Proj 15 69
Proj 15 69
Proj 15 69
Performance Management
There are many software system out on the market aim to address specific needs of the
department and increase the support for office HR functions. Some of the software or
information systems that are being used in an organization that provide different services and
systems in HRIS. We may discuss a few which are listed as below:
Performance management information system: This system is the system that incorporates
the performance appraisal data together with the performance measurement and reporting.
Hence, a lot of choices will raise including downsizing or normalization, or termination.
Also, this system can find out whether the staff has specialties or experience in some specific
fields, if they don't, then a training program might be developed to improve their skills in
either of the categories.
Payroll information system: It is a mechanism that handles employees pay and wage
classifications, calculated tax deductions that are accurate as well as monitoring the
adherence to the company policies concerning pay and benefits. Moreover, the system has to
give the company's director the right information. One of the main functions of the HRIS
system is that it assists the users to make the right decisions by analyzing the data which are
necessary for all users. But even while the humans are the ones who are carrying out the acts,
the system is still in charge.
The three steps of converting the manual documentation into a readable and a presentable report
for the managers are as follows. Managers are invariably begins to depend persistently on data or
reports to aid them in decision making especially in human resource management.The system is
a group of actions that enable the user to enter these data directly to the system Of course, the
data that is inputted by the computer is from the hand written document.An example of this input
is that the information we've put into the computer will be transformed into something that will
be helpful or useful for the organization. It saves more time and it is very convenient to do. For
example, the payroll information system may convert the hours worked into a computation of
salary pay or other tax calculations. The treatment of the employee from the end of the payroll
system that we have used by entering the information is to produce the paycheck to the employee.
At this stage, the output ought to be made within timeframes, correct and readable.
With the advancement of technology at a very fast rate, the HRIS (Human Resource Information
Systems) also gets changed. These days, HRIS, which was in the past mainly used for data
management and payroll processing, has recently become a very creative strategic tool for HR
professionals. Over the next paragraphs, here are the specific HRIS advances that have begun to
revolutionize the HR field and help organizations to build more concerted, motivating, and
data-oriented environments.
A. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Integration: The fusion of AI and machine
learning with HRIS is changing the HR practices completely. From job posting and resume
screening to employee engagement and performance evaluation, AI-powered HRIS may
automate some repetitive tasks, enable better data-driven decision-making, and uncover the
behavioral trends among the workers. The utilization of AI assisted chatbots for employees
questions as well as HR assistance is also serving to make employee-frontier interaction
much smoother while consequently improving the overall employee experience.
B. Predictive Analytics for Workforce Planning: HRIS with advanced predictive analytics
features is now making it possible for HR professionals to make data-driven decisions on
their workforce. Through processing the historical data and real-time measurements, HRIS
can help to identify the high-potential employees, expect skill shortage, and forecast the
attrition rates. Based on such forethoughts organizations can take the initiative through
pre-emptive solutions and maintain a workforce that is ready for the future.
C. Enhanced Employee Self-Service Features: The future of HRIS is in the hands of the
employees, who will be able to handle their HR-related tasks on their own. The present-day
HRMIS systems provide users with self-service portals making it easy for them to access
their personal data, submit leave requests, manage benefits, and participate in performance
evaluations. The self-service equipment that doubles as a workforce multiplier both
motivates and involves the employees. In this step the output should be performed correctly
and timely The Future Trends in HRIS.With the rapid development of technology, the HRIS
(Human Resource Information Systems) also becomes updated. CIS HR, which before was
only a tool for data management and payroll processing, has recently been transformed into
a powerful HR-strategic tool for HR managers. In the next brief paragraph, I introduce you
to the HRIS changes that have kicked off the HR evolution, making organizations more
concerted, motivating and data driven.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Integration: The fusion of AI and machine
learning with HRIS has changed the HR practices completely. From initial posting and screening
of resumes to employee engagement and performance evaluation maybe AI powered HRIS could
possibly automatically process some routine tasks, assist in data-driven decision making and
define the behavioral tendencies of workers. Not only AI assisted chatbots could be used for
answering employees’ queries, but also they take care of HR-related issues. This has been
worked out to make the interaction of the employees and frontier a lot smoother.
Predictive Analytics for Workforce Planning: HRIS with advanced predictive analytics functions
is now allowing HR professionals to make data-driven decisions on their workforce. HRIS can
do so through handling historical data and recent measurements and thus can determine which
employees have a high potential, identify skill shortage and forecast attrition rates. From this
perspective, companies can be proactive and seek pre-emptive solutions and this will have their
workforce ready for the future.
Enhanced Employee Self-Service Features: The future of HRIS is in the hands of the employees,
who will be able to manage their HR-related tasks on their own. The prominent feature of the
present-day HRMIS systems is that it provides users with self-service portals after which they
can access their personal data, submit leave requests, manage their benefits, and participate in
performance evaluations. The self-service machinery which, on the one hand, enhance the
productivity of the workers and on the other hand, serve as a means of employee motivation and
involvement In many cases, HR is seen to be the strategic partner with tasks and responsibilities
touching conventional and even outlining new frontiers. The workplace dynamics are evolving at
an accelerating speed. As an integral part of the organization, HRM must be able to cope with the
changing of work culture. Digital Technologies-Information and Communication Technology
(ICT), along with automation and other technologies have changed the world the way no one
could have envisioned in a positive and significant way. All spheres of our life and our way of
thinking, living, communicating, and working have utterly changed. On the large scale, our
culture, economies, demographics and even society have been altered by these technological
changes. Traditional HRM systems tend to provide only basic reporting functions very often and
this leads to the difficulty of drawing meaningful insights. The inability of advanced analytics
may greatly hinder the decision-making process and the sound planning of the workforce. As the
number of people working remotely and using mobile devices is on the rise, the inability to use
HRM on these platforms is a significant disadvantage. The conventional solutions may lack the
responsive design or have no dedicated mobile app which at the end means that employees and
HR personnel would lack the accessibility.
Process and Systems through the adoption of current technology, Big Data Analytics, AI,
availability of cloud-based solutions, taking advantage of the advanced analytical capabilities,
prioritizing secure data, and focusing on user experience and the integration with other business
systems. The scope of this study is restricted to the trends in New HR Methods and how
companies are using this.
The present study is subjected to the following limitations:The present study is subjected to
the following limitations:
The research is based on the attitudes expressed in a situation where there is a high
propensity for variations in reaction and behavior, which can cause some deviations.
The selected method is accompanied by certain intrinsic drawbacks which are vital for this
process to understand as well.
The questionnaire, however, did not receive a complete and correct response on some
specific questions due to the respondents being unwilling or unable to provide such.
Time factor did not permit the construction of a full scale case study in the assignment.
Much research has been done to determine the trends on the changes that the human resources
management field of tomorrow will undergo.
The field of human resources management has undergone a paradigm shift in its approach due to
the ever-evolving global work culture and dynamic economic conditions. Demands for new skill
sets, diversity in the workforce, process reform, workforce sizing, and business partnerships are a
few of the fundamental HR sectors that have had a significant impact on the essential functions.
In today's chaotic global corporate environment, an area of human resource management that has
not received much attention before is brought to light in this article.
Since more businesses are operating internationally, human resource professionals need to be
able to appreciate cultural diversity. Efficient and effective talent management solutions are
essential, and cultivating a community that values cultural diversity is crucial.The increasing
complexity of the world economy needs to be seen as the first step in using a multimodal
modeling approach. Organizations have to constantly modify their strategies.To increase trade's
competitiveness in the world economy. Human resource executives are faced with combining a
national and international initiative into one cohesive project in the context of globalization.
They then have to assist in a decision-making process that incorporates the headquarters, which
is located in a foreign nation, as well as the local subsidiaries.
Human Resource professionals used to face fewer difficulties when dealing with a workforce that
was more uniform. However, the contemporary workforce is composed of individuals from
diverse generations, genders, ages, social classes, beliefs, values, personality traits, ethnicities,
religions, educational backgrounds, languages, lifestyles, and economic statuses. The presence of
diversity in the workforce is associated with several advantages, including enhanced creativity,
improved decision-making, and increased innovation resulting from a wide range of abilities.
2. E- Recruitment
We went door-to-door in an effort to spread the word about our recruiting drive through various
social media platforms. In human resources, the latest trend is to leverage social media for both
recruiting and building employer or company branding, which employees may then use to
deliver and represent the company. Through alumni social connections and services like
Linked-in, Facebook, Twitter, etc., universities may simply track the organization's alumni and
the new talent pool. Recommendations from former employees will go a long way in attracting
top personnel to the company. Following a thorough evaluation, it would be determined that
social networking does, in fact, lower the total cost of recruitment. More alumni would re-enter
the workforce and recommend other talented individuals from other businesses if there was more
of an emphasis on networking and bridging with them. If a candidate wants to have a
face-to-face conversation with a recruitment professional before being invited to apply for a
position, they can do so using Skype, according to the latest figures. The engagement-disengaged
and dissatisfied academics' rate of poor and rapid revision has been accelerated by social media
in this instance as well.
A contemporary recruitment professional who evaluates candidate profiles for a wide range of
competencies. An individual with a diverse skill set can be utilized in various projects, including
those in which they are very proficient, as well as those that require similar talents but are novel
and demanding.The organization operates based on the current requirements, regardless of
whether the situation is routine or an emergency. In times of downsizing, these personnel may be
reassigned to a different functional role than the one they are now performing. Organizations
must fulfill the job market's expectations regarding the altered needs for "Talent Intelligence"
among job applicants. Consequently, educational institutions must provide training that aligns
with the industry's current demands. The advent of an open talent economy is unavoidable.
Lately, corporations have been fulfilling their tasks not only by employing full-time staff but also
by engaging external talents for a specific duration based on their needs. A study conducted by
Deloitte indicates that these advancements could potentially result in the emergence of a "open
talent economy" in the foreseeable future, characterized by a greater reliance on network-based
labor and a decline in the number of permanent employees within organizations.
Generation of Y (Gen Y) also known as Millennials represent those who born in the years
between 1981 and 2000. Organization that considers more Gen’Y’ers as employees and wants to
make them known for attributes like perseverance, Multitalented, Analytical, Achievement
oriented, Tech savvy, Proactive in approach, creative, risk taking in implementing new ideas,
passionate about their work, expects recognition, wish their presence is highlighted and
recognized, willingly accept challenges and accomplish, wish to remain updated and be a
knowledge source. It becomes a responsibility of Human Resource Personnel to integrate
different races of an organization that is the Gen-X, Gen-Y and Gen-Z. These four generations of
workers make up my organization, consisting of the Silent Generation, people born between
1922 and 1945; the Baby Boomers, those who were born between 1946 and 1960; Generation X
(Gen X) or the post-war babies, born between 1961 and 1980,Generation Y (Gen Y) or the
Generation Y employees are the driving force
5. E-Learning
Once training was done in a class-styled setting where the trainees would congregate in a
classroom and be lectured many years ago Now the situation has changed where the training and
virtual universities are both involved.The training section installs customized e-tutorials, which
are in form of modules. These are available offline for download. Each of the online learners is
required to study and do a self examination at the end of every module. Organizations with a
worldwide coverage use cloud computing to spread knowledge and technical trends. The
WebSeminars play a remarkable part of HR. Additionally, E-Learning decreases the learning cost
and enforces a culture of study in the organization.For autonomy, excellence, career progression,
work-life balance and flexi work culture as of now. If these goals are not achieved, organizations
will face the problem of turnover which will lead to the loss of talents. In this regard, it is
important for the HR team to help line managers to develop skills to effectively deal with the
views and cultural diversity between different generations. The method of involvement seems to
be the most appropriate style in such circumstances as it entails team work which lightens up the
mind to function perfectly.
William H. Kahn described the employee engagement as the process of combining organization
members’ selves with the work roles; in the involvement, people use and show their selves
physically, cognitively and emotionally while acting in the roles. Nowadays many firms follow
Internal social networking which is an important tool to convey corporate’s strategies and policy
from top management to subordinates in international. Employees are familiar with the
performance of their company and other important announcements through the use of intranet,
which makes them feel they are well informed about their organization. A mail about an
Employee Recognition that is used to be published to the entire labour team of employees makes
an employee proud and create a culture of motivation and recognition.
Such emails carrying best wishes on employment anniversary and birthday will certainly bring
positivity to employee's lives. Organizing employee delight events, family get together,
recognition for long service, and involving employees in your CSR activities not only help in
developing a great place to work atmosphere in your organizations but also build a positive,
long-term connection between you and your employees. Human Resource Professionals should
be the ones who will help the employees and in creating a desirable work culture which will
ensure the maximum possibility of retaining employees. As a contemporary Human Resource
professional, the social media skill is indeed a must especially for HR communications to create
a favorable impression among the employees and organizational stand.
Gen-Y's mentality that "live first, and work next" is not surprising. A family / employee friendly
organization is an organization that provides a flexible work schedule and offers employee
benefits.for example, by building crèches in the work areas, working from home and any other
option will be appropriate since employees will have enough time to spend with his family which
will lead to their performance improvement.
The companies have taken into account these points while generating programmes for the
employee delight which involve families too such as in family get-togethers, Sports meet that
involves all family members of the employees, etc.
During the presence of Employees’ family and so on. The current generation of an employee
sector now would prefer working for corporates that offer week end off whereas the generation
of employees who were used to work hard even late nights can be seen in the past. Today's
generation chooses to adopt smart work rather than doing hard work. They want to give their best
in terms of performance and to be with their families. To come to the point, employees from the
happy families for sure feel better and perform their duties efficiently.
Nowadays Human Resource professionals will be playing the active role of a consultant in the
areas of talent assessment, leadership development, and change management. Apart from that as
the representative of employees the HR team has to concentrate on a twofold task: improving
productivity and talent review, business analysis, HR market field research which can be added
to the business functional aspect. With the development of technology, people are no longer
engaged in a lot of transactional work, and the Human Resource professionals now have more
time to monitor and develop talent which helps the organization to be productive and successful
in business. Many FMCG companies established an HR system for instance, an HR person takes
a sales person for analyzing the performance of employees which include sales ability, sales
force, customers and so on from the markets, the supply chains and processing a feedback for the
business. The view of being “employee champion ” already replaced the “business partner ”
which raises up HR people to the posture of both employee performance as well as business
performance contributor.
9. Optimal Workforce
Human resource teams were able to manage a large number of people years and years ago. Every
time an organization tries to reduce the number of people working in it, which means it trying to
be more efficient. Human Resouces (HR) team is obviously the critical component of
downsizing. Such keyword downsizing nowadays is used as ‘Right sizing’. HR team should have
the manpower inventory which distinguishes the employees according to their performance. HR
team should be have in active communication with the employees as providing them with the
factual data ready the changing process, therefore minimize the effects of the grapevine. It is the
function of the HR department to recognize the scalable human structure so that we can use it
when we have changes in Company's business cycles to tackle trends in the market and
competition.Time to time every business organization have to do a skill inventory among its staff
with senior members on vital roles. The need is to use this right size workforce and skill set so
that there is no interruption is occurring in the production or services upon which the
organization has a strategic dependence.
10. HR Analytics
The Modern HR team should be constantly monitoring the performance of every employee on a
daily basis, instead of an assessment made once in six months which is now obsolete. By the
time even to refresh our timelines. Verbal and nonverbal expressions are the matters, which can
be developed when deviation is caught at lower level and rectified instead of waiting for six
months. Besides, real time analysis is a tool that enables an HR team to concentrate on training
needs of employees, exit non performers, and review the current strategy, etc. Productivity
analysis along with Manpower availability provides a strategic direction for the business
The main focus of the data engineers will be on analytics and projections. Some organization's
approach for big data can be described as such: they analyze large data sets to discover trends,
correlations, customer preferences, market trends and other possibly useful business information.
The analytical results have been shows more effective marketing, new revenue opportunities,
better customer service, improved operational efficiency, the competitive advantages over the
competitors and other business benefits for long time
Many Business sectors apply the Kaizen Model which is the philosophy of constant
improvement, process redesign of production, and waste elimination.
Kaizen is the Japanese term for the systematic practice of making changes. It underline the fact,
regardless of how good we are, there is always room for improvement and that improvement is a
continuous process. Kaizen stimulates changes in organizations in the following areas: the
concepts of customer-orientedness, total quality control, zero defects, just-in-time deliveries, new
product development, productivity improvement, labor discipline, suggestions system, small
group activities, and labor-management cooperation. This shift to the concept of “kaizen”
necessitates a revision in the HR and strategic planning.
Using data to make business decisions is nothing new. And such practices can be more of a
challenge for smaller businesses because of their structural inability to efficiently implement data
analytics tools.The staff are more focused on employee factors such as productiveness, teamwork
and talent retention rather than data insights and analysis. Besides that, they were more prone to
perform the HR functions manually. Even though it's still in its infancy, companies of different
sizes that invest in HR analytics can prove to be fruitful in making smarter decisions, e.g.,
whether to hire staff members to address the potential of staff shortage or whether employees are
benefiting from the compensation measures made available to them. Investment in data analytics
technology may also be able to show the essence of human resources by providing a proper
foundation for an effective, modern human capital management strategy.
The demand for cloud-based HR systems, which are hosted on servers and can be easily accessed
by authorized users, is increasing among companies, especially among younger employees who
are used to working almost entirely online. Also, in case you have employees working remotely
or in a blend of it and office, cloud based systems and collaboration tools are imperative for
hosting webinars, video conferencing, file working simultaneously as well as creating ways of
communication that enhance productivity and brain storming.
Using AI in HRM
Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: With AI, the recruitment process can be automated, for
example, resume screening, candidate sourcing, and scheduling interviews. AI-driven tools
are able to parse CVs or job descriptions to relate applicants to the needs of an organization
more adequately. Chatbots carry on a dialog with applicants, respond to their queries, and
does the primary screening.
Performance Management: AI is a tool that can be used with data analytics to follow
performance of workers. It can look at different metrics such as productivity, attendance, and
project completion rates to give you information about how your employees perform. These
AI-driven systems can propose solutions for performance enhancement and professional
growth with the aid of data exploration.
Employee Engagement and Satisfaction: Through AI-driven surveys and sentiment analysis
tools, managers can determine employees’ level of satisfaction and their engagement.NLP
(Natural Language Processing) algorithms can analyze employee feedback from various
sources such as surveys, emails and social media to find out the trends and the areas for
improvement. AI can also suggest personalized ways to increase engagement and motivation
of employees.
Learning and Development: AI-based learning systems can develop specific training and
development plans to suit every employee’s demands and learning pace. These platforms can
use adaptive learning algorithms to personalize the content and the pace according to the
person's progress and performance. AI is also applicable to diagnosis of skill deficiency in
the organization and advice on appropriate training programs.
Employee Retention: AI can forecast employee turnover by analyzing numerous factors such
as employee engagement, employee performance, and job satisfaction. Thus, HR can
identify the employees at risk of leaving and then take the necessary actions to solve their
problems and boost their retention. In the same manner AI will deliver retention tactics
specifically tailored to each employee given their profile.
HR Analytics and Decision Making: AI-powered analytical tools (such as data analytics) can
examine tons of HR data with the purpose of providing decision-makers with a set of
actionable insights. These insights can be used by HR professionals to make up their minds
in the areas of recruitment, performance management, workforce planning, and
organizational development.
Compliance and Risk Management: AI could be of great help in the sense that it can be used
in carrying out compliance checks automatically and tracking of changes in legislation. AI
systems can, moreover, find out signs of HR risks emerging like bias in hiring or official
breaches and suggest how to counter them.
Cloud computing has drastically changed the way that Human Resource Management (HRM)
processes are carried out, and it has brought a lot of benefits like scalability, flexibility,
cost-effectiveness, and accessibility. undefined
4. Learning & Training Management Systems (LMS): Cloud-based LMS bases permit the
development, delivery, and tracking of employee training courses and programs. This type of
systems is equipped with tools that proceed with the development of online courses,
creation of a virtual classrooms, and progress tracking, they help organizations to provide
individualized learning experiences to employees regardless of their position.
5. Performance Management and Feedback Systems: The cloud-based performance
management systems make it possible for organizations to faciliate the performance review
process, to monitor the employee goals and objectives and to provide the continuous
feedback and coaching. This incorporates the use of systems that include various features
such as goal setting, real time feedback, and as well as performance analytics. Therefore,
organization are able to promote a culture of continuous improvement.
6. Analytics and Reporting: Cloud-based SaaS platforms make use of data stored in the cloud
to derive all necessary information in other HR metrics like employee turnover, engagement,
employees’ productivity and so on. These platforms are based on the advanced analytics
techniques and can detect the trends, patterns and correlations in HR data which in turn
enables the organizations to make data-driven decisions and optimize their HR strategies
8. Integration with other Business Systems: Cloud based HRM solutions can easily integrate
with other business systems like accounting software, CRM systems, and ERP systems.
Such integration is crucial because it ensures smooth transfer of data between different
departments, provides for better collaboration and results in better efficiency of the whole
In general cloud computing has changed HRM by providing scalable, adaptable and budget
friendly solutions that enable the automation of unnecessary administrative tasks and support the
delivery of superior employee experiences while at the same time driving data-driven decision
making. By leveraging cloud-based HRM solutions, organizations can stay competitive in
today's dynamic business environment and effectively manage their most valuable asset: these
are their people.
The HR Management can also utilize Machine Learning to automate some of the processes.
Machine Learning (ML) is an indispensable technology and has a lot of practical application in
Human Resource Management (HRM) which provides the most modern tools for improving
decision-making, optimizing processes, and enhancing working conditions.
1) Resume Screening and Candidate Matching: ML algorithms can scan resumes and job
descriptions to find out relevant skills, experience, and qualification. Machine learning
offers to automate the screening process of resumes and reduce the time and effort needed to
sort out the applications and enhance the quality of hiring. ML can also automatically select
candidates from the list of the candidates based on their resumes, jobs preferences and fit.
2) Predictive Analytics for Employee Turnover: The ML models can use the historic employee
data to determine the turnover risks and identify the reasons for employee attrition.
Balancing on factors such as performance ratings, employees’ involvement, and
demographic data, organizations can be decision-makers in this process and can struggle
with issues underlying the turnover.
6) Succession Planning and Talent Management: The ML algorithms are capable of identifying
high-potential employees and successors for crucial roles within the organization based on
performance, skills, and potential. Through the talents’ needs for the future leadership and
gap filling prediction, the organizations develop succession plans, talent pipelines and target
programs to develop future leaders.
7) Bias Detection and Mitigation: ML may help to eliminate biases in the work of recruiters,
performance evaluation and promotions processes that are related to biases. Historical
information and decision-making algorithms are the tools that organizations use to detect
and correct gender, race, age and other protected characteristics related biases to promote
equity and diversity in the workplace.
8) HR Analytics and Decision Support: A ML-powered HR analytics systems can dig into the
huge amounts of data to give managers the input for informed decision-making. Through the
development of predictive models and data visualization tools, organizations can utilize
these for purposes like workforce planning, resource deployment, and strategic HR services
to eventually fuel company performance
Overall, machine learning offers powerful capabilities for HRM, enabling organizations to
optimize processes, make data-driven decisions, and enhance employee engagement and
satisfaction. However, it's essential to address ethical considerations such as data privacy,
transparency, and fairness when deploying ML solutions in HRM to ensure responsible and
equitable use of technology.
Using Social Media in HRM
Social media has become a valuable tool for Human Resource Management (HRM), offering
various benefits such as recruitment, employer branding, employee engagement, and talent
management. Here's how social media is utilized in HRM:
9) Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: HR professionals use social media platforms such as
LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to advertise job vacancies, attract passive candidates, and
build talent streams. Social media enables organizations to reach a wider audience, target
specific demographics, and engage with potential candidates in a more informal and
interactive manner.
10) Employer Branding:Social media allows organizations to showcase their company culture,
values, and employee experiences to attract top talent. HR teams can share employee
testimonials, behind-the-scenes photos, and videos to highlight the unique aspects of
working for the company. Positive employer branding on social media can enhance the
organization's reputation as an employer of choice and attract high-quality candidates.
11) Employee Referral Programs: Social media platforms are used to promote employee referral
programs, encouraging employees to share job openings with their networks. Referral-based
recruitment often leads to higher-quality hires and faster time-to-fill positions. HR teams can
leverage social media to incentive and reward employees for successful referrals.
12) Candidate Screening and Background Checks: HR professionals may use social media
platforms to screen job candidates and gather additional information beyond what is
provided in their resumes. While this practice must be conducted ethically and in
compliance with privacy regulations, social media can provide insights into a candidate's
personality, interests, and professional reputation.
13) Employee Engagement and Communication: It's totally acceptable to use social media
platforms as internal communication tools in order to foster employee involvement,
collaboration, and community creation. The HR department can establish separate groups or
channels where employees can exchange ideas, congratulate each other on their
accomplishments and communicate with each other from different departments and remote
14) Training and Development: There is an opportunity for the HRM in such avenues like
posting webinars, workshops (online) and joining knowledge sharing sessions via social
media for training and developmental initiatives. Social technology platforms make it easier
for employees to discover relevant material, join in discussions, and master matters of
informal learning and collaboration with their peers.
15) Employment Brand Monitoring: Human resources specialists keep an eye on social media to
follow and control the organization's online image as an employer. They may react to
employee feedback, take actions toward solving concerns and highlighting the positive
stories which all serve the purpose of keeping a definite picture of the brand of employer.
16) Interviews and Alumni Engagement: Social media can be used by HR professionals for exit
to conduct interviews with departing employees and stay in touch with alumnus/alumna. The
social media platforms let organizations to be in touch with the former employees, to use
their networks to hire them and so potentially to rehire them as the boomerang employees in
the future.
Conversely, HR professionals should be careful in their use of social media as there are the legal
and ethical considerations such as the privacy issues stemming from these platforms,
discrimination risks, and maintaining professional boundaries. Establishing authoritative social
media rules and instructions would ease the mitigation of possible risks emerging from social
media with the aim of responsible social media use in HRM.
Business Analytics in HRM
Business analytics in Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the use of data analysis and
statistical techniques to make decisions about the management of the organization's workforce
based on data. Here's how business analytics is applied in HRM:Here's how business analytics is
applied in HRM:
a) Predictive Analytics for Recruitment: The HR department is able to rely on the data based on
the historical record, current trends in the market, or the company projections to make these
accurate predictions. Employers are able to do that by looking into hiring processes features
such as level of employee turnover, amount of time taken to fill in a vacant position and
actual sources of candidates.
b) Performance Analytics: Business analytics allows the HR teams to monitor and analyze
employee performance metrics, like key performance indicators (KPIs), goals achievement,
and productivity levels. Through uncovering the best talent, performance and productivity
gaps, and understanding performance trends, organizations can pinpoint on precise
interventions in order to enhance employee performance and productivity at work.
e) Retention Analytics: HRM applies the analytics to the factors that are leading to employee
turnover and the retention strategies that can be used to reduce the risks of attrition.
Organizations can conduct the turnover pattern analysis and the predictive models to project
the rate of employee turnover and determine whether employees are at risk and, if so,
resolving the issues and implementing targeted retention interventions can effectively help
the organization minimize its employee turnover.
f) Talent Development and Learning Analytics: Data analytics is decisive in keeping HRM
updated on the efficiency of talent development programs and learning activities through its
explanations of training outcomes, skill acquisition, and performance growth. Through the
Return on Investment (ROI) of the training initiatives,organizations can refine the learning
interventions and allocate the resources in a more efficient way.
g) Diversity and Inclusion Analytics: The HR professionals analyze data on diversity and
inclusion metrics to find out, for instance, the workforce demographics, the representation
ratios, and the inclusion scores. With the help of diversity data analysis, companies can
locate the areas that need improvement, track the performance index that shows the progress
towards diversity goals, and also build a more inclusive environment at workplace and
h) HR Metrics and Reporting: The business analytics also ensures the organizations specifically
provide tailor-made reports and dashboards to the human resource personnel that give
insights on workforce metrics such as turnover rate, recruiting metrics, and workforce
demographics among other highlights of the business. Through visualization of data,
organizations can make data-driven decisions and also present HR insights to the
stakeholders in a way that is easily understood.
Generally, business analytics is an indispensable tool for improving the HRM processes, taking
right-direction strategic decisions of the personnel, and strengthening the company's performance.
HR professionals can use data analytics techniques and tools to process data and make useful
findings, better decision-making process, and for the meantime, meeting the objectives of the
Past Studies
Anuradha Duvvuri (2021) This article is an exploration of the many problems and the latest
developments that have affected the human resources department over the last few years. In this
business, the cause of this system change is the HR department have accomplished goals by
globalization. The human resource department transitioned through an innovative and highly
productive cycle, and the role of HRM was as well re-established. This seismic shift in HR is
caused by the technological revolution of HR outsourcing, long-distance working models,
international hiring, flexible scheduling and the option to work from home and other features like
this. HRM's methods and capabilities. Technology and globalization are the factors that caused
the HR department to have to adapt to current and even coming times, in return HRM expanded
under the broad umbrella term.
Nikhil Kumar in 2020 (p. 10) shows that the Twenty-first century with its massive developments
in the areas of science and technology has lead to the adoption of cutting-edge information
technologies in human resource management, which has in turn increased the level of usage.
This is made more effective by the enterprise resource planning software together with the
internet based technologies which promote standardization and automation of the administrative
components of HRM activities. The implementations on HRM IT innovations over the internet
are called e-HRM whose key economic advantage is in reducing efficiency in data processing
and information flow. The introduction of new technological devices and the accompanied
absence of the specific time and place in the office (restructuring of the organization with
flexible working-hours and workspaces) has altered organizational structure.
Agniva Saha (2017), the author of the research paper, stated that the labor market is transforming
rapidly. Human Resource Management needs to prepare to deal with the effects that the labour
market will go through as it is divided into a sector of the Company. Regarding the one hour
people, it implies that having comprehensive understanding of the financial effects behind the
economic processes, the workforce diversity, skills ebb and flow, employee involvement,
manpower downsizing, competitiveness driving initiatives like re-engineering, the contingent
workforce, and suburbanized work sites all play major roles in a company. The necessity to
"re-arrange the foundations" is the result of many intertwined issues. DNA is evolving at a time
frame never seen before.Pace is a sudden action which has an abrupt development; diversion is
the branch off from the initial road. Organizations willining movements is slow in comparing
with people, but people software can switch technology fastly that quicken. Numerous people
still employ outdated infrastructures and procedures from the industrial age.
Umadevi, S. Muttagi. P. 2016 is all about the people that make up an organization which is the
greatest resource. The ability of the Company is dependent on the skills of its individual
members working there. The majority of difficulties, problems, opportunities, and frustrations in
an organization are due to people. Human resources mean a lot for an organization and as such,
they are the backbone of an organization. Although the deployment of technology can be the
place of modern business administration, the human resource staff is still the most laudable and
adaptive people in the industry. Therefore, the enterprise is basically built around its human
resources and can only survive and be successful with their help. Various factors such as market
competition and the understanding that human resource management is a strategic decision, have
changed the role of the human resources managers from recruiting and employee management to
acquiring key aspects of the organization’s success. At this point, the paper will show the path
that an organization could follow in order to overcome this crisis and what are the HR
management current tendencies in the market.
Vishva Prasad (2015), this essay's aims are to demonstrate the importance of human resource
management, to tell about the history of its rise, to give some additional information, and to
discuss its prospects and future development. Many experts went ahead to reaffirm the fact that
human resources are a natural resource, which needs adequate attention and management at par
with any other asset of an organisation. The HR manager's roles should undergo alterations as the
company challenges embrace the dynamic nature of the business world. The organizations that
have been successful have become more flexible, robust, easy to change course, and
customer-focused. This case requires skillful HR to discover its management abilities in areas
such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Be open to the changing world of labor
and training and play the role of Human Resource. That means trends by the passage of time be
aware about new employees.
The cloud-based technology can be very helpful in the reduction of costs (Aljabre, 2012; Carcary,
Conway, and Doherty, 2014; Geczy et al., 2012). Through her study, Gibson (2013) has reported
one of biggest problem areas in adoption of cloud-based computing is need to reengineering
human resource management practices existing in highly economic players while small and
medium size businesses can take advantage of cloud-based computing by the fact that need to do
initial capital expenditure is minimal. Ahmed Obeidat and Ibrahim Turgay (2013) capitalized on
the Triple-T model (a.k.a. technology trade theory) to obtain a multidimensional viewing of
technological adoption. The model used 16 advantages and disadvantages of technology
adoption and found IT executives agreed to the balance of benefits and suggests organizations
that want to adopt technology highlight the benefits, which may include cost savings, time and
space efficiency, flexibility, scalability, and improved output to improve the acceptance of
technology within the organization (Obeidat & Turgay, 2013).
Research cannot be conducted in a hurry. Researcher needs to conduct his work systematically
using certain prescribed steps along a particular sequence. The researcher equally has to be
systematized while in the process of research. The way used by the researcher to finish the
project is called Research Methodology.
In other words, Research methodology is the framework (action plan) for research that makes it
clear how data were collected, analyzed and interpreted. Data become information only when an
appropriate methodology is covered by it. Therefore we can conclude that Methodology is a tool
which turns the data into trustworthy information. This section tries to illustrate the research
process employed in the project.
Research Design
Research design is the design for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data in a context
that strikes a balance between attaining the purpose of the research and efficiency of the
procedure. The basic factor for the success of any research project is a good research design. It is
a blueprint of a study, which is underpinned by the way the data is collected and analyzed. It is a
processing map that guides its accomplishment
In Descriptive approach, an attempt is made to draw what an individual looks like or how a
particular group of people looks like. The investigation whether or not certain variables are
related, on the contrary, the studies dealing with specific predictions including the description of
the details of the individual, group or the situation indicated on the same. In this study the
researcher has to be able to define what he wants to measure and find the best methods for
measuring it along with a clear cut definition of the population he wants to study.
Data gathering methods utilize two kinds of data namely, Primary data and Secondary data. The
primary data pertain to the one which is obtained for the purpose it and therefore happens to be
original in nature.
The questionnaire thus designed is a structured one. The formulation of the questionnaire
therefore is based on the study's objective. Indicated below is the questionnaire and survey which
conducted along with personal interviews with HR professionals from the requirement
recruitment agency.
Population Study:
The population is the number of things that are under consideration for which the information is
required. In the sampling design where the entire population is concerned the whole population
of the target population is taken into account, and the size of the target population is only 35 in
number, the purpose of which this is a comparative study amongst others. As the whole
population is the target group there is no such concept of sample in a census.
Tools used:
The questionnaires are among the tools used in collecting data. The findings have been depicted
by using percentages of agreement for the evaluation of the current framework. The data
gathered during our research along has well as additional recommendations for this system to
become better have been offered.
Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire is composed of both open ended and closed ended questions with multiple
choices, and open ended questions give a wide range of responses, so the respondent can express
his views in his own words. Nonetheless this is a hard to determine and investigate.
It shall be answered by a selective number of answer options. The respondents find these easier
to achieve. It has been found that the answers to closed types of questions may be tallied more
rapidly as well. To maintain the consistency, one can find a copy of the questionnaire from the
It response of nature of sourcing profiles that 17% of the respondents are felt that advertisement
is the best describers of sourcing profiles, 37% of the respondents are felt that reference is the
best describers of sourcing profiles, 29% of the respondents are felt that social network is the
best describers of sourcing profiles and 17% of the respondents are felt that head hunting is the
best describers of sourcing profiles.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
Internet job boards 8 23
Internet resume databases 12 34
Employee referral 5 14
Social professional 7 20
Recruitment agencies 3 9
Total 35 100.0
It is stated from the above table that 34% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced
through internet resume database, 23% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced
through internet job posting and 9% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced
through recruitment agencies. 20% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced through
social networking sites. 14% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced through
employee referral programs
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. 10-20% irrelevant 17 48.6
2. 20-30% irrelevant 9 25.7
3. 30-40% irrelevant 9 25.7
4. 40-50% irrelevant 0 0
5. >50% irrelevant 0 0
Total 35 100.0
It is stated from the above table that 48.6% of the respondents says that 10-20% irrelevant of the
profile sourced through advertisement, 25.7% of the respondents says that 20-30% irrelevant of
the profile sourced through advertisement and 25.7% of the respondents says that 30-40%
irrelevant of the profile sourced through advertisement.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Strongly agree 6 17.1
2. Agree 17 48.6
3. Neither agree nor disagree 9 25.7
4. Disagree 2 5.7
5. Strongly disagree 1 2.9
Total 35 100.0
It is observed from the above table that 17.1% of the respondents are strongly agreed the
statement, 48.6% of the respondents are agreed the statement, 25.7% of the respondents are
neither agreed nor disagreed the statement, 5.7% of the respondents are disagreed the statement
and 2.9% of the respondents are strongly agreed the statement.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Strongly agree 4 11.4
2. Agree 14 40.0
3. Neither agree nor disagree 11 31.4
4. Disagree 4 11.4
5. Strongly disagree 2 5.8
Total 35 100
It is noted from the above table that 11.4% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the niche
skill requirement, 40.0% of the respondents are agreed with the niche skill requirement, 31.4% of
the respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed with the niche skill requirement, 11.4% of the
respondents are disagreed with the niche skill requirement and 5.8% of the respondents are
strongly agreed with the niche requirement.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Yes 31 88.6
2. No 4 11.4
Total 35 100.0
It is observed from the above table that 88.6% of the respondents are satisfied about the
processing of profiles sourced from portals and 11.4% of the respondents are not satisfied about
the processing of profiles sourced from portals.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Strongly agree 4 11.4
2. Agree 10 28.6
3. Neither agree nor disagree 12 34.3
4. Disagree 8 22.9
5. Strongly disagree 1 2.8
Total 35 100.0
It is found from the above table that 11.4% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the
statement, 28.6% of the respondents are agreed with the statement, 34.3% of the respondents are
neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement, 22.9% of the respondents are disagreed with the
statement and 2.8% of the respondents are strongly disagreed with the statement.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Strongly agree 3 8.6
2. Agree 13 37.1
3. Neither agree nor disagree 5 14.3
4. Disagree 13 37.1
5. Strongly disagree 1 2.9
Total 35 100.0
It is observed from the above table that 8.6% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the
maintenance of the profile data base through portal, 37.1% of the respondents are agreed with the
maintenance of the profile data base through portal, 14.3% of the respondents are neither agreed
nor disagreed with the maintenance of the profile data base through portal, 37.1% of the
respondents are disagreed with the maintenance of the profile data base through portal and 2.9%
of the respondents are strongly disagreed with the maintenance of the profile data base through
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Strongly agree 7 20.0
2. Agree 18 51.4
3. Neither agree nor disagree 7 20.0
4. Disagree 3 8.6
5. Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 35 100.0
It is found from the above table that 20.0% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the
profiles through networking, 51.4% of the respondents are agreed with the profiles through
networking, 20.0% of the respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed with the profiles through
networking and 8.6% of the respondents are disagreed with the profiles through networking.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Being informative 2 5.7
2. Being communicator 6 17.1
3. Being an advisor 4 11.4
4. Being friendly 12 34.3
5. All the above 16 45.7
It is found from the above table that 5.7% of the respondents are felt informative through
references, 17.1% of the respondents are felt communicator through references, 11.4% of the
respondents are felt advisor through references, 34.3% of the respondents are felt friendly
through references and 45.7% of the respondents are getting the all the references.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Strongly agree 2 5.7
2. Agree 12 34.3
3. Neither agree nor disagree 13 37.1
4. Disagree 8 22.9
5. Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 35 100.0
In response of resume generation through passive sourcing is lesser than traditional methods
5.7% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the statement, 34.3% of the respondents are
agreed with the statement, 37.1% of the respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed with the
statement and 22.9% of the respondents are disagreed with the statement.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Through references 18 51.4
2. Through cold calling 18 51.4
3. Through old leads 10 28.6
4. Through free incoming calls 9 25.7
It is found from the above table that 51.4% of the respondents are headhunt through cold calling,
51.4% of the respondents are headhunt through references, 28.6% of the respondents are
headhunt through old leads and 25.7% of the respondents are headhunt through free incoming
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1. Company details 5 14.3
2. Technology search 14 40.0
3. Project details 12 34.3
4. References 4 11.4
5. All the above 11 31.4
It is found from the above table that 14.3% of the respondents are taking company details from
the portals to Headhunt, 40.0% of the respondents are taking technology search from the portals
to Headhunt, 34.3% of the respondents are taking project details from the portals to Headhunt,
11.4% of the respondents are taking references from the portals to Headhunt and 31.4% of the
respondents are taking all the above opinion from the portals to Headhunt.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
It is obtained from the above table that 28.6% of the respondents are strongly agreed with this
statement, 37.1% of the respondents are agreed with this statement, 17.1% of the respondents are
neither agreed nor disagreed with this statement, 14.3% of the respondents are disagreed with
this statement and 2.9%of the respondents are strongly disagreed with this statement.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1 Yes 20 57
2 No 15 43
Total 35 100.0
It is obtained from the above table that 57% of the respondents are apply job through mobile
device and 43% of the respondents are not using mobile devices for job apply in job site.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1 Invest in their employer brand 14 40
2 Improve employee retention 12 34
3 Proactively build talent pools/ 9 26
Total 35 100.0
It is obtained from the above table that 40% of the respondents said their competitive are Invest
in their employer brand, 34% of the respondents said their competitive are Improve employee
retention. 26% of the respondents said their competitive are Proactively build talent pools.
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1 For Cost Saving 14 40
Better accessibility and
2 availability 7 20
3 Storage of huge employee data 9 26
4 Big data analytics 5 14
Total 35 100.0
It is obtained from the above table that 40% of the respondents said their organization host HRIS
on cloud for cost saving. 20% respondents said using cloud for Better accessibility and
No. of
S.No. Opinion Percentage
1 Yes 25 75
2 No 10 25
Total 35 100.0
It is obtained from the above table that 75% respondents confirms organization using AI tools to
shortlist candidates.
17% of the respondents are felt that advertisement is the best describers of sourcing
profiles, 37% of the respondents are felt that reference is the best describers of sourcing
profiles, 29% of the respondents are felt that social network is the best describers of
sourcing profiles and 17% of the respondents are felt that head hunting is the best
describers of sourcing profiles.
34% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced through internet resume
database, 23% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced through internet job
posting and 9% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced through
recruitment agencies. 20% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced through
social networking sites. 14% of the respondents says that high skill profile sourced
through employee referral programs
48.6% of the respondents says that 10-20% irrelevant of the profile sourced through
advertisement, 25.7% of the respondents says that 20-30% irrelevant of the profile
sourced through advertisement and 25.7% of the respondents says that 30-40% irrelevant
of the profile sourced through advertisement.
17.1% of the respondents are strongly agreed the statement, 48.6% of the respondents are
agreed the statement, 25.7% of the respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed the
statement, 5.7% of the respondents are disagreed the statement and 2.9% of the
respondents are strongly agreed the statement.
11.4% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the niche skill requirement, 40.0% of
the respondents are agreed with the niche skill requirement, 31.4% of the respondents are
neither agreed nor disagreed with the niche skill requirement, 11.4% of the respondents
are disagreed with the niche skill requirement and 5.8% of the respondents are strongly
agreed with the niche requirement.
88.6% of the respondents are satisfied about the processing of profiles sourced from
portals and 11.4% of the respondents are not satisfied about the processing of profiles
sourced from portals.
11.4% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the statement, 28.6% of the
respondents are agreed with the statement, 34.3% of the respondents are neither agreed
nor disagreed with the statement, 22.9% of the respondents are disagreed with the
statement and 2.8% of the respondents are strongly disagreed with the statement.
8.6% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the maintenance of the profile data base
through portal, 37.1% of the respondents are agreed with the maintenance of the profile
data base through portal, 14.3% of the respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed with
the maintenance of the profile data base through portal, 37.1% of the respondents are
disagreed with the maintenance of the profile data base through portal and 2.9% of the
respondents are strongly disagreed with the maintenance of the profile data base through
20.0% of the respondents are strongly agreed with the profiles through networking,
51.4% of the respondents are agreed with the profiles through networking, 20.0% of the
respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed with the profiles through networking and
8.6% of the respondents are disagreed with the profiles through networking.
5.7% of the respondents are felt informative through references, 17.1% of the
respondents are felt communicator through references, 11.4% of the respondents are felt
advisor through references, 34.3% of the respondents are felt friendly through references
and 45.7% of the respondents are getting the all the references.
Resume generation through passive sourcing is lesser than traditional methods 5.7% of
the respondents are strongly agreed with the statement, 34.3% of the respondents are
agreed with the statement, 37.1% of the respondents are neither agreed nor disagreed
with the statement and 22.9% of the respondents are disagreed with the statement.
51.4% of the respondents are headhunt through cold calling, 51.4% of the respondents are
headhunt through references, 28.6% of the respondents are headhunt through old leads
and 25.7% of the respondents are headhunt through free incoming calls.
14.3% of the respondents are taking company details from the portals to Headhunt,
40.0% of the respondents are taking technology search from the portals to Headhunt,
34.3% of the respondents are taking project details from the portals to Headhunt, 11.4%
of the respondents are taking references from the portals to Headhunt and 31.4% of the
respondents are taking all the above opinion from the portals to Headhunt.
28.6% of the respondents are strongly agreed with this statement, 37.1% of the
respondents are agreed with this statement, 17.1% of the respondents are neither agreed
nor disagreed with this statement, 14.3% of the respondents are disagreed with this
statement and 2.9%of the respondents are strongly disagreed with this statement.
57% of the respondents are apply job through mobile device and 43% of the respondents
are not using mobile devices for job apply in job site.
40% of the respondents said their competitive are Invest in their employer brand, 34% of
the respondents said their competitive are Improve employee retention. 26% of the
respondents said their competitive are Proactively build talent pools.
40% of the respondents said their organization host HRIS on cloud for cost saving. 20%
respondents said using cloud for Better accessibility and availability
Social networking, job boards, and university recruiting are now the ways in which companies
select to hire people with a wide range of skills. Companies have been able to save money and
find the right talent pool with the help of this approach. The pace of globalization is increasing,
and it is having an impact on individuals everywhere. Country boundaries are becoming more
like bridges than obstacles due to trade liberalization, increased education levels among women
and workers in emerging nations, and technology advancements. Many opportunities exist for
businesses to increase employment opportunities and compensate exceptional workers more
fairly. There is an abundance of challenges. Attracting, integrating, and sustaining ethnic
workforces is a challenge that organizations face as they cope with an aging workforce. Human
resource management, in general, needs to investigate emerging trends if it wants to continue
being an effective company growth partner. Human resources managers' responsibilities should
evolve in tandem with their companies. More and more, prosperous businesses are focusing on
their customers first, being flexible, resilient, and fast to shift course. Successful human resource
management in this setting requires an understanding of current and future trends in training and
development as well as the ability to plan, organize, lead, and govern human resources. The
value of HR taking stock of its own abilities and impact on the company. Given that human
resources (HR) has taken a lot of heat for being either too preoccupied with corporate strategy or
too bogged down by paperwork, leaving little time to learn about the people it serves and the
company as a whole, it's wise to go back to HRM's theoretical roots. The initial aims of human
resources, which included being a "business partner" and a "people partner," as well as HR's
roots in strategic management and organizational behavior, should serve as a reminder of the
many hats HR must wear. HRM is an evolving process that needs regular updates to keep up
with the rapid pace of technological progress. Human resource management stands to gain even
more from cutting-edge innovations in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning
(ML), cloud computing (cloud computing), and business analytics (business analytics). Human
resource management (HRM) systems are increasingly using automation and artificial
intelligence (AI) to make administrative duties easier, improve decision-making, and increase
productivity. Predictive analytics, tailored employee experiences, chatbot-based HR help, resume
screening—all of these utilize AI-powered solutions.
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