Submitted by:
NIM. 140203199
Student of Department of English Language Education
Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan
2019 M/1440 H
SWT, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful who always guides and protects
me in every step I take in my life. Because of His guidance, blessing and love,
finally I could finish this thesis and my study at UIN Ar-Raniry. Peace and
salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought human beings
Maskur, MA who kindly helped and supported me during the process of writing
my thesis. He had always been patient to give me his guidance, patience, and
advice throughout the stages of the thesis writing. I would also like to express my
appreciation to all lecturers both English department and non English department
lecturers for the valuable knowledge, lessons, guidance and encouragement they
gave during my academic years. Special thanks to all staffs of English department
and all staff of Education Faculty who helped and guided me during my study in
mother, Jumiati, who always become my spirit in my life. Their loves, supports,
and prayers lead me to reach my success and dreams. I also dedicate my big
sharing laughter and love to me. They all are my precious people who make me
Ed for giving me permission to conduct research in his class. My thanks are also
togetherness, laughed happily and all the motivating discussions. I never forget
the beautifulness that we have been through together. And to all friends that made
me feel homey everyday. At last, I realizes that this thesis is far from being
perfect. The criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this thesis are
Jannaty Mismara
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vi
LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... ix
REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 41
A. Background of Study
Social media has become an integral avenue of social interaction. Given that
In Indonesia, students are very familiar with social media because it is not
only used as a communication tool but also a social, work and learning need. In
developing and emerging countries, many people have adopted the use of social
media in the learning process. Much research has been done by a number of
researchers to identify the use of technology among students, including the use of
social media. With social media students can develop their knowledge of
others, have increased in popularity in the recent years. These new applications
allow users to interact and collaborate with one another via social media in a
It has been observed that students devote more attention and time on social
media. In addition, the use of social media is widely believed to enhance teaching
(Martínez, Alemán, & Wartman, 2009). Moreover, social media create another
network where teachers and students do not have to impart by methods for the
conventional eye to eye classroom condition. Students use social media tools for
and entertainment.
This has led to speculation about students use and possible positive and
negative consequences, both in the short term and in the long term. As several
studies show, the interaction of social media may have positive and negative
effects on students. They can offer learning flexibility, stimulate innovative ideas
However, these tools can have negative effects on students because they can
distract their attention from the learning process, reduce their physical social
Social media have transformed the way individuals and societies socialize
and communicate with one another, social media also have transformed the
method of how people share information, exchange knowledge, and learn. Several
educators in the field realize that social media are powerful tools that can
transform learning, as students can use social media for learning purposes either
with the chance to build and share knowledge with global audience beyond the
walls of classrooms. They also help students improve their skills and to develop
adjustable and lifelong learning, and link and communicate with other people
around the world. Moreover, the students become open minded, self-directed
students. Since social media has become a current phenomenon and most students
use, the researcher carries out a study entitled “Students’ Perception on Using
B. Research question
The use of social media is believed to improve teaching and learning at the
media create another network in which teachers and students do not have to use
conventional eye- to- eye teaching methods. Based on the background above, the
C. Research Objective
Based on the above research questions, this research aimed at finding out
the first year students’ perceptions on using social media for learning English at
D. Terminology
There are some terms in this research that should be defined as clear as
1. Perception
The word perception comes from the Latin words perception meaning
mind or senses and perception is the first step in social cognition, commonly
how humans interpret their surroundings”. Stewart, Tubbs, and Sylvia Moss
organizes and interprets what one experiences. Interpretations are based on the
information from our environment and utilize that information with the end goal
2. Social Media
based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information.
This new form of media makes the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and
Defined, 2014). Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed
2017). Social media is media for social interaction as a superset beyond social
through its immediacy, to a healthy and direct relation between brands and their
A. Social Media
increase and enhance the sharing of information. This new form of media makes
the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and information in general increasingly
fluid among internet users. According to Hudson (2017) social media refers to
websites and applications that are designed to allow people to share content
immediacy, to a healthy and direct relation between brands and their public in an
online environment. Moreover, the ability to share photos, opinions, events, etc in
real-time has transformed the way we live and, also, the way we do business. In
adition, the term social media refers to the use of web-based and mobile
rating and social bookmarking. With the world in the midst of a social media
revolution, it is more than obvious that social media like Facebook, Twitter,
Orkut, Myspace, Skype etc., are used extensively for the purpose of
communication. This form of communication can be with a person or a group of
Social media is the social interaction among people in which they create,
Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of
foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-
Social media has been defined as websites which allow profile creation
and visibility of relationships between users (Boyd & Ellison, 2008); web-based
conversation and profiles (Kietzmann et al., 2011). Social media has been referred
agreement that Web 2.0 technologies played a significant role in the development
―Internet-based applications built on Web 2.0, while Web 2.0 refers to a concept
as well as a platform for harnessing collective intelligence‖ (Huang & Benyoucef,
2013 p. 246). Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, provide
people with a pervasive network connectivity (Asur & Huberman, 2010). The
term ―Web 2.0‖ refers to the set of technologies and ideologies that enable and
drive media rich content creation on the internet (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010, as
collection of online platforms and tools that people use to share content, profiles,
Social networking site are online platform that allows users to create a
The term social network site broadly is used to refer to web sites that enable users
to articulate a network of connections of people with whom they wish to share acc
ess to profile information, news, status updates, comments, photos, or other forms
of content. Boyd & Ellison (2007) assert that SNSs have three essential componen
public profile, 2) a set of connections to other users within the system, and 3) the a
bility to view one's own list of connections, as well the connections made by other
be a crucial feature of SNSs differentiating them from most other forms of social
media (Boyd & Ellision, 2007; Donath & boyd, 2004). Beyond these basic capabil
ities, SNSs differ in a wide variety of ways, including how profiles are constructe
d (e.g., what fields are provided for users to describe themselves), how connection
s are made (e.g., are they reciprocal or can they be symmetric), what other commu
nication features are available (e.g., support for private vs. public messaging), and
how customizable the pages are from a "look and feel" perspective (Boyd & Elliso
n, 2007, as cited in Steinfield & Ellison, 2012). Social networking sites allow
users to create user-generated content that is highly dynamic and changeable and
they often contain individual profile pages that help identify the author of the post
and tools, such as blogs, chats and discussion forums that enhance cooperation
What makes social network sites unique is not that they allow individuals
to meet strangers, but rather that they enable users to articulate and make visible
their social networks. This can result in connections between individuals that
would not otherwise be made, but that is often not the goal, and these meetings are
frequently between "latent ties" (Haythornthwaite, 2005) who share some offline
communicating with people who are already a part of their extended social
network. To emphasize this articulated social network as a critical organizing
feature of these sites, we label them "social network sites‖. While SNSs have
visible profiles that display an articulated list of friends who are also users of the
system. Profiles are unique pages where one can "type oneself into being"
(Sundén, 2003, p. 3). After joining an SNS, an individual is asked to fill out forms
interests, and an "about me" section. Most sites also encourage users to upload a
profile photo. Some sites allow users to enhance their profiles by adding
multimedia content or modifying their profile's look and feel. The visibility of a
Friendster and Tribe.net are crawled by search engines, making them visible to
LinkedIn controls what a viewer may see based on whether she or he has a paid
account. Sites like MySpace allow users to choose whether they want their profile
users who are part of the same "network" can view each other's profiles, unless a
profile owner has decided to deny permission to those in their network. Structural
variations around visibility and access are one of the primary ways that SNSs
differentiate themselves from each other. After joining a social network site, users
are prompted to identify others in the system with whom they have a relationship.
The label for these relationships differs depending on the site—popular terms
include "Friends," "Contacts," and "Fans." Most SNSs require bidirectional
confirmation for Friendship, but some do not. These one-directional ties are
sometimes labeled as "Fans" or "Followers," but many sites call these Friends as
They provide a means to interact over the internet, e-mail and now even the
mobile phones. The most popular websites offering social networking currently
2004) and Twitter (started in 2006). A social networking site would allow a user
2. Blogs
to write regularly about topics or events that interest them. A blog is a webpage
where an individual or group can share information or ideas with a large group of
people via the internet. It is not uncommon for a person to start a blog and then
never update it again. Some of the most successful blogs are updated on a regular
basis so the followers of the blog can know when to expect new entries. Blogs
cover a wide range of topics, including political issues of all kinds. A common
feature to blogs is a feedback forum where, after reading an entry, people can
interact with both the blog author and others who have commented. Many
traditional media outlets have adopted blog-like features online in order to entice
example, many newspaper stories end with the opportunity for readers to share
their thoughts or comments about a current issue. These news stories, especially
when about hot or particularly partisan political issues can lead to serious debates.
Because of the contentious nature many blogs and news outlets find, it is not
websites that allow users to create blogs without any paying any fee like
these websites and these blogs can be accessed by anyone by typing the web
blogs is microblogging. A microblogging site is like any blog. except for it limits
Baruah (2012) states that these sites serve as sources of information for
Video sharing sites like youtube.com, slide sharing sites like slideshare.com,
document sharing sites like docstoc.com etc all fall under this category. These
sites serve as free content for all users of internet. Users can search for content,
download and use the content available on these sites without any fee. The content
is also generated by the users. This type of user generated content is also known
in youtube and slideshare. This is a major advantage to most of the people who
In discussing user appraisal sites, Baruah (2012) user appraisal sites serve
for consumers to express their view in any of the medium, user appraisal sites
about products or services they are contemplating of buying. As such these sites
serve as important word of mouth for consumers and a source of expressing post
purchase feedback.
With faculty using a variety of software tools and free web applications to
develop and maintain their own learning activities, learning platforms based on
social media place the control of learning into the hands of learners themselves
(Adeyinka, 2015).
teaching and learning using a variety of social media tools. The research tells that
making social media tools a part of traditional learning is attractive to students and
can motivate their participation in the learning process. Social media handled the
social media have helped to resolve some of these problems, by adding interactive
side with a student, and make the participation of the students in the educational
process which leads to an increase to attract them to clarify the reason behind the
reading, and similarly, to read new text and phrases to improve their vocabulary.
In our country teaching of English is based on two elements Viz. (a) vocabulary
and (b) structure. The new techniques of teaching English as a second language
are based on the belief that in the learning of a language mastery of structures is
vacuum and there must be sufficient vocabulary to operate them. It thus becomes
evident that for learning a language one has to master its essential vocabulary as
2. How Social Media Affects Students Engagement
Social media not only helps to acquire knowledge but also establishing
through Facebook, Twitter and various social sites can help a student to overcome
the kind of isolation that otherwise might lead her to leave school. Furthermore, a
Twitter account can provide a shy student with information about events that
novel. The strength of social media applications is that they offer an assortment of
tools that learners can mix and match to best suit their individual learning styles
and increase their academic success. Social media focus heavily on building
online communities with common interests or activities. Social media also can
help students develop leadership skills, from low-level planning and organizing to
activities that promote social change and democratic engagement. Social media
encourage students to engage with each other and to express and share their
creativity. Such personal interactions are vital to creating and sustaining a sense of
belonging. As there are positive effects of social media there are some negative
a. Positive Impact
Social media did make the world a smaller place, now we have more
information, more knowledge, and have better opportunities to use it. Social
media improved our ability to absorb information, what would have seemed to be
in processing and we are evolving quickly. Following are the positive impact of
students, especially young students, familiar with how to use technology. Today
most young people know how to upload a picture, fix minor computer problems,
share links, and adjust settings. These things would have seemed impossible for
older generations to learn and adapt to at the rapid pace that students are at today
(Kim, 2015). Familiarity with technology also plays a big role in helping students
get jobs in tech fields. With the increased focus on technology in education and
business, this will help students build skills that will aid them throughout their
students develop more familiarity with computers and other electronic devices.
2. Faster Information
programming got their name out easily, student who were good in music, got their
3. Easier Collaboration
When it comes to education, nothing has streamlined group projects and
studying quite like technology. With lower commute times and easier flexibility in
scheduling, social media has made it simpler and more realistic for students to
work together. Students can make groups for their classes on social media like
Facebook, and use integrated messaging and video chat tools to communicate
4. Enhance Creativity
them an outlet for their creativity. The ease and speed with which users can
creative works. Moreover, being able to get instant feedback from friends and
family on their creative outlets helps students refine and develop their artistic
abilities and can provide much needed confidence or help them decide what career
b. Negative Impact
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn other social media updates. This addiction could
active part in sports, real life communication and ignoring ground realities (Raut
& Patil, 2016). In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of fake accounts on
social media who are boys pretending to be girls to be friends with girls and in
most cases this leads to embarrassments and disappointments which finally result
community it will not lead to anything bad but there is always lack of public
awareness and as mentioned above that the graph of internet users is getting
higher and higher while we are still far behind in the field of education thus public
awareness is very difficult in societies with lack of education. Following are the
The more time students spend on social media, the less time they spend
cues, like tone and inflection, social media not an adequate replacement for face-
to-face communication. Students who spend a great deal of time on social media
While social media can be great for building connections, some still
believe that one-on-one discussions are far better for learning, support, and even
discovering the best ways to present yourself professionally. Some forms of social
3. Distraction
is a bad idea to waste away judicious time on social media platforms without
gaining anything from it. Students should not be carried away by social media
Moreover, students, who attempt to multi-task, checking social media sites
on the task at hand is significantly reduced by the distractions that are brought
anonymity the internet seems to provide has made students forget the need to filter
the information they post. Many colleges and potential employers investigate an
students do not constantly evaluate the content they are publishing online, which
can bring about negative consequences months or years down the road (Chitra,
devices and rechargeable devices like mobile phone, computer, tablets, and so
many other ways to facilitate the people while sharing their ideas with others in
an easy and systematic way. It is used mostly for communication and awareness
around the world (Khan, Ayaz, & Faheem, 2016). Social media is useful in
and facilitate the users as compare to other sources. Social media adds an element
of interactive fun to the language learning equation. And when something doesn‘t
feel like work, we tend to apply ourselves just a little bit more-with seemingly less
The growth of social media over past few years has changed the ways in
which the internet is experienced by most end users. Social media is built on the
idea of how people know and interact with each other. It gives people the power
to share, making the world more open and connected with each other.Social
networking has a vital influence on our live as it helps a lot in every field of life
such as political field, economic field and educational field (Raut and Patil, 2016).
Social media can even provide a way to hold yourself accountable. If you
make a pledge to check in and report your progress, you‘ll be more likely to work
toward the goal you‘ve set. With others to encourage as well as pull you along,
there‘s less of a chance you may fall behind or discard your language
The new possibilities provided by learning in the social web, by new user-
knowledge distribution, and teaching and learning are being reframed and are
taking new shapes. To begin with, users‘ habits suggest that in the learning
domain the boundaries between learning providers and learners crumbled: learners
entered the sphere of content production, which means that they could create their
contents (learner generated content) and share them in a connected intelligence
community of learners without at the same time losing his autonomy (Candilio.M,
reading, and similarly, to read new text and phrases to improve their vocabulary.
The new techniques of teaching English as a second language are based on the
than acquisition of vocabulary. But we can not learn structure in vacuum and there
must be sufficient vocabulary to operate them. It thus becomes evident that for
learning a language one has to master its essential vocabulary as well as its basic
language learning then the role of vocabulary also may not be neglected. It
provides the vital organs and flesh to the language. Similarly, language learning
especially in the area of writing. With the growing popularity of blogs, wikis,
social networking sites, and cloud-based writing tools, L2 writers‘ digital literacy
collaborative communication and the creation of multimodal texts, which can
easily be shared in online affinity spaces where readers and writers from around
the world interact. Writing via social media can provide opportunities for English
learners to communicate with native English speakers and practice their written
Nowadays, writing via social media can give the benefit for L2 learners
practice their English writing in authentic and motivating ways. (Zheng, 2018).
The overall ease of use and relative simplicity of certain social media tools
make for low barriers of entry for a majority of students. The mobile
(Schirmer, 2011).
language students (Zheng, 2018). Black (2008) explored young English learners‘
participation in fanfiction. Net, a public online forum that many adolescents and
adults use as a platform to share their fictional writing related to popular books,
cartoons, comics, games, or movies. Learning English from social media can use
videos, newscasts and conversations in chat groups to observe the cultural aspects
comes to learning. Language learning is a social and interactive process so seeing,
hearing and participating in things like fashion, food and the arts gives dimension
to the journey, which you don‘t typically find between the pages of a book or in a
classroom setting. Black (2008) stated that online environments can provide
participants assume the role of both teacher and learner and, as a result, authority
The second learning not only depends upon structure learning but also it
have words then you may express your ideas more effectively and clearly (Khan
et al., 2016). In addition, new ways to use social media in classrooms and beyond
increase their awareness of audiences and authorship and increase their skills in
Now it is also clear form the above mentioned discussion that social media
they may improve their language learning skills and competences in a systematic
A. Research design
This study employed the qualitative research method with case study
approach. Qualitative method was chosen because this study aims at providing an
insight into the case of language learning at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh,
that case study is a qualitative study approaches that studies a single individual,
generalization. Therefore, the case study approach allowed the researcher to find
out how students’ perceptions about using social media for learning English.
B. Setting of Research
1. Place of Research
This research took place at UIN Ar-Raniry that located on Syeikh Abdur
Rauf Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Aceh province. The head of this
university is Prof. Dr. H. Warul Walidin AK, MA. UIN Ar-Raniry consists of nine
faculties. Each of them focuses on one specific study; Faculty of Syari’ah and
Humaniora, Faculty of Social Science and Government, Faculty of Phsycology,
Faculty of Business and Economic Islam, and Faculty of Science and Technology.
Philosophy at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The students in this department are
Sociology of Religion and so on. Discussion of religious issues at this time many
use English, it has become a necessity that students from religious education need
to master English as a tool to find out current religious issues and for publish the
results of their thoughts and research. Regarding to that, this place is the suitable
place for her to conduct the research and it also represented the population and
sample in this research and it also represented the population and sample in this
research. She carried out in Unit one of 2018 which consists of 30 students and
2. Time of Research
There were three meetings for conducting this study. The writer accomplished the
study twice in a week. The first week were used for interview and the rest of the
C. Research Participants
In this research, the researcher chose students of first year at UIN Ar-
Raniry Banda Aceh as participants. This class applies social media in the outside
of the classroom in learning English. They use Telegram as a discussion platform.
In discussion group, they learn about tenses, grammar, and how to make sentence
materials that provided by lecturer in the group chat on Telegram. Thus, the
Moreover, the researcher took five students to be interviewed as they can give
To obtain the data, the writer used two techniques of data collection. Since
the study is a case study, therefore the writer use in-depth interview technique as
1. Interview
reliable and valid measures in the form of verbal responses from one or more
Interview can be devided into three catagories. First, structured interview
is an interview that has a set of questions and all participants would be asked with
question. The question will be asked based on the context of the participant’s
makes conversation with the participant and ask the general questions or
method. The researcher choosen this type of interview because the questions can
Interview was applied in collecting the data about students’ perceptions on using
social media for learning English. The researcher interviewed five students in
different times. The researcher expected to collect the deep information based on
interview questions. The interview was done face to face and relax that the
questions are created by researcher and guided by advisor II, Mr. Rahmat Yusny
M. TESOL to make the questions suitable and appropriate to the condition and
location of the research. The aims of this technique was to collect data and
information about students’ perception on using social media for learning English.
2. Observation
observation was students. The observation is used to get the data about how
through observation and sensing. There are three statements that written in
observation checklist. The entire statements were about using social media or
things that related to social media. The observation checklist is set in a table listed
in appendices.
data. Data gathered using interview and observation were analyzed qualitatively in
narrative way. In analyzing the interview data, the researcher attempts to identify
1. Interview
The result of interview was analyzed based on what the students said about
their perception on using social media for learning English. From the conclusion it
can be got about the description of the students’ perception on using social media
for learning English of first year students at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh.
2. Observation
The researcher conducted the observation with two ways, they were direct
involve his self in the midst of the objects being studied. But, in the indirect
observation, the researcher did not involve his se lf in the midst of the objects
being studied. The researcher did the observation in the classroom. The object of
observation in this research was five students of first year at UIN Ar-Raniry
Banda Aceh. It aimed to observe what the students did with social media and
other activities related to social media. The researcher listed three objects of
observation with ‘’Active – Passive’’ options, and the whole matter totalling 3
options. Active here means students become much more active by asking
questions rather than listening to the lecturer silently. Passive here means students
are passive recipients and listening to what lecturer says in the group chat on
Telegram. The lecturer give the the questions or statements on group chat.
Therefore, the observation checklist had the different result between one and
addition, from this observation the researcher found that the results indicated the
positive results where the lecturer always provide topics for discussion and
followed by clear guidance in doing it. In addition, social media also established
Mr. Sayed Rizky Yusriansyah, M. Ed. Observation form that applied was the
same as the format applied in direct observation. The results obtained were
similiar to the results of direct observation in which the whole answer to yield
positive results.
In this section, the researcher would elaborate the data analysis from the
interview. The writer conducted the interview two times for Faculty of
Ushuluddin and Philosophy students for two days. The questions were addressed
perceptions on using social media for learning English. Furthermore, semi-
English. Based on the interview, it is found that the results were varied. Moreover,
to gain deeper information, the interview was carried out in bahasa by the
researcher. The researcher addresses seven main questions for students to get the
information about their perception on using social media for learning English.
In interview, the researcher asked the participants if they ever heard about
learning English on using social media. The points of the participants are similiar.
Most of students have heard about learning English on using social media.
“Pernah, dah biasa, sebab dalam kelas pun bapak guna. (INT4-04)
Bapak apply Telegram dan Duolingo.”
“Pernah.” (INT5-05)
From the information above, the researcher perceived that every student
has the same perceptions that they have already heard about using social media in
learning English. All participants stated that they already heard about the use of
2. The benefits that participants get after learning English using social media.
English. The answers are various. Some students think that social media give
them the benefits in gaining new vocabulary. Unlike the rest of students, there is
social media provide them the benefits in learning English. Most of the
participants stated that social media provide them the benefit, and one of the
benefit is simple and understand. One student thinks there is little benefit on using
Most of the participants said that social media can improve their English
learning in the classroom and at home. Most of them responded that social media
help them improving their English in classroom and at home. But only one
participant stated that Google is easier than social media because Google provide
“Iya membantu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, (INT2-02)
karena kita bisa langsung buka.”
“Iya, mampu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris” (INT3-03)
participants said that if social media very helpful for them in learning English.
One participant perceived that social media can not help in learning English.
learning English on using social media. Some participants, however, stated that
they do not feel really motivated because they have their own opinions. Their
The answer that answered by participants are varies. From the information
above only three participants said that social media can motivate them on using
social media in learning English. But two of participants said that social media do
5. The most used social media that participants used for learning English.
Here are participants answer about the most used social that they use to
learn English. Most of the participants said that they chose telegram. Unlike the
rest of participants, there are two participants who chose Instagram and Youtube,
“Telegram.” (INT4-04)
“Sebenarnya saya memilih Youtube. Youtube ada yang (INT5-05)
ngomong jadi kita bisa ikut. Saya kalau baca dalam bahasa
Inggris bisa tapi gak tau pronounciationnya gimana.”
facilitator in learning English. They chose Telegram because in that platform their
The participants answer below will show their perception what they did
and how they learn English by using social media. Most of the participants learn
artis luar negeri jadi bisa baca captions dalam bahasa
“Belajar tenses yang diajarkan sama dosen melalui (INT2-02)
“Banyak tau kosakata, grammar, bisa cari tau vocab yang gak (INT3-03)
“Kalau macam kami kan IAT (Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir), di (INT4-04)
Telegram ada satu chat room untuk hadist, one day one hadist.
Jadi disitu saya boleh baca banyak dalam bahasa Inggris, saya
boleh tambah bahasa Inggris saya, saya boleh belajar hadist.”
“Di Telegram belajar grammar, belajar noun yang diajarkan (INT5-05)
sama Mr. Rian.”
captions on social media, there are a lot of captions that written in English.
they know how to build up the sentencess. Moreover, some participants learn
English in classroom. Only few participants offered negative responses. Here are
their statements.
“Iya karena lebih sering, lebih praktis. Kalau buku lebih (INT1-01)
ribet. Karena ini jaman milenial jadi bagusnya pakai media
“Iya sangat memfasilitasi pembelajaan bahasa Inggris. Kalau (INT2-02)
buka media sosial gak harus nulis lagi, langsung Mr tu
koreksi disitu terus. Belajarnya efektif karena gak capek.”
“Sangat memfasilitasi karena udah mencakup banyak hal.” (INT3-03)
In responding the last questions, the participants give different opinion.
They point out some weaknesses regarding using social media to facilitate
learning English in classroom. Large number of participants said that social media
learning process.
C. Discussion
social media for learning English. To collect the data, the researcher distributed
thesis is how student perception on using social media for learning English.
students. Based on the results of interview, it can be seen that most of students
give positive response about using social media for learning English. Social media
have many functions for students. As individuals see reaction to their online social
presence, students will notice that online interaction allows them to feel more
open about thoughts, opinions, and inquiries. Most of students get the benefit
after learning English on using social media because they think that social media
Some students response that social media help them in learning English. A
large number of students prefer use Telegram to learn English because their
lecturer applied it in the outside of the classroom. Some students learn about
that social media facilitated them in learning English. In accessing social media,
furthermore, most of students stated that they checked social media every morning
to see if there is a notification or not. Some of them can not access social media
because they do not have any data plan so they can not accessed it. The desireness
of using social media of students is above average because they check it almost
everyday. Social media allow students to seek information or share ideas, and
often in line with information sharing, students can also offer opinions or consider
the opinions of others through social media. In addition, they use social media not
only to learn English but also to communicate, to text to each other, to share
that there were few students who had negative perceptions on using social media
for learning English. They think that social media do not motivated them in
learning English. Some participants stated that they social media has no precise
resources as books so they prefer to chose books over social media. Others stated
that they prefer to learn English in sitting in classroom so they get focus in
learning process.
Despite social media has many benefit and the participants agreed to use
to in the classroom, yet the participants think that social media has some
weaknesses such as they get easily distracted when using social media. As seen in
chapter two, Raut & Patil (2016) states that checking social media sites while
task at hand is significantly reduced by the distractions that are brought about by
A. Conclusion
already mentioned in the first chapter of this thesis, the aim of this study were to
find out the perception of students on using social media for learning English. The
above discussion has evaluated the perception of the first year of Faculty of
Ushuluddin and Philosophy students at UIN Ar-Raniry on using social media for
learning English. Here, the researcher would like to conclude the data obtained in
This research has shown that the majority of students in this study perceived
that social media has many advantages because social media allow them to
connect with their friends easily, to discuss common interest, to share ideas, and
most of them feel entertain enough through this site. Moreover, there are many
functions that student get in using this site. Furthermore, they can use social
media for learning English to improve their vocabulary and building sentences in
English. Most of students agreed that social media facilitated them in learning
English. In addition, in accessing social media, most of students stated that they
checked social media on their daily basis, but some of them can not access social
media because they do not have any data plan so they can not access it. Despite
social media has many benefits and most of students use it, social media has some
weaknesses for them such as they get easily distracted on their study.
Finally, in regarding of the data which have been analyzed, the researcher
concluded that using social media as additional support for learning English bring
agree to apply social media as a tool for learning English. Hence, the positive
perceptions of the students show the potential on using social media as additional
language learning.
B. Suggestion
The researcher would like to give some suggenstions for English instructors
and the next researcher. Social media could be helpful for students in English
learning model. The researcher hopes that this research helps the next researcher
to do the research on the same case about students’ perception especially about
using social media for learning English or at least, this research can be a reference
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher hopes that this research can
the possibilities of using social media for improving the English skills.
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Observation List
No Active
List of Observation Passive
Asking questions
Students motivation on
1. using social media in Identify words meaning
learning English use a dictionary
Active = Students become much more active by asking questions rather than
listening to the lecturer silently in a group chat.
Passive = Students are passive recipients and just listening to what the lecturer
says in a group chat.
Nim :
No Persetujuan
. Ya Netral Tidak
2. Menurut anda manfaat apa yang anda dapatkan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
5. Media sosial apa yang paling sering anda gunakan untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris? Jelaskan mengapa?
6. Apa yang anda pelajari di media sosial dan bagaimana anda belajar dengan
menggunakan media sosial tersebut?
Respondent 1 (INT1-01)
Q: Assalamu’alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: Bagaimana kabarnya?
A: Alhamdulillah baik.
Q: Apakah hari ini anda ada buka media sosial?
A: ada, setiap pagi ada sekali, cek notif (notifikasi).
Q: Apakah anda punya media sosial?
A: Punya.
Q: Apakah anda aktif di media sosial?
A: Tergantung, kalau ada paket aktif. Kalau gak ada paket gak aktif. Tergantung
waktunya juga.
Q: Menurut anda apakah media sosial itu bagus untuk belajar?
A: Bagus, karena lebih praktis, lebih mempermudah untuk belajar.
Q: Apakah media sosial itu platform untuk chatting aja atau bisa digunakan untuk
A: Bisa untuk chatting dan bisa digunakan untuk pembelajaran.
Q: Belajar bahasa inggris pakai media sosial apa?
A: Telegram
Q: Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan
media sosial?
A: Sering sih dengar, cuma kayak baru ngehnya sekarang, pakainya baru
Q: Menurut anda manfaat apa yang anda dapatkan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Lebih cepat nangkapnya, lebih praktis gak ribet.
Q: Apakah media sosial membantu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di
kelas maupun di rumah?
A: Iya, mampu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, baik dirumah maupun
di kelas.
Q: Apakah anda merasa lebih termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Iya sangat termotivasi dan lebih semangat karena menggunakan bahasa
Q: Media sosial apa yang paling sering anda gunakan untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris? Jelaskan mengapa?
A: Instagram, saya melihat banyak captions dan membuat saya penasaran jadi
kalau ada arti enggak tau saya mencari apa artinya.
Q: Apa yang anda pelajari di media sosial dan bagaimana anda belajar dengan
menggunakan media sosial tersebut?
A: Sering melihat captions yang berbahasa Inggris, jadi kalau ada vocab yang gak
tau arti bisa dicari di kamus, dan juga saya follow artis luar negeri jadi bisa baca
captions dalam bahasa Inggris.
Q: Menurut anda apakah menggunakan media sosial memfasilitasi pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris di kelas?
A: Iya karena lebih sering, lebih praktis. Kalau buku lebih ribet. Karena ini jaman
milenial jadi bagusnya pakai media sosial.
Q: Kendala apa saja yang anda temukan selama pakai media sosial untuk belajar
bahasa Inggris?
A: Gak ada kendala, tergantung niat. Kalau niatnya belajar ya fokus belajarnya.
Respondent 1 (INT1-01)
Q: Assalamu'alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: How are you doing?
A: I am good, thanks.
Q: Do you open social media today?
A: Yes, I check it every morning
Q: Do you have social media?
A: Yes, I have.
Q: Do you active on social media?
A: Depends on data plan and depends on timing too.
Q: Do you think that social media is good for learning?
A: Yes that is good because it is applicable, and easier to learn.
Q: Does social media a platform for chatting or can it be used for learning?
A: I think it can be used for both of them.
Q: What kind of social media that you use in learning English?
A: Telegram.
Q: Have you ever heard about learning English on using social media?
A: I have heard it for several times but I just realized it now.
Q: What benefits that you get after learning English on using social media?
A: It is easy to understand and simple.
Q: Does social media help in improving your English learning in the classroom
and at home?
A: Yes, it can improve my English skills ability better, I can study at home, at
school or wherever I want persistently.
Q: Do you feel more motivated in learning English on using social media?
A: Yes, social media made me highly motivated and more enthuasiasm in learning
English. Everyone in that group chat on Telegram should use English and it
stimulate my brain to use English as well.
Q: What is the most used social media that you use to learn English? Explain
A: Instagram, I saw many captions in English and that makes me coriuous to find
out the meaning of the captions.
Q: What did you learn and how you learn with that social media?
A: I always see captions on Instagram post that written in English, if I do not
know the meaning I will find it out by using dictionary. Moreover I follow some
international artist on Instagram so I can read their captions in English.
Q: Do you think that using social media facilitates learning English in the
A: Yes because it is simpler than books.
Q: What obstacles do you find on using social media in learning English?
A: There is no obstacles that I find so far. It all depends on my intention.
Respondent 2 (INT2-02)
Q: Assalamu’alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: Bagaimana kabarnya?
A: Alhamdulillah baik.
Q: Apakah hari ini anda ada buka media sosial?
A: Gak ada.
Q: Kenapa?
A: Karna gak ada paket.
Q: Apakah anda punya media sosial?
A: Punya.
Q: Apakah anda aktif di media sosial?
A: Gak tentu, kadang kadang aja buka media sosial.
Q: Menurut anda apakah media sosial itu bagus untuk belajar?
A: Bagus untuk belajar tapi jangan berlebihan kali.
Q: Apakah media sosial itu platform untuk chatting aja atau bisa digunakan untuk
A: Bisa untuk belajar juga, bisa juga untuk sharing sharing bahan gitu
Q: Belajar bahasa inggris pakai media sosial apa?
A: Telegram
Q: Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan
media sosial?
A: Pernah, cuma pakainya baru sekarang.
Q: Menurut anda manfaat apa yang anda dapatkan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Lebih mudah, lebih cepat.
Q: Apakah media sosial membantu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di
kelas maupun di rumah?
A: Iya membantu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, karena kita bisa
langsung buka.
Q: Apakah anda merasa lebih termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Enggak, biasa aja. Karena kalau kita mau belajar dimana aja bisa.
Q: Media sosial apa yang paling sering anda gunakan untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris? Jelaskan mengapa?
A: Telegram, karena cuma itu grupnya.
Q: Apa yang anda pelajari di media sosial dan bagaimana anda belajar dengan
menggunakan media sosial tersebut?
A: Belajar tenses yang diajarkan sama dosen melalui Telegram.
Q: Menurut anda apakah menggunakan media sosial memfasilitasi pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris di kelas?
A: Iya, karena kalau buka media sosial itu gak harus nulis lagi, langsung Mr tu
koreksi disitu terus. Belajarnya efektif karena gak capek.
Q: Kendala apa saja yang anda temukan selama pakai media sosial untuk belajar
bahasa Inggris?
A: Sejauh ini gak ada kendala.
Respondent 2 (INT2-02)
Q: Assalamu'alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: How are you doing?
A:I am doing good, thanks.
Q: Do you open social media today?
A: No, I do not.
Q: Why?
A:I do not have any data plan.
Q: Do you have social media?
A: Yes, I have.
Q: Do you active on social media?
A: Not really, sometimes I open it, sometimes I do not.
Q: Do you think that social media is good for learning?
A: I think that is good for learning but that is not good if we use it continously.
Q: Does social media a platform for chatting or can it be used for learning?
A: It can be used for chatting and for learning too.
Q: What kind of social media that you use in learning English?
A: Telegram
Q: Have you ever heard about learning English on using social media?
A: Yes, I have. But I apply it now.
Q: What benefits that you get after learning English on using social media?
A: It is easier and faster to understand.
Q: Does social media help in improving your English learning in the classroom
and at home?
A: It can improve my English skill because I can open it easily without take many
Q: Do you feel more motivated in learning English on using social media?
A: Just so so, I think. If we want to learn English it can be anywhere, not just on
social media.
Q: What is the most used social media that you use to learn English? Explain
A: Telegram, I join group on Telegram and that group for English discussion.
Q: What did you learn and how you learn with that social media?
A: We learn about tenses which taught by our lecturer on Telegram.
Q: Do you think that using social media facilitates learning English in the
A: Yes because I do not have to write anymore, if I do some mistakes in writing
sentences, our lecturer corrected it right away.
Q: What obstacles do you find on using social media in learning English?
A: So far there are no obstacles.
Respondent 3 (INT3-03)
Q: Assalamu’alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: Bagaimana kabarnya?
A: Alhamdulillah kabar baik.
Q: Apakah hari ini anda ada buka media sosial?
A: Ada, ada buka Ig (Instagram) dan Fb (Facebook).
Q: Apakah anda punya media sosial?
A: Punya.
Q: Apakah anda aktif di media sosial?
A: Aktif.
Q: Menurut anda apakah media sosial itu bagus untuk belajar?
A: Kalau untuk belajar bagus, bagus kali.
Q: Apakah media sosial itu platform untuk chatting aja atau bisa digunakan untuk
A: Bisa digunakan untuk belajar, bisa juga untuk chatting. Dua duanya bisa.
Q: Belajar bahasa inggris pakai media sosial apa?
A: Telegram, karena udah dipatok (ditentukan) sama Mr. Rian.
Q: Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan
media sosial?
A: Pernah. Di kampus pun pakai Telegram.
Q: Menurut anda manfaat apa yang anda dapatkan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Lebih cepat paham, praktis, kalau buka kamus kan lama.
Q: Apakah media sosial membantu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di
kelas maupun di rumah?
A: Iya, mampu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, baik dirumah maupun
di kelas.
Q: Apakah anda merasa lebih termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Iya termotivasi dan lebih enak, lebih enteng, kalau buka buku ribet.
Q: Media sosial apa yang paling sering anda gunakan untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris? Jelaskan mengapa?
A: Telegram, karena itu udah di tentukan sama Mr. Rian.
Q: Apa yang anda pelajari di media sosial dan bagaimana anda belajar dengan
menggunakan media sosial tersebut?
A: Sangat memfasilitasi karena udah mencakup banyak hal.
Q: Menurut anda apakah menggunakan media sosial memfasilitasi pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris di kelas?
A: Sangat memfasilitasi karena udah mencakup banyak hal.
Q: Kendala apa saja yang anda temukan selama pakai media sosial untuk belajar
bahasa Inggris?
A: Sejauh ini kendalanya terganggu karena ketika belajar masuk notif jadi pingin
buka apa.
Respondent 3 (INT3-03)
Q: Assalamu’alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: How are you doing?
A: I am good, thank you.
Q: Do you open social media today?
A: Yes, I open Instagram and Facebook today.
Q: Do you have social media?
A: Yes, I have.
Q: Do you active on social media?
A: Of course I highly active on social media.
Q: Do you think that social media is good for learning?
A: I think that is quite good for learning.
Q: Does social media a platform for chatting or can it be used for learning?
A: It can be used for learning and it can be used for chatting as well.
Q: What kind of social media that you use in learning English?
A: Telegram, it is determined by Mr. Rian.
Q: Have you ever heard about learning English on using social media?
A: I heard about it and I use Telegram.
Q: What benefits that you get after learning English on using social media?
A: It is simple, easier and faster to understand
Q: Does social media help in improving your English learning in the classroom
and at home?
A: Of course, it can improve my ability in learning English.
Q: Do you feel more motivated in learning English on using social media?
A: Absolutely yes, I feel motivated in learning English on using social media. It is
simple, easy to use and easy to access by everyone.
Q: What is the most used social media that you use to learn English? Explain
A: Telegram, because our lecturer, Mr. Rian, applied it in our class.
Q: What did you learn and how you learn with that social media?
A: I learn about vocabulary and grammar on Telegram. I read some sentences that
written in English so from that I get new vocabulary and improve my
comprehension in grammar.
Q: Do you think that using social media facilitates learning English in the
A: Yes it facilitates learning because it is all good and it is all there.
Q: What obstacles do you find on using social media in learning English?
A: I get easily distracted in my study when notifications appear during learning
Respondent 4 (INT4-04)
Q: Assalamu’alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: Bagaimana kabarnya?
A: Saya sehat, baik.
Q: Apakah hari ini anda ada buka media sosial?
A: Ada, cuma sekejap aja.
Q: Apakah anda punya media sosial?
A: Iya, punya.
Q: Apakah anda aktif di media sosial?
A: Aktif.
Q: Menurut anda apakah media sosial itu bagus untuk belajar?
A: Bagus untuk belajar sebab banyak maklumat (manfaat) kita boleh dapat dari
media sosial.
Q: Apakah media sosial itu platform untuk chatting aja atau bisa digunakan untuk
A: Bagi saya bukan untuk chatting aja, sebab banyak maklumat (manfaat) saya
boleh dapat di media sosial, jadi kita boleh gunakan (maklumat) bukan untuk
chatting aja. Belajar, banyak kita boleh dapat di media sosial.
Q: Belajar bahasa inggris pakai media sosial apa?
A: Telegram
Q: Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan
media sosial?
A: Pernah, dah biasa, sebab dalam kelas pun bapak guna. Bapak apply Telegram
dan Duolingo.
Q: Menurut anda manfaat apa yang anda dapatkan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Banyak vocab baru yang di dapat.
Q: Apakah media sosial membantu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di
kelas maupun di rumah?
A: Iya, membantu sangat.
Q: Apakah anda merasa lebih termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Bagi saya oke saja pakai sosmed. Kalau saya lebih termotivasi bila ada cik
(guru). Mau pakai sosmed atau buku lebih bagus bila ada cik (guru).
Q: Media sosial apa yang paling sering anda gunakan untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris? Jelaskan mengapa?
A: Telegram
Q: Apa yang anda pelajari di media sosial dan bagaimana anda belajar dengan
menggunakan media sosial tersebut?
A: Kalau macam kami kan IAT (Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir), di Telegram ada satu
chat room untuk hadist, one day one hadist. Jadi disitu saya boleh baca banyak
dalam bahasa Inggris, saya boleh tambah bahasa Inggris saya, saya boleh belajar
Q: Menurut anda apakah menggunakan media sosial memfasilitasi pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris di kelas?
A: Tidak juga, sebab pakai buku pun bisa.
Q: Kendala apa saja yang anda temukan selama pakai media sosial untuk belajar
bahasa Inggris?
A: Sejauh ini tidak ada kendala, lebih semangat.
Respondent 4 (INT4-04)
Q: Assalamu’alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: How are you doing?
A: I am good, thanks.
Q: Do you open social media today?
A: Yes, but just a quick.
Q: Do you have social media?
A: Yes, I have.
Q: Do you active on social media?
A: Yes of course.
Q: Do you think that social media is good for learning?
A: It is good because there are many benefits that we get from social media.
Q: Does social media a platform for chatting or can it be used for learning?
A: For me, social media not only used for chatting but also for learning because
there are many benefits that I get on using social media.
Q: What kind of social media that you use in learning English?
A: Telegram.
Q: Have you ever heard about learning English on using social media?
A: Yes, I have, our lecturer use it in the outside of the classroom.
Q: What benefits that you get after learning English on using social media?
A: On using social media I get new vocabulary everyday.
Q: Does social media help in improving your English learning in the classroom
and at home?
A: Yes, it is very helpful.
Q: Do you feel more motivated in learning English on using social media?
A: Yes, it is good, it is okay to use social media. But for me, I feel more motivated
if there is a lecturer right in front of me. It does not matter if we use book or social
media in learning English but it is better in learning English in the classroom
which taught by lecturer.
Q: What is the most used social media that you use to learn English? Explain
A: Telegram
Q: What did you learn and how you learn with that social media?
A: On Telegram we use a chatroom for discussing about Islamic topic in English.
Q: Do you think that using social media facilitates learning English in the
A: Not really, we can use book as well.
Q: What obstacles do you find on using social media in learning English?
A: So far there are no obstacles, I more enthusiasm in learning English.
Respondent 5 (INT5-05)
Q: Assalamu’alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: Bagaimana kabarnya?
A: Kabar baik, Alhamdulillah.
Q: Apakah hari ini anda ada buka media sosial?
A: Ada, tapi gak lama.
Q: Apakah anda punya media sosial?
A: Punya.
Q: Apakah anda aktif di media sosial?
A: Gak terlalu aktif, jarang bukanya.
Q: Menurut anda apakah media sosial itu bagus untuk belajar?
A: Sebenarnya lebih baik buku karna buku kana da rujukannya gitu, kalau di
media sosial kita gak tau rujukannya itu apa benar atau enggak. Kalau berbicara
tentang ketepatan rujukannya itu tidak ada rujukan yang tepat.
Q: Apakah media sosial itu platform untuk chatting aja atau bisa digunakan untuk
A: Bisa keduanya. Tapi biasanya kalau menggunakan media sosial untuk belajar
itu terganggu. Mostly daripada student yang dalam kelas Mr. Rian waktu latihan
dia buka WA (WhatsApp). Waktu masuk notification terganggu.
Q: Belajar bahasa inggris pakai media sosial apa?
A: Telegram
Q: Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan
media sosial?
A: Pernah.
Q: Menurut anda manfaat apa yang anda dapatkan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Saya lebih suka pakai Google. Kalau di rumah pun saya lebih sering pakai
buku. Apa yang ada di app (aplikasi) pun saya print and study balik, saya gak
fokus kalau pakai app (aplikasi).
Q: Apakah media sosial membantu meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di
kelas maupun di rumah?
A: Biasa je. Tergantung dosen. Dulu saya pakai app (aplikasi) tapi gak minat
belajar. Tapi kalau Mr Rian bisa menarik minat untuk belajar, tergantung dosen.
Q: Apakah anda merasa lebih termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
menggunakan media sosial?
A: Biasa aja. Tergantung dosen. Dulu saya pakai app (aplikasi) tapi gak minat
belajar. Tapi kalau Mr. Rian bisa menarik minat untuk belajar, tergantung dosen.
Q: Media sosial apa yang paling sering anda gunakan untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris? Jelaskan mengapa?
A: Sebenarnya saya memilih youtube. Youtube ada yang ngomong jadi kita bisa
ikut. Saya kalau baca dalam bahasa inggris bisa tapi gak tau pronounciationnya
Q: Apa yang anda pelajari di media sosial dan bagaimana anda belajar dengan
menggunakan media sosial tersebut?
A: Di Telegram belajar grammar, belajar noun yang diajarkan sama Mr. Rian.
Q: Menurut anda apakah menggunakan media sosial memfasilitasi pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris di kelas?
A: Tidak juga. Saya lebih suka duduk di depan jumpa sama dosennya langsung
dan harus ada sourcenya.
Q: Kendala apa saja yang anda temukan selama pakai media sosial untuk belajar
bahasa Inggris?
A: Kendalanya terganggu, ada notif (notifikasi), jadi mau buka apa notifnya.
Respondent 5 (INT5-05)
Q: Assalamu’alaikum.
A: Wa’alaikumsalam.
Q: How are you doing?
A: Alhamdulillah, I am doing good.
Q: Do you open social media today?
A: Yes, but not so long.
Q: Do you have social media?
A: Yes, I got it.
Q: Do you active on social media?
A: Not too active, I rarely open it.
Q: Do you think that social media is good for learning?
A: Actually, because of the accuracy of the references it is better using book in
learning instead of using social media.
Q: Does social media a platform for chatting or can it be used for learning?
A: Can be used for both. But sometimes students get easily distracted on using
social media in their study. Most of students in Mr. Rian class they open
WhatsApp in learning process.
Q: What kind of social media that you use in learning English?
A: Telegram.
Q: Have you ever heard about learning English on using social media?
A: Yes, I have ever heard about that.
Q: What benefits that you get after learning English on using social media?
A: Not really, I think there is just a little benefits.
Q: Does social media help in improving your English learning in the classroom
and at home?
A: Actually, I like Google more than social media in learning English because
google is easier than social media.
Q: Do you feel more motivated in learning English on using social media?
A: Not really, depend on the lecturer. Actually I have used an application but I
am not interested in studying. But Mr. Rian could attach student in learning
Q: What is the most used social media that you use to learn English? Explain
A: I prefer used Youtube than Telegram, it easier to help me to imitate native
speaker. I can see how they prounounce it and then I imitate it from the native
speaker, Youtube helps me a lot.
Q: What did you learn and how you learn with that social media?
A: We learn about grammar, noun and sentence on Telegram which taught by our
lecturer, Mr. Rian.
Q: Do you think that using social media facilitates learning English in the
A: I don’t think so, I prefer to sit in front of a lecturer instead of watching on a
screen. Moreover, I think books are much more better if we want to learn
Q: What obstacles do you find on using social media in learning English?
A: I get easily distracted in my study when there is notification appears on my
phone and I want to open that.
1. Direct Observation
3. Interview
Respondent 1 (INT1-01)
The researcher interviewed the first interviewee.
Respondent 2 (INT2-02)
The researcher interviewed the second interviewee.
Respondent 3 (INT3-03)
The researcher interviewed the third interviewee.
Respondent 4 (INT4-04)
The researcher interviewed the forth interviewee.
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