Division in the Bible
Division in the Bible
Division in the Bible
I declare that this is my original work and was not submitted to any other university or college
for the award of bachelor in education (Arts)
H.O.D Humanities
This work was accomplished with the support and inspiration of several people
I sincerely thank God the most high for enabling me to undertake the project secondly, I take
this chance to give vote of thanks to the principal of Shiners boys High School, Mr.John mwangi
for his support and allowing me to carry out this project at his school
I acknowledge the H.O.D Humanities for providing me with relevant materials throughout this
project preparation I also thank the students of Shiners boys High School for the support and
corporation they offered me throughout the period I was carrying out the project, Lastly I thank
all the people who participated in one way or another until the completion of this work, May
Almighty Lord bless you all.
Christian Religious Education (C.R.E) is one of the subjects in humanities .it is done in most
schools because it is regarded as a subject that assist the leaners through the value clarification,
to reach at choices at which they can they can be able to live with.
The subject is also a booster subject to leaners, it comprise of the study of religious believes
including African traditional religious, Christianity and also moral values and ethics in general.
The project will help the leaners to clearly understand the division of the Bible in both Old
testament and New testament.
The project will assist students to comprehend the topic "Bible" in that way it will meet the needs
of the learners in the school.
Title Page
DECLARATION AND APPROVAL..........................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background Information Of The School............................................................................................1
1.2. Objectives...........................................................................................................................................1
1.3. Justification.........................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................3
2.0 Literature Review.................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Importance Of Studying Christian Religious Education.....................................................................3
2.2 The Use Of Teaching Aids..................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................5
3.0. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................5
3.1. Materials.............................................................................................................................................5
3.2. Project Description..............................................................................................................................5
3.3. Project Design.....................................................................................................................................5
3.4. Project Utilization...............................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................7
4.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Results And Discussion.......................................................................................................................7
4.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................7
4.3 Recommendation.................................................................................................................................7
Appendices 1: WORKPLAN....................................................................................................................8
AppendiceS 2: BUDGET..........................................................................................................................9
1.0 Introduction
The enrolment of the school is three hundred and fifty students.The school has one director Mr
Rajesh,eighteen teachers and twelve workers .
Shiner's boys has various departments ;sciences, mathematics, humanities and languages.
The school motto is entitled "learn and shine". The school principal is Mr John Mwangi an the
deputy is Mr Nicholas Ibwago.
1.2. Objectives
a. Motivating the learners to try a different way of studying in order to understand the
b. Enabling learners to discuss and appreciate the nature of God as learned in the Bible.
c. Enhancing the interest of the learners in learning C.R.E as a subject.
d. Catering the needs of the learners and teachers in learning the topic 'Bible'.
1.3. Justification
The following reasons contributions lead to the choosing of the subject
i. The subject is within the syllabus and is supported by C.R.E teachers in the school
ii. The topic has been proved to be challenging by some students hence there is a need to
come up with a different way to simplify learning
iii. The materials needed are cheaper as compared to other projects
iv. The project was used in teaching learning process that uncounted the abstraction in the
instruction process.
v. The project was important within the school therefore the project was worthwhile in its
own right as it was not duplicated of an already existing one.
Education act of 1968 enabled most of the Ominde report recommended to be enforced into law.
Therefore the report enhanced teaching of Christian religious education in schools in Kenya.
Religious education thus methods of instruction need to be enhanced.
In Kenya, religious education was to carter for normal education until the Gachathi report of
1976 which suggested that religious education did not do this probably.
It argued that a new subject was needed to gather for moral education and ethics. Social
education and ethics was to father for dimension of education in social relating and normative
The Gachathi was not very positive on religious education and therefore made a case for
teaching of ethics which Ominde has rejected by claims that;
i. The teaching of religious education should not be regarded as the limits of the schools
contribution to ethical education
ii. The teaching of religious education and that of ethical should not continue to be mixed.
iii. There are a number of reasons why the formal form of religious education cannot
continue effective teaching of the ethics in the society.
i. It unites people
ii. Contributed to the development of the whole person
iii. Leads to the career development
iv. Helps one in making appropriate decisions in life
v. Helps us to understand ourselves better
vi. Provides a powerful source of guidance to learners.
3.0. Introduction
This chapter focused on the material used to come up with the project.
3.1. Materials
The materials used included manila papers, rulers, pens, binding tape, wood rod, thick piece of
The project is made up of pieces of wood which are joined with nails to form a board.
4.0 Introduction
i. The learners will be able to state the books contained in both old testament and new
testament and how they are divided.
ii. The learners will able to explain each division as it occurs in the Bible
iii. The learners will be able to visualize th clear division of the books in the Bible
4.2 Conclusion
The students will be able to state the books in Bible both in Old testament and New
testament .They will able to explain how each of these divisions occurred. Their explanations are
expected to be detailed and correct. Therefore, an impressive performance is expected.
4.3 Recommendation
An area that requires a teaching- learning resource is “Selected Aspects in African Religious
Heritage”. The resource will help students to identify the African concept of God spirit and
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