guidelines require ambulance operators to report at these points

during a run:

When do you, the operator, report to the dispatcher?

Participant Manual -xlvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities


Messages you receive may be for a run from the station or for another run
after you have delivered a patient to the medical facility and before
returning to the station.

Critical Items to Know for Every Run

The EMT will generally receive the initial service call from the dispatcher
and give the information to you, the operator. All information should be
recorded on log sheets by the receiving member of your crew.

Be sure you know the following information before starting a run.

Know the Location

Module A -xlvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

As the operator, the key information you must have is the address or
location of the emergency.

You must have the specific location of the emergency to be able to plan
your route. Get locator information such as street or highway, house
number, nearest intersection and milepost markers. Or get exact
directions. Directions may vary from "the Jackson farm" for rural situations
to "15th and Main Streets, Northwest" for urban locations.

Know exactly where you are going before you depart.

What kinds of location information do you need in your area to get to any

Description of the Emergency

You also will need a description of the emergency. This information will
vary greatly based on local practices and who called the operations center.
The information known before you arrive at the scene may even be
incorrect, especially if given by someone under great stress from an

Participant Manual -xlviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

It is even possible that your operations center may give only general
information to discourage the tendency to take driving risks in life
threatening situations.

However, some communities may give response priority as standard

information. Sometimes the response priority is given in code.

If possible, you and your crew should know what is involved in the
emergency. For example, are vehicles involved? What kind are they and
how large are they? You should also know the type of injury, number of
patients, and known hazards at the scene, such as downed power lines
and/or hazardous materials.

Also, it will help you to know if other units are responding. Some
organizations have a standard response that includes fire apparatus, police,
and crash trucks. Other organizations will only have multiple responding
units when conditions at the scene are known to require them.

If you know others are responding, you can anticipate other emergency
vehicles on the route. They may be behind you. Or they may be
approaching an intersection at the same time you are. While you will
always be alert for all other vehicles on the road, it is helpful to know if
other emergency vehicles are responding.

Locally there are guidelines for information that will be given for every
ambulance run:

Module A -xlix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

Review Receiving Messages

Before you leave on a run, you need to have the following information
communicated from the dispatcher:

! address (location) and other identification to help you find the


! description of the emergency

Are there any questions about the communication you will receive?


We've talked about when you need to report while on a run and what
information you need to get before you depart on a run. Now we'll talk
about how to report or communicate using the equipment in the ambulance
you will drive.

The radio is the most common type of equipment in use.

Radio Communication Frequencies

Participant Manual -l Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

You will need to know the frequencies for the various agencies you will
communicate with on a variety of runs. There will usually be one frequency
that will be the control frequency. All emergency vehicles can send and
receive information from the dispatcher on that frequency.

The EMS, law enforcement agencies, and fire departments often have
another frequency to communicate with their own organization.

If you respond to calls to assist other organizations in different cities or

counties, those other cities and counties will probably have different
frequencies. You will need to know how to communicate with them.

When you respond to an emergency involving several different

organizations you need to know how to communicate with the organization
that is in charge at the scene. If you don't have the correct frequencies,
your operations center can relay information to you.

Some ambulances may have three or more radios that can receive and

Module A -li Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

transmit on different frequencies. Some of these radios will have a switch

that will allow you to select a different frequency on the same radio. The
ambulance can become a confusing place with several radios all going at
the same time.

Communication Security

Most radio transmissions can be heard by anyone who has a radio with the
emergency frequency. You must have a policy that protects individual's

Keeping security in mind, you must limit your transmission to only that
which is necessary. Never joke about a situation.

Remember that anyone can listen to the conversation.

What to Say and How to Say It

Participant Manual -lii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

Before you pick up the microphone or other communication device, collect

your thoughts and decide what you need to say. It has to be brief.

Your messages to the dispatcher need to include certain information and be

presented the same way each time. Messages generally begin with the
designation of the unit being called, followed by the designation of the
calling unit. You must identify who you are calling, then identify your unit.
You are not required to identify yourself by name.

For example, if you are unit 42 calling the dispatcher, you will begin
"Dispatch, unit four two."

Brief message formats can be developed locally for routine reports. If you
use the same format every time, you will be less likely to forget anything or
give too much information.

The standard language should be plain English, free of codes wherever

Module A -liii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities


Choose words that can be easily understood. For example, "affirmative" is

easier to understand than "yes."

Do not use filler words such as "Uh" and "well."

Give numbers in singular form, such as "five-oh" for fifty and "one five" for
fifteen so that they cannot be confused. Route 495 is given as "route four
nine five." Always pronounce the number "0" as zero.

Many organizations like to use ten codes to reduce air time and identify
specific situations or events. However, codes can be misunderstood,
especially if you are communicating with some other organization that
doesn't use the codes. Numerous organizations are moving away from ten
codes and are using plain language instead.

Plain language is less likely to cause confusion. Use codes only if they are
a requirement of your organization and you are sure the person receiving
your communication knows the codes.

Pronounce words clearly and crisply. Speak as clearly as possible and

without emotion so you will be understood. Speaking crisply means saying
words in full, like "going" instead of "goin'."

Phonetic Alphabet

It is often hard to understand what is being received or transmitted,

particularly when reception is poor. For example, we know that similar
street names, like "Henry" and Emery," cause confusion.

Participant Manual -liv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

Your organization should pick one of the phonetic alphabets and use them
when needed. The following is the standard phonetic alphabet adopted by
the Department of Transportation--












Module A -lv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities














Participant Manual -lvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities



How do you use it? You use it when you are having trouble getting
someone to understand or when you can't understand. For example, to
spell "Smythe" Street say this:

"Smythe Street: Sierra Mike Yankee Tango Hotel Echo. Smythe."

Repeat all of the directions to be sure that you have them right.

What are some examples of names or words that can be easily

misunderstood over a radio or telephone?

How to Use the Radio Equipment

Module A -lvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

These are rules to remember when using a radio:

! Listen to the frequency to be sure it is clear traffic. If others are

talking, wait for them to sign off before using the frequency.

! Press the microphone transmit key for a half second before

speaking. If you're too quick to begin talking, your first word or
syllable may be cut off.

! Keep your mouth close to the microphone, no more than 1-1/2

inches away.

! Clear the frequency when you finish. The word "out" is a standard
way to signal the end of a radio transmission. Example: Unit 43

Review Sending Messages

Participant Manual -lviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

Remember, when sending messages--

! plan your message
! identify unit being called, then your own unit
! use brief formats
! use plain English where possible
! pronounce words clearly
! spell names phonetically
! repeat all directions

When using a radio--

! listen for a clear frequency
! depress the key and hold
! keep your mouth close to microphone to speak
! clear the frequency

You use this kind of equipment in your locality--

This is how our local equipment is different from using a radio--

Module A -lix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

To send messages using our equipment, you need to do the following:

Practice Composing and Sending Messages

Review the following radio dialogue.


Operator: "Dispatch, Unit Four Two."

Dispatcher: "Unit Four Two, dispatch. Ready to copy."
Operator: "Unit Four Two on scene."
Dispatcher: "Copy Four Two."
Operator: "Four Two changing to hospital frequency."
Dispatcher: "Copy Four Two. Out"

What was done right in that demonstration?

Participant Manual -lx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

What was wrong in that demonstration?


Operator: "This is Unit four two calling the dispatcher. Come in,
Dispatcher: "Unit four two, this is your dispatcher. Ready to copy."
Operator: "Unit four two is on the scene at Henry Street and Fourth
Dispatcher: "Copy four two."
Operator: "This is Unit four two changing to hospital frequency."
Dispatcher: "Copy four two. Out."

What was right with this demonstration?

Module A -lxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

What was wrong with that demonstration?


Another kind of communication that an ambulance operator must

understand is the method of signaling that a ground guide will do. Turn to
Appendix B for a description of recommended hand signals that should be
adopted by you and your crew who serve as your ground guides for
Appendix B: backing and other driving situations. Your organization should adopt a
Interpreting Hand
system of hand signals such as this.


Your first responsibility is operating the ambulance. The EMT in the

passenger seat communicates when you are driving.

The dispatcher coordinates calls for an agency. Dispatcher's specific

responsibilities vary.

Participant Manual -lxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

The operator usually communicates with the dispatcher at only these two
points in your ambulance run:

! before leaving the scene for the medical facility

! after arriving at the medical facility

When beginning a run you must have the address or location of the
emergency and a description of the emergency.

You should keep in your ambulance at all times an up-to-date list of radio
frequencies for your locality.

Limit your radio transmission to only that which is necessary. Anyone can
listen to your conversation.

To send a message--
! plan messages before you talk
! identify the person called and the calling unit
! be brief
! use plain English
! pronounce words clearly
! spell confusing names phonetically
! repeat directions

When using radio equipment--

! listen
! depress microphone key
! talk with mouth close to microphone
! clear the frequency

Learn to recognize standard hand signals from your ground guide.

Module A -lxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basic
Lesson 3: Communication and Reporting Roles and Responsibilities

POINTS TO Your first responsibility is operating the ambulance. The EMT in the
REMEMBER passenger seat communicates when you are driving.

The dispatcher coordinates calls for an agency. Dispatcher's specific

responsibilities vary.

The operator usually communicates with the dispatcher at only these

two points in your ambulance run--
! before leaving the scene for the medical facility
! after arriving at the medical facility

When beginning a run you must have the address or location of the
emergency and a description of the emergency.

You should keep in your ambulance at all times an up-to-date list of

radio frequencies for your locality.

Limit your radio transmission to only that which is necessary. Anyone

can listen to your conversation for the price of a radio.

To send a message--
! plan messages before you talk
! identify the person called and the calling unit
! be brief
! use plain English
! pronounce words clearly
! spell confusing names phonetically
! repeat directions

When using radio equipment--

! listen
! depress microphone key
! talk with mouth close to microphone
! clear the frequency

Learn to recognize standard hand signals from your ground guide.

Participant Manual -lxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation



MODULE A: Ambulance Operation: The Basics

LESSON 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with knowledge and skills to

operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both non-emergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge of ambulance types,

weight restrictions, and operation

PERFORMANCE • Identify the types of ambulances

• Identify how size and weight affects the operation and
control of an ambulance


Module A -lxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation



Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -lxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation


Ambulance types vary according to location. This lesson gives a brief

overview of the different ambulance types, general operating guidelines,
and weight restrictions.


The KKK-A-1822C Federal Specification standards, published by the

General Services Administration (GSA), recognize three types of
ambulances--Type I, Type II, and Type III.

The "Star of Life" emblem may be displayed on the ambulance when the
manufacturer certifies to the purchaser that the ambulance, it's components
and equipment meet or exceed the tests in the KKK specification. This
emblem certifies that the ambulance meets minimum specifications and
passed certain tests, as well as design, performance, equipment, and
appearance requirements.

Module A -lxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

In this lesson we will only discuss the body types, service capability,
classes, and weight restrictions of these three types of ambulances.

Type I Ambulance

Body type: Conventional Truck, Cab-Chassis with Modular

Body Ambulance

Service Capacity: Basic Life Support (BLS) or

Advanced Life Support (ALS)

Classes: Class 1 - Two-Rear-Wheel Drive or

Class 2 - Four-Wheel Drive

Type II Ambulance

Participant Manual -lxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

Body type: Standard Van, Integral Cab-Body Ambulance

Service Capacity: Basic Life Support (BLS) or

Limited Advanced Life Support (ALS)

Classes: Class 1 - Two-Rear-Wheel Drive or

Class 2 - Four-Wheel Drive

Type III Ambulance

Module A -lxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

Body type: Cutaway Van, Cab-Chassis with Integral or

Containerized Modular Body Ambulance

Service Capacity: Basic Life Support (BLS) or

Advanced Life Support (ALS)

Classes: Class 1 - Two-Rear-Wheel Drive or

Class 2 - Four-Wheel Drive

Your organization uses the following type(s) of ambulances:

Participant Manual -lxx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

If you usually operate the same type of ambulance, you will get to know all
of the operating equipment and how to use it in a variety of situations.

If you might be assigned to drive a type of ambulance you have never

driven before, have your supervisor (or another qualified operator) give
you an orientation to the new ambulance. You should have an opportunity
to PRACTICE driving a new ambulance type and pass a written and
performance test before you operate the ambulance.

Weight Restrictions

No matter what type of ambulance you drive, you must know your
ambulance's weight restrictions in order to operate safely during all driving

When an ambulance arrives at your facility from the manufacturer it is

labeled with a gross weight. You can usually find this information on the
weight/payload certification sticker mounted on the body in a conspicuous

Payload capacity information is found in:

Module A -lxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

The payload capacity is used to determine--after considering equipment

weight--how many crew members and patients it is safe to transport. The
national standard for determining the weight of one person is 175 pounds
per person.

With a crew of ____________________________

our ambulances can safely carry ______ pounds
or ______________________________ patients.

With a crew of ____________________________

our ambulances can safely carry ______ pounds
or ______________________________ patients.

Each ambulance organization should have a current loading plan in the

ambulance log book. The loading plan should have the current payload,
i.e., how much the ambulance can carry.

The loading plan should distribute the weight of the patient, crew, and
equipment evenly. Too much weight in one location can change the
handling characteristics of the ambulance.

As equipment is added to the ambulance, the new weight should be figured

and the loading plan updated. Remember that for each piece of equipment
added, the patient and passenger weight that can be safely carried

Knowing how many people you can carry and keeping an accurate loading
plan will help you decide how to load your ambulance.

Just because you have seats available does not mean that you can load a
patient or passenger into each one.

Participant Manual -lxxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

And just because your ambulance is designed to carry only two patients
does not mean that you leave a third patient at a crash scene rather than
loading them.

Two children might actually equal one adult person. Remember that an
average weight of 175 pounds is used to calculate passenger and patient

The most important thing for you to know and remember about ambulance
types and weight restrictions is HOW MANY PATIENTS AND

Your good judgment is needed. If you are the only ambulance at a crash
scene, you may have to load more weight than ideally recommended. If
you know that your ambulance is overweight, you can adjust your driving
to accommodate the situation.


Besides the limitations put on you by the weight restrictions of your

ambulance, there is a difference between driving a car and driving an
ambulance. These differences make an ambulance harder to drive than a
car. You need to know these differences and understand how they affect
your ability to operate the ambulance safely.


An ambulance is larger than a standard car. It is wider, longer, and taller

which makes it harder to maneuver. The ambulance's width and length
affects turning; its height means you must be aware of height clearances (for
example, parking garages, bridges or overpasses, covered entrances).

Module A -lxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

What other problems can the size of your ambulance cause?

In your area, what are some specific places where we have to exercise
extra caution because of the size of our ambulances?

Participant Manual -lxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation


An ambulance may weigh more than a car. This is important to remember

because it takes longer to accelerate and brake. When pulling out into
traffic, for example, an ambulance will not move out as quickly as a car.
When braking, you will need more room to come to a complete stop.


Because of an ambulance's size and style, there are blind spots that can
block your view of objects and vehicles around you. You must rely heavily
on your side view mirrors since a rear view mirror is not always available.

Module A -lxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

Even when a rear view mirror is provided, it may not be as usable as you
would like. Rear view mirrors are mostly useless even in Type II
ambulances. Activities in the patient compartment may block your view
out of the back of the ambulance. Plan on using your side mirrors only.

This is why you should ALWAYS use a ground guide when backing up.

What are some other situations when your vision might be blocked? What
can you do about it?

Participant Manual -lxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 4: Ambulance Types and Operation

POINTS TO There are three KKK-recognized types of ambulances--Type I, Type

Weight restrictions of the ambulance type determines the maximum
number of crew and patients you can safely carry.
All ambulance types require extra caution when driving because of their
size, weight, and visibility.

Module A -lxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair



MODULE A: Ambulance Operation: The Basics

LESSON 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both nonemergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge of ambulance

operator responsibilities for vehicle inspections and

PERFORMANCE ! Select from a list the operator's responsibilities for vehicle

OBJECTIVE(S): inspection

! Select from a list the operator's responsibilities for vehicle

maintenance and repair

C: Sample Checklist: Quick Check

Participant Manual -lxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

PM APPENDIX: D: Sample Checklist: Full Check

E: Sample Work Request



Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Module A -lxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair


Normal ambulance operation puts great demands on the vehicle. As the

operator, you may be held legally responsible for any preventable
mechanical failures that lead to accidents or loss of life.

When you place a vehicle in service by taking it out on a run, you are
assuming personal responsibility for its operating condition.

How can you ensure that your ambulance is in a safe operating condition?

You ensure the safe operating condition of your vehicle by--

! inspecting the vehicle according to established procedures

Participant Manual -lxxx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

! checking that all scheduled maintenance has been performed

! checking that all needed repairs have been made

If a vehicle is NOT in a safe operating condition, you, as the operator have

the responsibility to take the vehicle out of service until the problems have
been fixed.


Engine/Drive Train

The weight of the vehicle and its installed auxiliary systems require most
ambulances to have a large engine, either diesel or gasoline powered. To
provide the smoothest ride possible, these powerplants are most often

Module A -lxxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

connected to automatic transmissions.

For our discussions, we will use a engine and transmission.

Cooling System

It is critical that you check the fluid level of the cooling system every day,
especially in hot weather. Remember to follow the correct procedures for
your vehicle. Severe burns can be the result of doing this check wrong.

Braking System

There are two types of brake systems in use today. The older, drum-type
brakes are still used extensively in trucks. Many of the newer vehicles use
the more reliable disc brakes. These two types are often used together,
with the disc brakes installed on the front wheels, where most of the
braking effort occurs, and drum brakes on the rear. Anti-lock braking
systems are now available from some truck manufacturers and are
especially efficient on snow and ice.

Brake systems on our vehicles are--

Participant Manual -lxxxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Electrical System/Auxiliary Power

The electrical system is a vital component of your ambulance. These

heavy-duty systems require careful attention and monitoring to ensure that
they retain peak efficiency.

To provide electrical power while parked, without drawing from the

ambulance's battery(ies), many units have auxiliary power systems installed.
An auxiliary power system is a small, engine-powered generator, such as a
portable generator. It is independent of the ambulance's electrical system
and is used during heavy electrical load conditions. Auxiliary power
systems are normally mounted in the rear of the ambulance and are used to
power the lights and basic life support equipment while parked.

Most ambulances are equipped with a DC to AC inverter to provide AC

power. The inverter provides a constant 115 volt AC power source for
onboard AC systems. The patient compartment has AC outlets for using
AC systems. Some of your lighting is also powered by AC. The crew will
select AC power when needed to supply certain systems in the ambulance.
When they activate the inverter a red light indicator will be illuminated.
Your supervisor will cover the operation of the inverter when you get your
orientation on the ambulance that you will be driving. For more information
about inverters and AC power supplies, check with your maintenance
supervisor and consult the General Services Administration Federal
Specification for Ambulances, KKK-A-1822C.

Your vehicles have (do not have) auxiliary power systems.

Module A -lxxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Environmental Control Systems

Environmental control systems are the heating and air conditioning systems.

Support Equipment

All ambulances have similar basic medical support equipment installed by

the manufacturer. Each organization then customizes its vehicles with
additional equipment, often outfitting vehicles to meet specific requirements.
So, not all vehicles will carry the same equipment.

When the typical ambulance leaves the factory, it is designed to carry a

driver and an EMT at 175 lbs. each, two patients at 175 lbs. each, and the
following medical support equipment:

! main and portable oxygen bottles

! stretchers, cots, and patient handling equipment
! portable, removable medical devices
! durable and disposable medical items
! optional vehicle equipment such as battery charger, inverter, or
auxiliary power unit
! communications equipment
! extrication and rescue equipment

In addition to this equipment, carry the following equipment in your


Participant Manual -lxxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

As the operator, you will be responsible for inspecting your vehicle and for
properly operating its mechanical systems. You may also be responsible
for providing routine servicing and preventive maintenance for each system
and its components.

For other maintenance and repairs, you will--


Module A -lxxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

By conducting regular, systematic vehicle inspections, you are able to--

! find and report problems that need to be fixed

! keep track of preventive maintenance requirements

! document the overall condition of the vehicle

Inspection Standards

The ASTM Standard Guide for Training Emergency Medical Services

Ambulance Operators inspection standards were used to develop the
inspection procedures presented in this lesson and may be adopted in
whole or in part by your organization. These standards provide a
minimum acceptable level of vehicle inspection.

Participant Manual -lxxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Inspection Methodology

To ensure that vehicle inspections are consistent, thorough, and accurate,

each EMS organization develops specific vehicle inspection procedures
and checklists to meet its needs. The completed checklists are then kept
on file and are used to document the condition of the vehicles.

Importance of Maintaining Records

If an emergency vehicle is involved in a crash, and there is the possibility

that a mechanical malfunction was the cause, the courts would be very
interested in reviewing the maintenance records of the ambulance. If the
operating organization knew in advance of the malfunction and continued to
operate the vehicle, it may be found negligent and held liable for all
damages resulting from the crash.

Maintenance organizations must be able to document in writing the

servicing, maintenance, and repair of their vehicles and equipment. A good
general guideline for documenting inspections and maintenance actions is:
"If it's not in writing, it did not happen."

Inspection Schedule

The schedule below is a recommendation and may be different from the

one used in your organization. Whether you inspect by number of runs per
week, by hours of operation, or by specific days of the week, the
important thing is that you inspect according to a specific schedule and that
you strictly stick to that schedule.

Module A -lxxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

An organization's inspection schedule is determined by a number of factors,

including vehicle age and mileage, insurance requirements, and past

Our organization's inspection schedule is--

How are our inspection procedures different from the recommended


Participant Manual -lxxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Inspection Types

There are two types of vehicle inspections recommended for ambulances:

! The Quick Check covers those systems that should be checked

most often.

! The Full Check covers all vehicle systems that can be checked
without special equipment or facilities.

Module A -lxxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair



A Sample Checklist for the Quick Check can be found in Appendix C.

Appendix C

Sample Checklist:
Quick Check

The first things you should fill out are the unit or ambulance number, the
station where it is located, and the date and time of the inspection.

When you conduct the inspection, you should--

Participant Manual -xc Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

! inspect each item and place a check mark in the column labelled
OK if there are no problems. By checking off an item as OK,
you verify that you (1) inspected it and, (2) found no problems
with it.

! fix any problems found, if you are capable and authorized to do so,
and document that you did so in the Work Completed block,
OR file a work request for the problem(s) found

Note that any starred (*) problems must be fixed before the vehicle
is placed in service.

! decide whether or not to place the vehicle in service and document

your decision by circling the appropriate word in the printed
statement above your signature

! sign and date the checklist

Checklist Format

Ambulance Diagram

Inspection Sequence

The inspection is divided into specific areas of the ambulance.

There are several items to inspect in each area. The sequence is
designed so that you inspect all the listed items in one area before
moving clockwise around the vehicle to the next area. Because all
the items to be inspected are listed by area, there is less chance
that you will forget an item that was called out in a previous area.

Module A -xci Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Area Rows

These are the areas that you will check and in the recommended

Items Column

These are the items that you will check in each area.

Check Column

For each item listed, this is what you are to check.

Problem Column

In this area, briefly describe any problems discovered. If you think

the problem makes the vehicle unserviceable, put a star (*) to the
left of the description of the problem. These starred items (*) must
be corrected before placing the vehicle in service.

Our organization has (does not have) such a list. It is located--

Participant Manual -xcii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

A single problem without a star may not keep you from placing the vehicle
in service.

Example 1: Suppose a vehicle you have inspected has one cracked turn
signal lens and a slow oil leak. Depending on organization guidelines and
other circumstances, you may or may not place the vehicle in service.
Before making your decision, you may want to talk to a supervisor and/or

Our organization would handle this example by--

Example 2: One organization might let a vehicle go on a run with a broken

windshield wiper on a clear day; another organization might take the vehicle
out of service. In either case, the problem should be documented and the
repairs made as soon as possible.

Our organization would handle this example by--

Module A -xciii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

OK Column

Check here if there are no problems in the area inspected OR if

you found a problem and have fixed the problem yourself.

Work Request Column

If you find a problem and are not able or are not authorized to fix it
yourself, file a work request with your maintenance organization.

Work Completed/Other Remarks Column

Organization policies and procedures will tell you which specific

items you are authorized to service or repair yourself. Note all
work you did and any other information about the problem.


To prepare for performing the Quick Check, you need to do three things:

! Arrange for another crew member to help you check the lights.

Participant Manual -xciv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

! Place wheel chocks where you can quickly retrieve them if


! Get a blank checklist and fill out the administrative information.

Inspection Sequence

There are eight specific areas to be checked during the quick check
inspection. They are--

1) Overall Appearance

2) Operator Compartment

3) Exterior: Operator's Side

Module A -xcv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

4) Exterior: Front

5) Engine Compartment

6) Exterior: Passenger's Side

7) Patient Compartment

8) Exterior: Rear

1) Overall Appearance

! Check vehicle cleanliness.

Your overall appearance to the public as a professional

organization is enhanced by a clean, well-maintained vehicle.

! Check general vehicle condition.

Is the vehicle sitting level?

Are there any puddles or other signs of visible fluid leaks?

Are there any signs of new, unreported body damage?

Participant Manual -xcvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

2) Operator Compartment

! Check the vehicle log.

The most recently completed Full Check and Quick Check

checklists should be in the log, along with blank copies of the run
report and a complete inventory list of installed equipment.

! Check for stowage of items.

! Be sure switches for lights and communication equipment are in the

"off" position.

! Adjust the seat, seat belt, and side view mirrors.

! Release the hood latch.

! Turn the key to the ON position and check the fuel gauge.

Routine refueling should occur when the fuel level is between 1/2
and 3/4 empty. Follow your organization's procedures for

Your organization uses the following refueling procedures:

Module A -xcvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

3) Exterior Walk-around: Operator's Side

! Check left outside mirror bracket for general condition.

! Check left side window for general condition.

! Check left side of windshield, left wiper for general condition.

! Check the left front wheel and tire for general condition.

! Check the tire for a properly inflated appearance, but do not check
tire pressure.

! Check left front fender for general condition.

4) Exterior Walk-around: Front

! Inspect front of vehicle and grill for general condition.

Remove any obstructions to the grill, radiator, or lights.

! Visually check condition of headlights and turn signals.

Participant Manual -xcviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

! Visually check condition of emergency lights from the front.

5) Engine Compartment

! Open hood and visually check engine for signs of leaks.

! Visually check condition of belts.

! Visually check condition of battery(ies).

! Check levels of engine oil, windshield washer fluid, and cooling


Check coolant level at overflow reservoir; do not remove radiator

cap to check.

Replenish fluids according to local organization's requirements.

Always replenish the engine oil when it is one quart low. In

addition, our fluid replenishment requirements are--

! Close the hood and ensure that it is latched.

Module A -xcix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

6) Exterior Walk-around: Passenger's Side

! Check right front fender for general condition.

! Check the right front wheel and tire for general condition.

! Check the tire for a properly inflated appearance, but do not check
tire pressure.

! Check right side of windshield, right wiper for general condition.

! Check right side window for general condition.

! Check right outside mirror bracket for general condition.

! Check right rear fender for general condition.

! Check the right rear wheel and tire for general condition.

! Check the tire for a properly inflated appearance, but do not check
tire pressure.

7) Patient Compartment

! Open rear doors and visually check general condition of patient


Participant Manual -c Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Check that all equipment is properly secured.

Verify that no new equipment that may change vehicle weight has
been added to patient compartment.

! Close rear doors and ensure that they are properly latched.

8) Exterior Walk-around: Rear

! Visually check the condition of emergency lights from the rear.

! Visually check the condition of rear lights and turn signals.

! Visually check the condition of external flood lights, if installed.

! Check the left rear fender for general condition.

! Check the left rear wheel and tire for general condition.

! Check the tire for a properly inflated appearance, but do not check
tire pressure.

When you finish the check, decide whether or not to place the vehicle into
service and sign and date the form. Place your completed checklist into the
vehicle log.

Module A -ci Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

NOTE: If your organization requires an operational check of the

communications and emergency warning equipment,
perform those checks after completing the visual

To conduct operational checks--

! start the vehicle and drive it outdoors

! check the communications equipment, following local


! operate and have the other crew member check the

emergency lights

! check the siren, following local procedures

! secure the communications and emergency equipment and

return the vehicle to its parking space

Our organization requires (does not require) operational checks of the

communications and emergency warning equipment. The local procedures

Participant Manual -cii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair


A Sample Checklist for the Full Check can be found in Appendix D.

Appendix D

Sample Checklist:

Full Check

The same headings are used for both the Full and Quick Checks. The Full
Check includes additional items and should be adapted to meet each
organization's requirements.

The Full Check also follows the same basic clockwise rotation to ensure a
systematic inspection.

Your organization requires that you perform the following vehicle

maintenance checks before you place a vehicle in serviceB

Module A -ciii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

How is your organization's checklist different from the recommended

checklist for the Quick/Full Check?

Negligence Related to Inspection

An operator might be judged to be negligent with regard to vehicle

inspection for two main reasons:

Participant Manual -civ Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

! failing to inspect a vehicle thoroughly according to the

organization's requirements

! knowingly operating a vehicle with a problem that should have

caused it to be taken out of service

Negligence: Case study

The following is an example of negligence related to vehicle inspection.

Background: A crew was taking a patient to a hospital in the next county.

The ambulance maintenance log, which contains information about
previous inspections and work requested and completed, was kept in a
room upstairs from the vehicle. The crew was in a hurry, so they did not
review the log before they left, contrary to the organization's procedures.
They also did not perform a Quick Check.

Midway through the trip, the oil pressure warning light came on, and the
engine temperature rose. The crew pulled over and called for a
replacement vehicle.

Investigation: The follow-up inquiry included a review of the ambulance

maintenance log. The two most recent vehicle checks each noted a slow
oil leak. The maintenance log contained a note to the operator to check
the oil level before each trip. The log showed that repairs were scheduled
for the following Monday, when the regular mechanic returned from

How might the operator be judged negligent in this situation?

Module A -cv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

How might the organization also be found at fault?

Refusing to Drive an Unsafe Vehicle

You should never operate a vehicle that is not in safe operating condition.

A Federal program, the Injury/Illness Prevention Program (IIP), supports

an operator's right to refuse to drive an unsafe vehicle.

Guidelines for this program are available from the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA).

In our organization these guidelines are located--

Participant Manual -cvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

What three things should you know before you decide that your vehicle is
ready for service?

How do you decide whether a vehicle is in safe operating condition?



Vehicle maintenance is a critical part of an effective emergency medical

response organization. If vehicles are not ready to respond to a service

Module A -cvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

call, or if they break down during a run, the organization cannot transport
patients effectively.

Comprehensive Maintenance Programs

A comprehensive maintenance program anticipates the need for

maintenance and completes it before a failure occurs and repairs are

Comprehensive Inspection and Maintenance Programs

A comprehensive program--

! uses information from regular inspections to identify maintenance

that may be needed

! documents all inspections, work requests, and work completed

! includes preventive maintenance

Advantages of Preventive Maintenance

Participant Manual -cviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Preventive maintenance relies on fixing minor problems before they become

major ones. It has several important advantages over repairing equipment
when it breaks:

! It ensures safe, reliable vehicle operation.

! It reduces the total cost of repairs.

! It minimizes major equipment failure.

Your organization's preventive maintenance program--

Module A -cix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Operator Responsibilities for Maintenance

You are an important part of the maintenance program.

Your primary responsibilities for maintenance are--

! to document any needed maintenance you find

! to make sure needed maintenance has been completed before you

place the vehicle in service

Participant Manual -cx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

! to perform any maintenance for which your organization makes you


You will document needed maintenance on your inspection checklist or

other form as required by your organization.

Before you place your vehicle in service, you will make sure needed
maintenance has been completed following your organization's procedures.

Performing Maintenance

In our organization the operator is responsible for these maintenance items-


Work Requests

A work request tells maintenance the work that is needed on a vehicle.

When maintenance finishes the work, they record on the form the work
performed, tests run, and the results of their efforts.

Refer to Appendix E, the Sample Work Request.

Module A -cxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Appendix E: Sample
Work Request

As you can see, this work request covers those problems that you find
during an inspection as well as routine preventive maintenance.

An organization may or may not use a work request to track maintenance

and repairs.

Our organization uses (does not use) a work request. The procedures are-

Vehicle Maintenance Logs

Information from the inspection checklists and work requests are written
into a vehicle maintenance log.

The vehicle maintenance log is a vehicle's central record--

! to list all maintenance needed and done, including routine

maintenance and problems identified by inspections

! to support the preventive maintenance program

Participant Manual -cxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

! to document that the vehicle has been properly maintained

Our organization uses this system to request and track maintenance and


Your primary responsibilities for repairs are--

! to document any needed repairs you find during an inspection or

during a run

! to make sure needed repairs have been completed before you

place the vehicle in service

! to make any repairs for which your organization makes you


You will document needed repairs on your inspection checklist or other

form as required by your organization.

Module A -cxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Before you place your vehicle in service, you will make sure needed repairs
have been completed following your organization's procedures.

Making Repairs

In some organizations, operators make a variety of repairs to their vehicles.

In others, the operator is responsible for only minimal repairs.

You should only perform repairs for which you are trained and

In our organization, the operator is expected to be trained and authorized

to make these repairs:

Malfunctions During a Run

When this happens, think your situation through carefully before you take
action. You should also use communications to give you more options.

Proper patient care should always be your first consideration.

Participant Manual -cxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Decision Aid for Vehicle Malfunctions During a Run

! Are you trained and authorized to make the repair?

The operator should be both trained and authorized to make any

repair. If you should not fix the problem yourself, call for help.

! Is a backup readily available?

Use your communication system to inform dispatch of your

situation and to find out if a backup is available. Develop a plan
before you start any repair, in case the repair fails.

If you are operating outside your normal service area, you may

Module A -cxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

need to coordinate with an organization based in that service area.

! How quickly can you make the repair?

! What is the patient's condition?

! Can the vehicle's electrical system meet the demands made on it

during the repair?

Our organization policies and procedures for malfunctions are--

Repairs You May Make on the Spot

An operator is generally expected or allowed to make only the most minor

repairs during a run. For example--

! change a flat tire

! use duct tape to make temporary repairs to a broken radiator hose

(usually the upper radiator hose)

Participant Manual -cxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

Our organization trains and authorizes operators to make these repairs

during a run:

Problems That May Allow You to Drive the Vehicle Safely

You may find yourself in a situation where your vehicle has malfunctioned
but is still driveable.

Your decision about whether you continue to drive the vehicle should be
based on your organization's policies and procedures.

Our organization policies and procedures about driving malfunctioning

vehicles are--

Practice: Vehicle Malfunction Decision-Making

Suppose that you have just loaded a stable patient into your vehicle a few

Module A -cxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

miles from your usual station. Before leaving the scene, you notice that the
left rear tire is flat.

What should you think through in deciding whether to change the tire or call
for help?

How our organization's guidelines would affect this decision:

This time, you have just loaded a critical patient into your vehicle a few
miles from your usual station. Before leaving the scene, you notice that
your radiator is leaking and the temperature gauge is showing engine
overheating. The patient is on a life support system.

What would your decision be?

Participant Manual -cxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

How our organization's guidelines would affect this decision:


What procedure does our organization use to place a vehicle in service?

Module A -cxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 5: Vehicle Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair

POINTS TO You should inspect your vehicle to decide whether it is in safe operating
REMEMBER condition or whether it should not be driven.
You may be found negligent for driving a vehicle that is not in safe
operating condition.
When you place your vehicle in service, you should indicate that the
vehicle is in safe operating condition.
To determine whether the vehicle is in safe operating condition, you
must know whether required maintenance has been performed.
You must understand your organization's maintenance program in order
to know your vehicle's maintenance status.
You are responsible for documenting any needed repairs you find
during an inspection or during a run.
Before you place a vehicle in service, make sure that needed repairs
have been completed.
You and your organization should have a strategy for dealing with
vehicle malfunctions during a run.

Participant Manual -cxx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning



MODULE A: Ambulance Operation: The Basics

LESSON 6: Navigation and Route Planning

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both nonemergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge of strategies used to

select the safest route to the emergency scene

PERFORMANCE • Identify those factors used for route planning



Module A -cxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning



Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -cxxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning


Route selection is a key decision for both urban and rural area driving.
Each time you prepare to leave for a run, you must decide on a route that is
quick and avoids potential hazards or delays.

This lesson presents general information you need to help you decide which
route to take to an emergency scene.


Effective route selection considers procedures such as route planning,

predetermined routes, and operator familiarization.

Route Planning

Safety is the most important factor when driving to the scene. You must
have a route plan if you want to get to the emergency scene quickly and

Route planning involves learning the geographic and local conditions,

individual characteristics of the area, and your organization's procedures to
map out the most efficient route to the emergency scene.

Module A -cxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

Geographic and Local Conditions

When you plan a route, think about the geographic and local
conditions affecting the roads you will be using.

Be aware of and prepare yourself for the conditions in the type of

area you will be driving in.

Special considerations must be made when planning a route in a

rural area. What conditions could you expect in a rural area?

Participant Manual -cxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

Street and road signs in rural areas may be limited, and directions
are often given in reference to buildings, gas stations, race tracks,
or other past or present landmarks. Farms are commonly
referenced since farm names never change.

When responding to an emergency in a rural area, the distance you

drive is usually greater. The road conditions may not always be
known, and the police may not even get a call.

When you head out to the emergency scene, communicate with

dispatch or directly with the first responder. In rural areas, a first
responder may get to the scene before the ambulance. The first
responder will have information about the patient, road, and
weather conditions.

Plan ahead so you don't waste time on a run. Make sure you stay
within the speed limit! Choose routes that--

! minimize stops and turns

! avoid intersections

! avoid residential streets--the posted speed limits will be

slower; you must be careful of pets, children, cars
backing out, and so on

Organization Procedures

A variety of resources can be used to help you with route planning.

Each organization should have a procedure for updating special

Module A -cxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

events, road conditions, and other factors on a daily basis.

Your shift supervisor should conduct a briefing at the shift change.

This briefing should cover any special events, route problems,
personnel assignments, and so on.

Our local procedures include--

Predetermined Route Procedures

Predetermined routes are standard response routes that are prepared in

advance. These routes have been selected to avoid potential problems.

Routes should be developed and maintained by your organization or

coordinated with other emergency services in the area.

Route planning includes the best way to get to the emergency scene AND
the best way to get from the scene to the medical facility.

On the way to the emergency scene, you and your crew should
communicate and navigate the route together. It is a good idea to have at
least one experienced person on your crew who knows the area.

Participant Manual -cxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

After you pick up the patient and are on the way to the medical facility, the
EMT will be busy caring for the patient and will not be able to help you

Make sure you know the route from the scene to the medical facility before
the EMT begins attending to the patient.

Follow your organization's standard procedures so any two members can

work together and understand what to do.

Take every opportunity to practice communicating with the crew.

Example: operator calls out road conditions, RR crossing, other bumps on
the route. EMT in patient compartment calls out what they are doing to
alert the ambualnce operator. The operator should tell the EMT in the
patient comartment of any conditions that will limit medical attention.

A good time to practice is during a practice run or when you are returning
from the medical facility and are returning to your station.

Primary and Alternate Routes

When planning routes, primary and alternate routes should be


Alternate routes must be available in case of bad road conditions,

weather, or other situations that effect primary routes.

Navigation at night can be difficult, especially if you can't see the

Module A -cxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

street signs, hazards, or other problems. Communicate as a team

and follow your organization's standard procedure for giving

To make it easier to choose an alternate route, map out the local

areas commonly used and refer to these maps when deciding which
way to go to the scene.

! Use a grid system to show any short cuts, one-way streets,

expressways, and so on.

! Add useful information that is not included on the map,

such as dirt roads, dangerous intersections, very steep
grades, roads or lanes on roads that change direction
according to the time of day.

Our local procedure for primary and alternate routes includes--

Operator Familiarization

Operator familiarization involves your awareness of daily route information,

procedures to identify local information, height restrictions, and map

Participant Manual -cxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning


When you get a call from dispatch, you are responsible for knowing how to
get to the scene safely and without taking unnecessary risks. If you don't
know the streets and the area you'll be driving the ambulance in, you could
easily get lost.

Daily Route Information

Become familiar with your area to prevent getting lost.

! Review the primary and alternate routes you usually drive.

! Find out if there are new developments and buildings under


! If you are in an area with limited road and street signs,

learn the local references, such as buildings, farms, gas
stations, and so on.

! Review and learn about different activities that may affect

the traffic flow of your route each day.

Your area has buildings that you need to pay particular attention to
everyday. Can you think of types of buildings that may have scheduled
activities in which you need to be aware of?

Module A -cxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

Keep in mind the approximate busy times for the buildings we just
listed. Expect delays in high traffic building areas during these

! beginning and end of normal work and school day

! shift-change times for large factories, hospitals, and so on

Your daily route can be effected by the weather and other

environmental reasons:

! emergency snow routes

! roads closed due to flooding

Watch for changes in the condition of local roads and streets.

Potholes and bumps can give the patient greater discomfort and
possibly aggravate the patient's medical condition.

Be aware of the following conditions of local roads and streets:

! damage, potholes, badly rutted roads

! expressway utilization policies during rush hour or


Participant Manual -cxxx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

! detours, closed roads

! speed bumps, dips, bumps

! areas of standing water

Dispatch can help when it is absolutely necessary; however, it is

your responsibility to know the conditions of the area before you

Procedures to Identify Local Information

How could you find out about different activities in the area that
may affect your route?

Height Restrictions

When would ambulance height be important in route planning?

Module A -cxxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

Keep the height posted in the vehicle where you can quickly see it
during the run. The dashboard or visor would be good places to
post the vehicle height.

If you and your partner were on your way back to the station after
a run and had to pass under this overpass, could your vehicle pass
under this height obstacle?

Participant Manual -cxxxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

Why is route planning important?

When you plan a route, what factors should be considered?

Why must alternate routes be available?

Module A -cxxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

What do you need to be familiar with so you can get to the emergency
scene quickly and carefully?

Participant Manual -cxxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

POINTS TO Route selection is necessary for you to get to the scene quickly and
REMEMBER carefully. Route planning, predetermined route procedures, and
operator familiarization all contribute to effective route selection.
Choose a route to arrive at the emergency in the most efficient way.
Minimize travel time, minimize crash exposure, and allow the operator
to focus attention on driving.
When planning a route--

! consider geographic and local conditions

! utilize your organization's procedures
! Use predetermined routes to avoid potential problems
on the road.
! If primary routes are not in good condition, use
alternate routes.

You should be familiar with--

! daily route information

! procedures to identify local information
! height restrictions
! how to read a map

Module A -cxxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning



MODULE A: Ambulance Operations: The Basics

LESSON 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both nonemergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge of how to operate an

ambulance in order to improve the safety and quality of ride
for an ambulance patient

PERFORMANCE ! Identify five road construction and engineering factors

OBJECTIVE(S): affecting ambulance control and ride quality for an
ambulance patient

! Identify driving skills that affect the ride quality for an

ambulance patient

! Identify things an operator must do to maintain a safety

cushion around the ambulance

! For each basic driving maneuver listed, select the

Participant Manual -cxxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 6: Navigation and Route Planning

recommended procedure to be followed when driving

an ambulance

Module A -cxxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations




Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -cxxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations


When you have a medical team and a patient in the back of your
ambulance, they are counting on you to get them quickly to the hospital
without making the patient's condition any worse than it already is.


Road Surfaces

While the road surface greatly influences the quality of the ride, you can't
control it or change it. You must learn how to adjust your driving to match
the road conditions.

When roads are built, engineers plan each road to handle different kinds of
traffic and use different materials to build each road.

Module A -cxxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations


Asphalt is not as durable as some other common surfaces and requires

repair more often. Repairs normally consist of patching the surface with
more asphalt material or with tar to fill in cracks. These patches then
create bumps in the road.

Asphalt is at its worst during the hot summer months. When it's very hot,
the oils used to make asphalt bleed to the surface, making it slick,
especially when it rains.

An asphalt roadway can also roll up become wavy with heavy use during
extremely hot days. Not only is that very uncomfortable to ride over, but

Participant Manual -cxl Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

you do not have full control of your ambulance since your tires are in
contact with the road only half the time.


During hot weather, concrete expands and may break up at its joints,
leaving a hole in the surface.

Concrete also settles more than other road surfaces. As the earth under it
settles, the concrete sections develop severe dips, causing the ambulance
to bounce heavily between dips.

Concrete road surfaces also glaze over very quickly in freezing conditions,
much more so than asphalt.


Dirt and gravel roads are tricky to drive on if you're not used to them.
Because of the irregular shape, size, and weight of the stones, they move
about easily. This movement can cause a vehicle to go out of control with
only a slight action by the operator. Braking on gravel can cause a vehicle
to slide easily.

When following another vehicle on dirt and gravel roads, stay back to
increase visibility and to avoid flying stones.

Transitions Between Surface Types

When transitioning from one surface type to another, such as from hard
surface to gravel, you must change your driving style before moving onto

Module A -cxli Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

the gravel road or you could loose control of your ambulance.

Road Conditions

What road conditions might effect your ride?

Participant Manual -cxlii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations


How will you know when you are approaching a bump in the road?

One of the easiest ways to see a bump in the road ahead is to watch the
vehicles ahead of you bounce as they hit the bump. This gives you time to
slow the ambulance and lessen the effects of the bump.

Another way to see bumps is to look at the road surface itself. A clear
path in the center of the roadway followed by a dark spot indicates a large

Module A -cxliii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

dip or bump in the road. When vehicles hit the bump, loose oil and debris
under the car fall off, creating the dark spot.


Mud on the roadway causes problems, first by creating a slick surface, and
second, by filling the tread pattern of the tire and making the reaction ability
of the tire very slow.


Potholes are holes in the road surface, sometimes at the joint of a concrete
road or, more commonly, where a asphalt surface has failed. Potholes
cannot be easily fixed and keep returning, getting wider and deeper each
time they reappear.

Potholes give us two problems. First, they can destroy the ambulance's
tires or suspension system. Second, they can cause you to loose control as
one corner of the ambulance drops into the hole and the ambulance frame
twists. Both problems cause hardship for the medical personnel and
increase the pain level of your patient.

During your prerun route planning, be sure that you select roads known to
be free of potholes. And, if you discover potholes during your run, pass
this information on to the dispatcher so that the route information can be

The best way to handle a pothole is to try to drive around it.

If you must drive through a pothole--

Participant Manual -cxliv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

! release your brakes just as you get to the pothole

! hit the pothole squarely, rather than on the side of the tire

Animals, Tree Limbs, and Miscellaneous Objects

Everyone's natural reaction is to swerve to avoid hitting objects in the road,

but this often causes more problems than the object itself. Instead of

! if it is a small object, hit the object head-on

! if it is a large animal or object, maintain control of your vehicle and

attempt to avoid a head-on collision

Module A -cxlv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Bridges and Ramps

Bridges often have an open metal grating over the main expanse of the
bridge. When the ambulance's tires cross this grating, the tire tread tries to
align itself with the grating, causing the wheels to jump and jerk. The best
way to handle the grating is to slow while approaching the bridge and then
hold the steering wheel firmly in both hands. There will still be some jerking
of the wheel, but you should be able to control it by using both hands.

Bridges and ramps often have a reinforced concrete bed, which will freeze
before the roadway on either side. This is because, as the temperature
drops, the cold air circulates around the concrete bed of the bridge or
ramp and the concrete becomes cold faster than the roadway that is built
on the warmer ground. Use caution when driving on bridges and ramps
during freezing temperatures.


When highway engineers design a new roadway, they use the natural
contour of the land. Most of the time, they can reform the land slightly and
create comfortable roads. Sometimes, they can't. In hilly or mountainous
areas, following the land's natural contour often results with roads designed
with deep or multiple curves.

Never take a curve for granted. Enter a curve carefully, following the
posted recommended speed limit for the curve, and watch how the curve
changes as you continue. If it gets tighter, slow down even more to retain
control of your ambulance.


Most curves in today's highways are banked to help maintain

Participant Manual -cxlvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

speed while going through the turn. If a roadway is built so that the
inside of the curve is lower than the outside edge, then it is banked
properly. If the inside edge is level with or higher than the outside
edge, you will have to slow down in order to complete the curve.

Posted speed limits

The speed limits posted at the beginning of most curves is the

recommended speed that allows you to safely continue through the
curve. This speed is often lower than the prevailing highway speed
because of the amount of banking or because the curve is a
compound curve.


Older roads and those in areas that receive a lot of rain often have a crown
in the middle of the road. When a road has a crown, the center of the road
is higher than both edges. Since the crown is normally not very high, it
does not pose a problem on a straight road, but in a corner, the crown acts
like improper banking and works against the vehicle going around the
corner. Slow down in order to retain control of your ambulance.

Water Drainage

Road crowns are essential for good water drainage during rainy periods.
When water drains quickly from the road surface, the danger of
hydroplaning is reduced. Some concrete roads accomplish drainage by
cutting grooves into the road surface.

Hopefully, the water will drain completely away from the road, thus
eliminating the dangers of hydroplaning and possibly losing control of your
vehicle. You must look ahead and remain clear of areas of standing water

Module A -cxlvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

and water collected alongside the roadway.

Roadside Engineering

Roadside engineering consists of all the signs, guardrails, and barriers along
the roadway. These include your speed limit, no passing, and intersection
signs, and the safety barriers beside deep ditches or bridges.

How could roadside engineering effect the quality of ride you give your

Are you more likely to have control problems going from concrete to
gravel, or from gravel to concrete?

Participant Manual -cxlviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

If you are driving down a highway with very little traffic and in your lane
ahead, you notice a dark spot in the middle of your lane, what would that
indicate and what would you do?

You are driving through a hilly area after picking up a teen-aged boy with a
broken leg, it has been raining heavily, and there is a lot of traffic on the
road. Up ahead, it looks like some mud has slid from someone's yard onto
the roadway. What is the problem and what would you do?

Just before you get to the mud, a small tree branch falls into the roadway in
front of you. What would you do?

Module A -cxlix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

What problems might you have on asphalt in August when the temperature
is 101 degrees?

As you round a curve in the highway at 50 mph, with a patient on board,

you see a deep pothole in the right tire track on your side of the highway.
You firmly press your brakes to slow, but realize that you cannot change
lanes and are going to hit the pothole. What should you do?

It's night and you come over a hill. In your lane stands a full-grown deer

Participant Manual -cl Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

looking at you. There is a car coming toward you in the other lane and
there is a deep ditch on your right. What should you do?



Adverse Effects on Patient When Riding in an Ambulance

What would be some of the adverse effects of riding in an ambulance?

First, consider the patient.

Module A -cli Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Both sick and injured patients may feel nauseated. When you place them
on the stretcher and put them into the ambulance head first, they may
become even more nauseated from motion sickness. If the ride you
provide is not smooth and comfortable, their nausea may increase and they
may vomit, causing further complications for your medical crew.

Also, patients will tense their muscles to counteract the pitching forces
encountered in turns and while braking and accelerating. When patients
have broken bones or internal injuries, the muscle contractions will
aggravate their condition.

Adverse Effects on Medical Team When Riding in an Ambulance

What would be some adverse effects on the medical team?

Participant Manual -clii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Patient care cannot continue if your medical team has to hold on to survive.
Patient care must continue uninterrupted while enroute to the hospital.

Several basic and advanced life support skills are difficult to perform in a
moving ambulance, no matter how smoothly it is driven. These skills are
impossible if the ambulance is bouncing and swaying as it is driven down
the road. For example, studies have demonstrated that CPR is best
performed in a moving ambulance that is being driven at speeds below 25
mph and not being driven in the emergency mode.

How Driving Skills Influence the Quality of the Patient's Ride

There are four main driving skills that we are going to talk about. They are
cornering, braking, accelerating, and maintaining appropriate speed.

Ambulance Suspension System

Remember, like most cars and trucks, the ambulance is a body that is
attached to the engine and wheels with a suspension system. The
suspension system is designed to do two things. First, it is designed to
keep all four wheels firmly on the ground, no matter what the surface is
like, so that you can steer, have brakes, and accelerate. And second, it is
designed to isolate the body and its occupants from the bouncing of the
wheels when they hit bumps and uneven road surfaces.

Because of the way the suspension system is designed, when you speed
up, brake, or take corners, the body leans. Because an ambulance is a

Module A -cliii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

heavy vehicle and full of equipment, it has a stiff suspension and the amount
of lean is not great, but it must still be taken into account when driving.


There is a force that must be considered when going around a corner or a

curve. That force is called centrifugal force, and it throws a body toward
the outside of a curve as the vehicle goes around the curve.

For example, if you travel down the highway at 55 mph and enter a curve
to the left, you feel yourself being pushed toward the right side of the
vehicle. You naturally lean to the left to counteract this push. That works
fine for the passengers sitting upright in the seats.

But the patient strapped to the stretcher can't lean. And the medical team
can't lean, and their equipment can't lean. Reduce the force by slowing
down and making smooth turns so that the patient can balance and stay
balanced throughout the turn.

Participant Manual -cliv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations


Body lean is a very important factor when you brake or when you
accelerate. When you brake hard, the nose of the ambulance drops
downward and all the weight of the ambulance, and its occupants, shifts
toward the front. When you accelerate hard, just the reverse happens.
Everything shifts toward the back.

Just like when cornering, body lean is not a big problem for you because
you are sitting upright in a seat with your seat belt on. But the medical team
and the patient aren't so lucky. They are being thrown forward and
backward as you brake hard and then accelerate. And they can't see
what's coming so that they can brace themselves. You have to protect
them by braking no harder than necessary and by accelerating smoothly
and steadily.

When braking, you must take two factors into consideration: reaction time
and braking time

Module A -clv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Reaction time is a combination of the time it takes you to see and

understand that you will have to brake and to actually move your foot to
the brake pedal.

Braking time is the time it takes your brakes to bring the ambulance to a
complete stop.

Total stopping distance, then, is equal to the reaction time plus the braking

Training can reduce reaction time. When the brain is under stress, as it is
when you recognize a problem ahead, the body will react the way it was
trained to react.

In Lesson 1 we talked about factors that can affect your reaction time--
illness (e.g., cold, flu), a physical injury that could affect your ability to
maneuver the ambulance, medication(s), and lack of sleep.

All of these factors influence your reaction time and ultimately determine if
you will be able to stop in the time (distance) available. You need a way to
maximize the time and distance available for braking by placing your
ambulance in the safest position.

2-4-12 Rule

Participant Manual -clvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

The 2-4-12 rule says--

! maintain a 2 second interval between your ambulance and

the vehicle ahead for speeds below 55 mph

! increase the following distance to 4 seconds when speeds

get above 55 mph to allow for increased stopping
distances at higher speeds

! give yourself a 12 second visual lead time. In other words,

look ahead for possible hazards and alternate paths of
travel should an emergency arise

Use your 12-second visual lead time to constantly make speed and
position adjustments. Simplify your choices as much as possible.
Don't tackle more hazards than you absolutely have to.

Module A -clvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

For example, if you are looking 12 seconds ahead, you will see the
traffic light almost a block away turn red. You are able to respond
by removing your foot from the accelerator and begin slowing
early. Then by smoothly applying the brakes, you can bring the
ambulance to a stop without having to slam on the brakes. When
traffic clears and you can proceed forward, you can gently release
the brakes and begin to accelerate at a steady pace. As you
continue to look ahead, you begin slowing for that next corner and
make a smooth turn that doesn't throw the patient from one side to
the other.

Look ahead, see what is happening all around you, and begin your
actions early. Your driving will improve and you will begin
providing a smooth ride for your crew and your patient.


To reduce body lean and strain on the patient and the medical team,
accelerate smoothly and steadily.

Provide a comfortable ride by using a smooth, slow rate of acceleration.

This method requires that initially you apply a feather-touch to the

accelerator and then continue to move the accelerator pedal downward
gradually but steadily. As you approach the desired speed, hold the
accelerator still for a moment and begin to ease up on the accelerator to the
point where you are using just enough engine power to maintain the
selected speed.

Participant Manual -clviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

To practice, you can do two things. First, pretend there is a raw egg
between your right foot and the accelerator pedal. Try not to break the
egg. The second thing is something you should practice but not do on a
run. Place a half-full glass of water on the dash and try to accelerate (and
brake and take corners) without spilling any of the water.


If two ambulances are going down the same road, one at 55 mph and one
at 35 mph, which one do you think is providing the smoother ride?

Module A -clix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

High speed makes the ride rougher than lower speed does. The faster an
ambulance goes, the more it bounces. Each turn of the steering wheel
throws the ambulance harder from side to side.

Our local regulations concerning speed include--

High speed normally makes the patient's ride so much worse that it is
actually detrimental to the patient, not beneficial. You may get to the
hospital faster, but you may have made the patient's injuries worse just
from the bouncing. And the medical team hasn't been able to work
because they had to hold on to counteract the effects of a less than smooth

Most patients are stabilized and on life support, if necessary, before the
ambulance leaves the emergency scene. Therefore, speed is not as
necessary when transporting the patient to the medical facility.

Slow down for curves and corners and take them smoothly. Brake

Participant Manual -clx Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

smoothly and no more than is required. Accelerate smoothly and steadily

and go no faster than necessary.

The driving skills we want to improve are involved in what four phases of

What's the best way to improve these driving skills?

Total stopping distance equals?

Module A -clxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

There is a delicate balance between the operator, the machine, and the

! The machine, your ambulance, is the most reliable and is

responsible for only one percent of crashes.

! The environment is constantly changing and is responsible for

approximately ten percent of the crashes.

! The operator is responsible for a large percent of ambulance

crashes. The operator is also responsible for the successful
merging of the three-part relationship.

Preventable Collisions

Most collisions are preventable.

The key to preventing collisions is called situational awareness. This

means that you must be constantly aware of your situation by remaining
alert at all times, knowing what's going on all around the ambulance, and
driving defensively.

Defensive Driving

What is defensive driving?

Participant Manual -clxii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Defensive driving means doing everything reasonably possible to avoid

being involved in a preventable crash, regardless of what the law is, what
the other driver does, or adverse driving conditions.

Defensive driving requires continual exercise of good judgment and good

driving habits with an awareness that all other drivers cannot be relied upon
to drive properly and safely.

Expect the unexpected and be prepared to act. Have a plan of action at all
times. Remember, you have the final responsibility for your safety and that
of your passengers.

Maintaining a Safety Cushion

Module A -clxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

What do you think "maintaining a safety cushion" means?

Maintaining a safety cushion means driving so that you position your vehicle
in relation to other vehicles and possible hazards so that you have a cushion
of empty space completely surrounding your ambulance.

Participant Manual -clxiv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

You want to allow enough room around the ambulance so that you can
identify possible hazards, decide on a course of action, and react by either
bringing the ambulance to a controlled stop or maneuvering to avoid the

Why would you want to maintain a safety cushion of empty space around
the ambulance?

In a road emergency, you don't want to get boxed in without an escape

route. Maintaining a safety cushion around your ambulance, reduces your
chances of being involved in a crash.

Obviously, the safest position for the ambulance is as far away as possible
from any possible collision. It's easy to be involved in a crash when there
are vehicles in front, beside, and behind you.

Why should you be concerned about vehicles behind you?

Module A -clxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations


Tailgaters are people who follow too closely behind the vehicle in front of
them. Normally, they are so close that if you have to stop suddenly, they
don't have time to stop or prevent running into the back of your ambulance.

Don't allow other drivers to tailgate you. Use any method to make them
pass or fall back. If necessary, slow and pull to the right of your lane to
encourage them to pass. Tailgaters are safer for you if they are tailgating
the vehicle in front off you. You at least can see them and plan your action
if they run into the other vehicle.

Multiple Responding Units

Why would multiple responding units be a problem behind your


Emergency units responding along the same route should maintain 300 to
400 feet of distance between them. To make sure the other motorists
know there is more than one emergency unit in the area, use a different
siren tone than the vehicle ahead of you. Change tones at intersections and
allow your siren to partially wind down prior to the intersection so that both
you and the other motorists will be alerted that there are multiple
emergency vehicles in the area.

Participant Manual -clxvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Local regulations regarding multiple responding units include--


To get the maximum advantage from proper positioning, your safety

cushion, and defensive driving, you must communicate with other drivers.

How can you, when driving the ambulance, communicate with other

Module A -clxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Remember: always expect the unexpected from the other drivers.

Don't assume that they see or hear you. And even if they do see
and hear you, don't assume that they will give you the right of way.


Sometimes a crash is going to happen, even though you have done

everything you could to avoid it. You need to plan ahead for that situation
and think about how you are going to handle it.

To reduce the effects of a crash--

! keep the doors locked. A locked door will withstand many times
more strain in a crash than an unlocked door.

! always wear your seat belt. It's the best protection you have in a

Participant Manual -clxviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Our local regulations for seat belt use include--

! Keep loose items, such as clipboards, secured. Properly secure

your equipment to reduce the number of potential missiles inside
your ambulance.


Your first priority is to protect yourself and your passengers from death or
injury. The next priority is to reduce vehicle damage. But remember, you
and your crew are more important than your vehicle.

The key to surviving an inevitable crash is to REDUCE. First, reduce the

speed of the impact. The lower the speed, the lower the energy levels
involved and the lower the probability of death or serious injury.

Next, reduce the angle of impact. Try for a glancing blow rather than a
direct blow, such as a head-on collision.

Third, reduce the size and hardness of the object you are going to hit. For
instance, if you are going to leave the road, try to steer into a grassy field
instead of trees, or into small saplings and bushes rather than into larger

Module A -clxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

If you are absolutely sure that you are going to strike something, try to hit it
with the part of the ambulance the furthest from you--the right front or right
rear--even if it places your passengers in greater jeopardy. Remember,
only the operator can control the ambulance after the initial impact. You
may still need to steer the ambulance to reduce injury and damage, not only
to yourself, but to others.

If I notice that I have a tailgater riding my bumper, what should I try to do?

Why do I want to maintain a safety cushion around my ambulance?

In order to prevent crashes, how can I communicate with other drivers?

Participant Manual -clxx Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations


Module A -clxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Braking and Stopping

Braking is very effective in stopping your ambulance if it is done properly,

but it can be hazardous if you do it improperly. If you apply too much
pressure and lock the brakes, the wheels will skid and you will loose
steering control. If all four wheels skid, the rear end of the ambulance may
slide to the side and you will lose control of the vehicle. To avoid these
problems, you must keep the wheels turning.

Apply pressure on the brake pedal with the upper half of the right foot,
preferably with the heel contacting the floor. Try to pivot on the heel for
greater sensitivity on the pedal. This involves fewer leg muscles and
reduces unwanted "pumping" or "lock-up" of the brakes.

In a straight line, the most efficient way to brake to a stop on any surface is
by gently but firmly pumping the brakes. Braking, when properly done,
involves firmly pressing the brakes to the point before lockup, then gently
releasing them so that there is a minimum amount of front-end weight
change and bounce. The main point is to never lock-up the brakes.

Participant Manual -clxxii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Avoid staring at the front hood of the ambulance while braking. Check the
conditions to the rear to avoid being hit from behind. Check conditions to
the side in an effort to find an escape route. Search 12 seconds ahead to
see if the conditions which forced your braking actions have changed.

Making Lane Changes

When making lane changes on a multilane road, use the 12-second method
and plan your lane change well in advance. Signal your intentions and look
for reactions from the other drivers. If the new lane remains clear, gently
steer into the new lane and continue straight ahead. A properly executed
lane change should be smooth, and your passengers should never feel the
change in the position of the ambulance.

When changing lanes for passing on multilane highways--

! check other lanes for problems and a clear path

Module A -clxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

! check your mirrors to find an opening in the adjacent lane

! signal your intentions by having the signal lever in the "on" position
for at least three seconds before changing lanes

! check your blind spot by making a quick glance over your shoulder
in the direction the vehicle is to travel

! slightly turn the wheel for a smooth, gradual, accurate movement

! control your speed with a slight increase in speed, if required.

! time vehicle arrival into the adjacent lane to avoid interfering with
other traffic


Passing on two-lane roads

Participant Manual -clxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Passing on a two-lane road is a very dangerous maneuver because,

for several moments, you are in the lane of approaching traffic.
Your closing speed on the approaching vehicle is the total of your
speed and their speed. When passing at 55 mph, your vehicle and
the oncoming vehicle will be about 1/2 mile closer at the end of the
passing maneuver than when you started. You have to ask yourself
whether you have the space and if the risk is worth the few
seconds saved.

To pass a slower vehicle on a two-lane road, visually clear the

oncoming lane, change lanes, accelerate past the slower vehicle,
and smoothly pull back into your lane in just a matter of a few

Passing Stopped Traffic

Module A -clxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Attempting to pass stopped traffic is a hazardous situation. You

should pass stopped traffic only when you are able to determine
the reason for their stopping. While you are passing stopped
traffic, part of your escape route has been eliminated and if
oncoming traffic suddenly appears or one of the stopped drivers
suddenly pulls in front of you, you may have nowhere to go.


Participant Manual -clxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Childs and Ptacnik, in Emergency Ambulance Driving, report that

backing accidents account for 85 percent of all single-vehicle crashes
involving ambulances. This is normally a very slow maneuver, but
remember that the area directly behind the ambulance is not visible to the
operator. If backing is going to be necessary, it is best to do the backing
when you first arrive at the scene.

Always use a ground guide positioned at the left rear of the ambulance to
help. Position the guide so that you can see him or her in your side view
mirrors and so that the guide can see all the obstacles behind the
ambulance. Use agreed-on hand signals and, if there is any confusion, stop
and clear up the confusion before continuing. When backing, you will
either back in a straight line or make turns while backing. For straight line

! position your body so that you can properly use the side view

! position both hands on the wheel, either at ten and two o'clock or
at nine and three o'clock

Module A -clxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

! make sure that you have a clear view to the rear

! begin to accelerate slowly

! keep hand movement on the steering wheel to a minimum

For turning while backing--

! position your body so that you can properly use the side view

! position both hands on the wheel, either at ten and two o'clock or
at nine and three o'clock

! frequently check the front corners of the vehicle--remember that,

as you turn, it is the front end that moves sideways

! begin to accelerate slowly

! turn the steering wheel while maintaining firm control, always

keeping your hands on the wheel

! maintain speed control; in close quarters, creep the vehicle


Correct parking of the ambulance prevents it from being hit by other

Participant Manual -clxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

vehicles at the scene of a crash or at the hospital. Parking in an urban

setting is the toughest parking problem because you have to search for a
place to park and then squeeze your ambulance into a tight space while
trying to keep from impeding other traffic or getting your ambulance hit by
other vehicles.

Our local policy on parking at crash sites and hospitals is--

Perpendicular or Stall Parking

Module A -clxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Backing into a perpendicular parking space is highly

recommended. To park in a perpendicular space--

! use a ground guide

! position the ambulance two to three feet from the parked

vehicles on your right

! stop the ambulance when the operator's body appears to

be lined up with the center of the parking space

! select a 45 degree target--use the left corner post blind

spot of the windshield as a target guide

! creep forward while rapidly turning the steering wheels--

check for traffic. Aim for the 45 degree target. Set the
tires straight.

! shift into reverse

! line your vehicle up with the space and, looking over your
right shoulder, aim the vehicle for the space

! back to the rear pivot point

! creep backward and turn the steering wheel

Participant Manual -clxxx Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

! get the vehicle straight in the space

! creep backward and straighten the wheels

! back to the rear parking line

Angle Parking

Angle parking is used when there are 30 to 45 degree angle

parking spaces. This type of parking is designed for head-in
parking. Follow these steps when parking in an angled space:

! before parking, check the side view mirrors and check the
parking space

Module A -clxxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

! position the ambulance at least six to eight feet away from

the side of the parked vehicles

! see the center of the space without your line of sight

curving across the parking line

! creep forward and turn the wheel

! line up with target in center of space

! straighten the wheels

! stop at front parking line

To back out of the angle parking space--

! use a ground guide

! back slowly

! check the traffic as you back up

! check all corners of the vehicle

! clear the fender of the car on the left, then turn the steering
wheel hard

Participant Manual -clxxxii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

! straighten the wheels

! shift to drive and move forward


The simplest turns are the right and left corners.

On two-way streets, which takes more time and space to accomplish, a

right turn or a left turn at a corner?

Module A -clxxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

What is another difference when making a left turn than when making a
right turn?

The U-turn also leave your vehicle exposed to both oncoming and ongoing

To make a U-turn on a road without a median strip--

! slow the ambulance

Participant Manual -clxxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

! pull to the extreme right of lane or onto the shoulder

! check traffic in both directions

! signal intent to turn

! turn steering wheel hard in the direction of the turn

! when traffic is clear in both directions, move forward and

complete the turn as quickly as possible

! do not accelerate until after the turn is completed

! and if the turn cannot be completed in one motion, back

only as far as necessary for completion of the turnabout

Turning around by using the right side of the roadway or by

backing into a driveway requires a two-lane roadway.

Module A -clxxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

To complete such a backaround--

! use a two-lane roadway

! use the same method as backing into a perpendicular

parking space

! check roadway for traffic before and during the maneuver

! avoid driving head-in into a driveway, as this reduces

maneuverability when exiting the driveway

Urban Driving

Urban driving can be one of the most challenging experiences an operator

will face. In urban traffic, your ambulance is surrounded by others being

Participant Manual -clxxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

driven closer together than is considered safe. Traffic is constantly

changing speed, some traffic may be stopped, and vehicles are entering and
exiting the traffic flow from all directions.

Our local regulations about urban driving include--

Obviously, you must be at your peak of alertness to safely drive in heavy

urban traffic. In order for an ambulance operator to drive a safe
emergency response in heavy urban traffic, he must first understand and be
able to drive routinely in heavy traffic. Urban driving requires that the
operator be observant and learn to fit well within traffic.

When operating in congested city traffic, there are usually a lot of things
happening. It is most helpful to have a second pair of eyes assist you.
Since the most critical part of your run is getting to the patient and your
primary duty is to drive the ambulance safely, have the EMT sit in the
passenger seat to help navigate and watch the traffic.

The EMT may also use the radio to request alternate routes from dispatch
should you run into stopped traffic or unforecasted road repairs.

When it is not possible to have two people in the cab of the ambulance,
slow down and always look twice. This is critical when proceeding

Module A -clxxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

through busy intersections.

Large buildings will limit visibility at intersections. Large buildings also limit
the range of your siren and confuse people about which direction the siren
is coming. Your siren may get lost in all the other city noises unless you
change modes often, such as from wail to yelp.

In urban settings--

! be alert for traffic entering the roadway from alleys, parking lots,
driveways, and intersections

! be alert for children playing in the streets, people exiting delivery

vehicles, drivers opening doors to exit parked vehicles,
bicyclists, and pedestrians at school crossings and crosswalks

Rural Driving

Our local regulations about rural driving include--

! Be alert for loose livestock and pets.

Participant Manual -clxxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

! Be alert for bicyclists, school buses, and children waiting for buses.

! At the higher speeds of driving in rural areas, drivers may have their
windows up and the radio on and will not be able to hear the
siren until you are close to them.

! Be alert for slow-moving vehicles, such as tractors, farm

equipment, trucks, and horses and buggies.

Two-lane Highway Driving

Two-lane highways are dangerous because it is difficult to maneuver

around other vehicles, making you contend with slower traffic. Do not take
unwarranted chances in the hopes of getting to your destination faster.
Studies have shown that the chances taken are not worth the few seconds
saved by passing a slower vehicle.

Our local regulations concerning two-lane highway driving include--

Remain calm and patient and allow the other drivers sufficient time to slow
and pull over so that you may pass without endangering yourself, your
passengers, or the other drivers.

Module A -clxxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Highway/interstate Highway Driving

The special challenges of highway or interstate driving are directly related

to the increased number of vehicles on the road and the increased speed of
those vehicles.

Our local regulations about interstate highway driving include--

Use the 12-second rule to constantly read the subtle changes that occur in

Prerun route planning, which is covered in Lesson 6, means not only

picking a route but knowing the route, including the corners where you will
turn and the exits you will take off the interstate road. Sudden moves, such
as quickly changing lanes to get to an approaching exit or the reflex to
brake after you miss an exit, are the cause of many interstate crashes.
Know the exit you're supposed to take by at least one exit preceding it.

Be aware of how other drivers may respond to the emergency vehicle.

When exiting an interstate roadway, maintain your present speed until your
ambulance is completely off the interstate and use the exit ramp for

Participant Manual -cxc Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

decelerating. Remember that shorter ramps will require a greater rate of


When entering an interstate roadway, use the entrance ramp to accelerate

to the speed of traffic. Once on the interstate, progress lane by lane to the
extreme left or "fast" lane. The siren should be in the yelp mode when
making lane changes as this promotes vehicle recognition.

Use extreme caution while on the interstate. Most people mean well and
are really trying to clear the path for your vehicle. A little patience will help
keep you in good stead with the public and out of potential crash situations.

About how much distance must there be between my vehicle and an

oncoming vehicle if I want to pass a slower vehicle at 55 mph on a two-
lane road?

The best way to back the ambulance is with the aid of what?

Module A -cxci Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Why don't I want to lock the brakes in an emergency situation?

Perpendicular parking is best performed by which: backing in or driving

forward into the spot?

The 12 second rule should only be used on the highway because you can't
see 12 seconds ahead when driving in a city. True or false, and why?

Participant Manual -cxcii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

Module A -cxciii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

POINTS TO Road construction and engineering factors affect ambulance control and
REMEMBER quality of ride. Some of the factors to be considered are--
! different types of road surfaces and the transition between road
! road conditions and roadside engineering
! design of curves
! road crown
! water drainage
The four driving skills which effect the quality of ride are--
! cornering
! braking
! accelerating
! maintaining appropriate speed
You maintain a safety cushion around the ambulance by--
! encouraging tailgaters to pass
! making the public aware of the existence of multiple responding
! driving defensively
! communicating with the other drivers on the road
Basic maneuvers you perform every day include--
! braking and stopping
! making lane changes
! passing on two lane roads and passing stopped traffic
! backing
! parking
! turning

Participant Manual -cxciv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 7: Basic Maneuvers and Normal Operating Situations

You must be accomplished in driving on all road types and for all road
conditions that you may encounter in your area.



MODULE A: Ambulance Operation: The Basics

LESSON 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both non-emergency
and emergency modes

Module A -cxcv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge of how to operate an

ambulance under emergency driving and other high risk
driving situations in order to reduce ambulance crashes

PERFORMANCE ! For each emergency driving situation presented, select the

OBJECTIVE(S): recommended procedure to be followed when driving
an ambulance

! Identify the problem(s) associated with each adverse

driving condition listed

! For each adverse driving condition listed, select the

recommended procedure to be followed when driving
an ambulance

! For each driving scenario listed, select the recommended

crash avoidance technique to be followed when driving
an ambulance

! For each driving scenario listed, select the recommended

vehicle recovery technique to be followed when driving
an ambulance

Module A -cxci Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations




Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -cxcii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations



What is "emergency driving"?

The emergency mode of ambulance operation is specifically defined by

each individual state and refers to the use of emergency vehicles,
equipment, and operations. Emergency driving, in general, is defined as
using clearly defined procedures in the operation of an ambulance when
responding to a medical emergency, including the use of emergency
signaling devices, such as lights and siren.

Emergency ambulance driving and high-speed driving are two distinctly

different activities. High-speed driving is dangerous for the patient, the
crew, and everyone else on the road.

Module A -cxciii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

When responding to a medical emergency, follow the state statutes

concerning speed, but it is best to stay within the posted speed limit.

Emergency Signaling Devices

Emergency signaling devices (lights and siren) are used during emergency
driving for two reasons:

! to notify other drivers that an emergency vehicle is approaching

! to request that the other drivers yield the right of way to the

Other Drivers' Response to Emergency Driving

Participant Manual -cxciv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Most drivers will yield the right of way to an ambulance if--

! they realize the ambulance is there

! they have sufficient time to make a decision as to what to do

! they have sufficient time and space to carry out that decision

The use of the emergency lights and siren cannot guarantee safe, clear
passage. While most drivers will yield the right of way, some won't be able
to see and/or hear the ambulance because of visibility restrictions in their
vehicle or because of other noise or radio interference. And some drivers,
even though they see and hear the ambulance, will refuse to yield the right
of way.

The use of lights and siren actually increases your danger of a crash.

Response Time

Module A -cxcv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

While there is a need to respond to an emergency as quickly and efficiently

as possible, some time-saving methods can have harmful effects and, in the
majority of cases, the few minutes saved will probably not matter.

Speed Limits

Speed limits are based on the quality of the road and the normal traffic
conditions. Traffic conditions do not remain normal when an ambulance

A study by the Society of Automotive Engineers indicates that sirens warn

pedestrians and the drivers of vehicles traveling in the same direction and
ahead of the ambulance. Sirens do not give sufficient warning to drivers of
vehicles approaching head on, or traveling on converging roads.

In a rural environment, a person in a closed car proceeding at 55 miles per

Participant Manual -cxcvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

hour (mph), with the radio playing, may not be aware of a penetrating
electronic siren (wail) until it is as close as 33 feet away. In city traffic, a
driver with the car windows open and no radio playing might not detect the
siren more than 123 feet away.

The effectiveness of the siren warning system to vehicles on crossroads is

only about one-third of that for a vehicle straight ahead of the siren and
traveling in the same direction.

Even when operating in the emergency mode, follow the state statutes
concerning speed, but it is best to stay within the posted speed limit.

The local regulations governing the use of lights and siren are--

Module A -cxcvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Controlled Intersection Procedure

What is a "controlled intersection?"


Participant Manual -cxcviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

The New York State Department of Health reported in the "Ambulance

Accident Prevention Seminar" that 60 percent of ambulance crashes occur
at intersections with stop signs or traffic lights.

If the intersection is controlled, why would ambulances have so many


At an intersection controlled with stop lights, who has the right of way, the
approaching ambulance or the cars with the green light?

Due Regard

Module A -cxcix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

The Law of Due Regard says that "a reasonably careful person, performing
similar duties and under similar circumstances, would act in the same

The Law of Due Regard requires that the courts look at each crash and
determine if the ambulance operator was abiding by the law of due regard
at the time a traffic crash occurred. To do so, they must get answers to
questions like the following:

! Was it necessary to use the emergency warning system under the

circumstances of the call you were responding to and the
medical condition of the patient you were transporting?

! Did the ambulance operator give enough warning of the vehicle's

approach to allow other motorists and pedestrians to clear the
way for the emergency vehicle?

Participant Manual -cc Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

! Was the emergency warning system activated and operating prior

to the crash?

! Was the ambulance operator using the emergency warning system

in the manner for which the system was designed to be used?

! Was the operator of the ambulance operating the vehicle at a

speed greater than necessary to allow the complete control of
the ambulance in relation to traffic, road, and weather

Your performance as the operator is going to be closely looked at in

relation to the nature of the emergency and the traffic, road, and weather

The National Voluntary Consensus Standard

The standards have used the ASTM guideline as a reference. The

standards for controlled intersection management during emergency
response mode are--

Module A -cci Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

! The siren should be in the wail mode 300 feet prior to the

! Switch the siren to the yelp mode 150 feet prior to the intersection.

! Remove your foot from the accelerator to cover the brake pedal
and allow compression to slow the vehicle. Start applying the
brake to bring the ambulance to a complete stop at the
crosswalk line.

! If the ambulance has an air-driven airhorn, give two short blasts on

the airhorn.

Participant Manual -ccii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

! Make a complete stop. Look to the left, look to the immediate

front, look to the right, and then again to the left. You may then
proceed through the intersection under 10 mph if traffic is
stopped in all lanes to the left, in front of and to the right of the
ambulance. After you have made eye contact with all stopped
vehicle drivers, you may proceed through the intersection
exercising the highest degree of care.

! Continue with the siren in yelp mode and proceed through the
intersection exercising the highest degree of care.

! When there are vacant lanes to the left or right, you must complete
the previous steps of clearing each lane of traffic prior to
crossing that lane.

! You should expect that any vacant lane to your left or right may
become occupied by another vehicle which did not see or hear
the ambulance's warning systems.

Module A -cciii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

! You should be aware that other emergency vehicles may be

approaching the same intersection that you have taken control
of. You should not enter the intersection until the other vehicles
have stopped or proceeded through the intersection.

! You should avoid passing stopped vehicles on their right.

! You should turn right at the intersection only after all vehicles have
stopped and drivers on the right are aware of the ambulance.

! You should expect that any vehicles in front may make an

unexpected left turn in front of the ambulance after it has started
to enter the intersection.

! You must be aware of other hazards at the intersection, for

example, pedestrians, road hazards, defective traffic control

Participant Manual -cciv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

The local rules for driving through controlled intersections are:

Typical local intersection--

Dangerous intersections--

Driving Against Traffic

Module A -ccv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

On a multilane highway, do not enter an opposing traffic lane until it is safe

to do so and all other oncoming vehicles are aware of the ambulance's

Similarly, do not enter a one-way street against traffic until all opposing
traffic is aware of the ambulance's presence and has yielded the right of

Our state and local criteria for driving against traffic includes--

Participant Manual -ccvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

There are two reasons why we use emergency signaling devices. What are

You are in the emergency response mode and are driving to the scene of a
multiple-car crash. The weather conditions are good, traffic is light, and the
speed limit is 55 mph. What is the maximum speed you may drive?

Three hundred feet prior to approaching a controlled intersection, your

siren should be in which mode? And, 150 feet prior to the intersection,
change the siren to which mode?

Module A -ccvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Prior to entering a one-way street against traffic, what must you do?

After coming to a complete stop for a red light at a controlled intersection,

what must the operator do prior to proceeding through the intersection?


One of your goals is to provide a smooth, uneventful ride for your patient,
not the fastest ride possible.

Smooth driving keeps the ambulance balanced. When the ambulance is

balanced, its weight is distributed evenly to all four wheels, the suspension
is stable, and steering and braking are most effective.

Participant Manual -ccviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Adverse conditions affect--

! Traction

! Vision

Conditions Affecting Traction

Module A -ccix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations


Rain affects traction in three ways:

! When it rains, a layer of water forms over the road. As a rolling

tire moves over this layer of water, it loses contact with the road
surface. This is called hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is especially
dangerous because you lose steering and braking control. As
little as 1/16 of an inch of water on the road surface can cause

! Driving through large areas of water can affect brake performance

because the brakes become wet and less effective.

! If the water is concentrated on one portion of the road and only

one side of the vehicle goes through the water, the vehicle will
tend to pull in that direction. The force of the pull is dependent
on the depth of the water and the speed of the vehicle.

Participant Manual -ccx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations


! Slow down before hitting water

! Gently apply your brakes for a few moments as you exit the deeper
puddles to heat the brake shoes and dry them

Snow and Ice

Snow and ice form an extremely slick barrier between your tires and the
roadway. Extreme caution must be taken when driving on snow and ice to
avoid sliding when turning, braking, and accelerating.

Bridges and shaded roadways freeze first.

When driving through deep snow, proceed slowly and shift into a lower
gear before entering the snow and attempt to keep the ambulance moving
through the snow.

High Winds

The ambulance is very susceptible to the effects of the wind.

Cross-winds can blow the vehicle off the road or across the center line,
particularly in curves and corners and especially when it's raining, snowing,
or icy and traction with the road is already reduced.

Module A -ccxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Wind shifts occur as you pass buildings, travel through an underpass, or

pass large trucks. Reduce speed to lessen the effects of these wind shifts.


Wet leaves on the roadway can become as slick as ice or snow. Slow
down and treat them as you would a large patch of ice.

Increasing Traction with Traction Devices

When it starts to rain, retain control by reducing speed and apply smooth
steering, braking, and acceleration.

Snow Tires

Snow tires have a tread pattern that is different than normal highway tires.

Participant Manual -ccxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

This open, deeply grooved tread pattern increases the tire's grip on the
snow and is designed to clean itself as the tire rotates.


Chains can be carried in the vehicle and installed when needed. When
using chains, reduce your speed to keep them from banging against the
ambulance. Chains should be removed before driving on bare roads, if

Conditions Affecting Vision

Your vision can be affected in three ways. First, the environment may give
you problems. Second, your vehicle and the way you care for it may affect
the way you are able to see things. And finally, your physical condition and
preparation for duty will affect your eye's ability to see.

Module A -ccxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Driving at Night

Even under the best of weather conditions, visibility is decreased at night.

Because there is less light, your eyes work differently, and you see things
differently than in the daytime.

Because of the way your eyes are designed, you have a blind spot in the
center of your field of vision. At night, the blind spot may hide small,
poorly lit objects if you try to stare at them. To compensate, you must
constantly scan the different parts of the area ahead.

Some other problems you encounter when driving at night are--

! Darkness conceals hazards and you must make decisions based on

incomplete information.

! It is more difficult to judge the speed and position of another

vehicle because you do not have distinct shadows and other
objects as reference points.

! Your peripheral vision is reduced if you smoke. This makes it

more difficult to judge the speed and position of other vehicles,
especially at night.

! Adequate highway lighting is limited.

! Glare from roadside lighting and oncoming vehicle headlights impair

your visibility.

Night Driving Techniques

Participant Manual -ccxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

A few night driving techniques can help reduce the dangers:

! Keep dash and panel lights dim for better vision, but always have
enough light to read the speedometer.

! Reduce speed so that you can stop within the visible distance.

! Increase sight distance by keeping the headlights clean and

properly aimed and the windshield clean.

! Watch beyond the headlights on or near the roadway for slow-

moving or unlighted vehicles, curves, T-intersections, road
obstructions or defects, trains, pedestrians, and animals.

! Keep your eyes moving so that your blind spot does not hide
objects ahead.

Module A -ccxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Maintaining Night Vision

To increase your ability to see at night--

! Don't move immediately from a brightly-lit room to a dark vehicle

and begin driving.

! Avoid looking directly into glaring headlights of oncoming vehicles.

! Don't smoke.

! Don't wear sunglasses at night.

Rain and Fog

Rain and fog affect visibility in two ways:

Participant Manual -ccxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

! Reduced visibility

! Glare

Use caution in checking outside mirrors when it is raining. Rain can

distort or obliterate the images in your mirrors.

The Vehicle

How can your vision be affected by the vehicle?

Module A -ccxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations


Have broken or cracked windshields fixed or replaced, and keep your

windshield clean and your wipers operative so that you may clean the


Use the visors mounted above the windshield to prevent looking directly
into the sun. Move the visors to the side to reduce glare and the hypnotic
effect of the sun flashing through trees.

Bug Screens

Plastic bug screens mounted on the front of the hood are very effective in
deflecting bugs, and even light rain and snow, up and over the windshield.


Keep your headlights clean and operative to provide maximum lighting at

night and in adverse weather conditions.

Side View Mirrors

Keep your side view mirrors clean and properly adjusted so that you are
able to see to down both sides of the vehicle. If necessary, adjust a mirror
slightly to prevent glare when the sun is behind you.

Participant Manual -ccxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

The Driver

What things might you do that affect your own vision?

Compensating for Visibility Problems

These are some additional ways to compensate for visibility problems:

Module A -ccxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

! Prepare yourself.

! Turn on low beam headlights and the wipers, if needed.

! Watch for slow moving and stopped vehicles.

! Check the side view mirrors frequently for vehicles approaching

quickly from the rear.

! Be alert for patches of fog in valleys and low-lying areas.

! Drive slowly, but keep moving.

! If conditions are too bad to continue, pull over as far as possible,

stop, leave lights on, and activate hazard lights.

Participant Manual -ccxx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Hydroplaning occurs when it rains and a layer of water forms between the
tire and the road surface. Why is hydroplaning dangerous?

After it has rained and there are puddles of standing water, how can you
reduce the effects of hydroplaning?

What is the problem associated with high cross-winds?

While on a run at night, you remember from this course that your eyes

Module A -ccxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

work differently and that you have a blind spot in the center of your field of
vision. What do you do to compensate for this blind spot?

What things improve your night vision?


What is "crash avoidance"?

Participant Manual -ccxxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations


In Emergency Ambulance Driving, Childs and Ptacnik point out that one
in four drivers will be involved in a major motor vehicle crash.

Crashes don't have to be caused by you. In their panic to get out of your
way, other drivers may cause a crash that eventually involves your vehicle.


A crash's severity can almost always be lessened if the operator continues

to drive the ambulance.

Plan Ahead to Avoid a Crash

Planning ahead for a crash does two things. It physically prepares

Module A -ccxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

your vehicle for the effects of a crash. And, it prepares you

mentally by making you think about avoiding the crash.

Securing Your Equipment

Store items in cabinets or tie them down so that they do not

become missiles during a crash.

Check your ambulance for items that may come loose and doors
or drawers that may open. Try to find ways to fasten them so that
they remain closed or tied down when not in use.

Use padding to cushion sharp corners and prevent injury.

Wear Seat Belts

Always wear your seat belts and have your passengers wear theirs.

Keep the patient belted to the stretcher and the stretcher secured
to the chassis.

Mentally Prepare Yourself

Plan your escape route from every situation around you.

Decide which item to hit if a crash is unavoidable. You have two

choices, but always hit at an angle rather than head-on. Choose to
hit items that will absorb the impact rather than solid objects.

Participant Manual -ccxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Maintain Rear and Side Space Cushion

The further other vehicles are from your ambulance, the more
difficult it is to be involved in a crash with them.

Back With a Ground Guide

Use all the help you can to avoid backing into other vehicles or
items on the ground. Back with a ground guide.

Multiple Responding Units/Multiple Agency Response

Anticipate other units responding to the same emergency, or to

other emergencies in the vicinity. Look out for their lights. Change
the volume of your siren so that you can hear the sirens of other

Clearing a Controlled Intersection

The only way you can prevent a crash with other drivers at an
intersection is to look each driver in the eye and see that they have
acknowledged your presence and have agreed to yield the right of

Then, and only then, are you safe to proceed toward the next
intersection. Or are you? Is there another driver hidden behind
that truck beside you or around the corner? Always be alert and
never get careless.

Module A -ccxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Faced with the certainty of a crash, there are three things a driver
can do: brake, accelerate, or turn to avoid it or lessen the impact.


Braking takes time and distance to be effective. If brakes are

required, apply them smoothly and firmly. Do not lock the brakes.


If, when crossing an intersection, you realize that you are about to
be hit from the side or rear, you may be able to avoid a crash by
accelerating as smoothly and rapidly as possible without spinning
the wheels.

Steering Out of the Way

Participant Manual -ccxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

There are many times where steering out of the way is the only way
to avoid a crash. To do so, the vehicle must be moved sideways
as far as required and as quickly as possible to clear the hazard.
Even if you only partially clear the object, you will hit it with a
glancing blow instead of head-on.

Practice driving with your hands at the ten and two o'clock or nine
and three o'clock positions so that you are always prepared to
execute a smooth, but rapid, turn.

What are some of the things you can do to mentally prepare yourself to
avoid a crash?

Sometimes, despite all the planning you do, crashes happen. Faced with
the certainty of a crash, there are three things a driver can do. What are

Module A -ccxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

As you are moving through a controlled intersection, you suddenly notice a

car moving rapidly toward you from your left side. What is probably the
best way to avoid a crash?

You are driving down the interstate in the left lane doing 55 mph. All the
traffic has been responsive to your lights and siren and have moved into the
right lane. Suddenly, a car ahead pulls from the right lane into your lane
right in front of you. What two things can you do to avoid the crash?

You have been parked at the crash scene for 20 minutes. As you get
ready to leave, you notice that other vehicles have blocked you from
driving forward. Prior to backing out of your parking spot, what should
you do to help you avoid colliding with equipment behind your ambulance?

Participant Manual -ccxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations


Sometimes, you may be able to avoid a crash by driving off the road, or,
for some reason you have driven off the road and need to recover by
returning to the road without causing a crash. At other times, you may
have a vehicle malfunction and you need to respond to the malfunction and
then safely pull off the road.

Running Off the Road Recovery Techniques

Initial Reaction

Module A -ccxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

The most common reaction when leaving the road surface is to quickly try
to get back onto the road. This reaction frequently causes a head-on crash
because you overcorrect and cross the center line into the oncoming lane.


To avoid over-correcting, immediately remove your foot from the

accelerator and continue to drive the ambulance. Do not brake heavily or
you may be pulled further from the road. If no obstacles are directly
ahead, continue to slow and regain steering control in preparation for
pulling back onto the road.

Pulling Back Onto the Road

Check your side view mirrors and signal drivers behind you that you plan
to return to the road. Smoothly turn the steering wheel and drive back
onto the road.

In the event an additional hazard (such as a pole or guard rail) is directly

ahead on the shoulder of the road, you may have to drive immediately back
onto the road, even though you may not be fully prepared.

To do so, smoothly turn the steering wheel toward the road and then
immediately straighten it as the front tire makes contact with the edge of the
roadway. The brief period between the steering input and the resulting
action should allow the rear tire to also climb onto the road. This rapid
maneuver will allow the steering to be corrected before the ambulance is
driven into oncoming traffic.

Responding to Vehicle Malfunction

Participant Manual -ccxxx Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

Tire Blowout

If a front tire blows out, the vehicle immediately swerves in the direction of
the destroyed tire. It a rear tire is involved, the back of the vehicle sways
back and forth.

In either situation, hold the steering wheel firmly and steer enough to
maintain your lane position. Ease off the accelerator, but do not brake.
Rapid deceleration or braking may make steering control more difficult.

Once speed has been reduced to the point where you can steer, slowly
begin braking, signal your intentions, and move off to the side of the road.

Brake Failure

If brake failure occurs, try the brakes again. If pumping the brakes does

Module A -ccxxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

not work, shift into a lower gear and use the engine to brake. Carefully
apply the parking brakes. The parking brakes only work on the rear
brakes and stopping distances will be much longer. Continue to steer and
maneuver to where you can safely leave the road.

If brake failure occurs while going down a hill and engine braking and use
of the parking brake are not effective, you may have to sideswipe parked
cars, guard rails, small trees, or dirt banks to slow sufficiently.

Steering Failure

Today's ambulances are equipped with power steering. In these vehicles,

steering failure occurs whenever the engine quits. It may also occur if all
power steering fluid is lost. In either case, the ambulance can still be
steered, but it will take more physical strength since the operator has to
overcome the failure of the hydraulic system.

If steering failure occurs, slow the vehicle and pull off the road. Do not
brake heavily in case the vehicle pulls to one side; you do not have the
strength to overcome this extra force.

Stuck Accelerator

Shift the transmission into neutral and get the vehicle off the road and
stopped as quickly as possible. Understand though, that once the
resistance of the drive train is released by the transmission, the engine will
rev up quickly. If the engine is not shut off quickly, it will probably fail,
resulting in the loss of steering control and brakes.

Released Hood

Participant Manual -ccxxxii Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

If the hood releases and breaks your vision, try to find a small gap through
which you can look at the base of the hood and pull the ambulance off the
road. If all forward visibility is blocked, quickly get your head out the side
window and drive the vehicle to the side of the road and stop.

Techniques for Pulling Off the Road


Plan your exit with the time available. Signal your intentions and use the
first available parking area.


Most vehicle malfunctions require rapid deceleration. Remove your foot

from the accelerator and begin smooth, firm braking. You may have to
release some of the braking pressure if it becomes difficult to control the

Module A -ccxxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

steering. Continue to drive the ambulance and do not just jam on the


Once you have driven off the roadway, stop the ambulance where it will
not be hit by other traffic. Turn on your emergency flashers and turn off
your emergency lights and siren.

As you are taking a patient to the medical facility, you hit a deep pothole
and your left front tire blows out. How should you recover?

After stopping and visually clearing a controlled intersection, you accelerate

normally and begin a right turn toward the medical facility. You notice that
it is taking a lot of effort to turn the steering wheel. What is the probable
failure and what do you do to recover?

You are on a run in the country on a two lane asphalt road and notice that
the farm tractor coming toward you is wider than normal and is crowding

Participant Manual -ccxxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

the center line. As you pull to the right to avoid hitting the tractor, your
right wheels run off the hard surface onto the soft shoulder and you feel the
ambulance pull hard to the right. What should you do to recover?

If, in the previous situation, you saw a car parked on the edge of the road
just ahead of where you came off the road, what procedures would you
use to quickly pull back onto the road?

Module A -ccxxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 8: Operations in Emergency Mode and Unusual Situations

POINTS TO In the emergency mode you use emergency signaling devices while
REMEMBER responding to a true medical emergency. Even in the emergency mode,
you should not exceed the posted speed limit. Safe, controlled driving
will get you to the emergency scene and the medical facility without
endangering you, your crew, or the patient
Emergency signaling devices are used during emergency driving--
! to notify other drivers that an emergency vehicle is approaching
! to request that the other drivers yield the right of way to the
When approaching other drivers with your lights and siren on, always
expect the unexpected.
The controlled intersection is the most dangerous part of any run.
Approach each intersection slowly and carefully, and thoroughly ensure
that you have the right of way before proceeding through the
Adverse weather conditions affect traction and vision. To improve
traction, slow down. To improve vision, make sure windshield and
mirrors are clean. To improve performance, make sure that you are
well rested and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
When faced with an impending crash, try to avoid the crash by braking,
accelerating, or steering. Before a crash occurs, prepare your vehicle
and prepare yourself.
The Law of Due Regard puts the burden on you to ensure that your
actions are necessary and appropriate for the situation.

Participant Manual -ccxxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operation: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations



MODULE A: Ambulance Operations: The Basics

LESSON 9: Safety: Special Considerations

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both nonemergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge of safety

requirements and how to comply with them while operating
the ambulance

PERFORMANCE • Identify obligations for ensuring passenger safety


• Identify responsibilities for ensuring safety of the patient's


Module A -ccxxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

• Identify activities for protecting the vehicle and crew at the


• Identify requirements for handling ambulance fires




Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -ccxxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations


The safety of the passengers, crew, and vehicle are your responsibility. This
lesson will provide you with the information you need to protect them from
potential dangers.


As the ambulance operator, you are responsible for the safety of all
passengers in the vehicle. This includes making sure restraints are being
used properly, that all equipment and other objects have been secured, and
that only safe behavior is tolerated within the vehicle.


All passengers--the crew, patients, and operator--must wear a seat belt

when the vehicle is motion.
! All passengers must wear a seat belt.

Module A -ccxxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

! A child must be properly restrained in a safety seat.

! All patients must be properly secured.

Only the medical technician is exempt from wearing restraints and only
when attending to the patient in the patient compartment.

Secure Equipment

Secure all equipment in the operator and patient compartments to prevent

an injury if the vehicle has to suddenly stop or swerve. When leaving the
scene, all equipment used on the scene should be secured in the vehicle.
This includes such things as clipboards, portable radios, and flashlights. If
any of the patient's personal effects are being transported, be sure they are
properly secured.

Unsafe Behavior

While the vehicle is in motion, if you notice unsafe behavior in the

ambulance, it is your responsibility to stop it. If someone is interfering with
patient care or vehicle operation, demand that it stops.

Who must wear restraints?

Participant Manual -ccxl Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Why should all equipment be secure?

What are some examples of unsafe behavior?

What should you do if you notice unsafe behavior in the vehicle?


Module A -ccxli Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Often the family of a patient will be at the emergency scene. Your

responsibilities to the family may include--
! transporting them
! ensuring their safety
! communicating certain information to them

When to Transport

Safety As Passengers

Participant Manual -ccxlii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Guidelines for Following the Ambulance

If a family member is going to the medical facility in another vehicle, explain

where you will be taking the patient and why you will or will not be using
the emergency warning devices. If you will be transporting in the
emergency mode, be sure to tell the family NOT to try to follow the
ambulance. Tell them they must obey all traffic laws.

If the family does not know the area or where the medical facility is, briefly
give them directions. If you won't be transporting in emergency mode,
suggest that they follow you to the medical facility.

When is it appropriate to transport members of the patient's family?

Module A -ccxliii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

What should you do to ensure the safety of a family member traveling in the

What information should you give a family member who is traveling to the
medical facility in another vehicle?


To ensure the safety of the crew and ambulance while on scene, you
! look for dangers when approaching the scene
! be aware of other emergency vehicles/services
! be aware of problems improper placement of the ambulance can
! know the correct way to use warning devices to protect the crew,
patient, and vehicle from danger while at the scene

Participant Manual -ccxliv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Potential Dangers

Protect the ambulance and crew from potential dangers. Potential dangers
you may encounter include--

Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)

Signs of HAZMAT dangers may include spills, fumes, and noxious gases.
Be especially aware of hazardous materials when you are responding to a
tractor-trailer crash, train derailment, industrial incident, and certain farm
incidents. Properly trained and equipped personnel should assess the
scene before you enter a possible HAZMAT area. Call for the help you

Module A -ccxlv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

The standard operating procedures for responding to HAZMAT calls are--


Approach the scene of a fire very slowly. Avoid driving into a wet area;
the liquid may be flammable. Also avoid driving over hoses. If smoke
clouds are present, be cautious; they may contain lethal, toxic gases.
Coordinate your efforts with fire fighters, but allow the trained fire fighters
to fight the fire. Call for help if you need it.

Participant Manual -ccxlvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations


When approaching a scene where a crowd has gathered, use extreme

caution. People, recognizing you as "help," may run to the ambulance in a
panicked state, placing themselves in danger. Crowds can also become
hostile to EMS operators. Be sure you are safe. When in doubt, wait on
the law enforcement officers to arrive. Allow law enforcement or a scene
commander to control crowds. If necessary, call for help.

Module A -ccxlvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Violent Acts

There may be times when an emergency call concerns a violent situation.

Let law enforcement personnel deal with violent or hostile persons and do
not hesitate to call for help if needed. Make sure that the vehicle remains
secure and attended and out of range of gun fire and other violence. Work
closely with the law enforcement officer to safely treat and load patients in
the ambulance.

Participant Manual -ccxlviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations


The ambulance must be parked away from the flow of traffic in order to
protect the crew, patient, and vehicle. (Vehicle placement will be
discussed later in this lesson.) Remember that curious drivers often pay
more attention to the incident than to their driving. If a reckless motorist
disables your ambulance, then you will be unable to transport the patient.
Allow law enforcement personnel or scene commander to divert traffic. If
needed, call for help. The standard operating procedure will provide
guidance if you are the only one on the scene.

The standard operating procedures for diverting traffic areB

Module A -ccxlix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Downed Power Lines

Power lines that are down or hanging precariously are very dangerous; only
trained personnel should try to remove them. Do NOT touch power lines.
A danger zone should be made so that everyone at the scene realizes the
danger. Power lines may arc and jump, so make the safety zone far
enough away for protection

Break up into groups of two or three. Read each of the following

scenarios and discuss how you should react to each. Have someone write
down your answers. When you are finished, we will discuss your answers
will be discussed as a class.

Participant Manual -ccl Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Scenario 1

You are approaching the scene where the injuries have been caused by a
gang fight. You are first to arrive on the scene. What should you do?

Scenario 2

You are approaching an emergency scene where a large crowd has

formed. What should you do?

Scenario 3

You are approaching an emergency scene where a tanker truck marked

with a HAZMAT symbol has been in a wreck. What should you do?

Module A -ccli Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Vehicle Placement

When you arrive at the emergency scene, your first instinct may be to park
the vehicle in the first available open area and abandon it to assist with
patient care. This practice may lead to more problems and delays because
access to the ambulance and equipment may become dangerous and/or
lengthy. There are four issues to consider for vehicle placement at the
emergency scene. They are--safety, traffic flow, ease of departure,
distance from patient.


Safety includes not only the safety of the ambulance but also the safety of

Participant Manual -cclii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

the crew. Ambulance and crew safety can be affected by restricted access
to the ambulance, using the ambulance for scene protection, and various
danger zones.


The safety of the crew when accessing the vehicle and the
equipment housed in the vehicle is an important consideration for
vehicle placement. If one or two sides of the vehicle are along the
flow of traffic it will be dangerous for crew members to get to the
materials needed for patient care. Park where access to all
compartments is out of dangerous traffic flow. Be aware of
obstacles such as guard rails and bushes which may restrict access
to parts of the vehicle if you park too close to them.

Scene Protection

To keep the vehicle out of traffic flow, it should not be used for
scene protection. The ambulance is needed for patient transport
and carries essential patient care equipment. Therefore, the
ambulance should not be used as the sacrificial barrier. A police or
fire vehicle would be a better choice (if available.) Follow standard
operating procedures for the situation, whether you are first on the
scene or one of many responders. Call for help if necessary.

The standard operating procedures for scene protection are--

Module A -ccliii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Danger Zones

If the emergency is a fire, HAZMAT, or other such incident, park

the ambulance far enough away to protect the crew and the patient.
Don't park near damaged vehicles, because they might catch fire
and explode. In the case of a vehicle wreck, park at least 50 feet
away from the wreckage. This will protect the ambulance from
broken glass and debris from the wreckage. Also be aware of any
fuel leaking from wrecked vehicles. The scene commander should
direct you to a location. In addition, avoid parking the ambulance
where it will be an obstacle to other emergency personnel.

If you must park on a hill, exercise special care. Be sure to set the
ambulance's parking brake. Remember that stretchers can roll.
Your organization must use wheel chucks as a further safety
feature. In addition, position the front wheels so that if the vehicle
starts to roll the wheels will hit the curb.

Traffic Flow

The ambulance should be parked so that it does not block traffic. If an

ambulance is parked in such a way that it's causing traffic problems, then at
least one side of the vehicle is unsafe for access by the crew.

However, there may be times when you must place the vehicle amidst
traffic flow. When responding to an emergency in a business district, you
may need to double-park or otherwise inconvenience motorists. Your first
priority should be patient care.

Participant Manual -ccliv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Ease of Departure

Park the vehicle in a position which provides for an easy departure and in
the direction of the medical facility. Avoid having to back into traffic or
steer around obstacles once the patient has been loaded.

When responding to a home, it may be better to park in the street rather

than a driveway. This is especially true if the house is near the street, or if
the driveway is steep or narrow. Parking on the street will prevent having
to back into or out of a driveway. This can be difficult and dangerous on
residential streets due to the presence of children, pets, and obstacles like
bushes and parked cars.

Distance from Patient

Unfortunately, the need to be near to the patient frequently overrides the

first three issues--safety, traffic flow, and ease of departure.

The patient care equipment is stored in the ambulance, and the patient will
most likely be transported in the ambulance. Therefore, the back doors of
the ambulance should be placed close to the patient. However, don't park
so close that fumes from the engine overcome the crew or the patient.

The key to protecting the vehicle and crew is to think ahead about the
consequences of your actions. Before parking the ambulance, remember
to consider each of these factors--
! safety
! traffic flow
! ease of departure
! distance from patient.

Module A -cclv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

For each of the following diagrams, we will discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of the parking configuration. Break up into groups of two or
three. Look at each diagram and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages. Have someone write down your answers. When you are
finished, we will discuss your answers as a class.

Diagram 1

What are the possible advantages of this parking configuration?

Participant Manual -cclvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

What are the possible disadvantages of this parking configuration?

Diagram 2

What are the possible advantages of this parking configuration?

Module A -cclvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

What are the possible disadvantages of this parking configuration?

Diagram 3

What are the possible advantages of this parking configuration?

Participant Manual -cclviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

What are the possible disadvantages of this parking configuration?

Diagram 4

Module A -cclix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

What are the possible advantages of this parking configuration?

What are the possible disadvantages of this parking configuration?

Participant Manual -cclx Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Diagram 5

What is wrong with this picture?

Warning Devices

A number of warning devices are available to help protect the ambulance at

the scene. Warning devices should be placed to define the accident scene
and mark temporary traffic lanes.

Module A -cclxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

The standard operating procedures for using warning devices are--

There are several choices of warning devices which serve various purposes
for protecting the scene. Flares and warning triangles are generally placed
on the ground, whereas cyalumes (hand-held chemical light sticks),
flashlights, and vests are held or worn by someone to warn others of the
potential danger.


A flare is a stick made of combustible material which burns brightly for a

certain length of time. A flare may not burn long enough for the situation.
If the flare is not long enough for the incident, lay a flare on the ground and
place the head of a second flare, with the cap removed, on the base of the
first flare. The first flare will ignite the second flare. Don't put flares where
they'll be extinguished or washed away by washdown hoses.

Participant Manual -cclxii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Be very careful when igniting a flare. They burn at very high temperatures
and drip when burning. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for igniting
the flare. Never light the flare inside a vehicle. Don't use flares if
combustible liquids or vapors are present. Don't place flares near dry

What are the precautions for using flares?

When an emergency scene is limited to one side of the roadway, one flare
should be placed alongside the scene; a second flare should be placed
about 150 to 200 feet towards approaching traffic; the third flare should be

Module A -cclxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

placed about 300 feet from the scene. If the emergency scene is on a two-
lane road, you may want to place an additional flare 100-150 feet in front
of the scene to warn oncoming traffic of the danger. In some cases you
may find it necessary to place more flares in order to protect the scene.

What are some situations which may require the use of more warning

An easy and efficient way to estimate the distance for flare placement is to
count your steps as you walk quickly. The average pace is slightly more
than two feet. For example, 50 paces is approximately 100 feet.

Participant Manual -cclxiv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

Warning Triangles

The large reflective orange-red triangles are effective warning devices and
are much safer than flares. They are especially useful when combustible
materials are present or when you are unsure of the dangers present. In
addition, you do not need to be concerned about the length of time you will
be using them.

Warning triangles can be placed in the same configuration as flares.

Module A -cclxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations


Flashlights/cyalumes can be used to warn people of a potential danger, but

they should not be relied upon. These tools depend on someone holding
and waving them to be effective; therefore, they tie up a precious resource,
emergency care providers. These devices may be given to a bystander
with instructions on how they should be used. Anyone using these to warn
traffic should also be given a safety vest increase visibility and safety.

Safety Vests

Safety vests are made of reflective material and are worn by someone who
wants to be more visible. They are often used by someone who is working
in a potentially dangerous area, near the flow of traffic.

What are the types of warning devices available to you?

Participant Manual -cclxvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations


In the event of a fire in the ambulance or the potential for fire due to a crash
involving the ambulance, you are responsible for ensuring the safety of the
passengers and crew. If a fire in the ambulance is detected, you should
safely pull off the road and order the evacuation of the vehicle. (Refer to
Lesson 8 for safe procedures for pulling off of the road.) Be sure to take
necessary equipment for patient care and protection from the weather.

If the ambulance is involved in a crash, reduce the possibility for fire by

shutting of the engine, any unnecessary electrical power, and oxygen/air

The ambulance should have at least two fire extinguishers aboard, one in
the operator compartment and one in the patient compartment. If trained,
you may want to attempt to extinguish a fire in the ambulance. Fire fighting
should be left to trained individuals. Call for help if necessary.

Module A -cclxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 9: Safety: Special Considerations

POINTS TO Passenger safety is your responsibility.

Ensure the safety of the patient's family if they go to the medical facility.
Once at the scene, ensure that it is safe for the vehicle and crew to
enter the area.
Park the ambulance so it does not cause a risk for the crew or vehicle.
Ensure the safety of all passengers and crew if there is an ambulance

Participant Manual -cclxviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run



MODULE A: Ambulance Operations: The Basics

LESSON 10: The Run

COURSE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge and skills to
operate their vehicles so that their vehicle, equipment, crew, and
patients will be delivered safely and efficiently and the safety of the
public will be assured during all phases of the delivery of the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) involving the ambulance

MODULE GOAL: To provide ambulance operators with the knowledge required to

safely and efficiently operate an ambulance in both non-emergency
and emergency modes

LESSON GOAL: To provide participants with knowledge on how to plan and

carry out a successful run

PERFORMANCE • Identify prerun activities

• Identify operational activities

• Identify postrun activities


Module A -cclxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run



Notes Response Appendix Local Requirements

Participant Manual -cclxx Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run


A lot of information has been covered in this course so far. You have
learned about--
! legal issues affecting ambulance operations
! the basics of communications
! vehicle types and dynamics
! making sure your vehicle is ready for a run
! making sure you and the crew are ready for a run
! driving techniques for normal situations
! recognizing and driving in high-risk situations
! safety considerations during the run.

Now it's time to put it all together as it would happen. A run has three
phases--prerun, operations, and postrun.

The prerun phase typically consists of--

! ensuring that you and the crew are ready
! ensuring that your ambulance is ready
! knowing primary and alternate routes

The operations phase typically consist of--

! leaving for the scene
! driving to the scene
! emergency scene operations
! transporting the patient
! operations at the medical facility

During the postrun phase you get your ambulance resupplied, cleaned, and
decontaminated, if needed, and ready to make the next run.

Consider the following scenario and questions. Responses to questions will

be discussed as a group.

Module A -cclxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run


You and several others are arriving at the station to begin your shift. While
you are settling in, you find out one of the crew only had an hour of sleep
because of a sick child.

What should you do?

Why should you be concerned with another crew member's state of mind?

Participant Manual -cclxxii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

The supervisor has handled the problem of the tired EMT by making him
get some sleep and bringing someone as a replacement. You have made
sure the crew is ready to go on a run. You check the bulletin board for any
important information which may affect a run today. The shift supervisor
provides a briefing on the current conditions in your area which may affect
operations on your shift. There is construction on Main Street with one
lane blocked; there is a baseball game at the stadium; and there is a
possibility of thunderstorms in the afternoon.

How will such conditions affect operations during a shift?

Module A -cclxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

After the briefing, the supervisor tells you to check the ambulances.
Ambulance A is still on a run, so you do a quick check or full check of
ambulance B at the station. Ambulance A returns from the run, but it is a

What should you do to prepare ambulance A for another run?

You inspect the ambulance while another crew member checks the patient
compartment. You notice that the brake lights on the back of the

Participant Manual -cclxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

ambulance are not working.

What should you do?

Ambulance A has been repaired and returned to you. You inspect it again
and it passes with flying colors. You report to your supervisor that you and
your ambulance are ready to go when needed.

A true emergency call comes in from dispatch. You are to respond to an

injury on one of the town's busiest roads. Dispatch gives you the location.

You and the crew get ready to leave.

What should you do before you move the ambulance?

Module A -cclxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

You have left the station in an emergency response mode and are on your
way to the scene, using your predetermined primary route. You are driving
as smoothly as possible, while obeying all traffic laws.

Dispatch tells you there's flooding on one of the roads on your planned
route. What do you do?

You have successfully navigated around the flooding but now have to clear
a major controlled intersection before reaching the scene.

Participant Manual -cclxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

How would you clear this controlled intersection?

Module A -cclxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

Participant Manual -cclxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

You have successfully cleared the intersection with no problems. You are
traveling on a two-lane road at about 40 mph. You are going north. The
opposing lane is clear. There are buildings and a sidewalk along the right
side of the road. Suddenly a car backs out of a hidden driveway into your
path, 50 yards in front of you. The driver can't see you because of the
building. (If you drive in a rural area, change the scenario to a deer that
runs into your path, 50 yards in front of you.)

Module A -cclxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

How would you avoid a crash?

That was close. But you made it without any problems. You are now
approaching the scene of the emergency.

What would you do if there are already other emergency vehicles and
personnel on the scene?

Participant Manual -cclxxx Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

What if you are the first to arrive at the scene? What should you be
looking for to protect the ambulance and crew?

What should you do if you detect downed power lines?

Module A -cclxxxi Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

What should you do if you find a large crowd?

Participant Manual -cclxxxii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

You are going to park now. What should you consider before parking the

Module A -cclxxxiii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

You have chosen the best possible place to park your ambulance. What
should you do now, before assisting with patient care, to ensure that the
ambulance will remain operational?

The crew is preparing to transport the patient. The patient has been loaded
into the ambulance.

Participant Manual -cclxxxiv Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

What steps should you take before moving the ambulance?

You are on your way to the medical facility.

What should you remember about transporting the patient?

Module A -cclxxxv Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

You are about to travel over a very bumpy section of road.

What should you do?

Participant Manual -cclxxxvi Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

You have arrived at the medical facility and have parked the ambulance
near the doors of the building for patient unloading.

What should you do?

Module A -cclxxxvii Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

The patient has been released into the care of the medical facility.

What should you do to get the ambulance ready for the next run?

Participant Manual -cclxxxviii Module A

Ambulance Operations: The Basics
Lesson 10: The Run

POINTS TO The three phases of a run are--

1. prerun
2. operational activities
3. postrun
Prerun consists of ensuring operator readiness, ensuring vehicle
readiness, and route familiarization.
Operations consists of departing for the scene, driving to the scene,
emergency scene operations, transporting the patient, and operations at
the medical facility.
Postrun consists of any activities you did not perform in any other
phase which prepares you or the ambulance for the next run.
The next step in the course is observation and practice of the skills
needed to operate the ambulance safely and efficiently.
The final step in the course is evaluation of your performance on the

Module A -cclxxxix Participant Manual

Ambulance Operations: The Basics


The goal of this module is to provide ambulance operators with the skills to safely and efficiently operate
an ambulance.


It is important that you be able to identify those situations that result in a high number of ambulance
crashes. Crash prevention requires that the operator learn the appropriate procedures and develop
low-risk habits.

Ambulance operators often are involved in crashes at intersections, when backing, parking at the
medical facility, turning around, and changing lanes. The exercises in Module B are designed for you to
learn how to perform each of these maneuvers safely.

You will learn to inspect and operate an ambulance on a driving range prior to operating in a job
environment. Module C describes the on-the-job training where all the skills and knowledge from
Modules A and B will be used to perform the job.


There are ten exercises in this module. The order in which these exercises are conducted may be
The Serpentine 6
Diminishing Clearance 11
Braking While Turning 15
Straight Line Braking 19
U-Turn 23
Three-Point Turn 27
Right Side Road Turn 31
Left Side Road Turn 35
Slow Speed Lane Change 39
Perpendicular Parking, Back In and Drive Out 43

Module B 1 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice
Participant Manual 2 Module B
Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice
Instructions to Participants


The exercises are conducted using the concept of performance-oriented training. This concept is very
simple and is success oriented. The following steps implement this concept. Each instructor will
explain, demonstrate, coach, and let you practice before you are evaluated. For some exercises, there
may be additional participants in the ambulance playing the role of the patient on the stretcher and/or the
Emergency Medical Technician in the patient compartment.

The instructor will follow these procedures for each exercise:

1. Explain to you what is to be accomplished and the acceptable performance standard.

• Be sure you understand what is expected.

• Use the exercise sheet to follow along with the instructor's explanation.

2. Demonstrate the procedure to you.

• Watch and listen to the instructor's demonstration.

• You will integrate several different actions.

• Ask questions about any part of the exercise.

3. Coach you while you practice the task.

• Start each exercise slowly.

• Stop if you don't understand something.

• Ask questions about any part of the exercise.

4. Let you practice the task until you can meet the standard.

• Practice the correct procedure.

• Practice until you have met the performance standard.

• Tell the instructor when you are ready to be evaluated.

Module B 3 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice
Instructions to Participants

• Ask questions about any part of the exercise.

Participant Manual 4 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice
Instructions to Participants

5. Evaluate your performance of each task.

• You have practiced and know how to do the task properly.

• Do your best.


Each module exercise contains three sheets.

The first sheet shows a diagram of the exercise as it is laid out on the course. It shows the dimensions
of the exercise and where the traffic cones will be placed. For the driving range, some of these cones
may be changed somewhat, and these changes will be pointed out to you prior to conducting the

The second sheet provides general exercise information, such as the purpose of the exercise, how it
is to be performed, and some of the things you and the instructor will be doing during the exercise.

The third sheet is an evaluation rating form the instructor uses when testing the performance of the
exercise. Remember, you won't be evaluated until you have had a chance to practice and have told the
instructor that you are ready.

The rows of boxes are a guide to the number of practices you may need to achieve the standard.
However, you may achieve the standard on your first attempt. These sheets will become a part of your
training record.


The ambulances used during Module B should be those that you will operate when on the job. If this is
not possible, similar models will be used and the differences pointed out to you. Each ambulance should
be in safe working condition, but may have discrepancies and require servicing or repair to add realism
to the training. Those used on the driving range must be fully equipped and mechanically sound with
high quality tires and fully functional safety and communication equipment.

If more than one ambulance will be used on the course, communication must be established between the
vehicles to prevent accidents.

Module B 5 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice
Instructions to Participants


Any half-mile or greater stretch of straight, four-lane roadway that can be closed off, or abandoned
airport runways, may be used. The dimensions of the exercises used in this module may be altered to
provide the most training in the space available.

Your organization may have a permanent range that is used for emergency vehicle operator training.
Permanent ranges may or may not provide enough space to set up all of the exercises. This may also be
the case if a vacant field or parking lot is used to set up the course.


All driving exercises are designed for you to learn the control and handling of the ambulance, not its
speed capabilities. Each exercise will be run slowly at first and the speed gradually increased as your
proficiency improves. None of the exercises is designed to be run at highway speeds.


You should use ground guides when backing an ambulance and operating in a congested area such as a
crash scene. However, during the initial backing exercises, you will learn to use the mirrors; the exercise
should first be performed using the mirrors only. Once you can use the mirrors to back successfully
while turning in both directions and to stop at a designated point, the ground guide should be added for
all subsequent backing maneuvers. The hand signals discussed in lesson 3 will be demonstrated by the
instructor. You and the ground guide will have a chance to practice them and using the mirror prior to
practicing backing the ambulance with the ground guide.


There are several rules that must be followed at all times while on the driving range unless otherwise told
to disregard for a particular exercise.

! No food or drinks in ambulances.

! No smoking in ambulances.
! No alcoholic beverages on the driving range.
! Seat belts shall be worn at all times.

Participant Manual 6 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice
Instructions to Participants

! Do not exceed speed limits established locally at any time on the range.

! Unsafe vehicles will not be allowed on the range.

! Report all equipment malfunctions immediately.
! Ambulance operators must have a state automobile or higher driver's license before operating
on the range.
! Follow directions of the instructors at all times.

These are sample rules. Each organization will have a list of local rules that will be appropriate for their
course. The course rules will be discussed with you before going to the course.


You either pass or fail the exercise based on your ability to perform the maneuver as outlined on the
evaluation sheet. If you have difficulty with a certain aspect of the exercise, the instructor will decide if
additional coaching, practice, or both will be necessary for you to achieve the standard. Each exercise
will have a locally developed standard based on the actual exercise layout and type ambulance used.
Time will not be a part of the standard. A sample standard : Without hitting a cone, move the
ambulance forward so that the front bumper is within 12 inches.


The training manager will decide how many participants go to the course. The size of the course,
number of ambulances and instructors available for training, and other factors can limit the number of
participants that can be accommodated in a training session. If participants will be idle, the training
manager will consider establishing concurrent training stations. These stations could provide additional
training on a variety of subjects such as vehicle inspections, communications, and emergency
procedures. The concurrent training can be conducted by a participant or by an instructor.

Module B 7 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Participant Manual 8 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


To develop the basic skills of coordinating acceleration, timing of steering movements, and the use of the 9 - 3 hand position. It
also develops the ability to judge the relationship of fixed objects to the vehicle.

This exercise does not simulate a real world situation. It develops the skills for use in other exercises and gives you the
opportunity to become familiar with how the vehicle handles and to build confidence. It will be taught before exercises using the
9 - 3 hand position.

Begin from a standstill and accelerate smoothly. Maintain steady speed on course. Begin braking at the assigned point and bring
ambulance to a full stop at the stop line.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Accelerates smoothly.
3. Negotiates the course smoothly.
4. Keeps steering movements constant and even.
5. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
6. Maintains constant speed throughout the course once assigned speed is reached.
7. Passes closely to the cones.
8. Brakes smoothly to a full stop.

Module B 9 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 10 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Serpentine Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Accelerated smoothly................... G G G G
B. Maintained required speed............. G G G G
C. 9-3 hand position........................ G G G G
D. Maintained constant speed............. G G G G
E. Steering control.......................... G G G G
F. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
G. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
H. Use of brakes............................. G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 11 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 12 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 13 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Diminishing Clearance

To give the operator the sensation of driving in a street that starts out at 10 ft. 6 inches and ends up at 7 ft. 6 inches. Judges the
operator's ability to perceive change in dimension while driving forward and to use mirrors while backing.

Begin from a standstill facing perpendicular to the course. Accelerate and turn to enter the course. Maintain a steady speed while
on the course. Keep the ambulance on the centerline of the course and begin braking at the assigned point to bring the ambulance
to a full stop at the stop line. The distance over or behind the stop line will be recorded. Ambulance will then be backed full
length of course and stopped at course entry points.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at slow speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.


1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Accelerates smoothly.
3. Negotiates the course smoothly.
4. Keeps steering movements constant and even.
5. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
6. Maintains constant speed throughout the course.
7. Maintains ambulance on course centerline.
8. Brakes smoothly to a full stop.
9. Uses mirrors while backing.
10. Accelerates smoothly in reverse and maintains slow steady speed while in reverse.
11. Brakes smoothly to full stop at course entry point.

Participant Manual 14 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Diminishing Clearance Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Accelerated smoothly................... G G G G
B. Maintained required speed............. G G G G
C. 9-3 hand position........................ G G G G
D. Maintained constant speed............. G G G G
E. Steering control.......................... G G G G
F. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
G. Maintained centerline position......... G G G G
H. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
I. Use of brakes............................. G G G G
J. Use of mirrors........................... G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Distance OVER/BEHIND stop line feet inches

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 15 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 16 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 17 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Braking While Turning

To develop skill in achieving and maintaining maximum braking pressure while controlling the direction of the vehicle.

Enter course at selected speed. At brake cue cones, begin maximum braking. Steer through course while braking. Do not lock

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Enters course at speed determined by instructor.
3. Negotiates the course smoothly.
4. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
5. Exits the course at the direction of the instructor.

Participant Manual 18 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Braking While Turning Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Entered course correctly................ G G G G
B. Maintained required speed.............. G G G G
C. 9 - 3 hand position...................... G G G G
D. Controlled acceleration.................. G G G G
E. Steering control........................... G G G G
F. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
G. Smooth acceleration...................... G G G G
H. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
I. Use of brakes............................ G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 19 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 20 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 21 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Straight Line Braking

To teach operator to brake quickly and smoothly on demand. Combines reaction time, smooth braking, and steering skills.

Enter course at selected speed. At instructor command, quickly bring ambulance to smooth, full stop. Maintain straight direction
and stop without locking brakes.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Enters course at speed determined by instructor.
3. Negotiates the course smoothly.
4. Keeps steering movements constant and even.
5. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
6. Maintains constant speed throughout the course.
7. Passes closely to the cones.
8. Brakes smoothly on instructor command without locking brakes.

Participant Manual 22 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Straight Line Braking Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Entered course correctly................ G G G G
B. Maintained required speed.............. G G G G
C. 9 - 3 hand position...................... G G G G
D. Controlled acceleration.................. G G G G
E. Steering control........................... G G G G
F. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
G. Smooth acceleration...................... G G G G
H. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
I. Use of brakes............................ G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 23 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 24 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 25 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


To develop the coordination of acceleration, turning, judgment of road width, and signaling.

Enter course and begin braking. Signal, check mirrors, and begin turn. Use shoulder areas to complete turn in one motion.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Enters course at speed determined by instructor.
3. Signals for a right turn at least 100 feet in advance.
4. Pauses momentarily to check for oncoming traffic.
5. Follows through with the counter clockwise turn.
6. Avoids situations with considerable cross traffic or pedestrians.
7. Crosses minimum number of traffic lanes (considerably safer).
8. Negotiates the course smoothly.
9. Keeps steering movements constant and even.
10. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
11. Exits the course at the direction of the instructor.

Participant Manual 26 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

U-Turn Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Entered course correctly................ G G G G
B. Maintained required speed.............. G G G G
C. 9 - 3 hand position..................... G G G G
D. Controlled acceleration.................. G G G G
E. Steering control........................... G G G G
F. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
G. Smooth acceleration..................... G G G G
H. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
I. Use of brakes............................ G G G G
J. Signaled intention....................... G G G G
K. Checked mirror.......................... G G G G
L. Turned head.............................. G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 27 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 28 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 29 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Three-Point Turn

To develop the coordination of acceleration, turning, judgment of road width, and signaling.

Check traffic. When clear, brake and turn to come to stop with front wheels on right shoulder. Begin backing and turning steering
wheel to left. Stop when rear wheels are on left shoulder. Steer to the right and begin to accelerate. Move into right lane and
continue forward.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Enters course at speed determined by instructor.
3. Checks rear traffic and signals for a stop at least 100 feet in advance.
4. Brings vehicle to a stop at approximately a 15-degree angle from the center of the road.
5. Begins backing turning the wheel slowly for the first 5 feet.
6. Steers counter clockwise until rear wheels barely hit the shoulder.
7. Moves forward into the right lane.
8. Negotiates the course smoothly.
9. Keeps steering movements constant and even.
10. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
11. Exits the course at the direction of the instructor.

Participant Manual 30 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Three-Point Turn Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Entered course correctly................ G G G G
B. Maintained required speed.............. G G G G
C. 9 - 3 hand position (going forward). G G G G
D. Controlled acceleration.................. G G G G
E. Steering control........................... G G G G
F. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
G. Smooth acceleration..................... G G G G
H. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
I. Use of brakes............................ G G G G
J. Signaled intention....................... G G G G
K. Checked mirror.......................... G G G G
L. Turned head.............................. G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 31 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 32 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 33 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Right Side Road Turn

To develop the skill of coordinating turning, braking, signaling, and making traffic observations.

Enter course, slow, and stop just past side road. Back into side road. Stop with front bumper clear of roadway. Check traffic,
signal, and pull into opposite lane. Accelerate and exit course.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Enters course at speed determined by instructor.
3. Selects side road, checks rear traffic, and signals for a stop at least 100 feet in advance.
4. Keeps close to right edge of road and brings vehicle to a stop approximately 10 feet past the side road.
5. Allows traffic from the rear to pass.
6. Looks over the right shoulder and rechecks traffic.
7. Backs into the side road on the right.
8. Checks traffic in both directions, signals for left turn and re-enters the roadway.
9. Negotiates the course smoothly.
10. Keeps steering movements constant and even.
11. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
12. Exits the course at the direction of the instructor.

Participant Manual 34 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Right Side Road Turn Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Entered course correctly................ G G G G
B. Maintained required speed.............. G G G G
C. 9 - 3 hand position (going forward). G G G G
D. Controlled acceleration.................. G G G G
E. Steering control........................... G G G G
F. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
G. Smooth acceleration..................... G G G G
H. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
I. Use of brakes............................ G G G G
J. Signaled intention....................... G G G G
K. Checked mirror.......................... G G G G
L. Turned head.............................. G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 35 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 36 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 37 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Left Side Road Turn

To develop the skill of coordinating turning, braking, signaling, and making traffic observations.

Enter course, slow, and signal for left turn. Check traffic and turn left into side road. Stop with rear bumper clear of roadway.
Check traffic and back into lane. Stop. Accelerate forward and exit course.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Enters course at speed determined by instructor.
3. Selects side road, checks rear traffic, and signals for a turn at least 100 feet in advance.
4. Keeps to the right of the centerline and stops approximately 20 feet from roadway.
5. Checks traffic and proceeds ahead.
6. Moves forward.
7. Negotiates the course smoothly.
8. Keeps steering movements constant and even.
9. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
10. Exits the course at the direction of the instructor.

Participant Manual 38 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Left Side Road Turn Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Entered course correctly................ G G G G
B. Maintained required speed.............. G G G G
C. 9 - 3 hand position (going forward). G G G G
D. Controlled acceleration.................. G G G G
E. Steering control........................... G G G G
F. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
G. Smooth acceleration..................... G G G G
H. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
I. Use of brakes............................ G G G G
J. Signaled intention....................... G G G G
K. Checked mirror.......................... G G G G
L. Turned head.............................. G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 39 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 40 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 41 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Slow Speed Lane Change

To develop confidence in controlling the vehicle and to experience vehicle stability. The exercise assists in developing
coordination of steering and acceleration as well as the recognition of the relationship of fixed objects with respect to the vehicle.

Enter course at selected speed. Maintain speed as lane changes are made. Signal for turn when first entering lanes, change lanes,
change signal for opposite lane change.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Enters course at speed determined by instructor.
3. Negotiates the course smoothly.
4. Keeps steering movements constant and even.
5. Maintains 9 - 3 hand position.
6. Maintains constant speed throughout the course.
7. Does not use brakes.
8. Passes closely to the cones.
9. Exits the course at the direction of the instructor.

Participant Manual 42 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Slow Speed Lane Change Exercise Rating

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Entered course correctly................ G G G G
B. Maintained required speed.............. G G G G
C. 9 - 3 hand position...................... G G G G
D. Controlled acceleration.................. G G G G
E. Steering control........................... G G G G
F. Counter steering......................... G G G G
G. Accelerator, steering coordination.... G G G G
H. Checked mirrors......................... G G G G
I. Turned head.............................. G G G G
J. Foot movement.......................... G G G G
K. Use of brakes............................ G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 43 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 44 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Module B 45 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Perpendicular Parking, Back In and Drive Out

To develop skill in backing a vehicle into a stall controlling front end swing and recognizing the relationship of the vehicle to fixed
objects. Develops use of mirrors and use of ground guide and mirrors.

Drive forward at steady speed. Brake to stop at forward cone line. Back into space while turning. Stop at cone line. Maintain
centerline of parking space. First tries to be conducted using mirrors only. Add ground guide for subsequent tries.

1. Explains purpose of exercise and key factors of the exercise.
2. Demonstrates exercise at moderate speed.
3. Demonstrates exercise at required speed.

1. Assumes proper driving position; seat, mirrors, seat belt.
2. Enters course at speed determined by instructor.
3. Drives the vehicle beyond the stall, which is perpendicular to the road.
4. Backs the vehicle into the center of the stall.
5. Drives forward using the 9 - 3 steering method.
6. Turns into designated parking space using hand-over-hand or shuffle steering.
7. Centers vehicle in parking space.
8. Drives out, turning steering wheel to the desired direction selected.
9. Makes final adjustments and drives forward.
10. Exits course at direction of instructor.
11. Uses ground guide and proper hand signals.

Participant Manual 46 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice

Perpendicular Parking Exercise Rating

Back In and Drive Out

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

Practice Exercises
1 2 3 4
A. Controlled acceleration...................... G G G G
B. Coordination of steering and braking..... G G G G
C. Foot movement........................... G G G G
D. Use of ground guide..................... G G G G
E. Use of proper hand signals............. G G G G

Number of cones hit

Reaction time was adequate. YES NO

Vehicle remained under control at all time. YES NO

Task was completed in one sequence of movements. YES NO

Vehicle was 12 inches or less from curb. YES NO

Describe negative actions or attitudes.

Failed to complete exercise because

All requirements were met. YES NO


Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed form and have been given an explanation of my performance and rating.

Participant's signature Date

Module B 47 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


Participant Manual 48 Module B

Ambulance Operation: Demonstration and Practice


The goal of this module is to provide ambulance operators with the skills to safely and efficiently operate
an ambulance while performing on-the-job training (OJT) runs.


This module builds on the knowledge and skills you learned in Modules A and B. You will now begin a
series of supervised on-the-job training sessions. This training is necessary because there are
operational tasks that cannot be evaluated in other than an operational setting. You may do an excellent
job on the driving course but not be able to cope with an emergency response, traffic congestion, and
navigating to different medical facilities. This is the final phase of the training to qualify as an ambulance
operator. You should be asssigned to a partner who is qualified to coach and evaluate your
performance. Training should never stop. There is always something to learn or practice to maintain a
professional level of performance.


An experienced person should conduct an orientation for you. This should include a complete
discussion of the traffic situation in the operational area and practice runs without patients to the medical
facilities. If there are any particular areas the organization responds to frequently, the reason for the
responses should be explained and the best routes identified. Navigation training should begin and
continue so that you can find the medical facilities from any location in the operational area. Throughout
the OJT, the training manager will monitor your progress by discussing your progress with you and the
supervisor and by reviewing the checklists. When the performance standard has been achieved in each
phase of the OJT, you will be told and the entries made to your training record.

Each ambulance crew should continue training by practicing during every opportunity. They should also
critique each run to review what they did that could be improved and to determine how the next run
could be better.

If you have a busy organization that makes many runs daily, the OJT period may be completed in a few
days. In less busy organizations, the training may take weeks. Try to get all training completed as soon
as possible.

Module C 1 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operator Internship
Instructions to Participants


Each of the checklists listed below covers a related group of tasks that must be performed.


Ambulance Familiarization
Ambulance Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair
Normal and High Risk Operating Situations
Operational Driving

Beside each task statement on the checklist is a series of boxes. The number of boxes signifies a
projected number of times you might need to perform the task under supervision on an actual run. You
may perform to the standard on the first run, and this should be indicated. Space is included on each
checklist for the evaluator=s comments. These comments provide a running narrative of your progress.
The checklist should be filled out at the end of each run, and you should be briefed on your performance
results. Completed checklists become a valuable training record, and they are placed in your permanent
training record.

Depending on the tasks performed during each supervised run, the evaluator may be able to sign off
task accomplishment on more than one checklist, and is encouraged to do so.


The checklists are designed to record how you did your job in an operational setting or simulated
practice. The checklists show the tasks that you will be expected to perform during your on-the-job
training. You can use the checklists as a study guide for your organization. You will need to study your
organization's Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The SOP will describe the procedures for a
variety of routine situations that you will encounter and what to do when you need assistance. Take
each checklist and try to match up the tasks with the information in the SOP. If the SOP does not
cover a task, ask your supervisor to tell you how to do that task.

In an operational setting, the type of run will not be known until the ambulance is dispatched and the run
is completed. During this time the crew must focus on doing the job. When the run is completed, the
supervising crew member (evaluator) gets a copy of the checklist most appropriate for the type of run
completed. In most cases, all of the tasks on the checklist will not be performed on a single run. The
evaluator will go over the run with you in private.

Participant Manual 2 Module C

Ambulance Operator Internship
Instructions to Participants

It's always best for the evaluator to let you know if your performance was satisfactory or not. You will
be briefed on your performance throughout your OJT. The evaluators should tell you what you did that
was good and met the standard and any areas that you could improve. This should be a positive
experience, and you should not challenge the evaluator or argue about your view of how you did. If you
believe that the evaluator is being unfair, you can discuss what you think is unfair. If the evaluator says
that you did not make a complete stop and clear the intersection properly before proceeding, then the
chances are that you did not stop completely. The evaluator wants you to succeed and become a fully
qualified ambulance operator. Evaluators also must ensure that you have demonstrated the skills,
knowledge, proper attitude, and temperament in an operational setting.

When you have demonstrated satisfactory performance for a task, you get a check mark in the box.
Leaving a box blank means the participant did not perform the task or was not observed by an
evaluator when he did perform the task.

The organization training manager or supervisor should review all checklists and discuss your progress
with the evaluators.

The designated authority to issue operator certificates will be notified when you have demonstrated
satisfactory performance in all tasks. A certificate of completion should be issued to you, at an
appropriate ceremony.


The evaluator should be the training supervisor or a person qualified to evaluate the participant=s
performance during actual runs. As with the driving range training in Module B, all evaluators are
encouraged to maintain a positive, ?let me help you succeed@ attitude. If a participant does have
difficulty with a certain aspect of ambulance operations, it is usually more beneficial to recommend
additional practice in that area rather than eliminate the person as an operator. The evaluator=s input
and recommendations are invaluable in keeping a participant motivated and progressing during this final
phase of training.

Module C 3 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operator Internship
Instructions to Participants


Participant Manual 4 Module C

Ambulance Operator Internship

Ambulance Familiarization Checklist

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

A. Ambulance description (verbal) 1 2 3

1. Ambulance Class................................. G G G
2. Engine/transmission type........................ G G G
3. Height.............................................. G G G
4. Basic weight and load capacity................. G G G
5. Installed emergency lights, sirens, horns..... G G G
6. Installed life support equipment............... G G G
7. Other................................................ G G G


B. Use of installed equipment 1 2 3

1. Auxiliary power unit............................ G G G
2. On-scene floodlights............................ G G G
3. Emergency lights, sirens, horns.............. G G G
4. Operator compartment controls and switches. G G G
5. Other.............................................. G G G

All requirements have been met. YES NO

Instructor's signature Date

I have seen the completed checklist and have been given an explanation of my performance.
Participant's signature Date

Module C 5 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operator Internship


Participant Manual 6 Module C

Ambulance Operator Internship

Ambulance Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair Checklist

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

A. Quick Check 1 2 3 4
1. Use of checklist.................................. G G G G
2. Documentation of discrepancies............... G G G G
3. Completion of Work Request.................. G G G G
4. Appropriate vehicle in-service decision..... G G G G
5. Recordkeeping.................................... G G G G

B. Full check 1 2 3 4
1. Use of checklist................................. G G G G
2. Documentation of discrepancies.............. G G G G
3. Completion of Work Request.................. G G G G
4. Appropriate vehicle in-service decision...... G G G G
5. Recordkeeping................................... G G G G

C. Maintenance and Repair 1 2 3

1. Use of Work Request........................... G G G
2. Preventive maintenance program............. G G G
3. Maintenance and repair follow-up............ G G G
4. Maintenance procedures for enroute malfunctions G G G

All requirements have been met. YES NO

Instructor's signature Date
I have seen the completed checklist and have been given an explanation of my performance.
Participant's signature Date

Module C 7 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operator Internship


Participant Manual 8 Module C

Ambulance Operator Internship

Normal and High Risk Situations Checklist

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

A. Ambulance Operation Under Normal Conditions 1 2 3 4 5

1. Road surfaces--asphalt, concrete, gravel, transition G G G
2. Road surfaces--bumps, mud, potholes, misc. objects G G G
3. Road construction--bridges, ramps, curves G G G
4. Cornering skills.................................. G G G G
5. Braking skills...................................... G G G G
6. Accelerating skills............................... G G G G
7. Speed Control..................................... G G G G
8. Lane changes..................................... G G G G
9. Passing other vehicles.......................... G G G G
10. Backing--uses ground guide................... G G G G G
11. Parking............................................ G G G G
12. Turning around.................................. G G G G
13. Operating on two-lane roads.................. G G G
14. Operating on interstate highways............. G G G
15. Overall ambulance control..................... G G G G
16. Use of lights and turn signals................. G G G G
17. Use of mirrors................................... G G G G

B. Ambulance operation under high risk conditions 1 2 3 4 5

1. Use of lights and siren......................... G G G G G
2. Compliance with state and local regulations
for emergency vehicles......................... G G G G G
3. Adherence to speed limits..................... G G G G G
4. Maintains safety cushion....................... G G G G G
5. Use of 2-4-12 Rule............................. G G G G G
6. Drives defensively.............................. G G G G G
7. Response to potential crash situations....... G G G
8. Communicates with other drivers............ G G G G G

Module C 9 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operator Internship

9. Performs pre-crash planning.................. G G G G G

10. Controlled intersections
a. Use of lights and siren.............. G G G G G
b. Approaches intersection cautiously G G G G G
c. Communicates with other drivers.. G G G G G
d. Looks to clear all other traffic..... G G G G G
e. Anticipates reactions of other drivers G G G G G
f. Moves through intersections with
caution.................................. G G G G G
11. Compliance with Law of Due Regard....... G G G G G
12. Driving against traffic.......................... G G G
13. Adverse weather
a. Preparation of ambulance........... G G G G
b. Response to visibility problems.... G G G G
c. Response to traction problems...... G G G G
d. Response to high winds............. G G G G
14. Night driving
a. Maintains night vision capabilities. G G G G
b. Use of headlights..................... G G G G
c. Ambulance control at night......... G G G G
15. Response when ambulance runs off the edge
of the road........................................ G G G
16. Response to enroute malfunctions
a. Control of ambulance................ G G G
b. Pulling off the road and parking... G G G
c. Maintenance performed............. G G G

All requirements have been met. YES NO

Instructor's signature Date I have seen the completed checklist
and have been given an explanation of my performance.

Participant Manual 10 Module C

Ambulance Operator Internship

Participant's signature Date

Module C 11 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operator Internship

Operational Driving Checklist

Participant's name Date Vehicle make/number

A. Pre-run phase 1 2 3
1. Ensures personal and crew readiness........ G G G
2. Ensures readiness of ambulance.............. G G G
3. Plans primary and alternate routes........... G G G

B. Operations phase 1 2 3
1. Completes departure procedures.............. G G G
2. Operation of ambulance enroute to the scene G G G
3. Assists EMT at the scene...................... G G G
4. Performs required emergency scene operations G G G
5. Operation of ambulance enroute to medical
facility............................................. G G G
6. Performs required operations at the medical
facility............................................. G G G

C. Use of radio 1 2 3
1. Operation and test................................ G G G
2. Frequency selection.............................. G G G
3. Security............................................. G G G
4. Required calls..................................... G G G
5. Complete and concise messages.............. G G G
6. Use of phonetic alphabet........................ G G G


Participant Manual 12 Module C

Ambulance Operator Internship

D. Verbal communications 1 2 3
1. With EMT enroute to scene.................... G G G
2. With individuals at the scene.................. G G G
3. With EMT enroute medical facility.......... G G G

E. Post-run phase 1 2 3
1. Resupplies ambulance.......................... G G G
2. Cleans and decontaminates ambulance...... G G G
3. Prepares ambulance for next run............. G G G

All requirements have been met. YES NO

Instructor's signature Date
I have seen the completed checklist and have been given an explanation of my performance.
Participant's signature Date

Module C 13 Participant Manual

Ambulance Operator Internship

Appendix A
Area Motor Vehicle Operations Guidelines

Participant Manual -14 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course


Motor Vehicle Code, State of ____________

Topic Local Policy/Ordinance

Definition of Emergency Vehicle

Proceeding past red lights and stop signals

Recognized warning devices

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -15 Participant Manual

Training Course


Motor Vehicle Code, State of ____________

Topic Local Policy/Ordinance

Violating traffic flow and turn regulations


Parking at the scene of an emergency

Participant Manual -16 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course


Motor Vehicle Code, State of ____________

Topic Local Policy/Ordinance

Exceeding posted speed limits

Definition of an emergency

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -17 Participant Manual

Training Course


Motor Vehicle Code, State of ____________

Topic Local Policy/Ordinance

Participant Manual -18 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -19 Participant Manual

Training Course

Appendix B
Interpreting Hand Signals

Participant Manual -20 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -21 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -22 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -23 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -24 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -25 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -26 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -27 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -28 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -29 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -30 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -31 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -32 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -33 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -34 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -35 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -36 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -37 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -38 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -39 Participant Manual

Training Course

Participant Manual -40 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -41 Participant Manual

Training Course

Appendix C
Sample Checklist: Quick Check

Participant Manual -42 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course



Instructions: ! Inspect each item and check ü OK if there are no problems.

! If you find a problem, fix it and list repairs under Work Completed, OR file work
! Decide whether or not to place the vehicle in service. Sign and date the checklist.
! Any starred (*) problem must be fixed before the ambulance is placed in service.

1) Overall Appearance
2) Operator Compartment
3) Exterior: Operator's Side
4) Exterior: Front
5) Engine Compartment
6) Exterior: Passenger's Side
7) Exterior: Rear
8) Patient Compartment

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem ü Reques Completed/Ot
t her Remarks


Vehicle Cleanliness

Participant Manual Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)
Training Course

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem ü Reques Completed/Ot
t her Remarks

General Condition


Interior Items Properly Stowed

Vehicle Log Previous Inspection

Forms, Blank Run Forms

Lights and Communication Switches "OFF"


Seat, Belt, Mirrors Adjust

Hood Latch Release

Fuel Gauge Check Fuel Quantity


Mirror Bracket Condition

Side Window Condition

Windshield/Wiper Condition

Front Wheel/Tire Condition, Inflation

Front Fender Condition


Hood, Bumper, Grill Condition, Remove


Antennas Condition

Headlights, Turn Signals Lens Condition

Emergency Lights Lens Condition

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) Participant Manual
Training Course

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem ü Reques Completed/Ot
t her Remarks


Engine Signs of Leaks

Belts Condition

Battery(ies) Condition

Fluids (Engine, Transmission, Levels

Cooling System, Windshield

Hood Latched


Front Fender Condition

Front Wheel/Tire Condition, Inflation

Windshield/Wiper Condition

Side Window Condition

Mirror Bracket Condition

Rear Fender Condition

Rear Wheel/Tire Condition, Inflation


General Condition

Doors Latched


Emergency Lights Lens Condition

Lights/Turn Signals Lens Condition

Participant Manual Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)
Training Course

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem ü Reques Completed/Ot
t her Remarks

Flood Lights Lens Condition

Rear Fender Condition

Rear Wheel/Tire Condition, Inflation

I have completed the above inspection. This vehicle should / should not be placed into


Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) Participant Manual
Training Course

Appendix D
Sample Checklist: Full Check

Participant Manual -38 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course


Instructions: ! Inspect each item and check ü OK if there are no problems.
! If you find a problem, fix it and list repairs under Work Completed, or file work request
! Decide whether or not to place the vehicle in service. Sign and date the checklist.
! Any starred (*) problem must be fixed before the ambulance is placed in service.

1) Overall Appearance
2) Operator Compartment
3) Exterior: Operator's Side
4) Exterior: Front
5) Engine Compartment
6) Exterior: Passenger's Side
7) Exterior: Rear
8) Patient Compartment

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem
ü Completed/O
Reque ther

Vehicle Cleanliness

Body Lean/Balance
General Condition


Interior Items Properly


Vehicle Log Previous Inspection

Forms, Blank Run
DMV Registration, On Board

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) Participant Manual
Training Course

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem
ü Completed/O
Reque ther
Insurance Card
Flashlight/lantern On Board

Maps On Board

Emergency Brake Adjustment,

Lights (Check With Condition, Lens,
Guide) Operation, Then "OFF"
Parking Lights
Turn Signals
Clearance Lights
Hazard Lights
Emergency Lights
Spot Lights
Flood Lights
Tail Lights
Brake Lights
Back Up Lights
Rear Step Lights
License Plate
Side Lights
Interior Lights
Dash Lights
Radio Equipment Operation, Then"OFF"
PA System Operation, Then"OFF"
Vehicle Locator Operation, Then "OFF"
Vehicle Data Operation, Then "OFF"
Seats Condition, Adjust
Seat Belts Condition, Adjust
Mirrors Condition, Adjust
Air Horn Operation
Siren Operation, All Modes
Gauges (Check Operation, Readings
After Starting

Participant Manual Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)
Training Course

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem
ü Completed/O
Reque ther
Oil Pressure
Hood Latch Release


Door Condition, Alignment

Mirror Bracket Condition
Side Window Condition
Windshield/Wiper Condition
Front Wheel Condition, Lug Nut
Tire Condition, Tire
Inflation Reading,
Tread Depth
Front Fender Condition


Hood, Bumper, Grill Condition, Remove

Antennas Condition


Engine Signs of Leaks

Belts Condition, Tension
Battery(ies) Condition, Water
Level, Hydrometer
Check, Terminals,
Fluids (Engine, Condition, Levels
Cooling System,
Washer, Brakes,
Hoses/Lines Condition
Hood Latched

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) Participant Manual
Training Course

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem
ü Completed/O
Reque ther


Front Fender Condition

Front Wheel Condition, Lug Nut
Tire Condition, Tire
Inflation Reading,
Tread Depth
Windshield and Condition
Side Window Condition
Mirror Bracket Condition
Door Condition, Alignment
Rear Fender Condition
Rear Wheel Condition, Lug Nut
Tire Condition, Tire
Inflation Reading,
Tread Depth


General Condition, Equipment

Fire Extinguishers Quantity, Charge
Level, Inspection
Battery Jumper On Board
Road Flares Quantity On Board
Medical Equipment Inventory, Properly
Doors Latched


Emergency Lights Lens Condition

Lights and Turn Lens Condition
Flood Lights Lens Condition
Rear Fender Condition
Rear Wheel Condition, Lug Nut
Tire Condition, Tire
Inflation Reading,
Tread Depth

Participant Manual Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)
Training Course

OK Work Work
Items Check Problem
ü Completed/O
Reque ther
Spare Tire, Tools Condition, On Board

I have completed the above inspection. This vehicle should / should not be placed into

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) Participant Manual
Training Course
Appendix E
Sample Work Request









Appendix F

Source:"Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Emergency Medical Services Ambulance

Operations." ASTM, F1517, April 1994.

Participant Manual -46

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)
Training Course

Term Definition

ambulance operations the efficient delivery of the ambulance, equipment, crew,

passengers and patients, during all phases of the delivery of
EMS involving the ambulance, at all times exercising the
highest degree of care for the safety of the public

ambulance service provider a person, company, corporation, or political entity

responsible for operation, maintenance and/or policy making
regarding emergency vehicle operations

Bona Fide Occupational the skills and knowledge relevant to the performance of a
Qualification (BFOQ) specific task

departure check the visual check of the vehicle and surrounding area
ensuring that equipment and supplies have been retrieved
and properly stored and that all compartment doors are

egress check
the visual check of the vehicle and surrounding area prior to
operating the ambulance

emergency mode as defined by individual state statues that refer to emergency

vehicles, equipment and operations

full check a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the

ambulance at specified intervals, including documentation
of the inspection, deficiencies, and corrective actions

operator a person who operates or assists with the operation of an


prerun all aspects of assuring response readiness

postrun the managed return of the ambulance and operators to

optimal pre-run readiness

quick check an abbreviated version of the full check, focusing on the

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -47

Participant Manual
Training Course

Term Definition
major operational functions of the vehicle

Participant Manual -48

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)
Training Course

Appendix G

Ambulance Operations: The Basics -49

49 Instructor Guide

The following references were used in course development:

American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard Guide for Performance of Emergency
Medical Services Ambulance Operators. Atlanta Draft. 20 April, 1993.

American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard Guide for Training Emergency Medical
Services Ambulance Operators. Las Vegas Draft #4. 11-13 February, 1994.

AzStar Center for Safety & Risk Management Operator/Driver Instructor Course. AzStar
Casualty Co. Version IV. August 1991.

Childs, B., and D. Ptacnik. Emergency Ambulance Driving. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,

Driver Marine Division. Vehicle Dynamics. Glynco, GA:Federal Law Enforcement

Training Center.

Emergency Medical Services Program. Ambulance Accident Prevention Seminar. New

York State Department of Health.

Grant, H.D. R.H. Murray, and J.D. Bergeron. Brady Emergency Care. 5th ed. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990.

Klein, M.E. Emergency Vehicle Operator's Course. Apopka, FL: Florida Central Educational
Clinic, 1993.

Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety. Emergency Vehicle Driving Program. St. Paul: Minnesota
Technical College System.

United States. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Training Program for Operation of Emergency Vehicles.

United States. General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service. KKK-A-1822C Federal

Participant Manual -50 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Specification for Ambulances. Washington: Federal Supply Service, 1 January 1990.

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -51 Participant Manual

Training Course

Other Recommended Reference Materials


National Safety Council. Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator. Princeton, NJ:FLI Learning
Systems, Inc. 1991.

United States. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Emergency Vehicle Operator Courses & Materials. March 1992.

United States. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Emergency Medical Services: First Responder Training Course (formerly titled: Crash Injury Management for
Traffic Law Enforcement Officers).
Washington, D.C.

United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration.
Emergency Preparedness U.S.A. Course. HS-2. September 1992.

United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration.
Emergency Vehicle Driver Training. FA-110. September 1991.


Office of Advisory Council. Driver Training Manual. Phoenix, AZ:Arizona Law Enforcement
Advisory Council. August 1989

Texas Dept. of Transportation. Emergency Medical Service Driver Instructor Course - Volumes
I & II. Law Enforcement and Security Training Division, Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas A & M
University. 1992

Texas Dept. of Transportation. Emergency Medical Service Driving Range Technician Course
Curriculum. Law Enforcement and Security Training Division, Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas A & M
University. 1992

Texas Dept. of Transportation. Emergency Medical Service Emergency Vehicle Operator Course
Curriculum. Law Enforcement and Security Training Division, Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas A & M
University. 1994

Participant Manual -52 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Commonwealth of Virginia. Emergency Vehicle Operator's Curriculum Guide - Instructor &

Student Manuals. Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads Inc. and Commonwealth of Virginia Fire
Programs/Fire Services Board.

Minnesota Technical College System. Emergency Vehicle Driving Program. St. Paul, MN:Fire
Departments & EMS Ambulance Services. 1993

Indiana Emergency Medical Services. Certified Driver. Indianapolis, IN:Indiana Emergency

Medical Services Commission.



Commercial Driver Testing and Licensing Standards:Final Rule. 49 CFR 391. Federal Register.

Qualification of Drivers: Final Rule. 49 CFR 383. Federal Register.

United States. Dept. of the Army. Prehospital Emergency Care & Transportation.
Army Ambulance Requirements. HSC Pamphlet 40-7-18. 21 July, 1992.

United States. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Functional Aspects of Driver Impairment: A Guide for State Medical Advisory Boards.

United States. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Screening for Driver Limitation. October 1976.

United States. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Status
of Medical Review in Driver Licensing: Policies, Programs & Standards. March 1992


Clawson, J.J. "The Maximal Response Disease: `Red Lights and Siren' Syndrome in Priority

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -53 Participant Manual

Training Course

Dispatching". Journal of Emergency Medical Services. January 1987.

Clawson, J.J. and R.L. Martin. "Modern Priority Dispatch." Emergency Training. January 1990.

Emergency Medical Response Task Force (J.J. Clawson et al.) "Use of Warning Lights and Siren
in Emergency Medical Vehicle Response and Patient Transport." Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. Vol. 9, No.
2. April-June 1994.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute. Catalog of

Activities 1993-1994. Emmitsburg, MD.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration. Alive on Arrival.
Washington, DC. August 1992

Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration. Federal Agencies
in EMS. Washington, DC. August 1993

Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration. Resources on Fire
& Emergency Medical Services (EMS). September 1993.

Pirrallo, R.G. "Fatal Ambulance Crashes During Emergency & Non-Emergency Operation."
Emergency Training.

Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc. Training Brochure. 13 October 1993.


Pirrallo, R.G. and R.A. Swor. "Characteristics of Fatal Ambulance Crashes During Emergency
and Non-emergency Operation." Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. Vol. 9, No. 2. April-June 1994.

Saunders, C.E. and C.J. Heye. "Ambulance Collisions in an Urban Environment." Prehospital
and Disaster Medicine. Vol. 9, No. 2. April-June 1994.

United States Fire Administration. Survey of Fire Apparatus Driver Training Programs.
Arlington, VA:TriData Corporation. October 1991.

United States. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Emergency Medical Services - 1990 and Beyond. Washington, DC. October 1990.

Participant Manual -54 Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance)

Training Course

Emergency Vehicle Operator (Ambulance) -55 Participant Manual

Training Course

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