The document provides a detailed unit price analysis for placing topsoil, including labor, equipment, materials, and associated costs. The total unit cost is calculated at 580.37, which includes direct costs, overhead, contractor's profit, and VAT. The output per hour is noted as 1.25 cubic meters.
The document provides a detailed unit price analysis for placing topsoil, including labor, equipment, materials, and associated costs. The total unit cost is calculated at 580.37, which includes direct costs, overhead, contractor's profit, and VAT. The output per hour is noted as 1.25 cubic meters.
The document provides a detailed unit price analysis for placing topsoil, including labor, equipment, materials, and associated costs. The total unit cost is calculated at 580.37, which includes direct costs, overhead, contractor's profit, and VAT. The output per hour is noted as 1.25 cubic meters.
The document provides a detailed unit price analysis for placing topsoil, including labor, equipment, materials, and associated costs. The total unit cost is calculated at 580.37, which includes direct costs, overhead, contractor's profit, and VAT. The output per hour is noted as 1.25 cubic meters.
Designation No. of Person No, of Hou]s Hourly Rate Amount
4.. Labor
a. Construction Foreman 1 109.19 109.i9
D. SkilledLaborer 2 79,70 159.40 c. Laborer 2 61.44 122 88
Sub - Total for A 391 47
Name and Capacity No of Units No. of Hours Hourly Rate Amount
a. Plate Compactor 123.00 123.00
39.15 39 15 Minor Tools (10% ol Labor)
Sub - Total for B 162.15
C. Total (A + B) Output per hour = 1.25 cu.m. Direct Unit Cost (C = D) 442.A5
Name and Specificatlon unit Quantity Unit Cost Amount
F. Materials
SLrb - Totalfor F 0.00
G. Direct Unii Cost (E + F) 442.89 H, overhead, Con'iingencies & Miscellaneous (oCl,4) 9% ofG : 39 86 t. Conl]actoas Profi t (CP) 80/6 of G 35.43 J. Value Added Tax (VAT) 12%of(G+H+D 62.18 K. Total Llnit Cost (G+H+l+J) 580.37