Monolithic Linear IC
LA7565B, 7565BM
IF Signal-Processing IC for PAL/NTSC Multi-System
Audio TV and VCR Products
[VIF Block]
• Minimal adjustment PLL detector
• Equalizer amplifier
• SIF converter unit: mm
[First SIF Block] 3112-MFP24S
• First SIF detector [LA7565BM]
• Inter/split switch
[SIF Block]
• PLL type FM detector
[Mute Block]
• AV mute
• Allows the use of a switch circuit to switch between
spilt and intercarrier operation.
• Improved buzz and buzz beat characteristics provided by
a PLL detector plus buzz canceller system.
• The IF AGC second filter is built in. SANYO: MFP24S
• PAL/NTSC multi-system audio can be implemented
• Adjustment-free circuit design that does not require AFT
and SIF coils.
Maximum Rating at Ta = 25°C
Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Maximum supply voltage VCC max 10 V
Circuit voltage V13, V17 VCC V
I6 –3 mA
Circuit current I10 –10 mA
I24 –2 mA
(LA7565B) Ta ≤ 68°C 720 mW
Allowable power dissipation Pd max (LA7565BM) Ta ≤ 50°C, independent IC 420 mW
(LA7565BM) * Mounted on a printed circuit board 720 mW
Operating temperature Topr –20 to +70 °C
Storage temperature Tstg –55 to +150 °C
Note: * When mounted on a 65 × 72 × 1.6 mm epoxy glass laminate printed circuit board.
Operating Conditions
Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Recommended supply voltage VCC 9 V
Operating supply voltage VCC op 8.5 to 9.5 V
No. 5636-2/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit
min typ max
[First SIF Block]
Conversion gain VG 37.5 43 49.5 dB
5.5 MHz output level SO 46 100 150 mVrms
First SIF maximum input Si max 112 223 mVrms
First SIF input resistance Ri (SIF) 33.4 MHz 2 kΩ
First SIF input capacitance Ci (SIF) 33.4 MHz 3 pF
[SIF Block]
Limiting voltage Vi (lim) 43 48 53 dBµV
FM detector output voltage VO (FM) 5.5 MHz ± 30 kHz 720 900 1100 mVrms
AM rejection ratio AMR 50 60 dB
Total harmonic distortion THD 0.3 0.8 %
SIF S/N ratio S/N (FM) 57 62 dB
[SIF Converter]
Conversion gain VG (SIF) 7 11 14 dB
Maximum output level V max 102 108 111 dBµV
Carrier suppression ratio VGR (5.5) 14 26 dB
Oscillator level VOSC 70 mVp-p
Oscillator leakage OSCleak 8 24 dB
Oscillator stopped current I4 300 µA
Independent IC
No. 5636-3/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
68 Ω
No. 5636-4/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
68 Ω
Test Circuit
No. 5636-5/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
68 Ω
No. 5636-6/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
No. 5636-7/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
Pin Assignment
No. 5636-8/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
Pin Functions
Pin No. Pin Pin function Equivalent circuit
AV = voG/vi = R1/Z + 1.
No. 5636-10/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
Output for the video signal that includes the SIF carrier.
To acquire adequate drive capabilities, a resistor must be
10 Composite video output
inserted between pin 10 and ground.
R ≥ 300 Ω
This is the VCO tank circuit used for the video detector.
11 Refer to the coil specifications provided separately for more
VCO tank
12 information on the tank circuit. This VCO is a vector
synthesis VCO.
No. 5636-11/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
No. 5636-12/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
20 GND
RF AGC VR connection.
This pin sets the tuner RF AGC operating point. Also, the
FM output and the video output can be muted at the same
time by shorting this pin to ground.
Construct a chrominance
carrier trap here.
No. 5636-13/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
No. 5636-14/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
SAW filter
Frequency Frequency
With the tuning set to the IF frequency With the tuning set to the vicinity of S and C
No. 5636-15/16
LA7565B, 7565BM
Coil Specifications
f = 58.75 MHz f = 45.75 MHz f = 38.9 MHz
VCO coil
Test production no. 16991B Test production no. 16991B Test production no. 16991B
Tokyo Parts Industry Co., Ltd. Tokyo Parts Industry Co., Ltd. Tokyo Parts Industry Co., Ltd.
TSF5220 TSF5321
SAW filter (INTER)
TSF5221 TSF5344
Note: Applications that use an external capacitor here must use a chip capacitor. If an ordinary capacitor is used,
problems such as the oscillator frequency changing with the capacitor orientation may occur.
■ No products described or contained herein are intended for use in surgical implants, life-support systems, aerospace
equipment, nuclear power control systems, vehicles, disaster/crime-prevention equipment and the like, the failure of
which may directly or indirectly cause injury, death or property loss.
■ Anyone purchasing any products described or contained herein for an above-mentioned use shall:
➀ Accept full responsibility and indemnify and defend SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and
distributors and all their officers and employees, jointly and severally, against any and all claims and litigation and all
damages, cost and expenses associated with such use:
➁ Not impose any responsibility for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or litigation on
SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors or any of their officers and employees
jointly or severally.
■ Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for
volume production. SANYO believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or implied
regarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.
This catalog provides information as of August, 1997. Specifications and information herein are subject to
change without notice.
No. 5636-16/16
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