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Current Controller For Stepping Motors: Description

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® L6506D


The L6506/D is a linear integrated circuit designed
to sense and control the current in stepping motors
and similar devices. When used in conjunction with
the L293, L298, L7150, L6114/L6115, the chip set
forms a constant current drive for an inductive load
and performs all the interface function from the con-
trol logic thru the power stage.
DIP18 SO20
Two or more devices may be synchronized using
the sync pin. In this mode of operation the oscillator ORDERING NUMBERS:
in the master chip sets the operating frequency in all L6506 L6506D

BLOCK DIAGRAM (pin’s number referred to DIP-18)

July 2003 1/8

L6506 -L6506D


DIP18 SO20


Symbol Parameter Value Unit
VCC Supply Voltage 10 V
Vi Input Signals 7 V
Ptot Total Power Dissipation (Tamb = 70°C) for DIP18 1 W
Total Power Dissipation (Tamb = 70ÉC) for SO20 0.8 W
Tj Junction Temperature 150 °C
Tstg Storage Temperature -40 to 150 °C

Symbol Parameter DIP18 SO20 Unit
Rth j-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max. 80 100 °C/W

ELECTRICAL CHARACTERESTICS (VCC = 5.0V, Tamb = 25°C; unless otherwise noted)

Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VCC Supply Voltage 4.5 7 V
ICC Quiescent Supply Current VCC = 7V 25 mA

Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VIN Input Voltage Range Vsense Inputs –0.3 3 V
VIO Input Offset Voltage VIN = 1.4V ±5.0 mV
IIO Input Offset Current ±200 nA
IIB Input Bias Current 1 µA
Response time VREF = 1.4V VSENS = 0 to 5V 0.8 1.5 µs

L6506 - L6506D


COMPARATOR SECTION PERFORMANCE (Over Operating Temperature Range)
Symbol Parameter Test Condtions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VIO Input Offset Voltage VIN = 1.4V ±20 mV
IIO Input Offset Curent ±500 nA

LOGIC SECTION (Over Operating Temperature Range - TTL compatible inputs & outputs)
Symbol Parameter Test Condtions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VIH Input High Voltage 2 Vs V
VIL Input Low Voltage 0.8 V
VOH Output High Voltage VCC = 4.75V 2 3.5 V
IOH = 400µA
VOL Ouptut Low Voltage VCC = 4.75V 0.25 0.4 V
IOH = 4mA
IOH Ouput Source Current - Outputs VCC = 4.75V 2.75 mA

Symbol Parameter Test Condtions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
fosc Frequency Range 5 70 KHz
VthL Lower Threshold Voltage 0.33 VCC V
VthH Higher Threshold Voltage 0.66 VCC V
Ri Internal Discharge Resistor 0.7 1 1.3 kΩ

The L6506 is intended for use with dual bridge driv- tor and Vref. Since separate inputs are provided for
ers, such as the L298, quad darlington arrays, such each chopper, each of the loads may be pro-
as the L7150, quad DMOS array such as L6114- grammed independently allowing the device to be
L6115, or discrete power transistors to drive stepper used to implement microstepping of the motor.
motors and other similar loads. The main function of Lower threshold of L6506’s oscillator is 1/3 VCC. Up-
the device is to sense and control the current in each per threshold is 2/3 VCC and internal discharge re-
of the load windings. sistor is 1 KΩ ± 30 %.
A common on-chip oscillator drives the dual chopper Ground noise problems in multiple configurations
and sets the operating frequency for the pulse width can be avoided by synchronizing the oscillators.
modulated drive. The RC network on pin 1 sets the This may be done by connecting the sync pins of
operating frequency which is given by the equation each of the devices with the oscillator output of the
: master device and connecting the R/C pin of the un-
1 used oscillators to ground.
f= for R > 10 K
0.69 RC The equations for the active time of the sync pulse
The oscillator provides pulses to set the two flip- (T2), the inactive time of the sync signal (T1) and the
flops which in turn cause the outputs to activate the duty cycle can be found by looking at the figure 1 and
drive. When the current in the load winding reaches are :
the programmed peak value, the voltage across the R1 RIN
T2 = 0.69 C1 (1)
sense resistor (Rsense) is equal to Vref and the cor- R1 + RIN
responding comparator resets its flip-flop interrupt-
T1 = 0.69 R1 C1 (2)
ing the drive current until the next oscillator pulse oc-
curs. The peak current in each winding is pro- T2
DC = (3)
grammed by selecting the value of the sense resis- T1 + T2

L6506 -L6506D

By substituting equations 1 and 2 into equation 3 Looking at equation 1 it can easily be seen that the
and solving for the value of R1 the following equa- minimum pulse width of T2 will occur when the value
tions for the external components can be derived : of R1 is at its minimum and the value of R1 at its
1 maximum. Therefore, when evaluating equation 4
R1 = ( – 2) RIN (4)
DC the minimum value for R1 of 700Ω (1 KΩ – 30 %)
should be used to guarantee the required pulse
T1 width.
C1 = (5)
0.69 R1
Figure 1 : Oscillator Circuit and Waveforms.

The circuits shown in figure 2 use the L6506 to im- The L6506 may be used to implement either full step
plement constant current drives for stepper motors. or half step drives. In the case of 2 phase bipolar
Figure 2 shows the L6506 used with the L298 to stepper motor applications, if a half step drive is
drive a 2 phase bipolar motor. The peak current can used, the bridge requires an additional input to dis-
be calculated using the equation : able the power stage during the half step. If used in
Vref conjunction with the L298 the enable inputs may be
Ipeak =
Rsense used for this purpose.
For quad darlington array in 4 phase unipolar motor
The circuit of Fig.2 can be used in applications re- applications half step may be implemented using
quiring different peak and hold current values by the 4 phase inputs.
modifying the reference voltage.
The L6506 may also be used to implement mi-
crostepping of either bipolar or unipolar motors.

L6506 - L6506D

Figure 2 : Application Circuit Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver. (pin’s number referred to DIP18)

L6506 -L6506D

mm inch

a1 0.254 0.010

B 1.39 1.65 0.055 0.065

b 0.46 0.018

b1 0.25 0.010

D 23.24 0.915

E 8.5 0.335

e 2.54 0.100

e3 20.32 0.800

F 7.1 0.280

I 3.93 0.155

L 3.3 0.130
Z 1.27 1.59 0.050 0.063

L6506 - L6506D

mm inch

A 2.35 2.65 0.093 0.104

A1 0.1 0.3 0.004 0.012

B 0.33 0.51 0.013 0.020

C 0.23 0.32 0.009 0.013

D 12.6 13 0.496 0.512

E 7.4 7.6 0.291 0.299

e 1.27 0.050

H 10 10.65 0.394 0.419

h 0.25 0.75 0.010 0.030

L 0.4 1.27 0.016 0.050

K 0˚ (min.)8˚ (max.)

h x 45˚

B e K A1 C

20 11

1 0


L6506 -L6506D

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