Renewable & Green Energy technologies are emerging as Energy Sources and technologies of the
Future. The Energy Sector has been identified as a sector having maximum impact on global
warming and Climate Change. More than 70% of environment related issues are caused by our
energy demand and utilization which is mostly ‘hydrocarbons’ based. ‘Decarbonization of
Economy’ is the modern mantra for saving Planet Earth from a potential environmental disaster.
Promoting and facilitating rapid development of these ‘hydrocarbon-free’ technologies has
become a priority worldwide. Deployment of Renewable Energy Sources for meeting our present
and future energy demand is an immediate need for any nation. There is going to be huge demand
of engineers/ technical professionals / manpower with in-depth knowledge, exposure and
understanding about Renewable and Green Energy technologies. This course will provide the
basic knowledge of prospective RE technologies, viz. solar energy, wind energy, bio energy, ocean
energy, geothermal energy etc. This course would develop skills related to proper designing,
constructing, operating, and monitoring RE systems. This course is concerning “Energy” which is
subject for all disciplines of engineering and mechanical engineers will have an important role to
play in effective deployment of RE Systems in the Industries.
The course content should be taught and implemented to develop different skills so that students
can acquire the following competency.
Basic understanding of new Renewable Energy (RE) technologies and relate to the
concepts, laws, and principles to design, deployment, operation, and maintenance of
these new & renewable technologies.
The underpinning knowledge about rapidly depleting energy resources of the world and its
environmental impacts and the relevance of advancements in the renewable & green energy
sector in the country and the relevant soft skills associated with the identified competency are to
be developed in the student for the achievement of the following COs: -
Understand the Energy Scenario of the India and evaluate Renewable energy potential in
Demonstrate the importance of solar energy collection & storage and evaluate the
performance of various solar conversion systems.
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Renewable and Green Energy Course Code: 4351907
Determine the principle of wind energy and evaluate the potential of wind energy
conversion system.
CO-4 Illustrate the biomass energy and its application.
CO-5 Illustrate the geothermal, tidal, ocean, wave energy and its application
(*): Out of 30 marks under the theory CA, 10 marks are for assessment of the micro-project to
facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be taken
during the semester for the assessing the attainment of the cognitive domain UOs required
for the attainment of the COs.
Following Practical activities will be included in the course to provide valuable insight to the
immense potential renewable energy sources have to supplement the conventional energy in
coming times. Practical activities will help in understanding RE in the same context as
conventional energy sources, and in establishing a better understanding of REs which have
greater advantages for a sustainable future:
Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Unit No. Hrs.
01 Introduction of various Renewable energy sources. 1 02
Introduction to Instrumentation for measuring technical
parameters of Solar, Wind and Bio Energy Sources. Viz. Solari
02 2, 3 06
Meter, Anemometer, Lux Meter, Digital Temperature Meter
with different types of probes for different measurements.
Demonstration on Working of different Solar Thermal Devices
& their construction – Box Solar Cooker, Dish Solar Cooker,
03 2 06
Solar Water Heater – FPC/ETC, insulated piping, and Hot Water
Storage Tank.
Demonstration on Working of Solar Photovoltaic Devices &
their components, viz, Solar PV Panel, Solar Inverter, Storage
04 2 04
Battery and Charge Controller and their technical
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Renewable and Green Energy Course Code: 4351907
I. More Practical Exercises can be designed and offered by the concerned course teacher to
develop the industry-relevant skills/outcomes to match the COs. The above table is only a
representative list.
The following are some sample ‘Technology' related skills (more may be added/deleted
depending on the course) that occur in the above-listed Practical Exercises of this course required,
which are embedded in the COs and, ultimately, the competency.
Sr. No. Sample Performance Indicators for the PrOs Weightage in %
For Demonstration type PrOs (PrOs Number: 1,2,3,4,6,7)
1 Knowledge 30
2 Quality of Report 30
3 Participation 20
4 Punctuality 20
Total 100
Experimentation/performance type PrOs (PrOs Number: 5)
1 Knowledge 20
2 Procedure follows 15
3 Observation Skill 20
4 Analysis 10
5 Quality of Report 20
6 Punctuality 15
Total 100
Handwritin A few Several
formatting is
g, figure, required elements are
Quality of and table. elements missing (content
30% (Location of
Report Complete (labeling/ in paragraph,
labeling of notations) are labels, figures,
use of pencil
figure and missing. tables).
and scale).
Moderately Focused
focused limited Participation is
Participation 25% attention in
attention on attention in minimum.
exercise. the exercise.
Submission late
Submission Submission by more than
Punctuality 15% late by one late by two two
laboratory. laboratories. laboratories.
Only Several
Handwriting, A few
formatting is elements are
figure, and required
improper missing
Quality of table. elements
20% (Location of (content in
Report Complete (labeling/
figures/tables paragraph,
labeling of notations)
, use of pencil labels, figures,
figure and are missing.
and scale). tables).
Submission late
Submission Submission
Timely by more than
Punctuality 15% late by one late by two
Submission. two
laboratory. laboratories.
This major equipment with broad specifications for the PrOs is a guide to procure them by the
administrators to a user in uniformity of practice in all institutions across the state.
Equipment Name PrO. No.
Measuring Instruments: -
Soleri Meter (Pyranometer),
1. 2
Sunshine recorder,
Digital Thermometer with different probes (surface, air, liquid)
Models of various solar energy collectors
Flat plate Collector (FPC)
2. Cylindrical Parabolic Collectors 2
Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC)
Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV)
3. Box type solar cooker, Solar Air Heater 3
Various of models of Wind mill
4. HAWT 3
5. Various of model hydro turbine using running tap 5
The following sample Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) are embedded in many of the above
COs and PrOs. More can be added to fulfill the development of this course competency.
a. Work as a leader/ team member.
b. Follow safety practices.
c. Follow ethical practices
d. Maintain tools and equipment
e. Practice environment-friendly methods and processes. (Environment related)
The ADOs are best developed through laboratory/field-based exercises. Moreover, the level of
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Renewable and Green Energy Course Code: 4351907
Based on the higher-level UOs of Revised Bloom's taxonomy formulated for developing COs and
competency, the primary underpinning theory is given below. If required, more such UOs could be
included by the course teacher to focus on attaining COs and competency.
Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics
Unit – I 1.a Understand the Energy as 1.1 Energy and Energy Sources
Energy and a vital resource of 1.2 Energy Scenario of the World
Environment development and know 1.3 Impact of Energy Use on global
Scenario the current energy environment and the need to reduce
scenario of the World vis-
these impacts.
à-vis India
1.4 Introduction of REs and its potential as
1.b Relevance of Renewable
Energy and Green Energy in
energy sources of the future,
current day context of importance, Classification of REs,
energy scarcity and comparison with Conventional & Non-
environmental impacts of conventional energy sources.
‘energy use’ 1.5 Need of RE, advantages & limitations
of RE, Present Energy scenario of
conventional and RE sources
Unit – II 2.a Knowledge about Solar 2.1 Solar Physics / Science –
Solar Energy Energy Science and Potential understanding different
Technology of Solar Energy and terminologies, like Solar Spectrum,
understanding different Solar Irradiance, Insolation, Solar
conversion methods for Constant, etc. related to energy
producing green-clean and flowing from the Sun and its
long-lasting energy for conversion to different useable
meeting future needs. forms for meeting energy
requirements of different category
consumers – domestic to industrial.
2.2 Solar Thermal Systems – solar
heaters, Solar PV (Electrical) Systems,
Solar cell, modules & arrays, Solar
cell types, Solar Concentrators, Solar
Collectors, Solar ponds, Solar
cookers, Solar distillation & drying,
Solar energy thermal storage, Solar
space heating, Central Power tower –
system configuration and basics of
sizing system and system
2.3 Installation, operation & maintenance
of and troubleshooting in solar
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Renewable and Green Energy Course Code: 4351907
Make an easy solar oven at home for cookies.
(for instructions: - Click here)
2. Prepare a display chart of Solar PV System
3. Prepare a display chart of different types of Solar Collectors (FPC, ETC)
8. Identify the potential of RE in India and total RE installed capacity (MW) of India
These are sample strategies that the course teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the
various outcomes in this course.
Unit Unit Title Strategies
I Energy and Environment Scenario
II Solar Energy Technology Real-life examples, Demonstration of RE
III Wind Energy Technology systems, Movies/Animations.
IV Bio Energy Technologies Numerical, Massive Open Online Courses
V Green Technology Technology (MOOCs)
Title of Book Author Publication
Solar Energy – Principles of Thermal Sukhatme S.P. and J. K. McGraw Hill
Collection and Storage Nayak Education
D. Yogi Goswami, Frank
2. Principles of Solar Engineering Taylor & Francis
Krieth & John F Kreider
Narosa publishing
4. Renewable Energy Technologies R. Ramesh & Narosa
5. Non- Conventional Energy Resources B. H. Khan Tata McGraw Hill
Non- Conventional Resources of
6. G.S. Sawhney PHI
1. http://vlab.amrita.edu/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/105/112105051/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/105/108105058/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/121/106/121106014/
5. http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/energy-courses/
6. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA
7. Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI)
8. US Department of Energy, Energy efficiency & Renewable Energy
9. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy , New Delhi
10. Bureau of Energy Efficiency
11. Centre for Wind Energy Technology
12. The Energy Resource Institute
Project Management
Basic & Discipline-
Engineering Tools,
specific knowledge
Life-long Learning
Problem Analysis
sustainability &
of solutions
for society,
Legend: '3' for high, '2' for medium, '1' for low, and '-' for no correlation of each CO with PO.
Mr. Rajendra
Gujarat Energy
1. Pandya – Sr 9909922451 rnpandya58@gmail.com
Development Agency
Project Executive
Mr. Shivam R
2. Modi – Lecturer K. D. Polytechnic Patan 9724717421 ershivammodi69@gmail.com
B. & B.
2 Dr. Rakesh D. Patel,
Institute of
BOS Member & HOD 9825523982 rakeshgtu@gmail.com
Technology, V.
V. Nagar
B. V. Patel
Dr. Atul S. Shah, BOS Institute of
3. 7567421337 asshah97@yahoo.in
Member & Principal Technology,