MGT403 Handouts Lecture30
MGT403 Handouts Lecture30
MGT403 Handouts Lecture30
A business plan is a written summary of an entrepreneur’s proposed business venture, its operational
and financial details, its marketing opportunities and strategy, and its managers’ skills and abilities.
There is no substitute for a well-prepared business plan, and there are no shortcuts to creating one. The
plan serves as an entrepreneur’s road map on the journey toward building a successful business. As a
small company’s guidebook, a business plan describes the direction the company is taking, what its goals
are, where it wants to be, and how it’s going to get there. A business plan is an entrepreneur’s best
insurance against launching a business destined to fail or mismanaging a potentially successful company.
A business plan serves two essential functions.
First, it guides the company’s operations by charting its future course and devising a strategy for
following it. The plan provides a battery of tools—a mission statement, goals, objectives,
budgets, financial forecasts, target markets, and strategies—to help the entrepreneur lead the
company successfully.
The second function of the business plan is to attract lenders and investors. A business plan
must prove to potential lenders and investors that a venture will be able to repay loans and
produce an attractive rate of return.
Strategic Guide
1. Where Do You Want to Go?
2. How Are You Going to Get There?
3. What Market Niches?
4. How Much is it Going to Cost?
5. Greatest Profit Opportunity
Lender Expectations
Lender is the person who is providing loan to the investors. Lender is interested in knowing your
previous business track records, how good you were being in paying back the loan and your current and
future ability to repay. You can also pledge your assets as the collateral securities for the sake of
receiving loans.
Investor’s Expectations
Investors are interested in knowing that how much your product is competitive? How much saturated
markets that do you have? The way you are going to market your product and services and they will be
more interested if you will offer them the obscene level of returns and exit level strategies.
Exit Strategies
There are few entrepreneurs who are interested in starting a business who get themselves established
in their businesses and sell their business for earning profits and with that capital they are interested in
investing the business in other industries. You can also transfer the business to your family members,
taking the company to go in stock exchanges for offering your shares at different price levels, being
acquired by a larger firms and companies.
Funding Sources
• Savings
• Friends and Family
• Financial Institutions / Banks
• Angel Investors
• Venture Capital