Assist in Search and Rescue: Log Books
Assist in Search and Rescue: Log Books
Assist in Search and Rescue: Log Books
This workbook is intended for Trainees seeking to attain competency as required by the NSW State
Rescue Board Minimum Training Requirements for Marine Rescue Personnel (v 4 2005). It should be
studied with reference to the accompanying text The Bare Facts of Marine SAR and the assessment
documents provided by your chosen assessor.
Trainees should maintain a Log where practical activities and experience should be recorded and
witnessed. When you feel confident ask your Trainer to arrange an assessment at your squad or other
suitable location. Your assessor will provide feedback on your assessment.
The Author acknowledges references to material published by AMSA in the NATSAR Manual 2003,
NSW SRB and the IMO. All content is supplied on the understanding that users exercise their own skill
and care with respect to its use. Before relying on the material in any important matter users should
carefully evaluate the completeness and relevance of the information for their purposes.
Ranger Hope 2006
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Element 1
1.1 Distress and emergency signals and communications are
recognised and evaluated in accordance with procedures and relevant
Australian and/or international regulations and conventions.
1.2 Emergency is assessed and level and nature of assistance
required and its practicability is established.
1.3 Communications are established where possible with the parties in
distress, other search vessels and/or aircraft and other organisations
and persons who may be involved in the search and rescue operation.
1.5 Organisation and command chain with other stations involved in
the search and rescue operation is established in collaboration with
search and rescue authorities.
1.4 Plans for search and rescue comply as closely as possible with
relevant Australian and/or international regulations and conventions.
Establish and
Element 2
maintain radio2.1 Radio communications are established and maintained with the
parties in distress, other search vessels and/or aircraft, search and
rescue coordination authorities and other organisations and persons
who may be involved in the search and rescue operation.
2.2 Records are accurately kept of all communications made during the
emergency including frequencies and content of messages.
Assist in search
Element 3
and rescue
3.1 Information concerning the emergency is regularly collected from
all vessels, aircraft and other parties involved in the search and rescue
3.2 Decisions on action taken during the search and rescue are made
after analysis of all available information and after consultation with
others in the established chain of command.
3.3 Directions are given to others involved in the search and rescue
operation in accordance with the agreed plan and the established chain
of command.
3.4 Manoeuvres of vessel as part of search and rescue operations are
made in accordance with the agreed plan.
3.5 Vessel's officers and crew are briefed on their role during the
emergency and are deployed to the required stations.
3.6 Manoeuvres of vessel are made safely with due regard to the limits
of propulsion, steerage and vessel stability and the prevailing weather
and sea conditions.
3.7 Duration of the search and rescue operations is appropriate to the
level of the emergency and complies with instructions from the company
and search and rescue authorities.
3.8 Records of the incident are made in the vessel's log and other
documentation is completed as required by relevant Australian and/or
international regulations and conventions.
Prerequisite reading to the competency is Participate in marine rescue operations
and Prepare, maintain, and test response equipment.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
The duty of a vessels master to respond to the distress call of a fellow mariner has
long been accepted as the lore of the sea. Many nations have formalised this
principle into their maritime laws.
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has promoted excellence in Search
and Rescue (SAR) by hosting international conventions to devise common practice
and to draft procedures manuals. Their Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual
(MERSAR) was complemented by the International Maritime Organisation Search
and Rescue Manual (IMOSAR). The subsequent International Aeronautical and
Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (IAMSAR) is now required to be carried on all
vessels of over 500 tons of signatory nations of the IMOSAR convention - Australia is
one such nation.
The Worlds best practice in ensuing safety of life at sea (SOLAS) and search and
rescue (IMOSAR) is reflected for Australian flagged vessels in the National
Standards for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) and the Australian National Search and
Rescue Manual (NATSAR Manual). States and Territory Governments have
developed their own complementary strategies, such as the NSW State Rescue
Board (NSW SRB) Procedures Manual. This workbook is not intended to replace
these documents, which must be consulted in their entirety, but to highlight for
trainee rescuers the common references for mariners everywhere, the practice of
Australian SAR agencies and the place of volunteer sea rescue in NSW.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Abandon Ship-
5 short blasts
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Where radio is not available the International Signals Code Book (Interco) provide for
signalling by groups of letters in Morse code by lights or sound, or by code flags. The
simplest of the single letter code flags below include specific requests for assistance.
F - I am disabled, communicate with me.
J - I am on fire with dangerous cargo.
K - I wish to communicate with you.
O - man overboard.
U - you are standing into danger.
V - I require assistance
W - I require medical assistance.
Evaluation of a distress signal:
Meteor showers, ball lightning and windscreens flashing in the noon sun all elicit
reports of distress, just as does the real thing. The alertness and experience of
informants as well as the meteorological conditions all determine the credibility of
reportage, and consequent quality of task information that is gathered before
initiating rescue. With the exceptions of a radio contact or EPIRB the position of a
distress relies on the calibre of the witness. The position, direction and distance may
be properly described in Latitude and Longitude, true bearings and nautical miles by
seafarers, but can be more casually indicated by land based observers. If in doubt,
rescuers must investigate further, but are ultimately obliged to respond.
Termination of a distress call and message:
When a distress is resolved the termination must be generally broadcast.
The word prompts (preceding the questions above) are an open format. Such words
encourage replies uninfluenced by suggestion from the interrogator. Closed format
questions (starting with as, do, is, are, can or have) help to expand on their replies
given when directed at particular detail of interest to the interrogator.
Operational information- is calculated for the logistics of the operation. It asks:
Distance to go Departure pointSea conditions Forecast Tides Daylight Hazards -
Assess dangers:
The varied calls for assistance are often for one or more Marine Casualties, such as:
Loss of rudder or propulsion.
Fire on board.
Founder or rescue from a stricken vessel.
Grounding or rescue from wreck.
Man overboard, abandonment or lost at sea.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Such incidents not only present their own unique hazards to the stricken vessels, (as
more fully described in Section 3) but also in combination with the Operational
dangers, to the rescuers.
Phases of a rescue:
A search and rescue planning will follow phases of completeness in the information
as it is being received. If the SMC cannot determine the credibility of the reports, then
further information will be pursued. As more information is gathered, grave concerns
may increase or the phase may quickly be revised to urgent action.
Alerfa- an Alert Phase exists when a vessel, or persons are having some difficulty
and may need assistance, but are not in immediate danger. Apprehension is usually
associated with the Alert Phase, but there is no known threat requiring immediate
action. SAR resources should begin communication searches and MRUs should be
dispatched to investigate high probability locations or the crafts intended route should
be considered.
An Alert Phase is declared:
Detresfa- the distress phase exists when there is reasonable certainty that a vessel
or persons are in imminent danger and require immediate assistance. For overdue
vessels a distress exists when communication searches and other forms of
investigation have not succeeded in locating the vessel. If there is sufficient concern
for the safety of the vessel or the persons on board to justify search operations, the
incident should be classified as being in the distress phase.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Practicality of operation:
MERSAR lists two categories of distress incidents, coastal and ocean. Coastal
incidents are close enough to provide a variety of air or surface craft support and
may result in the callout of volunteer rescue vessels. Their accreditation limits their
operational sea areas as described by their States category, which for NSW is:
Category One- Up to 0.5NM offshore
Category Two- Up to 7NM offshore
Category Three- Up to 15NM offshore
The long range task of reaching ocean incidents will rule out volunteer assistance
and limit airborne assistance. Much more dependent on surface (and possibly
requisitioned) vessels will be needed.
Establishing communications
1.3 Communications are established where possible with the parties in
distress, other search vessels and/or aircraft and other organisations and
persons who may be involved in the search and rescue operation.
If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel, any vessel may make light or
sound signals that cannot be mistaken for any signal authorized elsewhere in these
Rules, or may direct the beam of her search light in the direction of the danger
(Collision Regulations Rule 36).
Current Maritime signalling procedures:
Code Pennant (red/ white stripes) close up
Flashing of Ts by signal lamp in Morse code.
Changing of heading.
Aldis lamp - Green flashes.
Not understood
Aldis lamp - Red flashes.
Inability to comply
Flag N (a blue and white checked)
Inability to comply
Flashing of a succession of Ns in Morse code
Australian Civil Air-Ground Code:
I require your attention.
Aircraft orbits ground party at low level
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Investigate object/position
underneath aircraft orbit.
Investigate object/position adjacent
Aircraft drops smoke on a particular location.
to smoke.
Retrieve and read instructions
Aircraft drops message canister.
contained in the Canister.
International SAR Air-Ground Code (MERSAR)
Daylight - rocking the aircrafts wings
Night - flashing lights ON and OFF twice.
Not understood
Lack of the above signals.
Follow me
The following visual signals are internationally recognised. They are authorised for
use in the Australian SRR.
Air-Ground Visual Signal Code International SAR Signals
Ground - Air Visual Signal Code for use by Survivors
Number Message
Code Symbol
Require Assistance
Yes or Affirmative
No or Negative
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
In NSW the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act provides for the State
Rescue Board of New South Wales, to be the statutory body. The SRB members
include the Volunteer Marine Rescue Council of New South Wales. The VMRC
advises the SRB on maritime rescue, and its members include:
NSW Police
NSW Water Police have control of all incidents in and around NSW waters involving
pleasure craft and fishing vessels and can request the assistance of other
emergency services and voluntary organisations. Volunteer Marine Rescue Units,
Marine Radio Bases and Search and rescue Co-ordination Centres are responsible
for over 60% of all Search and Rescue Incidents in NSW waters. The remaining is
covered by NSW Water Police and ADF units.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Duties of a Master:
Both SOLAS and the Commonwealth Navigation Act 1912 require the Master of a
vessel to render all possible assistance to any persons from or on a vessel or aircraft
that he/she has reason to believe are in need of assistance. States and Territorys
Acts have similar clauses. You must acknowledge and inform the distressed of your
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
expected time of arrival to assist. However, you could be 200 miles away - too far to
be of practical assistance - but as the only vessel that has picked up the distress
signal you are required to maintain that contact, relay the message to those that can
help, and continue to act as a relay station for as long as required.
The obligation to render all possible assistance is only lifted when the distressed
advises you that your assistance is no longer required. A release may also be given
by another vessel or search and rescue body that has taken charge and has the
situation under control.
However, the primary duty of the Master remains to ensure that his vessel is safe for
its passengers, crew and cargo, in survey and seaworthy. The crew and passengers
are obliged by law to obey any reasonable direction of the Master, and he is required
to provide:
In all situations the Master must ensure that the decisions made are in the best
interest of the vessel and all that sail in her. If the Master is responding to an
emergency situation the priority is to ensure the safety of personnel onboard his/her
vessel first, before assisting another.
Limits of responsibility - The primary aim of the Master of a vessel rendering
assistance is saving life. A distressed vessel could be drifting rapidly onto a lee
shore. She may need only a short tow away from the danger so that the personnel
can be transferred safely. Once the immediate safety of personnel is ensured, the
decision to tow the vessel to a safe haven should carefully weigh up the capabilities
of the tug, her power and fuel reserves and the owners and insurers consent. There
is no legal responsibility on the Master of the rescuing vessel to save property.
Salvage - Property can be salvaged, not life. Salvage must retrieve property from
peril, must be voluntary (not a contract for payment) and must be successful (no
save, no pay). If these conditions are met, the salver is entitled to claim
reimbursement from the owner for the time, effort and expense of the salvage
Dedicated rescue vessels - While other vessels are carting tourists, containers or
coal for its owners, the rescue vessels job is to save life as tasked by the accrediting
organisation. This potentially hazardous activity needs to be risk managed with the
owners, master and crew. The Rescue Skipper, however, has the same duties as
any other Master, and during passage is primarily responsible for the safety of his
vessel and crew. Salvage is a legal entitlement for the rescue of abandoned property,
but is rarely claimed by community based volunteer rescue organisations.
Nominating an OSC Due to its position, any vessel may be nominated as an OSC
and may be expected by the SMC to implement coordination as requested.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
These steps are repeated until the survivors are located or evaluation of the situation
shows that further searching would be futile.
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Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
River Current- Tides affect current speeds near the mouths of the rivers. This may
be noticed several kilometres upstream or far off shore. Seasonal variations affect
water volume. When estimating current in the discharge area, assume that the
current direction is a straight line from the river mouth to the discharge boundary and
the river current speed decreases from the river mouth to the discharge boundary.
Current speed is best obtained from local knowledge or direct observation.
River discharge
Long Shore Current- Caused by incoming swells striking the shore at an angle.
Swell/Wave Current- May affect rafts and other small targets in calm conditions. As
the current speed is low, it is used only for determining probable direction of target.
Surf Current- Surf current will move the object towards the shore perpendicular to
the line of breakers unless a long shore current takes the target with it.
Rip Current- A narrow band of current flowing seaward through the surf line as a
result of the long shore current building up a large volume of water along the beach
line, then bursting through the incoming surf on its way back to sea. They are only a
few metres wide through the surf line, but fan out and slow down in smoother water.
Tidal Streams- While the changes in direction of tidal streams have a tendency to
nullify the cumulative effect, they must be considered in computing drift because:
In reversing streams, the effect in one way can be more than the other.
Over short periods tidal streams will cause significant changes in position.
Sea Current- Tidal and local features will affect sea currents near the coast.
Local Wind Current- Local wind current is the current generated by wind acting on
the surface of the water. The velocity of a wind current is calculated from:
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Divergence in leeway
(Drawing courtesy of the NATSAR Manual)
consideration. Particular attention should be paid to the situation when the LKP is
outside the established search area. In many cases, it should be possible to search
along the drift line from the LKP to the datum during the initial search.
Using the vector values determined for average sea current, wind current and
leeway it is possible to plot a simple vector diagram and obtain a datum point.
However as the leeway data is generally uncertain may be necessary to plot both a
left and right drift, and to calculate drift error (De).
The direction and speed of these factors is referred to as SET. Contrary to the
convention of expressing wind velocity, the direction component indicates the
direction of movement.
Sweep width:
Search visibility, constituting sweep width, is the range within which a particular
search target has a reasonable probability of being detected. Search visibility as
affected by the numerous factors including; type, size, colour and shape of the target,
meteorological visibility, sea conditions, search speed, factor, search aircraft height,
cloud cover, position of the sun and day and night factors.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Coverage Factor =
Sweep Width
Track spacing
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
For repeated searches of the same area, the cumulative POD is obtained by making
use of the average coverage factor. The application of this concept results in a
progressive increase in the POD of a target in the most likely sector of the search
area by repeatedly searching the original area within progressively larger areas, a
part of each overlaying the original. Thus there results an aggregate POD after
successive searches of part of a probability area. For each successive search, the
safety factor is increased, and the size of the probability area is enlarged.
It is not to be thought that early search effort should be restricted in anticipation of the
benefits of the expanded search technique; these will take time to accrue, and time,
in the rescue of survivors, is of the essence.
When using the Graph the POD for any particular search is obtained by reference to
the appropriate Search graph line depending on the search conditions. For repeated
searches of the same area, enter the graph with the average coverage factor and
refer to the graph line relevant to the overall number of searches to obtain cumulative
POD. The results are shown as:
1st Search
2nd Search
3rd Search
4th Search
5th Search
Search patterns:
Expanding square system - one vessel-
This system starts at the datum point established earlier. The diagram shows the
pattern, distance between the tracks will depend on height of lookout and weather
conditions but should be such that each sweep should double up on detection.
Sector searching - one vessel:
If the incident position was noted and the conditions indicate that the person may not
have drifted far from that particular point, the sector search pattern may be used.
Remember with this pattern, all changes in course are 120 to starboard.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
If the person has not been detected on completion of the first search adjust the
original line by 30 and recommence the search pattern. Distance for each leg will
vary for types of vessels but may be 1-2 nautical miles.
Parallel track search:
Parallel Track Patterns are normally used when;
The search area is large and the terrain is level e.g. Maritime Areas.
Uniform Coverage is required.
The location of the target is not known with any precision.
Search legs are aligned parallel to the major or minor axis of the individual search
area. The pattern is best used in rectangular or square areas.
A parallel search for two ships- A parallel search for two ships, the search vessels
proceed from one corner of the search area maintaining parallel tracks. The first is at
a distance of onehalf the track spacing from the side of the area. Successive tracks
are maintained parallel to each other and one track spacing apart.
A parallel search for two or more ships-The OSC on the command ship
coordinates the convoy of ships, spreading them abreast of him by radar distance
off to maintain sweep widths appropriate to the individuals observing platform.
Covering a combined track width, the convoy now steams to a point of course
change for the next track leg. The OSC signals each vessel of their moment to
change course in order to reform the convoy on the new heading at the same track
Further information on search and rescue patterns can be found in the Merchant Ship
SAR Manual (MERSAR) compiled by the Maritime Safety Committee of the
International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Studying your Squads SOPs for gathering task and operational information.
Interrogating a simulated witness using open & closed questioning.
Determining simulated rescue locations from task information.
Devising a simulated search plan with LKP and probable position after delay.
Discuss as a team. Read the accompanying workbook, Bare Facts of Marine SAR.
Remember to complete your log book.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Maritime communications stations HF DSC and 4125, 6215, and 8291 kHz with 8176 kHz, weather.
Coast Radio Stations 4125, 6215, and 8291 kHz with 8176 kHz used to broadcast weather.
156.8 MHz (VHF CH16). Channel 16. each State/Territory
Channel 67 is used to broadcast weather and warnings.
Limited Coast Stations- In addition, the SAR net is extended by Limited Coast
Stations operated by fishing cooperatives and volunteer SAR organisations. Each
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Limited station caters for a group or groups of marine craft in its local area.
Depending on the capability of its equipment, a Limited station may monitor:
2182/2524 kHz, VHF CH16 and 27.88 MHz for pleasure craft.
2182/2112/4535/4620 kHz and VHF CH16 for fishing craft.
State Police radio networks- Secure private channels. Each State/Territory SAR
authority maintains radio-equipped vessels with SAR capabilities.
Volunteer Organisations- Clubs with base radio stations, mainly in popular sea
recreational areas around Australia. Each station is normally staffed on an as
required or considered necessary basis.
They may also operate on VHF Ch 16 and 27 MHZ Channel 88. The majority of
voluntary organisations equipped with HF SSB equipment are capable of responding
to calls on the 2 MHz, 4MHz and 6 MHz marine bands. However, 2524 kHz as the
calling and working frequency for shore stations and pleasure craft, is still traditionally
Ship Stations:
The distinct categories of vessels of interest to marine SAR are:
Pleasure craft.
Fishing vessels
Deep sea vessels (SOLAS)
Defence vessels
VHF radiotelephone (Channels 6, 13, 16 and 67).
VHF DSC (Channel 70).
Inmarsat-C or HF DSC.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Priority Calls:
Radiotelephony priority calls are the most commonly used method of raising a
general alarm; the progressive levels described by as distress (MAYDAY), urgency
(PAN PAN) and safety (SECURITE).
Marine Radio Alarm Signal- With the full implementation of the GMDSS the
automatic 2182 kHz alarm devices are no longer required. However, some maritime
communications stations may still use the distinct warbling sound voice alarm signal
to draw attention to a distress broadcast. Merchant shipping complying with the
SOLAS now guard the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) distress frequencies.
RTF Distress Signal- The distress signal is used to indicate that a craft or person is
threatened by grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance. It has
precedence over all other communications. The distress message is preceded by the
word MAYDAY spoken three times.
RTF Urgency Signal- The urgency signal is used to indicate that the calling station
has a very urgent message to transmit covering the safety of a ship, aircraft or
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
person. It has precedence over all other communications, except distress traffic. The
urgency message is preceded by the words PAN PAN spoken three times.
Safety Signal- The safety signal indicates that the station is about to transmit a
message concerning the safety of navigation or providing an important
meteorological warning. The safety message is preceded by the word SECURlTE
spoken three times. All stations hearing either the urgency or safety signals shall not
make any transmissions that might interfere with those signals.
Safety Frequencies:
156.375 MHz- (Marine VHF channel 67) Marine safety, Australia only.
27.88 MHz- (Marine 27 MHz Channel 88) pleasure craft, Australia only.
2524 kHz- (Marine MF) pleasure craft, volunteer SAR organisations.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
12 520.0
16 695.0
Ships operating under GMDSS requirements in the Australian SRR can be expected
to monitor MF DSC, VHF DSC (Channel 70) and VHF (Channels16, 67, 13, and 6).
Besides the obvious radar target of the distressed craft itself, IFF (Identification
Friend or Foe) may be used not only to indicate distress but also to increase the
detectable range by radar. The basic equipment consists of an interrogator and a
transponder. Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) is the name used to describe
similar equipment in use by Airservices Australia and civil aircraft.
COSPAS-SARSAT Distress Beacon Detection System Overview:
COSPAS-SARSAT is a satellite system designed to provide distress alert and
location data to assist SAR operations, using spacecraft and ground facilities to
detect and locate the signals of distress beacons operating on 406 MHz or 121.5
MHz. The responsible Cospas-Sarsat Mission Control Centre (MCC) forwards the
position of the distress and other information to the appropriate SAR authorities.
The Cospas-Sarsat System provides distress alert and location data to RCCs for
121.5 MHz beacons within the coverage area of Cospas-Sarsat ground stations
Local User Terminals (LUTs), and for 406 MHz beacons activated anywhere in the
World. In the Australia/New Zealand region, the Australian Mission Control Centre
(AUMCC) controls the three LUTs located at Albany, Bundaberg and Wellington.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Aviators and mariners often carry PLBs as personal back up to ELTs and
Because 406 MHz beacons transmit an extremely stable frequency, positions
calculated by the LUT usually fall within a radius of 5km from the actual beacon
position. On the other hand, 121.5/243 MHz beacons do not have the same
frequency stability that results in less accuracy with positions within a 20 km radius.
All 406 MHz beacons sold in the Australian region are required to transmit on 121.5
MHz to facilitate homing.
406 MHz beacons use digital technology that allows an identifier to be sent when
the beacon is activated. This identifier correlates to a registration database held at
the MCC and allows additional information to be gained about the target. 406 MHz
beacons should be coded with a country code and registered in the country that
maintains the database for that country code. It is therefore important that all
Australian 406 MHz beacons are registered with RCC Australia.
Satellite processing of 121.5 MHz alerts will cease from 1 February 2009.
Beacon detection- With the exception of the GEOSAR, the position of a distress
beacon is calculated by using Doppler shift, which is caused by the relative
movement between a satellite and a beacon. As a satellite approaches a beacon
there is an apparent rise in the beacon frequency and as the satellite moves away
the frequency appears to fall.
When a satellite is at its closest point to a beacon the received frequency is the
same as the transmitted frequency (the point of inflection) and provides the Time of
Closest Approach (TCA).
This method of calculation produces two possible positions for each beacon
(labelled A and B), either side of the satellites ground track; one is the true position
and the other is its mirror image. The ambiguity is due to the equipment only being
able to determine the distance between a satellite and a beacon and not the
direction. Position ambiguity is subsequently resolved by using data obtained by the
same LUT from the next satellite pass which sees the beacon or Data from another
satellite pass observed by a different LUT.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
MAREC - Maritime SAR Recognition Code- The purpose of this Code is to facilitate
the communication of descriptive information regarding vessels. The MAREC Code is
in two parts:
Part 1 - Merchant vessels
Part 2 - Small craft.
All messages should be preceded with the prefix MAREC followed by a local serial
number. The message should contain all the lettered identification groups as
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
separate paragraphs. If the information is not known the symbol UNK should be
inserted or alternatively the symbol NA, where the lettered group is not applicable.
Use should be made of the Merchant Vessels description code to report the
description of fishing vessels.
Part 1 - Merchant Vessels -The Merchant Vessels MAREC message is composed
of the following identification groups (A-G) transmitted in the following sequence:
Table F1. - Local serial number
Type of vessel - name - call sign
Superstructure - location - colour
Hull profile - colour
Sequence of uprights
Condition of loading
Other characteristics.
The Mership classifications for group A are shown below.
Table F.2- Mership classifications
Passenger ships
Bulk carriers
General cargo ships
Fishing vessels
Container ships
Specialised ships, gas carrier, tug, icebreaker, etc.
Groups B to G are described in the code (see NATSAR Manual 2003 Appendix F).
Example of General cargo ship Arafura:
E/LOA 80
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Part 2 - Small Craft - A Small Craft MAREC Message is composed of the following
identification groups and will be transmitted in the following sequence:
Table F.4 - Local serial number
Type, configuration /superstructure /number of hulls, name, call sign & use
Make- distinctive markings
Motor installation or rigging
Construction material - colour
Stern - Stem
Type of bottom
Other characteristics.
Number of persons on board
Table F.5 Type of Small Craft
Motor boat
Sailing boat
Rowing boat
Motor and sail (equal)
Example of Motor boat Gallant overleaf:
Similarly groups B to I are described in the code (see NATSAR Manual 2003
Appendix F). A full example of a Small Craft MARIC message is shown below:
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Discuss as a team. Read the accompanying workbook, Bare Facts of Marine SAR.
Remember to complete your log book.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Rescuers can anticipate that casualties are likely to have initiated their own damage
control measures (more fully described in the accompanying workbook Respond to
Navigational Emergencies) and should notify the search controller of such
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
3.3 Directions are given to others involved in the search and rescue operation
in accordance with the agreed plan and the established chain of
The first (skipper) to arrive at an incident scene would normally take on the role of
OSC assuming operational coordination of all SAR facilities on scene. He/she would
implement the search and rescue plan, where required, while providing regular
SITREPS to his/her SMC. If more SAR assets or initial searches failed, then an OSC
with greater authority and access to more assets would be delegated.
This chain of command has been looked at in the Introduction and in Sections 1.2,
1.5 and 3.3.
Operational briefing
3.5 Vessel's officers and crew are briefed on their role during the emergency
and are deployed to the required stations.
SAR Crew Briefing General:
Comprehensive briefing and de-briefing of search crews is a vital component of
search planning. Many personnel enlisted for search operations are neither trained
for nor experienced in the search role so instructions for the SAR operation shall be
clearly and precise. The officer appointed to the briefing task, must be thoroughly
familiar with the overall plan and individual search unit tasks. A briefing shall include
the following factors:
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Landmarks- vague descriptions such as "7 NM SSW of..." shall not be used.
Proper direction in this case would be by way of positive bearing and distance,
i.e. "bearing 202 (T) from Dixon Island at 7 NM".
Maritime Search Crews- In marine SAR the police or military, may brief the search
crews. The coordinating SAR authority will require copies of briefing forms.
A systematic search of an area with no visual reference points requires a dead
reckoning (DR) plot of the last known position of the target, its own position, and the
position of other ships and aircraft in the vicinity. The plot should also show date,
time and possible drift of the target/survivors. Areas searched should be plotted on a
To attract the attention of survivors, a surface unit should, if practicable, periodically
make its presence known by making smoke during daylight and, at night, by rotating
a searchlight beam around the horizon or, if clouds are low, by directing the
searchlight vertically. When visibility is restricted, the engine should be stopped
periodically to listen for shouts or whistles from the survivors. Observers should be
stationed as high as possible to increase the sighting range.
Briefings for marine units will cover similar topics to those given to air, but there may
be less opportunity for face-to-face briefing contact. Briefing Officers should be aware
of the difficulties inherent in briefing indirectly and the increased potential for
Search Aircrew Briefing- The Search Briefing Form provides a written record of all
briefings and is given to aircrew and other units.
When the task for a search aircraft is amended, a hard copy amended briefing will
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
be sent. In any case, where it is not possible to provide a pilot with a map or
reproduction thereof, the briefing officer shall determine the maps and editions
available to the pilot and ensure that the crew is totally aware of the areas, locations,
and features that the RCC requires it to search. The briefing officer shall make every
effort to eliminate any possibility of errors due to differences in data on the respective
maps. Flight De-brief Form should be supplied with the Aircraft Search Briefing Form.
Search Aircraft Operations- Before beginning a search, the aircraft should be flown
at search height for a time to familiarise observers with the apparent size and
appearance of known objects on the surface. Observers may also develop an
appreciation of distances at height, bearing in mind the planned limit of scan.
Aircraft that are engaged on a beacon search should start the search procedure at
the highest practicable cruising level unless a small probability area has been
defined when a search may start at a lower level. Pilots or navigators should log all
areas, heights and appropriate times.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
It is desirable that SAR vessels be equipped to lift survivors from the water without
expecting any help from the survivors.
Use of aircraft for rescue
When considering the use of aircraft to bring about the recovery of survivors, care
must be taken to ensure that the rescue aircraft and crew are not exposed to
inordinate danger.
Fixed wing aircraft should only be used to retrieve survivors when there is significant
advantage over the use of surface transport and when there is a suitable aerodrome
or landing area near the scene. Pilots shall be discouraged from attempting to land
at other than prepared landing areas to pick up survivors. However, should this prove
to be the best or only viable option, all available specialist advice concerning the
operation shall be obtained. It may be possible to have a qualified person lowered or
parachuted in to survey the area. Helicopters may be employed to shuttle survivors
from a distress site to a suitable fixed-wing landing area.
Use of helicopters for rescue
When available, helicopters should be considered for rescue work. While eminently
suited to the task in many respects, helicopters do have specific limitations that may
be summarised as:
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Owing to their unique flying characteristics, helicopters should be considered for use
as a rescue unit as a matter of course. However, operations by surface parties may
be hampered by the noise and rotor wash produced by helicopters. To avoid damage
to rotor blades, the landing site should
Removing by helicopter - The helicopter will communicate on VHF Ch 6 or Ch 16.
On approach to an incident scene at sea they will make a hazard reconnaissance.
They may ask the RV to maintain a heading into the wind, or provide smoke to assist
in their hover plan. The helicopter will not allow any chance of ground attachment of
their hi-lift wire which could cause them to crash. They often will not want to
approach a high masted vessel and may ask for casualties to take to a life raft
streamed behind or transfer into an attending inflatable RV. The wire can give a static
electrical shock if not dunked in the sea.
A thumbs down hand signal indicates you are not ready for the lift; thumbs up that all
is ready to go. These same signals are used if a stretcher or basket is used for the
lift. A basket can be used to pick up several persons from the water. Climb in and
hold on tight.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
The SMC Authority may determine that further searching has no significant chance
of succeeding and downgrade from the distress phase, suspend or terminate the
search. This cannot occur without the specific concurrence of the SAR Authority.
The decision to suspend a search shall not be made until a thorough review of
all the intelligence material to ensure no information had been overlooked and that all
reasonable means of obtaining information about the target have been exhausted.
The review will focus on the probability of there being survivors from the initial
incident, the probability of survival after the incident, the probability that the survivors
were in the search area, and the effectiveness of the search. Re-examining datum
computations and data calculations must not be overlooked.
A major factor that will persuade an SMC to stand down an operation is the
temperature and time that the casualties are in the water. When the decision is
made, all people and organisations involved in the SAR action must be advised by
their RCC to stand down and the next of kin must be fully informed.
Shipping should be notified of any hazard caused by abandoned vessels and
arrangements made for the recovery of response equipment.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Completion of documentation
Records of the incident are made in the vessel's log and other
documentation is completed as required by relevant Australian and/or
international regulations and conventions.
Records and reports:
Whether the SAR is successful or not, full details of the vessels operation must be
logged. The times, signals, search pattern navigation and observations should be
clearly recorded and signed by the recording officer. It should be remembered that to
make false statement is illegal and that errors should not be erased, but crossed
through and initialled. The Vessel log along with the Radio log will be of great value
at debrief or if the search is to be resumed following new information, and will be
required by the RCC in completing its documentation of:
Incident debriefs:
Incidents worthy of debrief may include those where:
lives have been lost unexpectedly;
large and complex searches have been conducted;
where coordination, communication or response challenges were experienced
Records relating to search and rescue operations must be retained for periods as
required under the relevant legislation and regulation, nominally seven years.
SAR crew debriefing:
All SAR operators in the operation should attend after their sortie for de-briefing.
Included in the briefing shall be instructions on the de-briefing procedure to be
followed on completion of the search task.
Reports are required on anything that the search teams themselves consider
pertinent, and may include:
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Question No 3
Which agency does the responsibility for SAR in States and Territories rest with?
Question No.4
What role in the chain of command does the first rescue vessel to arrive at the
incident scene assume? Explain why.
Question No.5
List three situations in which a Rescue Skipper would request that an OSC of greater
authority be requested to take over the immediate rescue coordination.
Question No.6
Write the position of a known inshore feature in your operating area in a manner
suitable for clear and concise radio communication.
Question No.7
How might a Rescue Vessel notify its presence in the area to survivors by day?
How might a Rescue Vessel notify its presence in the area to survivors by night?
Question No.8
List two advantages and two disadvantages in enlisting the assistance of a merchant
vessel at a SAR incident.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2
Question No.9
What should never be done with a rescuing helicopters winch wire?
Question No.10
What is the signal to a helicopter that the casualty is ready to be lifted in rescue
Question No.11
Describe two common forms of helicopter rescue apparatus.
Question No.13
List three situations that would result in a rescue operation being concluded.
Question No.14
What records would be made available at a de-brief?
Discuss as a team. Read the accompanying workbook, Bare Facts of Marine SAR.
Remember to complete your log book.
Assist in Search and Rescue. v.2