This session focuses on advancing drawing skills by constructing three-dimensional shapes using perspective techniques. The instructor emphasizes practicing basic skills and repeating processes to create a street scene with buildings that diminish in size towards the horizon. Students are encouraged to use putty rubber for refining their drawings and to practice the techniques learned in this session before the next class.
This session focuses on advancing drawing skills by constructing three-dimensional shapes using perspective techniques. The instructor emphasizes practicing basic skills and repeating processes to create a street scene with buildings that diminish in size towards the horizon. Students are encouraged to use putty rubber for refining their drawings and to practice the techniques learned in this session before the next class.
This session focuses on advancing drawing skills by constructing three-dimensional shapes using perspective techniques. The instructor emphasizes practicing basic skills and repeating processes to create a street scene with buildings that diminish in size towards the horizon. Students are encouraged to use putty rubber for refining their drawings and to practice the techniques learned in this session before the next class.
This session focuses on advancing drawing skills by constructing three-dimensional shapes using perspective techniques. The instructor emphasizes practicing basic skills and repeating processes to create a street scene with buildings that diminish in size towards the horizon. Students are encouraged to use putty rubber for refining their drawings and to practice the techniques learned in this session before the next class.
So welcome to this next session on drawing and sketching.
So if you remember, in the first
few sessions we've covered the basics of drawing horizontal lines, vertical lines on the page join point to point lines and we then moved on to using those skills to construct A3 dimensional shape on the page and start the initial exploration of where to place the can thin line so today we're going to build on that I'm going to move thing through things a little bit quicker if you find you're still struggling with some of those basic skills then I suggest that you you look back at some of the earlier videos you may need to practise those a little bit more so starting with our horizon liar cross the page two vanishing points and if you remember we have a first vertical lines that helps us create this initial three dimensional shape social place that about here on the page now this line really can be anywhere on the page it's just often this is quite a good area to start with especially when you're learning these skills and you now we're going to join up these points this point at the top of this line too fall right hand vanishing point and the bottom point again you know I like to practise these strokes as you saw in the earlier video like so and then we do the same with the left hand vanishing point now I'm going to start with a similar shape that we covered in the last session so this end face wants to be a square so this line needs to be parallel if you remember parallel to this first line at 90 degrees to the horizon line we want to look at what feels like a square face I can use my pencil just there to think Yep that that's about square again we're using our I to judge what gives us the impression of a square end face their practise strokes put that line in there cezar end face this this second face here is going to be more rectangular so go few practise strokes that line can go in there now this line here is quite a common line where students can tend to have it leaning specially for some reason leading out this way so I gotta sweat practising that line up and down checking is parallel to this line before you put it in now when it's too all topface so if we remember that joining up this point to the right hand vanishing point yes and this point here to the left and vanishing point so that we have a our initial cube well is a rectangular block shape going to darken in those lines slow Rightly now as remove later into the cross or suggest that you darken in these lines more to the end of a drawing but as you're learning as I'm instructing you it makes it a bit clearer for you to say so that's the first shape on the page now that's where we got to in the last session so I'm going to move things forwards now and the next step I'm going to take is to produce another one of these shapes in this area here so actually what we do here we just repeat the process we start with this first line so I'm going to start with that first lion about here Matthews Sai I'm setting that line within these construction lines now this is the first indicator in this course we've really got of how perspective is used to show things getting smaller as they go off into the distance so this line here this line here in this line here you say that all within these construction lines as they've got smaller and smaller as they go off towards this right hand vanishing point so have that first slowing we already have these two construction lines here so we need some constructions lines here to put in this end face so it's really just repeating what we did before so we want to lie in here so you can see here there comes a point where I don't need to put the whole construction line in I can start to work a little bit quicker with a construction mining and we need this bottom constructionline so I'm still practising where that line is going to travel from bring that through the page and that line can go in cross here like so and I'm from this point here where these two meet this is going to be off topface so we simply parallel to this first line we drop this lying down is 90 degrees to the horizon as I said this is a common repetitive aspect of this 90 degrees to the horizon line parallel to these other lines and we don't have an end face so we need this this rectangular face now so that's the same as what we did on the first shape I decide where the rectangle face is going to go it's going to go about here I drop another line in and there I have a rectangular face so the last thing I need to do is just to put in this this top top face here already have this constructionline so I need a constructionline go from the left hand banishing for cross to the top of this line here contract as well that lines going to go as we've done many times before that lion is gonna come in here across there and there we go that's all talk face so I can as before I can darken these lines in slightly there we have to these rectangular block shapes in a row so this is the first stage really of course where you start to see how different shapes can construct a potential scene now for instance this could be the start of a row of houses and this might be the edge of a street going off into the horizon of Strait St this will also his hat could be the start of house number one or building number one this could be building #2 and we can start to see how these get smaller as they head off towards the horizon so I'm now going to do another shape in this area of the page here I'm going to bring this constructionline down through the page like so and we're going to ask just repeat this process of this first line now I'm going to choose this first line to be about here on the page so again it's a vertical line I drew up that line down yeah it's going to meet lying there so that's my first line I have this construction line here so as we did first of all we need vanishing point construction lines in this direction so we need one here one from the top point I'm going to add one more from this point here now I might that's why I'm not drawing this one completely I can draw quote faintly bring that line across their like so and then I want another square typeface on the end so that's do what we did before again this is a align which is 90 degrees so horizon I'm going to keep repeating this really get used to it and parallel to other vertical lines so that line could come in about here so that's just needs another slide or drop this line in here I guess I have an end face slightly more rectangular but that's fine for this example so we have this end face and again it's repeating the process we want to create this face here so let's cheque where that line may go we dropped this lying down cirtical so 90 degrees from the horizon line parallel to the other lions now this is another one where I really have notice students tend to to let it start leaving out so cheque that this is parallel to this life we now have two faces of the shape so it's the same as we did on the first shape here we just want to put in this topface which is this point I'm pointing to appear across to the vanishing point so on this point here across to this left our vanishing point again I'm not having to put these lines completely and now I'm just seeing where it goes it comes across here it's darkening those lions now what we can see here is now we've got three shapes all relating to each other in perspective on the page and as I mentioned before this this could be the very initial stages of what could be a street scene in these houses being on one side of the page or buildings and this could be the start of a building in this area of the page These two buildings could be effectively that side of the street to be imagined this street going off to the horizon and this building could be this side of the street and I can just start to give an indication where this this theoretical St could be so if we imagine a pavement or a walkway that street could run off like this downs with her eyes and the other side of the road effectively we're going to go behind this building so this line is going to go through here off to the horizon so that street is going to go to that street is going to show here through the building it's going to come out roundabout here so that could be the start of a street I've got all three buildings I'm just going to finish off with putting a emphasising a darker lion around these shapes again as we move through the course this is something I would encourage you to do much more at the end of a drawing we're going very much step by step I want you to see quote yeah a bit more clearly on the page how this is coming together shaping the full round here you should see how the stock align really helps the shape too start standing off the page let me have this this right now this is the first time just to finish off I'm going to bring in the use of our putty rubber here now the great thing about putty rubber is you can mould it you can mould it into a sharp appointment you can you can you can manipulate it to to be quite accurate with rubbing out some of the lines now generally speaking it works quite well to leave a number of construction lines in in a drawing like this it gives it a slightly dynamic fill but as we move through the course will start to learn which lines which construction lines are impeding the view and which are aiding this this dynamic aspect so for instance as a lion here which is going across the space so this line here is impeding the view scratch we're going to get rid of these two here I got off at sea robbers very good for this helps these two shapes to stand out also this lion is constructionline here is impeding us understanding the view so there's a line here that's not helping and you can just slightly remove where the construction lines touch all shapes cause that helps us helped the eye of the viewer to see them standing off the page but you still get this dynamic feeling for the different elements on the page and this aspect out there is is not helping so that's starting to look like the initial stages of a scene as I explained before has put in a darker horizon lions give it a bit of contacts and I think that's enough for for this next session So what would like to do in your own time between now and the next session is to go away and practise the skills we've learned during this exercise now if you're a complete beginner I'm imagining that this may be an hour or more practise time repeating the exercise I've shown you today I'm going through it step by step you have the advantage of sea of pausing the video rewinding the video and again if you find you're struggling with some of the fundamental techniques you can revisit some of the earlier videos from the sessions before so yeah repeat this exercise building up you know the three the three constructions the three shapes on the page starting to get an appreciation for how this could be a street scene building building building with a potential road you know how the horizon fits into the picture and gaining confidence in the different methods of producing the lines so thanks for listening to this section and see you next time.