St. Mary'S College of Baganga, Inc. Student Learning Plan: Space .
St. Mary'S College of Baganga, Inc. Student Learning Plan: Space .
St. Mary'S College of Baganga, Inc. Student Learning Plan: Space .
Transfer Goal/s : The learners will be able to demonstrate an understanding of paths motion.
The learners will be able to demonstrate respect of the personal space of
Essential : Emphasize the value of not interfering with the play of others or invading
Understanding personal space while playing a game. Encourage students by praising those
who are seen showing respect for others’ space.
Essential : What makes space, direction, and body awareness important in games?
I. Preliminaries (Introduction)
B. Activities
Walking and running games such as tag in which the object is to avoid others.
In groups, create and perform precision drills that use different kinds of pathways.
Explain a method of identifying adequate space and encourage students to devise and use their
own method of determining adequate space.
Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Poor
4 3 2 1
Content of The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
presentation shows a full shows a good shows a good does not seem to
understanding of understanding of understanding of show an
the activity’s the activity’s some of the understanding of
objectives and objectives and activity’s the activity’s
goals goals objectives and objectives and
goals goals
Collaboration Almost Always Usually listens Often listens Rarely listens
With peers Listen to share Shares with, and Shares with, and Shares with, and
with, and support supports others in supports others in supports others in
others in the the group the group but is the group
group sometimes not a
good team
Preparedness Completely Seems prepared Somewhat Not prepared at
prepared and has but needs a bit prepared and all
obviously more rehearsal lacks rehearsal
C. Broadening of concepts:
When can you say that you are able to identify the method of adequate space?
SO: Think about the amount of space needed for safety. How difficult is it if it would be to play
in a crowded space?
What are the values of not interfering with the play of others or invading personal space while
playing a game?
BR: John 14:6 (I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through
III. Evaluation/Assessment:
References: Movement with Meaning: Physical Education K-4, pp. 46-66; 181-192.
Status of Implementation
Date Observed____________________
Observed by: Remarks: