Module 7 - Business plan
Module 7 - Business plan
Module 7 - Business plan
7.0. Introduction
Planning is a key aspect of the business development process as it assists the entrepreneur in
articulating both his/her long-term and short-term goals for the proposed new business. It is in the
business plan that the entrepreneur establishes the probability of the success of a business as well
as lists and defines the activities required for the successful operation of the business. Also, in
preparing the business plan, the entrepreneur should identify all the resources available to the
business and how to combine them to obtain maximum benefits.
Therefore, in this module, you will learn the main elements of a business plan and the process of
writing one.
7.1. Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. List the elements of a typical business plan.
2. Explain each of the elements.
3. Write a simple business plan.
7.3. Elements of a Business Plan
A detailed business plan usually includes 8 to 10 sections (depending on the industry and idea).
This is listed and explained below:
Section V: Management: Section V is where the management team, that is, key personnel is
identified as well as their positions and responsibilities. Also, the type of legal form of business,
that is, ownership structure, is stated. The composition of the Board of Directors, Advisors, and
Consultants is also explained.
Section VI: Financial: It is in this section that the entrepreneur will perform the financial forecast.
That is profit and loss, cash flow, break-even analysis, cost controls, and budgeting.
Section VII: Critical Risks: It is important to indicate possible potential problems, in terms of the
effect of unfavourable trends in the industry, possible competitors’ strategies, inability to meet
sales projections, wrong market projections, and so on. In addition, the alternative courses of
action to mitigate these problems will be stated.
Section VIII: Harvest Strategy: The main elements of this section are (a) provision for future
harvest strategy, (b) liquidity event (initial public offering or sale), (c) continuity of business
strategy (management succession and investor exit strategies), and (d) identify successor(s).
Section IX: Milestone Schedule: This provides investors with a timetable for the various
activities to be accomplished, which should include the timing and deadline of each event as well
as the relationship between the events. Examples of such events are:
• Product design and development.
• Sales projections.
• Establishment of a management team.
• Production and operations scheduling.
Section X: Appendix or Bibliography: Though not compulsory, but it allows for additional
documentation that is not appropriate in the main parts of the plan. These may include:
• Diagrams, blueprints, or financial data
• Curriculum vitae of the promoters and or main management team.
• Any other bibliographical information that supports the other segments of the business plan.
Contingency Plan
This section looks at the risks to the business, such as changing economic conditions and lower-
than-expected sales, hence suggesting ways to minimise the risks.
7.4. Conclusion
A business plan, as a road map to the success of any business, is defined and explained in this
module. The module also outlines and explains the main elements (contents) of a business plan.
The focus of each of the sections in a business is discussed to assist you in the preparation of your
business plan document to summarise the operational and financial objectives of the business and
how they will be realised.