The TCP/IP model refers to the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Model.
This model is a part of the network domain designed specifically for overseeing efficient
and error-free transmission of data.
The model works on a four-layered architecture model, where each layer implicit the
required network protocols on the data to be transmitted, which remodels the data to the
most optimum structure for efficient transmission over the network.
In this tutorial on what is TCP/IP model is, you will understand the working of each layer
in detail to better understand the functioning of the model.
The Internet Protocol Suite, or TCP/IP for short, is the set of protocols that make up the
network layer of the Internet.
TCP/IP was developed during the Cold War as a way for the U.S. Department of
Defense to connect computers within their networks and with each other across national
boundaries. It's been used since the late 1960s when it was formalized by DARPA and
later adopted by government agencies and universities worldwide as a common
networking standard.
The first version of TCP/IP was ARPANET (1975), which stands for Advanced
Research Projects Administration Network. The name changed to TCP/IP in 1983,
when it became an open standard that could be used on any network.
To give researchers access to each other's equipment, they needed to send messages
quickly over long distances without having them re-transmitted by any intermediate
nodes along the way. This necessity led to the development of the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). These protocols were intended for machine-
to-machine connections, such as between computers over local area networks or wide-
area networks.
Below mentioned are some of the features that make the TCP/IP model stand out in the
network concepts:
The TCP/IP model is among one of the most important network concepts that
contributed to the working of ARPANET.
The TCP/IP model comprises four layers: the network access layer, the internet layer,
the transport layer, and the application layer (going from bottom to top).
The layers in the model provide maintenance of communication channels, flow control,
and reliability check format, among other applications in the form of protocols.
2. Internet layer
3. Transport layer
4. Application layer
Each layer performs a specific task on the data that is being transmitted over the network
channel, and data moves from one layer to another in a preset pattern as mentioned
2. Internet Layer
The Internet layer performs the task of controlling the transmission of the data over the
network modes and enacts protocols related to the various steps related to the transmission
of data over the channel, which is in the form of packets sent by the previous layer.
This layer performs many important functions in the TCP/IP model, some of which are:
It is responsible for specifying the path that the data packets will use for transmission.
This layer is responsible for providing IP addresses to the system for the identification
matters over the network channel.
Some of the protocols applied in this layer are:
IP: This protocol assigns your device with a unique address; the IP address is also
responsible for routing the data over the communication channel.
ARP: This protocol refers to the Address Resolution Protocol that is responsible for
finding the physical address using the IP address.
3. Transport Layer
This layer is responsible for establishing the connection between the sender and the
receiver device and also performs the task of dividing the data from the application layer
into packets, which are then used to create sequences.
It also performs the task of maintaining the data, i.e., to be transmitted without error, and
controls the data flow rate over the communication channel for smooth transmission of
The protocols used in this layer are:
UDP: User Datagram Protocol is responsible for identifying errors, and other tasks
during the transmission of information. UDP maintains various fields for data
transmission such as:
Source Port Address: This port is responsible for designing the application that makes
up the message to be transmitted.
Destination Port Address: This port receives the message sent from the sender side.
Checksum: Used for error detection of the message at the destination side.
This is the topmost layer which indicates the applications and programs that utilize the
TCP/IP model for communicating with the user through applications and various tasks
performed by the layer, including data representation for the applications executed by the
user and forwards it to the transport layer.
The application layer maintains a smooth connection between the application and user for
data exchange and offers various features as remote handling of the system, e-mail services,
HTTP: Hypertext transfer protocol is used for accessing the information available on the
SMTP: Simple mail transfer protocol, assigned the task of handling e-mail-related steps
and issues.
FTP: This is the standard protocol that oversees the transfer of files over the network
OSI Model vs. TCP IP Model
The TCP/IP model was designed in the 1960s to maintain and explain the transmission of
data, whereas the OSI model is a network concept specifically for explaining the
communication and working of data and protocols during the transmission of information.
The transport layer in this model provides a In this model, the transport layer does not
packet delivery protocol. have any such protocols.
On the other hand, IP is the network layer protocol responsible for routing network
While TCP/IP are both crucial protocols on the internet, they serve different purposes.
The TCP/IP model is a four-layer model that divides network communications into four
distinct categories or layers. The model is often referred to as the TCP/IP stack. The four
important layers are the application layer, the transport layer, the network layer, and the
link layer.
The Application Layer: The application layer is closest to the end user. And this is the
layer that users interact with directly, including protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and SSH.
This layer is responsible for providing applications with access to the network.
The Transport Layer: The transport layer ensures that data is delivered reliably and
efficiently from one point to another. This layer handles data transmission between
hosts, including protocols like TCP and UDP.
The Internet Layer: The network layer is responsible for routing data through the web.
This layer delivers data packets from one host to another, including the IP protocol.
Network access layer: The network access layer provides reliable data links between the
two nodes — for example, protocols like Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
Protocols Used
There are four main protocols used in TCP/IP: the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),
the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the Internet Protocol (IP), and the Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP).
UDP is used for applications where data doesn't need to be delivered reliably or needs
to be delivered quickly without the overhead of TCP.
All four of these protocols are essential for the proper functioning of the internet. They
work together to ensure that data is delivered quickly, reliably, and in the appropriate order.
Scalability: The TCP/IP model is highly scalable and can accommodate small and large
Reliability: The model is robust and reliable, making it suitable for mission-critical
Security: The various protocols in the model provide robust security measures.
Disadvantages of TCP/IP:
Complexity: The model is quite complex and requires a certain degree of expertise to
configure and maintain.