lp Maam nazel
lp Maam nazel
lp Maam nazel
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Direction: This class I will divided into 2
Groups. Group 1 will perform passing ,
serving and setting. While the group 2 will
perform blocking, attacking and digging.
Each group will be given 5 minutes to
D. Making Generalization
1. What is volleyball game
according to what have we
2. What are the basic skills of
3. Why is it important to us to play
volleyball game?
E. Evaluating Learning
Activity : (Individual Activity)
Direction: Read each question
carefully and choose the best answer.
1. Volleyball was Originally called?
a. Mintonette
b. Badtonette
c. Basetonette
Direction: Choose 2 basic skills of
volleyball and take a pictures while
performing it. You print it and pass it
next meeting.
F. Teacher’s Remarks
G. Reflection
Criteria Excellent Good (4) Fair (3) Needs
(5) Improvement
Participation/ Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely
teamwork takes participates participates participates or
initiative, and engages and shows engages with
actively in activities, effort in the team, resists
participates collaborates teamwork collaboration,
in all well with but needs and often leave
activities, teammates frequent tasks incomplete
supports and reminders to or requires
teammates completes engage or significant
effectively , most struggles to prompting to
communicate assigned support contribute.
s clearly and tasks with teammates
completes all minimal consistently.
tasks. prompting.
Execution of Performs Demonstrate Performs Struggles to
Basic Skills skills with s proper skills perform basic
precision, technique inconsistently skills, with
accuracy and and accuracy , showing significant
consistency most of the some errors, lack of
applying time, with understandin technique and
proper minor errors g but with minimal
technique in that do not frequent understanding of
all situations significantly errors or how execute the
with out impact over improper tasks.
assistance. all technique
performance. that affects
Submitted by : Rey-Ann M. Quiro BEED 3B