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IMPACTS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ABSTRACT Increasing in the investment and innovation with the help

of information technol ogy (IT). Radically IT making a large difference from past to present, there is a large improvement in the change of methods by the organizations since the exis tence of information technology. Every professional knows information tec hnology does a great impact in the growth of organization, here in this research paper we are clearly going to discuss about the impacts of information technolo gy in human resource management. Here I took one of the best bank in the world H SBC as an example and am going to research how information technology has an imp act in all sectors of human resource management in HSBC and how IT used signific antly in various parts of human resource management such as recruitment, mainten ance and also in some development tasks, here Im going to design a questionnaire for the set of human resource team to draw the inference that is the survey resu lt, this is clearly explained in the data collection and data analysis method cl early and also Im going to analyse each and every part of human resource manage ment related to information technology and also in going to explain in general h ow information technology helps human resource department to function effectivel y. LITERATURE REVIEW In this present world everything depends and rely on the technology, information technology transforming the whole practice of human resource management, people changed from tradition to modern so they are looking everything simple, everyth ing is made compact because of the existence of the software, yes its a true fact !!!! Human resource management (HRM) depends the people talent and the approach is als o people oriented but present era its entirely reverse because to full fill the demand created by the threats that is the competitors, so they reshape the real drawing to new kinds of strategy which is easy to follow and implement, the new policies which is technical based and can easily understandable with the use of the technology. John Mcmbur, Dec 8, 2010. In human resource management starting from the recruitment to performing and dev eloping and in all sectors of the human resource management, for example in recr uitment the software which help to initial screening of the resumes where all re sumes are together and also helps to place the selected resumes in the separated database so that it can be viewed for the future use, same like in the salary f or the employees in olden days the method of paying to the employee in through t he hands but now the new payroll software which is really help the management to function easy with saving the time and at last they can able to make a separate database for the employees so that they can view all the information whenever t hey want, it may be either in portal or in some web based document, and also the Human resource management can able to keep separated records of the employee pe rformance so that they can able to amend that is update of the performance day b y day, this is very much helpful to estimate the capability of the employee. Lik e this lot of things are there, here we are going to discuss all these functions for HSBC so that we can able to understand how deep information technology help s HSBC to achieve success with the collaboration of technology. In each and every kind of business, the colleague needs to recognise about the av ailable resources and assets, so that they can choose the best strategy focussed with multi dimension with variety of benefits, the best suggestion in order to best way of HR practice is, making every ideas and integrating all ideas and pra ctising all the ideas according to the technology - Pillion, 2009. The idea behind this statement is to make the practice different and then to go according to the technology so that it will make the success for the organizatio

n. Each and every organization will invest huge amount of money in adopting the tech nology but they need to be careful in applying correct technology Vernon, 2009 According to HSBC they are well ahead than other banks in applying the latest te chnology to its human resource management but still there are some troubles and errors while practising those technology because the applying the technology is not a matter as I mentioned earlier but applying the correct technology is the k ey factor. RESEARCH OUTCOMES 1) Understand how technology applies to all sectors in HRM 2) Difference in the methods before and after applying the technology 3) Clear impact of technology and improvement in human resource management 4) Traditional practice and Morden practice in human resource management. All these are done by using appropriate data collection and data analysis, this includes both the primary and secondary data that is data by survey or questionn aire and data by other source such as web based reports and also the ethical con sideration which includes the data protection act. DISCUSSION In general most of the big organizations using information technology for human resource management functions and they are still planning to increase more of th eir investments in technologies related Human resource management, this discussi on topic is mainly to discuss what are the current technologies used by HSBC for their banking sector, they are using the managing information systems such as e xpert systems, decision support systems, and also the database management system s, they are also using some of the basic computer functional things like Microso ft office especially office word and office spread sheets, these basic things ar e widely used by many organizations not only in HSBC. ANALYSIS What are the HRM trends in IT? The functions of Human Resourc e managements scope are given; to make HRMs enabled for supporting the partnershi p among the finance staff, program managers, executives, professionals and emplo yees of HR, powerful HRMs should make an address in a range of functional, admin istrative, technological and statutory requirements; by the time when even provi ding information of accurate and reliable for the decision-making and broad plan ning of the organisation. An advice is also given to the organisations/companies to maintain a long-term relationship with the vendors of technology. When surveys are taken place, the resul ts showed more than 90% of the departments of HR operating with some computerize d form of HRMs. When a survey is undertaken by the Manpower Institution Studies, many changes were found that had an impact on HRMs use. The HR function developm ent was included in these founded changes that resulted closing many functions o f centralized it, and currently many applications of HR are networked. In the mid of 1990s, because of the integration of informati on from the applications of diverse and re-engineering process of business, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) has become one of the famous among all the organi sations. The main value of ERP is nothing but its capacity to make HR functions integrated under standards of normal technology and one single vendor. Some of t he components of HRMs give permission to use the internet for the purpose of red ucing costs of transaction in the systems of lead ERP. To recognise this, follow ing can be considered as an example: the ability of HRM of the package of People Soft (software of ERP) was utilised to track five thousand employees movements th at were working across 70 locations and then their wages were calculated accurat

ely. Instantly, when benefit of operational was considered in processing of payr oll, the time of cycle got reduced to 4 hours form 4 days. Therefore, accurately , the information of effective time that was delivered to managers, improved the quality and speed of control in assisted cost and decision making. Also, by estimating applications of HRMs and fin ancial, the value of the function of HR got increased completely in the organisa tion, as the best in the systems of administrative, HRM is one of the parts of s oftware solutions of ERP. One of the main values of applications of enterprise i s they force the companies make the functional view get adopted and should be le ading to integration of processes and information. While making a research on th e HSBC for this paper, an example was founded and outlined many justifications a nd advantages related to the solutions of enterprise HRMs selection. In HSBC latest functionality development of the s ystems of HRM has transited to Web access from the systems of client-server base d. This caused resulting in new choices for routines of self-servicing for many functions of HR. When e-business is considered, the functions of HR implications are not completely viewed yet, but certainly e-HR would revolutionize the funct ion of HR in few years. These systems of e-HR offer many capabilities, especiall y for searches of organisation that are related to world-wide staffing and also for the options of generation of extensive report. The reports of a survey showed that more than 8 0% of the respondents had or used plans to make use of a portal of HR in the yea r 2003 and the companies are using these portals for the sake of communication ( 50%), board of employee message (22%), links and life/work information (30%), po licies and handbooks of employee (44%), enrolment of benefits (25%), recording o f HR (22%), training (25%) and the fields/areas including information of employm ent & recruitment (5%). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Model: This present study makes a performance of an exploratory and a systematic approa ch of analysis to make an investigation on the impact of applications of IT on t he functions of HRM. Therefore, hypotheses are categorized according to the foll owing factors: Utilisation of IT IT tools (types) These factors are justified and provided below. Utilisation of IT: Many organisational improvements could be brought up by IT. Simon, one of the HR managers of HSBC gave a point that IT simultaneousl y has a potential to reduce the costs of administrative, productivity increase, improvement in decision-making, low speed in times of response, and customer ser vice enhancement. The valuable human resources management has an important role t o perform and also to lead to organisations success. Anyway, despite of evidence in increasing the use of technology related to HR by the firms of individual, a little development in the theory has been observed in this area and a failure of academia to give an IT impact on organisations HR from various sectors, where it deserves the attention. According to the present reports of HSBC there w as an existence of managing & structuring differences in activities of IT among the organisations of variable sectors. Regarding the relationship between the st ructure of organisation and IT sector are specific. In another way we can say th at, organisations of public and private sector adopt a structure of organisation to meet various demands from their instant environments which will be a reflect in the structured IT way. Simon stated that unlikely that new practices of HRM will be effective equally across various sectors. They also compared the practic es of HRM in the organisations of private & public sectors they resulted to diff

erences in the systems of HRM related to these sectors. The main areas of these analyses include selection and recruitment, development & training, benefits & p ay, emphasis relations of employee on the key strategies of HRM. These can be co nsidered as the fact evidence that the IT impact on the functions of HRM may sho w sector differences. Therefore based on this study, there are three proposed hypotheses explained in the following: 1. The IT use adopts different ways related to different sectors for the ta sks of recruitment. 2. IT use adopts the same different ways/patterns to develop and maintain t he tasks. 3. Lastly it adopts the same thing for planning and managing the tasks. IT Tools (types) IN HSBC It will be of no use when a computer runs faster with a large storage and graphi cs of high level resolution without software that an organisation need. For exam ple, when we consider Calhoun statement, for an organisation to make decisions, IT is one of the most important components. IT use is mainly based on the organi sations needs and the systems of information that depend on a specific form consi dered by an organisation. Some of the researches made an investigation and gave a view on the relationship between the IT use & the characteristics of organisat ion, and the factors that are influencing the organisations IT use. An examination of gives an overview on the extent IT use in different medium and small organisations of business in Brunei Darussalam. This study made an attempt to assess the breadth and depth of utili sation of IT in business field. A conclusion is made by them that the computer o f chief executive is associated positively with the business and IT use in secto rs differently having processing needs information differently. Calhoun made a s tudy on the impact of culture of the nation, regarding use of IT in organisation s and also gave an association report between IT use and some characteristics of the organisation. On another hand, competition, culture an d control considered the subjectivity constitution, determines the organisations application of IT focus. These present studies dont consider the organisations rel ationship among the software types. Considering and comparing with the previous studies, it is an evident that a due consideration was given to the tools of IT in the functions of HRM. HRM of HSBC gave some information that brought light on the applications of software types that take place in HRM and the integration t o the activities of HRM. The results of the above study conclude that most appli cations of software that are used in both the sectors were not different signifi cantly, except in terms of programs of utility and statistical terms. This study doesnt provide an analysis that is comparative, on different software types that are used for different functions of HRM. They also gave a point that this techn ique of sampling captures one point at a time which is expected that many organi sations that integrate software and the functions of HRM will be growing up with time initially and constantly. Being against to this backdrop, it is meaningful to estimat e the pattern of usage of software types for the main functions of HRM and lastl y hypotheses are considered as follows: 1. Used IT tool type varying based on tasks recruitment. 2. IT tool varying according to the development and maintenance of the task s. 3. Used IT tool varying on planning and management tasks. The research methodology adopted here with some of the basic functions in the hu man resource management department, those function are recruitment, maintaining and developing, managing and planning. We are going to analyse all these sectors

of the human resource management of HSBC, first we will discuss about the recru itment team. RECRUITMENT TEAM OF HSBC Here we are going to discuss about the current way and technology used by HSBC, here in this recruitment, the HSBC management feels IT systems playing a great r ole between the employer and the employee, HSBC is posting the advertisement the online portal or some web based techniques that is mailing to the subscribers, here HSBC using a dedicated software which helps them to store all the candidate s information (database management system software) as I already explained above so that they can able to view all the candidates details and then they will pro cess ahead by screening process even in this stage also the same software which again stored the selected candidates datas, the above is the technique How HSBC doing this with the software? There are two points to be discussed her one on the point of the employees, the employees already registered getting mails from HSBC for the application of the job in return the candidates are looking for the matching criteria, like whether this role will suits them and also they can able to work efficiently in this ro le, if they feel then they will process further by applying the relevant vacancy . The second point is for the employer that is HSBC, here the bank while posting t he job online they are mentioning all the things like previous experience, highe st qualifications and other technical skills and software skills, interest etc., once they got the filled form from the candidate, they will choose the best can didate for the further process to fill the job, this is the way HSBC recruitment team is practising. MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT TEAM OF HSBC Here also they follow the same thing which the recruitment team do, HSBC using s ome kind of expert systems to here they are using some dedicated software that w as designed for them which is called employee analysis tool which they will use fo r monitoring the performance of the employee and also to maintain each and every employee record individually. This record which includes all the details such a s the past and present performance record, employee annual and monthly salary re port, their attendance and warning records, all these are done by the software. In addition to that some of the data mining software and business intelligence p ortals are used by the development team of HSBC. Here they are trying to allocat e the space for the innovation among the employees, for example they are allocat ing separate resource for all these extra activities which are outside the bound aries of the human resource management team but the software which enable them t o record all those datas which is very much helpful for the future evaluation and conclusion of the innovative research, not only this this software has the capa bility of finding the strength and weakness of the employee if they find the emp loyee and he need some more training and knowledge in the work this software wil l help to maintain those records as well. This helps them to develop their weak employees and also to find the part of weakness in the organization. MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING TEAM OF HSBC These two are quite different in comparison with those two above, this is one of the important sector in an organization, managing the employees is not a simple task because the that requires special kind of software because scheduling is o ne of the toughest task. Separate software which performs the work of allocating the hours and other cut off time for individual project so that the employees w ill try to finish that in the same cut off time and planning is the one of the i mportant task in human resource management because without proper planning the o rganization cant make any success. planning needs in an organization for two time s one is when the organization is normal that is the planning is to fix the goal , but the second type of planning is the emergency planning this is very importa nt that is also called risk management and the stage is called disaster recovery stage. HSBC adopts a good quality of planning that is for present and for futur

e as well in several phases, their motto of planning is well planning is only ha lf done rest rely on the proper execution. The phases which includes 1) Fixing the goal Their way of planning is like a kind of systematic appro ach and the goal is always practical, acceptable and also achievable 2) Planning Environment- the planning environment of HSBC is always like a n assumption and its lively, it is different when the plan is deviated, those pl anning environment is always taken in account for future, they may be external o r internal. 3) Alternative plans- this is very important factor because when the plan i s about to fail or any other obstacle in achieving that plan then they need to c hoose this alternative, because if the goal is not achieved then organization ne eds to face failure, HSBC is very good in disaster recovery management because w hen they store all the datas of the employees and also about the company and many if in case they lost all the datas, HSBC having capability to recover all the da tas because they store all the datas in the data ware house, and they are stored b oth offline and also online. If offline storage lost then they will recover thos e datas from the online storage for that HSBC using special expert system called OLAP online analytical processing tool. This is helpful to recover all the datas. By this way HSBC planning and managing the human resource management elements. DATA COLLECTION & ANALYSIS Data collection is nothing but the method of collecting for the analysis and to write the inference, as I mentioned earlier there are two types of datas, they ar e the primary and the secondary datas in this paper the primary datas is collected by designing the questionnaire to get the diverse opinions among the managers a nd the secondary datas from the online portal creating forums and posting on the web so that we will get some more information, collecting all these information and evaluating all those details to get a conclusion. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS Each and every research work has to be followed by some procedures. As a result the datas obtained from all sources from HSBC will not be discussed with any thir d person, and also any kind of personal information which is collected from this research will not be shared with any other companies and all the collected datas will not create any legal and political problem, all these carried out accordin g to the data protection act. CONCLUSION Advancement of information technology which made HSBC as one of the E-Human reso urce organizations, this made HSBC one of the competitive, productive, and quali tative. This made the human resource management as one of the modern practices, this paper which clearly explains about the clear impact of using the human reso urce management, we discussed how all the IT tool enabled and used, also we disc ussed how the three part of human resource management is practiced right from re cruitment to planning. Thus this study can also be researched in deep with IT to ols. REFERENCES [1] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001879103000393 [2] http://books.google.co.uk/books [3]http://educationforthe21stcentury.org/2011/01/the-role-technology-plays-in-to days-human-resource-management/ [4] Public Personnel Management Volume 39 No. 3 Fall 2010. [5]http://knowledgeweb.semanticweb.org/o2i/scenarii/Service%20Industry/ServiceIn dustryBusinessCases1.pdf [6]http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?itemId=1073792239&type=RES OURCES [7] http://www.managementstudyguide.com/planning_function.htm [8] Justard (2008). Information Systems Management,76-90.

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