Standard Operating Procedures Manual: Monterey County Sheriff'S Advisory Council Search and Rescue Team
Standard Operating Procedures Manual: Monterey County Sheriff'S Advisory Council Search and Rescue Team
Standard Operating Procedures Manual: Monterey County Sheriff'S Advisory Council Search and Rescue Team
INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………. 3
ORGANIZATION………………………………………………………………. 5
TRAINING ……………………………………………………………………… 13
APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………... 21
The Monterey County Sheriff's Advisory Council Search and Rescue Team ("SAC-SAR Team”) consists of
highly trained volunteers joined together as a cohesive team, the function of which is to augment and assist
the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff Search and Rescue (hereinafter referred to as SAR) Team in the
duties assigned to it by the Sheriff of the County of Monterey, California. The main objective of the SAC-
SAR Team is to provide trained personnel and equipment to aid in the recovery of sick, injured, lost or
deceased persons in all areas of the County of Monterey. The SAC-SAR Team is entirely self supporting, and
receives no financial assistance except occasional grants and donations
Each member of the SAC-SAR Team is required to obtain the following training and certifications, and to
participate in continuing education and training programs to keep all certifications current:
1. CPR (Certified)
1. Principles of Search and Rescue
2. Communications (Equipment)
3. Communications (Uniform Radio Procedures)
4. Quad Training (certified)
5. Map and Compass
6. Low Angle Rescue (Certified)
7. High Angle Rescue (Certified
8. Swift Water First Responder (Certified)
Each SAC-SAR Team member is required to obtain and maintain the individual and team equipment
described below. Some items will be issued and will be returned when no longer on team. Other items must
be obtained by the individual.
1. Uniform: (hat, shirt, tee shirt, sweat shirt, belt, pants, helmet, headlamp).
2. Equipment: an agreed-upon equipment list is provided to team members by the Board of Directors (see
appendix 1)
Each SAC-SAR Team member is required to be "on call" to immediately respond to search and rescue
missions, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, unless he or she reports unavailability or is on leave
of absence, as authorized by the SAC-SAR Standard Operating Procedures Manual.
In Calendar year 1992, the SAC-SAR Team responded to and assisted the Monterey County Office of the
Sheriff in 102 search and rescue missions, rescued and/or rendered medical assistance to 135 individuals,
and devoted in excess of 3,000 hours to it's duties. Missions have included, but have not been limited to,
wilderness search and rescue of lost and injured hikers, cliff rescue, recovery of deceased persons, and the
securing of airplane crash sites.
The Monterey County Sheriff's Advisory Council Search and Rescue Team (hereinafter referred to as the
"SAC-SAR Team") serves under the direct command of the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff, and was
organized to augment and assist the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff Search and Rescue Team in it's
search and rescue and search and recovery missions within the County of Monterey, California. The SAC-
SAR Team, and each individual member thereof, shall be subject to the standard operating procedures
hereinafter set forth.
1. To augment and assist the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff Search and Rescue Team in duties
assigned to it by the Sheriff of the County of Monterey and other counties requesting mutual aid.
2. To provide trained personnel and equipment in recovery of sick, injured, lost or deceased persons in
isolated and other areas in the County of Monterey.
3. To assist in the recovery of property and evidence and to conduct investigations in areas inaccessible to
other personnel.
1. Locate and assist lost or injured persons in isolated and other areas in the County of Monterey.
2. Assist in the recovery of injured or dead persons from vehicle accidents that occur in those areas
requiring special skills.
3. Render first aid and medical assistance within limitations of training level expertise and competence
when needed and appropriate, with priority given to immediate evacuation to advanced medical
4. Assist in the removal of deceased persons from isolated and other areas.
5. Augment and assist the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff Search and Rescue Team in providing
search and recovery assistance to other agencies within the County of Monterey, such as County Parks
Department, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Forest Service, State Parks Department, FAA, or other agencies
sharing a mutual interest in search and recovery missions.
1. The SAC-SAR Team shall come within the scope and command of the Enforcement Operation Bureau of
the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff. Command responsibility shall rest with the Commanding
Officer of the Monterey Substation, and/or the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff Search and Rescue
Team Coordinator.
2. Mission assignments and immediate command of the SAC-SAR Team shall come within the scope and
command of the SAR Team Leader, as hereinafter defined, and shall be consistent with the objectives
hereinafter set forth in the "Call Out Procedures" section of this manual.
3. On missions, the SAR Team leader will be in charge and shall have command of the operation.
1. The Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team shall be composed of (5) members who have completed
their probationary period of not less than (1) year and all required certifications. (Part IV requirements)
2. Chosen by silent ballot the first month of the year. All Team members may vote for (5) team members to
fill the positions of Directors.
3. If during the year a Director must leave his seat on the Board the position will be filled by an eligible
member of the Team chosen by the current Board.
4. The position of board member may be changed only by vote (see PART I, section E, item 2) or
Termination (see PART V, item 14) from the Team.
5. The Board has all final say on items pertaining to the SAC-SAR Team. (i.e. expenditures, training,
disciplinary action, etc.).
6. All Board decisions must have a majority vote of not less than (3) Board members.
7. All checks issued by SAC-SAR require the signatures of (2) Board members and all money decisions
requires a majority vote.
Team member
Team member
Team member
Team member
Team member
1. Individuals who desire to become a member of the SAC-SAR Team shall submit an application to the
Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team, in such form as it may, from time to time, deem appropriate.
2. Each potential team member shall obtain test forms (i.e. download from web site or mailed by Board
member) and schedule the following test:
a. Pack test (at least 2 miles in 30 minutes carrying a 25 lbs pack)
b. Knot test: be able to demonstrate 3 knots after instruction (figure 8, prussic, water knots
3. Upon passing the above tests, the applicant shall be interviewed by the Monterey County Office of the
Sheriff Search and Rescue Coordinator, and by the Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team when a
vacancy on the team is announced. Recommendations for appointment to the SAC-SAR Team shall be
submitted to the selection board identified in Paragraph F.4, immediately below.
4. Potential members of the SAC-SAR Team shall be selected on the basis of an oral interview by a board
composed of the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff the Search and Rescue Coordinator and a
minimum of four members of the Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team (collectively herein referred
to as the "Selection Board"). The selection criteria for new members of the SAC-SAR Team shall be based
upon, but not limited to, the following considerations.
a. Compliance with the requirements hereinabove set forth in Paragraph D. ("ELIGIBILITY AND
ORGANIZATION") of this manual.
b. Overall dependability and reliability of the applicant as indicated by evaluations.
c. Overall fitness level.
d. Availability for assignment to missions without conflict with other activities or vocational or
professional obligations and responsibilities.
e. Residence within a reasonable distance from the Monterey Substation for quick response to
briefings and field/mission assignments.
f. Ability to get along with other team members and function as a compatible team member.
g. Possession of unusual technical skills applicable to search and recovery work. The selection
board may deny appointment to the SAC-SAR Team on the basis of physical limitations or
inability's, for emotional instability, or for any other applicable reason which the majority of
Selection Board deems proper under the circumstances.
5. Each member selected to serve on the SAC-SAR Team, shall, within a year of admission in the team,
obtain all certifications and complete all competency testing described in Paragraph D (ELIGIBILITY
AND ORGANIZATION) set forth above. Members of the SAC-SAR Team who have not completed the
certifications and competency testing described in Paragraph D immediately above, shall be
probationary members of the SAC-SAR Team, until such time as the certifications and training described
have been completed. Upon obtaining such certification and competency testing, and after serving on
the SAC-SAR Team as a probationary member for not less than one year, each probationary member
shall, upon approval of the SAC-SAR Board of Directors, become a regular member of the SAC-SAR
Team. During the probationary term, the Board of Directors may, summarily, dismiss from the SAC-
SAR Team any probationary member who fails to attend certification, meetings, missions and/or
training programs as scheduled.
1. Each SAC-SAR Team member shall keep him or herself in good physical condition, and shall maintain
the level of physical endurance and agility required of strenuous search and rescue missions.
2. Team members will be "on call" as defined in the "Call Out Procedures" section of this manual, he or she
shall remain available for rescue missions or notify the SAC-SAR TEAM chain of command of any
unavailability to respond to a mission.
3. Attendance at training sessions called by the Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team or by the Search
and Rescue Team Coordinator is mandatory. Absence from any training session, without valid reason
and prior approval, is grounds for dismissal from the team.
4. Legitimate excuses will be considered for absence from a rescue mission. If a member refuses to respond
when given a direct order to do so, he or she shall immediately be relieved of duties from the team and
the incident will be reduced to a written report and forwarded to the Selection Board referred to in
Paragraph E, above, for possible disciplinary action or removal from the team. Team members may, with
approval of the Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team, take leaves of absence from the "on call"
schedule for business or personal reasons.
5. When a team member is notified that he or she is to participate in a rescue mission, he or she shall
refrain from and shall not drink any intoxicating beverage for at least eight (8) hours prior to the
6. Each team member shall maintain in good and serviceable condition all uniforms and equipment issued
to him or her, and shall have the same immediately accessible to him or her in order to expedite
initiation of search and rescue missions assigned.
7. Each team member shall serve on an assigned mission until it is completed, or his or her services are no
longer needed and he or she is relieved of duty by an SAC-SAR Team Leader or by the Deputy Sheriff
assigned as the Incident Commander.
8. Each team member shall make individual arrangements with his or her employer for time off for search
and rescue missions. The Sheriff's Department will not take part in any such arrangement, nor intercede
on a team member's behalf should service incur the disapproval of an employer. Upon request to do so
an SAC-SAR Team Leader will give oral or written verification of attendance at search and rescue
missions or training sessions, given sufficient prior request therefore.
9. No team member shall coerce another or be coerced by another, to attempt any feat or perform any task
for which he or she is not qualified by virtue of his or her skill and training. Each team member shall be
the final judge as to his own ability and the capability of his or her equipment. No team member shall
attempt any feat that entails an unacceptable measure of risk which shall be defined as "any feat of
danger that fails to provide a margin of safety through back-up system capable of aborting the attempt
and retrieving the participants".
10. Any team member, with the approval of a majority the Selection Board, hereinabove mentioned, can be
summarily removed from the SAC-SAR Team for any violation of these duties, for habitual failure to
respond to search and rescue missions, or for failure to participate in training sessions as assigned.
1. The Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team shall, from time to time, assign a team member or
members to maintain a roster of the name, address (residence and business) telephone, fax and mobile
telephone numbers of all team members, and the classification (regular or probationary) of each Team
member. Such roster shall include the description and date of all certifications obtained and each
training program attended by each SAC-SAR Team member.
2. The Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team, or such designee as it may assign as the Team Leader for
any search and rescue mission, shall ensure that an "Incident Report" shall be made for each and every
search and rescue mission to which a SAC-SAR Team member is assigned. Each such Incident Report
shall describe the following: method and time of call out; description of search and rescue mission;
personnel and agencies participating; equipment used; name and description of subject or victim, if
applicable; time of termination of mission; and, total hours expended on mission. Within forty-eight (48)
hours of termination of a search and rescue mission, each such Incident Report shall be forwarded to the
Search and Rescue Commander, and the Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team.
Part II
1. Each SAC-SAR Team member shall provide the Search and Rescue Commander with a portable
telephone number, carrier information for a telephone which he or she shall carry upon his or her
person at all times. The SAC-SAR Team shall provide County Communications, The Monterey
Substation Commander, and the Search and Rescue Coordinator with the "Group Call Out" and "Group
Voice Mail" numbers of the team members, with instructions for use of the pager system to initiate call
outs, and with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of each team member.
2. To initiate a call out of the SAC-SAR Team, a group call out shall first be initiated on the team paging
system by County Communications, the Monterey Substation Commander, or the Search and Rescue
Coordinator. The team members whom are available and can responded in an appropriate amount of
time will then call and let dispatch know they are responding and where (i.e.. Sub; Hwy. 1 at Carmel
River Bridge etc.)
3. The Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team shall be in charge of paging for team training's, meetings
etc. and will be the liaison's between the team members and the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff
through the SAR team coordinator.
4. The Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team shall, from time to time, establish an "on call" schedule for
the members of the Board of Directors, designating one of them to serve as the "Team Dispatcher". When
on call as a Team Dispatcher, such person shall be responsible for verifying that a pager call out has
been successfully initiated to all SAC-SAR Team members, and for assembling the necessary team
members and equipment to carry on the search and rescue mission assigned. Such Team Dispatcher
shall be the communications liaison between the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff.
5. Each SAC-SAR Team member shall be on call at all times unless they have notified the Team Leader of
their unavailability to respond to a search and rescue mission. It shall be the sole responsibility of each
team member to notify the Team Leader of all dates and times when he or she will be unavailable for
search and rescue missions.
6. The Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team shall compile, maintain and distribute to all team
members a schedule of various assembly points throughout the County of Monterey, to which team
members are to assemble in the event of a call out. In all cases where time and circumstances permit, the
assembly point for any call out shall be the Monterey Substation.
7. When possible the Command Vehicle shall be a Monterey County Office of the Sheriff Rescue vehicle
which shall be the primary source of transportation for SAC-SAR Team members during search and
rescue missions. POV’s will be an option only under extreme situations.
8. Upon being called out to service, each team member shall proceed promptly to the designated assembly
point. The Team Leader, or his designee, shall assign each team member to a vehicle for transportation
to the incident scene. Where possible only four wheel drive vehicles will be used for transportation, and
as few vehicles as necessary to accomplish the mission will be used.
For safety, no one travels or acts alone. If any team member becomes separated, the entire operation
switches to finding that team member. No team will have no less than two members and at least
one radio for radio contact. Whenever a large team is to divide into smaller separate teams, before
doing so, members will coordinate plans, radio call signs and frequencies with the Incident
No one is asked to climb beyond his level of confidence.
All anchors, belays, litter and rescuer riggings are checked by the Safety Officer before proceeding.
1. The Team Leader has the responsibility to gather the team and assure that the team members are
physically and mentally capable of completing the search and rescue mission.
2. At the point of assembly, or at the incident scene, the Team Leader will assign each team member to
a specific duty, after ensuring such team member has the necessary personal and/or team equip-
ment and appropriate training to safely and effectively complete the search and rescue mission.
3. The Team Leader follows the Incident Command system and designates a Safety Officer and an
Operations, Planning, Logistics and/or Administration Section Chief as needed.
4. In all cases SAC-SAR Team members will be assigned to a team consisting of at least two, and
preferably three SAC-SAR Team members, unless otherwise directed by the Search and Rescue
Coordinator (i.e. spotter).
5. Each team will be provided with a radio for communications in the assigned search and rescue
mission. In no case will any team be assigned or permitted to participate in a mission in which it
does not have immediate access to radio communications with Incident Command or fellow team
6. The Operations Chief shall maintain periodic radio check and safety checks with each member or
team during the search and rescue mission. The Team Leader shall require a designated member of
each search and rescue team to map/plot the position of his team and to report the same to the
incident Command Post, at least hourly, and more frequently when possible.
7. Each team shall maintain a log of all pertinent clues, findings or observations, mark their locations,
and shall plot them on a map or GPS unit.
8. All SAC-SAR Team members shall wear the officially designated uniform of the SAC-SAR Team,
and shall carry on each search and rescue mission equipment appropriate for personal survival and
equipment necessary to complete the assigned search and rescue mission, in addition to such
technical team equipment assigned by the Incident Commander.
9. No team member shall take or permit any action which could endanger himself or a fellow team
member or any other person.
10. On completion of a search and rescue mission, all team members shall physically report to the Team
Leader or his designee, and shall return to the Command Post all team equipment and supplies
before departing the incident scene. The Team Leader shall maintain a sign-in/sign-out sheet of all
personnel and equipment, and shall be responsible for ensuring the return of all team equipment.
11. At no time shall a SAC-SAR Team member be in charge of, or participate in an operation that they
have not been trained or certified, in accordance with team training requirements under section IV
TRAINING. They may, upon request of the Team Leader, assist in such operations.
a. Rapid Extrication and Trauma Management.
b. Confined Space Awareness (certification)
c. Confined Space Operations (certification)
d. USAR (certification)
a. Rappel.
b. Belay.
c. Anchors and bolts.
d. Leader belay.
e. Ropes, knots and tie-in procedures.
f. Prussik and ascender use.
g. Climbing signals.
h. Use of stokes and litters.
i. Use of pulleys and winches.
j. Set up and execution of technical lowering with belay (litters, stokes, harnesses, etc.)
k. Set up and execution of technical raising with belay.
l. Set up and execution of helicopter lifts.
m. Helicopter exits and entry.
n. Tie-off of fallen climber.
a. Identification and treatment of near-drowning and drowning victims.
b. Swiftwater Rescue Technician SRT-1(certification)
c. Throw bags.
d. Rescue swimmer.
e. PFD’s
f. River crossings
g. Tethered raft rescues.
h. Helicopter rescues.
i. Low head dam rescue.
j. Reading a river’s flow.
k. Pinned boat retrieval.
l. Ropes and systems
a. Equipment and Clothing selection.
b. Map, GPS and compass use.
c. Ground/Air and survival signals.
d. Use of mirrors, whistles, flares, and signals.
e. Overnight survival.
f. Construction of fire and shelters.
g. Stove and lantern use.
h. Weather and weather patterns.
i. Identification and treatment of hypothermia and heat injuries.
j. Food and nutrition.
k. Water sources and sanitation.
a. Use of Topo map, GPS & compass.
b. Interrogate for victim identification.
c. Tracking search and techniques.
d. Sweep search.
e. Cordon search.
f. Clue identification and preservation.
g. Recording tracking/search movements and clues.
h. Plot clue positions/directions, map notes.
i. Determining victim survival factors.
j. Determining victims travel potentials.
k. Tracker Aware (certification)
l. Tracker 1 (certification)
a. Search Management (certification)
b. Winter Search Management (certification)
c. ICS (certification)
Selected SAC-SAR team members who have prior experience in dog handling and who own a canine
companion may elect to participate in the canine team. Canine team members have shown competence
in the above 1. through 4. standards with the addition of:
a. Lost person behavior
b. Handlers must keep a detailed training log (to be turned in monthly)
c. All area search dog handlers will meet all CalEMA type 2 guidelines before they can be tested
and certified.
d. All trailing dog handlers shall meet all trailing dog CalEMA guidelines for their appropriate
level before they can be tested and certified.
e. Handlers shall attend at least fifty percent of all practices and meetings.
f. All contact with outside agencies must be approved by SAR K-9 Coordinator.
1. Law Enforcement duties, and authority to carry weapons and concealed weapons shall be in
accordance with the policies and procedures specifically set forth by the Sheriff, or his designee. In
no circumstances shall any SAC-SAR Team member violate any departmental policy, procedure or
restriction set forth by the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff which apply to the SAC-SAR Team.
Unless specifically authorized by the Sheriff, or his designee, no SAC-SAR Team member shall carry
a weapon, concealed or not, in any place other than in the Los Padres National Forest or the Ventana
Wilderness area. Under no circumstances shall any SAC-SAR Team member who does not have
current POST Penal Code 832 certification carry a weapon on any search and rescue mission.
2. SAC-SAR Team members may, when authorized to do so by the Sheriff's Department Search and
Rescue Team Coordinator, be permitted or required to drive official Sheriff's Department motor
vehicles. No SAC-SAR Team member shall drive any such vehicle "Code3", and shall, at all times,
comply with the policies and procedures set forth by the Sheriff's-Department in the operation of
such motor vehicles.
3. Each SAC-SAR Team member shall at all times, whether on or off duty, conduct himself and his
personal affairs in accordance with the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior expected of
a California peace officer.
4. The services provided by SAC-SAR Team members is strictly voluntary, and no payment will be
rendered for the services of any Team member. Each team member shall be covered by Worker's
Compensation Insurance through the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff while on active and
assigned duty. Each SAC-SAR Team member acknowledges that he or she shall, upon becoming a
member of the SAC-SAR Team, or as soon thereafter as requested to do so, be required to sign an
agreement by the terms of which he or she agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify the
Monterey County Office of the Sheriff, the SAC-SAR Team Board of directors, and each remaining
SAC-SAR Team member from any injury, illness or disability not covered by Worker's
Compensation Insurance, arising out of or caused by and activity, including search and rescue
missions and training programs, conducted by the SAC-SAR Team and/or the Monterey County
Office of the Sheriff. Compensation Insurance through the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff
while on active and assigned duty. Each SAC-SAR Team member acknowledges that he or she shall,
upon becoming a member of the SAC-SAR Team, or as soon thereafter as requested to do so, be
required to sign an agreement by the terms of which he or she agrees to hold harmless, defend and
indemnify the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff, the SAC-SAR Team Board of directors, and
each remaining SAC-SAR Team member from any injury, illness or disability not covered by
Worker's compensation Insurance, arising out of or caused by and activity, including search and
rescue missions and training programs, conducted by the SAC-SAR Team and/or the Monterey
County Office of the Sheriff.
5. Each SAC-SAR Team member shall be required to obtain and keep current inoculation from
Hepatitis-B in accordance with the applicable law and/or policy established by the SAC-SAR Team
Board of Directors, and shall be required to undergo, upon request, a comprehensive medical-
physical examination, the result of which shall be reported directly and confidentially to the SAC-
SAR Team Board of Directors.
6. Each SAC-SAR Team member shall obtain and maintain his own uniform and equipment, although
some uniforms and equipment may be supplied by the Board of Directors of the SAC-SAR Team or
the County. Only in rare circumstances will the County of Monterey be responsible for loss or
damage to equipment. Each team member is solely responsible for acquiring and carry all food,
water and survival equipment necessary for him/her and his/her canine companion for the duration
of a search and rescue mission.
7. All SAC-SAR Team members shall respond immediately if available when called out, regardless of
the time of day or day of the week, unless they have been relieved of duty by the SAC-SAR Team
Leader. Habitual failure to respond will result in suspension or expulsion from the team.
8. Each team member will work as assigned, and at the direction of the Team Leader, or his designee.
Ultimate command of all search and rescue missions shall be vested with the Sheriff's Department
Search and Rescue Coordinator or his designee. Orders shall be followed courteously and promptly,
without exception.
9. Each team member will conform to Monterey County Office of the Sheriff standards in public
relations, devotion to duty, and personal conduct while on duty, and will in no way use their
affiliation with the SAC-SAR Team for personal profit or gain.
10. All relatives and friends of victims, members of the general public and press shall be treated with
courtesy, sympathy and patience.
11. Law enforcement authority of any SAC-SAR Team Member is the same as that of any citizen. SAC-
SAR Team Members have no special law enforcement powers and will leave any law enforcement to
the Regular Deputies on the mission. Deputies may request and must be given assistance by SAC-
SAR Team Members when law enforcement assistance is so requested by a full time peace officer.
Deputies may request and must be given assistance by SAC-SAR Team Members when law
enforcement assistance is so requested by a full time peace officer.
12. The professional application of skills and techniques and maintenance of safety standards is
mandatory in the performance of any and all search and rescue missions.
13. Any illness or injury incurred during a search and rescue mission shall, as soon as practical, be
reported to the Team Leader, who shall have the responsibility of ensuring that the appropriate First
Report of Injury (Worker's Compensation) is submitted to the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff.
14. Membership on the SAC-SAR Team is a privilege which can be terminated at any time for violation
of any rule, regulation, policy, procedure or standard of the Monterey County Office of the Sheriff
or the SAC-SAR Team. Such termination shall be executed by the Board.
15. The Monterey County Sheriff, and his designees, have absolute and final responsibility and
authority for the development of overall plans, policies and standards to insure that effective levels
of SAC-SAR Team services are maintained in the County of Monterey. The Sheriff shall have
absolute authority to suspend, revoke, or decertify for cause, any license, certificate, process,
position or rank he has issued or conferred.
Internal frame pack MMM Toilet paper RRR Ski gloves or M
Ground sheet RRR Nylon cord RRR Mittens M
Bivouac shelter MM - Large trash bags OOO Sit pad R
Sun shelter - -M Leather gloves MMM Snowshoes M
Tent* OM - Plastic gloves OOO Ski poles M
Sleeping pad OMO Binoculars OOO Ice axe M
Sleeping bag RMO Camera and film OOO Crampons M
Notebook and pencil MMM Thermometer OOO Snow shovel/saw* R
Measuring tape MMM Food, 2 days MMM Snow flukes R
Trail tape MMM Water, 1 liter MM - Ice screws/pitons O
Permanent marker RRR Water, 4 liters - -M Avalanche transceiver O
Tracking forms MMM Extra food/water RRR
Tracking stick OOO Stove/accessories* OMO TECHNICAL GEAR (see NOTE)
Headlamp MMM Fuel* OMO Helmet M
Flashlight OOO Cook kit* ORO Houdini Kit * M
Extra batteries MMM Cup, fork, spoon RRR Rope, 7/16 as needed O
Chemical lights RRR Carabiners, 4 locking M
Strobe light* RRR CLOTHING Carabiners, extra R
Compass MMM Team shirt MMM Webbing, 2-15’ blue M
Altimeter OOO Long-sleeved shirt ORR Webbing, 1-20’ orange M
GPS receiver* RRR Long underwear OR - Webbing, extra R
Watch OOO Team pants M -M Prusik slings, 3 M
Signal mirror MMM Warm pants OM - Etriers O
Whistle MMM Wind/rain pants OO - Seat harness M
Smoke flare* RRR Short pants O - O Chest harness R
Radio/accessories* RRR Fleece jacket MM - Descender M
Map and map case* RRR Weatherproof parka MM - Ascenders O
Sunglasses MMM Rain suit RO - Rescue pulley R
Helitac goggles MMM Down parka OR - Anchoring hardware O
Matches or lighter MM - Gaiters RM - Medical Bag* M
Fire starters RR - Team hat OOO
Knife MMM Wide brimmed hat - - R
Folding saw* OO - Warm hat OM -
First aid kit MMM Warm gloves OR -
Sunscreen, lip balm MMM Bandana RRR
Insect repellent OOO Extra socks RRR
Water filter* RRR Boots MMM
S Standard Field Pack Equipment normally carried on most searches and trainings.
W Winter Field Pack For operations where snow and ice are present, or for cold weather.
D Desert Field Pack Equipment needed for operations in very hot weather.
M Mandatory Equipment required to be carried by every member on all operations.
R Recommended Equipment strongly recommended to be carried on operation. Should be taken to operation
and be available if required by leader or local conditions.
O Optional Equipment which may be useful for comfort, enhanced performance, or special ops.
Shared Equipment which can be shared by a search crew. At least one carried per crew.
NOTE: The above equipment is for a search. Technical gear will be added when applicable, or when directed by
the leader. The Field Team Leader may modify requirements to suit the situation. Type and quality of gear is
explained during Team training.
I, the undersigned Monterey County Sheriff's Advisory Council Search and Rescue Team member
applicant, acknowledged having received a copy of the STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES
I agree to abide by all procedures described therein.
Applicant Date